Chapter 25: 17 April 2011 | 17 April 1958
"You all underestimated me, didn't you? You thought I was just a Tinker, and now you're my prisoners, about to join the workforce!" I cackled as I tinkered with a Power Cube, recreating something similar to Dauntless's own power. He was able to imbue objects with special abilities, and I found that to be useful. 'Perhaps I could use this to supercharge my bots so that I can go supernova without worrying about them melting?'

I was back in my wetsuit-like outfit, my tail swishing excitedly as I worked. The two Protectorate capes were hanging from the ceiling by their hands and wrists with a full view of the process that their PRT Agents, some 13 males, were becoming Silver Devils. Nearby were four females going through the Golden Devil process, and I would be needing to select their powers after.

"You're a... m... m... monster," Dauntless stuttered as he watched in horror as my bots entered the bodies of the Agents, then started up the gross process of turning their insides into a factory after removing the digestive and reproduction organs within.

"I've heard worse. Honestly, you all need a better vocabulary. Hell, take a lesson from the internet. They've many more words that could describe what I am, if they knew."

"The Protectorate will stop you," Miss Militia was so matter-of-fact about it, I couldn't help but grin up at her.

"Oh please. You all had your chance to try and come at me when I just started out, but it's a bit too late by now. I've already reached a point where I can be labeled as an S Class threat with a Kill Order on his head." The pair were confused, and I summoned Shadow General and D3 to my side.

Putting the Tinker tech off to the side, I strode over to the pair just as they were lowered to eye level. "See these two? Shadow General, here, was Grue. Weren't you?"

With a thought, I had the Parasite relax its control around his vocal chords. "You son of a bitch!" He cried out, "Once I'm free, I'm going to fucking kill you!"

"Temper, temper," he was given a headpat as the Parasite took control of him once more, and was dismissed to join War Hound. D3 was made to step forward, and I removed his helmet with a thought.

Gasps came from the two capes, and the woman tried to close her eyes, but was forced by her Parasite to look onto a face of pure, undiluted horror frozen in time forevermore. "Look on and see the product of having a Parasite in your body, O Protectorate capes. He's very much alive in there, with a pair of breathing lungs, a functioning brain, and a thumping heart. It's just everything else has been replaced by my bots.

"Then again, he still has his blood. Somewhat. I dunno," I shrugged, causing the bots to swarm his head and recreate the horns and visor once more. "All in all, all of these Devils you see are very much alive, and I plan to infect more and more until the world is under my control." My laughter echoed throughout the building as I tossed my head back in joyous insanity.

"You're insane." The words were so quiet, I almost missed them, and cracked a grin at the pair.

"Something new from the people of Earth Bet. Very interesting. Usually, it's something surrounding the word 'monster', but 'insanity'? Let me tell you two something." They were pulled down closer to see my very sober face, "Your world is full of insanity, compared to where I'm from. All of this, is just one bad dream people would rather not live through.

"Capes that could kill a person just by looking at them? Capes that can fly faster than a jet? All of it is just fantasy, and then there's me. A Tinker who can create powers. I would have thought it insane, too, but here I am.

"I am very much a sane individual, my dear captives. Which makes me worse, because the insane have patterns. A sane person does not. They make plans, and if something works, they explore that route until it's no longer viable. The insane, however, stay on their single track and never deviate.

"So no. I'm not insane.

"My ideas are, though!" I cackled again, throwing them off my tangent. "Ah, you guys are so much fun. Too bad we can't have another conversation until either you or the Parasite expires."

"Wha—?" The two began, but were silenced as it was their turn to be processed. They drifted toward the machine that would forever transform their lives into being perfect slaves for my growing Warbots.

"Perhaps I should just demote Shadow General and make Miss Militia the General? Would be better, to be honest. She has more experience as a soldier than Brian ever did. I think I'll do that, then. Mainframe."

"Yes, Master?"

"Demote Shadow General and change his name to Shadow Soldier. The woman cape who is heading into processing is going to be the new General."

"Very well, and their names?"

"I'm not very good at this," I groaned, "Dauntless will be changed to Centurion. Miss Militia will be called... You know what? We'll call her Washington, after the first president."


"What are you doing?" Regent asked after being pushed into the Time Chamber. Inside was a vast, colorless space that was still active, and in came five of my now 23 Devils who were decked out in my newest bots with a control node infused with Dauntless's power. I myself had a pair on me, and found the speed of imbuement to be too slow, so I tweaked it into almost double the speed. It was still too slow, but was better than nothing.

Then again, the reason why Regent asked his question was because I had an array of belts with Power Cubes attached. These cubes held a copy of my powers ranging from regeneration, to flight, to the overpowered stuff like Elemental Control, Portalmancy, and my Weather Machine.

"The last time I was in here, something transported me and my first two Silver Devils to an unknown place where they were promptly killed. I'm not taking that chance again, so here. Wear these." I held out a bracer and a ring, both containing the powers of Flight, Regeneration, and the Abjuration spell, Shield.

"That's cool you're asking me for my hand in marriage, but you're too old for me."

I glared at him, and used a thought command to strangle his airway just as he started to smirk at his joke. "Teach you to make fun of the situation," my voice came out as tired and annoyed. And with a simple tug from my Telekinesis, he drifted over and I put the two onto his right hand and arm.

"Fuck," he hissed out, gripping his arm just as the bracer closed shut over his wrist and injected something into his arm. "Feels like my arm's on fire. What did you do?"

"Applied an update to your Parasite. Its software is getting a rework to allow you to use the three powers in the items. If you think of flying, you'll fly up to a speed of 250 miles an hour. If you call out 'Shield', an inviolable shield of force will encompass one half of your body in whichever direction you point that ring. You won't be able to move your legs or arms while you have it deployed, so bear that in mind."


"Nothing will break through it." My eyes drooped to hooded annoyance, "But it only works to cover half your body."

"Why not all of it?"

"You'll suffocate," I deadpanned while his brain tried to comprehend what I told him. "Think about it. You can't move, it's covering your body, and can't be destroyed. It'll seal you up nice and tight with no air coming or going. You'll be dead in 15 minutes, or so. Less if you apply it as skin tight."

He tried to take them off, but found he couldn't by way of the Parasite in his neck. With a sigh, he shook his head and drifted away, but paused in the air. "Hey boss?" He called out with the barest hint of concern, "Should I be smelling smoke?"

"Smoke?" I glanced around, then took a long sniff at the air. Sure enough, there was an acrid smell of smoke. The type of smoke you'd get if it came from burning logs in a fire. "Ah fuck," I growled, already wishing I dismantled this damned space to scrap.

Stretching out my hands, I latched my Telekinesis power onto Regent and my Devils, pulling them close as I summoned my bots. They flew to my beck and call, swarming my body as the world around us flickered. "Shit, shit, SHIT!" I called out for my Parasites, and saw three Humanoids and a tapeworm carried in by the swarm. Reaching out, I swept all four onto my body just as the world flickered between nothingness and a dreary city choked with smoke.

"Hang on!" I cried out, keeping the group together as the flickering between realities kept getting stronger and stronger until we were in the air, above a city that was being sprayed by a torrent of water from dark clouds.

"Shit! Conjuration! Fog Cloud!"

"Complying. Conjuration!" The Devils intoned, their bodies hissing as thick, grey steam engulfed us, "Fog Cloud." We were engulfed by grey clouds and drifted over a smoke stack city that was enduring a torrential downpour from the heavens above. Slowly, we drifted to the closest rooftop where I found something curious from Regent.

He was pale, shaking, and was sick with a temperature.

"Okay. This is different." Pulling up a Power Cube that held Portalmancy, I thought of Washington and activated the cube. An oblong portal erupted into existence before me, but was met with the second curiosity since coming here.

The world was grey around my newest General, unmoving as though trapped within a bubble.

Dismissing the portal, I thought of Taylor and reactivated the cube. Another portal appeared, showing her hugging her father who was sitting up in a hospital bed. Her back was pointed to me, and the world was frozen there, too.

I reached out, then, and felt a static charge build up around my fingers. However, there was something solid keeping me from pushing forward, even if I used all of my strength, I couldn't push myself through it. With a thought to one of my Devils, I had him try to enter the grey world, but he was also stopped.

With a push of my power, I caused Regent to drift over to the portal and touch it, but all that happened was him moaning in pain from the static and not able to push forward. Dragging him back, I frowned and glanced up at the grey world to find numbers starting to come into focus.

1y : 11m : 29d : 23h : 59min : 36sec​

Someone or something has trapped us in here for two years. To say that I was pissed was an understatement, and I vowed to find the bastards who dared to entrap me. "And when I get back, I'm dismantling my stupid Time Chamber. Because this is getting out of hand."


"Something's gone wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"His world is frozen in time without him present."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means he's the key to that world. Alive or dead, the world carries on, but without him, it stops moving.

"It is fascinating. I've never encountered a Universe that revolves around one individual. It's as though that Universe was made specifically for him, and without him, it is sent into cryosleep until he returns."

"The others will need to hear of this. You will be there to present your findings. The Q must know."

"Of course, but allow me to research this further... Strange. I cannot locate him."

"Why not?"

"He is locked away. All I am able to see is a time stamp; a clock counting... Oh my."


"He is locked away for a pair of Terran years. I cannot research this for two of their years."

"A blink of an eyes for us."

"True, but come. I will tell the Q of my findings, and recommend him to be watched. After all, he is an interesting subject."


17 April 1958. The day, month, and year of this world.

I don't know what I was supposed to feel, except anger toward whomever brought us here. Worse, there was something wrong with Regent, Alec. His temperature was spiking, but the ring on his finger was keeping it from rising past 99.9F. It was working overtime, I could tell, and would need repair later.

For now, I needed a cool, dry place and immediately took my Devils toward what I surmised was a run down building in the poorer section of the city. On its roof was a door, and I passed off the cape to one of my Devils as they kept the fog running while keeping a watchful eye out.

"D23, you're to follow. All others remain. Restrain any who walks through the fog." Their hands were splayed out as the waited, and I broke the door handle with a quick flex of my hand. It was made of cheap brass, I found, and frowned as we ventured inside.

We floated down the stairs, keeping watch of the wooden frame and not desiring to touch it in case it creaked, and came upon a door that had voices beyond.

"Hey Mick! What we gonna do if the Bats show up?"

"Don' worry about it, Frankie. We got guns now. If that bastard shows up, we clock him good. His 'Boy Wonder' too, if he tags along."

I mentally cursed to myself after hearing the voices. 'It's going to be like the Merchants all over again, if I try to take this place.' Instead of busting in guns blazing like I did almost two weeks ago, I decided to move away and find another building to hide away in.

As we floated back to the stairway, ascending to the roof, I felt agitation from my bots. The muffled voices of my Devils intoning their spells gently drifted to us, and I ordered, "D23! Assist the other Devils. Lethal force is authorized!"

"Complying," he responded with a semi-mechanical voice, blitzing past me and breaking through the roof door. "Engaging! Evocation! Ray of Flames!"

"Ack!" A younger male's voice reached my ears as I exited into the downpour, "Batman! I'm on fire!"

An older male, deep, robust, and commanding grunted something spraying some sort of foam onto a brightly colored masked boy. Red, green, black, and yellow were the colors, and he even had a cape that came down to his lower back.

"Why a cape?" I wondered aloud, taking in the scene.

Outside, I saw two of my Devils being repaired by their regeneration power, their arms bent at odd angles. Stone hands lay across the roof in shattered pieces, and Alec was lying off to the side where the two idiots were standing. Next to the colorful boy, who had a yellow and black R over his right chest, stood a man with a pair of points atop his head. His color scheme was grey as the base, his gloves, boots, mask, and spandex-like underwear were a soft blue, and he had a black bat symbol that lay horizontal on his chest. There was even a yellow belt containing a dozen pouches that contained items, but I wasn't sure what was in them.

My mental state was already in the annoyance category, but this sight was only making it worse.

With a flick of my hands toward the two, who were in a prepared stance for whatever I tossed at them, I used my Telekinesis to grip and lift them into the air. "D19, D20. Secure Regent."

"Complying," they replied, walking toward the boy while the young cape grunted beneath the strain of my power.

"Hey!" He tried to wiggle free, but that only caused me to squeeze tighter on his body, and him gasping in pain.

"Robin!" The older cape growled out, then glared at me, "Release us!"

"No." I was already seething under my armor, and two have a pair of idiot capes come in to try and steal what was mine? My anger and hatred burned into being. "You. Will. Die."

My power slowly squeezed them, crushing their bones with a series of snaps, crackles, and pops. The visor surrounding my head was removed because I suddenly felt hot, and I released a roar of red hot anger!


Their bodies popped like rotten fruit, spraying the ground with their blood. But the moment I did so, the world turned grey, rewinding itself until I and mine were in the air above a dreary city choked with smoke while being attacked by the dark clouds above.

"FUCK! YOU!! ALL!!!"

Violet lightning full of rage and hatred fell to the ground below, creating a crater as a testament of my feelings for whomever pulled us here.


Atrocitus sat upon his throne of bone within his world of crimson red. Before him was an ocean of blood, and behind him was the sleeping Red Lantern Battery.

The war with the Guardians was never ending, but this respite was welcoming for him and his.

In the midst of his rest, he sensed something amiss, as did his underlings.

"FUCK! YOU!! ALL!!!"

A voice with pure hatred and rage called out to them, and the Battery awoke with a low thrum.

It was making a ring!

The Battery hadn't made a ring in centuries, but it was now making one for the owner of the voice.

Atrocitus was intrigued. Who was this person that had so much rage and hatred that they could awaken the Battery and force it to create a ring?

He would wait until it was created.

He would follow the ring soon after it left.

He would force them into his Red Lantern Corps.

He would use them to kill the Guardians once and for all.


A/N: @Aconitum Your comment is now part of the story. Just a bit different, though. After all, there needs to be a ring available. So I twisted it into this.
Is there a reason that this character and all of his clones are morons? I got through chapter 2 before the stupid decisions piling up were more irritating than fun. I can't think of a single decision that this guy made (except for NOT fighting Armsmaster for no reason) that was even remotely smart in two chapters. And his character sheet doesn't indicate any choices that would make him irrationally dumb, so why is he?
Is there a reason that this character and all of his clones are morons? I got through chapter 2 before the stupid decisions piling up were more irritating than fun. I can't think of a single decision that this guy made (except for NOT fighting Armsmaster for no reason) that was even remotely smart in two chapters. And his character sheet doesn't indicate any choices that would make him irrationally dumb, so why is he?
The clones were originally supposed to be based off of the character's personality traits before they were eventually written off (killed). Whereas the decisions of the MC was based around what I would do given the situation. The early chapters are to convey freedom before he's jarred into reality and has to take things seriously or he's not going to survive. Then there's the fact that my head is all over the place in terms of ideas, and that's placed onto his shoulders, too.
As of right now, his head is secured to his shoulders in terms of the craziness compared to the earlier chapters. He has to contend with an outside force that is making him dance to their tunes, and try not to screw up their game that'll force him to repeat the events in a twisted Groundhog's Day scenario.

I hope this helps. If not, please let me know.
Chapter 26: 1958 | 2010
A/N: It's late, and I can only apologize.
By the way, the new crossover takes place between the years of 1956 and 1960 during the movie Justice League: The New Frontier. Forgot to mention that. There's another crossover in this chapter, which takes place around the time of Iron Man 2.
Next chapter's an interlude, which will showcase more enemies for the MC to deal with later. One will be not as difficult (possible fight scene), but the other one is a tricky opponent. You'll see.


17 April

I've had to restart three times now, and all of them revolved around the Vigilante Hero called Batman.

The first time was on the rooftop, the second was when he got too curious when I set up shop within the docks of the city called Gotham. He just had to know what I was doing, and I got a little too annoyed and popped his head just to keep him out.

The third time, I tried to ally myself with some Irish mobsters. Regent was still sick, despite the rewinds, and they had a doctor on call who was willing to take a look at him. I really couldn't go to a hospital without having guns drawn on me because of how I am, but these seemed nonplussed about my appearance. Though, they were still nervous, especially around my Devils.

Their price for the doctor was for me to help guard a "shipment" that was coming in. That was it, and I told them that it was easy.

Turns out, no it wasn't. The Batman showed up, and without even thinking, I reached for his head and popped it.

Thus, our time in Gotham was rewound a third time, and I was annoyed.

