You Are Your Avatar; D&D Adventurer Edition

Flutters Is Shy

Light the fire, it's time to write!
Land of Ze Governator; In Perpetuity
Assuming I'm posting this in the right forum, let's get to it.

You've seen 'You Are Your Avatar' threads before, no doubt. Most of you even opening this page are only doing so out of curiosity instilled in you from participating in the other stated threads. I hope to add just a pinch of new spin to it for this to be worth your time.

You Are Your Avatar.

A rather broad generalization, and one that depending on ones choice of profile picture could end very badly, or overwhelmingly boring for the person in question.

So here's a couple 'rules'.

You may be your avatar, but;
1- If said avatar is 'Grogthar The God Emperor Of The Fifth Dimension' or similar, you are effectively starting at Level One. You may be able to grow into the full power of your avatar in a few years, decades or centuries, but for right now you start off at just more power and ability than your RL human form.
2- If said avatar is abstract to such a degree that you can't really 'become' it, say a picture of a landscape or a 'optical illusion'... You instead become infused with an aspect of said avatar, to your own specifications.
3- If said avatar is not realistically capable of surviving in a swords and sorcery element environment, your physical capabilities are raised to Level One. An avatar of say, a mouse would be given the lowest physical scores nessasary to stay alive at level one. You most likely have other traits useful for survival. Depend on them.
4- You will be able to grow stronger over time, but not unrealistically so. The DM might not be a sadist, but they believe in their players working for their EXP.

Second set of restrictions is thus. You do not stay on earth. You get a five minute warning that you are about to be transferred to a new world and transformed into your avatar, or an amalgamation thereof. Anything you're able to pick up and carry on your person at the time of transferral will be carried over with you, so prepare accordingly. You are being transferred to a swords and sorcery style locale, similar to anything you might encounter in a D&D game.

Third and lastly, you will be in a party of six adventurers. You are each given the same ultimatum. The world you're being sent to is going to be destroyed in fifty years. Find the Wizard of Green Leaves to be returned home. Nothing more, nothing less. These six individuals to their given parties will be chosen thusly. Each member who posts, will assign themselves to that slot. The first six will be one party, the next six another party, so on and so on.

Edit 1- If you post once, please preface any additional post you make with the line "I am already in a party'.

If you can create an interesting collection of groups, I might even manage to shake off my writing funk and pen you into a story.

Good Luck.
I'm interested in giving this a go. So I guess I'd be a sorcerer with a unique subclass?
So, I'm a Sentry Bot from Fallout's automatron DLC. I know this because it is a robot I built.
Aredhel Ar-Feiniel, only daughter of Fingolfin?

An Elven Princess who palled around with Celegorm?

I'm presumably an extremely skilled and talented archer and horse rider. I can make some really neat trick shots, am good at hunting, have some low-level psychic mind powers, and won't get old.
OP is not applicable as a party member
"I am already in a party'.

It's a very big spaceship.
Hmmm. Artificer technopath that will eventually be able to work up to building that spaceship and all technologies required, along with all the intelligence that will undoubtably require. At least that's what comes immediately to mind. Another path could be that you're an upgradeable mount, eventually leveling up into the spaceship shown?
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I am already in a party.

Hmm, do we keep our items? I imagine she'd probably have a pretty decent bow for instance. Though I imagine by average D&D standards a Ñoldorin First Age Elf Princess is gonna be a bit... uhh... different. Especially given the height.:p Aredhel's a fit lady.

And possibly as tall as 6'6" in some versions.
Oh sweet jesus the horrors that have been unleashed.

an alchemist/magicaian with aquired poison immunity, and possibly with a artifiact capable of deleting moutines

and a side order of 'cant dodge if ifill the entire area with danmaku
To got into deeper detail. This is The First of Many. He's got dual heavy Flamers and is built mostly to take hits while my character sat around and shot at raiders from a couple hundred yards back.
So... I'm either a birthday cake, a mimic that can turn into a birthday cake, or a human with the power of "Birthdays"? FUCK YEAH!
My image is a random piece of art from the internet.

So am i gonna be roleplaying as myself turned into my avatar or just as my avatar? I can do both.

Either way i have a very flexible character image.
I am a powerpuff girl versin of myself. So... either a strength based monk or a barbarian with an unarmed fighting subclass to represent super strength?
Well I'm a Khajiit Mage Dovahkiin...basically I'm the skyrim protagonist going for a spell build...interesting...
Emiya shirou huh well
Im a walking discount noble phantasm warehouse
If the problem can't be solved with a sword

Then your not using enough swords
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Hmm... Well i am a sprayed wall in a middle of moscow, dedicated to one of our most iconic musician. So.. Am I a bard golem? Or ogre?
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I am already in a party.
I took my big ass backpack for camping, guitar, bottle of water (5L) and conviniently placed prezerved food. One min i tried to decide what else to take. I took 6 pairs of socks and tauses. Put on my fedora and went to the toilet.
Gigler threw 1 100-faced dice. Total: 98
98 98
So, my avatar is an OC of mine called Mr. Reception. They're basically a walking vaguely-humanoid mass of television static that wears Kamina shades. Abilities wise they're effectively a personification of broadcast media, with reality warping that scales in effectiveness with how much I ham up my stage presence and conform to specific trope sets.

I'm... really not sure how this fits in the D&D system. At all. @Flutters Is Shy


EDIT: I bring my chemistry, physics, mathematics, psychology, and circuit theory textbooks after putting them all in my backpack
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