Chapter 18
Chapter 18

Tabitha's home was a day's journey from the lake by way of dragon back. The decision was to go overland rather than fly even if Henrietta did pout. Her and Monmorency liked flying with the help of the ELMAs. Siesta and Louise were enjoying the freedom afforded by the Trikes. The princess sat behind Louise with her arms around the shorter girl's waist. Monmon chose to ride in the Command Raptor with Zenophia.

Kirche didn't even pretend to drive this time. Instead she sat in the backseat of Command Raptor with her feet up. Tabitha was reading the Tale of Ivaldi. Her favorite book about a hero who triumphed over great odds to win in the end. Knowing what she went through her love of the story took on a melancholic caste. On Kirche's other side was a blue haired girl with green eyes who looked like Tabitha's older sister wearing a bright green Arcane Knight outfit.

Zenophia was so disappointed no one got the Green Ranger reference.

"I'm not as surprised as I should be that Sylphid can shapeshift into a girl," Louise said to Henrietta.

"Or that Zenophia would hand her an Arcane Knight Job Crystal," Henrietta giggled.

"How many of those does she have?" Louise asked in mystification.
"Probably more than we could possibly need. When do we tell her we already 'Mastered' these Classes?" The princess asked.

"When we get back. Right now we have Tabitha to worry about," Louise decided.

"It would be so much easier to fly," Henrietta said wistfully.

"Why are we going overland and not flying there?" She asked through the communicator.

"We need to know the situation or risk putting Tabitha's mother in danger," Zen replied.

Louise thought that was a good reason.

Zenophia let out a sigh. She needed to give the girls some time off. The plan she had was to take Catherine, Tabitha's mother, back to her home for rehabilitation. Tabitha would get to spend as much time as she wanted with her mother in a safe environment. The Angel looked over to Louise. Her sister needed help as well. From what Louise told her the symptoms were close to tuberculosis. Water Mages prevented the worst of the effects but her constitution took a massive nosedive.

What was treatable with the right antibiotics was treated as a terrible wasting illness here.

At least she knew how to cure that. She didn't even need magic.

She knew the girls completed their Class Crystals. Except for Sylphid but that was more to give the dragon clothes to wear when she transformed. Innocent fanservice girl tendencies aside Sylphid was a loving little sister to Tabitha. A set of new Crystals appeared in her inventory as proof they were completed.

As much as she wanted to contemplate dressing her little sisters in new cute outfits it would have to wait.

The house up ahead was large. Clearly belonging to someone of great wealth. Tabitha tensed up as the group approached. Zenophia didn't want to pull right up to the door however. Before she could say anything Louise called a halt over the communicator.

"Let's not drive right up. We have to assess the situation first," Louise said. Judging by how Tabitha briefly bit her lip she wasn't completely thrilled with stopping here. She pulled up on Doom Trike with Red Rider coming in to rest.

"What is there to assess? We go inside, get Catherine, and leave," Kirche said waved her arms.

"I'm trying to play it safe for our sake," Louise said.

"If there's any opposition we just blow it up," Monmorency shrugged.

"We might put Tabitha's mother at risk," Henrietta cautioned.

"How do we do this?" Siesta asked.

"There was no one at the mansion except the butler," Tabitha asserted.

"Let's just go in and get big sister's mother," Sylphid said with wide eyes. She didn't see the issues. Louise looked to Zenophia for support. The Angel stared at the mansion.

"You would not be able to handle this. It's time for me to be more proactive," Zenophia said. Her eyes narrowed as a tall man wearing a beige sun hat and beige clothes stepped from the mansion. He seemed utterly unconcerned with what he saw. The hallmark of someone absolutely certain of their own power. If she sent her sisters in to deal with this they would lose.

"An elf!" Sylphid hissed. Why would a dragon be leery of an elf? Were they truly so powerful?

"What is an elf doing here?" Siesta asked in fear.

"This is bad..." Henrietta's voice was shaky.

"Elves talk to the Spirits and control them," Kirche took a step back.

"Mother…!" Tabitha made to take a step forward.

"Screw that…!" Louise's arm brace reconfigured into cannon mode. It was already humming lethally in response to her thoughts.

"We're out of our league!" Monmorency tried to talk sense into them.

Zenophia took a single step and appeared ten feet from the elf. He arched an eyebrow speculatively at her sudden appearance. The Angel didn't reach for her sword or shield. She would try "diplomacy."

"Turn around and leave. I have no desire to harm anyone," he said indifferently.

"Then let us take the woman and go. She is of no use to you," Zenophia said.

"The contract we have says otherwise," he replied.

"Do not make this difficult. Please. Let us take Tabitha's mother and we will trouble you no more," she tried again.

"I cannot allow you to take her. This is for my people. I cannot turn back," his voice held muted desperation.

"You sold your pride to serve a kinslayer," Zenophia said dismissively. The elf looked startled.

"The princess told you that, didn't she?" He asked.

"No. However you just confirmed it," she retorted coldly. Zenophia knew the history of Gallia to a point. The former king had two sons. Twins. Only one was allowed to inherit. Of the two brothers one was well loved while the other simply wasn't. A mysterious hunting accident occurred and only the least favored lived. Tale as old as time. Betrayal.

"I am Bidashel and I will be the last thing you ever see!" Bidashel gestured dramatically.

"You had your chance," Zenophia stated. All at once Bidashel collapsed in a heap as the Sleep spell took hold. The Angel hummed with amusement.

She had him bound in chains strong enough to withstand a Brute and gagged. Whenever he woke up it would be extremely difficult for him to escape. Zenophia wouldn't kill him but she wouldn't make it easy for him either.

"Can you put my mother to sleep too?" Tabitha asked. She eyed the bound and sleeping elf with little interest.

"I can but it would be best if I undid whatever was afflicting her," Zenophia said.

"Come inside then," she gestured for everyone to follow her. The butler gave a bow of respect as they passed.

