Vows of vengeance: a fantasy civ quest

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Some say all endings are also beginnings, the tale of our tribe is one and it starts on the...
first post
Some say all endings are also beginnings, the tale of our tribe is one and it starts on the docks of londinium on the day the last human city fell to the orcish hordes. We fled there to shelter behind the mighty walls of the city but after a goblin tunnel caused a section of the walls to collapse the city was lost. The remains of the navy made one last attack against the orcish galley's to open the way for the trading ships to flee. There where several chiefs giving orders to sail to different locations. Our tribe chose to follow the plan to set sail and created a new village called:

[][location] Oslo
Far away from the centers of the orcish tribes this is a land with few greenskins and there is iron in the mountains but farming this far north will be hard.

[][location] Amsterdam
The nearby coast is a area full of swamps and prone to flooding and some say to close to the orcish hordes but we its short trip and good land to farm and fish.

[][location] Palma
The long trip to this island in the mediterranean means we must take more food instead of members of our tribe and the island lacks places to mine iron and copper but we can hide and rebuild there.

The ships where crewed by a group of fishermen and 3 groups of tribesmen and the ships that joined us took:

[] A group of fishermen
They provide 4 food per year and eat 3. no actions need to be taken for this.

[] A group of farmers
They provide 4 food per year(3 in Oslo) and eat 3. no actions need to be taken for this.

[] A group of Hunters
They provide 4 food per year and eat 3. no actions need to be taken for this.

[] A group of warriors
Full time fighters clad in leather armor and armed with spears and bows.

[] A group of tribesmen.
The tribesmen without specific jobs provide one food per year and you get one action per 3 groups of tribesmen you have.

[] A small flock of sheep
Allows a single farmer to raise sheep providing one more food.

[] Additional food.
Unless more food is taken or produced the tribe eat all food it takes in the first year, adds 20 dried and salted meat and/or fish

There is room for 8 more groups unless the destination is Palma then only 6 groups can come due the need for more food for the longer trip.
Each group the tribe takes eats 3 food per year, villages can have 12 groups before disease can break out and each type of food available increase this number by four.

Just before we left a single person joined our ships this was:

[] [hero]A blacksmith with his tools.
Allows the production of metal tools and weapons once you got a source of ore.

[][hero] A champion
A skilled warrior wearing chainmail and a bastard sword.

[][hero] An Apprentice cleric
The tribe will be happy to have someone who knows the basics of healing spells.

This first vote will be by plan to prevent you ending up with a blacksmith and no ore all later votes will be by approval.
This quest takes place an alternative world where only the the coastlines, rivers and the places named are in the same place as in ours.
The general level of technology is early iron age with the exception that blacksmiths far better.
Besides the existence of races like orcs, goblins, elves and dwarfs magic is limited to healing spells and it takes an Apprentice cleric 10 minutes to cast a single healing spell.
The human orc war will be one to the death of one side, orcs and goblins will always attack humans unless outnumbered.
The initial vote will be open for 24 hours this will be extended if there is a lot of debate, questions or the vote is close.
quest mechanics
Anyone reading this is free to use any of the mechanics/backstory of this quest for there own quest/story.

The full mechanics are for those trying to get every possible advantage out the actions they take but to play the quest you need to know the following things: Try to have enough food for the tribe, the story post will tell you if you are getting low. train specialist if you want to do a kind of actions a lot. and the more groups a village has the more actions it can take.

Each group the tribe takes eats 3 food per year, villages can have 12 groups before disease can break out and each type of food available increase this number by four. Buildings and Hero's can increase this number further.

The amount of actions that can be taken depends on the population of the village/town.
Any action can be done by any 3 groups that are not food producers.

The faction system:
The tribe will take 1 action per 10 groups rounded up(1-9:1, 10-19:2, ...).
There will be one faction per type of specialist and all but the nobles get one power per turn per group.
The nobles will get 2 power per group per turn.
There will be a tribe faction getting total groups/4 power per turn
Each faction will take an actions linked to what kind of actions they get a bonus for.
Each turn the faction with the most power takes a action and losses 1/2 their power until all faction actions are taken.

