Zedalb's Unfinished Quests

Otokage quest New


I just started a Patreon!

Orochimaru claimed that he founded this village so that skilled ninja would find their purpose in life without being beholden to the fickle and warmongering priorities of the Five Great Shinobi Countries. Yet in truth you and all your comrades in arms were just another weapon in the great politicking and war of the big five. So many of your people are dead at the Chunin exams. Orchimaru came back for a few days robbed the "village" blind and took a lot of the best or dumbest ninja with him. Even after that there were scattered elements loyal to him over the oaths they made to the sound village.

Now it is done. Those who wished to leave have left, those who wished to fight you have died. You are the Otokage. Not by any great scheming simply by loyalty to your oaths and being one of the last few elite jounin left in the village. Now with your village reputation in the trash you are going to have to answer to your daimyo and at least two other ninja villages and daimyo who may find it convenient to blame your village.

In truth it's a dumpster fire with you army cut to ribbons, many of you resources taken by a criminal and much of the traditional ninja infrastructure destroyed or non-existent. Even if you do get things in order, Orchimaru may come back and try to retake the hat. If that day comes the village will need the strength to fight him off, which is no easy thing given he has an army of his own.

Your first council is just a few short hours after the last of Orchimaru's left behind loyalist are killed. You still smell faintly of blood and your mood is poor because of chakra exhaustion. The four elites that paved the way to victory are with you. They have ideas on how to rebuild the village and since you will need their help to do it you are listening.

Amachi has two proposals:
(Time Sensitive/Amachi Perfered action)
Project: Lab Recovery
Duration: At least 2 weeks.
Cost:Amachi 4 Chunin and 1 Ryo
"Orchimaru left a lot of labs and secret bases around we need to find them before other people do or he sends people to get them
Anything left should belong to us. We should secure it and transport what we can to our main base. I want a few chunin to join me as backup.
I know those labs better than anyone though and if we are going to do this I stand the best chance of finding them and of disabling their security"

Project: Medical Corps Rebuilding
Duration: At least 4 weeks.
Cost:Amachi and 10 Ninja higher rank ninja will progress the project faster. At least 20 Ryo over the 4 weeks.
"This needs to get done and we need to plan around it. We can't have a city and an army without a robust medical system. Orchimaru made sure we had hospital equipment and supplies.
Whatever we find in his labs may help pay for this. I could start right away instead of searching through the labs but it would be a lot more expensive."

These ninja will become unable to complete missions and instead provide medical services.

Gozu has three proposals:

Project: Roads
Duration: At least 4 weeks.
Cost:Gozu 2 Jounin, 4 Chunin
"If we use earth Ninjutsu we could make roads between us and all the major villages and cities. It would also be a chance for me to train some earth users."

Project:Flat Ground
Duration: At least 10 weeks
Cost: Gozu and 6 chunin
"We could use earth Ninjutsu to level several miles around the lab This would improve the speed of future construction projects and reduce their cost. Kind of starting our village"

Project: Academy training plan
Duration: At least 1 Week
Cost: Gozu and at least 2 ryo
"I could help build a good strength training program for the academy. We have some Arhat fist users in the village building up muscle could lead to some arhat masters eventually and stronger genin are always good."

Kigiri has two proposals:

(Time Sensitive/Kirgiri Perfered action)
Project:Contact the Fuma Clan
Duration: 1 Week
Cost: Kigiri and 3 Jounin
"Half the Fuma clan left the village rather than join Orchimaru. We should contact them with a show of force for legitimacy. We can offer money or perks later but they are turning to crime. We have to show that we won't allow a criminal ninja clan in the nation and hopefully bring them back as well."

Project: High Rank Jutsu Library
Duration:At least 2 Weeks
Cost:Kigiri, 3 Jounin other,  other elites can be added to improve the outcome.
"We lost our elite teams and specially trained ninja. A large collection of high ranking jutsu is the foundation of rebuilding elite teams. I can work with a few jounin and some of the other elites putting ink to paper to ensure we have a good library to train higher rank ninja with."

Rinji has one proposal

Project: Komori Clan
Duration:At least 4 Weeks
Cost: Rinji, 1 Jounin and 2 Chunin will Retire to join the clan full time.  Clan upkeep will increase
"I understand it's a big ask but I want to form a clan with myself as the clan head. I will need a few specific Ninja to join me full time who have already agreed and a few others will join but remain active duty. My plan is for us to get together and share everything we know about sound based Ninjutsu and theory working together to elevate the art.

 We will be an institution growing the sound techniques for the village.

I know this is still a big ask though, so I will add in one thing. Give me a few months to grow my skills with clan members and I will attempt to become a major bat summoner and bring the bat contract to the village."

All Ninja have a certain upkeep cost that must be paid weekly. This cost represents not just their pay but administrative and MISC costs associated with ninja. (Fuckers keep breaking roof tiles while roof running). The upkeep cost PER ninja can not be reduced but certain projects/buildings/organizations may give a flat discount to upkeep cost.

Other things may contribute to the village upkeep cost as well. If you want a grand academy with great facilities it isn't just a price to build it but a price to upkeep it.

Student: 0.1
Genin: 0.5
Chunin: 1
Jounin: 2
Elite: 3

However Ninja not assigned to any particular duty (Chunin academy teachers/Jounin instructors/guarding the village) will undertake missions on their own. For Genin and Chunin this happens automatically.For your Jounin and Elites you may assign them to missions or other tasks. (Jounin and elite ninja can only make the list profit if there are enough high rank missions being offered for them.)

