You think I'm her kid

"Let me show you something," Kazuma says to her as he takes out his adventurer's card from his pocket.

"This is an adventurer card, it has everything about me. How strong- fast and what skill I know." he says to her as he lets her look at it, he smiles as the girl's eyes widen when the card changes when she moves it from one side to the other.

"Listen this is important, I know these skills because I've seen them, but I didn't say that I can use them," he says to her before he stands up and walks to the th small desk that's between Tsunades and Shizune's beds.

he quickly returns to the girl's side with a pencil and a notebook and starts to write everything that he knows about the girl. before tearing the page out and handing it to her.

"This is your Beginners Advenurer Card, I'll make you one like mine when you become a real adventurer." he says to her.

"What's an Adventurer?" she asks him.

"To be honest we're all idiots."

"We do the work that other people don't want to do, just for some money, if we have to fight monsters then so be it, if we have to pick up trash or cook food so be it, work is work."

"But every Adventurer holds onto one rule."

"You don't betray your team."

"Your team will be with you through the best and worse times of your life and as time goes by, they will be your family."

"Villages, Kingdoms for you and me, those things don't mean anything we will never see what those born at the to see, but we do see what's around us, and what's around us are a lot of things." he says to her with a smile, before he pats her on the head.

The girl's red hair flares for a brief second before she gives him a wide smile and looks at him with an equally wide pair of eyes.

"So what's in front of us right now, that's me and you."

"And maybe Elizabeth, Maz, and that guy that never told me his name, you know because they helped us escape." he says to her.

Kazuma doesn't notice it, but both Shizune and Tsunade turned their heads to look at him when he said those words, and outside of the hotel Elizabeth's smile banished behind the mask that she trained herself so that she didn't show her emotions.

Kazuma begins to draw the symbol of the Eris and Axis cult on a sheet of paper before he tears the page in half and hands both halves to her.

"One belongs to Eris, and the other belongs to Aqua, they are a pair of good friends of mine and maybe they'll be your friends too one day." Kazuma says to her.

"Now if she teaches me anything I'll teach it to you, but if she doesn't then don't expect to learn much, I'm not that strong so yeah." he finished his explanation before he stands back u and walks to the bathroom.

Unbeknownst to him, the girl puts all three things that he gave her on the floor and stares at them for a long moment before she picks them up and holds them tightly, she doesn't know why she's happy to have them she just knows that Kazuma gave them to her.

Far away from this place in the Village Hidden in the leaves the Hokag couldn't help but stare at the piece of paper in front of him, Tsunade had paid a small piece of her debt, it wasn't much, and considering the interest, it wouldn't be anywhere near enough to cover anything but she had paid.

Tsunade, the person that never paid her debt and just kept digging herself deeper into it, had not only won not one but two separate contests.

'Maybe this is a bad sign?" the third Hokage says to himself before he moves the sheet of [paper and two pictures are held onto the next page with a paperclip.

"....." the third didn't say anything, he just looked at the expressions on the two children's faces.

Underneath the pictures was everything that the spies could find, as well as the pictures of the sand ninjas that were looking after the boy and maybe the girl before they were taken in by Tsunade.

The Third Hokage took everything that had to do with the kids and hid it beneath his clothes before he put everything else on the growing stack of papers that had all of the work that he had finished.

This was going to cause problems and he wanted to avoid them as long as possible.
Okay everyone I'll be writing the fights from top to bottom and bottom to top, what I mean I that some fights will have some people completely overpowered and their opponents will be too weak because I'm honestly writing this pretty close to earth.

What I mean is that since this isn't the Sand Village or the Leaf Village and no one wants to call any attention to themselves, because if they cause too many problems then there will be consequences.

So any big fights will have to happen in areas like parks or outside of the town\ city \ village.

As for the time this story is taking place, the Sound Village and the Sand Village haven't attacked the leaf yet so the Third Hokage is still alive.

I'll also be including things from other anime and manga because it's my fanfiction.
"So if it's okay with you I'll call you Lilli." Kazuma says to the girl as he stares at the door in front of him.

The sun had barely risen and Tsunade kicked him and Lilli out saying that the adults were going to be working and she didn't want to have a pair of freeloaders just sitting inside the hotel all day.

"So what do you want to do?" he asks Lilli who immediately pulls out the drawings he had made for her yesterday.

"Teach me t be an Adventurer." Lilli eagerly says to him.

"Okay but first we need to find a place that makes cards or forehead protectors." he says to her before leading her away from their hotel room.

As they walked into the town or was this a village, Kazuma didn't know, after all the Sand Village was more like a city that was in the desert, but everyone called it a village."

"his place was like a city, after all, there was more than one casino here, and there were several tall buildings and there were the ninjas jumping from building to building that he had gotten used to seeing.

'Watc." he says to Lilli as he takes a coin out of his pocket and marks it as one of his teleporting points, then he pats Lilli on the head and marks her as another teleporting point.

Now even if Lili gets separated from him, he can find her no matter where she is.

Kazuma throws the coin not too far away and when he sees it land n the ground he immediately teleports to where the coin is, but then teleports back to where Lilli is standing.

He barely avoids crashing into her, but this is the risk of using teleport like this, even if he arrives to where the person is, he can't control where he will appear.

"Yay, I wanna do it!" Lilli loudly says to him, and Kazuma curses himself as he knows that he could have teleported directly on top of her.

'When you can control your light better." he says to her, it's not an empty promise after all he doesn't know if the people of this world can use his skills or not.

Hell, he hasn't tried to copy their powers because he honestly doesn't see the point, some skills are just hard to control, so if he doesn't learn to control it before he uses it, he could end up causing a lot of damage.

Lilli pouts and Kazuma ignores how cute she looks as they walk deeper and deeper into the village, they finally stop walking when they find a weapons shop.

The shop has everything it has a lot of things that Kazuma has seen before, some things look like things he has seen in anime, while others are things that he has seen in Erises world, and a couple of things that he hasn't seen so he just puts them as things that the people of this world use.