Human cooperation:Gain additional actions based on the tribal happiness.
below -2 you loose 1 action
between -1 and 2 no actions gained.
between 3 and 7 you gain an action
above 8 you gain 2 tribal actions

The known groups are:
Those who do a job each turn and do not join actions:
Fishers: provides 4 food and 1 food if the have fishing boats.
Hunters: provides 4 food and 1 more if they have a hunting trial(one trail helps one hunter, max one trail per hunter)
Farmer provides 3 food, one more if they have sheep and one more per cleared field(max 2 per farmer)

The groups working in actions:
The tribesmen, provide 1 food and can be trained into specialists.
The warriors, get +5 to combat and hunting. can improve there combat bonus with gear, innovations and unknown ways.
The woodworkers, get +10 to building actions and +5 to logging having woodworkers unlocks the study(woodworking action)
The nobles, get +10 to organize tribe, +10 to combat, +5 to hunting.
The Sailors get +10 on all actions involving ships and +5 to fishing.
The ironworkers get on all ore mining(+10) and blacksmith(+10) actions
The blacksmith Hero, can only do build (+5),ore mining(+10) and blacksmith(+10) actions.
The champion, can only do combat(+15), hunting(+8) or raid actions

Success for all actions is determined by rolling a D100
If before modifiers the roll is between 1-4 a second roll determines the scale of the disaster
These include lost tools/weapons, damaged ships, groups needing a year to recover, the death of a group( on a 1-4 on the second roll)
If the roll before modifiers is above 95 a second roll determines the bonus gained, includes innovations, specialist getting better, gaining Hero's or a higher production

For example the rolls for fishing are:

For each time the action matching the job is taken it counts as a group working on it.
If 3 or less groups of specialists are doing a job like fishing the rolls are:
0-5 -2 food produced
6-35 -1 food produced
36-65 Average result
66-95 +1 food produced
96-100 +2 food produced

All rolls will be modified by the tribes values, buildings and completed projects.

The turn are a year long and the approval votes are the discussions of the council leading the tribe.
Besides the groups mentioned in the first post other groups are unlocked later in the quest.

There are 6 places a group can take on the field of battle.
These are far left flank, left flank, center left, center right, right flank far right flank.
The bonuses from weapons and skills for all groups at one of those places are added together.
each group provides 4 hit points to the place they are assigned to and if a place takes 3 hits the weakest group there retreats.
the groups facing each both roll to determine who wins, the loser takes 1 hit(unless prevented by armor).
for each 30 difference in the roll the loser takes another hit.
If there are 2 groups of attackers this becomes for each 20
If there are 3 groups of attackers this becomes for each 15
If there are 4 groups of attackers this becomes for each 10
If there are 5 groups of attackers this becomes for each 5
If a group no longer faces an enemy it moves to fight a group that has no enemies.
If no such group exists it attacks a group at +20 and with only the attaking group capable of doing damage

Combat comes in 2 forms skirmishes where a single group send on a action fights against a small number of enemies these result in a single d100 combat roll like a normal action. Examples are the actions to clear out the wildlife so the tribe can use the area.

Current combat modifiers for the tribe:
Group of warriors: +5
Group of nobles +10

Gear modifiers:
spears +0 to combat, mostly used by farmers and fisher who do not have anything better.
bows +0, allows hunting
longbows +3 hunting, +3 combat, allows hunting
longbows(iron) +5 hunting, +5 combat, allows hunting
bows(iron), bows with arrows with iron arrowheads +2 combat per 5 in group
spear(iron), spears with iron spearheads +5 combat per 5 in the group
swords, +10 combat per 5 in the group
leather armor, if a group looses a roll by 5 or less they do not get wounded.
chain mail , if a group looses a roll by 5 or less they do not get wounded and they ignore the first hit taken each battle.

When a decision is made that leads to a battle the players can decided on where they want to place there troop and when to retreat.
During the first round of battle only ranged weapons are used, and only groups with 5 or more ranged weapons will attack.
A cleric hero will be able to heal one hit of one group every two turns for a maximum of three times per year.
When one side retreats the other gets one last round of attacks at -20 as they chase the fleeing enemies.
If the fight is for the last village of a group there will be no retreat.
This will result in max 12 rolls per round of battle and less rounds due to the greater damage done per round.
Any group that has taken a single hit will heal and replace the dead before the next year.
Any group that has taken a two hits will need a year to find and train replacements
Any group that has taken a thee hits will need two years to find and train replacements
Any group that has taken a four hits will die
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The state of the world as know to the tribe
With the fall of Londinium the humans have lost there last major city. Your tribe consist of one of the larger groups of survivors but there are others especially to the north where the orcs do not like to go due there hatred of snow and ice. The main strength of the orcish kingdoms lays in the lies south of the alps and on the coast what in our world is Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain and France. They lack a strong navy and their presence is weaker on the islands especially those father from the mainland. Some of those islands contain small numbers of humans but these survive by hiding and have giving up hope of retaking land from the orcs. Their Goblin slaves can be found in marginal area's the orcs do not want and have been send in limited numbers to colonize Scandinavia in captured human ships.

