Vote tally - Weapons Design for Fun and Profit: Across the Multiverse (Currently In: My Little Pony)

Scheduled vote count started by Fullyautomagic on Dec 13, 2021 at 5:00 PM, finished with 19 posts and 13 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Weapons Design for Fun and Profit: Across the Multiverse (Currently In: My Little Pony)
Post #26
Post #44


  • [X] 'FOB Corp.' Rapid-Construction Unit: While it didn't have many of the more interesting applications of other technologies found in the facility, it'd certainly simplify logistics once it started trying to set up local production.
    [X] 'DiploTech Products' Universal Translator: While it'd likely be able to brute-force a basic understanding of any language it came across... it'd take a signifact portion of time to properly process and be applied. Time that could be spent running simulation cycles on new products to sell to the natives and gather further resources! It'd also be useful in particularly tense situations where immediate mutual understanding was an absolute necessity.
    [X] 'Specialty Alloys' 4th-Gen LF-010 Microforge: Judging from the initial scans of the atmosphere and surrounding aread, the infrastructure on this world was... simply insufficient. Though it would be unable to produce any exotic materials, the microforge would allow local ores to be refined and synthesized into alloys more advanced than anything that could reasonably be found here.
    [X] 'Lazarus Solutions' Mk-II Gestation Tank: This would probably be one of the more important bits of technology for the fledgling AI to have access to. Not only because it'd allow for deeper experimentation with the local fauna, but because it'd allow the AI to disguise itself among the natives with a biosleeve! Of course, tracking down and capturing one of the natives to draw a genetic sample from would be quite difficult in its current state...
    [x] 'Heckfire Industries' AB-76 Combat Blaster: Though the crate of weaponry had been meant for the security contingent in the facility, they were no longer here to object to the AIs usage of them! They were a limited resource, especially as their emitters functioned through canisters of limited exotic particles... but they'd likely guarantee its safety for the first few months of its time on this world.
    [X] 'Ostium Aeronautics' M1 Aerospace Platform: A single locally-produced fighter was present among the wreckage, though it lacked any form of jump, hyper, or warp drive to help propel the AI back among the stars. Still, it'd allow for resource extraction from places that the loals would be unable to reach!