"Hey is there someone here?!" Kazuma says as no one greets them even though the two of them have already been looking around the shop.

'yes." an old man says to him and Kazuma nearly jumps in fear, he never noticed the man behind him.

"I was wondering if you can make a forehead protector that has these two on it."

"You know what can you make two forehead protectors," Kazuma says to the man as he gasps for air.

"Why are shop owners so weird?" Kazuma mentally says to himself, as he looks at the man who is staring at the drawings that Lilli is showing him.

"They will be done in an hour, I have more orders and they paid in advanced young man." the old man says to him before he takes the drawings from Lilli.

"I need these so I know what to draw." he says to Lilli who looked as if she was about to cry.

'Hey old man, do you know if there are people that want their trash taken out or if they need their windows clean?" Kazuma asks the old man.

"I don't give free information and if you want to set up shop here, I'm afraid that you should look somewhere else." the old man says to him.

"I don't." Kazuma pauses for a moment and looks at Lilli.

"We don't want any trouble, we're just looking for work, nothing dangerous, things like picking up trash and cleaning that's all." Kazuma says to the old man.

The old man looks at him and then turns to look at Lilli. "Nothing dangerous?" the old man repeats Kazuma's words.

"there's a wall filled with things that need to be done, it's at the park, that's all I'm telling you." the old man says to him.

"Thanks." Kazuma says to the old man he hears Lilli thank the man before they both leave the shop.

The two of them walk around and after they arent able to find the park they finally ask a woman selling fruit and she tells them how to find it.

When they finally reach the park they're both surprised to see a man with a bored expression sitting next to a sign that is covered in papers.

They both walk towards the small wall and Kazuma immediately begins to pull the jobs that look the easiest to do, the man stares at him as both Lillia and Kazuma walk up to him.

'We want t do these." Kazuma says to the man.

"You get paid when you come back, I'll know if you did do the work so lying doesn't work on me." he says to them before he takes the sheets of paper away from Kazuma and starts to mark the locations of the places that Kazuma and Lilli have to go to on a map.

The man gives the map and the sheets of paper back to Kazuma along with the map and Kazuma immediately feels his mouth fall open, the places that they had to go to were all over the place.

'Next time choose your jobs more carefully." the man says to the before smirking at Kazuma.

Kazuma grabs the coin he had marked earlier and throws it as far as he can before he grabs Lilli and teleports with her to where ever the coin landed.
She held on to the broom just like Kazuma told her to, she didn't know how Kazuma knew how to do so many things only that he knew how to do them and this was just one more thing that he knew how to do.

She stopped sweeping the floor for a moment and picked up a small rock that she found and held it for a moment before she threw it and ran towards where the rock landed

One day she would copy Kazuma's skill and show him that she could do it too.

They had been working since they left the hotel and in that time she had seen Kazuma do all sorts of things, he created balls of light when they had to go into places that were too dark and scared her.

She had seen him make fire and water come out of his hands without doing anything with his hands like every other ninja did.

Then she remembered that Kazuma said that he was an Adventurer so maybe that was why he didn't do anything with his hands.

"Okay it's all clean now." she hears Kazuma say to the woman that hired them, she was about to say something but then she noticed a mouse watching them from behind a restaurant sign.

She looked at the mouse and it looked at her, but before she could do or say anything it vanished in a puff of smoke.

"So apparently we just have to go back to the ark and we get paid and after that, we get you one of those forehead protectors, and you're officially an adventurer," Kazuma says to her and they both hear the woman let out a gasp.

The two of them turn to look at the woman who covers her mouth as if she heard something that she shouldn't have.

"Young man don't even joke about that, how can you give such a thing to that child?" the woman says to Kazua.

"Because to be an adventurer you just need to find work do it and get paid, that's it." Kazuma answers the woman who immediately frowns and starts to walk towards him, they both could hear the sounds of her feet as she stomps towards them.

"Come with me young man." the woman angrily says to Kazuma before she turns to look at her.

"Please come with us, this is for you too." the woman says to her but with a friendly voice.

The two of them follow the woman to a dojo that has a Samurai painted outside of it.

The woman opened the door to the dojo and she immediately hears three girls say "Mom!" in cheerful voices.

"Not now." the woman answers the girls before she turns and looks at Kazuma with cold eyes. "Pick a weapon and come back out, show me how strong you are." she orders him.

'What?" Kazuma says to her.

"Don't make me repeat myself, this entire area is for my students to train so no one will get hurt." the woman says to Kazuma, and Kazuma doesn't bother going inside he just takes a short sword that's on the table in front of him.

"Bring me a practice spear." the woman orders someone inside and she is soon holding what looks like a stick but one side of it is carved so that it looks like a knife is at the end of it.

"So why are we doing this?" Kazuma asks the woman.

"If you were older then you would understand." the woman says to him as they both walk away from the building.

The two of them begin to walk away from each other, until they both feel as if they walked far enough.

She can feel her hair beginning to warm up again and the seal on her forehead is starting to hurt again but she knows what this is, this is a duel, the guards use to tell her about them.

"Go Kazuma!" she yells as loud as she can.

'Go Mom!" a girl screams and when she turns to see who it was, she realizes that it's the three girls that were crying when Kazuma beat them.

She watches as the woman takes a deep breath and before she can even blink the woman has her spear where Kazuma was standing just a second earlier.

She can feel her heart nearly stop and her chest fills with fear, she wants to cry, but she doesn't see Kazuma anywhere and she is about to yell for him when she notices that Kazuma is standing next to the woman.

He quickly spins and tries to hit her with the sword [It's just a big knife ] but the woman blocks it and tries to grab Kazuma who jumps away before she can touch him.

'Interesting, no hand signs, no seals."

"An Uchiha, no they're all dead, maybe a Senju or perhaps something in between." the woman says to herself as she stares into Kazumas eyes.

Lilli can only widen her eyes when the woman vanished again and appeared directly in front of Kazuma but her spear or giant stick was somehow on fire.