The elves are currently their main rivals for control of Europa and hold most of what is on our world Germany, Denmark, southern Sweden, Poland and Romania and all land between those three. There relations with the humans are not good, as both sides blame each other for not providing enough support to stop the orcish invasion of France. There currently facing invasions of Romania from Greece and Germany from France but are able to hold the line by using hit and run attacks and sending troops form all over the area they control to those front lines.

The dwarfs are the other big loser of the recent invasions they have lost there strongholds in the Pyrenees and other southern mountain ranges and are only capable of holding there holds in the alps with elvish help, provided to keep their southern border secure and keep there access to weapons produced in the dwarven forges. A single dwarven clan reportedly has moved to Scandinavia but they only have a single stronghold there at a unknown location.
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The state of the tribe

+1 the variety of food available
+1 shrine and heroic Cleric
+1 priests
+1 houses for all
+1 large meeting hall
+1 decent Defenses

+3 happiness gives 1 tribe action, 8+ gives 2 more.

Low happiness causes the loss of control of the council, if happiness is negative for 5 years in a row the tribe takes control over halve the councils actions.

Available resources(totals round down).
quarryx1 = 1
Total = 1

sawmill x1 = 1
woodworkers 0.25 x5 = 1.25
Total = 2.25

Mine x1 = 1
Ironworkers 0.25x3 = 0.75
Total = 1.75

Saltern 2 x 0,5 = 1
tannery 1 x 0.5 = 0,5
merchant navy 1 x1 = 1
sheep 0,1 x6 = 0,6
Nobles -0,3 x3= -0,9
Warriors -0,1 x 11 = -1,1
Total = 1,1

library 0.5 x1 = 0,5
nobles 0,1 x3 = 0.3
priests 0,1 x2= 0.2
Total = 1

large shrine= 0.5
shrine 2x0,1= 0,2
priests 0,2 x2= 0.4
Total = 1.1

Tribal members(weapons):
location: Oslo
A Champion(sword, longbow, chain mail, wooden shield).
A Hero blacksmith(sword, longbow and leather armor)
A Hero cleric(sword, longbow, leather armor and wooden shield)
Nobles(10 horses, 10 swords, chainmail, wooden shields)
Warriors(10 spears(iron), chainmail, wooden shields)
Tribesmen(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), wooden shields) x3
Mounted messengers(horses, 10 spears)
Sailors(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), wooden shields)
Woodworkers(10 spears, wooden shields)
Ironworkers(10 spears, wooden shields)
Priests(10 spears, wooden shields)
Skilled Fishermen(10 spears(iron), wooden shields)
Fishermen(10 spears, wooden shields) x4
Skilled Hunters(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), wooden shields) x3
Hunters(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows, wooden shields) x2
Skilled Farmers(10 spears, wooden shields)
Farmers(10 spears, wooden shields) x3

Nobles(10 horses, 10 lances(iron),10 swords, chainmail, wooden shields)
Warriors(10 horses, 5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron),5 swords, chainmail, wooden shields)
Elvish Skilled Hunters(10 longbows(iron), wooden shields)
Farmers(10 spears, wooden shields) x2
Half-Elven Priests(10 spears, wooden shields)
Elvish Farmers(10 spears, wooden shields)
Elvish Woodworkers(10 spears, wooden shields)
Skilled Fishermen(10 spears, wooden shields)

Jernklippe(Northern mountains)
Warriors(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)
Ironworkers(10 spears, wooden shields)
Ironworkers(10 spears, wooden shields)
Woodworkers(10 spears, wooden shields)
Skilled Fishermen(10 spears, wooden shields)
Hunters(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), wooden shields) x3
farmers(10 spears, wooden shields) x3