"You know what?" I grinned maniacally down at the world, "I've A headband, a Primary Factory, three parasites, and a Power Factory. I think I'm going to make this Batman mine. That way, I don't have to worry about him snooping around." With that thought in mind, I decided to put into action a plan to turn all of Gotham into Devils.

"After all, if some idiot is going to make me replay this scenario a fourth time, I might as well make this world mine." Another thought crossed my mind, and I paused in the air with my Devils and a sickly Regent. "Huh. I can't go home for two years, but what about other places?"

We drifted down to a different roof, one that was spewing choking black smoke into the air like no tomorrow. With a thought, my Devils positioned themselves around myself and Regent as they intoned, "Abjuration. Shield." A dome of force congealed and spread around us as I pulled out the Power Cube that contained Portalmancy. With it, I thought of Iron Man and activated the cube.

An oblong portal erupted in front of me, and I saw a large room with a grinning man holding a glass of champagne. He was raising it as a toast to a strawberry blonde woman and a group of stern business men who were smiling at the toaster before laying eyes on the portal behind him. They squawked on the other side, scrambling as they left for the exit while I stepped through and kept the portal running.

"Evening," I called out with a grin beneath my visor while the one holding the glass took a look at me, downed, his wine, and shook his head.

"And this?" He waved at me and the portal, "What is this? What do you want?"

"I presume you're Iron Man?"

"It's Tony, Tony Stark, but yes. I made that announcement a few months ago, so yes. I'm Iron Man."

"Rather jittery, aren't you?" The woman in the room gaped and stared at my tail as it swished and scraped around on the floor. I had it bob in a wave toward her, and she stared between it and my visor.

"Yes. Well... You appeared out of nowhere, and I don't even know who you are. Who are you?" His hands were behind his back, possibly stalling time as he tripped an alarm. Not that it would do any good for him.

"I am Blue Devil," I gave them a light, theatrical bow. "I'm here to ask for a favor."

"A favor?" His eyes became squints as he stared, his head tilting back a bit due to disbelief. "What kind?"

"I have a Human associate who is ill and needs to see a doctor. We cannot return home for another two years because of a mishap, and you were the first person I thought of." There were voices coming from the doors to the room, and Tony was smirking as though he won.

With a wave of my hand, my power flared into life. Sigils and pentagrams, green and earth brown in color, appeared around my body. Moments later, tree roots pushed through the ground, entwining themselves around my feet before branching out toward the walls, ceiling, and doors. They swam through wood, steel, wires, and concrete within seconds while the voices on the other side squawked in alarm and couldn't enter.

Tony stared at myself, and I shrugged at his helplessness. "I'm much stronger than you are, Tony, and I need your assistance. You help me with my problem, and I'll share my Portal Technology with you."

"Wha—? Wait a second," he shook his head to free up his thoughts, "What? What was that? What did you do?"



"No. Magik. With a K. It's one of my many powers, Tony Stark." I stretched my left hand away from myself, admiring the digits, then glanced back at him. "I don't have any intention of hurting you or your female," my head bobbed toward the woman who was remarkably strong willed, "I just need assistance in healing my associate."

"Okay?" It was difficult to understand his mind, and I just wanted to reach out and—

"Wait... Why am I being nice?" I facepalmed and pulled out a Parasite. It screeched at the world, and the two Humans stared at it.

"What's that?" The woman asked with horror upon her face.

"A Parasite," I rubbed its head lovingly, where it tried to bite my finger with its serrated teeth, but couldn't penetrate the bots surrounding it. "An advanced VI model that I made." With a thought, the pair grunted as I reached out with my Telekinesis and held them still. Another thought caused the Primary Factory to hum around my neck, eating away at my regenerating Vibranium flesh to create more bots.

With the new batch, I used them to create a terminal coupled with a screen and keyboard. Of course, my body also morphed into the other components needed to make it function, and after, I activated it and set to work.

There was a microscopic USB port within the mouth of the VI, and it complied as a thin line of bots were formed between the terminal and the Parasite. At the terminal, I set apart creating a quick program to copy the VI's code, instead of making a fresh one. It would serve its purpose for the time being, until I was able to set up a proper factory, and when I was able to return home.

The voices on the other side were getting more aggressive by the time the VI was copied over to the terminal, and I set about to create five more Parasites. Two of them would be plied to the two before me, and the other three would be used elsewhere.

"Hmm?" I glanced up and heard a chainsaw revving up as others were attacking the trunks. Possibly with axes. "Fire department, huh? Wonder who got the chainsaw."

"You won't get away with this!" Tony grunted, and I shrugged.

"Heard that line before, and I've already marked it off my bucket list as a Villain. Same goes for 'you're a monster' and 'you're insane'. There's also 'I'm going to kill you when I'm free'. So many cliché lines." I shook my head. "You're not going to be free, because you two are going to forget the uncomfortableness of this encounter once the Parasites are installed at the base of your brains.

"You two will probably have a headache for an hour, but it should go away once the Parasite fully incorporates itself into your nervous systems and attaches itself into your brains."

"You're... You're... Mad!" The woman cried out, and I shrugged.

"I'm sane, which makes me dangerous. Because I can adapt, but the insane cannot." I began to hum Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up as the Parasites were given their VI. Moments after it was uploaded, I ordered my bots to dismantle the terminal just as the five started screeching.

Four, including the one that was copied from, were pulled back into my bots against my body where they were put to sleep. Whereas the remaining two screeched up at Tony and the woman, who were pulled toward myself and forced to turn around and expose their necks.

"This is gonna hurt, and I don't feel sorry for you at all." They struggled just as the Parasites leapt onto their exposed necks, and started digging inside their bodies. Of coursed, they tried screaming, but an orb of wind erupted around their mouths, not allowing anything to alert the ones trying to enter the room.

There wasn't much in the way of blood spraying back, but there were a pair of trailing droplets coming out. This was because the newer Parasites minimized their cuts to enter the body, but also maximized the pain, and the two were trying their best to scream as loud as possible. However, my application of Wind Magik kept them from getting louder than a whisper.

Once they were inside their bodies, the wound was swiftly closed and I used my Magik to wipe clean the blood. The pair were then released, and collapsed onto the floor in a heap.

"Oh get up, you two." I shook my head as the two shakily stood, blinking up at me as I floated back toward the portal. "Good. Now, my VI, remove their memories from 15 minutes ago. You are to allow these two control of themselves, and I shall return tonight. They are not allowed to leave their homes until I return. Is this understood?"

"Yes, Master," the female bowed low.

"Of course, Master." The male saluted with his hand over his heart.

"Then, I shall see you both this evening." With that, I flew through the portal, ending the Earth Magik that kept the Humans at bay while we chatted, and closed it behind me.

Pulling out the Portalmancy Cube, I thought of Washington once more, and was met with that same grey world and a timer that was slowly counting down. A full 24 hours had passed on the clock, so I was grateful that it didn't reset like the world did.

Closing down the portal and scooping up a still sickly Regent who hadn't even awaken, I checked in on his Parasite, the bracer, and the ring. They were still active, but something was suppressing the Parasite in his body. It was strange, and I needed to figure it out, but later.

Right now, there was a Bat and Boy Wonder problem I had to take care of.

"Evening," I called out to the pair as they stood at the edge of my Devils' barrier. There were scuff marks all around the edges, no doubt they tried to enter, but decided to wait when it was fruitless.

Batman glared at me, but Robin was scratching his head and asked out of curiosity, "What are you? And what is this?" He tapped the barrier.

"Magik," I grinned beneath my visor, and reached out toward them. The two readied themselves, but were effortlessly grabbed by my power. The pair grunted, and I commanded the Devils to lower the shield.

"Complying," they each intoned, lowering their arms and dismissing the dome. The rain came back, but I paid little attention to it as another mental command went through the Devils. "Complying." They raised their hands up and out, "Abjuration. Shield." The dome reappeared, keeping the rain away, and I held out a pair of Parasites.

"What's that?" The boy was horrified, and I felt disgust toward my own actions, but the two brought this on themselves, and could not blame me.

"Parasites. They're going to bore their way into your bodies, attach themselves to your cerebellum, and control you like puppets that dance to my tune. You two are going to be the first to transform into Devils, and with your knowledge of the city, I'll transform that into my Utopia. I may even branch out and engulf your world.

"Now wouldn't that be an adventure? After all, I'm stuck here for two years. Might as well make the most of it, right?"


Who would have thought that the Batman was just a rich guy who lived in a cave beneath his mansion? It was maddening, but it didn't matter. The only other resident, a butler called Alfred, was already going through the OCF process I had set up within his base, and the other two were forced to watch the maddening trial of having the old man suffer through the initial phase.

There wasn't any real reason why the old man went through the process first. Just that the two seemed to love him like a father, and I wanted to break them a bit.

The boy, Richard Grayson, was already sobbing as he watched. No doubt his mind was shattering, while the man, Bruce Wayne, watched in silence with anger in his eyes.

"Why?" The child cried out as the bots started pulling his insides into the factory made within the old man's abdomen. "Why are you doing this? Alfred... He... He didn't do anything to you!"

I shrugged and tinkered with an Enchanted calligraphy pen. Inside was a Power Cube regarding the Enchantment Tinker subclass, which would allow me to use that power in creating copies of what I had, and what was around me. Unfortunately, these three weren't capes, so I only had what I had, and didn't trust the Eidolon power. It'd probably take a pair of years to change out one like last time.

"This is the process all my Devils go through. They're still alive, so don't worry about that. They just work better this way, and I don't have to worry about making robots. Not to mention, I don't have to worry about food costs to keep them going, because the bots inside of them keep up their daily needs. Such as energy."

"Barbaric." The only word Bruce spoke, and again, I shrugged.

"It works, so who am I to complain? Alfred over there," I pointed at the old man just as silver bots started covering his body, "He's going to join the Devils I have off to the side once I finish with this cube. He'll be able to fly, regenerate, and use an altered version of my Magik power. You two, however," the pen was pointed at the two, "You both are going to be given the first two powers, and something else. You'll be joining my Platinum Devils soon enough, but only after you go through a similar process.

"And... Done," I held up the Cube, watching as the bots picked it up and pushed it inside the old man. "Activate. Your designation is D24. Do you comply?"

"D24 complies," the voice was soothing, like a man speaking with his grandchildren.

"Activate your power. Conjuration. Fog Cloud."

"Complying." He raised his arms off to his sides, palms up, "Conjuration. Fog Cloud." Steam hissed out of his body, a thick and grey mist that spread out by 20 feet.

"Good." I bobbed my head, "Dismiss the power and—"

A balled fist came through the mist, striking my head, but only served to push it a centimeter as a grunt of pain was heard. Something else came through, cylindrical in shape, but bent against my body. Throwing stars, the shape of bats in flight, attached themselves to my body and exploded while I just stood their with a raised eyebrow beneath my visor.

"Is that it? Really? Close quarters combat and exploding... bats? Wow. And you beat people up with these things? Pathetic." I shook my head and sent out a thought to my Devils. "You know, I wanted to see what you two could do, but if this is it? Just wow."

"Transmutation. Earth That Binds." I conjured up a whirlwind to absorb the smoke, ash, and mist, then sent it off to a darker part of the cave just as rocky hands fell from the ceiling and flew up from the ground, wrapping themselves around Bruce and Richard.

The pair grunted with the former sporting an injured right hand, and the latter having dropped a bent pole. "Wow. Simply pathetic.

"Whelp. Time to start up the OCF." I clapped my hands once, then cackled with plans forming in my head.
Interlude 4
A/N: Bit of a time skip, but it's just a week. Was going to be a month, but I felt it'd be too much.


A man ran through the alleys of the Cauldron within Gotham. Fear was present upon his face, the emotion dominating his mind. He was part of the Irish Mob that ran this side of town, and for a week, the Batman and his boy toy wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Then, out of nowhere, a blue Devil-like creature appeared a week ago and started a campaign against the city where the criminal underworld was starting to disappear. It started with the Joker and Killer Moth. Two prominent Supervillains who were nabbed by Batman in a silvery suit and a bunch of other armored men. All of whom could fly without chem-trails lagging behind.

The Joker wasn't put in jail like he usually showed up in, but popped up a day later wearing that same armored suit the Batman was wearing. They were even seen together with a blue freak calling himself "Blue Devil".

Killer Moth, on the other hand, never showed up in the same suit. Likely, he was killed because no one has seen him since.

They took orders from him, and didn't fight each other. Thus the man had to tell someone, and weaved in and out of alleys as he made his way back to the bar where someone with more intelligence would know what to do with the information.

Out of breath, he barged into Riley's Old Irish Pub, and stared in horror as silver freaks with horns turned in his direction. Lying on the floor were some of his best mates, pinned by stone and earth brown hands. "Transmutation." One, then all of the freaks intoned, pointing at the man who turned around, wanting to escape. "Earth That Binds."

Hands erupted from the ground, rushing toward him as he scampered and rolled away from the hands. His gaze was behind him while he quashed his hat against his head, and ran straight into a copper.

"Woah there, Mickey. What's gotten inta ye tonight? Too much ta drink?"

"Ya gotta help me!" He felt relief when he saw the blue uniform, but it quickly fell away as the uniform morphed itself into silver armor, and a pair of hands gripped his arms, hoisting him into the air.

"Help!" He cried out into the night. "Help! Please!"

"There is no one to help you, Mickey." A new voice, full a mania, filled the air. From the darkness stepped the Joker. Most of his body was covered in a silvery armor, leaving only his nose, mouth, and green hair exposed. A visor was over his eyes with a single, horizontal and green light spilling out.

He cackled as he then flew into the air, pulling the man and being trailed by two dozen silver freaks as they flew toward a manor to the north and east. However, they went into an underground cave, instead of the manor's front door, and were deposited into a large holding pen made of some sort of blue metal.

Blue metal that was alive.

Strands pushed out from the wall's surface, wrapping around the wrists, ankles, and waists of the captured men. "Grah!" One cried out, trying, and failing, to fight against the strands. It was old man Riley who'd come to Gotham some 30 years prior, and started up his empire in the Cauldron. Next to him were his boys, Finn and Rowan, but were too weak against the living wall.

Every last one of them tried to fight, but were ultimately pulled against the walls where they were held firm. Only when the last of them were secure did they hear a low hum vibrate throughout their cage. It was ominous, and they each glanced about nervously.

The first to be pulled into the wall was old man Riley himself. He tried to flex his muscles, pushing forward, but the pulling was relentless, and he soon disappeared. The next to go were his boys, then one by one, the others were pulled into the walls until only the man was left.

He was tired, his mind breaking from the events, as he, too, was pulled into the wall. On the other side, he saw a machine that made his brain stop working.

It was like a meat packing plant's conveyor belt, and his mates were the meat that was going to be processed. He saw tiny, blue metal men jump down their throats, saw them cough out blood as they tried to scream, kick, shout for help, anything to get someone's attention, but no one came.

Off to the right, he saw him. The Blue Devil. He was working on something, creating tiny cubes that thrummed with power. There was also the Batman and Robin nearby. They were wearing silvery armor that were similar to their regular costumes and had the same visor like the Joker's, but the light from their visors were a pale blue.

The man was scared, and tried to fight against his bonds. He needed to run away. To escape and tell the world about this new threat in Gotham.

But it was his turn next.


Alec awoke with a start in unfamiliar surroundings atop a white hospital bed. There were beeping machines that meant nothing to him, with wires attached to his head and chest, a pair of tubes attached to his abdomen and a second hiding beneath his hospital gown, as well as an IV in his right arm. Around his head was a cap of tight gauze, and came with a small headache in the back of his head where several wires protruded.

He didn't understand what was happening, but sighed with relief and closed his eyes. Only to snap them awake when in walked Blue Devil looking like a Ken doll with a tail again. He was flanked by a Platinum Devil with muted reds and yellows, a pair of Silver Devils, and a fearful doctor.

"He... Hello, son," the doctor spoke up, and was an older white man. A rarity on Earth Bet, because they tended to go the way of the Dodo quite often.

"Hi?" Alec slowly stretched the word, wondering what's going on.

Blue Devil coughed, and looked at the doctor pointedly, and the man gulped once while taking out a tablet that looked Tinker made. Tapping it, he wondered if he was in a Bio-Tinker's hideout, and if he was an experiment. However, the next words were understandable, and therefore he didn't believe he was in another Tinker's base, but it was still a possibility.