"You will be coming with us," Louise said to him. He looked surprised. "Don't be so shocked. It won't be safe here once we leave." She was thinking ahead. Once they were safely back in Tristania the girls would still have to pretend Catherine wasn't anywhere in the country. This could be classified as an act of war if evidence of their mission was found.

"Is it wise to leave him alive?" Kirche asked. She looked like it took considerable self control not to stab him herself.

"He's an elf. No one will take his word for any of this," Henrietta said.

"How can we be so sure?" Siesta asked.

"Simple. I tell my mother that we saw an elf at Ragdorian Lake. Zenophia ran him off towards the Gallian border and we gave up pursuit," she replied.

"Good plan," Monmorency nodded approvingly.

Zenophia wished she cast Death instead of Sleep. She was trying to avoid coarsening them towards killing. However this action could be seen as a border violation at best. An act of aggression at worst. It was good that Henrietta was politically adept.

"My mother is in here," Tabitha said. She stepped away from the door. Zenophia took the invitation and walked into her mother's room.
Lady Catherine of Gallia was a gaunt face woman with stringy blue hair. Her body wasted away from madness and long disuse. Crazed eyes stared at Zenophia in incomprehension. She clutched a doll to her thin chest while turning to shield the toy. It made her heart ache to see the woman so broken. Suddenly the thought of killing Bidashel sounded better. Rather than give in to murderous impulses she cast Libra on Catherine.

"Go! Get out of here! I don't know who you are! You won't hurt my Charlotte!" Catherine shrilled in panic.

Her mind was still in there. Screaming for release. The magic coursing through her body was self sustaining. It was an insidious thing that used the victim's own power to keep itself going. Zenophia was just glad that she did have the power to remove this fell magic. Otherwise Bidashel would be experiencing something far worse than mere death. However she had to cast Sleep first. The shock to her mind could be catastrophic. The spell snapped with an application of Esuna.

"Is she…?" Tabitha asked worriedly from around the corner.

"She will need time to recover. Once she wakes up her mind will be clear," Zenophia said tenderly. The blue haired girl's eyes welled with tears. Kirche embraced her friend. The smaller girl clutched at her tightly as great sobs racked her body.

"You worked a miracle..." Louise whispered. She turned to add her own arms to the embrace. Tabitha wasn't normally a tactile person but just this once she not allowed the hugs.

She welcomed them.

Zenophia lifted the slumbering woman in her arms.

"Time to go home," she murmured.

Kirche didn't let go of Tabitha through the entire ride back. The sentiment was entirely reciprocated.
Chapter 19
Chapter 19

So much was happening that even Zenophia was losing track of the plot. The Rainbow Defenders succeeded in defending Pot a Feu city from an army of angry orcs. From there the girls rushed over to Tabitha's home in Gallia to retrieve her mother. Zen 'fought' an elf and left him tied up. Now she was once more riding off with Louise but this time it was to heal her sister from a wasting illness.

"What are you doing?" Louise asked over her shoulder to Zen.

"Making sure my notes are up to date! I would hate for us to have to backtrack because I missed a quest hook," Zen replied.

"We use the same words but I am not sure we're speaking the same language," Louise sighed.

Doom Trike rode on through the day towards the Valliere Estate. The reason it was only the two of them was because of several things. Henrietta was called back to the palace for a discussion with her mother. Something about 'indiscreet missives.' Zen was pretty sure they would be called on to deal with it eventually. That was why royalty liked having elite squads after all. Siesta was acting as her second just in case something came up. They took Red Rider and ELMA DS as a precaution.

As for Kirche and Tabitha? Inviting a Germanian, let alone a Zerbst, to the Valliere Estate with their feud was just not a good idea. Also trying to get Tabitha to leave her mother's side was out. Mainly because none of them had the heart to even try. The girls would stay at Zenophia's home. Besides separating a mother and daughter was not something Zen would ever do.

Monmorency was called back to her family estate. That would not be a fun meeting for a whole host of reasons. She took Cutey ELMA with her as a safety precaution. Louise and Zenophia would have given her an escort but the potion mistress politely refused.

"Do you think Monmon will be okay?" Louise asked. Zenophia hummed.

"We'll be there for her no matter what happens," Zen said.

"I was hoping you could give me a definite yes or no answer," Louise griped.

"I wish I could too," Zen grumbled.

Mistress and Familiar grumbled together over the unfairness of it all. The only guarantee in life was death. Zen wisely decided not to bring that up to her little sister. That was just begging to give the girl a complex.

Louise wasn't much of an optimist. Even with all the good things her Familiar could do it still felt like an impossible dream. Years ago a mage claimed to have a miracle cure for Cattleya only for it to be a lie. Mother made him pay with his life but it set her sister's health back even further. Every time a new advance was made in potioneering it was either declared unsafe or a failure. If this worked Louise would renounce the church and take to worshipping her Familiar. After years of fruitless prayers it would be a novel experience to actually have her prayers answered.

Zenophia was mostly silent during the ride. Her self proclaimed 'big sister' was comfortable with long silences but this wasn't comfortable. What was she thinking about? Louise mentally pushed the issue aside. What she should be concerned with was just how to explain this to her mother and father. A terrible thought made its way to the forefront. How was Eleanor going to react? Louise was coming home wearing a strange outfit, snazzy hat, and possessed a magitek brace radiating enough magical power to make a Square Class feel inadequate. The bigger question on her mind however…

How would Zenophia handle Eleanor's usual greeting to Louise?

The more Louise thought about her family the more she realized a single truth. Their family was dysfunctional at the least. The only good familial relationship she had was with her big sister Cattleya. Even now she dreaded disappointing her mother, felt indifferent about her father, and actively feared Eleanor. That wasn't to say she didn't love her family. She admired her mother's strength and conviction. Her father's work ethic and diplomatic skill was a marvel. Eleanor was the smartest person she ever knew. Cattleya's talent with animals spoke volumes of her great empathy. Louise always felt like the underachiever. The only one who never made her feel worthless, directly or indirectly, was Cattleya.

