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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


You are Loremaster Fanriel of Yvresse, formerly a Princess of House Drangleic. Now you are an exile trying to make your name as a mercenary captain in Great War-era Kislev.
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Life on the edge of a blade, existence on the daily coin. Now's the time to go on
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You are Geln, son of Kory- a murderer and exile from the pious and martial Islefolk. Left bereft of home or identity, you’ve since decided to try your luck in the distant New World- an ocean away from your past failings and enemies, a still nearly unknown land where you could start again. A new man, a blank slate- or, so you had hoped.
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The story of a mercenary company operating primarily BattleMechs - giant combat walkers - taking contracts across the Inner Sphere for the highest bidder. Told primarily through battle reports resolved via MegaMek, a PC implementation of a large chunk of the rules for BattleTech, a tabletop wargame.
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Two of the most consistent aspects of human history are War... and greed. You worked as a mercenary for several years, and have finally saved up enough money to start your own company. Recruit questionable individuals. Work for questionable organizations. Travel to exotic planets. Meet new and interesting people... and kill them. And try to get rich in the process.
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Twenty years ago, your homeland fell to foreign invasion. Now your people live as beggars and servants, and every spare coin you make goes to helping your fellow refugees scrape out another day of life. In Rhalgr's name, endure. Endure, and dream of home.
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You're in debt. Your sanity is fraying. You subsist off of dry cereal and tap water. Clearly, the only rational solution is to commit crimes for moneys. AKA anime girl FIGHT simulator 2021
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Italian Quest: A Mercenary Boot Welcome to Italy, Captain. The richest lands in Central Europe, and birthplace of the renaissance. Take on the mightiest armies of Europe, and live to stuff your stockings and boots full of the finest booty that Italy can offer, or be crushed under the heel of an empire!
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After their escape, the Survivor had to turn their attention to the future. Sadly that future looks fairly bleak even with them no longer being under constant attacks. Of course that means it is perfect timing for their past to crop up in the form of a sketchy offer from no one, maybe they should have read the fine print more closely before accepting? A quest about the Survivor of Risk of Rain 2 being grabbed by another eldritch being and eventually reaching the point where they are so...
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The story, told mostly through battle reports, of a battlemech mercenary company operating throughout the Inner Sphere from the tail end of the Succession Wars.
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The universe is full of light, and humanity is not... Except for you. ... Right?
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"Hey Asshole, wake up." A voice tells you, kicking your legs off the coffee table. You open...
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Hello and welcome to Mass Effect Mercenary Quest, where you SV control a Mercenary outfit in the...
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"Good, Bad, I'm the one with the gun." Attributed to an unknown hero from ancient times. As...
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The Birth Of Noble Future [Part 1] It is the year 2400, a tall well refined man paced back and...
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