She lets out a breath of shock when she sees a wall of ie grow in front of Kazuma, who somehow uses the cold air of the is to throw himself back, but the woman uses the tip of her spear to somehow spin herself towards him.

Lilli can't believe what she was seeing, the woman tried to hit Kazuma but he managed to bend his body and avoid her attack while he was still in the air.

"So that's your weakness." the woman says to Kazuma when she stops moving and watches him land in front of her.

'You can dodge and counterattack, but you can't directly attack, or maybe you know just how weak you are so you don't even try." she says as Lilli finds herself surrounded and the girls from earlier are now holding her.

She can feel the seal starting to hurt and her hair is starting to get warm again, but she's too afraid to stop it from getting hotter.

'Play along, mom is trying to teach him something.' one of the girls says to her, before she hands her a piece of chocolate.

Lilli hesitantly takes it and put it in her mouth she can't help but smile when the flavor spreads all over her tongue.

"I surrender you win." Kazuma says as he throws the sword onto the ground.

"Bad move kid." a man says and Lilli suddenly notices that a crowd of people had gathered.

"What now? you are unarmed and your sister, or whatever she is with you has been captured." the woman says to Kazuma who closes his eyes and smirks.

Lilli feels someone land on top of her and she feels that whoever fell on top of her managed to save her before she got hurt.

She can hear everyone laugh and then she feels someone pull everyone off her.

"I win." she hears the woman say as one of the girls helps her to her feet.

"Today was free but if you want that girl to survive, you are going to have to train her and with your level of skill, I'm afraid that it's only a miracle that you aren't dead." the woman says to Kazuma before she hands him the short sword.

"It's yours, maybe you can use it for something." she says to him before she walks into the dojo along with the three girls.
The way that the Samurai use chakra is by controlling their breathing, to put it easier think of the Demon Slayer Anime\ manga but a little bit differently.

To make it simple, whenever ninjas and samurai fight the samurais will attack and either not allow the ninjas to make any hand sights or use any seals.

If the ninjas can make them then the Samurai will either try to stop them before they can finish or use their version of chakra control to grant their weapons and armor certain abilities.

The samurai can make themselves stronger- faster and a lot more resistant to injury but it's their weapon and armor skill where their skills shine as there's no way of knowing what their weapons can do.

Their armor can use completely different abilities than their weapons, but there's no way of knowing what they can do until the samurai uses them.
"That's not good" Kazuma says as he looks at the coin in his hand and Lilli can only stare at him.

"Lilli we're going to have to run, I can't teleport us I used my skill too many times so I can't do it anymore." he says to her before he grabs her hand and they start walking towards the park.

They walk faster and faster, but Kazuma is forced to carry her and run at the same time.

By the time they make it back to the park, the only lights left are the ones from the street lights and thankfully there's a path that leads to the park where the same man that was there before is sleeping.

"Hey wake up, you have to pay us so we can go home." Kazuma shakes the man who stops snoring and hands Kazuma a small bag filled with money.

"All of the jobs that you did are there, you can keep the map, and kid, if I were you I would run." the man says to Kazuma before he vanishes in a puff of smoke.

Lilli feels someone pick her up from her shirt and before she can say or do anything she realizes that whoever picked her up had somehow thrown her towards one of the buildings without her even noticing.

Lilli closes her eyes as the building gets closer and closer, but she soon feels someone hugging her and then she notices that she isn't moving anymore.

As she opens her eyes she sees the man that was sleeping in the park fighting against someone that's throwing fire at him, the man himself is making the ground around him move as walls that look similar to the ones that Kazuma makes block the fire that is thrown at him.

Lilli can hear Kazuma gasping for air. 'Who throws a little kid?" Kazuma asks himself between gasps.

"What's that?" Lilli asks Kazuma as a piece of paper is opened to Kazuma shirk

Kazuma looks down and notices the paper, he tears it off and begins to read what it says.

"This place is full of troublemakers, the two of you should quit because if you didn't notice these weaklings, you will end up getting hurt."

The sound of thunder coming from the park makes the two of them turn and they both see several lightning bolts fall into the park for a brief moment they watch the park light up as if it was daytime.

"Hey, we will go to the shop tomorrow and pick up your forehead protector, for now, let's just go back to the hotel." Kazuma says to her before she starts to feel something inside her leaving her body.

She blinks and like before she suddenly finds herself standing in front of the hotel room, the dook makes a loud click as it unlocks and it screeches loudly as Kazuma opens the door.

"I'm back." Kazuma announces and she repeats his words, they both expect someone to answer them but no one does.

As they walk deeper into the room, they find that it's filled with old books, and there's a sheet of paper hanging on the wall.

"We have work read all of this, we will test you when we come back." Kazuma says what the paper has written on it.

Lilli wants to say something but she doesn't know what to say, as she looks around she notices that there are two bowls of hot food on the table.

'Kazuma foo!" she eagerly says to Kazuma who nods and they both run to the table before they sit down and start eating

[Else where ]
Elizabeth gasped for air as she glared at Tsunade, her brothers weren't dead, but if they kept fighting then they would soon be dead.

Somehow Tsunade had not only been able to fight her and her team but she was able to keep Gaara from doing anything to anyone.

Shizune Tsunade's attendant had already knocked unconscious Gaaras teammates, so there wasn't much if anything she could do anymore.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and exhaled, they had failed in contacting Kazuma and beating some sense into him, so she relaxed and grabbed her brothers before she ran away.

She didn't bother to see what Gaara did, hell she didn't try to save his brother and sister, they weren't her problem and if that monster was still around, then it was better that she and her team, to be far away from that fight as possible.

Tsunade looked into Gaaras eyes she could see the hatred in them, but she could also see the pain, there was so much pain and hatred in the boy's eyes.

Gaara glared at her and then closed his eyes a storm of sand covered the area, and when it was gone all three of the kids were gone with it.

"I didn't think that he cared about them." Tsunade says to Shizune before they both make their way back to the hotel, but instead of entering the room that they had gotten with the kids they enter the room next to it.