Just thinking about how furious Zenophia was at what the elf did to Lady Catherine sent chills down her spine. And that was her reacting to the plight of someone she didn't know. Louise felt a warmth spread through her chest to counteract the chill. Zen wouldn't leave her home a smoking crater from a fit of temper. That much she knew. Louise would just have to play it cool and fend off Eleanor's standard greeting. If her eldest sister was even home. The knot of worry loosened further. The eldest of the Valliere daughters might be at the Magical College where she had tenure.

Maybe she was more of an optimist than she thought!

The Valliere Estate sat at the northern edge of their territory. Zenophia eyed the castle with some surprise. It looked closer to a mansion with the amenities of a fortress. The aesthetic was pleasing to the eye but her expert gaze could see how difficult it would be to lay siege to the structure. Louise glanced back over her shoulder with hesitant eyes before calling up her inner strength. The hesitation left and all that remained was the Louise who rode into combat against an orc army. If her little sister thought that would be reassuring, it wasn't. Who needed to gear up for battle to go home? Even Taylor, her lover, at her worst saw home as a safe haven.

"Could you come back for us, Doom?" Louise asked the loyal machine. He beeped and chimed his assent. Once the girls dismounted he seemed to disappear without a trace. Zen could still sense his presence nearby. She never questioned his myriad of powers as it would ruin the mystique. Anyone who could single-handedly (handlebarred?) take on all comers didn't need her input.

"Is there anything I should know?" Zen asked Louise as the pair approached the front doors.

"Whatever happens just let me handle it," Louise stated with assurance. The Angel gently gripped her shoulder.

"I trust you but I will still watch over you. That is my duty and my pleasure," Zenophia smiled. Louise briefly looked as if she was going to argue but relented quickly enough. She looked relieved that Zen was being insistent.

The doors were opened by a pair of guards of confused guards even though Louise sent a message ahead saying that she was coming home. Then again it could be because of her mode of transportation. Doom Trike's vanishing act probably confused them too. Zen straightened up while standing behind her mistress.

"Lady Valliere this is a surprise..." The head butler said. He was a dignified man who wore his suit well. However his actions were strange as if he were nervous about something.

"I sent a missive two days ago that I was coming, Jacques," Louise narrowed her eyes in suspicion. He glanced to the left. Zen looked in the direction indicated. She could sense four people through the double doors possibly leading to a sitting room. Three of the people were fairly powerful while the last was weakening steadily. Zenophia mentally tagged that one as Cattleya.

"Lady Eleanor's presence was requested in response to your message," Jacques explained. It was Zenophia's suggestion to wait a couple days and let her family know what was happening. After all she had no desire of causing a misunderstanding by springing everything on them at once.

"Lovely," Louise muttered sourly.

The doors to the sitting room suddenly slammed open as a blonde woman, taller and flatter than Louise, stormed out with an angry look on her face. Louise froze at the critical moment as the woman's hands shot out, fingers hooked to pinch her cheeks. Zenophia stood directly in her path with cold eyes. The woman shrank back with a nervous look on her face. Zen folded her arms.

"Eleanor! That is no way to greet your sister," an older woman with steely eyes and pink hair stated firmly.

"Let us at least hear her out first," an older man with blond hair said.

From what Zenophia gathered the older pair were Karin and Centurion Valliere. The young woman seated on the divan was Cattleya. That made the woman, who just tried to assault Louise, Eleanor. Zen stepped back as the situation deescalated. So far she wasn't impressed.

"Greetings mother, father, Eleanor, and Cattleya," Louise's voice warmed as she spoke the last name. Cattleya slid over to make room for Louise. The smaller girl took the invitation gladly. As Eleanor moved to sit beside them Zen blocked her path. The Angel didn't make any overtly threatening moves but if Eleanor wanted to sit she would have to push past her.

Eleanor wisely chose a different chair.

"You did not mention your Familiar was human," Centurion noted. Karin shot a startled look at her husband. Cattleya looked horribly confused.

"Indeed. Did Louise even 'summon' this common thug or was she paid?" Eleanor sniped. Karin turned a disbelieving stare on her next. The middle daughter's confusion only increased.

"But she isn't human," Cattleya argued.

Centurion and Eleanor continued to stare at Zenophia. Neither one believed the girl's assertion. Zen knew of the condition. In magical families it was possible to be weak in some areas and strong in others. Just like anyone else really. Father and daughter were unable to sense spirits to a significant degree, and with Zenophia deliberately keeping her power level down, the two were blind. Though, now that she was in the same room as Cattleya, Zen could use Libra.

The results were surprising.

"Zenophia? Could you please show them your wings?" Louise asked politely.

"Is that wise?" Karin asked apprehensively.

"I am a friendly angel. I promise," Zenophia smiled.

"Wings? What are you-By the Founder!" Eleanor yelped.

"Dear Heavens!" Centurion gawked.
"So pretty..." Cattleya gazed in wonder.

Zenophia's wings spread to cover the divan. With an impish smile she let her downy soft feathers touch Cattleya and Louise's shoulders. Watching them start to lean into the soft embrace made her giggle. Especially when the two suddenly remembered where they were and tried to sit up again.

"She is, indeed, an Angel," Karin said in tones of profoundest shock.

"An Angel who says she can potentially heal Cattleya," Louise said. Another ripple of shock swept through the room at her assertion.

"How is that possible?" Eleanor demanded.

"Maybe through a miracle," Louise snarked. The eldest daughter attempted to rise to the bait but a raised hand from Centurion stopped her.

"It is a valid question. How would she heal Cattleya?" He turned to Zenophia for an answer. The Angel hummed softly.

"Our daughter was diagnosed with a wasting sickness that only grows worse with the passing years," Karin lamented.

"What is wrong with me?" Cattleya asked softly.

Zenophia sighed and folded her arms.

"Absolutely nothing," Zenophia said.

The reaction was immediate, and loud, as everyone in the family tried to make themselves heard. Zenophia allowed them to get it out of their systems. After all the idea there was nothing wrong with her wouldn't sit well with anyone. When the shouting reached a crescendo she stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled sharply.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with her...physically," Zen clarified.

