X-Men: Mutant Academy (A Mutant "Superhero" Quest)

Weird it's third on my screen am I gliching?
Totaling it up, it ties for 1st place with 9 votes. Unless you want the QM to be pedantic and toss the 2.

[ ] Shot the shit with Piotr in Russian! You kinda of needed the practice [Picks Up Languages Like Coins Trait Gained. Talk with Piotr]
7 people have voted
[ ] Shoot the shit with Piotr in Russian! You kinda of needed the practice [Picks Up Languages Like Coins Trait Gained. Talk with Piotr]
2 people have voted
Class Orientation Part I
Class Orientation Part I

Coughing, and feeling a flush of embarrassment run through you briefly, you follow behind Piotr and say, in Russian you only really got the chance to practice with your father a few strangers who played Call of Duty online with you in Russian, "So where are you from in Russia?"

"Hey you speak Russian?" Piotr asks, smile back on his face as he glances back at you. "You're very good. Where did you learn"

"Ha, please your English is much better than my Russian." You say, shaking your hand. "To answer your question, through a master course...on tape and podcasts. My father is addicted to them, he at least takes a four year course before he goes anywhere? He takes it super seriously, but when we went to Italy last year, he couldn't even order off the menu."

Piotr grin widens at that, and the tall Russian looks pleasantly amused, continuing on in Russian he says "Well I don't know about your father, but you're Russian doesn't sound like tourist speak at all. And to answer your question: on a farm about forty miles outside of Moscow. My family has been there for about thirteen or fourteen generations. Maybe longer, my great-grandfather only become literate thanks to the general education plans laid out by Lenin and Stalin; needless to say the family records only go back as far as word and stories."

You whistle, grabbing the bag from the seat next to yours and instead put in your lap as you sit down. "If you need a seat…"

"Thank you," Piotr says, shifting back to accented English, as he takes the free seat in your row, by the middle. "If you don't mind, don't go to another monastery with your own codex...wait..."

"Yeah, it's 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do,' Piotr. In English anyway" you say, following his lead and moving onto English. "But I get what you mean."

Piotr nods, sheepishly. "I need all the practice I can get. Uh, speaking of which, are you from New York, the city or the state?"

"Nope, I grew up in a farm house just like you, in the middle of nowhere Ohio" you say, laughing. "Of course my father is actually dentist who works in town and administers to the whole county, but he grows some stuff as a hobby."

"He seems to have a lot of hobbies for a dentist."

You give Piotr a look, and with the most most even, controlled tone you could manage without breaking into laughter "You tend to have a lot of free time as a dentist in Frazeysburg, Ohio."

Piotr frowns, "I forgot you Americans don't have healthcare. As bad as things are in Russia now, that would never happen there."

Grimacing and realizing your joke flopped worse than a fish dropped in the desert, you decide to change the subject. "Yeah, tell me about. You know Senator Kelly wants to close the school? Pierce wants us all arrested, so I guess Kelly is the moderate on the 'mutant' issue."

"Who?" Piotr asks, turning around in his seat to face you. "Sorry, I'm just not up on my American politics; the Democrats feel differently, correct?"

"Robert Edward Kennedy is a Democrat; he's one of the Senators from New York and is looking to run for President next year. He has to get through the primary first, of course." You say, getting into full spreg and politics nerd mode. "He's not a Blue Dog, but he was a member of the New Democrats, but Hilldog supporter back in 2016. I guess he's for higher taxes, sort of, Obamacare, and gay marriage but he's big on police militarization and is an even bigger war hawk. When Trump canceled the Iran deal and moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, he actively praised him non-stop on CNN for a week each time. He wasn't in office to vote in the Patriot Act or the Iraq War, but he voted to continue both, and basically calls anyone against them hippies. I mean, he doesn't want to put mutants in camps or anything, but he's definitely not on our side. He's a law and order, America first and project our military power everywhere to protect us kind of guy. We mean change and change threatens that status quo. He doesn't think we're walking nukes, but he does think where he go windows break, streets clog up with broken cars, and the trains need to run on time or else it's all chaos."

Taking a deep breath, noticing Piotr is nodding for you to continue, brow furrowed and fat, large nostrils flaring, but obviously interested in what you're saying. "Senator Donald Pierce Republican from Georgia is way worse. Kelly might think we're naturally dangerous, like a diseased population, but that still makes us human in his eyes. He wants us controlled not exterminated. Pierce said the Supreme Court was engaging in Judaical Activism when our Miranda Rights were stated to belong to Mutant Americans. Last week he said Professor Xavier should have been placed in Gitmo and interrogated about how he knew where to find us and that Eisenhardt should have been outright executed for allowing The Juggernaut to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge. He's stated outright a dozen times that weren't even human and the government has the right to put us to death if we continue to pose a 'continued thread, home and abroad.' He's a seriously fucked up guy, and he's honestly to the left of most the Republican Party. He almost lost his seat for being pro-choice and gay marriage."

"Dear God," Piotr says silently, exhaling a snarl. "It might be we all will have to leave this country, like I left Russia."


"I...my..." Piotr starts, before trailing off. "I take it you're familiar what's going on in Russia, like I wasn't in America, correct?"

"I mean it's all propaganda here. The Democrats are mad they couldn't win against a dim-witted racist, reality television show clown and..."

