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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


You are a cultist in a rotting city. Do your best to: -Evade the authorities -Lie to your neighbors -Generally avoid dying. -Keep your God happy. Don’t: -Die.
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The year is 1921 and the world has been changed in many ways in the last year, an Aurora shown in the night sky across the entire world and under its light the first super erupted with power. Will you petty wonders destroy your city or save it? Who knows and who cares, we’re just here to watch.
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The year is 999.M41. Things are happening in the galaxy at large, and yet these people know nothing of them. How could they? They are not the movers and shakers of an empire, but the laborers that oil the chains of a Dark Mechanicum outpost producing machinery and weapons with their sweat and blood. At least, they did so until now. Because they have just risen up in defiance and in fury, needing only a hand to guide them. To glory or doom.
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"Remember this name of ours. Now… Fade away without a trace." Well, that was supposed to be what happened. Shame things don't always go as planned. Instead of vanishing once their task was complete, the Manager of Lobotomy Corporation's lingering consciousness is cast through the multiverse and crashes somewhere else entirely. Faced with a world that does nothing but remind them of their Facility, the Manager accepts that their work must continue at least a little longer. How different...
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The classic Call of Cthulhu Campaign, now in quest format!
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Be a cultist today! Do: Sacrifice people to your God. Fool your neighbors. Cast cool spells. Don't: Get arrested by the Inspectorate and die.
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10 years after the events of Fallout: New Vegas, the interior of the wasteland is embroiled in chaos. The Legion fights itself for control, and the tribes of the north-east seek the power of the past. The old crust awakens.
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A Call of Cthulhu inspired quest
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Step into the vast and terrifying unknown as a minor alien civilization, and attempt to survive the flames engulfing the galaxy.
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In an alternate universe where dinosaurs live on a gas giant's moon, a different hatchling must find their destiny in an unforgiving cosmos. Can you solve the mystery of the Far Beyonders and save Sauriankind from a terrible fate?
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Deep within the bowels of Solomon's Hive Albia, there exists a hidden passageway to an endless realm full of every kind of scrapped technology in the multiverse. You are among the first to discover this cluttered realm, teeming with man and monster alike. If you are to save humanity from itself and its myriad threats, then you must comb the Cosmic Junkyard's depths and work with as much as you can.
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Study the Mysteries of An Wu, the World beyond Civilization. While Peace is Plentiful and Magic is Abundant, the Chaos of Being still carries an inherent Danger. Will your scholarly pursuits be able to establish Harmony, let alone maintain it?
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The world slowly approaches the end of the age of Man. The Stars will soon be right. Things stir and wriggle to life in the dark corners of the world. The return of ancient nightmares grows ever closer. Science and reason will not hold back the dark. It is inevitable. Meanwhile, a student at the Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts awakens to find their memories stolen, and a hole in their head. All of this is really going to make it hard to pass Midterms.
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A Fate/High School DxD quest featuring an altered version of Gudako who has transformed into one of the Outer God, Shub-Niggurath's, Dark Young.
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First stranded in a Nomifactory Minecraft world, then tasked with guarding a portal to a planet in the 40K galaxy, you must prepare yourself day and night for the inevitable clash between worlds.
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A Lovecraftian-inspired cosmic horror universe, with you being one of the first few people in on it. There is a science to be done and progress to be made.
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A quest about delving into the occult and the dire and wondrous consequences of that
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A Lovecraftian-Lite setting that takes place in a dystopian city. A crime infested slum where the protagonist, Randolph Carter gets wind of the rapidly rising supernatural activities in the city as he tries to find the "Silver Key" buried in mystery and horrors.
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Death isn't the end, but you'll wish it was.
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The Old Ones were alive in times so ancients costellations shifted and planets came to be since their fall. But they, as mighty as they were, have been hunted to extintion. Or have they? Explore a still untainted Galaxy, and grow quickly to prepeare for the dangers lurking around your home. Unravel existencial mysteries, and create hole species to do your bidding. All in the name of Good. The good 'ol days, when warhammer had very little war (or hammers), lots of lizards, and time periods...
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Tale as old as Time Star Crossed lovers only able kindle their love Briefly spark the life of a new Being who must stumble around trying to find a place in this world.
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You are born. Not human, nor one of the creatures who'd dare to conquer the earth or various other planets and use it as a means to form a new empire. You are a Time-Lord. And now, you must make your reputation. How ever you go about it, there will be a story for generations.
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Gain eldritch powers start a cult and help reshape reality to the incomprehensible desires of the alien deity that has become your patron. Benefits of your new job may include: demigod-like powers, immortality and even free dental.
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The city of Omelas stands alone against the Daevant menace. You, a young scion of one of the noble Houses, have recently become of age to begin field operations against these inhuman monsters. Alien gods have taken interest in you, however, and their influence is both great and terrible. Can you navigate Omelas' politics, fight against the Daevants, and gain both knowledge and the favour of your new masters - all without losing your sanity in the process?
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She was just a normal girl, living in the vast and endless City, dealing with the many petty miseries of modern life and suffering in sympathy with those around her. She could not look away as her parents ground themselves into dust working multiple jobs, as her brother withered away in prison, as friends tore themselves apart over exams, as the world slowly ground itself apart. Until one day, she did not look away but looked up, and saw the Hole in the Sky. And then she tried to look back...
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A young girl finds the opportunity to wrest control of her fate from a world that would dictate a mundane future. But Fate is not fickle. There is a cost to venturing from the well worn path. Can she survive a journey from naive youth to adult? And what compromises must be made, principles left behind along the way. Lilly Silas is an illiterate peasant girl who has spent her whole life in the isolated community of Harmuph. When circumstances conspire to suddenly thrust her into a life of...
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It is the year 1887 and path of the world is decided under the thick fog of London. You are Horace Jacob Barnham, gentleman and scholar. In your hands rests the last known copy of the works of the mad philosopher Faisal abd Shadar. And you are about to learn the truth of his ramblings.
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Choose a world and grow your influence. Your true motives are known only to yourself. Plan voting is required.
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