User Fiction

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Original Fiction

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For fanfiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow.

Weird History

Historical timelines and stories of a supernatural, futuristic, or simply "weird" type!
Timeline Post-1900 Supernatural 

Fanfiction Discussion

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Well, here we go again... This started off as a prompt in the Taylor Varga discord channel. The prompt was "What if Taylor got the powers of the Juggernaut?" A bit of research, 3 days of writing, and 4 days of dueling editors, and this is the result. Also, Worm canon has been thrown out of the building. Worm is the IP of Wildbow. The Juggernaut and related things are the IP of Marvel Comics. The posting schedule for this will be whenever I get time to come up with a segment. *Update*...
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Taylor Hebert, veteran of Brockton Bay, Gold Morning, and decades of what followed, finds herself back at the beginning, facing her biggest challenge yet. She doesn't know what sort of alternate universe hellscape she is in, but there is no way she and the Undersiders were this batshit as teens.
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You know, isekai stories get a whole lot more complicated when your dead family turns up in your new world with you. Especially when things are only vaguely how you remember they’re supposed to be - assuming you even recognize where you are.
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The Straw Hat Pirates come across a mysterious island in the Grand Line which has been isolated from the rest of the world. There, they meet a young man who calls himself a 'Pokemon Trainer', and throw themselves headfirst into a world-changing new Pokemon adventure.
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"You didn't have to fight for me, you know." "And you didn't have to curl your hair so we'll look even more alike." Ren stared before he softly chuckled, Akira joining him not long after. With one simple decision as a child, Ren Amamiya goes to Tokyo alongside his little sister, Akira. (P5R Sibling AU) (Ren/Ann, Akechi/Fem!Akira) (art credit: Dual Jokers by Tsuoki) Chapter 61 on: October 23, 2024 (+8:00 GMT)
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Between the violent gangs, greedy corporations, and corrupt governments, nowhere is really safe in Night City. But when Jackson is torn from his world and dropped into the world of chrome, armed with the Tinker of Fiction, what path will he take? Wake up, Samurai. We got a city to burn.
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This Is My First Time Posting Anything So If Ya Gonna Flame me Make It BURN. but for real keep criticism fair so i can learn where i go wrong k? MC Is Missy's Twin Brother To Facilitate an Alternative Power Expression from the same Shard
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What is Timeslip? To put it simply, it's a slow burn AU fanfic about Professor Sada and Turo from the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games, that changes a singular but drastic thing about them and is now having fun exploring all the possible ramifications of it. And feels. Lots of feels. And time travel shenanigans. The basic idea was based on a theory that floated around before the games actually came out and as soon the "past vs future" theme of the games started to become obvious: what if...
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What's a wizard to do when a Knight of the Coin stabs her to death to get back at her father for thwarting one too many of his schemes? Well, if you ask Molly Carpenter, it's probably something along the lines of "get dragged back in time by a force of phenomenal cosmic power to make things better", not that she signed up for this.
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Arcadia, The so-called "Land of the Duelists". A young woman, by the name of Sera Valen arrives, Her past unknown. armed with a unique deck. She enters Arcadia, invited by an unexpected invitation. In Arcadia she may find friends and allies. But around every corner, enemies are watching and waiting for her. With her Starveil monsters. She must find the truth of 5 years ago. As well as the truth of the shadows that lurk under Arcadia A Yu-gi-oh Fanfiction. No relation to any anime series or...
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100 Floors? Try 1,000. 10,000 players trapped in a death game? Try 10,000,000. Do you think you’ll be freed in a few years? Maybe in a few decades. A game that should be unbeatable - the impossible ‘Sword Art Online.’ Well, it would be impossible, if not for a certain psychopath. The ‘World’s Greatest Gamer’ will have you all out in no time! (Harem) (Crossover Characters)
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When Taylor Hebert suffers a fatal arrythmia before the Queen Administrator can reach her, a Queen of another kind greets her in the space between death and the grave, and makes Taylor into her Black Rose.
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Cross-posting this one as is from Questionable Questing from my account there KitsuneObsessedFreak. I don't think the main chapters are too lewd for this site, konsidering I've made sure not to include anything explicit in the main chapters, but if you wan't the horny, unfortunately you'll have to search me there. The omake's I have for this one that provide kontext and lewds are there, but ultimately not needed to enjoy the story as is. Just for a heads up though, all the characters...
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Upon seemingly being erased by Gullveig, Kiran Pathfinder is spirited away from Zenith to Elyos. Stranded in Elyos for the time being, Kiran must assist Alear in her quest to save Elyos from the dark forces that threaten to destroy it, using both the power of the 12 Emblems and the Breidablik's ability to summon Heroes.