"Explain," Karin demanded. Louise sat with Cattleya's arm around her shoulders. At some point Eleanor managed to sneak over to the divan and put her arms around her sisters. Another thing Zen must have misunderstood. That was a relief but she should probably explain.

"Her magic power is so great it's putting terrible strain on her body," Zenophia said.

"What!?" The family burst out as one.

"How would I put it? Hmmm...Okay so your system of magic measures power by dot, line, triangle, and square right?" She waited for them to confirm before continuing.

"By that measure she would be pentagon class," Zen dropped the bomb.

"There is no such thing!" Eleanor insisted.

"Now wait a minute...We should not be hasty and rush to judgment," Centurion cautioned.

"Exactly. Zenophia hasn't steered me wrong yet," Louise loyally asserted.

"I am physically weak because my magic is so great…?" Cattleya said disbelievingly.

"The simplest method would be to find a way to drain off the excess magical energy. I imagine you haven't allowed her to cast much because she is so 'frail,'" Zenophia commented.

"Is it possible…?" Karin tapped her chin.

"What is it, dear?" Centurion asked.

"Perhaps we could ask vampires for their assistance..." She mused thoughtfully.

"I would rather not have my blood drank...or anything else for that matter..." Cattleya squirmed uncomfortably.

"How would a vampire help?" Zen quietly asked Louise.

"They drain magic along with bodily fluids," she whispered back. Out loud she asked "Wouldn't one of the Crystals work?"

"What crystals?" Eleanor asked.

Zenophia mentally cringed. While she didn't mind helping people, in fact she enjoyed it, she didn't want to suddenly rely on the Crystals to fix everything. Unfortunately, short of rebuilding Cattleya from the ground up, the Crystals were the best bet. It would just have to be a magic intensive Class. She snapped her finger as the perfect Class came to mind. Zen drew a Crystal swirling with stars from her pocket space.

"Magnus. Possesses a power that can change the course of Ages but requires great magical power as a catalyst," Zen spoke reverently.

"And this can save Cattleya?" Karin cut straight to the heart of the matter.

"It will take over channeling her magic thus taking the strain off her body," Zenophia said.

"What does she have to do for it?" Centurion asked suspiciously.

"Father!" Louise objected. Zen shrugged.

"Dance the Remingold in a tutu," she said blandly.

"I don't think she is charging for this, Father," Eleanor remarked acidly. The protective father coughed in his hand in embarrassment.

Zenophia placed the Crystal in Cattleya's hand. The middle daughter gasped as it instantly synchronized with her magic. She stood as the flow raced through her body. Arcs of light danced across her form as she panted from the sudden heat. As the light died down her outfit was completely changed. Zen blinked at the clothing. Apparently the Crystal took on the pattern of the first person to ever use the Class. Her outfit looked like a pure white Catholic school girl outfit with a silver cross choker and light pink pleated skirt complete with thigh high white stockings and pink shoes. She tugged uselessly at the mid thigh length skirt. At least the button down shirt fit her generous bust fine.

Zenophia's widened eyes were suddenly drawn to the weapon that appeared in Cattleya's hand.

"What is this…?" Cattleya asked as she held up the oversized key. It had a pearl white handguard draped in white feathers and a pink stone. The 'blade' was pure pink and glowed like crystal. A wing keychain dangled from the end. Libra told Zen exactly what she was dealing with...

<Kittens for the kitten god! Floof for the floof throne!>


"Nep my life..." Zen moaned.

Things just got complicated.
And thus the Trolliest keyblades of them all enters into play! Seriously, I want to see just how wierd it can be in the hands of one of the kindest side characters i have ever read about. ROFL!

Edit: Had to correct my own post. Bloody frustrating keyboards . . . ARRGGHHHH!
The most common fannon Iv'e heard of was a debilitating magical illness that they could never completely purge. It wou;d usually take Void Magic shenanigans to fix. Who knows what the official plot disease was.

"Nep my life..." Zen moaned.
Come now, Zenophia; you didn't expect a plot point to with a sick family member to be a simple 'Zap! You're healed!' did you? :D
"Good to see you too, Trollblade."

As to Cattleya's sickness, my personal headcanon was always that it was auto-immune (or something similar) in nature. Something that isn't a traditional disease or toxin.

... Wait a minute:
<Kittens for the kitten god! Floof for the floof throne!>

Is this a stealth joke on Cattleya's name, or am I just reading too much into things? o_O
Last edited:
Ok, I am a bit confused. Are you just pointing at the cats, or is the floof in her name too?
I would honestly pay good money to see the Trollblade take on a more active troll means. Whether that is summoning what is spoken of in observation tweaks or just random stuff, i don't care. RELEASE THE CHAOS. SUMMON THE TROLLMASTER SCHWIENORG!
ok.....just read all the chapters and a bit confused for the crossover. but the summoned one really likes cute and hot chicks.....
Chapter 20
Chapter 20


Zenophia took a calming breath. No one in the room would understand the sheer existential fear she felt at seeing the legendary weapon. She wasn't afraid of the Keyblade, far from it, but she was wary of what it could mean. The first Keyblade Master she ever met only had to deal with Heartless on a handful of occasions. Mainly when some idiot messed about with the Primal Darkness and tried to declare themselves a god. Roughly about ten seconds before the new 'god' was devoured by the primordial force they tried to harness. As the Angel of the End she could kill Heartless. There was just one problem with that. Heartless fed on the Hearts of others, or in simpler terms, they ate souls. The Keyblade could release Hearts safely but if Zenophia killed one the Heart was lost too.

Thank goodness her father warned her of that before she found out the hard way!

"Little Wing?" Cattleya eyed the gleaming Keyblade with reverence. So it wasn't the same Keyblade she knew before. Did that mean they were all secretly Trollblades?

"What is that…?" Karin spoke in hushed tones.

"That is the Keyblade. A manifestation of existence that usually only appears when the fate of worlds is at stake," Zenophia said.