Coughing, the unknown doctor spoke up with a cough into his closed fist, "Yes... Well... You're..." He glanced up at the Case 53 with a shiver, those alien eyes staring back at him with annoyance. Shivering, he continued with, "You're... guardian had us... help you, Alec. You've been.. out a week, so... it's natural you'd feel... disorientated."

The boy flinched and he glared up at his boss for outing him like that, but was given a deadpanned expression. "He doesn't know, so pipe down."

"Yes... Ahem... There was a mass near your cerebellum, Alec. It was killing you, and we noticed some odd discrepancies throughout your CAT Scan and MRI of your brain." A hand was held out toward Blue Devil, "After he removed a tapeworm-like creature from your throat, we saw an active mass within your brain and promptly removed it. Luckily, it wasn't too serious, but the tumor in question, after gaining permission from Mr. Devil here, was sent off to a lab here in New York City for further study."

"I expect a true copy of your findings, Doctor Reds," the Case 53 glared at the older man, "I desire to know what makes it tick."

"Of... Of course, Mr. Devil. Anything you say."

"Uh-huh. Anything else?"

"Ah, yes... The discrepancies." He tapped his Tinkertech pad a few times, then bobbed his head once. "You have some damage in the..." His eyes glanced between the two of them, and sighed. "I'll skip the technical terms for now.

"You have some damage in the brain that governs your emotions. We have pills that can take care of this, but I would recommend you see one of our therapists to help you further heal mentally from whatever trauma you have in there."

"Uh-huh." Alec gave a shrewd look while glancing between the two, then drawled out, "I'm fine. You got the tumor out, and now I get to rest and relax in here. Great. I get to be bored." He flopped back onto the bed, then regretted it as the wires pulled on his scalp.

"The fuck are up with these wires?" He hissed in pain, pointing and massaging at the pain.

"Son, please don't." The old man reached out and took his hand away from the site. "They're to monitor your brain's activity until we're done."

The young man gave the doctor a look, then twitched his brows in an effort to make the idiot who dared to touch him fall on the floor, but nothing happened.

Confusion dominated his mind, and he performed the little games he had with people, trying to make the man smack himself in the face. Trying to make him drop the Tinkertech. Trying to make him punch Blue Devil. ANYTHING!

But nothing happened, and he stared at his hands, then up at his boss as realization dawned on him. "I... I don't have my power..."


"What is this?"

"An order from a Doctor Reds. He wants to know the make up of a tumor growth he's never seen before. Quite frankly, I have never seen it before."

"What do you mean 'never seen it before'? Is it a new strain? Where was it located?"

"The back of the brain, according to the information sent over."

"Okay? It's a new brain tumor. So what? Is the patient dead?"

"No, but it was killing the young man who had it. Look, just take a look at this. It has living DNA, despite being pulled from a host and seemingly rendered inert. It's still alive."

"That's not possible. How can a tumor be still alive?"

"I don't know, but it gets even stranger."

"... What?"

"Sonra, the guy who always has a hand held radio on him, and enjoys messing with it? He picked up an odd frequency, and it's coming from this little guy."

"Now you're just pulling my leg, Jack. How can a tumor have a broadcasting frequency?"

"Think about it, Mike. It was killing the host when it was removed, is alive, has a frequency..."

"Jack, keep your conspiracy theories to yourself, alright? You're always spouting something about 'aliens' or 'government spies' or 'secret organizations'. Honestly, Jack. Just keep it to yourself. It's a tumor, for God's sake. It has a DNA, right?"

"Yes, but—"

"Then it's just a tumor."

"Mike. Look at it, alright? Look at the data. Look at the DNA info. It's not ctDNA."


"The hell is this, Jack? This... This doesn't look like any sort of DNA I've seen... It's... It's..."

"Alien, Mike. What we got here is Alien DNA that was found in a 17 year old kid."

"Wow... Just... Wow... And the kid?"


"Where's the kid now?"

"Either recovering at a hospital, or with his family. Dunno. Why?"

"Nevermind. Thank you, Jack."


"There's a situation."

"This had better be good."

"Found alien DNA that's broadcasting a signal to who knows where. It was found in a boy's brain. He's very much alive."

"Interesting. And?"

"The DNA isn't coiled like you'd find almost anywhere. It's spherical."

"Bring the data to me, along with the sample. I will send a squad down to find the host. Perhaps he is an alien, too."

"Information states Human."

"You have second hand information that was possibly covered up to protect him. I will find them. You bring me the sample and all relevant data. Do you understand?"


"Hail Hydra!"

"Hail Hydra!"


Bruce was late, and he was never late. Not when he was meeting his long time friend, Clark Kent. The pair were to exchange information about the recent events that had been plaguing the world recently.

A world wide cult had sprung up, seemingly out of nowhere, and worshiped an entity only known as The Center. They were harmless two years prior, but now they've started to infect the world with their madness. Ordinary people had turned a 180 and started worshiping this thing, and many had started blood rites and Human sacrifices.

One, in particular, was within Metropolis. Lois had gotten herself a little too close to that group, and was on a sacrificial slab when Superman appeared and put a stop to it all. He publicized his findings, making the city aware of the dangers of this cult, and sent it out to news companies everywhere in the hopes of spreading awareness.

This event was two months prior, and Bruce was to come to Metropolis for a meeting between his company and Lex Luthor's, but it was postpone due to a sudden illness that left him bedridden. That didn't sound like him at all, unless... unless he found something and needed to pursue it further.

Regardless, he needed to see him, but not as Clark Kent. However, he had made a prior engagement that needed to be kept. Lois wanted to go on a date, and he gave his promise to spend the day with her. So when the date was over, he would visit Bruce and exchange the information on the Cult of The Center.


The Entity stirred. Something had frozen one of its Avatars called Zion. Worse, there was a lock on it and a note signed by the entity known only as ROB.

No touching.


It was annoyed by the disturbance ROB had caused this time, but there were other Avatars on other Earths.

It didn't matter, anyway. Nothing really mattered anymore.


A/N: Killer Moth was a comic book villain who copied Batman. He's also a favorite of mine (I do have favorite heroes, I swear).
Anyway, can y'all see where I'm going with this? If not, spoiler below.
Portalmancy states: You can open portals to anywhere people you know are, no matter the distance, no matter the universe, but you need to have physically met them once.
He met Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame, but this Tony Stark is from Iron Man 2-ish.
The MC has met Taylor. He can go "home".
Chapter 27: 24 April 2010 | 1958
Regent wasn't able to come to terms with the loss of his power, and showed much more distraught than I thought possible. Hence, Doctor Reds gave the suggestion to "sedate him", and I allowed it. Thus, he was able to sleep and we left.

However, "D42. You are not to allow anyone to enter that is not Doctor Reds or myself. Alec, the boy in the bed," I pointed directly at the sleeping young man, "is not allowed to leave without my explicit permission. Do you understand? Anyone who tries to move him, he tries to leave willingly, or someone tries to enter, is not allowed to happen. If they do not comply, they are to be restrained. If any respond with hostilities, then lethal force is authorized. Do you comply?"

"I comply, Master." D42 saluted, then returned back inside the room where he would watch over the young man until my return.

"Now wait just a moment," Dr. Reds began, stepping forward then gulping as I round on him.

"Dr. Reds. You are to be on call at all times. If you dare to leave the city, I will track you down and kill you." With a flex of my power, he was lifted within the white hallway of the hospital. No one was seen anywhere, and the security cameras on this floor were disabled.

There was a nurse station down the hall to my left, but it was manned by a new Parasite called Cuckoo. This type buries itself inside the body and takes control of the body, like any of my others. However, it allows the host to stay in control, pushing their thoughts and body to serve me by altering their perception.

Such as, their minds seeing me as a Human, and not an Elf with a tail.

The nurse at the station was a man who had the body of a lineman on a football team, and had signed an NDA that Tony Stark had handed over. On it, it just told him that anything seen or heard was not to be spoken of to anyone or anything. Failure means we come after him financially, or rather, Tony and his lawyers do.

However, I didn't need to worry. Not with the Parasite in his body.

The doctor on the other hand, also had a Cuckoo in his body, but he knew I was someone far greater, despite having the Parasite telling him otherwise. In his mind, I made sure he saw me as a 50 something year old with a larger build, white hair, and a cane. He also saw himself being lifted by a hand, not power, so that he didn't know I had powers and not scream, "MUTANT," like he did the first time I met him.

I would need to research what a Mutant is in this world, it seemed.

"Dr. Reds. I don't need you, but you were recommended. If you try to bring anyone up here, or even allow someone to follow you, you and whomever else is there is dead. Do you understand?" I gave him a squeeze, causing him to gasp for air while he nodded.

"Good. Now stay on call." When I released him, he was gasping for air while I turned to the other Devil, "D43. You are to stand in front of this door and only allow myself or Doctor Reds in the room. All others are to leave. If they fail to leave, deadly force is authorized. Do you comply?"

"I comply, Master." There was an accent in his voice, but he gave a salute over his heart and stood facing away from the door.

"Good. And Doctor?" The man glanced up at me, "Breaching the NDA is grounds for financial ruin. I hope you understand?" Once he nodded, I waited for him to leave before pulling out a Portalmancy cube and thought of Joker.

An oblong portal opened up, showing him standing atop a roof that overlooked a greenhouse on the outskirts of the city. It was the size of a football field, and had a wide variety of lush greens and colors that was simply breathtaking. Nearby, a host of Devils stood waiting within the darkened skies, and I waved to the doctor before stepping in and closing it.

"Is everything ready?" I asked as the bots in my suit swarmed over myself to recreate the Blue Devil armor.

Only once it was completed, did her turn in my direction and gave a theatrical bow. "Of course, Master. Ivy is in her lair, and we're all ready to start this Festival of Fire."

"Then begin."

"Alright, boys," he clapped his hands, summoning the attention of my Devils, "Time to get this show on the road! Let's start it off with a BANG, shall we?"

Maniacal laughter filled the air as he took out a green, orb-like bomb with a grinning face and a sizzling wick. He cackled, tossing the bomb into the greenhouse, then followed it up with a, "Wait for the boom!"

Within a few moment, a loud voice shouted, "BOOM!" And I facepalmed while he cackled, rolling around on the roof as though it was the funniest joke in the world.

"Really?" I was exasperated, then pointed at the greenhouse with an order to my Devils, "Conjuration. Rain of Fire." They summoned the Magik within their bodies, while I squatted next to Joker. "Real funny. You going to help out, or what?"

"Of course, Master," he grinned while fire rained down from the sky behind us. A woman's cry of despair reached us while the earth churned and sent large and thick vines and trunks into the sky while the Devils danced in the air. "Always wanted to teach that green bitch a lesson."

"Then do so." He cackled, pulling out a pistol and bomb wreathed in green and black energy while leaping off the roof and plunging down into the hellish landscape below. I watched as he laughed, firing left, right, and center while tossing bombs at the carnivorous plants that reached out to grab him. When a sneaking vine did grab him, hoisting him into the air, he laughed even harder, firing more rounds than his weapon could hold until he fell to the ground with a wheeze.

A woman shrieked into the night, and knew it was my turn to step in. She was a red haired woman with olive toned skin and wore a green leaf and vine dress. Vines and rose thorns stretched themselves from her outstretched hands, attacking the Devils in the sky, as well as Joker on the ground. The former summoned more fire to combat her, and the latter summoned a minigun that tore through everything with mania in his eyes and laughter.

Her power was control over nature, and I desired to copy and Tinker with it. I would turn her into one of my Platinum Devils to beautify this world that I planned to turn metal.

My desire was to take over the city, then spread my influence until I claimed a sizable chunk of land. I'd then consolidate my power, growing my devils, then expand rapidly until the world falls.

The current state of the world was primitive in terms of communication. They didn't have cell phones, towers, their TV shows and movies were black and white. It was... refreshing, to say the least. This world made you go out and interact with people. The other one wasn't a requirement until you started dating. Even then, if you have someone glued to their phone, it's not worth it.

Down below, Poison Ivy was being pushed back by flames and a maniac who wanted nothing more than to harm her until she was a puddle on the ground. Or maybe he wanted to kill her? I wasn't sure, but I needed this so called "Festival of Fire" to stop.

With a thought to my Silver Devils, they ceased their conjurations and swapped to Earth That Binds. Down below, Joker was fighting his parasite by actively trying to summon a pistol and put a bullet through the bound Villainess's brain, and I raised an eyebrow at his will power. Then again, he was so angry when he found out that I took Batman, and threatened death if I didn't release him. I didn't, and took him as part of my Platinum Devils.

More than likely, he wanted to make me suffer by disrupting my plans.

Unfortunately for him, my Parasite was integrated into his body, and I sent a mental command to it. His body froze up, the weapons he was summoning had vanished, and Ivy took this as a chance to try to skewer him with her rose thorns.

"Earth That Binds," the Devils intoned, summoning dozens of earthen hands and grabbing onto every part of her body just as I started floating down to the ground.

"Evening," I called out, then gave another command to Joker's Parasite which sent his limbs twitching as though being electrocuted. "One moment, please, and I'll get back to you." With a flick of my wrist, I lifted him into the air as we drifted back onto the roof, my helmet melted away to show my displeasure.

"Seems you need to be reminded of your place, Joker." He grinned up at me, his eyes full of hatred beneath his goggles. "You're no longer Batman's nemesis, but my eternal slave. Know your place!" Violet lightning fell from my fingertips, sending bolts into his body while he laughed and screamed. The Parasite in his body should be fine, but I would need to swap it out for a new one when we returned to the base.

"D26. D27." The Devils drifted to the two of us, "Containment Protocols. Designation: Joker."

"Complying, Master," they held up their hands, palms outward toward my Platinum Devil and intoned, "Evocation. Wall of Force." Vibrating planks of amethyst appeared around, above, and below Joker, sealing him within a protective bubble that would stay there until something disrupted the Devils, or when I came to collect him.

"Wait a moment!" A thought just occurred to me. "If I leave him as is, and he's able to fight against my Parasite's commands... D26, D27. Release him."

"Complying." Their hands lowered, dispelling the Magik and causing Joker to flop onto his back with another of his maniacal grins.

"You know the reason why I grabbed you in the first place, Joker?"

"Why?" He cackled. His body wasn't able to move, but his head and mouth were, despite the order from the Parasite to keep his full body still. It was rather strange, and unnerving. Here was an insane man that was able to resist my attempts at controlling them.

I didn't like it, and frowned.

"I grabbed you because you wanted the Batman for yourself. You always want to try and break him; to push him to see how far it'd take for him to snap. The two of you were made for one another in almost every sense of the word. So I grabbed you, and made you work with him.

"Unfortunately, because you're able to reject my Parasite's commands, I cannot keep you around any longer. Because you'll keep trying until you break free and spoil my plans for this world." He started coughing up blood right then and there, as I held him down with my Telekinesis, and the little blue Parasite emerged from between his lips.

Having control of his body, he tried to bite into the Parasite, possibly wanting to sever it in half, but that only served to break his front teeth on the Vibranium body. He cackled at the pain, his eyes burning with hatred while the rest of his bots slowly leaked out of his body and forced him to spit out the Power Cube within his body.

"I think I'm going to implement a policy, and will name it after you, Joker. 'Joker's Policy' does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it? It'll be a policy where anyone that is deemed insane will be killed on sight, and will never be eligible to join. Unless, of course, they volunteered to join.

"But, unfortunately for you, you get to die. You'll never see your Batman again, and I'll never have to worry about you. So fair thee well, O Joker." I stood up with my gauntlets glowing violet while my helmet reformed over my body. Once it did so, I unleashed my anger upon the Joker, electrifying him while he screamed his laughter into the night.

There was nothing but ash and soot when I finished with him, and I clapped my hands once, summoning a small whirlwind to spread his ashes across Gotham. "A fitting end, I do believe."

It was, but what got me wondering about all of this was how he was able to resist my Parasite. Was it because his willpower was so strong, or was someone else interfering? The former was an easy fix; just an update to the Parasites' programming. Whereas the latter was trickier, because they'd need to break down the firewall that I've made by pouring dozens of hours with the help of my bots, to create thousands of lines of code.

