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  • Are you reading the entire Political Compass thread? All 500+ pages of it?

    I appreciate the ratings, but it seems like a lot. Good luck, I suppose.
    I"m going to stop before I die, I think
    Always a good plan
    Thanks for all the likes! But there's a power outage here right now, so most of my pictures are unavailable...

    I'd recommend trying again in ten hours or so.
    someday I'm going to write something. I'm not sure what exactly, but....

    here's hoping
    As someone whose name on most sites is "AProcrastinatingWriter", I believe in you
    So is Weaponry Dominion dead or just on hiatus? Just curious because FoZ and Worm were my two first fanfic communities (after Undertale, and I haven't been in that community for a long while), and I can't seem to find really any crossovers longer than a couple chapters for the two of them.
    I'd consider it dead, personally. Hope springs eternal and all, but...
    That was one of the more random likes I've received in a while.
    there is no escape
    From the corner of my eye, your avatar looks like a close up of Saitama (One Ounch Man) freaking out over a bug/bug robot on his face - the fans are his eyes obviously, the underslung box-thing and page-right fin his nose with a heavy shadow page-left, the other two fins bug wings. Cannot unsee.
    so I posted another (more stupid) crossover and also this new threadmark index thing is neat but will definitely take some getting used to.
    Don't forget Weaponry Dominion! Please?
    I haven't forgotten about it! ...but it's low on the priority list, since it's kind of trash and I've been writing things of value lately. :V
    ...Well, this is wierd. Just as I was about to go and make another Worm/Exalted thing, I notice you popping up in my notifications. Hello from your old SB friend Mostly_Harmful, how've you been?
    PM me >:V also I've been good also read my stuff
    When ensou made offhand mention of talking to you about Transposition, what medium was that? Like, was that the Cauldron discord I keep hearing about? Some other weird thing?
    Hello, question if you don't mind. Whats Skywalker_T-65 with KCQ? I'm not a player or quester of that btw. Just curious
    Space Penguin
    Space Penguin
    Yup on whats his deal. I mean there is no Enterprise or Saratoga aka his love in that quest. And yeah, I have my own dislike for it. The dogs specifically. Why?! Why do we have shipdogs. No, plane-guy, just no.
    That sounds like obviously flawed reasoning. BelBats has no Sister Sara IIRC and he doesn't hate it. And definitely no Big E and he doesn't hate it. V:
    Space Penguin
    Space Penguin
    I mean that his feelings towards it are quite strong in the negative rather then just not caring for it if you get what I mean. And I was just saying that its obviously not Enterprise or Saratoga that said feelings come from. And if its the dogs, will I don't like them either. But that silly.
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