Warriors(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)
Elvish Tribesmen(10 longbows(iron))
Hunters(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows, wooden shields)
Hunters(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows, wooden shields)
Woodworkers(10 spears, wooden shields)
Priests(10 spears, wooden shields)
Fishermen(10 spears, wooden shields) x3
Sailors(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), wooden shields)(merchant navy)
farmers(10 spears, wooden shields) x2

Golden fields
Elvish Warriors(10 longbows(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)
Elvish Skilled Hunters(10 longbows(iron), wooden shields)
Skilled Hunters(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), wooden shields)
Tribesmen(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), wooden shields)
Skilled farmers(10 spears, wooden shields)
farmers(10 spears, wooden shields)
Woodworkers(10 spears, wooden shields)

Warband Erikson
Elvish Nobles(10 horses, 10 spears(iron), 10 swords, chainmail, wooden shields)
Warriors(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)
Warriors(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)
Warriors(5 spears(iron), 5 longbows(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)
Elvish Warriors(10 longbows(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)

Central Swedish front:
Warriors(10 spears(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)

Norwegian front:
Warriors(10 spears(iron), leather armor, wooden shields)

Large iron plows: farmers with cattle can use 3 fields.

Three ships (Lion, Wolf, and Bear)
Cheetah (merchant navy)

income(4 barrels of iron, 5 of wool and 19 wood).
4 barrels of iron
45 barrels of wool
60 wood
flocks of sheep(eats 2 grain, provides 3 food)
Herd of cattle(eats 3 grain, provides 5 food)

Faction actions
Besides the actions chosen by the players the factions have a number of actions per turn.
one per 10 groups = 6
one from happiness = 1
Total 7

Sawmill -1/3
Saltern x2 -2/3
iron mine -1/3
shipyard -1/3
tannery -1/3
quarry -1/3
village hall -1/3
armory -1
Total 3 2/3 less actions by the tribes factions.
The tribe factions take 3 actions per turn

One blacksmiths shop
Town wells
Crude shelters
Large Shrine
small harbor
6x housing(houses 5 groups each)
1x noble housing(houses one group each)
Sawmill (5+ #woodworkers wood per turn)
Root Cellar(1/3 of all grain rots)
Earthen Walls
Large meeting hall
saltern(1/3 of all meat and fish rots)

Provides all new and existing groups with weapons and armor
Longbows: All
Wooden shields: All

3x housing(houses 5 groups each)
2x noble housing(houses one group each)
Earthen Walls

Buildings(Jernklippe, Northern mountains)
Trails south
Mine(1 + 1 barrels of iron per ironworker) each year
2x housing(houses 5 groups each)
Earthen Walls

2x housing(houses 5 groups each)
Earthen Walls

Buildings(Golden fields)

2x herd of cattle

Current food production(on average rolls) = 240
10 groups 4 each = 42
small harbor = 6
2x skilled fishers = 2
9x fishing boats = 9
3x fishing ship = 6
2x pier = 2
13 groups 4 each = 52
13x hunting trail = 13
6x skilled hunters = 6
Farming and other sources(105):
12 groups 3 each = 36
2x skilled farmer = 2
23x cleared fields =23
4x estates = 12
6x small flock of sheep = 6
11x herd of cattle = 22
5x groups of tribesmen = 5

Food Use = 239
3x hero = 3
3x nobles = 3
68 groups 3 each = 204
Transportation = 6
Horses 5x2 = 10
Meetings 68/5 = 13
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The founding of Oslo
The journey north started out with strong winds pushing the ships fleeing Londinium during the first day of the journey but as night fell the wind weakened and the goblin galleys caught up with the rearmost ship ,the green dragon. The sound of battle seemed to last for hours but looking at the position moon told us it was far shorter before the night sky lighted up behind us, as a fire started on the green dragon and we cheered when the fire spread to three of the goblin galleys that where boarding the ship. We believe that that fight and fire saved the rest of the ships because after a night of rowing the morning revealed that the goblins galleys where only dots on the horizon.

The following day a storm blew in from the west and those who where on the ships talk about waves as high as a man pounding the ships. During the night they saw a ship break in two pieces and sink in before they could react. When the storm ended days later it left the ships in a poor state, one had lost its mast and another required 4 man to work to remove the water flowing inside. The only ship left intact was the Lion who lead the exploration of the coastline. This small group of ships sailed up the first river they found on this remote shore and they landed at near a large hill on the western bank of this river.