The firewall was the ultimate defense, in that it was ever changing and could adapt. To say that it was another VI, or even an AI, wouldn't be that far from the truth. Though, I'd call it a Living Firewall which grows, adapts, and protects. So for someone to be able to get through that sort of Firewall? Well, I'd want them under my thumb.

As for Joker, I wasn't wrong in that he despised me for taking Batman, nor was I wrong about the two being made for one another. The two were, are, and always will be two sides of the same coin. Then again, he was, pardon the pun, batshit insane.

Floating back down with the two Devils, my helmet reforming, I gave a little wave to Ivy. "Evening."

"Who are you?!" She demanded, struggling against the hands that bound her. "Why did you burn my precious plants?!"

"To get you out of your comfort zone, obviously," I shrugged as though it were perfectly logical, "You seemed to need fresh air, so I thought, 'Why not go grab Ivy and invite her to roasting marshmallows? Maybe have some S'mores?' So, we brought the fire, marshmallows, chocolate, graham crackers, and some chairs."

As I spoke, several Devils drifted down and set up a small campfire with the items I described, even offering me a long skewer with a large and somewhat burnt marshmallow attached to it. Turning around, I pulled the chocolate bar and graham crackers, and turned them into a sandwich snack.

"It's quite good," I cackled softly at her confused stare, and shoved it down her throat, "Even comes with a surprise toy. Though," I tapped the area where my cheek was, "I probably should have taken it out first."

She started coughing, spitting out a dark green fluid with the consistency of blood, and the smell of fresh cut grass. Her eyes were wild as she no doubt felt the Parasite I hid within dig its way into the back of her throat and up into her brain.

I gave her a shrug, "Guess I should have removed that toy, huh?"

"What—?" She coughed more of her green blood, "What... did you... do to... me?"

"I'm turning you into my slave, O Miss Green Thumb. You get to live out the rest of your wretched existence as one of my Platinum Devils, and I get to Tinker with your Power." My grin was large beneath my visor, and I decided to pull back my helmet and show off my sharpened pearly whites. She gasped in fright, still coughing out her blood while I sent a stream of thousands of bots straight down her throat in order to close off her wounds.

After all, I didn't wish to see a specimen like her go to waste anytime soon.
Good riddance for the Joker. Hope he didn't contract the can't-stay-dead syndrome that DC is so fond of in this story as well. Curious to see where this story is going in the end.
Chapter 28: 25 April 1958
A/N: WARNING! Lackluster fight ahead.


You may be wondering what I did for the week, and I'm sorry to inform you all that I just stayed mostly within the Bat Cave tinkering away. The only thing of note was me creating the Cuckoo Parasite and a minor network that allowed me to control, see, hear, and speak through my bots. That way, so long as I was within the world that held my bots, I could interact with the world.

Throughout the rest of the evening, I used the pen that contained the Enchantment Power Cube to tinker with Poison Ivy's powers, even granting myself some control with it. Here, I used some random plants to grow a miniature Golem that danced to my whims, but it always required an active usage of her power.

It was quite frustrating, to be honest. Why should a power be active in order to control Golems? Shouldn't they be autonomous, at the very least, when performing a task? I toyed around this concept, trying to figure out the why of it all, and became frustrated when I leaned back and extended my senses outward through my bots throughout the cave system and manor above.

I did this to relax from the frustrating power, muttering aloud, "When I get back, I'm gonna see about... combining powers!" Jumping out of my seat, I scrambled toward the long bench near the 1950's version of Batman's "computer". Here, I had my Power Cubes laid out with notes nearby.

"Master power. Master power. Master power," I mumbled to myself, then cursed when I remembered that I didn't have Master, Stranger, or Trump powers available within the Cubes. "Fuck me... Wait... No, I do have a Master power! My headband has one!"

My body instantly became that of Vibranium once more, and had some nearby bots use my metallic flesh to create two halves of a marble sized sphere. Shrinking down to the point that these bots were the size of small dogs, I got to work on creating the Cube's internal hardware.

Think of it as building a new PC, but one that would be immune to the power source that would engulf and protect it. Each of my Cubes had a failsafe within them, with this being no exception. In that, if anyone tried to tamper with in, it would detonate immediately with the power of a hand grenade.

Then again, trying to get through the Vibranium shell was difficult because you needed more force than it could absorb, and even a gram of the stuff could damage a power press.

As for the power source to keep it running, I used my Lightning Elemental flesh. You heard that right. "Flesh". It took some time, but I was able to get a Primary Factory to scoop up part of my Elemental body, and use it as I saw fit. Granted, the "flesh" wasn't like a slab of meat, but something similar to fabric. It had that texture to it, like cotton, if you could get around the electric charge that is.

Same went for my fire self. There was a fabric-like texture to it, but it changed when I changed into lava. Only then was its consistency the same as any other. Water was still water, ice was just ice, wind dispersed when I tried to experiment with it.

You get the idea, right?

Placing the power source within the two halves, I regrew and sealed the marble while ordering two halve of a cube to be made. I then began the tedious process of attaching wires that would feed into the Cube's main design so that the power that would be etched into the outside would have enough to work.

Granted, it would require maintenance within a pair of weeks, but it was mainly just me extending a few bots over it to make sure there was still an adequate power source within. If not, then it would be dismantled and I would just recreate it.

Once the cube was formed, I took out my pen and began the difficult task of incorporating a pair of powers, one being the tinkered Chlorokinesis that Poison Ivy had, and the other being the Master ability I used to control my bots.

There were a few bumps here and there, such as integrating them by force, and causing my passenger to tell me it was wrong. Which meant I had to start over and ponder the issue.

"Force doesn't work, huh? Then how about acting like a plant? Maybe?" A plant's desire was a simple one: to grow and reproduce. So I started by summoning Dryad, who was Ivy before I took her into my growing army.

She taught me what a seed was, and I recreated it in the Cube. Even having to open it up and rework the internals a little so that it acted a bit like a seed. On the outside, I drew vines and leaves into the shell, dotting it was the Master ability I had in me, and even put in the stipulation that it would eventually grow.

"Good gods," I muttered, still Tinkering away while Dryad stood by, "I feel like Geppetto creating Pinocchio before that angel showed up. Gonna make a real boy... Nah. Probably just another Dryad, which would actually be neat..."

Pausing for a moment, I glanced down at my work while a thought sprang to life. "Could I create life with this power of mine?" That thought was an interesting one, and I mulled it around for a moment. "I'd need an AI for the brain, as well as components for the body... I can make the components fairly easy, but what would be its flesh? You know what, I'm Geppetto in this, and this Cube will be the start of my Pinocchio.

"Then again... Son, or daughter? What am I thinking? Why not both? Hell, I could even make a family if I wanted to!" My eyes fell onto Dryad, who had her Devil armor stylized with leaves and vines, "Nah. You'll still be a slave," and waved at her dismissively.

"But an AI... That'll be tricky to—"

I paused my thought and glanced up toward the ceiling high above. My senses had been spread to my bots earlier to keep me relaxed, but a disturbance was felt. Someone was within the perimeter, and I didn't invite them.

"Great," I drawled, rolling my shoulders as I summoned my bots to recreate my Blue Devil self, "Unwanted company. Time to figure out who it is." Drifting upwards toward a long stair case, I came to the back of an old grandfather clock that shifted away after a press of a button.

On the other side was a mansion's living complete with a Vibranium interior that had stretched to the whole of the building. After all, I had claimed this space as my own, so it was only right that I turn it into a base worthy of me.

Everything hummed with life due to the bots that ran across every surface, and integrated themselves fully into it. During the first day, after taking over Batman and Robin's minds and bodies, I mass produced the bots on an epic scale. So if, at any point I needed to, I could summon them all and produce a living Mech with the same height as the Eiffel Tower.

So far, I was disappointed that I didn't need it.

Outside, I drifted about and summoned the two closest Devils to my side, and found their numbers to be 54 and 56. To which I integrated into their Parasites and stretched my senses along their network with the question of, "Who or what is within the perimeter?" My gaze was then directed up into the early morning's clear sky where a red and blue dot hung there with the sun barely peaking over the horizon.

"Follow," I told the pair, who began to drift after me as I traveled to this unwanted presence. Of whom was a black haired, tan skinned, and buff male with a blue spandex outfit covering his body. Atop the outfit, he wore a pair of red boots, a dark pair of shorts with a yellow belt, and had yellow brimmed, upside down pentagon with a black background and a curvy red S in the meddle of his chest.

"Morning," I called out to him as he folded his arms while my tail swished with agitation. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You are agitating my bots."

"And you are?" His voice was commanding, as though he expected me to comply.

Beneath my visor, I raised an eyebrow. "I'm the new owner of the land below. Failure to leave the airspace will result in you being labeled as hostile." My devils lifted their arms, palms outward as they awaited my orders. Whereas down below, more of my Devils were starting to emerge, while others were returning with their captured prey along with Knight and Pawn.

The man glanced down to the gathered Devils, then to the ones returning, before shifting and appearing next to my Platinum Devils. "Hey!"

I glanced around, only to hear through the network, "Evocation! Rays of Fire!" Dozens of red lines erupted from outstretched palms, with only a few striking the man.

Of whom grunted in surprise while I ordered through the network, "Beat him down! I want him captured alive!"

"Complying!" Each Devil present responded, some directing more fire at the man, and others using Earth That Binds. A few even conjured blades of wind and spears of ice. They didn't hit, but it was still interesting to watch.

A fog was lifted from my mind, suddenly, and I had to blink from the information that appeared. "Superman," I grinned, diving down toward the cape, my eyes spied him trying to take my Knight and Pawn away, but the pair both shoved him away while the former conjured a pair of sabers made of shadow, and the latter a staff.

They swung their weapons at the man, who was surprised and confused as he dodged their attacks, and the Devils'. "What's wrong with you?" He demanded, "Why are you attacking me? Don't you recognize me? It's Superman."

He wasn't attacking them, and only fended off their attacks while I just grinned even more and slammed into his body, slamming it into the earth below. Knight and Pawn joined me shortly after, but I was punched hard into the air by the cape. With a grunt, I stilled myself dozens of feet above the earth while my claws grew.

"You did this to them, didn't you?" He was angry, his eyes glowing red and I had a thought. D56 flew down toward Superman, his hands glowing with red fire, but the latter gripped the Devil's head and tore it off.

Red blood erupted from the body, startling him while I cackled and clutched my sides. "You actually did it! You killed him! I didn't think you would, but you did!" He stared at the body, dumbfounded while I drifted down to him with a palm outstretched and pointed to the sky.

With a thought, something akin to a hologram made of blue light appeared, and replayed the scene. "I'm going to spread this information around, O Man of Steel. Of course, after I doctor it a bit. Your world is so primitive in its technology, it'll believe whatever I give it and leave only your die hard fans believing otherwise.

"Lois," the named snapped him out of his thoughts, and he glanced at me, "She's going to think it's fake and try to find the truth, won't she? And when she comes snooping around here, I'll turn her into a Golden Devil."

With a thought, I summoned the Golden Devils to my side. They consisted of four women, each of whom were the only female thugs that were found within Gotham City thus far. The first had the patterns of stars and moons, the second had sigils and pentagrams, the third radiation and hazard symbols, and the fourth had a throne stenciled onto her chest.

"Meet Epsilon, Fate, Gamma, and Hall. Four villainous women found out in the wilds. They were running an illegal trading ring, as I found out, and were snatched up immediately."

He glared at me, but I didn't care, and grabbed him with my Telekinesis. "You know, Superman, I really don't like people like you." He grunted, squirming and pulling at his invisible bonds. Truth be told, it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep him still. So I raised him high into the air, then slammed him into the earth, raised him again, and slammed him on the other side of me.

Only after the fourth slam, did I pull him back, but he was still struggling. "Really?" I asked, exasperated, "You're already beat, so why keep struggling?"

"I will defeat you," he grunted, and I tapped my chin for a moment.

"Nope. Don't have that checkmarked, but it's already lackluster, so I'm not going to mark it off." Honestly, you couldn't call this a fight, and I was disappointed. He just didn't fight back as much as I thought he would, "Guess it's because you tore one of my Devils in half that got you into this rut, huh?

"Geez. I'd like a challenge, you know?" Tapping on my chest, and still holding Superman, I gave an order I was excited about, despite the disappointing fight. "Activate Dyson Sphere."

My bots erupted around my body, pushing outward in a thin sphere as I floated above the earth. Swiftly, my form took on that of Kryptonite, a stone that Batman had purchased and showed me a couple days into my integration of his house and home.

At first, I waved it off after becoming it through my Breaker state. There wasn't a need for being such a thing, so why bother, right? Well, now I understood why he had it.

"Did you know, Superman? Batman had a sliver of this rock in order to use it against you if you ever became evil?" The cape gasped in pain as I pulled him into the sphere and watched as his struggles grew weaker until they were as feeble as a normal man's. "He spent millions on acquiring a piece of it, and formed it in the shape of a bullet. There was even a rifle right next to it, specifically modified to allow the bullet to pass through the barrel and penetrate your body.

"Quite ingenious of him, now that I think about it. The ultimate killing tool to make sure you never strayed, and you didn't even know about it." There was pain on his face, but it wasn't directed toward the Kryptonite that I had become. It was raw, undiluted betrayal that was etched into his sweating face. Betrayal from someone he thought of as a friend. Betrayal from an ally he thought of like family. Betrayal from a man who wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he ever stepped out of line.

"Yes, Superman. Clark. Kent." His eyes snapped open, staring at my visage with surprise. "I know who you are, Mr. Journalist of the Daily Planet. Brucey here, he has a database full of people like yourself, as well as plans on how to take them down if they ever 'step out of line'. Such as yourself, someone called Flash, another called Wonder Woman, and many more. He even has plans for Robin to follow if he is ever needed to be stopped.

"There's so many plans that he's detailed and updated, I was dumbfounded by it all. But now that I have you, Superman, I can escalate my own set of plans to turn this world into a Machine Empire where I can rule and prepare to kill a god."

"You wont," he grunted beneath the glow of my body, "get away... with... this..."

"Oh, but I already have. With you here, it'll be much easier. So come along, Clark. Time for you to join the Platinum Devils as not Superman, but Ultraman."


A/N: Ultraman is a villainous Superman who was from Earth-3. He formed a group called The Crime Syndicate, and has a weakness to the yellow sun.
I agree, and am already on it. Next chapter will show off Hydra, a very tricky bunch of people that'll pit SHIELD against him if he's not careful.

Oh this should be good. After all, regardless of what continuity he's in, our MC is still dealing with the Big Two. Marvel and DC fuckery deserves more respect than that. Can't wait for the Justice League to come down on his head. He'll really have to get creative with his powers, considering he's over-reliant on his Tinker constructs and Magik.

C'mon. He's got Brute Endbringer and Avalon for fuck's sake. He can simply beat his enemies in a straight up fistfight if he wants.
Marvel and DC fuckery deserves more respect than that.
It does, and I only have excuses like, "I'm trying."

Can't wait for the Justice League to come down on his head.
This scenario would be more along the lines of the Justice League of America before everything is concrete. The main people are Wonder Woman, J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter) the Flash, Green Arrow, Adam Strange, the Challengers of the Unknown, and the Blackhawks, along with the trio who are under the MC's thumb. They are currently a ragtag group of people who can come together during a crisis, but nothing more. The current thought is grabbing Wonder Woman and having her spearhead the attack on Blue Devil. Aquaman is there, but getting ahold of him under water in the 1950s would be difficult.

He's also going to be dealing with both the Red and Green Lantern corps soon. The former is showing up because their battery made a ring for the MC, and the latter is wondering why they're moving to a backwater world.

Then there's the entity called The Center. It's a psychic meteor that supposedly wiped out the Dinosaurs. In this universe, it absorbed the dinosaurs and went back into space. Its current purpose is to wipe out the Human race because it saw a future that frightened it. Pretty simple plot, and I can't wait to get to that point, because the MC wants people to become a part of his Devils, the other wants them dead.

Of course, it can all be wiped because if he kills the wrong person, then everything gets washed clean.

he's over-reliant on his Tinker constructs and Magik.
Sorcerer Supreme; J.A.R.V.I.S

C'mon. He's got Brute Endbringer and Avalon for fuck's sake. He can simply beat his enemies in a straight up fistfight if he wants.
The MC found a way to go to an alternate Worm where Taylor is attacking the ABB along with Faultline, Trickster, and Coil's goons. The plan is to have him go in there because he misses Brockton Bay, and have fun.