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For each Master, a Servant. For each Servant, a Master. The relic system was never introduced, and every Master in the Grail Wars has always received a Servant based on their own personality alone. Now, the Magus Killer goes to war - and receives his greatest weapon yet. But even with all of Assassin's skill and treachery, can they stand against the raw power of the Fourth War?
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Okay, this is my first attempt at doing something like this, so if I mess up in some way please...
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After nearly two years of constant abuse with no signs of stopping, Taylor begins to grow tired. Even months after being hospitalized from that locker incident, her bullies continue to escalate their torment, slowly grinding her hopes for a better future into dust. And now, as she lays alone on the cold ground, slowly bleeding out in a collapsing school hallway thanks to a terrorist bombing, she finds herself contemplating her choices in life, and comes to a bitter, painful realization. In...
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To Boldly Grow… This is the tale of one Taylor Hebert, fresh to the command of a fleet Starship found in salvage. Will there be analogs of Star Trek, probably. Will there be Wards or Undersiders prominent, that is not the base intent but the muse may wander off in that direction. Puns? Yes, but not as the focus. A different take on both Emma and Sophia from the get go, due largely to AU elements that may be explained or go the route of handwavium –like how the heck does Taylor get a...
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Ash's group is due for a well-deserved vacation after their Sinnoh journey. However, after losing to Tobias' Latios, Ash isn't very enthusiastic that their destination is a city governed by a powerful Latios and Latias. Brock is insistent that it's the perfect place to go and he may just end up being right after all. Pokémon Heroes (Movie 5) Extended Rewrite. Altoshipping.
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Taylor's Summer Camp has an unexpected interruption. The metaphorical fallout from this changes everything. This story is based on We Just Write's Going Nuclear one-shot. I didn't come up with their idea, I'm just taking their nuclear football and running as best as I can with it. I hope you enjoy.
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Roxas is offered a chance to prove himself in the organization by traveling to Castle Oblivion. Taking that chance leads to a fight for his life, and for more than he can imagine.
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A thousand plans have been tried and tested to solve the resource crisis sparked by Pink Diamond's death. Yet, one day, a research initiative into a field once thought forgone surpassed them all. No longer did gem production need for Diamond Essence. The near future has been secured then; the rotting edifice of the Empire has been propped up for another day… but what of tomorrow? (Crossposted from Ao3)
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Sometimes, life's walls feel like they're angled at 87 degrees. An awkward story about hope, progress, and learning. This is an AU/Leavanny Reincarnation fic (very light si) based in Unova, prequel to pokemon white/black, and starts when Burgh is just a teen, before he became Castelia City Gym Leader, and has a bunch of custom worldbuilding mixed in. The story is character-driven first, narrative driven second. It's not competence porn or a "realistic" take on pokemon. This is a...
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The Digital World is experiencing a period of strife. During this time, it has suddenly found itself closely connected to the vibrant lands of Equestria. This sudden union has led to a Digital Gate opening up near the border between the Everfree Forest and Ponyville. From within the Gate, nine Digi-Eggs fall and land near Fluttershy's home. Finding the eggs, the Element Of Kindness takes them to her home to care for them. However, come the next day, the eggs have hatched into Baby Digimon...
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My first and only fanfic I've ever written. It's part of the Omen franchise and is a reimagining of the fourth film, Omen 4: Awakening. I thought, what if the story of that film was rewritten ignoring the Antichrist theme? Well, the result was about 100,000 words, which I tried to publish on as many sites as possible (both English and Russian). It's VERY much an acquired taste, if only because I often refer to Soviet culture in my fanfic, which I'm sure many of you don't understand. P.S...
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The Butterfly Effect - or, how one knuckleheaded ninja appearing in a world full of pirates can change everything. "Aren't pirates supposed to be strong? Why is everyone so weak?" (Naruto x One Piece crossover) (AU One PIece)
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To be superhuman is to possess power greater than any human mind can bear. It changes a person's very psyche, guiding them into a mindset that encourages the power's use. It is to be elevated above humanity; to become part of the war between gods that has consumed the world. For two years, Victoria Dallon has fought against the tyrant who holds her city in his steel grip. Now her victory is within reach.
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A side story to my latest multi-series crossover, The End of the Circus: A Story of the Yizibajohei, set 18 months before the main story and concentrating on the characters of Worm in the universe of TEOTC...who is joined by a Taylor Hebert from a "pure" Worm universe immediately after Contessa gave her a .357 lobotomy post-Gold Morning.
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