Atop this hill a camp was made by taking apart the leaking ship to provide materials for shelters. The Lion was send out to try and find the other ships that had joined us on our travels to the north while the crews of the other ships explored the land around the new village. When the Lion return two weeks later together with another mastless ship and the scouts report noting worse the wolves and bears nearby that the decision was made that atop the hill they would start there new village and that it would be called Oslo.

The tribe has 3 ships left, one the Lion needing only minor repairs but the other 2 need a lot of work to restore to working order.
[] [ships] We save the damaged ships for the day we can repair them.
Both ships with be kept in the hope we can repair them later.
[] [ships] We save one of damaged ship for repairs and salvage the other.
Saves one ship for repairs, salvage the other to get a free build action.
[] [ships] The lion is the only ship we need.
salvages both damaged ships, gives 2 free build actions.

Based on the current number of the tribe(3 groups of tribesmen, one of warriors) you have 1 action available. All rolls are with a D100.
the tribe has 24 food and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will start the next one with 5 food.
Actions can be taken more then once.
[] Go fishing
provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)
[] Farming
provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)
[] Hunting
provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)
[] clear out trials for hunting
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1.
[] Log trees
Provides 10 wood enough for 2 building actions.
[] Build meeting hall
Allows an single action with less then 3 groups with -10 for each missing group.
[] Build fishing boats.
Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.
[] Build houses.
Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.
[] Build a root cellar.
Stores up to 12 food(grain or vegetables) and reduces spoilage to 1/3 of the amount stored.
[] Build a barn for the sheep
Unlocks options to expand the number of sheep.
[] Build a shrine
Increases happiness and allows the training of priests.
[] Build a blacksmith shop
Allows the working of metal, salvaging a ship provides enough iron to equip a single group.
[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defenses against attacks.
[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1.
[] dig wells
Provides a clear source of water increasing the maximum population before there is a chance of disease by 4.
[] send out scouts - [target]
Sends out a group of scouts targets are:
north, up the river
the swamp, at the other side of the river.
east, along the coast
west, along the coast.
[] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elvish city you can try to trade here.
[The northern coast] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[The Baltic] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[Write in destination] , subject to approval specify where and why you want to sail somewhere.
[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.
[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.
[] conquer more land [target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area.
north, up the river
south, to the coast
east, the swap across the river.
west, the woods near the hill

The final decision for the tribe was what would the blacksmith focus on?
[] [blacksmith] repair tools
Repairs tools and provides a +10 bonus to build actions this turn
[] [blacksmith] repair weapons
Repairs weapons and provides a +10 bonus to combat action this turn
[] [blacksmith] build a blacksmith shop
Allows the working of metal, salvaging a ship provides enough iron to equip a single group.
[] [blacksmith] search for a source of ore.
no valid targets under control of the tribe.
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The first year at Oslo
The first year at Oslo

The fishing had a slow start this year as the fishermen where still looking for the best places to fish and the new fishing boats where not ready until the summer.
The hunters where happy with their results and brought back reports confirming that there is no sign of greenskins near our Oslo.

Once spring had arrived we prepared the Lion for a scouting expedition north along the coast, where we where hoping we could find the other ships that had scattered in the storm. With frequent trips up fjords and rivers to explore and map them we slowly made our way along the coast. We encountered many deer and other wildlife unused to being hunted form the water that where easy targets for our bows. During the fourth week of the trip a storm forced us to beach the ship and wait three days for it to pass. A month after the storm we spotted a large building and a field of grain.

As we approached the building we saw the farmers flee into the surrounding woods and it took hours before the farmers where all back for the celebration that was held when they realized we where friendly humans. The locals named their village Bergen and they where happy to hear of Oslo and after several hours of talks the locals offered to join the tribe.

The village of Bergen consist of a group of farmers and one of tribesmen, and has a meeting hall as the only major building. They have a load of 20 smoked and salted meat and where planning on eating this while the tribesmen improved the village. What is the plan for the men of Bergen?

[] [Bergen] Keep the village
Despite the distance between Bergen and Oslo(a month of sailing) we can support it from Oslo.
Will require a long term plan for Bergen and you can only change this plan when you do a sailing mission northern shore.

[] [Bergen] Relocate all to Oslo
Moves the farmers, tribesmen and their store of salted meat to Oslo.