The other room allowed them to see everything that was happening in the room where the kids were in.

the girl was sleeping, but the boy was still awake and he wasn't just reading the books that they left but he was writing things down.

"Are you sure that you don't want to train them?" Shizune asks her.

'If I did that then there would be even more people after them." Tsunade answers Shizune.

"We brought them here because this place has everything they need to learn and get stronger."

"The books we left them will help them learn what physical training can't teach them, so when they do leave this place, they will be able to choose what they want." Tsunade says to Shizune before she turns to look at the younger woman who looks at her with a sad expression.

"If the leaf hears that I took a student what will they do?" Tsunade asks Shzune.

'They would want you to take them to the village so that, your student belongs to the leaf." Shizune answers her as her voice becomes lower as she loses her confidence.

"This is the best way I can train him, he's a smart kid but he has a lot to learn." Tsunade says to Shizune as the image of a boy with short blond spiky hair sitting on the floor eating ramen replaces Kazuma who is busy studying.
Kazuma walked ahead of her as they entered the weapons shop and found the man sitting behind the counter waiting for them, next to him was a long silver box.

The man tapped his fingers on the box but the smile on his face said that he wasn't annoyed that they didn't come back yesterday.

"I heard about your little fight with the samurai, it's hard to believe that the Boy in Green was that skilled, but I guess that being raised by Elizabeth left you with some skill." the shop owner says to Kazuma as he opens the box and shos them a pair of silver forehead protectors.

"How did you?" Kazuma begins to ask the man who raises an eyebrow.

"Boy we shop owners have our networks, it would be more surprising if I dint know about you."

"Bright clothes in the Sand Village, everyone knew about you." the man answers Kazuma before he reaches into the counter and takes out a sheet of paper.

"I believe this is yours, go ahead and see if those drawings are the same ones on your protectors." he says to Lilli before he picks up the box so that she can compare the drawings on the paper to the ones on the forehead protectors.

Kazuma looks over her shoulder and nods giving his approval.

"So how much do we owe you?" Kazuma asks the shop owner who immediately hands him a sheet of paper.

"That's everything we made yesterday!" Kazua says in shock.

"So you don't have the money?" the shop owner asks them.

"No, I was hoping that they wouldn't cost as much as in the Sand Village, but they cost the same here." Kazuma answers the man as he hands him the bag of money from yesterday.

After pausing for a brief moment Kazuma turns to the shop owner and says. "hey old man can you do something for us, it's nothing important you just have to hold the box."

The shop owner looks at them and the silver box that Lilli is holding and nods.

The three of them walk outside of the shop and immediately feel the heat of the sun.

"Lilli, you have proven that you have what it takes to do the jobs that you are trusted with."

'You stayed calm when you were in danger and you trusted your teammate when you needed to." Kazuma announces and Lilli can see the people walking stop to see what is going on.

The shop owner opens the silver box and Kazuma takes out the silver forehead protector.

"On the right is the Emblem that a friend of mine named Aqua uses."

"If you want to do something do it, no matter what you do if you think about it you'll always regret it so so it"

"Don't be afraid of growing old, because even gods don't know what the future brings and if you have to run away, it doesn't mean that you lost because sometimes running away means that you won."

"On this side is the Emblem of a friend of mine named Eris uses."

"It's a good thing if everyone knows what you did, but don't be ashamed if you did made you look like the bad guy."

"Money no matter what its form is the way of the world, be it coins, water- food everything is money and everything is a profit."

"One more year of life means one more year that things can change, for better or worse, so be glad that you're alive and hey if you die, then that just means a new story is waiting for you."

"Triking people is something useful, but it's when you are honest that people's trust shines through you." Kazma says to her as he walks towards her with the forehead protector and hands it to her.

"Wow." Lilli says as blue eyes begin to glow as if a blue fire was burning inside of them.

"Do you want me to tie for you?" Kazuma asks her and Lilli nods.

After trying it Kazuma walks back to the shop owner and smiles.

"What was it again, oh yeah."

"My friends live inside of me, my family lives inside of me, I am never alone.' Kazuma remembers the words that the adventurers said to him when they trained him to use their skills.

Lilli watches as Kazuma ties the silver forehead protector to his head and he smiles at her, on the left is the emblem of Eris, while on the right is the emblem of Aqua.

There's nothing on the center of the forehead protector, so this must mean that they are different from ninjas somehow.

'Well Lilli congratulations, you are officially a class F Adventurer, it's the lowest of them all but hey we all start at the bottom." he says to her before he hugs her.

The sounds of people clapping causes Kazuma and Lilli to look around and they are surprised to find that a crowd of people has formed.

"Waite here." the shop owner says as he runs into the shop and quickly comes back out with a pack of talisman papers, a bottle of ink, and a brush.

"Normally the family members give something, but when there aren't any the person trusted with the forehead protectors is supposed to, so take the, they're yours." the shop owners say's to them.

He doesn't bother saying, that both the ink and the paper are bad, so even if someone that knows how to use them, uses them whatever power they were meant to do would be less than half of what it was meant to do.

Kazuma takes them and the shop owner hands another set to Lilli who happily takes them.

In a nearby building, Elizabeth and her brothers watch with mixed feelings, they should have been the ones holding the box, not the shop owner.

It should have been their family's creed that Kazua should have recited, not the one from who knew where and who it belonged.

"Let's go celebrate." their brother says as he repeats what Kazuma says to the girl.

Elizabeth can feel her blood flowing into her eyes and she can see the various people that are now targeting the two kids, this little show of theirs made them several enemies, it wasn't surprising after all, this just meant that both the girl and Kazuma had become a small threat, but they were still a threat.

Elizabeth felt herself being grabbed and as she turned to see what was going on, she found that the part of the building that h had been standing on was broken, not destroyed but broken.


"They used just enough chakra to throw it, but you couldn't see it because it was gone before it even reached us." Maz says to her.
"Okay, so I read some of the old Lady's books, and I wrote a couple of things down, but since we're both at the bottom I decided to try a lot of things to see if they work." Kazuma says to her.