"Fate of worlds? What did you do to Cattleya?" Eleanor demanded.

"Don't instantly blame this on Zenophia! She said 'usually' not that it was guaranteed," Louise contended.

"Why don't we calm down and let Zenophia explain?" Centurion suggested with more calm than he was feeling.

Zenophia cast Libra on the Keyblade again. Sometimes it gave hints as to why it was there. At least that was what her wife claimed even if Kimmy never confirmed or denied. She felt another pang at remembering friends long gone but the ache felt almost sweet. The Keyblade, as if picking up on her thoughts, offered some words of wisdom.

<"And the Lord spake, saying, First shalt
thou take out the Holy Pin.

Then, shalt thou count to three, no more,
no less.

Three shalt be the number thou shalt
count, and the number of the counting
shalt be three.

Four shalt thou not count,
nor either count thou two, excepting that
thou then proceed to three.

Five is right out.

Once the number three,
being the third number, be reached, then
lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of
Antioch towards thy foe, who being
naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.


Zenophia bowed her head and sighed.

"Is something wrong?" Louise asked.

"The Keyblade is being its usual confusing self. Though how it knows of Monty Python is a mystery," Zenophia replied. As usual her cultural references went over her audiences' heads except for Louise. She actually got it this time and justifiably felt proud of herself.

"Are the 'worlds' in danger?" Cattleya asked. The Keyblade vibrated in her hand calming the young woman. Zenophia took that as a good sign.

"If the Keyblade isn't alerting you to threats then you're fine," Zenophia assured her.

"She will not be getting involved in anything dangerous," Centurion insisted.

"I never said she would be," Zen assured him.

"Exactly. She will stay home and be safe," Karin nodded.

Cattleya looked almost irked to hear her life being decided without any input. Zen didn't need superpowers to know that eventually even the kindest person pushed back. She just wasn't expecting the middle daughter to grow fed up so soon.

"Just as Louise is not to get involved in any more of these wild stunts," Centurion decided.

"Precisely. She is much too young and with would be too dangerous," Karin agreed.

Now it was Louise's turn to get irked. Were the parents just willfully oblivious to their daughters' feelings? Eleanor didn't look quite as certain of their parents' decrees or at least not as vocal. Zenophia was already contemplating their exit strategy.

"I have real talent now! I am even working for the Queen herself!" Louise blurted out.

"I will discuss the matter with Marianne personally. She will certainly agree that it isn't proper once I explain it to her," Karin replied.

"You would tell the Queen what to do?" Zenophia asked in a low tone. She didn't recognize royalty usually but Marianne impressed her. What the Angel recognized was loyalty and the Queen had hers for being wise. Karin was brought up short by the threatening timbre and started to sweat.

"Perhaps I spoke in haste...but Louise is still not ready..." Karin backpedaled.

"That is one area we will not budge on," Centurion backed up his wife.

"Perhaps if she had a chance to prove herself?" Cattleya suggested.

"I am not sure of that..." Centurion shook his head.

"Your daughter lead the defense of Pot a Feu against an army of determined orcs. Perhaps that would change your mind?" Zenophia suggested mildly.

"Orcs!?" The entire family cried as one, united in shock and concern for their youngest. Louise squawked as she was dragged into a group hug. Her family each taking turns checking her over for injury or just to fuss. The shortest mage managed an impressive glare at Zenophia for getting her involved in this insanity.

Zenophia merely waved in reply. If that was what it took to get Louise some recognition she would throw her under the bus more often.

All good things must come to an end. The original plan was to stay the night and head out in the morning but there was a change. Command Raptor crashed down outside the sitting room window with Kirche and Tabitha in the front. Both girls wearing their color coded outfits. Zenophia and Louise hurried outside just ahead of the rest of the family. It must be important if the Germanian would chance coming to the Valliere estate so brazenly!

"Kirche! What are you doing here?" Louise called real worry in her voice. Karin was already narrowing her eyes and reaching for a wand when she heard her daughter's concern. She slowly withdrew her hand.

"Tristain is in big trouble. The Emperor of Germania didn't like Queen Marianne canceling the engagement," Kirche said.

"Reconquista has conquered Albion," Tabitha reported.

"How do you know of this?" Centurion demanded. His job was diplomacy and strategy. He should have known about it already. Judging by the tenseness in his posture he did, in fact, know and hadn't told anyone.

"A war on two fronts? This is insane!" Eleanor exclaimed.

Louise turned to Zenophia with a lost look. The sudden shift was too fast and took them all off guard. Zen bit her lip lightly. No matter which way they turned it was bad. Germania was now targeting Tristain over the canceled engagement. Reconquista could potentially rain down fire from above from the floating nation of Albion. Then there was whatever Gallia was doing. This wasn't a war on two front but on four with collaborators already on the inside.

"What are we going to do?" Louise asked in a small voice.

"We must get to the capital immediately and discuss our options. Perhaps there is something to be salvaged in all this..." Centurion shook his head slowly as if even he didn't think it was possible.

"I must take my position at Marianne's side," Karin declared fervently.
Cattleya clasped her hands around the Keyblade solemnly. Zen suddenly remembered what the Keyblade already said. It wasn't trying to troll. Not completely. Zenophia whispered to the wind.

"Time to pull the pin."