There is still time left in the year for the sailing expedition to do more choose a option:

[] [sailing expedition] Continue exploring
Once ship leaves Bergen there is still time to explore more.
will provide a +10 bonus on the next sailing expedition [The northern coast]

[] [sailing expedition] Return to Bergen in the fall.
If the men of Bergen move to Oslo we can return there in the fall to harvest the grain and load the cut timber that we do not have room for on the first trip.
Will provide 5 wood and 3 grain.

Back at Oslo the blacksmiths shop was finished and a late start of the winter lead to a greater then expected harvest. the size of the tribe also grew with the tribesmen being joined by our children who became adults. The warriors spend the year training and planning the defence of the tribe.

The rolls for Fishing gave one less food,Hunting was average, Farming and the tribesmen each produced one more food
A good roll on building the fishing boats led to them being ready to use before the end of the year giving +1 food.
The roll for the sailing trip was 50, leading to the discovery of Bergen.
There was enough food left that you gained one group of tribesmen at Oslo.
The state of the tribe treadmark is updated with the weapons used by the groups in the tribe.
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Springtime in Oslo
During the long nights of winter the tribe debated the plans for the coming year when they met at end of the day in small groups, in one shelter Harold the captain of last years sailing expedition would argue for another expedition that year, while Olaf would talk to his fellow farmers about the need of a barn for the sheep. This system of a lot of small discussions leading to a single plan might work but some said that there where better ways of planning the activities of the tribe especially once it would grow larger.

Based on the current number of the tribe(5 groups of tribesmen, one of warriors) you have 2 action available. All rolls are with a D100.
the tribe has 22 food and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will start the next one with 9 food.
Actions can be taken more then once.
[] Go fishing
provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)
[] Farming
provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)
[] Hunting
provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)
[] clear out trials for hunting
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1.
[] Log trees
Provides 10 wood enough for 2 building actions.
[] Build a new ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
[] Repair a damaged ship
costs 5 wood.
[] Salvage a damaged ship
provides 5 wood and 1 barrel of iron, the cut wood allows a free building action
[] Organize the tribe
Requires a meeting hall, gives a vote on how to run the growing tribe.
[] Build meeting hall
Provides a single free action at the village, chosen by the tribe.
[] Build fishing boats.
Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.
[] Build houses.
Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.
[] Build a root cellar.
Stores up to 12 food(grain or vegetables) and reduces spoilage to 1/3 of the amount stored.
[] Build a barn for the sheep
Unlocks options to expand the number of sheep.
[] Build a shrine
Increases happiness and allows the training of priests.
[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defenses against attacks.
[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1.
[] dig wells
Provides a clear source of water increasing the maximum population before there is a chance of disease by 4.
[] send out scouts - [target]
Sends out a group of scouts targets are:
north, up the river
the swamp, at the other side of the river.
east, along the coast
west, along the coast.
[] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elvish city you can try to trade here.
[The northern coast] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[The Baltic] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[Write in destination] , subject to approval specify where and why you want to sail somewhere.
[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.
[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.
[] conquer more land [target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area.
north, up the river
south, to the coast
east, the swap across the river.
west, the woods near the hill

The final decision for the tribe was what would the blacksmith focus on?
[] [blacksmith] Repair tools
Repairs tools and provides a +10 bonus to build actions this turn
[] [blacksmith] Repair weapons
Repairs weapons and provides a +10 bonus to combat action this turn
[] [blacksmith] Make saws and hammers.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides a +10 bonus to all building actions at Oslo.
[] [blacksmith] Make iron arrowheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides enough iron arrowhead to equip 15 bowmen
Equipping 5 bowman with iron arrowheads will give the group +2 to combat and hunting rolls.
[] [blacksmith] Make iron spearheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides 10 iron spearheads.
Equipping 5 spearmen with iron spearheads will give the group +5 to combat and hunting rolls.
[] [blacksmith] Make iron swords.
Costs 2 barrels of iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords gives +10 to combat.
[] [blacksmith] search for a source of ore.
no valid targets under control of the tribe.
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The year of the rotting logs
During the second year the tribe decided on improving Oslo by building a meeting hall so the tribe had a place where they could come together and plan for the future.

The first part of this plan was to start logging to clear a new hunting trail, it did not go well the first tree to be cut down was a big oak that turned out to be rotten on the inside once it was cut down. The next day the loggers missed a weakness in a birch tree causing it to fall down sooner then expected causing it to land on Bjorn leg breaking it. The year of the rotted logs continued with the hunters finding less game then last year and a early winter forcing a harvest before all grain was ripe.