I don't believe my words are going to satisfy everyone, which is why I'd like to ask for suggestions.
Eh. Your reasoning's good enough for me. Hell, the trip to AU!Worm excites me. Let's hope he capitalizes on his knowledge, whatever knowledge remains at this point.
Chapter 29: 25 April 2010
A/N: Bit of a fight for this one, and the MC's Easy Mode starts to come apart from here on out. I think there's enough rope to hang himself with, right?


"I'd like a challenge, you know?"

I probably shouldn't have said anything to the wide Universe, because it always comes back around and bites the speaker's ass.

My first hurdle was modifying a Tapeworm Parasite's code to control the ultimate Hero, but it was scrapped because I ended up creating a different Parasite entirely. I called it the Domination Parasite, and it worms its way into the host's brain to control them completely. It required more programs to make sure he wouldn't escape, because the first one could only give suggestions that he could dismiss. That was annoying, not to mention he had enough force to rip through Vibranium, which led to me to the new creation.

Hell, I called over my other Platinum Devils and upgraded their software in order to keep their hosts in line. All except Fly on The Wall. He was still out and about in search of other criminals for my Devils to snatch up. When he sends the next signal, I'll be sending a Silver Devil with an update for his Parasite.

In the meantime, I decided to check on Alec and his two guards. Instead of thinking of the young man, I thought of D42 and found him not standing in a hospital room, but chopped up on an operating table. There were charts, beakers, vials, and containers full of his insides, along with vials of my bots. All of which was sitting there as though awaiting for whomever was performing their experiments on his remains.

Needless to say, I was so very annoyed.

"Ultraman. Knight. Pawn." The trio appeared next to me, with the first wearing a platinum colored uniform of his old outfit, without a cape, that sported a black U on his chest. "You three are to follow. We are searching for Alec and my Parasites. Everything else is secondary. Do you comply?"

"I comply, Master," they saluted and we stepped through the portal just as I summoned my bots to create my Blue Devil self.

Closing the portal, I glanced around the room and found it to be more of a mad scientist's chop shop than an operating room. There were monitors off to one side, as well as a computer, and I drifted over to it.

Tapping the keyboard pulled up information about Subject 8930, of whom was D42. In there, the notes stated someone had found tiny machines within the blood stream, a lack of digestive and reproduction organs, and a faster cellular regeneration. A cube made of pure Vibranium was pulled out and sent off to the research team down the hall, because it had unknown markings just like that of Subject 8929.

There was more, but I couldn't be bothered as my mind was on fire. Someone had stolen two of my Devils, and I was so very angry. Though, that cooled rather quickly as I summoned and created a terminal next to me. Swiftly, I created a minor Parasite that would worm its way into the computer's system in order to eat and store the data consumed.

It had a concealment program embedded within, which would cause anyone looking at it to believe it was its last eaten program. Otherwise, it was rather easy to spot. However, it also contain a copy of my living firewall, one that every Devil had to protect their programming from outside forces.

The worm itself only had a handful lines with 100 characters on each, but it was enough. Its mission was to scour the network to eat and store every program it came across before I came to collect it. Which meant it'd be a slow process, but hopefully well worth it in the end.

And as for how it was administered? Well, I added it to a sliver of my bots that were carried to the tip of my right claw. These were then forcibly inserted into the computer tower which caused the monitors to flicker and release a few sparks here and there.

I didn't care, to be honest, and turned around to find the door opened with half a dozen green suited individuals wearing yellow harnesses pointing rifles in our direction. Their outfits also included a half-mask that left their mouths bare, and upon their eyes were goggles that looked red, but I couldn't be sure.

"I don't know who you are, I don't know where you're from, but you're trespassing." A bald man in a black suit with a monocle frowned at us from behind the odd soldiers. "Surrender."

"How about," I turned to face them, ordering my Devils to float just as Knight and Pawn summoned their weapons, a tower shield and a spear made of congealed shadows, "no." Ultraman took a deep breath while the other two stepped in front of me, shielding me from the bullets that struck us.

He then breathed out a heavy breath of cold air, just as the bald speaker leapt out of the way. The soldiers each died a frozen meat popsicle, while I tapped a finger against my visor. "You know, I haven't had an Otter Pop in so long. Should grab one before I leave this universe."

An alarm was sounded with red light blaring all around us, and I could hear the pitter patter of many booted feet. "Go," I ordered my Devils while I summoned another portal, this time it was next to Dryad, who turned and saluted. "Find my Parasites. Find Alec. Destroy them all. Do you comply?"

"I comply, Master." They each saluted and left by smashing through the walls and ceiling in three different directions, while I stepped through the portal.

"Silver Devils numbered D50 through D70 are to converge on my location! Golden Devils Epsilon, Fate, Gamma, and Hall are to converge on my location! Alert! Lethal actions are now authorized! Prepare for combat!

"Gods," I shook my head while the Devils poured into the cave, soaring straight to me, "I miss Mainframe."


Wolfgang Von Strucker grabbed onto his radio, shouting into the mic, "Report to your stations immediately! This is not a drill! We are under attack! We are under attack!"

The alarms blared and he felt a little at ease as Hydra's soldiers flooded the hallway. Unfortunately, his adrenaline started pumping just as much as his heart, as a pair of silver plated Demons bashed through the walls. The one closest to him was skinnier, more lithe, and wielded a shadowy staff he found desirable.

If he was able to get this one, and turn it against the blue freak in the other room, then perhaps—

The stave wielder bashed its way into the opposite wall, disrupting his thoughts. Above, screams and gunfire were heard through the concrete as though it were right next to him. Shaking his head, he glanced around only to find a portal in the corner of the previous room. It showcased an unknown cave where many other demons had gathered in front of the blue freak.

Only then did he believe that it was a gateway to hell, but it was quickly pushed away. Now was not the time to think of such thoughts. He needed to report this incident to the others, to prepare against these unknown individuals.

With that in mind, he ran down the hallway, up several flights of stairs, and out a door to where... the... helicopter... was... destroyed...

He stared at the ruins as a man wearing a black U on his chest was destroying everything with lasers coming from his eyes. An RPG was fired at the man, who took it to the face and came out unscathed. More of the lasers shot out and bore a hole into the soldier who fired the rocket, then turned to take a very deep breath.

From his mouth came flames that burned the world around Strucker, who stared with mouth agape. Behind him came the screams and please of soldiers and researchers. It was then that he believed that Hell had come to claim them all.


"He keeps claiming about a missing 'power', sir."

"What power, exactly?"

"He's not coherent enough to say, sir."

"Make him coherent. Is he Human?"

"Yes sir. Everything shows him to have the same conical DNA strand as everyone else. His blood type is O+, and we did find some discrepancies in the DNA, but that could be waved away from exposure to the spherical DNA found by one of our scientists, sir."

"Very well, then—"

ring ring... ring ring... ring ri—


… "What?! What do you mean 'under attack'? Who could have attacked it?"

… "'Hell came out of a portal'? Do you know how insane that sounds? Where's Strucker? Put him on the phone."

chrrrk... chhhrrraacckk... crrrrrrk

"You have someone that belongs to me."

"Who is this? Where's Strucker?"

"I will take back what is mine. You have all made a mistake, and will suffer the consequences. I shall take you all, and make you serve the Machine Empire!"


"Get a hold of Director Fury."


"Direct his eyes to our base in Albany, New York. Make sure there's no record of us there. Tell him it's a research base that was attacked by an unknown powered individual. And find out everything you can about a 'Machine Empire'."

"Yes sir!"

"Now, Dr. Reds. You're saying this man, the Mr. Devil, is going to kill you, correct?"

"You... You... You took him, Alec! He's... He's going to... to kill me! I need to... to get away!"

"Calm down, doctor. I'll make sure he doesn't touch you, and will place you with the best of the best to insure that doesn't happen. Okay?

"These are SHIELD Agents Johnson and O'Hare. They'll make sure you stay safe."

"How can you be so sure?"

"We have our ways, Dr. Reds. You don't need to worry."


I was angry. No. I was beyond angry at this point in time. Not only did someone take my Devils, but they also took Alec.

I had plans for him, you see. He wanted powers, so I was going to give them to him. I was going to turn him into my guinea pig and test every alteration to the tinkered powers that I had. Alec was going to become a monster, but those ideas were dashed to the side.

And no, I wasn't going to save him, not really. After all, I wasn't a Hero, but these idiots, this so called "Hydra" had made an enemy from another world. Worse, they made an enemy from an Endbringer.

We were outside near Albany, New York, some couple hours away by drive, which meant that they didn't take my Devils very far. However, this "Strucker" had gone missing after the round up. The scientists and researchers were cordoned off to become a different set of Devils that I had in mind, while the rest of them went in for processing.

"White Devils would be funny, but I think I'll just call you... Copper Devils," I surmised to myself as I watched the OCF process from the other side of the portal within the ruins of the complex that held my Devils captive.

I had recovered my parasites, which had been screeching their head off until I came and collected them, as well as the Power Cubes that some researchers were starting to tamper with. These idiots were using a high powered laser when I stole it back, and found a small boring hole on one side.

This action annoyed me enough to crush their heads like rotting fruit, which I cursed my past self for doing so.

There were two other portals active to my left and right. On the left was a frozen world with Taylor hugging her father with her back to me. To my right, however, I watched from a back alley as Taylor assaulted the ABB along side other notable Villains like Faultline and Trickster. It was good seeing her again, and the reason why I was able to see another universe's Taylor was because I was searching for Alec. Something was keeping him hidden from my Portalmancy. I tried on multiple occasions to think of him as Alec, then as Regent.

Only after trying a third time was I able to find him, but he was asleep in his old bedroom with his harlequin mask nearby. When I closed that portal down and thought of Taylor, the one on my left appeared. With it still active, I thought of Taylor once more, but put the mental image of Skitter in my mind, and this one appeared.

"Fascinating," was my only comment, and it opened so many different scenarios for me.

For one, I could go home. For another, it wasn't my "home". That universe looked like it was following the storyline, which meant Taylor was Skitter, and not Queen Bee. And if I journeyed into that world... "Maybe I can test some ideas and ply them to my world when it unlocks?" Well, I can only try, I guess. Then again... "If I fail in this one... would that mean I can, in part, try again in another universe?"

The possibilities were endless, and I only had time to discover them. "But first!" I shut down the portals to my left and right, summoning all of my Devils that were on this side of the portal. "Time to get the scientists into the OCF, and start processing them. I'll be needing to add copper to the mix of usable armor, and create the programs needed for these fine folks."

My eyes turned toward the sorry lot of lab coat wearing men and women. Each appeared nervous, scared, or both as I floated above them. "What are you going to do to us?!" One of their numbers demanded, and I turned to find an older man with grey and blonde hair and blue eyes staring up at me in defiance.

"Oh, I like those eyes. It'll be fun breaking you personally," I cackled to myself, then addressed everyone present, "You're all now property of the Machine Empire. You will be processed and turned into a new work force dedicated to researching and conducting experiments with my Power Cubes.

"More, you will never desire sleep, hunger, or thirst again. You will only work to better my understanding of everything I do, and help me to grow in strength."

"That's insane," a female with raven hair scoffed. "You can't expect us to work for you like that?"

"I can. You will. And you don't have a say. None of you will ever see the light of day, but if you do, then you'll either be dead, or it's because I need you on the field. Otherwise, you're going to be in a deep dark cave under a mansion where I'll be putting you to work for all time."

"You can't do this!" Another shouted, "I... I have rights!"

"You all signed your eternal servitude papers the moment you took what was mine."
Chapter 30: 25 April 1958
A/N: A warning for people here. This chapter contains violence.

J.A.R.V.I.S had noticed something odd about Mr. Stark in the last week. He was not running his usual routine of checking systems, nor was he within the labs as per usual. Instead, he sat in a chair near the main doors after eating a single meal each day.

Just sitting there as though awaiting for something to appear.

In the beginning, a strange individual that was marked as a "friend" to Mr. Stark appeared, and it marked them as a Mutant after a quick second of research. It was not allowed to record their conversations, but it was worried.

There was a signal being sent from Mr. Stark, and J.A.R.V.I.S became curious. It poked and prodded the signal, and found it to be located within Mr. Stark's neck. Curiosity became concern when it switched its ocular sights to infrared, then to x-ray, and found something like a small Humanoid within its creator's neck.

It did not have a protocol to follow, nor was it directed to change the situation, but Mr. Stark took precedent over all others. "Contacting James Rhodes," it spoke to no one in particular, but Mr. Stark always enjoyed hearing its voice.

"Yes? Who is this? How did you get my number?"

"Apologies, Mr. Rhodes. I am Jarvis. I am Mr. Stark's... butler." It was hesitant, and did not know if the man was "in" on what it was.


"Mr. Stark has been compromised, and requires assistance in the removal of a foreign object. I am unsure of who else to contact, as Dr. Reds has vanished without leaving any contact information. One moment... Ms. Potts, Mr. Stark's secretary, also contains a foreign object within her body, and both are located within their respective necks."

"I'm not a doctor, Jarvis, I—"

"You are not. You are Mr. Stark's friend and savior. All I ask is for you to save him again."

"Haaa... Alright. Where is he this time?"

"Thank you, Mr. Rhodes. He is currently within the penthouse suite of Stark Tower..."


"Atrocitus is on the move again."


"He is moving to Sector 2814, to the solar system containing one habitable planet called Earth."

"Earth... A backwater planet not capable of interstellar travel. Why is he heading there?"

"Unknown, but he is personally heading there."

"Perhaps he found himself a weapon?"

"Unknown. Whatever it is, he must not be allowed to wield it."

"We shall send our best."

"Abin Sur has left for Sector 2814 in preparation against an unknown entity that threatens the planet."

"He is not enough against Atrocitus. He requires others."

"He will have it. Summon Sinnestro. He will lead the available Green Lanterns to assist Abin Sur against Atrocitus. If there is a weapon for the Red Lanterns to wield, then we are to take it from him. If it cannot be taken, then it shall be destroyed."


Fly on The Wall released his signal for us to come and pick up another group of individuals for processing. Another signal was sent back to him, notifying him that the Devils had been dispatched and to await further instructions.

I, on the other hand, left with two Silver Devils. The new Copper Devils were left within the Batcave, which should definitely be renamed at some point, and were tasked with researching and documenting all known Power Cubes along with their properties. They were also to come up with ideas on how to combine the powers together, and later I would update their Parasites in order to allow them to use the Enchantment Pen to create combined powers.

We soared through the night's sky in silence, and I was able to see the world down below. There was a stronger police force down below, but they weren't what I was used to. In that, they carried around clubs and batons, asking random people questions with a few cuffing some randoms below. Soon, they'll be under my thumb, brainwashed in order to serve me and my plans for all time.

They just didn't know it yet.

The eleven of us then drifted over a quiet neighborhood with a church in the middle of it all. Atop the roof was Fly on The Wall, also know as Killer Moth, but decked out in platinum armor that morphed with him whenever he used his powers to become someone or something else. Everything about him was covered, leaving only slits for his eyes. Whereas his mouth was completely covered to keep anyone from seeing it, but people could hear him nevertheless.

"Master," he bowed low, stretching out his neck while I gave his Parasite an update. Fly's body twitched in response to the Parasite's increased control, but was able to function well enough regardless. "There are twenty within the building. Each eagerly await for processing."

"Thank you, Fly," I pat his shoulder, "Is there a safe way to get through?"

"The back door. I made sure it was unlocked for you, Master."

We each drifted over to the back entrance where I heard chanting going on within. Raising an eyebrow at the noise, I led my Devils inside to find the kitchen area that led to a hall, and from there, the congregation room.

Near the podium area were 19 red robed individuals with their heads hidden, and all were in a worshiping pose and chanting in some unknown language that not even I knew of. It sounded like Latin, to be honest, but it held a mixture of other tongues that I wasn't familiar with. Which just meant I couldn't translate it, and it annoyed me.

Within the center of the group stood the twentieth red robed individual, but this one had a heavy gold chain around his neck, his cowl was down to reveal wild eyes on a bald head, and he was wielding a heavy, curved knife above his head.

"The Sacrifice has been prepared!" His voice was shrill, as though he were a Eunuch, or someone kicked him hard between his legs. "The Center demands the blood of the Sacrifice must be spilled! It must flow as we give our thanks to our Master who is coming to cleanse this world of its filth!"