AN: We didn't just have butterflies in this chapter we had Battra. Strap yourselves in because this is going to get messy.
Oh. A war on two fronts, with the possibility of a third front opening with Gallia. It looks like World War Halkegania with Tristain lacking any external allies. Combined with internal unrest, Orc raids, governmental corruption, and enemy agents, I wonder how Louise, Zenophia and company will deal with this... problem.
His job was diplomacy and strategy. He should have known about it already. Judging by the tenseness in his posture he did, in fact, know and hadn't told anyone.
Ah, so that's why he was so eager to keep Louise and Cattleya from getting involved in combat-matters.
"The Keyblade is being its usual confusing self. Though how it knows of Monty Python is a mystery,"
It's a keyblade; your logic is irrelevent. :p
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Oh. A war on two fronts, with the possibility of a third front opening with Gallia. It looks like World War Halkegania with Tristain lacking any external allies. Combined with internal unrest, Orc raids, governmental corruption, and enemy agents, I wonder how Louise, Zenophia and company will deal with this... problem.
...Can you believe that I expect Gallia to actually side with Tristain?
Joseph's main 'target' as you will was always Romalia and Vittorio. So if it gets him a couple of void mages on his side? I can totally see him helping Tristain with the caveat that when they take out Reconquista, Tiffania and Louise help him take out Vittorio. Germania would be their problem afterwards.
Otherwise, I expect him to stay on the side as a 'neutral' party... then try to destroy Romalia and backstab Vittorio the first chance he gets in a sudden and 'unexplained' attack.

I also find it weird that Germania called for war due to the annulment of the engagement, especially considering that in Canon, THEY were the ones to do so... AFTER reneging on their side of the deal... Hell, Germania did Jack and Shit during Reconquista, then Gallia, and finally Romalia all had their own wars with Tristain... Although the last one doesn't quite count, since it was more of a non-violent take over... after kidnapping Louise.
@Mirriam Grave - Mainly the issue is that if it was Germania annulling the agreement that's one thing. They're bigger than Tristain and more powerful. However Tristain daring to back out of a deal? Who do those weaklings think they are?
Strong versus weak mentality.
@Mirriam Grave - Mainly the issue is that if it was Germania annulling the agreement that's one thing. They're bigger than Tristain and more powerful. However Tristain daring to back out of a deal? Who do those weaklings think they are?
Strong versus weak mentality.
True. I hadn't really considered their current motivation compared to their Canon counterpart's in the events used.
Chapter 21
Chapter 21

The fastest and safest way to reach the capital was with Command Raptor but Louise's parents would never believe that. Fastest perhaps but never safest as the two hung onto to the safety rails through the entire trip. Zen would have felt bad for them but a leisurely travel time was not something they could afford.

"We need an airship at this rate..." Zenophia muttered.

The situation in Halkeginia was dire. Tristain was cut off from assistance. The only nation that might help them was Romalia but Zenophia doubted they would lend a hand. It was her experience that holy nations rarely stepped in to stop a war from starting but certainly came in to help it end. She would try to keep an open mind but the prospect of a world war situation forced her to prioritize. From what she could tell Tristain was a good country. It had it's share of problems like anywhere else but still did the best it could for the people. The fact it was Louise's home made her more inclined to defend the kingdom.

What she knew of Germania came from Kirche. The people of Germania had only a passing interest in royal bloodlines as money could buy nobility. If one had the will they could be anything they wanted. After generations of keeping the barbarians off their doorstep they were quite hardy and resilient. The redhead was something of an embarrassment at home and was sent to Tristain for schooling. She wasn't quite the unfavorite but it was a near thing. Her parents loved her but she was entirely too willful to follow her family's wishes. She was supposed to wed the second son of the Emperor but refused. The Emperor was not a man who took refusal well which lead up to this latest mess. The Emperor wanted to further legitimize his rule by having one of the ancient bloodlines in his family. Queen Marianne didn't want her daughter to marry the Emperor of Germania. In fact she was aiming to wed Henrietta to her second cousin, Prince Wales of Albion. The two already had chemistry apparently.

She already knew the situation in Gallia thanks to Tabitha and talking with Catherine. King Joseph would either stay out of it or side with the strongest to get his way. Zenophia hoped he would choose to sit this one out but she couldn't discount the possibility. Especially since she helped raid Gallia to rescue his prisoner and insurance against the rightful princess. Going into Gallia and plopping Tabitha, or Princess Charlotte, on the throne wouldn't be wise either. Destabilizing a nation with a powerful nation just on the border would invite disaster. The rational part of her knew that if Germania could be tricked into trying to capture Gallia, while fighting Tristain, the two nations could force a war on two fronts. However the risk to Tabitha was great.

She would label that Plan F.

Zen was only just now hearing the issue with Albion. The Royal Family was overthrown by a terrorist group calling themselves Reconquista with the backing of disenfranchised nobles. Even the people to an extent supported the rebels due to severe corruption by the royal family. Prince Wales was the only one even worth the title of King and lived up to the ideal. Unfortunately with Reconquista in power they immediately set their sights on Tristain as the weakest of the nations. The only saving grace was how they were taking time to secure their position. At least she hoped that was the case and it wasn't just a set up to a massive surprise attack.

"There are signs that someone is manipulating this conflict behind the scenes," Centurion admitted to Zenophia. He seemed to realize she was a kindred spirit at least in terms of strategy. The two lagged behind the main group as they were lead into the castle.

"My bet would be Gallia. The Emperor of Germania seems a little too straight forward to put this all together himself," Zenophia suggested.

"Proving it would be difficult but we do not need to prove anything. For now we need to worry about the enemy directly in our sights," he straightened his back resolutely.

"If evidence of their collusion could be found it might throw our enemies off," Zen reasoned which drew an appreciate look from her companion.

"Astute observation. How would you go about finding such information?" He asked curiously. The Angel smiled faintly.

"Perhaps if there was a small squad, highly mobile, completely self sufficient and loyal to the crown..." She shrugged eloquently.

"A squad my daughter, and the Princess, are a part of," he sighed.

"I am Louise's Familiar and I see them as family," Zenophia hummed. Some of the concern left his posture but not all. No true parent was completely fine with their child running off into danger.

"We will see what Queen Marianne has to say," Centurion relented. However his well trained mind would certainly be running the logistics of such an operation. Tristain would never survive an open war. The battle would have to be won behind the scenes and under cover of darkness.

She was on familiar footing after all this time. The very first war she fought in was done in the shadows. Outwardly she fought in a world of superheroes against supervillains. Beyond that she was engaged in a war for the very survival of worlds. Outnumbered with one wrong move spelling disaster. Zen felt her heart beat strongly at the thought. Fighting the good fight to save the innocent from tyranny made her feel alive.