With the tribes best woodworker out of action the construction of the meeting hall ran into problems as well, when during the construction the supporting beams where placed to far apart causing the building to collapse before all of the walls where ready reducing several logs to firewood. Several weeks later once Bjorn was feeling well enough to supervise the damage of the collapse was repaired and the Meeting hall was completed. This lead to talk about having specialists for working with wood.

The Tribe had only 2 pieces of good news, a new group of tribesmen was welcomed to the adults and that at least the fishing went well.

The tribes best roll was a 56 for fishing the followed by a 28 for the logging. The other human groups must have stolen your luck their rolls included 2 crits, a 98 and 97.
The new hunting trial will provided 1 food starting next turn.
The low logging and building rolls lead to the loss of wood. The tribe ended the year with 11 food so you gain a group of tribesmen.
logging normally produces 10 wood and a small building takes 5 but with all the problems the tribe had all the wood logger was used on the hall.
Doing the building action 2 turns in a row unlocks more details of the specialization value, and unlocks the option to train woodworkers.

woodworkers produce no food, can join actions like tribesmen and provide a +10 bonus to building actions and +5 to logging actions.
Having woodworkers unlocks the study(woodworking) action for gaining woodworking innovations.

Based on the current number of the tribe(6 groups of tribesmen, one of warriors) you have 2 action available. All rolls are with a D100.
The tribe takes one action.
The tribe has 6 food and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will start the next one with -1 food.
Actions can be taken more then once and results of the first can be used in the second.
Based on the current number of the tribe(6 groups of tribesmen, one of warriors) you have 2 action available. All rolls are with a D100.
The tribe takes one action.
The tribe has 6 food and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will start the next one with -1 food.
Actions can be taken more then once and results of the first can be used in the second.
[] Go fishing
provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)
[] Farming
provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)
[] Hunting
provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)
[] clear out trials for hunting
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.
[] Log trees
Provides 10 wood enough for 2 building actions.
[] Build a new ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
[] Repair a damaged ship
costs 5 wood.
[] Salvage a damaged ship
provides 5 wood and 1 barrel of iron, the cut wood allows a free building action
[] Organize the tribe
Requires a meeting hall, gives a vote on how to run the growing tribe.
[] Build fishing boats.
Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.
[] Build houses.
Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.
[] Build a root cellar.
Stores up to 12 food(grain or vegetables) and reduces spoilage to 1/3 of the amount stored.
[] Build a barn for the sheep
Unlocks options to expand the number of sheep.
[] Build a shrine
Increases happiness and allows the training of priests.
[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defenses against attacks.
[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benifit from 2 cleard fiels.
[] dig wells
Provides a clear source of water increasing the maximum population before there is a chance of disease by 4.
[] send out scouts - [target]
Sends out a group of scouts targets are:
north, up the river
the swamp, at the other side of the river.
east, along the coast
west, along the coast.
[] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elvish city you can try to trade here.
[The northern coast] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[The Baltic] , other ships might have ended up here and you can try to find them
[Write in destination] , subject to approval specify where and why you want to sail somewhere.
[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.
[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.
[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.
[] conquer more land [target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area.
north, up the river
south, to the coast
east, the swap across the river.
west, the woods near the hill

The final decision for the tribe was what would the blacksmith focus on?
[] [blacksmith] Repair tools
Repairs tools and provides a +10 bonus to build actions this turn
[] [blacksmith] Repair weapons
Repairs weapons and provides a +10 bonus to combat action this turn
[] [blacksmith] Make iron arrowheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides enough iron arrowhead to equip 15 bowmen
Equipping 5 bowman with iron arrowheads will give the group +2 to combat and hunting rolls.
[] [blacksmith] Make iron spearheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides 10 iron spearheads.
Equipping 5 spearmen with iron spearheads will give the group +5 to combat and hunting rolls.
[] [blacksmith] Make iron swords.
Costs 2 barrels of iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords gives +10 to combat.
[] [blacksmith] search for a source of ore.
no valid targets under control of the tribe.
Combat and weapons
Combat comes in 2 forms skirmishes where a single group send on a action fights against a small number of enemies these result in a single d100 combat roll like a normal action. Examples are the actions to clear out the wildlife so the tribe can use the area.

