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  • There are more efficient ways to clear a fallen tree than with a hammer. But the power was out, and I think I nailed it.
    I'm not 100% sure, but I think the Great Horned Rat is supposed to be a cooperative Tzeentch / Nurgle sockpuppet.
    Malal is the deity of infighting and doubt, who looks like a giant horned rat. Skaven are consumed by infighting, and the race most susceptible to Chaos doesn't think they exist.
    Looking back on "Unprecedented Bethesda Glitch", Bethesda seems to actually be capable of doing it given the amount of bugs in Fallout 76 at launch.
    There's a reason I didn't call it Impossible Bethesda Glitch.
    There's a preview for the next SAO Abridged up, and it is everything you'd expect. Well, not quite, because it hasn't been reported yet.
    I'm writing shit again!
    That's great news! I look forward to reading more of your work. I just reread your worm self-insert and it was as good as I remembered.
    Same here! I don't know Battletech from a hole in the ground but I'm definitely going to give it a look
    is that avatar human!alarak?
    No, but I can see why you'd think so. It's art for the Sith Inquisitor from Star Wars The Old Republic.
    is he fun like alarak or is he just a dick
    He's a PC, and can be played as light side (pragmatic villainy) or dark side (wanton villain,) with either of them also having the capacity to be snarky and/or flirty. Also, can be female.
    For the record, regardless of what you end up doing with 'Unprecedented Bethesda Glitch', I have to thank you for making me aware of SAO Abridged. I honestly didn't know it existed, and my life is enriched by this discovery.
    Jesus likebombing christ you gave me a fright. 118 alerts! I haven't had that many for ages!
    I realized that I never actually "liked" your updates even though I liked them, then realized I could drop that on you if you didn't update in a while in case it was due to a bad mood. Feeling better?
    A bit :p
    Your "Something Completely Different" story with you as an SI makes me think about what horrible triggers would of happened in my own highschool if it was on Earth Bet.

    Random comment, I know, but the thought popped into my head just now.
    Britain: Brexit was the stupidest, most self-destructive act a country could take. America: Challenge accepted.
    SOMEONE in my neighborhood needs to learn that an outdoor dog should not be let out like an outdoor cat.
    Ninja are the people who looked at bunraku puppet theatre and thought, "I bet I can kill people with this." - Ashen Author,
    You think Dragon was made to be a sex toy? HAHAHA
    No, I think that physical intercourse is the part of the relationship that's age specific.
    Hm... you might have a point there, but people will always cloud the issue with sex. Which is what I was implying. I think we were talking about different but similar topics entirely.
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