Lilli watches as Kazuma fills two glasses of water and puts a single leaf in each of them, then he hands a different leaf to her.

"Lilli before we start, when we were still coming here do you remember why they kept you in that room?"

"It's okay if you don't remember but I just want to make sure that what the old lady said is true." Kazuma says to her.

"My hair, it burned everything, nobody wanted to be close to me because I burned." Lilli answers Kazua as her tears begin to fall.

"So she was telling the truth." Kazuma says to himself as he pats Lilli's head and tries to comfort her.

"Lilli the old lay or the lady with the big boobs told me that some people are born with powers that are too powerful for them to control, and that's why they are kept away from everyone else."

Kazuma taps her on the head and moves his thumb over the seal that Tsunade put on her.

"This thing is different from most seals because it uses the old lady's energy to keep yours under control."

"If you don't get it just imagine a wall that's keeping a lot of water from coming out." Kazuma explains to her as he shows her a picture that's in one of the folders.

"Now listen Lili this is important, if you use too much power the seal breaks and all of that water comes out all at once, so you have to be careful when you use your powers, okay." Kazuma says to her before he puts his hands on the glass of water.

Lilli watches as the water inside the glass begins to move, first, it begins to spin, then boil and then it leaves the glass but the leaf never moved.

"Now you try it, you don't have to do anything, it's hard to explain, but when you feel it just let it happen." he says to her.

Lilli grabs the glass and nothing happens, she is about to give up when she feels something starting to come out of her hands.

UIts hot but too hot, she wants to let go but she listens to Kazum so she doesn't and just let it happen.

The glass starts to melt, then it reforms but it's made of fire now, the leaf burns away, but nothing happens to the water and when Kazuma tells her to let go the glass turns back into glass.

Lilli watches as Kazuma puts his finger in the water and she hears him say that it's not even hot, just warm.

Next was taking the other leaf and trying to keep it on her forehead, Lilli smiled and started to laugh because she was able to do it but no matter how hard Kazuma tried he was never able to.

The last test was the hardest, Kazuma told her to close her eyes and imagine a circle and imagine her holding it in her hands.

He told her to try and copy what she did when she held the glass and so she closed her eyes and did what he told her.

"Lilli open your eyes." Kazuma says to her and Lilli couldn't help but watch in disbelief as she held a blue circle, the circle was blue, but there was red fire around it.

She turns and finds that Kazuma is holding a circle that has a lot of different colors.

'Lilli you have fire powers, but you can make a fire that doesn't burn if you want to." Kazuma says to her but he doesn't explain it to her.

"Looks like I'm still the same." he says as he looks at the circle in his hands.

Lilli felt her head spin and she closed her eyes before she felt Kazmas hands when she opened her eyes again she found that she was back on her bed, she dint know why but she felt tired.

"You're not used to using your powers so they drained you." Kazuma says to her.

But my hair." Lilli says to him.

It's like when you breathe fast and when you just breathe, one gets you tired and the other doesn't, so get some sleep." Kazuma says to her and Lilli does what he says.
The Third read the message and he wasn't happy about what it said, by now everyone knew that Tsunade was in that town and with her were the two children.

It was impossible for someone like Tsunade not to be noticed, but considering her level of power most people left her alone.

the part of the message that caught his attention was the fight that had occurred the day before.

Tsunade had fought two separate teams from the Sand Village to keep them from capturing the children.

That alone was reason to worry, but what was even worse was what the kids had done publicly, they had called themselves Adventurers, or explorer Ninjas.

No one would have taken this seriously except the kids had a member of the Merchants Guild as their Godfather or the person that was trusted with supplying them with weapons or information.

Things became even worse when both children had already started working low levels jobs, ut what brought even more problems was that a family of Samurais had offered tot rain them

This wasn't something that would remain a secret and Tsunade would eventually be ordered to return to the village and forced to answer why her adopted daughter and her son hadn't been raised or handed over to the Leaf if they were going to be ninjas.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do, as he knew that the elders as well as others in the village had already received this information and would be sending teams to either force Tsunade to return or capture the children and use them as hostages to make Tsunade present herself before the council.
"Hey wake up, we have to go and see if w can find work." Lilli heard Kazuma as he tried to wake her up.

She couldn't help but smile, today was her first day as a real Adventurer, she tried to sit down but she felt dizzy, but before she could lay her head back on her pillow, Kazuma caught her.

"Easy, you need to eat." he says to her before he spoon-feds her some soup.

She can feel her strength coming back and when she is done eating she somehow knows that she can walk and run by herself again.

"Go take a bath." Kazuma says to her before she runs to the bathroom and does what he tells her.

"Would you look at that, well aren't you a good big brother?" Kazuma hears no names voice.

'So I guess we have to fight now?" Kazuma asks him but the man doesn't answer.

'Dont turn around, if you see me then that means I tried to catch you but if you don't then did I ever come here or was I a voice in your head?" no name asks him before Kazuma hears the sound of his bead creaking under no names weight.

"So why are you here?" he asks the man as he picks up the dishes and sees the man's reflection on the glass.

"The samurais offer to train you, I want you to take it." he says to Kazuma.

"What?' Kazuma asks the man.

"You heard me accept the samurais training, if you want to stay free oh and Kazuma Elizabeth was hurt because you chose someone else oath instead of ours."

"So I'll leave these here, so you know for the day that will never come." No name says to him and Kazuma hears the man leave.

Kazuma turns and sees a pair of old headbands with the emblem of the Sand Villages shown in the center, he doesn't say anything but he puts them both in his pocket.

He doesn't know what to say, that man doesn't do things for no reason, so maybe that reason was that he was offering him a reason to go back.

No that wasn't true, if that was the reason then why did he help Elizabeth help him escape, so there had to be another reason why he came.

"Hand them over." he heard Tsunade's voice.