Current modifiers for the tribe:
Group consists of warriors: +5 to combat

Gear modifiers:
spears +0 to combat, mostly used by farmers and fisher who do not have anything better.
bows +0, allows hunting
longbows +3 hunting, +3 combat, allows hunting
bows(iron), bows with arrows with iron arrowheads +2 combat per 5 in group
spear(iron), spears with iron spearheads +5 combat per 5 in the group
swords, +10 combat per 5 in the group
leather armor, if a group looses a roll by 5 or less they do not get wounded.
chain mail , if a group looses a roll by 10 or less they do not get wounded.

The battle of Morden where parts of the tribe fought to open the way to Londinium
Our forces consisted of 2 groups of warriors(5 spears(iron), 5 bows) supported by 2 groups of tribesmen armed with (8 spears, 2 bows) and one group of tribesmen armed with (5 spears(iron), 3 spears, 2 bows)
We faced 3 groups of goblins armed with spears and bows.
This will result in the warriors getting (+5 from the spears and +5 from there skill).
The tribesmen armed with the iron spears get +5 and the others +0.
None of the goblins have more then simple spears so they all get +0.

My first plan that resulted in way to many rolls being needed
The other form are major battles these are fights at villages and other fights at that scale, here each group on both sides rolls with fights being between groups the lower rolling group gets wounded. Each wound gives -5 to the combat roll and a group with 4 wounds dies. If a group outnumbers there enemy multiple groups may attack the same target. ill include a example battle below. If a group flees there is a single combat round where only there enemies roll at -20. The strongest groups will fight each other and any extra groups will join the hardest fight.

Round 1:
Warriors(1) 60+10= 70 vs Goblin(1) 66, goblins get wounded.
Warriors(2) 42+10= 52 vs Goblin(2) 56, goblins win but the leather armor prevents a the warriors getting wounded.
Tribesmen(1) 33+5 = 38 vs Goblin(3) 70, the tribesmen get wounded.
Tribesmen(2) 90 = 38 vs Goblin(3) 70, goblins get wounded.
Tribesmen(3) 22 vs Goblin(1) 62, no injuries the goblins have already attacked.

Fights between groups continue until a group runs or dies

Warriors(1) 33+10= 43vs Goblin(1) 46-5(wounded)=41 , goblins get wounded.
Warriors(2) 42+10= 52 vs Goblin(2) 56, goblins win but the leather armor prevents a the warriors getting wounded.
Tribesmen(1) 33+5-5 = 33 vs Goblin(3) 70-5, the tribesmen get wounded.
Tribesmen(2) 90 = 38 vs Goblin(3) 70-5, goblins get wounded.
Tribesmen(3) 22 vs Goblin(1) 62, no injuries the goblins have already attacked.

The third round of combat

Warriors(1) 33+10= 43vs Goblin(1) 46-10(2 wounds)=41 , goblins get wounded.
Warriors(2) 62+10= 62 vs Goblin(2) 56, goblins get wounded.
Tribesmen(1) 66+5-10(2 wounds) = 61 vs Goblin(3) 70-10(2 wounds) = 60, goblins get wounded.
Tribesmen(2) 90 = 90 vs Goblin(3) 70-15(3 wounds), goblins are killed.
Tribesmen(3) 22 vs Goblin(1) 62, no injuries the goblins have already attacked.

with one group dead and the rest wounded the goblins try to run in the final round of combat:

Warriors(1) 33+10-20(fleeing enemy)= 23vs Goblin(1) 46-15(3 wounds)=41 , goblins are missed, they do not attack while fleeing.
Warriors(2) 62+10-20(fleeing enemy= 42 vs Goblin(2) 45-5(wounded), goblins get wounded.
Tribesmen(1) 66+5-20(fleeing enemy-10(2 wounds) = 41 vs Goblin(1) 70-15(3 wounds) = 55, goblins are missed
Tribesmen(2) 90-20(fleeing enemy = 70 vs Goblin(2) 70-15(3 wounds) = 65, goblins are killed.
Tribesmen(3) 22-20(fleeing enemy vs Goblin(1) 2, no injuries the goblins have already attacked.
I am still thinking how i am going to roll battles whit less rolling needed(i fear what happens in a fight at a large village in the system above, a rough estimate gives 100+ rolls needed for a 10 vs 10 group fight.
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