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The ghost of a Knight clad in gleaming white armour hovered above a bloody warfield, now...
A New Chief Huntress


The future's now, old man! (Avatar drawn by me)
SV's Only Complete Persona Quest
The ghost of a Knight clad in gleaming white armour hovered above a bloody warfield, now deserted by all except carrion-eaters and scavengers. Her sword was gone, thrown back into the enchanted lake from whence it came, yet in death she still wielded her thorny lance, shrouded dagger and Virgin Mary-patterned shield.

Though it had been a bright sunset seconds before, the blood-stained field was quickly being enveloped by a severe-looking thunderstorm. As black clouds lit up by crimson gashes and bursts of white lightning fast encircled her, her lance began to glow a brilliant gold, pointing upwards to what looked to be a distant island floating high above in the Heavens.

"Noblest of kings, greatest champion of chivalry, heroes' hero, be relieved of your wounds and come to your rightful pace in Avalon, the paradise long promised to you," ethereal voices spoken by glittering lights echoed down to her from on high.

Yet this Knight-King hesitated, for memories of almost unceasing war, loyal knights she'd sent to their deaths, betrayals from those who should've been closest to her and iron-fisted attempts to secure her reign, including even the drowning of infants, all flashed through her head. Rather than drift up towards Avalon, she instead felt herself slowly sinking down into a black, oozing mud made by the rain from this storm, which stained and swallowed her weapons and armour.

"Noble king, chivalry, hero? Hah, you surely jest! I gave Britain war after war, I gave even my closest circle no love..." she stooped and muttered, before her eyes then glared gold. "'Chivalry', 'heroism', these were but words I used as propaganda to my people, no to myself, to pretend that every sin I indulged and crime I committed was what God would've wanted! But no, though tomorrow's bards may call me a hero, you spoke the truth Mordred, wherever your soul may now lie. Mordred you knew the truth all along!"

As her lance's tip was the last thing on her shining with holy light, with a roar she instead plunged it fully down into and submerged within the darkness. "The Knight in Shining Armour's all gone, only the Black Knight remains," she chuckled to herself. "This is who I always was, wasn't it? Not a knight of justice who rushed to Britain's aide, but a glorified, prettied-up villainess who, for its own sake, ruled it through fear".

The light above was gone, and now from out of the storm a vast entourage of phantom knights, be they Christian or pagan if even human, came pouring out, bows, spears and spells all raised at this lone sinner.
"The Wild Hunt huh?" the blackened knight muttered "I'd always heard tales of them from the continent, but only now after my death do our legends finally entwine. For all I've done, it'd be best if I just let them take me... No, not today. Though a Knight and King may be alone in death, they pride is still with them, and if Pride is the only Sin a Sinner like me has left, as knight I'll do everything to defend it. So come, Wild Hunt! Rhongomyniad!"

Her dark, thorny lance held aloft, at her command it burst forth into a pitch black spiral, eviscerating any Hunter caught in its path. As the hounds and horses of whatever Hunters escaped the blast leapt upon her, she tossed them all aside with a single mighty swing with Rhongomyniad.
Stabbing one of these hell-horses in the face, she pole-vaulted up and speared down upon another of the phantom riders, stole its horse and charged straight through a whole volley of hunters, before jumping off that horse to spear down another hunter as it became lost in the storm.

Icicles and lightning bolts conjured by magic all came her way, but Rhongomyniad's arc, her shield and her shadowy armour were able to deflect most of them back at their casters. A horned demon within the Hunt tried to sneak up behind her to stab her with its pitchfork, but she spun around and speared it before it could her.

Then someone, or something with the presence of no less than a god, if a fallen god no longer so supported by believers, came charging on its divine steed straight at her. She flinched for a second as she felt its aura, but knew her pride couldn't let her back down no matter what she was up against. So with a berserk scream she unleashed the black spiral once again from the tip of Rhongomyniad, and sent it crashing right into this god and slowing yet still not stopping its charge towards. Only when the god was almost upon her it did at last collapse from trying to resist her attack.

