When in doubt drop a mountain on its head (Worm CYOA)

This story will be on an extended hiatus so I can focus on my other story addicted to power.

The reason being people seem to like it more and I'm having more fun writing it.

Conversation with Skitter goes pretty much the same

-This is a horrible, horrible thing to do in a story. You are highlighting your own laziness. A lazy writer is one that writes poor stories. Avoid the laziness.-
-This is a horrible, horrible thing to do in a story. You are highlighting your own laziness. A lazy writer is one that writes poor stories. Avoid the laziness.-
I didn't think anyone would want to reread it. Like how I don't think you need to describe what the characters look like in fanfiction because everyone has already seen them in the manga/anime.

But looking at it again I can see how it could bother some people, I guess I could copy the conversation down later.
Umm,, you have like, this HUGE bias for the Undersider.

Considering joining because of family problem?

Seriously? If you're okay with being criminal, you can easily pickpocket people.

Even at 10 ft (that's around 3 meters, right?) you can just go into a crowd, ensure that some people 'drop' their wallet, and conspicuously moved it to your hand.

On the other hand, you can farm gold from seawater. There's like 1 mg gold per tonne of seawater.

Learn to fine tune it, and you can just walk around on a beach, and go back home with 10 gram of gold or such that for every hour (?) depending on how far did you take your practice.

IIRC, un-nerfed psychokinetic of worm CYOA can literally change the atomic structure, changing any gas in our atmosphere into precious metal easily.

Just filtering gold from seawater is easy peasy, even if nerfed like that.
I give this alternate solution for MC's money problem because the reason for him to join Undersider is very contrived.

This has the beginning of a good idea, please keep working on it. :D :D :D
Umm,, you have like, this HUGE bias for the Undersider.

Considering joining because of family problem?

Seriously? If you're okay with being criminal, you can easily pickpocket people.

Even at 10 ft (that's around 3 meters, right?) you can just go into a crowd, ensure that some people 'drop' their wallet, and conspicuously moved it to your hand.

On the other hand, you can farm gold from seawater. There's like 1 mg gold per tonne of seawater.

Learn to fine tune it, and you can just walk around on a beach, and go back home with 10 gram of gold or such that for every hour (?) depending on how far did you take your practice.

IIRC, un-nerfed psychokinetic of worm CYOA can literally change the atomic structure, changing any gas in our atmosphere into precious metal easily.

Just filtering gold from seawater is easy peasy, even if nerfed like that.
I give this alternate solution for MC's money problem because the reason for him to join Undersider is very contrived.

This has the beginning of a good idea, please keep working on it. :D :D :D

I think people would notice their wallets moving around in their pockets, He doesn't have such fine control out of battle, I had know Idea about the gold from saltwater thing so that was interesting.

His powers have been changed so that he cannot improve his situation by being clever with his powers.

They are focused on conflict, he is only able to use them to their full potential when he feels he is in legitimate danger.

Everything will work against him so that putting himself in danger is the only way he can help his family, and the Undersiders have some serious danger coming their way.

Also no one said anything about staying in the group indefinitely.
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How nerfed is his fine control?

Like i said, unnerfed PK is quantum level of fine control, considering you can manipulate energy and matter, meaning you're playing at string theory's 'string that makes the building block of the universe' level of fine manipulation.

That's why combining PK and II is such an 'I win' button.

Considering you nerfed it for Skitter mode, and making it conflict based powers, can he literally can not use his power outside of conflict, or just severely hampered?

How bad is his fine control? keep in mind, you are already nerfing what should be a power rated shaker 12 into what seems like shaker 1 outside of conflict (IIRC, Lung is Brute 4 outside of conflict).
Outside of most situations the extent of his control is picking something up and moving it around.

When in battle it gets a lot fancier, multiple things flying everywhere.

I'm pretty sure that control on that level would be impossible for him. Maybe if Scion was right in front of him about to use a super death beam.

The stuff your talking about crosses into the whole "That is total bullshit!" boom I win just by existing level.

The point of Skitter mode was to keep it from being a curb stomp fic.

He still has an amazingly strong power, but he's going to have to work for the win.
Here is some more information for when he's out of danger.

Has to use hands to direct what he's moving, unlike when he is in danger where he can make things go like 50 different directions while standing still.

When not in danger each hand can move 500 pounds, so his upper limit when not in battle is half a ton if he is using both hands to direct it.

The upper limits will escalate with threat level.

Out of danger his range is limited so if he wants to move more than one thing at a time they can't be to far apart.

Also note that I say danger instead of battle.

Example if he is facing one armed thug, that is not enough of a threat to increase his limits.

Although if he wasn't paying attention and was shot, the adrenaline and fear would help to unlock his powers.

When not in danger he also loses his ability to generate energy such as radiation, or electricity.

I'm trying to get it like this.
No Threat=Shaker 4-5 Armsmaster=Shaker 7 Blaster 4 Glory girl using fear aura=Shaker 10 Blaster 7 Endbringer=Shaker 12 Blaster 10

He also has the ability to sense all matter and energy around him so he also has a Thinker rating.
Out of danger the radius is only a city block and increases when threatened like his other powers I'm not sure by how much though. I also don't know how to rate that as a thinker power.

I think that scaling is pretty decent.
Your scaling looks fine to me. But the application of such is not.

For example, Skitter, IIRC, is rated Master 4 at the very beginning. When all she is known to be able to do is control bugs. Like a lot of bugs.

As her badassery is revealed, the rating is bumped to 6, 8 (at the point when she killed Alexandria), and 12 (Khepri, CMIIW).

Shaker 4-5 is stronger than Lady Photon (Forcefield bubble and shaped forcefields) that is rated as Shaker 3.

You've chosen to limit the range, scale, and fine control of his ability.

The triangle of power nerfing rule is that you chose 2 out of 3.

If all is nerfed, the MC can't munchkin the power.

How are they supposed to be God Emprah if you nerf all of them? :p :p :p
So why would the mother be paying the father's debts? That's not how debts work. Creditors will be after the skeeping father, they have no leg to stand on to harass the rest of the family, esp. if nothing they have is owned by the dad.

And the whole Skitter limit is completely unenteresting to me.
And if the money was owed to a legitimate business that would matter, but it's owed to a gang for illegal gambling, the debt isn't legally there in the first place, since dog fighting and such is illegal, so of course they can't legally claim debts racked up from gambling in such a place, what they can however do is send leg breakers to collect, and when they do such a thing, they often force the debt on people who really have nothing legally to do with it, such as children spouses or parents.

Gangs often treat debts as being owed by the debtors family if the debtor skip town, even if it legally aren't like that, and in a gangridden shithole like Brockton Bay, you can't trust the police to protect you if you refuse to pay, even if you are legally in the right to do so.

All this is legally nonsense, but the gang will send someone to rough them up if they don't pay, and then escalate from there.

Seeing as it's from dog fighting at least in part, Hookwolf is probably the one he owes money to, and do you really think Hookwolf will bother chasing him across the country, when there are convenient family members right there he can force the debt on instead?

Edit. apparently the author already said this.
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