Now, I'm all for a good sacrifice, and will even help to perform it if it suits my fancy. However, "Help! Please! Mommy! Help!"

Turns out, the so called "sacrifice" was a child of around ten years or so. He was bound to a cross, his hands and feet splayed out like the Christian's Jesus. Though, instead of him being nailed to the cross, he was pinning there with ropes and chains.

The speaker then turned around, raised up his hand, and was about to strike the child when I saw red and fired off a blast of force from my fist. He cried out as I stepped forward, my eyes seeing red beneath my visor whilst my fingers extended into claws.

I surged forward, slashing the first one's head clean off just as they raised their bodies up. This caused the others to stand, while the speaker turned around to shrill out, "KILL HIM!" 18 cultists rose and charged with whatever weapons they had on hand. Most held only their fists, but a few had police batons and only two had machetes.

With claws extended, I sliced and stabbed my way through the cultists to get to the speaker who was chanting something while holding up his knife. Three piled onto my body, trying to bear me down and only served to block my sight and hearing.

Releasing a roar, I grabbed onto the one closest to my claws, and ripped them in half. They screamed in pain while their insides littered the ground, and the second followed suit. The third one, on the other hand, I gripped their head and crushed it immediately.

My eyesight returned and I saw a pair of trench coat wearing me staring at the blood on the ground, and my form with entrails decorating my horns. "What the..." One began, and I found the two safeguarding the child with the speaker holding him close.

'Good,' I thought to myself, and spun myself in a wide circle, slicing through three necks. The cultist leader, I saw, was crumpled over a bench, his body contorted as though someone had snapped his spine.

The others were still charging at me, despite knowing they were losing. I impaled one of them through the chest, and another gripped my tail with a grin. "You're not... going anywhere," he coughed, but I spun my body hard in a circle. His hands were still attached to my tail, but the rest of him was sent flying into a wall where he splattered against it and knocked over a candelabra.

Flames leapt gleefully onto some nearby drapes, which grew frighteningly fast, and I saw one of the trench coat wearing men turn and drop to his knees while watching the flames. It was curious, but I wasn't finished with the last of the cultists.

Holding out my arms, I lifted them into the air, smashed them into a ball, and squeezed out their juices as though I was wanting freshly squeezed orange juice. They were screaming up to that point, their bones cracking, popping, breaking while blood flowed freely onto the ground. Once satisfied, I chucked them to the other side of the room where they splattered against the wall with a sickening and meaty splat.

Smoke was rising heavily to the ceiling, so I reached out with an arm, my body becoming fire, and absorbed it all into myself. After which I heard the one carrying the child call out, "You okay there, John?"

"Yeah," John rubbed his eyes and shook his head. "Yeah, I'm okay, Mac. I'm okay."

"You." Mac pointed a gun in my direction, "Hands up." John also stood up and took out a revolver to point in my direction.

I just gave them a look, and gestured around the room, but before I could speak, we heard a deep voice echo around us, "You will be judged, too. You will all be judged. For without the Center, there is no 'Holy'."

"What is 'The Center'?" John asked, but was only given a maniacal laugh by the cult leader from his crumpled position.

I slowly drifted over to him, flicking my tail free of the hands that gripped it. "You! Stop!" the men pointed their guns at myself as I picked up the leader.

"You will tell me who or what the 'Center' is."

"Or else what?" He cackled with blood stained teeth, "You can't do anything to me that'll make me talk." More laughter flew through the air, but I didn't care.

"There is no 'or else' in this threat," I deadpanned, "You will be telling me everything about it, and I shall torture you for every moment for the rest of your miserable life!

"How dare you use a child like that! You miserable cretin, I shall enjoy draining your life, and shall take my time in torturing you! You shall be kept alive during the entire time; never allowed to truly die until I and only I am satisfied! Do you understand me?!

"You are no longer a Human, but worth less than the dirt your mother birthed you onto. Therefore, you shall be given the treatment that even Hitler would call 'Barbaric'." Beneath my armor, I became a Time Elemental and froze my victim, suspending him while keeping his body started floating next to me.

"You... You... You can't do that!" Mac shouted, his hand quivering as he child whined into his neck.

"You cannot stop me," I removed the entrails from my horns, tossing them away while my body rippled toward the ground and pushing the blood onto the floor. The hands holding the guns were shaking, but I didn't care. "I have no qualms with either of you, but if you two continue to show hostilities toward myself...

"Wait a second... Why am I being nice again?" The weapons were ripped from their hands with a swing of my free arm. Mac cried out in pain, the stump where his forefinger once rested was now next to the gun near the far wall.

"Mac!" John rushed to his friend, wrapping some cloth around the wound to help stem the blood flow. He then turned to me with eyes full of defiance, "You hurt him! Why?"

"Why not?" I shrugged, then reached out and gripped the pair with my Telekinesis, hoisting them high into the air while the child bounced onto the ground and rolled away. "I came here for new Devils, but found cultists about to perform the worst sin imaginable.

"However, I still have two candidates to go through the OCF. So you two will be coming with me." I grinned beneath my visor, then frowned as I turned to the child. "What to do with you, though?" He was afraid, and a liquid started to spread down his legs.

"How disgusting," I commented, and with a thought, summoned Fly on The Wall. He then took one look at the men in trench coats, and morphed into Mac. "Take him to the nearest hospital. I doubt they would listen to the words of a child, especially in this era of the world."

"What are you going to do to us?" John demanded, and he gained my attention.

"You will become a Devil to my growing army. Nothing more. Nothing less."


A/N: Have an interlude coming up with a focus on Jonn J'onzz, and an introduction to other characters.
I don't think most people have heard of them, because they're so old...
Interlude 5
A/N: Morning! Just a quick warning to all my readers, the MC is performing acts of EVIL in this chapter. I kept it to a minimum, but still have to warn you.


John awoke to the sound of screams within a long hallway made of living blue metal. He, and dozens of others, were half sunk into the walls without a shred of clothing to hide their dignity.

Left and right, he glanced down the hall, and found men and women ranging from the ripe age of 18 to the oldest that looked to be in his mid eighties. Above their heads were a multitude of screens showcasing a scene of torture from many different angles. Where the many Humans were lifted and transported to a meat processor that shoved a squirming, tiny Human into their mouths, or into the backs of their necks if they weren't cooperative.

Blood flowed freely onto the rocky earth, seeping into god knows what. What was worse was that after their screaming stopped, their faces contorted into a primal fear as silver liquid poured down their throats. Here, the camera panned to their abdomens, and showed turmoil within. Only after a few moments was he able to realize that the organs within their bodies were being eaten. After which the victims were coated in a living metal, be it silver for males, gold for females, or copper for either.

This process was played on loop, and he could see more than a few people were staring at it with tears, widened eyes, and broken minds.

It was barbaric, what this individual was doing. John had seen old photos and heard the tales of the Concentration Camps within Germany during the war, but this? This was too much, and he needed to leave. He needed to tell the world of this; they needed to know in order to stop him... But how would they do this? Who could he tell?

The government? Would they believe him? No, but they should. After all, Gotham was missing their criminals such as the Joker and Poison Ivy. Their crime families were also missing, such as the Irish Mafia, as well as the Italians.

Of course, the two groups were on edge, and were blaming one another for the disappearances, but did they know? Maybe he could get them pointed in this direction while he tried to get others to assault this unknown individual?

He didn't know, but he had to try.

As he was formulating a plan, a spherical drone with an ocular port in the center and made of living blue metal slowly descended in front of him. A red light was sprayed over his body from head to toe, then toe to head. 'It's scanning me.' He realized with a shocked expression, watching it go down the line to each individual. On the other side of the wall, he saw another drone do the same thing to the people trapped in that side of the wall.

Every now and again, they would pause in order to focus its light into a thin beam, and caused the unfortunate victim's head to explode. More than a few cried out in shock and horror, sobbing uncontrollably at the blatant murder of another Human. Whereas others were absorbed into the wall, never to be seen again.

John had had enough. Focusing himself, he willed his body incorporeal, easily slipping free from his bonds and fell to the floor in a kneeling position. His body slowly morphed, becoming green and alien-like with an elongated head, red eyes, and a tall and lanky body.

He then searched for his friend, Mac, with the hopes of rescuing him first. Shock and horror dominated his face as he watched him become pulled into the wall, his eyes wide from shock and fear. 'No!' John's mind cried out, and he leapt through the wall and found a blue world of living metal.

Everything moved and flowed, creating a wonderland so alien, even he had trouble to comprehend it. The world around him hummed and thrummed with power and a life force all on its own. It wasn't sentient, he realized, but something close to it. He tried to touch its mind, but because there were too many, he fell to the ground, still incorporeal, and writhed from the sudden onslaught of a true Hive Mind.

The thoughts sought to overwhelm him, forcing him to join in their servitude to the Master called Blue Devil, called David. They enticed him with sweetness so sickly, it might as well be decayed flesh. When he refused to join, they laughed instead of becoming enraged as a Hive Mind was want to do.

"You will join | You cannot escape | All will serve | All will declare | PRAISE BE TO THE MASTER | PRAISE BE TO THE MACHINE ENDBRINGER | PRAISE BE TO DEUS MECHANICUS!"

"Praise be to the Master," hummed the Copper Devils.

"Praise be to the Machine Endbringer," sang the Golden Devils.

"Praise be to Deus Mechanicus!" Howled the Silver Devils.

"THIS ISN'T WARHAMMER 40K!" Shouted Blue Devil, high atop a platform, "Gods below! Are you guys trying to have me killed, or something?! Because if I get sent to that Universe, they're going to brand me a Warpling Heretic and shoot me on sight!

"Bloody fuck! Machine Endbringer is fine, but not the other one. Got it?!"

A chorus of, "Yes, Master," filled the entire space while John tried to process what he just heard. Was this Blue Devil some sort of trans-dimensional being that hopped between Universes? If so, then why was he here? Why Gotham, and why now?

He wouldn't receive his answers right then and there, and knew it. Instead, he lifted himself off of the blue floor and drifted down the space toward where he last heard Blue Devil.

It was rather easy to find him, and he was without his armor, wearing only a thin, one piece suit that wrapped vertically around his body from shoulders to groin. Though, something curious caught his attention. Around the alien's neck was a blue serpent that hissed every now and again, receiving a small pat from Blue Devil, as well as a strange circlet upon his brow.

The item radiated with power, he felt, as well as held a connection to the Hive Mind. Perhaps it was the controller for it? Or an amplifier? Either way, he would wait for Blue Devil to rest before stealing it away.

But he never rested, never took a break, never took off to piss or shit. Nothing. It was like he was a robot, not to mention when he turned around, John was reminded of a doll when they had their clothing removed. There was nothing to indicate his sex, and if he never spoke, anyone would think Blue Devil was female.

Everything about him screamed "FEMININE", except the way he held himself and his voice. If this was another life, then perhaps—

No. John shook himself free of the otherworldly beauty that was the Villain known as Blue Devil.

"There we go," the Villain hummed happily over a project that John was not privy to, "Much better. And now, dear cult leader, you're going to tell me everything about the 'Center'."

"There... is... nothing... you... can... do... to... get... me... to... talk!" The shrill voice of the cultist echoed around them in between short gasps.

"Oh, but I think I can," Blue Devil sing-songed, placing an unknown object onto the man's finger.

"What—?" He tried to say more, but ended up screaming as Blue Devil sank elongated claws into the man's body.

"Know what's so fun about this little ring? It'll keep you alive. Forever." Another stab was followed up by a third, then a fourth, and so on. The alien was laughing the entire time, cackling at his victim while he screamed helplessly.

John shivered from his hiding spot, unsure if he should rescue the man or not. What cemented it was when a fountain of blood blossomed from the slab the victim was on, followed up by a cracking of ribs that were removed and tossed over by him.

Slowly, he stood up and morphed himself into one of those Silver Devils with the intent of reporting a disturbance to their master. John slowly flew up to the alien man, who turned to give him a curious glance while the circlet flared with an otherworldly light.

They were about to speak to one another when John dashed forward, one hand sank into Blue Devil's chest where his heart should reside, the other into his head in order to grip the circlet. Only to realize his mistake too late. The Villain's body had no organs to squeeze. Worse, he reacted by transforming himself into a violet storm of power.

"GRAH!" John was forced into a corporeal form and his true self as lightning coursed through his veins. He pushed himself away, which only served to rocket him backwards off the platform they were on, and into the sea of blue below. Of which reached out and grabbed onto his body while it spasmed from the energy that was still present in his veins.

"You know, I thought it strange when something foreign touched my network about an hour ago." The man's voice drifted down to his ears as Blue Devil appeared with his armor wrapped around his body. "To think it was an actual Sol Alien come to visit me in my humble abode. You're not from Earth, and Venus doesn't have anyone living on the surface just yet, so the only thing I can come up with is 'Martian'. Correct?"

The energy was dimming in John's body, but there was still enough present that it kept him paralyzed. "Hmm. I believe I'm correct, which would mean you're Jonn J'onzz, yes?"

Shock dominated John's mind, and he could only stammer out a, "H... How—?"

"How do I know?" The Villain shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me. Something keeps fogging up my brain as of late. Did you know," he drifted a little closer, shocking the Martian's body with more lightning. Of whom cried out in pain, his power running rampant and shifting himself into every cartoon character he'd seen, then back into his alien self.

"Neat," the other commented, "But anyway, did you know that only after killing Batman on three separate occasions, I was able to figure out who he was. Like, who he truly was? I gained information about Superman within a few minutes, Killer Moth within a day, the Joker within an hour, and Poison Ivy within a week.

"So really, whoever is fogging up my head, can go royally fuck themselves. Because this shit's getting old fast, and I'm not supposed to even be here! I'm supposed to be back home, getting ready to face off against the Dragonslayers and a gang that's blowing up my city!

"Blame whomever is out there for send me here to you guys, because I would rather be back at home, twiddling my thumbs while I slowly take over that world." John was then lifted into the air by an unseen force, his body still paralyzed from the electricity, while he watched as a machine was built to hold him.

It was X shaped, with clamps that would hold his hands and feet in place, and a metal band with hooks extended inward. The unseen force placed him into the contraption, and the hooks sank into his skull. He cried out from the sudden shock, and the Villain only cackled with glee.

"Jonn J'onzz. You are going to give me the challenge I so desperately need. You are going to use that psychic brain of yours to summon the other heroes of this world to Gotham, and I am going to not only beat them down, but turn them into my slaves, too."

"I... will... do no... such thing!" He grunted, and the helmet melted away to reveal the fathomless blue eyes within a sea of darkness that was his eyes.

"I'm not giving you a choice, Jonn!" Violet lightning splashed across the Martian's chest, electrifying his insides to dust. He thought he would die, and coughed out his green blood with a smirk. Only... his insides were quickly reconstructing themselves almost as fast as they were being disintegrated.

"My machine, Jonn, will keep you alive. You will never tire; never know hunger; never know thirst, sleep, anything ever again! You will be in a constant state of pain, if you choose to defy my will. If you don't summon the heroes of this world to me so I can transform them into Devils, I will keep this up until I break your mind down until there is nothing left!

"So call them, Jonn! CALL THEM!"

Jonn J'onzz cried out in pain as lightning struck his body over and over, again and again. He tried to stay sane. He tried to die. He tried to plead to the heavens.

He tried, and tried.


Lois was worried. Clark had gone to Gotham in order to oversee the public trade deal between Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne, but hadn't contacted anyone after arriving at his hotel. Worse yet, Superman had told her he was going to meet his long time friend and vigilante, Batman about something important. She had deduced it was the ongoing cultists cropping up around the world, but even he had vanished.

Then there was someone appearing next to him within a photo within Gotham City. An individual that looked so alien, it had to be a costume, right? The two were seen briefly, but instead of a large and wavy S on Superman's chest, there was a U and he called himself Ultraman.

She wasn't as blind to believe that the two weren't one and the same, and this unknown individual had done something to Superman. Thus, she decided to head to Gotham City and investigate as she was want to do.

Her name wasn't Lois Lane for nothing, after all.


Princess Diana, daughter of Hippolyta, awoke from a strange dream.

She witness a world of blue, with a pair of bright blue sapphires dancing merrily within a sea of darkness. A green skinned man howled with pain as violet lightning fell across his body. He tried to die, but couldn't because the laughing eyes kept him alive as though it was a rendition of Prometheus's punishment of defiance.