By now this self-proclaimed Black Knight was covered in sweat, blood and dirt, shaking as she kept forcing herself to still stand, to not admit defeat just a second longer. Yet rather than take this chance the Wild Hunt were now for some reason all whispering among themselves, their hushed voices culminating in an eerie wave of noise.
Once their chatter had ceased, an angel and devil appeared on either side of her, though they both took the form of unnaturally fair men with only their wings and auras telling each apart.

"Why, you may be just what the Wild Hunt is looking for," the devil with the glowing red aura smiled, extending a hand to her "What say you? The Hunt has long been looking for a new leader".

"O-out of the question!" she impulsively snapped "I failed as ruler once, I shall not repeat that indignity".

"Don't tell me you've closed your heart to the possibility of redemption?" the angel with the soft blue aura spoke up.

"Redemption? That's-" she then paused, became lost in her thoughts, and at last had to admit "I do suppose the Wild Hunt is little like my old brotherhood, so I should not be prone to repeat the same mistakes here. Moreover, this Wild Hunt doesn't cloak itself in flattering myth, it is what it admits to be, as my, er, little scuffle back there has shown me. Okay, tell me more..."

All over the world tales are told of ghostly processions roaming the night, cursing the fate or even stealing the souls of all those unfortunate to set eyes upon them. Japan speaks of the Hyakki Yagyo, where old man Nurarihyon leads a thousand Youkai parading along the midnight streets. In Hawaii there are the Huaka'i Po Nightmarchers, warrior ghosts with spears and clubs alight with green flame honouring their fallen kings. In the deserts of the US mainland, cowboys in the wilderness by makeshift fires whisper about Ghost Riders in the Sky, sinners in life who in death are forced to chase forever after the Devil's cattle herd across the stormy skies.

But, at least according to folklorists, the first of these haunted processions was the Wild Hunt of Europe. An unruly troupe of ghostly warriors, fickle fae, demons, heathen gods and even heretic magi, the latter joining in the unearthly procession through astral projection.
The Wild Hunt cared little for the boundaries of time and worlds, being no longer of this one, but they were notorious for showing up in the midst of thunderstorms on cold winter nights, Halloween, or any time the barriers between this life and the next draw ever thinner.

Who did, they, no, who do they hunt? Sinners, any sinner be they black mages, murderers, master-thieves, despots, vampires, dragons, liches thinking they can stave off death, all who have strayed from God's light are in their sights, to forever join their nightmarish parade or be dragged down to Hell.

Who leads the Wild Hunt? Different lands have their own answers to that question, for instance Odin may be the most oft-cited leader, but other tellings will say Mother Hulda, Herne the Hunter, fae psychopomp Gwyn ap Nudd, the Archangel Gabriel, the first murderer Cain, hunt goddess Diana, witch-queen Herodias, world-encircling pirate Drake, even Satan himself.

But for our particular tale, their leader shall be a woman-warrior who now rules Darkness where once she ruled Light, having once upheld justice and kingship through Law she shall now do the same though Chaos.

"I am Arturia Pendragon, though my soul is now blackened my iron will has only strengthened. The King of Knights is dead, long live the Tyrant of Storms!

Now, who shall we hunt down first?"

[ ] A pretender witch-knight with command over dragons, desecrating God's name.
[ ] A demonologist claiming to have acquired all earthly knowledge, yet whose allotted time is running out.
[ ] A princess whose mind has been lost to burning vengeance.
[ ] A crazed emperor claiming absolute power in the far north, ready to burn down any city that says otherwise.
[ ] Write-in.
(The Wild Hunt has more than enough members to go after multiple targets. Image credit to KeyHof)

QM's Note: This here's my first Riot Quest, though they'll still be a couple of 'Majority Wins' votes here and there, most of them concerning individual characters like Arturia. Though it has Lancer Arturia Alter as the main character, I planned this to be less a Fate or Type-Moon Quest, and more a mythology Crossover Quest if with some Fate characters in major roles.

