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AN: Here we go again. I have another story in mind and my muse is cruelly forcing me onward. Who...
Chapter 1
AN: Here we go again. I have another story in mind and my muse is cruelly forcing me onward. Who am I kidding? The idea amuses me. Most of my ideas end up getting derailed because I bring in too much meta stuff. Too many crossovers. Too many cool ideas. I could write multiple fics with the ideas I put into one. You don't need to know the crossover for this to work. In fact the cross plays a minor part. I'm taking an OC from another story of mine. I'm a shameless self referencer but I think you'll like it. Let's dive into Familiar of Zero again with a different take on canon.

Void of Zero

Chapter 1

The Springtime Summoning Ritual was an important part of a young mage's life. Mages were made or broken by this sacred rite. Failing at this most important of tasks was enough to have the failure immediately expelled. Not to mention the societal ramifications. The backlash wouldn't just stop at the prospective mage but would consume their family. However the familiar served another purpose in terms of status. The more powerful and unique the more accolades one could achieve.

For one mage in particular her only worry was whether she would screw up or not. The small pink haired girl turned weary burgundy eyes on her classmates. Normally a sunny day under a clear blue sky would lift her spirits. The tired girl shielded her eyes as she gazed at the sky. Was nature subtly encouraging her or mocking the girl? Before today's work was done she would know one way or another. The students standing around her were laughing and talking among themselves. Some looked in her direction with derisive sneers but never long enough to be caught out. It didn't matter how stealthy they were she could feel their looks.

Louise Francoise Le Blanc de Valliere. Big name for a small girl. The biggest part was her family name she thought pensively. Her father and mother were Duke and Duchess of their lands. The Valliere family were loyal servants of the crown with lands to match. Her mother and the Queen of Halkeginia were close friends from girlhood. Louise was even cousin to Princess Henrietta. Third or fourth she never quite remembered but the connection was there. For her to fail the familiar summoning ritual was unthinkable. Unfortunately her skill with magic was zero. No matter what she did the magic just wouldn't work properly. Whatever she cast had a chance of blowing up or just fizzling harmlessly. Explosions happened more often than not. If she failed here then not only would she be expelled from school but it would bring shame on her family.

The Tristanian Magic Academy grounds were immaculate. Lush green grass spread across the lawn. With all of the spells cast that day nothing marred the ground. A tribute to how skillful the second year students were at disciplining their magic. The assortment of creatures spoke of success. The students were lavishing their familiars with attention and affection. It would be a charming sight if not for the fear Louise felt. Confidence was in short supply as she couldn't help thinking about past failures with magic. Would she fail to summon at all? Would she kill the poor thing on arrival? She shuddered in self loathing. This was her last chance to be a proper mage. The pink haired girl mastered her fear with the ease of long practice. No one would know how unnerved she felt.

"Miss Valliere?" A tall balding man called with some impatience. He wore purple robes and carried a long staff. Glasses adorned his face. Judging by his tone he was calling her for some time. Louise flushed as she approached. The snickering grew louder.

"Maybe we should step back? Think we are safe back here?" A sultry voice called mockingly. The voice belonged to a beautiful redhead with tanned skin. She wore the white uniform shirt with the top three buttons undone exposing generous cleavage. Her words elicited more laughter. The small mage inwardly seethed but kept up her aloof expression.

The desire burned within to surpass her classmates. She could not stand to live in mediocrity. Every day she was subject to scorn and ridicule from her supposed peers. Louise didn't want to lord power over her class. The Valliere girl only wanted one thing. Respect. She wanted to be respected, acknowledged, praised. Constantly failing only made her feel more worthless. Where was the love? Louise drew her wand and prepared to cast. This was her chance. Her last chance to make something of herself. Failure wasn't an option.

"I, Louise Francoise Le Blanc de La Valliere, in the name of the great Five Pentagon Powers, following my fate, summon a familiar." As the words were spoken Louise felt a massive drain on her willpower. For a brief moment she felt connected to something greater. The sight of a limitless empty space appeared in her mind. She stared at the emptiness in wonder as dimly swirling lights could be seen. Stars sparkled and shimmered in the inky black void. From the heart of darkness a slowly turning hexagonal crystal filled with midnight blue light approached. She felt a deep connection and abiding love coming from within the crystal. As the crystal reached her she felt the magic explode outward!

Louise shielded her eyes as the area before her was consumed in dust from the explosion. Little flecks of dirt, grass, and tiny stones flew past her. Even without seeing the results the laughter started. Her classmates seemed so certain that nothing happened. That the explosion was all there is but Louise knew better. She felt the connection and knew it existed. The depth of compassion radiating from the being humbled her. However she also felt the being grow a bit upset at the laughter. Without warning the dust was blown outward by the flap of mighty wings causing the laughs to end abruptly. The Valliere girl eagerly looked upon her familiar and immediately felt her throat go dry.