"What?" Kazuma asked but he felt Tsunade grab his hand before she pulled it and he watched as she took the headbands out of his pocket with her free hand.

Kazuma didn't complain, he knew that he was no match for her, he just understood that he was constantly being watched.

"Don't take anything from him or any of them." Tsunade says to him before she jumps out of the window.

"Guess that means neither of them wanted to hurt me." Kazuma says to himself as he tries to calm himself, he just found out the weakness of three of his skills, his enemy detection, his evasion, and his dodge skill didn't activate.

Lilli hid behind the door, she had seen everything, she wanted to run out and yell at Tsunade for hurting Kazuma, but she remembered what Kauma told her while they were coming to this place.

If there is danger hide, don't try to help because they will get both of us" So she did what he told her and she hid behind the door.

She began to wonder if the old lady was good or bad, Elizabeth had been the one that helped them leave the Sand Village and she liked Kazuma, so she would never hurt him.

Maybe it was better for them to go back. Lilli asked herself.

When everything became quiet she looked and found Kazuma closing the window, then he began to wash the dishes, Lilli wondered what else he was hiding from her and if would ever tell her.
One of the charms of this story is seeing a bunch of hard-bitten ninja try to work around their rules and way of life to help 2 little kids avoid getting sucked into the murder-death-kill lifestyle
"People couldn't believe what I'd become." Lilli listened to Kazuma as he sang while they walked back to the park, she couldn't help but smile.

Even if the big bood lady had been scray she was gone now and so Lilli couldn't help but smile, even as she held Kazumas hand and enjoyed walking with him.

Everything around her was so big and there were so many things and people that reminded her of how small she was.

For the longest time, it had just been her and the guards that took care of her, her hair didn't let anyone come close to her for long, but now there was someone with her and she could stay with him all of the time.

She could already see the man sleeping next to the sign where all of the jobs hung.

She giggled when his head fell on the desk and he was forced to wake up, the two of them locked eyes and the man waved at her, Lilli couldn't help but wave back.

Then she saw the man's smile vanish and Lilli felt a chill run down her back.

She found herself on a balcony next to Kazuma who was breathing heavily, he looked pale and Lilli realized that she couldn't hear anything anymore.

The world began to spin as Kazuma jumped from one place to another and Lilli felt herself being swung from one side to another as Kazuma did his best to avoid getting captured.

They soon stopped and Lilli found herself looking at a man or maybe it was a woman that was wearing a white mask on his\her face.

She buried her head into Kazumas chest, she could feel her heartbeat as she hugged Kazuma tightly and she felt something hot next to her.

he hesitantly opened her eyes and found that Kazuma had summoned some kind of electric attack and was now holding the electricity in his hand.

"Take one more step and the Leaf will be breaking the treaty." she hears someone say to the stranger who turns and Lilli lets out a breath when she sees the man that was sleeping is now standing behind the masked person.

The masked person runs towards the amn but she stops when a group of people land around him.

"You're in the way, that boy belongs to us and I am just retrieving him." the masked person says to the man.

"Are you sure about that?"

"I have a village full of witnesses that say that he denies any connection with you and your village, not to mention that you only spoke of the boy and didn't say anything about the girl." the man says to the masked person who gives a step forward.

"The boy's mother!" the masked person says to the man who immediately answers.

'She's not here, so she can't claim that he is her son." the man raises his voice, but it isn't loud enough for him to be yelling yet.

The masked man\ woman raises his\ her hand as if signaling something but when nothing happens he\ she begins to walk backward while at the same time walking away from the guards and her.

"Your friends aren't coming, you see we have a bit of a gang problem in this village and those gangs don't like outsiders, you can guess what I'm trying to say but if you can't, I'll say it clearly."

"All of your men are dead, you're the last one so surrender and we will return you." the guard stops talking when the masked person vanishes.

Lilli feels Kazuma fall to his knees as he gasps for air. "Kazuma," she says to him.

"Honestly you two, first you were attacked by the troublemakers that are out at night and now you are going to be kidnapped."

'God damm you are one of us!" the guard says to them as he hands Kazuma a bottle of water.

"Normally would say go home, but since you didn't show up for work yesterday I think that the two of you need money, so I won't say that.' he says to them before he picks them both up and jumps off the roof.

Lilli finds herself standing in front of the board and soon finds herself holding onto a stack of papers.

"Okay let's forget any of that happened," Kazuma says to her as he gasps for air, Lilli can't help but nod.

In the hotel room, Elizabeth glares at Tsunade who throws the forehead protectors onto the bed, Elizabeth throws a white mask that has dried blood on it.

Neither of them says a word, they just glare at each other, Elizabeth closes her eyes and walks past Tsunade opens the door, and walks out, despite having entered through the window.

Tsunade is using all of her will not to react to the blood in front of her, and she nearly falls to her knees because of it, even if it is dry.

She can feel herself panicking, but she uses all of her strength to pull the covers of the bed and hid the mask underneath them.

Outside of the room Maz and Shizune try to ignore one another, and they're forced to look at each other when Elizabeth opens the door and shoves a scroll into Shizunes chest before she grabs Maz and leaves.

Shizune opens the scroll and finds that it's empty, she opens the door and runs to Tsunades side who is going into shock.
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The rest of the day passed in the blink of an eye and Kazuma didn't say much instead he was lost in thought, Lili tried to cheer him up but no matter what she did she could get him to say anything.

He had stayed quiet for so long that Lilli began to feel something hot growing inside of her chest, it was heavy and sit hurt, she didn't know why it hurt only that she just wanted Kazuma to say something to her.

And so as they were walking to the park she began to cry, she cried louder than she has in years, she didn't know why she was crying, she just wanted Kauzuma to say something anything.

"I'm sorry." Kazuma says to her as he hugs her.

"I should have been stronger, I'm the older one here and I couldn't protect you." he says to her ass he hugs her tightly.

Lilli stops crying but she is still breathing strangely, buggers are running down her nose, which Kazuma wipes off with the sleeve of his shirt.