The Queen sat on her throne with a pensive expression. At her side was Lady Agnes wearing a stoic expression. Standing before her were Princess Henrietta, Siesta, and Monmorency. All three were wearing their uniforms. The way Monmon appeared subdued set off warning bells in Zen's mind. There would be time later to talk but it looked as if the monarch was waiting on them. She stepped up alongside Louise, Kirche, and Tabitha. Standing further ahead was Centurion and Karin. Marianne smiled briefly at seeing her most loyal supporters.

"I am certain you have already heard the particulars," the Queen remarked sardonically.

"Indeed we have, Your Majesty. The situation has grown dire indeed," Karin's tone matched Marianne's perfectly. For a moment Zen could see the image of much younger girls smiling ruefully overlaid on the present.

"How shall we handle this, Your Majesty?" Centurion asked.

"I was hoping you had a better suggestion than just play it by ear. My advisers are in an uproar and want us to concede immediately. Not to mention the nobles who are already calling for me to step down as clearly I am too old for this. I agree that I am too old but not for the same reason," Marianne said.

"Must we change their nappies for them too?" Karin sighed theatrically. Louise stared at her mother in pure disbelief at just familiar she was being with the Queen.

"Her Majesty was hoping for a working solution," Henrietta overcame her surprise enough to speak. Centurion glanced at Zenophia out of the corner of his eye. He nodded resolutely before turning towards the Queen.

"I believe we might have a solution. Germania is too strong for us to deal with directly and Albion grants Reconquista a sizable tactical advantage. For the moment Gallia is remaining silent but that will not last for long. We must bring down the number of battlefronts. To that end I would suggest a mobile response unit to infiltrate Albion and reinstate the proper heir," Centurion delivered the proposal. Zenophia wasn't expecting him to go quite that far but if Albion could be liberated, and not merely neutralized, it would swing their chances back.

Marianne and Karin eyed him before turning to look over the color coded Rainbow Defenders. The Queen looked conflicted even as Henrietta stared back with clear eyes. Karin looked into her daughter's eyes with a peculiar softness before giving the barest of nods. Louise swallowed against the sudden lump in her throat at the sign of approval. The girls stood with their backs straight. There was some trepidation, as was to be expected, but each one was willing to do their part.

"I cannot order you to assist us. In fact it would be improper given your position," Queen Marianne acknowledged the Gallian Princess and Germanian Noble.

"As I am an embarrassment to 'proper society' I have no particular attachment to Germania," Kirche shrugged dismissively.

"I am currently without a home. Tristain has been the closest to a safe haven for me," Tabitha said softly. Her mother was currently living in Tristain as well. The security of the nation mattered greatly to her.

"Your contributions are appreciated," Marianne smiled approvingly.

"This mission is classified. Your exploits may go unrecognized even after the war ends. As it is your purpose to cross national borders I cannot officially condone your actions. Know this: I am proud to know each and every one of you. Despite your nationalities, or social standing, you have come together for a great purpose. Your actions will save more than just the lives of those who live in Tristain. A war of this magnitude could threaten many innocents. My respect for you knows no bounds and it humbles me to see such resolve," Queen Marianne's eyes were shining with unshed tears.

Zenophia listened as the Queen gave her blessing. She knew the girls would need more than just Class Crystals or Support Units. It was time to bring out the heavy guns. All eyes landed on her as she strode towards the front of the line. The girls looked confused at her actions.

"I am also proud of the resolve you've shown. This won't be easy but I believe you have what it takes to succeed. To that end I offer these to you..." Zenophia held out a handful of colorful stones. The collected power in her hand made the air shimmer as if with heat haze.

Louise heard the call and took a step forward. She took the stone that called the loudest. Within her mind she could see a trio of mighty knights that exuded strength and nobility. One appeared to be a woman dressed in functional armor and bearing a shield with angelic wings. The next had a skull helm with molded ribs on his torso armor and skeletal wings. The last had thick horns sprouting from his helm with more leathery wings.

"The Knights of Calamity: Crusader," Zenophia intoned.

Kirche heard the cal next and stepped forward. She felt great heat radiating from the stone in her hand. Within her mind she saw the vision of a magnificent peacock wreathed in flames. The proud bird eyed her for a moment before nodding in approval.

"The Vermilion Bird of the South and Summer: Suzaku," Zenophia spoke.

Tabitha stepped forward as she could hear the call of a cold stone. The being within roared while calling to mind the end of autumn. She could smell crisp cold wind as a majestic white tiger strode forth. He nodded once to her.

"The White Tiger of the West and Autumn: Byakko," Zenophia spoke.

Monmorency stepped forward curiously. A pulsing blue stone called to her. As she took it in hand the entity within greeted her kindly. She could see a long serpentine blue dragon with oaken claws and horns wheeling through the sky.

"The Azure Dragon of the East and Spring: Seiryu," Zenophia said.

Henrietta answered the call of a shimmering turquoise stone. As she took it in hand a great ocean spread out before her. She felt the call from beneath the waves drawing her under. Towards the bottom she could see an enormous shape swimming towards her. The crested head of a mighty sea serpent greeted her.

"The Guardian of the Waters: Leviathan," Zenophia spoke.

The last stone in Zenophia's hand beckoned to Siesta. She seemed surprised that one of the stones would choose her. The former maid took the black stone in hand and experienced a shock. A knight sitting astride a massive eight-legged hose stood before her. Dressed in splendid black armor and bearing a double sword in hand.

"The Redeemed Knight of Darkness: Twilight Odin," Zenophia said.

As the girls gazed in wonder at the Eidolith Stones in their hands the witnesses didn't understand the significance. Zenophia smiled delightedly as Genbu pulsed happily within her breast. The Black Turtle of the South and Winter was elated at his brothers' return. Her smile turned positively devilish as she thought about what this could mean. Louise drawing Crusader was a pleasant surprise. The mighty knights apparently saw the same steel in her that she did. Leviathan choosing Henrietta was a dead giveaway. The surprise was Twilight Odin choosing Siesta. He showed no sign before of ever taking another summoner.