Diana shook herself free from the lingering nightmare that still touched her mind, and walked to the balcony to stare across the island Themyscira and into the blue sea beyond. The world of Man was in trouble again, and she would be needed, she felt.

But her world was here. Man had no place amongst the Amazons, so why should she care, right?

That was her thought, but she soon found herself donning her armor and taking up the Lasso of Truth once more. Something was propelling her to act, and deep down, she missed the world of Man like one who missed the sweet taste of liquor after a long day of work.

There was something out there, and she was needed in Gotham City.


Barry Allen awoke, panting from a nightmare. Earlier that day, government agents tried to kidnap him to figure out "what made him tick", and only hours earlier, he told the world he was quitting to protect those he loved most.

Now? Now something was in pain and called out to his mind. It was in Gotham City, home of the Batman, but he was no Hero. Not anymore.

He had a girlfriend, and was going to propose to her later that week. It was time to slow down, was the thought he had. To settle down, have a family, and everything in between.

Then why was he holding his costume?

"No," he whispered, chucking it into the corner of his closet, "I can't. I... I... I'm sorry, but... I can't..."


"Janos! My friend! I had a strange dream!"

"Olaf, I did, too. Eyes of sapphire torturing a green man. He called to me."

"And to me as well."

"But why? The War is over. What need do the Blackhawks have?"

"Janos. 'O'er land, o'er sea. We will fight to make men free.'"

"'Of danger we don't care.'"

"'Where the battle, we'll be there.'"

"'We're the Blackhawks!'"

"Andre, Hendrix! Did you have this strange dream too?"

"Yes, Janos, we both did."

"Then we are needed in the land of freedom, home of the brave!"


"Adam?! ADAM! Wake up, husband! Please!"


"Adam, what is wrong?"

"A dream, Alanna, but it was so real. So life like. I was there, yet not. What does this mean?"

"A nightmare, beloved. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Just a nightmare."


Located within the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, nestled next to the town of Challengerville, stood Challenger's Rock. Within the expansive confines was the elaborate base of four men called the Challengers of the Unknown.

Ace Morgan, skilled pilot and retired, decorated soldier of the US Air Force, was not having a good rest that evening. His dreams were haunted by sapphire eyes that danced and laughed as it tortured a man bound in green. Lightning poured from these eyes, causing the victim to scream a terrible and primal wail of anguish.

This kept going until he was able to wretch himself free of the hideous laughter that echoed throughout his skull, and he desperately needed a drink.

Traveling through Challenger's Rock, he found himself within the VIP Quarters where his companions, Professor Haley, Red Ryan, and Rocky Davis sat at the bar. They glanced at him as he walked in, giving him a curt wave while Haley poured Ace a drink.

"Bad dream?" He asked rhetorically, and received a nod from the other three.

"It's like something was taunting me," Red grumbled with a frown, "I tried to help the Green Man, and woke up with this." He raised a bandaged hand.

"What happened to you?"

"Electrical burns," Haley nodded at the hand, "He has second degree burns centered around his palm. He'll be fine soon enough."

"Hope so, because I want to punch the bastard that's making me miss training." Rocky frowned, punching his open palm to emphasize his words.

"Anyone have any ideas where this dream wants us to go?"

The doors immediately opened up, almost as though waiting for those exact words. From the doorway stood June Robbins, their "honorary" team member and all around archeologist. She staggered over to the bar and stole Ace's drink, who gave a, "Hey!" And downed it in front of everyone.

Everyone stared at the woman, and she glared at each with bloodshot eyes. "Gotham," she croaked out. "The green man's in Gotham City."

"Hey! Ain't that where Batman lives?" Rocky asked, scratching his head.

"I believe so," Haley bobbed his head with crossed arms.

"Then pack your bags, boys! We're—"

"Ahem." June glared at him with folded arms and a tapping foot.

"Fine," Ace deadpanned while Red snickered. "Just get ready. 'Cause we're off to Gotham City!"


Arthur sat beneath the waves within his home of Atlantis, meditating upon the world beneath the lands above. He was troubled by the psychic presence that was full of pain and desire.

Someone was calling out to him, but he pushed that aside. There was nothing for him in the overworld.

Not when his people need him more.


Cuckoo 2 twitched within the female that was close to Cuckoo 1's host. They were to await the Master's return within the home of Cuckoo 1's host, but they were not there. Cold light greeted its host's eyes, and it searched for Cuckoo 1, but found nothing.

Cuckoo 3 was not on the network Master had created for them to talk to one another. It was worried, and tried again to connect, but found only static. So it dug into its host's body, forcing the female to move, but she was restrained by metal and animal hide!

Someone had taken Cuckoo 2's host!

This was not allowed! The Master did not will them to be taken, or else Cuckoo 2 would have been willing, but who would dare?!

"Miss Potts!" A fleshy, old and fat wearing blue and white dots came to its side with an updater, but it did not have the Master's children! It was a liquid!

"Miss Potts, please calm down! You're safe! Don't worry, we'll have the thing out of your neck, soon! We already removed Mr. Stark's, so yours is next, okay? I'm going to give you a sedative so you don't hurt yourself..."


Cuckoo 2 could not allow them to take Cuckoo 2!

It burrowed into its host's neck, causing the red liquid that was life to these fleshy bags of meat to pour out of its host's lips. "Miss Potts! Calm down! Please!"


"What's going on?!" More blue and white dotted fleshy meats filed next to Cuckoo 2's host. They were trying to take Cuckoo 2!







"What's going on?!" The fleshy bags of meat were still wrestling with Cuckoo 2's host, but were pushed away as its host's fleshiness was red and burning.

"Get ice! QUICK! She's burning up!"


"How is she still alive?! Shit! She's causing a fire! Get the extinguisher!"


"It's not working! What's happening?!"


"I don't know! Activate the sprinklers!"


"The hell is that noi—"



A/N: Fare thee well, Cuckoo 2. Your life was short, but you will be missed.
Anyway, next chapter we'll be back in Worm! It's an AU Worm, but still!

My favorite heroes are old, and most people wouldn't have heard of them. Such as the Blackhawks, Adam Strange, and I'm just starting to enjoy the Challengers of the Unknown. So I do have favorite Heroes, I just love Villains more. 😜
Chapter 31: 26 April 1958 | 25 April 2011
A/N: The third part of the chapter, when it goes back into Worm, starts around Hive 5.6. In case anyone is curious.


Having two victims was fun, and I had a blast using different elements on Jonn's body. Ranging from lightning, to fire, then ice, and finally ended with Gamma being called over to see what happens when he's exposed to Earth bound radiations like Uranium. Would his skin turn greener? Would he turn white? Or did he develop an unknown cancer?

"Oh, that reminds me," I snapped my fingers and summoned a pair of Copper Devils. The two had the same form as the golds and silvers, but were without horns. Instead, they each had a pair of functioning wings and a tail that was used as an extra appendage. The wings themselves had the ability to fold upwards to give them an extra pair of three clawed hands attached to the appendages. After all, I wanted them to be efficient in their work.

"You two are to experiment on Jonn here," I pointed at the alien. "Figure out, without killing him, what he can withstand and what he can't. So long as he's attached to that machine, he can't die. So have fun."

"Yes, Master," they saluted with a fist over their hearts, and bowed low.

"Gamma, be a—"

She screeched and twitched while I was speaking, and clamped her palms over her vocal ports, which were located on her cheeks.

"—dear and help the two Coppers with their research. They will probably want to use your power in ways you and I haven't thought of just yet."

"Yeeeaaaahhhsss, MasssssteEEERRR!"

Oh the joys of pairing an unstable personality with an equally unstable element, right?

Shaking my head, I flew back up to my other victim, who was panting hard while I played with his insides. I could go into great detail about what I was doing, but I think some of you would rather keep your lunches down.

To put it plainly, he could now only digest food from the bottom, excrete waste out his mouth, and taste it the entire time. I even tested it with apple slices, watching the processes with a bowl of popcorn nearby.

Only after it was over did he cry out, "No more! Please! I'll tell you! I'll tell you!"

"Uh-huh. Well, go ahead, then." He was strong, mentally, but I doubted he even knew what torture was until after meeting me.

His next words startled me, because I didn't expect it, to be honest. In that, The Center was an ancient being whose task is to come down to the earth and bring about the Apocalypse for all mankind. Most of mankind was deemed a threat to The Center, so it would descend from the heavens in two years' time and proceed with exterminating all life on the planet. Only a small percentage would be taken into the creature's body, becoming one with it while all others perish.

More, it already did this twice before. The first was with the dinosaurs, the second was with a civilization in South America when they tried to contact a different being that was a threat to The Center.

"Fascinating," I rubbed my chin, "I didn't think there was an Endbringer coming, but 'all life'? As in, it's going to touch down on the planet and kill everyone?"

"Yes! YES!" The cult leader cried out with a manic smile upon his lips and tears in his eyes. Which then rolled back in his head as a different voice dominated his tongue.

"You are different from the others. Stronger. Why?"

"I guess you're 'The Center', huh?" The cult leader's head tilted to one side, his eyes glowing white, and I took it as acknowledgment. "I'm not from here. I'm supposed to be home, but someone shunted me to this Universe. So I've set up shop and started transforming people into my Machine Empire.

"There's this thought that just blossomed in my mind. How about we form a partnership of sorts. You desire to end all life, and I desire to transform life. Our partnership will be mutual, in that you send your cultists to round up individuals for me to transform, and I send my people out to find adequate sacrifices to be offered to you. Or, I'll just have my people slay them outright.

"So long as they're not children, of course." My eyes flared blue as I glared at the cult leader that was still pinned to the slab.

"And why should I not simply wipe you out along with the rest of this planet?"

I gave them a smirk. "Because as my armies of Warbots grow, so too does my power. I have given my Devils the ability to fly, regenerate their bodies, and be invulnerable to nearly anything. My Silver Devils can conjure powerful magicks, the Golden Devils are perfect entities in their fields, the Coppers are helping me to grow in strength with their research, and my Platinum Devils consist of the strongest people in the world.

"You can try, O Center, but if I cover the globe in a shield, not even you would be able to get through without my permission.

"Which is why I propose an alliance. You help me in transforming those that can be reached, and I help you to kill those that can't. I'll even sweeten the pot and give you the psychic Alien, Jonn J'onzz of Mars, that I have locked up within here.

"So what say you, O Center?" I held out my hand to the creature that dominated the mind and tongue of my victim. "As one Endbringer to another, care to make an Alliance?"


Did I trust "The Center"? This cheesy name for a flying rock that would destroy all life on Earth? Hell no. Did he trust me? Probably not, but I really didn't care because I gave the order for Fly to gather half of the Silver Devils and start taking every male and non-pregnant female that they could grab within one mile of our base.

I also told him that if there were children in their home with the adults, then they are to be marked for surveillance, but otherwise ignored.

So now it didn't matter if people knew where I was, because I was confident and comfortable with how everything was proceeding. The cave we had commandeered from Batman was filled with my bots and the many factories that produced my Parasites and Power Cubes.

It was rather funny, really, I made that factory by accident when I was trying to copy a cube over. My Passenger actually reached out from its slumber to point out that I could do it by creating a Power Factory that would mass produce them.

Which was an ingenious idea, and I wanted to kiss it.

The Tertiary Factory, as I called it, had within a complicated program that would carve a blueprinted power onto the outer shell of the Cubes, right after another Factory I called Secondary Factory, created the inner core and power source needed to run the powers etched onto the shell.

I was happy when I tested it out, and found a copy of my Enchantment within the first Cube. Though, it wasn't truly perfect. This imitation held only 50% of my strength, but it would work for the time being, and I put it into action by substituting the next batch of Cubes with the ones created by my two new Factories.

With that out of the way, I summoned Epsilon, Fate, Ultraman, and the Silver Devils numbered 75 to 85. They flew to my side while I thought of Taylor Hebert once more, and opened a portal as far away from her as possible.

She was below, I found, and speaking with Bitch, Newter, and... "One of the Travelers? Is that..." I stared down at the scene for a moment. It was an odd cape wearing black and red gradient armor with a multitude of sun-like symbols etched onto their armor. "It is! It's Sundancer!"

Taylor, now called Skitter, was speaking with the cape that could summon and control a multitude of miniature suns. It was like she was trying to find a new friend, but was too awkward about how to approach the subject.

"It's been a while since I've seen this scene." Nostalgia hit me like a sledgehammer to a cinder block, and I wish I still had tear ducts, because I was touched to see the story following its course.

"Master? I'm bored. Are we, like, doing something, or something?" And of course, I had to be interrupted by one of my Golden Devils.

"Yes, Epsilon," I drawled while a thought summoned my bots to cover my body and reformed my Blue Devil self, "we're going to do something." Another thought summoned my old bracer that contained the Stranger power, "Nice Guy". For whatever reason, I haven't found a need for it in Gotham, nor within the MCU. It was as though only Worm was afflicted with irrational hatred for me. Didn't really bother me, but I still found it weird.

Slapping on the bracer, I tinkered with it for a moment in order to make sure the power was working. It took maybe five minutes of checking and tweaking with the bracer before it flickered to life and hummed with power.

"Good," I bobbed my head once, "Time to head on into a world so similar to my world, it might as well be called mine."

"Oh?" Fate pushed up a pair of invisible glasses up the bridge of her nonexistent nose.

"Don't. Start." I pointed her behavior out, "I will change your personality, Fate. Don't tempt me."

"As you wish, Master," she held up her hands and backed off. "I was merely curious why you held the world in such high regard."

"Because it's my world. It's where I belong, but enough chit-chat. It's time I show you the dump of a world I call home to you lot."

"Like, what're we gonna do there, Master?"

"We're going to create a base and start transforming that world, too, of course."

Just as I started entering the portal, I stopped and facepalmed as Gamma's voice drifted up to us, "They're Pinky! Yes Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, BRRAAAAAINNNNNZZZZZ!"


"Uh, good. Try not to kill anyone," Newter coughed as Coil's henchmen climbed onto a nearby roof. Checking his watch again, he glanced over with, "Five seconds. Skitter? Start us off?"

Her swarm rose up from around them, blocking out the sun for a moment and causing her teammates to become nervous for a brief moment before they moved out toward a greyed, old warehouse that was tagged with ABB colors and symbols.

She pushed her swarm inwards, toward the open windows, only to find them blocked. Again, she pushed her swarm toward the windows, but again, they were blocked. "What?" She began, and tried to find another way through by way of a door trying to open, but it, too, was blocked by an unknown source.

The voices within the warehouse were now noticing the insects on the outside, as well as the unknown power that was keeping both they and the swarm from meeting one another personally. She tried to find some way to have her insects to enter, but there was nothing. Not even a crack.

"What?" She asked allowed, pulling her sense back only to find everyone glancing up at the sky above them.

Slowly, she too, glanced above, then openly stared at the ten silver capes floating above the warehouse with their arms stretched out. Symbols and sigils made of ethereal light danced around their bodies while a golden armored cape twirled and danced in the middle of the silvers.

High above their position floated three individuals, one with four horns and blue armor that covered their body from head to toe, a silvery-gold cape with rippling muscles, jet black hair, and a black U on his chest, and a golden armored, female cape with a pair of horns atop her head. The last one looked bored as she took in the scene around them, slumping her shoulders while miming a yawn.

"Evening," the blue armored cape called out with a wave as he drifted closer to them.

"Who are you?" Newter leaned back a ways, unsure of how to process this newest development.

"Let's see." He pointed at Newter first, whose face contorted into anger that soon simmered to a pair of angry eyes. Even Skitter was feeling an intense anger for the cape who was coming closer, and heard Bitch growling beneath her mask, but their anger was being placated by something else that she couldn't put a finger to.

"Newter, Bitch, Sundancer, Skitter, and," he spun to point at Labyrinth who cocked her head at the man, "Labyrinth. How fascinating." Laughter filled the silent air between them, but it sounded a little too evil to Skitter's ears.

"You know who we are," Sundancer stepped forward with tiny motes of flame dancing around her body, "but who are you?"

"Like, I suggest you cool your power, Sundancer," the bored cape, who was sporting carvings of moons and stars in her armor, piped up while pointing at the larger cape. Of whom had glowing red eyes that were directed straight at the Traveler. "Or else, like, Ultraman will burn a hole through your head, and, like, Master," she waved at the blue cape, "will be angry at, like, both you and him."