She was perfection. The young woman's blue eyes looked upon her with affection. Her hair was the same shade of blue and spilled down her back in light curls and waves. Perfect porcelain skin appeared to glow with an inner light. She wore triangular gold clips at her temples with three midnight blue feathers trailing back on each side. Her dress was exquisite in light blue with silver trim. It appeared to be armored with a darker blue breast plate, thigh guards, slender gauntlets, and greaves. The light blue fabric was scattered with silver star dust. From her back six black feathered wings spread wide. The inner feathers were purple fading to midnight blue. A moment later the wings folded in and vanished without a trace.

There was no way anyone could deny what they saw.

"Ah...Miss must finish the binding ritual..." Professor Colbert managed to say. The other students were similarly paralyzed in astonishment. Louise the Zero managed to not only summon a familiar but some sort of angel. To the pink haired girl she wasn't just sort of an angel but the real thing. She stepped closer to the seemingly young woman. The being she summoned looked upon her with a placid expression. Just the hint of a smile appeared on her face.

"I have been called by another kind heart. My name is Zenophia and I will act as your shield," her voice was like music. She cradled Louise's cheek fondly. The young girl was confused by what she meant but the warmth in her voice was soothing. Louise raised her wand slowly as if asking permission. The magnificent beauty nodded her head gracefully.

"My name is Louise Francoise Le Blanc de La Valliere. Pentagon of the five elemental powers; bless this humble being, and make her my familiar," Louise almost choked over the word "humble." There was nothing humble about her new familiar at all. Unfortunately that was how the spell was written. The pink haired girl looked even more nervous as to seal the contract required a kiss. How do you ask an angel for a kiss? She whined softly in confusion. Zenophia seemed to know what to do as she leaned down and kissed the shorter girl lightly. Louise's whole body froze up as it appeared her familiar knew how to kiss.

"Was that good enough?" Zenophia tilted her head curiously. Louise blinked at her owlishly before nodding slowly. The blue haired girl looked relieved. "A young girl's first kiss is special after all." She nodded firmly as if delivering an unshakable point. Was she really worried about that? Who would worry about something like that at a time like this? A brilliant flash of rainbow light sparkled from her left hand. The newly Runed familiar eyed the markings curiously.

"Those are the Runes signifying you are my familiar," Louise explained helpfully. Zenophia tilted her hand from side to side.

"Tingly," she declared and nodded. Zenophia blinked in bemusement as Professor Colbert managed to sneak up on them unnoticed and took her hand. The blue haired girl turned towards Louise and tilted her head.

"Fascinating..." Colbert murmured.

"Professor Colbert? Why are you holding my familiar's hand?" Louise was horribly confused.

"I am not that kind of girl," Zenophia said. It would probably have more impact if her tone had more inflection. However the way she pulled her hand loose needed no translation. Professor Colbert flushed in embarrassment.

"My apologies but I have never seen Runes like that before," he explained sheepishly.

"I did not learn about modesty to allow just anyone to stare at my body. I have standards now," Zenophia said. Louise felt even more confused. Her beautiful and magnificent familiar was such an enigma. Then the memory of her appearance came back and she felt better. After all no one could claim Louise failed now! She turned to look at her fellow classmates only to blink in surprise. They were still staring in bemusement at the scene.

"Professor Colbert? May we be excused? I think I need a drink..." Someone called out.

"Me too!"

"I need more than a one..."

Professor Colbert dismissed the clearly overwhelmed students. He was confused as well but for a different reason. The Runes weren't known to him at all. Louise couldn't care less about the unknown Runes. All she cared about was having an actual familiar. One who was beautiful, magnificent, and clearly powerful. After all she managed to silence an entire class full of unruly children with just her presence. If that wasn't a miraculous power Louise didn't know what was!

"Let's go back to my room," Louise suggested.

"Okay," Zenophia agreed.

The Valliere kept sneaking glances at her new familiar. Did angels actually come to Halkeginia? She wasn't sure but judging by how Zenophia appeared there was no doubt in her mind that the girl was special. The fact that she was able to summon a being such as her made the young girl giddy. At the start of the day Louise hoped for a dragon, a manticore, maybe even a chimera. As the summoning ritual approached the young mage wished for at least a garden slug. Something, anything, to prove that she wasn't a failure. Instead she received a divine messenger. The divine messenger looked over at her summoner and smiled faintly.

The room she was given at the Academy was well appointed as befitting nobility. Books were stacked on the desk and on the shelves. There was a wardrobe in the corner. Near the desk was a spacious bed. What drew Louise's mortified gaze was the bed of straw on the floor. She was planning for a beast not an angel! Zenophia tilted her head in confusion at the straw before dismissing it as unimportant.