He smiles at her, his eyes are kind, Lilli can only watch as he lets go of her and takes his card out of his pocket.

She can see some strange letters glowing on the card that Kazuma traces his finger over.

"Over Flow and Lightning Saber." are two skills that Kazuma would normally never use.

He wouldn't use Lightning Saber because Meguming would kill him and Over Flow was a useless Skill that only make one skill run completely out of control.

To put it simply a person connects this skill to another skill, then they can use that skill over and over again even if it killed them, the problem with this is.

They have no choice because their bodies will be forced to use that one skill regardless if the person wants to or not, that's why it's useless and everyone avoids using it.

But Lilli didn't know any of this she just knew that the card in Kazumas hand was glowing.

"Shame on you for making her cry like that." No name says to Kazuma and Lilli feels something cold touching her cheek.

She turns and sees a large plastic cup filled with ice and a gold-colored liquid inside.

"It's apple juice." No name says to Lilli who hesitantly receives it, she can smell the sweet scent of the apple juice before she puts the straw between her lips and takes a drink.

"This village is neutral territory, if I tried to catch you here then every group in this village will attack me, so the two of you are safe." no name says to them before he starts to walk towards the park.

"So then why did you?" Kazuma began to ask no name but no name didn't let him finish.

"There are other groups besides Ninjas Kazuma."

'For example the samurais and you are an Adventurer whatever that is." Lilli listens to the two talk as she takes another drink before she has to speed up so that she isn't left behind.

"I'm not following what those things have in common." Kazuma says to no name, who exhales and rubs the side of his head with his right hand.

"People don't do things in the open here Kazuma, if they did then everyone else will attack them and those same people are watching the two of you." No name says to them, before he steps away and lets them walk towards the desk where the guard\ receptionist is waiting for them.

"Go to the Samuraisget them to train both of you before it's too late." No name says to them as he locks eyes with Gaara.

"What the two of you met was an Ambu, someone whose job is to do bad things. We will keep you safe but the longer that you kids stay here, the more dangerous this village will become for the two of you." he says to them before he vanishes.

Lilli tries to take another drink but her cup is empty, she looks at the empty plastic cup for a moment and decides that she likes the man who gave her juice.

He must have been good because he didn't try to hurt them and he gave her juice, and he gave Kazuma the forehead protectors, that the old lady stole.

Lilli feels Kazuma grab her hand and she is afraid to look at him because she doesn't want to see his cold expression, she hesitantly looks up and sees his usual smiling face, she tightens her grip on his hand and walks toward the guard\ receptionist who is impatiently tapping on his desk.
Kazuma looks at Lilli, who is sleeping peacefully in her bed.

He put the last scroll down. Unfortunately, this was the last one, and he had already read most of the books that Tsunade had given them.

It didn't help that most of them just repeated the same thing but in different ways. From what he could understand, the way that the Ninjas use Chakra isn't the best way to use it.

The proof of this is the fact that ninjas need hand sighs to do most of their skills, some skills don't need hand sighs, but those just grab chakra and use it as raw power.

In other words, those skills are no different from Lilli's hair.

He sat quietly on the floor while he looked out the window into the night sky.

His dodge-evasion and teleportation skills were the reason that that masked person didn't catch them, and even then, that person had gotten so close that he felt that person's hand pass by his head when he tried to grab him by the hair.

He looks at his adventurer's card, he already activated two new skills, and if he were to activate any more, then there was a chance that he would need the points that he spent in the future.

Only that he didn't have them anymore because he had already used them.

He puts his adventurer's card back into his pocket and notices the paint set that the store owner had given him and Lilli; both the books and scrolls had tons of seals that he could copy.

Not only that, but the things even explained what those seals did.

So he opens the box and tears the plastic that is keeping the pieces of paper in their place before he opens the books again and starts to copy the seals written in them.

He needed to make two copies, one for himself and one for Lilli, and if he had enough time, then he would use his crafting skill and trap-making skill to figure out a way of making the talismans do what his skills normally did.

Lilli opened her eyes, and she immediately noticed that something was on top of her; for a long moment, she blinked, then she blinked again before she hugged Kazuma tightly.

She didn't know why Kazuma was sleeping in her bed; she was just happy that he was sleeping next to her, so she didn't care.

She was just about to close her eyes again when she noticed that there was a stack of papers next to her that had a red string holding them together.

She followed the string and found that the string that was wrapped around the talismans was tied to her hand.

She moves her hand, and the string pulls the stack of papers towards her, but when she unties the string, she finds that all of the talismans only have black ink on them, and they don't have any cute pictures on them.

"They're for you so that you can fight anyone that tries to hurt you." Kazuma says to her.

"Look on the back." Kazuma tells her, and Lilli does what he tells her, only to find that there are some strange lines drawn on the talismans.

"It's a super move, something that I'll have to teach you to use later." he adds before he starts snoring again.

Lilli begins to look through the pieces of paper and finds that only a couple of them have these lines drawn on them; she is about to put the lines together when a large hand grabs hers.

She nearly lets out a scream, but she sees the big-boobed lady standing next to her.

"Hand them over." Tsunade orders her and Lilli immediately hugs Kazumasgift in her hands.

"Don't make me repeat myself. I need to make sure that he didn't make any mistakes." Tsunade says to her before she lets out a breath.

Luilli sees as the big-boobed ladies slowly stop being scary, and they suddenly look friendly.

"I just need to make sure that he drew them right because it's dangerous if he didn't," Tsunade says to her in the friendlies tone that she can make.

Lilli slowly lets go of her present and lets Tsunade look through the pieces of paper.

"You need to learn to treat children better," Elizabeth says to Tsunade as she enters through the window, and she is surprised to find that Lilli ran to her side the moment she heard her voice.

"You shouldn't have done that," Elizabeth says to Lilli as her eye begins to puls as her blood begins to gather into them.

'Bind!" Kazuma screams before he teleports o Lilli's side and jumps out of the window with Lilli in his arms.