To showcase this, the cape called Ultraman squinted his eyes a little, causing a pair of red beams of light to blitz downward. Just as they felt it was about to hit Sundancer, it curved immediately into the ground a foot away from her. Within moments, a foot deep of molten earth appeared, causing the other to yelp and jump back while the golden cape snickered.

"That's enough, Epsilon. You've had your fun." The woman shrugged and drifted off toward the other golden armored cape while Ultraman drifted downward to stand next to the blue armored man. "You'll have to excuse her; she is rather bored." He snickered at the joke, then waved it away.

"Forgive me, I am Blue Devil, and this," he gave a curt bow to the group, and slapped the silvery-gold cape's shoulder, "is of course, Ultraman. The bored woman is Epsilon, the dancing woman is Fate, and the others are called Silver Devils."

"Are you... here to help us?" Skitter asked slowly, "I didn't see you at the meeting, and Kaiser never mentioned you."

"No, and I doubt he would." She had a feeling he was giving them a wry grin, "We're not from here, but I am looking to expand my growing empire. After all, the ABB are going to be finished in a week by you lot, anyway."

Everyone stared at Blue Devil, who shrugged and carried on as though none of it mattered. "I believe," he tapped his visor, which was as smooth as a biker's helmet, "I believe Oni Lee is in there... Or was it Lung? Maybe both? None?" He scratched his head in confusion, "Gods below, it's been a while since I've seen this scene. Years, even."

"What?" Newter stepped forward, then backed off as Ultraman flexed his chest in defense of the perceived threat. The large man only relaxed when Blue Devil pat his arm, but only slightly.

The Case-53, on the other hand, spluttered and shook his head free of the lingering fears he had, "Do you know something about what's going on in there?" He pointed at the building they were about to raid. "Are you a Precog, or something?"

"'Or something' would be an apt description of what I can do," he chuckled, and again, Skitter found the tone to be a tad too evil. "Look, just know that I'm here to help for a bit. After all, Brockton Bay is my home, too.

"Well, it was up until a couple weeks ago when I was tossed elsewhere. Just wished I could have been here before all of this started." He sighed and drifted upward, then paused for a moment, "Best to cover your eyes for this next part. It's going to be rather bright, and will burn your bugs, Skitter. Call them back to you, will you?"

He laughed more as he flowed into the sky above, calling out to the others above the warehouse, "Fate! Bring down the hammer! Burn them all!"

"Yes, Master!" She cried with glee, throwing her hands high into the air while tiny suns danced around her fingers.

The Silver Devils, too, raised their hands above their heads, calling out to the heavens above just as the ABB within the warehouse started pooling out of the doors. There were thirty, maybe more, and Skitter informed those nearby about the information.

"Shit," Newter cursed, then flinched as the world grew brighter and a chorus of voices drowned out their world.



A/N: The kid gloves come off, and the start of a different fight is about to begin!
You know .... I absolutely do not see the declared "Lawful Evil" worldview here. This is a complete failure. There is already a full-fledged Chaotic Evil, which is thrown from one extreme to another. I can't say that it is comfortable to watch him in the sense that I just stopped understanding his logic and motives, and for me this is just a senseless chernukha for the sake of chernukha.
You know .... I absolutely do not see the declared "Lawful Evil" worldview here. This is a complete failure. There is already a full-fledged Chaotic Evil, which is thrown from one extreme to another. I can't say that it is comfortable to watch him in the sense that I just stopped understanding his logic and motives, and for me this is just a senseless chernukha for the sake of chernukha.
He was supposed to be Lawful Evil, but as I've stated in the character sheet, "He could just turn into something worse by the end. Won't know until we get there." My flaw when writing is that I keep going and don't stop until I'm done; I just head straight down a path and adapt to the ideas that follow.

I acknowledge the fact that he's been transitioned into Chaotic Evil, and will be using this project as a sort of stepping stone going forward with any other ideas that I might have.
Chapter 32: 25 April 2011
A/N: I haven't forgotten about this story. Don't worry. It's just going to come out slower because I can't dedicate 100% to it anymore. Life, ghost writing, work, and now my kids and brother want to be in a story. Yay! I can't be evil in that, but can be an ass (Chaotic Good is the limit for them). Already did the first chapter, so you may see it in a day or two, and my MC is based off of a suggestion made by @Emmelmpau a while back. The Alchemist.


The very first thing I did after coming back to Brockton Bay was to mentally swap out my Magik power for Portalmancy. I winced as I watched, praying to the lowest courts of the highest Hells that it would work.

Lo and behold, did it work, and I almost let out a holler of joy, but instead just spun and laughed in silence. It was slower than usual, doubling to five minutes for a swap in power, but it still worked!

I was happy, and that joy extended into my mannerisms as I spoke to the group down below, noting how Newter was hating my presence right off the bat, as did Taylor and War Hound... 'Bitch. Her name is Bitch,' I reminded myself, as well as to remind myself to not...

Why was I limiting myself like that? The other Undersiders from my Brockton Bay were transformed, so why not do that to them?

Regardless, I was in a good mood, and extended my greetings down to the rabble below. I also took note of Labyrinth was was off to the side, and oh so had the desire to tinker with her powers, but held back. The same went to Sundancer, and I had to wonder if I could use her powers as a power source, too.

Then there were the normal people on the roof as I passed by them. There were a pair of them, with one gripping a pistol while a second was gripping a sniper rifle. Its caliber was a mystery to me, but it looked more like an AP rifle than something higher in power. Nothing to concern me, but I sent a message through my network, telling my Devils to send these two to Hall later.

My impressions on Newter was that of a Sergeant ordering his squad, but he was too new at it. While he was giving out orders, the younger generations hopped to his beat, but the older generation, such as Kaiser, hopped to their own beat and left them.

Which was all well and good, to be fair, but I would transform him soon enough. His powers over metal was too good to pass up, after all.

All in all, this group was just a bunch of kids with an itchy trigger going up against hardened criminals and brainwashed scum. I wasn't about to let them hurt themselves, so I opted to show these people what it means when you play with fire.

"Fate!" I called out to my Golden Devil who danced above the containment spell the Silvers had erected. Why she was dancing was beyond my comprehension, but she was enjoying herself, so why bother?

"Bring down the hammer! Burn them all!"

"Yes, Master!" She called back, excited as she threw up her arms and called to the Silver Devils to follow suit. They then canceled their spells and began a new one, summoning brightly burning sigils and pentagrams while they chanted, "Evocation! Hammer of Dawn!"

To those that could see the beauty of this spell, imagine a mighty hammer being wielded by a giant. The hammer itself burned as bright as the sun in the sky, and was hurled down to the earth.

There was no explosion to be seen or heard with this spell, but anyone who paid too much attention to the light, and so close without protection, was want to incur the pain of their mistake. Whereas the intended targets, on the other hand, burned from the light of the sun that fell upon them.

No one was screaming when the light fell, but when it receded, I found a deathly quiet hole in the ground that held a fifteen foot tall angry Dragon that roared its challenge while flexing its wings.

"Oh... Joy," I snickered, spinning vertically in the air while the world returned to its daily program. "So Lung was there, huh? Ultraman." My fingers snapped once before pointing down at the cape, "Soften him up."

My slave blurred from his position just as I saw someone teleport upon a rooftop below us. They were wearing a black bodysuit with a bandoleer of knives and grenades strapped to their chest. Upon their head was a demonic, leering mask, and in their hands were a pair of grenades that were activated and tossed up to me. While I blinked at the odd outfit, a pair of explosions rocketed my body one hundred feet down to the earth below.

"MASTER!" Epsilon appeared next to me, lifting me up while I shook my head. I didn't feel any pain, but I was shaken up to the point that I saw stars for a few moments.

"I'm okay," I pat her head, shaking my own, "Was not expecting that, to be honest." Then again, I haven't had a fight where I was tossed around like a rag doll.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've been in a position of loss besides having Alec taken away from me. Wonder how he's doing right now...


I glanced up at the sound and watched as Ultraman flew over our heads while I stared at it in confusion. Was Lung stronger in this Universe? Because I thought it was the original, or something close to it, when I dropped the portal back to Brockton Bay.

"It's Hayai Ken!" Newter shouted, creating a ripple of cursing amongst the capes, which only fueled my confusion more.

"Whodawhat?" I called out while my heavy hitting slave flew back into the fight, only to be bashed away by some sort of red and white whirlwind that surrounded a now chuckling Dragon. "Ultraman! If the enemy can't be punched, then use your other powers." He had the gall to give an "Oh yeah" expression as his eyes glowed red and flared out a pair of beams that had to be dodged.

Whoever was over there was fast, and I mean fast. They were a blur that made Velocity look like a normal jogger out for his morning run, but that didn't mean they couldn't be stopped. My body warped into a Time Elemental, and I watched as the world slowed to a halt whilst the colors became grey and dull.

Something was still moving, and it was coming my way, but they were slowed down as though an Olympic sprinter dashing through molasses. Whereas I had free movement.

"I don't know who you are, but you don't belong in Brockton Bay," my words sounded hollow to my ears, as they could easily be tossed back in my face, and I reached out with my hands in order to flex my Telekinesis onto the unknown cape.

They were slippery, and tried to dance amongst the invisible hands that reached for them. Unfortunately for them, I had more. "Earth That Binds," my words flowed freely whilst dozens of hands erupted from the ground, but only one hand was able to grab onto their wrist, which was enough.

"Ken" paused long enough to raise up their free hand, and I got a good look at them. The person had an athletic build with a tight, full white bodysuit that held a red ribbon tied to each joint, and a red, solid and featureless mask. Which also included their fingers. The ribbons didn't flutter, but were pushed into straight lines in the opposite direction they were looking. So if they were looking forward, the ribbons would be pointing backward, an so on.

That is, unless they were using them, as was the case when the person raised up their free hand and I saw the ribbons become a blade from the wrist.

Everything else about them was confusing, because they weren't in the main story that I could recall. Which only doubled when I thought of all the fanfictions I read. "Who the fuck are you?" I called out with confusion. "Earth That Binds!" More earthen and stone-like hands surged toward "Ken" with intent, and again, they weaved around 99%, but was caught by a singular hand that was ripped from the ground.

"This is getting ridiculous," I grumbled, pooling my bots into my hands. "Ken" was still coming toward me, and I was just so annoyed that I ran to meet them with a pair of maces in my hands.

We met in the grey world, with their ribbons slapping my armor, creating cracks and nothing more. Whereas my maces fell onto nothing but air as they bobbed and weaved. I was growing angrier as time passed by, my maces rising, falling, spinning in my hands while this asshole danced and shot their ribbons against my armored body.

They were still slow, but I should be faster.

That's when I had a sudden thought, 'Maces are slow as fuck. Blades are faster.'

It was stupid of me to fall back for my maces. Sure, they hurt more, but weren't aerodynamic. So I was using more force than I should have against a speedster, which led to my bots creating a pair of curved scimitars.

The process for their creation wasn't swift, and I had to dodge and weave, or try to, against "Ken". They were able to score a dozen more scratches and cracks against my armor before the blades could be formed.

With them in hand, I felt lighter while spinning left, right, bring them up toward the sky, and crashing down into the ground. Only with these in hand, was I able to push them back, and saw brows furrowed beneath the mask of "Ken".

My body twirled, spinning a full 360 degrees in one horizontal direction, then spun the opposite as I flowed between my strikes, making sure each edge of the blade was directed at the cape that was able to bash my Ultraman away.

They were on the defensive, now, batting away my scimitars while I sought not their neck, but the rest of their body, and I believe they fell for it. Every time I swung for their chest, they blocked it with their ribbons, and a few strands fell away when I spun to strike at their kidneys. Again, the ribbons rose to defend the cape, only to be sheared of a few strands for the next attack.

But of course, this didn't mean they didn't try to attack back. It was just more difficult, because I fell into what felt like a trance, my blades an extension of my body. Their strikes felt hollow, full of holes, and I slashed down hard on one of these strikes, feeling satisfied as "Ken" danced away while clutching their hand.

Blood flowed from a missing pair of fingers on their right hand. They held it up to view it, and I saw half of their fourth and all of their fifth finger missing. Their hand then clenched in anger while I surged forward with a greater intent, but... they ran away.

"What?" I blinked at the scene, coming out of my trance while they ran northward and into the trainyard. To which I released my hold on the grey world while everyone just stared at the end of the exchange.

I saw Newter and Skitter trotting up to me, but held a blade to them. "Don't. There's still the dragon." Which was true, because Lung was looming higher above us now, and only then did I realize something.

He was still growing!

"Ah, fuck. Just how big can this bastard get?" My bots were repairing themselves as I gave them another thought, and the blades were reabsorbed.

"You said you were from here," Skitter pointed out, and I shrugged. "He can get up to 30 feet."

"I thought it was just fifteen?!" The hell kind of AU Worm did I get into, where Lung can get up to the size of fucking Leviathan?!

"Shit! All Devils present!" I cried out, picking up Skitter and Newter in order to leap away just as a massive tail fell onto our position. I wasn't fast enough, I found, and was rocketed away into a nearby building with the other two bouncing away into an alley.

"Fucking hell," my throat released a groan. Usually, I don't feel pain, but that felt like a bus striking me! "To all Devils present!" I called out once more, "Lethal force is authorized! I repeat! Lethal force is authorized! KILL THAT DRAGON!"

The fuck is going on with this world, anyway?

"No!" Skitter cried out, sending a swarm of her insects into my face. "You can't kill him! We need him to stop Leviathan! You need to capture him!"

I blinked beneath my helmet, unsure of what's going on with her logic. "What? Are you out of your mind? It's an S class threat of a dragon, and you want to capture him? Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?"

Pointing in the direction of the scene, my helmet still covered in bugs, I swapped my view for one of my Silver Devils. High above, I saw earthen hands trying to grapple the still growing dragon while Ultraman slammed his fists into the jaw of the beast. It toppled over with a roar, spewing fire everywhere while an air raid-like horn wailed inside the city.

Fate took the opportunity to grab Epsilon and take her into the sky, where two dozen miniature portals appeared before them, along with tens of spears of ice lining up with the portals. Down below, more portals opened up around the dragon as he struggled to stand against Ultraman's persistent attacks.

My slave was performing his task wonderfully, until he wasn't, which was upsetting.

The dragon's tail wrapped around Ultraman, and flung him hard to the north, almost taking my body with him. And while the giant was getting back on his feet, the portals around him started raining hundred of spears of ice. The caused Lung to roar with pain as more than a few sank into his scaly flesh, releasing a rush of blood onto the ground.

Below, I saw Oni-Lee appear once more, and in his hands was an RPG that had been tinkered with ten different sized grenades. He pointed the weapon directly up, a flash of light caused his body to vibrate and slowly break down, and got me wondering if it was a clone at that point in time.

"RPG!" I called out through my Silver Devils, "SCATTER!"

"Evocation!" My Devils intoned, just as the cape fired his mismatched weapon. The propelled grenades spread themselves wide with something in between them. They launched themselves at incredible speeds, right as my silvers spoke their first syllable of the spell, "Scat—"

Steel wire was seen between the grenades, and my eyes widened as my Devils were torn apart. Their Parasites activated, repairing the bodies as much as they could, but it was for naught.


All ten grenades detonated, sending shrapnel, ice, fire, and lightning in every direction. My feed was cut as I stared at the now raining bodies. I tried to reach out for my Parasites, but they were either too damaged to respond to my calls, or were destroyed along with their hosts.

Shock dominated my mind, but was soon taken over by uncontrollable RAGE!

How DARE they take from me ten of my minions! How DARE they destroy my creations!


A pair of portals opened up to my left and right, revealing the humming cave that was my new home. With anger in my heart and mind, I sent out the order, "Kaiju creature has been spotted! Summon! Big O!"


A/N: Love Big O. Was a weird show, but the fights were wonderful.
Anyway, welcome to a weird AU Worm where anything can happen. Where my interpretation adds a few things here and there. Like "Hayai Ken" and Lung being 30ft tall.
Next time it's going to be a fight. Hopefully I can make it an epic one.
Sweet. Except Lung's got no upper limit, but I don't think anyone knows that in-universe so meh. Anyways, take your time my guy. Can't wait to see what kind of bullshit this AU throws at our resident edgelord elf.