"Maybe, but not about this." Piotr says firmly, almost growling his words. He wasn't mad at you, clearly, but this subject clearly upset him deeply despite him bringing it up. Each word out of his mouth was like a finger, flicking at a raw wound that needed to be sowed up. "They are building camps for us over there; my granduncle saw one of them driving in his pickup three months ago. Didn't need his word for it though, people in town talked up some of the young men and women looking for construction work being paid big money to do a job for the government but only part of their paychecks coming back home. Occasionally a parent or lover would get a piece of contraband mail or a spam email that looked like it was written by their child, saying they were alright but that the government had them locked down until they were ready and the foreign press could do nothing but report what already had happened. Putin started having his people leak it on national television and papers as a kind of hypothetical; a possible solution to 'Mutant Menace'. Then Parents of Mutant support group call my parents and tell them their daughter was arrested for a drunk and disorderly and never returned home. They bought me a plane ticket and emailed living in United States to pick me up. Soon as I board plane, I hear my house had been raided when they were looking for me and...well, you understand yes? Mass arrests still continuing there."

You're silent. "Jesus, man look I'm sorry..."

Piotr raises hand. "I get it; you're tired of Cold War nonsense. Too many people want the world to end, or blame their problems on some foreigner for no reason. But Russia is not the USSR anymore; it is a land of gangsters and plutocrats, just like your country. And from what you tell me, you're country isn't so great either."

Taking a deep breath, you shrug your shoulders. "I still feel like a total ass for saying that."

"Ignorance can be stopped many ways; one of which is by dialogue. You didn't know, you listened when someone who knew told you, and you accept it. I see no reason to be ashamed for learning instead of just staying in your viewpoint by not speaking your mind when it came up." Piotr says folding his arms behind his head.

"Fair enough." You say, sighing, looking at your watch. You had fifteen minutes left and you stepped on this landmine. Christ! "Hey do you play..."

Piotr nudges you, obviously trying to do softly but he was too muscle bound for that, in your ribs. "Hey, were your parents, you know...like us?"

"My mother was, but she passed." You answer, softly.

"Apologies I…."

"No, it's alright. Happened ten years ago; I was wish she was around so I could find out if she had the some type of powers as me, but even my dad doesn't know. She didn't like showing them off and no one in town knew except us."

Damn this conversation was too damn heavy! Maybe you should change the topic….top two win

[] Ask him what classes he was going to take; does he have a major picked out already?

[] Ask him what he does for fun. You really needed to lighten the mood here.

[] Hey, do you know anything about that Lora girl you were with?

[] See if you can get Lora move to the seat across from you two; you were dying over here!

[] Ask him if he has any plans after orientation and he's packed his stuff. No way you getting stuck your room after night free of your dad.

[] Ask him about his power, you didn't know about it yet.

[] Insert here
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Sorry for the (slight!) delay. Second part of Orientation will finish character generation and introduce you to more of the cast.

I will try to finish up the Important Student list by tomorrow as well.
[X] Ask him if he has any plans after orientation and he's packed his stuff. No way you getting stuck your room after night free of your dad.

[X] Ask him about his power, you didn't know about it yet.
[X] Hey, do you know anything about that Lora girl you were with?

[X] See if you can get Lora move to the seat across from you two; you were dying over here!
[X] Ask him if he has any plans after orientation and he's packed his stuff. No way you getting stuck your room after night free of your dad.

[X] See if you can get Lora move to the seat across from you two; you were dying over here!
[X] Ask him what he does for fun. You really needed to lighten the mood here.
[X] Ask him about his power, you didn't know about it yet.
[X] See if you can get Lora move to the seat across from you two; you were dying over here!
[X] Ask him if he has any plans after orientation and he's packed his stuff. No way you getting stuck your room after night free of your dad.
[X] See if you can get Lora move to the seat across from you two; you were dying over here!
[X] Ask him if he has any plans after orientation and he's packed his stuff. No way you getting stuck your room after night free of your dad.
[X] Ask him what classes he was going to take; does he have a major picked out already?

[X] See if you can get Lora move to the seat across from you two; you were dying over here!

I would have preferred that the Lora vote won but at least we got a bro to hang out with now.
[X] Ask him if he has any plans after orientation and he's packed his stuff. No way you getting stuck your room after night free of your dad
[X] Ask him what he does for fun. You really needed to lighten the mood here.
[X] Ask him about his power, you didn't know about it yet.
Bros before farming equipment
[X] Ask him if he has any plans after orientation and he's packed his stuff. No way you getting stuck your room after night free of your dad.

[X] Ask him about his power, you didn't know about it yet.
[X] Ask him if he has any plans after orientation and he's packed his stuff. No way you getting stuck your room after night free of your dad.

[X] See if you can get Lora move to the seat across from you two; you were dying over here!
[X] Ask him what he does for fun. You really needed to lighten the mood here.
[X] Ask him about his power, you didn't know about it yet.
Things are going to pick up soon; thought I want some school stuff to go down first
[X] Ask him what classes he was going to take; does he have a major picked out already?
what is the difference between the X-focused trait, and the X-wild trait?

[X] Ask him what classes he was going to take; does he have a major picked out already?

[X] Ask him what he does for fun. You really needed to lighten the mood here.
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what is the difference between the X-focused trait, and the X-wild trait?

[X] Ask him what classes he was going to take; does he have a major picked out already?

[X] Ask him what he does for fun. You really needed to lighten the mood here.

X-Wild means it's a power that can mutate (ha) and end up doing very different things from where it started; X-Focused means you have an innate gift for using your powers and handle on them (You start off with a higher stat, it levels up quicker, and MIGHT increases it's total potential)

Also I'm back and continuing this.