Wizard's Throne II (Empire Builder/Quest)

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You are a wizard, arisen to power in a land forsaken by magic for many years. Once, the wizard...


Bat out of Hell
You are a wizard, arisen to power in a land forsaken by magic for many years. Once, the wizard king Enoch kept order throughout the land, ruling the Wizard's Court with power and wisdom. Once, a king was slain, and the land fell into chaos, magic turned against magic, friend against friend, hero versus hero, as all sought to become the new ruler over everything.

All the war succeeded in doing was to destroy all bastions of wisdom, burn down each school, slay all known wizards. Leaving the throne.... empty. Waiting. And in it's shadow, mortal kings rose, warring with each other for the title of greatest. For the rulership of the world... And so the years passed, as kings warred and men died. And so did civilization shrink. as towns burned and cities withered on the vine.

It was then that the monsters returned. Once tamed by the power of the wizard's throne, with Enoch's death, and no heir, they slowly returned to the world in the wild places, untouched by mortals. And as those places grew larger and larger, they begun to grow brave. Finally it came to a head. Lorth, the Gold King, the Invincible One, rode out to slay a mighty beast that had burned a town that swore to him to ashes, leaving no known survivors... And met a dragon.

And so the end of the age of mortal kings came on wing and flame. The first battle was not the last, but as the beasts rose, one by one the great realms fell, unable to maintain contact and coordination with each other.

Your story starts one hundred years after this, one year since you found the secret stash of grimoires hidden in a sealed cave... one year since you started on the path to become a wizard. Two months since you took control over your hometown, and one month since you built a wizards tower, as shown in the legends and the records.

Your time is now. The people of the world call out for a new lord, a new king. A hero to bring peace to this land and drive the monsters back once again. A new... Master of Magic.

But first, a few questions for the history books.

What types of grimoires did you find?

[x] The Black Books of Necromancery, powers of the underworld?
[x] The White Books of Faith, calling upon the heavens?
[x] The Blue Books of Sorcery, illusions, wind and thunder?
[x] The Red Books of Chaos, fire, steel and corruption?
[x] The Green Books of Nature, bloody of tooth and claw?

What mortal race did you spring from? (And therefore what type of town do you start with.)

[x] Lizardfolk, Scaled Skin and Dragon's Blood?
[x] Barbarians, Powerful of Arm and Given to Rage?
[x] Glade Elves, Hidden Paths and Slaying Arrows?
[x] Imperials, Orderly Lines and Honest Steel?
[x] Frostlings, Frozen Hearths and Howl of Wolf?

What lore did you pursue over your first year, before you took power?
[x] Battle Magics, Horrible and Deadly?
[x] Enchantments, Supportive and Empowering?
[x] Summonings, Binding and Fearful?
[x] Artifice, Creative and Legendary?

With thanks to BeRzErKeR for letting me borrow his system. And for deciding to restart Savage Seas, which inspired me to restart this.
(Previous go is here.)

Turns: 1, 2, 3, 4
Maps : Turn 1,

Mana: 0/2


Spell Research

Glade Elf Population: 0 Population in 0 Wild Region; 10 Population in 1 Urban region; 0 Population in 0 Developed Regions.

Population Growth: +2/5 years

Total Dice: 10 Population + 0 (1 Wild Region) + 2 (1 Urban region) +1 (Wizard Dice) = 13d10

Wizards Tower: Your Capital, generates two mana every turn, allows the casting of overland spells as long as the Wizard Lord is in the same location. Located in Bastion Woods.
Summoning Circle: Allows use of normal dice for summoning. Located in Bastion Woods.

Under Construction

: (2/10 Units, 1 Summons)
- 1x Wizard Lord; Located in Bastion Woods.
- 1x Village Guard; Skirmishers, Located in Bastion Woods.
- 1x Village Guard; Skirmishers, Located in Plains of the Eternal Dawn.
- 1x Zombie Warband; Zombification. Located in Bastion Woods. 1 Mana Upkeep.
- 1x Zombie Warband; Zombification. Located in Plains of the Eternal Dawn. 1 Mana Upkeep.

Known Regions:
-Bastion Woods; Urban, Forest, 7/10 Population
-Galadian Peaks; Wild, Mountainous, 0/6 Population (Undead! Much Undead!)
-Plains of the Eternal Dawn; Wild, Plains, 3/12 Population (Formerly Empty Town?)
-The Iron Bogs; Wild, Swamp, 0/6 (Swamp Monsters?)

