Wild Cards Against Humanity [Wild Cards] (OOC/Signup/Discussion)

Hoshino Yumemi

A Few Bulbs Short Of A Planetarium
IC Thread this-a-way

There are 54 of them.

4 suits, 13 cards each, two Jokers.

And that's all, frankly, than the world can seriously handle.

They are the Cards. Guns amongst guns. A gunslinger gifted with one of them is also cursed: the Cards are weapons no mortal man can carry without it changing their lives forever. Or, in most cases, considerably shortening them.

But those are the Cards everybody knows. Did you know there was another set?

Someone thought in a fey mood (or maybe just after getting seriously drunk) they could make their own Guns, and maybe they were crazy enough, stupid enough, drunk enough, or all three to succeed in making their own deck of Cards before passing it off to a Dealer of their own.

Now these Guns are loose on an unsuspecting public, not playing cards, but little square white cards. Cards that would look uncannily familiar to a few...

This is a comedy roleplay idea I had brewing for a long time before deciding to spring it on a group I figured would have fun trying it out: Sufficient Velocity.

Before we start, you should know what Wild Cards is: it's a Western-themed roleplaying game created by 4chan which centers around Cards, guns with magical powers given to unsuspecting gunslingers who then go off chasing fame and fortune.

I'm going with that and making a few changes: first off, it doesn't take place in the alternate late 19th century the original takes place in. It takes place in non-specifically modern times, so the guns are a whole lot more diverse as a group of weapons. I'd describe the setting as a city with no name that's modern but huge, with the magic that might've birthed the Guns always bubbling under the surface. Think about it like if Mitakihara had as many guns per head as Roanapur did, where lots of dealings are done in the shadows with a payment in lead.

The second change? Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting twerps who get their Guns, this is a deck of Cards created by a gunsmith who based them off the cards from a Cards Against Humanity deck. Oh yeah. Here be dragons.
Wild Cards works with four stats:

Clubs, which represent strength, toughness, intimidation, raw caliber, that kinda thing
Diamonds, which represent speed, cleverness, reflexes, quick-drawing and quick-firing, that sorta stuff
Hearts, which represent percepetion, social graces, accuracy, that stuff
Spades, which represent luck, trick shooting, mojo, magic, things of that sort

When you start, you take 7 Suit Points and distribute them each amongst these stats, making sure you have at least one point in each Suit.

Then, take your Clubs score and a number I'll give you based on the suit of your Gun, and add those together. Those are your Wounds. That's your HP.

Then, when you've made your character, you'll be given a Gun in a one-on-one short RP. Depending on the suit, you'll add one more point to a corresponding Suit. I know these are supposed to be Cards Against Humanity cards, but I've only ever played it over PYX, so I instead used a system where some of my favorite cards correspond to actual playing cards. Besides, this is how you get the Suit point bonus.

When you have to roll for anything, you can pick a Suit, then roll its score in d6es either against a flat number or against me. If your dice score is greater than that number, congratulations! You win the exchange, no questions asked. If your dice score is less, too bad, you lose the exchange. If you tie, I will automatically concede the roll to you, since hey, you're the heroes.

You can be flexible about how you use your Suits and what you roll with. Be creative, play with what strengths you have.

If you get hit in combat, you lose a Wound. Run outta Wounds and depending on what I think is appropriate, you die or are out of action for the scene.

There is also no real initiative rule: actions are said to happen in the order of the most fluid narrative.

On the other hand, when you do momentous stuff, like fighting bad guys, solving problems, or doing other general stuff, I will give you Bullet Points. You can spend them to restore a Wound if you can't find some rest or if your Card has no health-restoring powers, one Bullet Point for a Wound, or you can spend three to buy a Suit Point and increase one of your stats by 1.
To be expanded
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Name: John Hanks

Clubs: 1
Hearts: 2
Diamonds: 3
Spades: 2

Wounds: 5

And your White Card is "The Rapture."
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Name: Jessica Richter

Clubs: 1
Diamonds: 4
Hearts: 1
Spades: 1

I'm made of DIAMONDS!
Name: Johnny Smythe

Clubs: 1
Diamonds: 1
Hearts: 1
Spades: 5

Wounds: 3

Weapon: "Agriculture"
Johnny sees the front. On it, in simple black block lettering, is "Agriculture."

When he so much as blinks, he feels something fall into his hand, and he finds himself holding onto a sawn-off break-open shotgun that looks like it's seen better days. Or at least, it's seen much, much worse owners.

It smells like fresh soil and feels as cool. Sure, it looks all screwed-up and the wood furniture looks like it's been buried for years, but it still feels solid and like if he threw in a shell, cocked the hammer and pulled the trigger, it'd fire every time. On its furniture, the word "Agriculture" was branded in, black burnt lettering still clearly visible against the deep brown.
Agriculture can be used either like an acutal shotgun, or should you be around anything vaguely related to farming or gardening, you can actually take control of it. No matter how big or how small, if you can see or recognize it, point at something and make like you're firing, and it will start operating based on your orders.

So if you really felt like somebody needed to go get intimately acquainted with a nearby lawnmower, nothing's stopping you.
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Neat, that's a few already.

I'll still recruit for now, but when would you be able to do some solo PM RPing so I can give you your guns?
Oh why not. (For a moment, I thought this was a weird fusion of the superhero setting Wild Cards and Deadlands)
Name: Gail Tucker
Clubs: 2
Diamonds: 1
Hearts: 3
Spades: 2
Wounds: 4
Card: Hot Cheese/7 Spade
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Name: Chris Harrison

Clubs: 3
Diamonds: 1
Hearts: 1
Spades: 2

>>Insert witty comment here<<
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Hey, a rules light system that Hoshino's running? I'm in.

Name: Lumi Koskenkorva

Clubs: 1
Diamonds: 3
Hearts: 2
Spades: 1
Sorry for the wait, everybody!

Seeing as I've handed out Guns to almost everybody who's started an RP with me, would everyone like an IC thread soon?