Each vote will be controlling one of the Wild Hunters. You are free to vote without needing to make a character sheet, but if you'd like to make one anyway the template is as follows:

Name: (Characters from Myth, Legend and Fiction are allowed, provided they fit the 'Wild Hunt' theme)
Species: (Ghost, Fae, Demon, Mage, Pagan God, Angel. More info on species will be featured in the next post)

I'll keep mechanics light, little more beyond me rolling 6d100 for the Wild Hunt's total members in each species (which'll serve as the whole group's Stats), giving certain stats a Challenge Rating, and if a dice roll of yours plus the relvenat amount of Hunters is higher than this Rating (plus maybe its own added dice roll) you'll win, if not you'll fail.
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Cast of Characters
(Still being filled in)

The Wild Hunt
Wraiths: 88.
Demons: 52.
Fae: 51.
Magi: 45.
Pagan Gods: 20.
Angels: 13.

General Abilities:
- Impending Doom: Those who encounter the Wild Hunt will have their luck drained. On a larger scale, disasters such as wars, plagues and famines often follow in the Hunt's wake.
- Storm-Riding: Ability to travel through thunderstorms. Grants flight and resistance to wind, lightning and ice, along with some ability to generate all three of these.

- Outside of Time: Ability for the Hunt as a whole to travel through time, mainly due to existing 'outside' of time as it where.
This power is limited to typically only showing up on winter nights, along with particular days like Halloween. Additionally the Hunt will find it easier to travel to times of greater superstition and spirituality, such as the Middle Ages or parts of the 19th century, but it will find difficult to travel to ages of reason, e.g the 18th century.

- Outside of Worlds: As beings not fully of this world, the Wild Hunt can travel to other realms, such as the eight other Norse realms, the realms of the Seelie and Unseelie, parallel fantasy worlds, various underworlds, and more.


The spirits of dead humans and heroes, their sins consigning them to the Wild Hunt as a form of purgatory. The most common type of Wild Hunter, usually the most balanced skill-wise.

Arturia Pendragon Alter (Leader)
*Llamrai (Steed), Rhongomyniad (Noble Phantasm), Carnwennan, Prydwen

Kaito, played by @WildCardFool
Marya Margaret Morevna, played by @Matou Sutegobana



Creatures tied very closely to the seasons, from a world close enough to yet unlike our own. Many legends circle around them, a common one tells of them being an existence halfway between angels and devils, not above making sacrifices to Hell to pay tithes, or of them being thieves especially of children, who they swap out with 'changeling' fae-born or 'fetch' wood carvings.

Loki Ignia Glace, played by@Firebird Zoom


Magic casters in the Wild Hunt tend to differ from normal mages in crucial ways. First is that they almost always belong to a pagan religion that in pre-Enlightenment times would get them listed as 'devil-worshipers' (which a couple of them may actually be), there are little to no Christian mages in the Wild Hunt, or at least not of what you'd call 'normal Christianity'. Second is that they almost always join the Hunt via astral projection, rarely ever in person.

Pagan Gods

Deities no longer worshiped, at least not openly should you want to avoid being labelled a heretic. In the Wild Hunt's case they often stem from the Norse or Celtic pantheons, though further afield in Europe would not be unheard of.
Though far from their former glory, they still tend to be the most powerful of the Wild Hunt, but in turn often the most prone to overkill and collateral damage.


The Heavenly Host number few in the profane Wild Hunt, but are not completely unheard of, with stand-out examples including Gabriel, Azrael and, if he can still count as an angel, Lucifer.
Though they possess supreme power, they tend to be the most moralistic of the Wild Hunt (not like that's up against much competition) and are often hesitant to unleash their full powers.