Mission Profit:

Genin: 0
Chunin: 1
Jounin: 3
Elite: 5
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Tyranid Quest New
Awareness comes like an ember lovingly tended until it is a flame. At first there is nothing, you are after all a mind inside another mind. You are energy and thought without mass. You are without name, or identity, just one of many being slowly tended to. You know you are a Tyranid, but you don't know the word, just that you are a new intelligence created and connected to the whole. The shadow in the warp, the mind so large that to you it is landscape within the realm you exist within.

Education and dinner are one in the same. You are fed memories and at first they are simple things: the sky, the land, what your kind look like. You learn of the realm of matter and mass from these things. You are introduced to color. a concept new to you because in this realm you have no vision you are wrapped in a comforting darkness. The shadow you preside in is safety and teacher, geography and god.
Slowly the memories become more material. You learn how to operate a body and what use a body is. As you have been fed by the shadow you must work to feed it. War? No, that is not a concept your kind has, war requires some idea of others as equal. The others you learn of are simply bio-mass to feed the shadow, but they make it difficult much like a mountain may be difficult to climb. The mountain has no agency, it is just a challenge to overcome.

You learn of the harvesting of bio-mass you will operate a body for it, and indirectly operate many more. You will give commands to make the thoughtless harvesters more efficient and precise. You will be to them, what the shadow is to you in a small way at least, the scale is beyond compare but the core idea is right. Soon you will be put to work harvesting bio-mass or at least clearing out the troublesome bio-mass that resists harvesting. You are to break the mountain so that the stone may be used.

It is work that risks the body you inhabit but rarely the mind. In order to complete that work you are given three resources.
The first is a bio-mass allowance to be spent upon your body, or once you are strong enough on other bodies entirely. This is an allowance and as such can be spent in any desire you wish but only when the shadow has time to spare that much attention upon you. It can do that between planets easily but otherwise you will have to expend the second and most precious resource.

"Trust" if the shadow, the great mind, thinks you are a failure, an incompetent, or a detriment to the swarm it will devour you and try again. Survival of the fittest and evolution of tactics and commanders all in one. If the trust in you ever hits 0 you will be destroyed. Higher levels of trust are earned by doing well for the hive mind, and will unlock additional upgrades and improvements that can be made to your mind and body.

The third resource is psionic power; it is not an allowance. As a fundamental change to your mind it can not be undone however there is a benefit to leaving it unspent. Certain weapons benefit from the amount you have unspent your latent pool as it were. That same latent pool can in theory be used for psionic abilities, if you ever become strong enough to have such things.
Soon you are to land upon a world of the green ones. They are a tougher form of biomass but their range weaponry is crude and they are always plentiful in nature. You will be free to operate on your own initiative and know you must impress the great shadow if you wish to survive.

Biomass Allowance: 250 (Can be reclaimed to be spent differently)
Trust: 2 As a new mind some mistakes are allowed as a learning experience, but repeated failures means destruction
Psy Power: 100 (Spent when used)

(2) Scything Talons: 1 AP 3 Damage
(2) Empty Hands: One is required for each 1H weapon, Unused hands will be treated as "Claw" weapons in combat.
(0-2) Claws: 0 AP, 1 Damage
Bone sword: 1H, Psy,
Lash whip: 1H,

Tech Priest Quest New
Stats are only war.
Stats cost Exp equal to 10 times their current score to increase.

Skills are not:
Skills Cost Exp equal to 5 times their current score to increase.

Skills are 1-100
Skills Provide: 25% of their score to the roll if it is the "Primary Skill"
Skills Provide: 10% of their score to any roll that is very related as a "Secondary Skill" Max 3

Base Skills: Are broad wide ranging skills required to get Advanced Skills
Secondary Skills: can not be more than twice your base skills
Secondary Skills: start at 10% of the base Skill

Base Skills can only be the Primary Skill for a roll if it is very basic or simple.
Base Skills can always be a Secondary Skill for their secondary skills.

Base Skills:

Helpers can provide secondary skills that you do not have or are not using.

Fate Points are refreshed at the start of every "Sub act"

Traits and talents:

Talents can be learned by spending "General Exp" when appropriate.
Traits are earned only rarely by

Rolls are:
(100% of) Stat (25% of) Primary Skills (10% of secondary Skills Max 3) (100% of best) Equipment.

EXP Gain: Gain EXP equal to the roll:
25% General Pool
25% Stat
50% Skill
Authority is divided into three categories.
At all times all three categories are being evaluated for relative position between tech priests
Having a higher rank doesn't mean much if you're asking a genetor who is in charge of the station for a favor that you can't do because it's genetic. Even though you may outrank him, his expertise and higher position means that he is effectively in charge in that situation.

Rank in the cult

Arc Magos
Arch Magos
Archmagos Veneratus (Experts tend to stop here rather than get involved in leadership, sometimes skipped entirely for leadership capabilities.)
Fabricator Locum
Fabricator General
Fabricator Locum of Mars
Fabricator General of Mars
IDK what I'm doing with this but I like the vibe. New
You poison the water of your own people.

You feed them food that will stop the beating of their hearts

You pay them too little to live.

Your justice system makes a mockery of justice where murderers walk free and children are jailed.

You politicians leave no promise sacred, no vow upheld.

Your people reached out begging for salvation.

And it was I who answered.

A demon, not an angel.

Mercy would be commodified,
Miracles withheld from the masses.
It could not be an angel to save them.

No, their salvation can only come from your destruction.

So while you may call me The Dark Lord
Remember it's your very people who swear fealty to me.