Population: Your basic resource, which you use to do things. You currently, at the start of the game, have ten units of Population available. Each unit of Population generates 1d10 per year; you can allocate these dice towards any project you want done. Any given project has a target number of points that must be reached in order to complete it; a Village Guard, for example, requires 15 points, so on average 3 dice will be needed to complete it in a single year.

Population Growth: Self-explanatory.

Total Dice: Your Population total plus whatever bonuses you get are added here to determine how much stuff you can do each year. Cities give a bonus, because it's easier to get things done in urban areas with high populations. The Wizard Lord also provides one dice, representing the ability of extreme magical powers to make things easier. Until a library is built, only the wizard's dice can be used for magical research.

Structures; Special buildings that give bonuses and/or allow the creation of certain units. Built as projects after being unlocked by research or the presence of certain units.

You currently are capable of building the following Structures:
Archery Range at a cost of 100 points, to give a bonus to training military Units and allow the creation of Archer Legions.
Shrine at a cost of 75 points, to generate extra mana and allow the training of sacred units.
Library at a cost of 100 points, to allow use of normal dice on magical research.
Stables at a cost of 75 points, which allow the recruitment of Glade Riders.

Mana: The power of magic. Certain buildings and natural locations generate magic, which can be used both to cast spells and to power summons and enchantments, which have an upkeep requirement. May not be stored from turn to turn with the current knowledge level.

Units: Special people and groups that don't fall under Population. Includes military units, important individuals, and monsters. Units can be used to perform military actions - attacking something or defending from an attack. You can never have more Units than you have Population. New Units can be unlocked by performing research, or building an appropriate Structure.

Statline: Each combat capable unit has a statline. F is figures, and determines into how many groups a unit is broken up into. H is for hits, and is how much damage each figure can take. A is for attack, and is a figure's offensive ability. The addition of an i before the A shows that the unit's melee attack is illusionary. R is for ranged, and is how strong a ranged attack a unit has. As well, ranged attacks come in several different type. These types are P for Physical, M for magical, and S for siege. The addition of an i before any of those indicates that the attack is illusionary. D is for defense, and shows a unit's ability to resist enemy attacks. Re stands for Resistance, and shows how protected a unit is against enemy magics. M is tactical movement, which is how fast a unit is in combat. After these stats any special ability will be noted.

You currently are capable of raising the following Units;
Village Guard, your basic military unit, can be raised at a cost of 15 points per Warband. Village Guards are Skirmishers, which lets them make a few ranged attacks before they enter into melee, but lacks the ammo of a true ranged unit.
F : 8, H : 1, A : 1, R : 1 (P, A 2), D : 2, Re : 4, M : 1, Forestry
Zombie Warband, can be summoned at a cost of 30 points per warband. Zombie Warbands are Undead, and have the Zombification ability, which allows them to heal in combat by slaying enemies.
F : 6, H : 1, A : 2, D : 4, R : 2, M : 1, Zombification

Known Regions: These are areas that you have explored and that your people can reach - essentially, places you can affect with your actions in a given turn. Regions that you control are green, uncontrolled regions are uncolored, regions controlled by neutral or friendly powers are yellow, and regions controlled by enemies are red. Regions have four possible stages of colonization - Wild, Developed, Urban, or Megalopolis - and can be upgraded to reach the next state. Each stage has a higher population cap, a better defensive bonus, and a bigger production bonus for the region. Shifting Population between regions is a project like any other, requiring dice, but a pretty easy one. Exploring to find more regions is also a project.
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[x] The Blue Books of Sorcery, illusions, wind and thunder?
[x] Lizardfolk, Scaled Skin and Dragon's Blood?
[x] Artifice, Creative and Legendary?
[x] The Black Books of Necromancery, powers of the underworld?
[x] Frostlings, Frozen Hearths and Howl of Wolf?
[x] Artifice, Creative and Legendary?
[x] The Black Books of Necromancery, powers of the underworld?
[x] Imperials, Orderly Lines and Honest Steel?
[x] Summonings, Binding and Fearful?

I'm detecting a Age of Wonder-y vibe from this system, also POTEMA :p.
The word underworld calls to me, therefore:

[x] The Black Books of Necromancery, powers of the underworld?
[x] Imperials, Orderly Lines and Honest Steel?
[x] Summonings, Binding and Fearful?