@The Name of Love

The Hunted

Current Targets (in order of priority):

Jeanne Alter
Kriemhild Nibelung
Dr. Faust
Ivan Groznyi

Former Targets:


Also tagging Matou Sutegobana, Firebird Zoom, @LostDeviljho and The3rdCorinthian, all of whom have expressed some interest in this Quest.

Okay, commence posting!
ArlequineLunaire threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Wild Hunt total members. Total: 269
51 51 20 20 13 13 45 45 88 88 52 52
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[X] A princess whose mind has been lost to burning vengeance.

Interesting. Though I don't really get what the crossovers are goin to be. Standard mythological fantasy?
[X] A demonologist claiming to have acquired all earthly knowledge, yet whose allotted time is running out.
[X] A demonologist claiming to have acquired all earthlyknowledge, yet whose allotted time is running out.
[X] A crazed emperor claiming absolute power in the far north, ready to burn down any city that says otherwise.
[X] A pretender witch-knight with command over dragons, desecrating God's name.


Sound the Horns and let lose the hounds! The Hunt Rides!
[X] A pretender witch-knight with command over dragons, desecrating God's name.

Ooh, it's up! I'm assuming we can just submit our character sheet here? Or do we PM you?

Edit: @Lapin Lune
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[x] A princess whose mind has been lost to burning vengeance.

Interesting. I'll wait for others to submit their characters, first, to see what a baseline would be.
Name: Kaito

Species: Ghost

Description: To the untrained eye he appears to be an average person. Decently tall with black hair, he has no real distinguishing traits. This made it all the easier to pull of his many heists during his life. His trademark as a Phantom Thief was the white suit he would wear, along with the monocle he used to hide his identity.

History: He learned many sleight of hand tricks from his father, who made a living as a performer. As a child his father died, and although he remembered it as a tragic incident nothing really stood out. Later discovering it to be a murder, he also learned that the murderers were after a special gem that could grant immortality. Kaito made it his life's goal to find that gem first and destroy it. He succeeded in doing so, but in the process was killed.

Personality: Overall friendly person, he loves to play tricks on others using sleight of hand. His biggest weakness would have to be his crippling fear of fish, to the point where mere images cause him to freak out.

Weapons/Abilities: He isn't very powerful, and relies on his sleight of hand to make up for it. Able to disguise himself as almost anyone with his acting skills and ventriloquism, when discovered he manages to pull trick after trick out of his pocket to escape capture. Equipment -wise he uses smoke bombs and avoids direct confrontations whenever possible.
[X] A pretender witch-knight with command over dragons, desecrating God's name.

I'm going to be reusing a character I created for another RP, so just give me a minute to create the sheet.
Votes closed, next update (or Turn as I guess they say in Riot Quests) hopefully soon.

Priority Targets are Jeanne Alter > Kriemhild > Faust > Ivan the Terrible.
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Jan 28, 2018 at 11:10 PM, finished with 19 posts and 13 votes.
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Hey, I finished.

Name: Loki Ignia Glace
Race: Fae (Scandinavian Fire Elemental)
Description: Once a being of variable size who formed her body out of the very element she controlled, Loki has restricted her form to that of a semi-humanoid mass of living flame clad in a suit of pale orange armor, as a gesture of respect for someone from her past. Her usual appearance is that of an athletic young woman who stands at about 5'7". Interestingly, her gauntlets don't match, as the left one is made from Black iron, rather than the pale orange metal the rest of her armor is made out of.
History: Loki dislikes talking about her past, but has revealed that she had a daughter, though she always avoids speaking of her. She has stated that she bares no relation with Loki of the Norse Pantheon, but simply took his name when she first began dealing with Magi.
Personality: Loki delights in battle and throws herself into the fray with a fervor that can, at times, border on berserk rages. Outside of combat, she is a warm and motherly being, constantly joking about with her comrades and doing her best to keep morale high.
Weapons: Loki wields an ornate golden spear, conceptually strengthened to the point that very little can withstand it. In addition, she possesses a second spear that is capable of stirring up a blizzard from nothing. Her armor is similarly enhanced.
Abilities: Loki is capable of pyromancy on a large scale, but usually holds back so her comrades have a fair chance. She can change her shape, but requires a source of fire to make herself bigger.
Steed: a horse, bred to bear her.
QM's Note: The combination of a headache, the heat, general writer's block and how late it's getting here (and, I'll confess, Internet distractions), have all meant I've been having a lot of difficulty trying to write this update. Sorry about that, but too show people I've been working on something I'll be posting what I've written up of it so far, though won't be threadmarking it as it's not the finished thing.

