Old Iron

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  • Just noticed your quote:

    It would actually explain so much if Kongou was actually Mary Poppins.

    Does this mean ADM Goto is Mr. Banks? :D
    Old Iron
    Old Iron
    Of course~

    And a gaggle of destroyers as the kids.

    I do wish I could get alerts on comments to my profile. I only just now noticed this post.
    Strange. I get alerts on the odd occasion that someone posts on mine.
    I feel especially bad about forgetting the 'A Certain Lady' omakes, now that I've re-found that little Floatplane spat we had. Oops.
    Old Iron
    Old Iron
    I realize it may be a month and change late (I somehow missed the notification for this), but don't worry about it. It's all gravy in the navy as my boss says. :D
    You're Jane now? Or did mutsu just find her way onto your computer?
    Old Iron
    Old Iron
    ...Seems I need to change my password. Again. Battleships hacking into my computer. >_>
    Do I need to pull up the whiteboard drawing again?
    Old Iron
    Old Iron
    Only if I was foolish enough to write down my password. ...Or give it to someone in case of an emergency. Damnation.
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