My vote doesn't make sense.
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[x] The Blue Books of Sorcery, illusions, wind and thunder?
[x] Glade Elves, Hidden Paths and Slaying Arrows?
[x] Enchantments, Supportive and Empowering?
[x] The Black Books of Necromancery, powers of the underworld?
[x] Frostlings, Frozen Hearths and Howl of Wolf?
[x] Artifice, Creative and Legendary

of coarse I'm voting for frostlings they share half a name with me.
[x] The Black Books of Necromancery, powers of the underworld?
[x] Imperials, Orderly Lines and Honest Steel?
[x] Summonings, Binding and Fearful?

Legion of the dead FTW!
[x] The Black Books of Necromancery, powers of the underworld?

[x] Frostlings, Frozen Hearths and Howl of Wolf?

[x] Summonings, Binding and Fearful?

We shall create an endless army of ARCTIC UNDEAD!
[x] The Black Books of Necromancery, powers of the underworld?
[x] Imperials, Orderly Lines and Honest Steel?
[x] Summonings, Binding and Fearful?
[x] The Blue Books of Sorcery, illusions, wind and thunder?
[x] Glade Elves, Hidden Paths and Slaying Arrows?
[x] Enchantments, Supportive and Empowering?
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[x] The Blue Books of Sorcery, illusions, wind and thunder?
[x] Glade Elves, Hidden Paths and Slaying Arrows?
[x] Enchantments, Supportive and Empowering?

I'd prefer Green, really, but I don't want Black and this is second, so...

Illlusions+Elves+Enchantments = Fear the goddamn forests
[x] The Blue Books of Sorcery, illusions, wind and thunder?
[x] Glade Elves, Hidden Paths and Slaying Arrows?
[x] Enchantments, Supportive and Empowering?
Oh, also, Happerry, by the wording of your post at the end of last thread, this game is going to be independent of the one on SB?
[x] The Black Books of Necromancery, powers of the underworld?
[x] Frostlings, Frozen Hearths and Howl of Wolf?
[x] Summonings, Binding and Fearful?

I'm the Dead master, armies of undead seem to be the obvious choice for me!!
[x] The Blue Books of Sorcery, illusions, wind and thunder?
[x] Glade Elves, Hidden Paths and Slaying Arrows?
[x] Enchantments, Supportive and Empowering?
Oh, also, Happerry, by the wording of your post at the end of last thread, this game is going to be independent of the one on SB?
I'm planning on it. (Unless both sides end up with the same final result.)

Who knows, you two might even meet up with each other~

Or perhaps not.

Edit : Though if the spacebattle's thread keeps getting no votes I probably won't split them on count of lack of voters.
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What's your threshold? I wouldn't say 7 votes is 'no votes'.
Well, ok, maybe it's not no votes... I might have been exaggerating a tiny teensy bit. Maybe. Though this thread has literally gotten twice as many votes as that one has gotten so far.

I'm considering doing two versions, and I keep changing my mind. We'll see when I wake up tomorrow if I still feel the urge to do this twice.
[x] The Green Books of Nature, bloody of tooth and claw?
[x] Glade Elves, Hidden Paths and Slaying Arrows?
[x] Artifice, Creative and Legendary?

I'm thinking buff items. Wondering if Green gives healing abilities as well, or if that would be a White only. I really like healing powers.
[x] The Green Books of Nature, bloody of tooth and claw?
[x] Glade Elves, Hidden Paths and Slaying Arrows?
[x] Artifice, Creative and Legendary?

I'm thinking buff items. Wondering if Green gives healing abilities as well, or if that would be a White only. I really like healing powers.

I would have picked green too, but given how many votes black was getting I figured going with blue was a better choice, given that black would have been my last choice.
I would have picked green too, but given how many votes black was getting I figured going with blue was a better choice, given that black would have been my last choice.
Yep, Black is my last choice. : (

People voting for Black+Summoning, would Green+Summoning and drowning them in creatures instead of zombies be acceptable to you instead?
[x] The Black Books of Necromancery, powers of the underworld?
[x] Frostlings, Frozen Hearths and Howl of Wolf?
[x] Summonings, Binding and Fearful?

Come then, you heroes, come in all your power and glory! For in the final hour...All must serve...The one...True... Lich Wizard-King!