Elizabeth relaxes and smirks as Tsunade ignores her presence and continues to look through Kazuma's work.

"So, how long are you going to leave me here?" Elizabeth asks Tsunade when you decide to leave. Those wires are already losing power." Tsunade answers her.

Neither of them said anything after that, but as Elizabeth watched Tsunade inspect the talismans, she decided to ask Tsunade a simple but important question that anyone would ask if they had the chance.

"So why did you bring them to this village?"

"I mean, we both know that anyone would look for them here if they knew that they were with you?"

"Is it because of the Casinose here? or because if anyone tries to get them, the other groups get involved?" Elizabeth asks Tsunade.

'Because I could leave them here when I want, and I know that no one can kidnap them if they don't do anything crazy." Tsunade answers her as she creates two images with several pieces of paper.

"Crazy; I'm starting to think that that's part of who he is.' Elizabeth says as she sees her brother's energies chasing after Lilli and Kazuma.

She smirks as she sees the direction that her brothers are chasing the pair into. "Guess I should do my part." she says before she frees herself from the wires that were keeping her in place and jumps out of the window.
Lilli didn't know what to think she had made everything worse, Elisa[][](, Eli was good, she was always nice to her and Kazuma so why did she look so scary?

She could feel Kazuma tightening his grip every time he landed before he jumped to another building.

The world spun whenever he used his coins to go in a completely different direction so that he could hide from the two men who were chasing them.

Lilli didn't know what to do, she could feel Kazuma's heart beating faster and faster until Lilli could feel it trying to leave Kazuma's body.

She could hear Kazuma gasping for air, she knew that Kazuma wasn't able to keep going, but if he stopped running then the bad men would get them.

Lilli closes her eyes and feels the floor under her feet, she can't help but smile when she sees the big-boobed lady sitting on her bed.

"You shouldn't have come back."Tsunade says to them.

Lilli opens her eyes and she can't help but scream when she sees a pair of red eyes staring at her.

"Kazuma!" Lilli screams she wants to run and beg Elisabeth to let go of him, but her feet don't answer her, so she is forced to look as Elisabeth turns and begins to jump out of the window.

Lilli feels her heart beating in her chest, she can't breathe anymore and she can feel her hair begin to burn.

She knows what she has to do, she has to let go and let her hair burn.

"Stop she's about to break the seal." Tsunade says to Elisabeth who turns and looks at Lilli.

Lilli watches as Elisabeth's eyes go back to normal before she slowly lays Kazuma on the floor.

"Remember he will always try to keep you safe but you need to help him." Elisabeth says to her before she jumps out of the window.

Lilli runs to Kazuma's unconscious body and cries until she can't cry anymore, then she glares at Tsunade.

Tsunade doesn't say anything she just places the talismans infrastructure of Lilli and walks away.

Lilli can feel the hot tears rolling down her cheek as the sound of the door closing reaches her ears.

"Lilli" she hears Kazuma say to her before she hugs him tightly and starts to cry again.

In the other room, Tsunade and Shizune watch with pain-filled eyes as both kids hold each other, as they try to comfort one another.
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The sound of someone knocking on the window made her open her eyes and Lilli was hesitant to get out of bed, the last time she ran to someone who had come in through it.

She began to feel her stomach fill with fear when she saw the man who had given her the apple juice the other day climb into her room.

"Lilli come here." he said to her, but she didn't do what he said she just hugged Kazuma tighter and closed her eyes as hard as she could.

The sound of her bed creaking under the man's weight made her close her eyes tighter.

"Lilli you need to help him." she heard him say to her.

"You saw what will happen when we were finally forced to stop protecting you and do our jobs yesterday, and you saw that we aren't the only ones after the two of you." he says to her.

"Look at Kazuma, he hasn't woken up, it's because he used so much energy that his body hasn't recovered yet." Lilli immediately opens her eyes and stares at Kazuma who hasn't stopped snoring even while the man is talking to her.

"Let him sleep." No name says to her.

"Here." he says to her as he hands her a bag and he smiles at her before he opens the bag and shows her that the bag is filled with coins.

"Use them to pay for whatever equipment you need, go to the samurais and ask them to train you, between them and Kazuma you should be able to learn quickly."

Lilli looks past the bag and stares into the man's eyes and after a long moment, she takes the bag from him and then feels his hand on her head.

"Mr am I bad?" she asks him as he lets go of her.

"No, you are just a little girl, but this is a cruel world and it hurts good people like the two of you." he answers her before he walks towards the window and jumps out of it.

"Well, this is interesting." Eriss said to Kazuma, but Kazuma wasn't able to see her or anything else.

'Eris what's going on?" he asks her.

'You used so much power that you nearly died." she answers him.

'I didn't do anything." he answers her.

"Wrong, you've been using your skills in an unregistered world almost nonstop and as a result, all of the power that you gained from my world nearly ran out." eris answers him.

"What?" Kazuma asks Eris confused because he hasn't felt any different.

"Think of it this way, every time that you use your skills you use the energy from my world, and that energy is filled with the energy of that world."

"The power of that world is tainted and your body isn't just connected to me, but Aqua as well. Normally the energy of my world and Aqua's energy can co-exist because you rely on my world's power for yoursills but Aqua's energy is used to revive you."

"So what happens when a tainted power comes in contact with my world's energy and Smpais Goddes power.?" Eris asks him.

"Greate so am I going to die or am I dead?' Kauzma asks Eris as he realizes that there's a war going on inside of him.

"No, I just have to make one small change." Eris says to him before Kazuma feels a slight tap on his forehead.

'What was that?" he asks Eris.

"I just changed your reliance on my world's energy, so you'll be able to absorb my power instead of the power from the world around you.
You can still take power from the world around you, but it won't hurt you anymore." Eris says to him.

Kazuma wanted to say something else when he felt a weight on his chest and his left arm suddenly felt hotter than it should have.

He opened his eyes and found LiIlli sleeping on top of him and her red hair was covering his hand.

Kazuma just smiled and let the girl sleep a little bit longer.