However for Kirche, Tabitha, and Monmorency to draw the remaining Eidolons comprising the Four Saint Beasts was a welcome surprise. Zenophia purred as with the Four Saints it was possible to summon The Gold Dragon of the Center of Creation: Kohryu. To say they had a massive trump card would be a gross understatement.

Nothing was perfect, and plans usually failed on first contact with the enemy, but Zen allowed herself to hope.

"Time to fly..." Zenophia smiled.

AN: We'll get more from Louise's perspective next. Oh this is going to be fun.
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Chapter 22
Chapter 22

The twin moons of Halkeginia hung peacefully in the sky. A light breeze rustled through the trees carrying with it the scent of flowers. It was a beautiful night to sit with a lover under the stars. The garden behind the castle was a work of art. Carefully cultivated to be pleasing to the eye by castle gardeners. Louise brushed a strand of hair back from her face. She used to enjoy playing here with Henrietta when they were children. While lovers enjoyed the ambiance the girls had fun hiding among the flowers and giving their minders the slip. The Valliere girl giggled softly in remembrance. One afternoon they had the poor governess in fits as she tried to find them. It was petty now but at the time it was the funniest thing. Life was simpler back then. Trading in childhood fun for adult concerns seemed to be such an unequal exchange.

"Moping isn't helping anything," Louise gazed at her wavy reflection in the fountain peevishly.

{Why are you so hard on yourself?} A female voice spoke from within. The Valliere clasped a hand over her heart where the Eidolith Stone rested.

"I was just thinking about the past. These past few weeks have been amazing. Ever since I met Zenophia it feels like my life is changing for the better. I have no idea why I feel so conflicted," she admitted softly.

{What troubles you?} Goddess of Crusader asked. Louise sighed softly in response. What was troubling her? If she talked it out an answer would come to her.

"I wasn't popular in school. While my theory was solid it was my practicals that drew scorn. My classmates made fun of me for being unable to cast the simplest of spells. Louise the Zero. Zero talent, zero looks. I had my lack of progress and my looks rubbed in my face daily. Somehow I endured it through over a year and a half," Louise recalled but the images were fading. Happier times before school emerged and the happier times since Zenophia came were taking prominence.

{Something good happened I take it.} Goddess said warmly.

"I would have been happy summoning a garden slug. Anything to prove I wasn't a complete failure as a mage. Summoning Zenophia was the best thing to happen to me in recent years. She's fantastic and has been nothing but kind to me. Thanks to her I have even more friends now," Louise smiled softly.

{Perhaps some of that is because of you? You are a likable young woman.} Goddess' voice turned fond. Louise blushed at the praise. She could sense Fiend and Demon's amusement at her discomfiture.

"Maybe. I would have liked more time just enjoying the new friendships without all this rush," Louise sighed.

{It really isn't fair.} Goddess agreed.

"I wasn't expecting that," Louise admitted with some surprise.

{Did you expect me to say it was wrong to feel that way? What you're feeling is perfectly natural. Zenophia didn't intend for you to run off to war but was preparing you for the possibility. Now you have the right skills to be of use in stopping a war.} The Eidolon sounded perturbed even if she was spot on.

"What bothers me the most is I have no idea what to expect. How can I plan for this? What is even expected of us? It sounds noble to say we are to put the rightful heir back on the throne but no one mentioned how," Louise grumbled. Demon rumbled.

{War never changes. There is always someone trying to force their ideals on others. Innocents slain because they held differing beliefs. Greedy merchants of destruction who are never satisfied. The worst are those who claim to fight for a cause. What you are expected to do is fight someone else's battle. That being said the goal is of direct benefit to your own nation. The only reason you are here now is because of your sense of duty. How will you fight this war? You will have to strike from the shadows. Learn to hide your true intent in the darkness. This is true war. It isn't glamorous and will almost certainly shake your belief.} Demon rumbled. His essence pulsed sympathetically. Despite his hard words he didn't want to expose her to this.

"You're saying that war is pointless," Louise said incredulously. Demon snorted.

{Hardly pointless. You fight for those who can't defend themselves. The fools who started this care nothing for those caught in the middle. A true warrior sacrifices their peace of mind for the good of all. You have a noble heart. Let it guide you. Even if your actions may not be honorable your motives are pure. Don't lose sight of yourself and listen to your companions.} Demon's words reached her. Even if she must behave dishonorably it would be worth it in the end to protect the innocent. The people of Tristain didn't deserve to be harmed by madmen with desires of conquest.

{Protecting the innocent is all well and good, but why else are you fighting? People are complex. High minded ideals mean little when you're staring into the darkness. When all seems lost, and despair claws at your heart, what is your rock?} Fiend rasped.

What was her rock? Protecting the innocent and serving her Queen were worthy goals but what was she truly fighting for? Unlike the rest of her revelations this one wasn't coming quite so easily. She wanted to be with her friends of course, and it felt good for others to rely on her, but was that what he meant? Louise turned her attention to the two moons as seeking answers from the timeless orbs. Tomorrow they were going back to Zenophia's home to finish preparing for the trip. She wasn't getting anywhere with all this navel gazing. All she could was her best.

Sometimes that was all you could do.
{War never changes. There is always someone trying to force their ideals on others. Innocents slain because they held differing beliefs. Greedy merchants of destruction who are never satisfied. The worst are those who claim to fight for a cause. What you are expected to do is fight someone else's battle. That being said the goal is of direct benefit to your own nation. The only reason you are here now is because of your sense of duty. How will you fight this war? You will have to strike from the shadows. Learn to hide your true intent in the darkness. This is true war. It isn't glamorous and will almost certainly shake your belief.}
...You messed up here, Ding. It's supposed to start with "War... war never changes...", get philosophical for a bit, give a basic summery of the current events, and end with something that leads into a second recital of "War... war never changes...".

Bonus points if you get Ron Perlman to do it.