That Dark Knight fanart I'm using for Kriemhild I found through Bird of Hermes' Gudrun sheet over on Beast's Lair.

* * *​

[x] A pretender witch-knight with command over dragons, desecrating God's name.

Having only spent a minimal amount of time regaining the strength, Arturia gave a short, sharp whistle to summon from out of the darkness Llamrai, her great snorting stallion, his eyes red, mane stark white and and pelt the same midnight colour as her donned armour.

Splitting the Wild Hunt into four factions for now, Arturia herself led the way through the night, over the Channel to France and a crumbling castle in the woods. This castle to normal eyes already looked quite dilapidated, but the slightest magic sense could pick up a stronger devastation, a corrupted, consuming aura that stained the whole place a hellish black. Ghostly screams and crying could still be heard coming from it.

[x] A princess whose mind has been lost to burning vengeance.

The second branch of the Wild Hunt first came across a great plume of smoke, which after they rode closer they could see came from a ancient wooden hall, only minutes before large and imposing, now covered entirely in a raging blaze. Fur-coated horsemen were already galloping far away into the plains, while knights still sweltering in armour nevertheless made attempts to carry their fellow men out.

In the centre of all this flame stood a woman, her hair singed black, her iron dress shimmering from the surrounding fire, and a longbow and greatsword seeping poison in her hands that she carried anyway, even though you'd think she'd not have the strength for it.

[x] A demonologist claiming to have acquired all earthly knowledge, yet whose allotted time is running out.

If this devil summoner they'd been sent after truly had all earthly knowledge at his disposal, and since most of their forces had been sent after the False Jeanne and Princess Kriemhild, these Wild Hunters decided with their numbers this would only be a scouting mission for now. At least they had one advantage, for the Wild Hunt was not what you'd call 'earthly knowledge'.

[x] A crazed emperor claiming absolute power in the far north, ready to burn down any city that says otherwise.
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Please get a better pic, female or not a warrior king is someone who lugs around 40 kilos of steel plate and stabs and gets stabbed on a regular basis, she should look the bit.
I have no clue what a character sheet in a Riot Quest entails, but I'm trying my hand at creating one.

Name: Marya Margaret Morevna
Race: Pagan God Magi? Ghost
Description: Marya is a tale told to Russian Children. If she lived or not is up for debate.

Many other folktales include heroines with similar names associated with the Witch Baba Yaga or the Lich Koschei the Deathless. She is alternately the heroine or Baba Yaga's servant, and she is either Koschei's Jailor or his partner/student.

She is most often known as Koschei's jailor and the leader of an army. Of course as a member of the Wild Hunt, she is under Arturia's command.
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@Evonix This is something you should take up with Type-Moon, not me, since that's just what Lancer Arturia Alter looks like at Stage 3/4 (in fact that's a more toned-down image I'm using). Granted, she is fully armoured in her first Stage form.

About Marya, if you're going for something like a Heroic Spirit, the proper category would probably be Ghost, the same as Arturia.

On another topic, on top of the difficulties I listed in my last post, my computer's been having quite frequent problems lately with sudden freezing and difficulty even starting up (it's taken me multiple restarts just to even get on the Internet), and it's not even that old. This hopefully won't keep me too much offline, but thought I definitely should give people here a heads-up about it.