"Oh dear I am so sorry. The straw was for you...I mean for whatever beast I summoned..." Louise tried to explain. Zenophia sat down on the bed and patted the space beside her. The Valliere girl took a seat. Her fingers clutched at her skirt and smoothed out the fabric compulsively. The blue haired girl sparkled for a moment before the dress she wore vanished only to be replaced by a very racy outfit. She wore only a very brief black shift with spaghetti straps and a strange fluffy brown hat with oddly shaped horns.

"You are too stressed. Let me help you," Zenophia said as she embraced Louise and buried the smaller girl's face in her cleavage. Apparently she was an expert as the Valliere had no trouble breathing a part of her mind noted dimly. If the purpose was to relax her it was failing. Being pressed to the bosom of a beautiful half naked girl was not relaxing. It was many things but relaxing was definitely not one of them.

"Zenophia...? I don't think its working..." Louise said diplomatically. Her voice partially muffled. Zenophia nodded slowly in agreement but didn't let go. Instead she moved on to stroking her mistress' hair soothingly. The Valliere did enjoy having her hair stroked.

"You need cuddles," Zenophia decided. She suited action to words and gave the smaller girl a cuddle. Louise felt herself melting in the other girl's embrace. It was like being held by her big sister only more. How was she so good at cuddling? The Valliere felt the stress leading up to the summoning falling away.

"How did I manage to summon you?" She asked sleepily.

"Your heart called out for help. You were trapped and alone. Ridiculed for something that wasn't your fault. Bullied relentlessly with no help from an uncaring faculty," Zenophia whispered with painful nostalgia. Louise felt warm as her familiar spoke. This beautiful being answered her call because she needed someone. There was no higher reason than because the angel wanted to help her. When did she experience kindness like hers in recent memory? No matter how hard she tried nothing stood out. The only person who showed her unequivocal love was her sister Cattleya. Her eyes closed softly.

"Thank you, Zenophia," Louise spoke softly.

"I will be by your side no matter what. When the time comes I will even hold your hand at the end," her familiar caressed her cheek tenderly. The end? Did she mean for the rest of her life? A trifle morbid considering she was offering to hold her hand on her death bed but it was comforting all the same.

Louise had dinner sent up for them. She was feeling tired from the highs and lows of the past few days. All of her fear and anxiety left the pink haired girl weary. Zenophia didn't mind. Her familiar seemed strangely calm no matter what happened. Was this the serenity of Heaven? Maybe the fluffy brown hat was in fact angelic headgear. The amount of flesh she exposed casually was disconcerting. Were there nudity taboos in Heaven? The Valliere girl looked her familiar over and felt a brief irrational surge of jealousy. Her familiar was better built than even Kirche the redhead who spoke up at the ritual.

"Would you like to share the bed?" Louise asked hesitantly. Did angels even sleep? Zenophia tilted her head for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Sleep is good," she pumped her fist. While the Valliere agreed that sleep was good it wasn't enough to warrant cheering. Even if she didn't change expression. How did she do that?

Living with Zenophia was going to take some getting used to as she couldn't even get ready for bed normally. Louise changed into her nightclothes before climbing into bed. The bed lowered briefly as Zenophia climbed in behind her slowly. She blinked as a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind. Her familiar was apparently a snuggler as she pressed against her back. Louise's eyes widened as another detail intruded on her awareness. On top of being a snuggler her familiar didn't believe in clothes.

This was going to be a long night.

AN: This will be a predominantly character driven story with less combat. There will still be action and intrigue aplenty and fluffy bits. I love me some fluffy bits.
Well I'm intrigued.

Although I have literally no idea who the OC is.
Chapter 2
AN: Too many Familiar of Zero stories follow canon to the letter even when it doesn't make sense. Since Zenophia is not Saito there will be a number of things changed. The events that occurred without Saito's intervention will still happen. The ones he instigated either won't happen or will be changed. It's just sloppy writing to try and shoehorn in canon events where it doesn't make sense. For those of you who like Derflinger I'm sorry but Zenophia already has a sword. I can't justify having them go to the capital for a sword. No amount of Deus ex Machina would justify bringing him in like that.

Chapter 2

Louise was a deep sleeper. She didn't like to get up before the crack of noon but classes rarely cooperated with her desires. The pink haired girl snuggled with her warm pillow. So soft and inviting with a soothing rhythmic heartbeat. The Valliere girl allowed herself to start to drift off again when the last thought caught up to her. Heartbeat? When did her pillow have a heartbeat? She opened her eyes slowly only to come face to breast with a strange blue haired girl. The girl smiled warmly while running her fingers through her smaller bed mate's hair. Louise tried to bring her scattered thoughts in line. How did she end up in bed with a girl? Who was she? Did she drink too much wine last night? Before she could work herself into a right panic the girl spoke.

"Louise, I am your familiar, Zenophia," she reminded her gently. The panic receded in stages. Her familiar went to bed with her in the nude. Louise discreetly checked herself and was relieved to find she was still dressed. Though she did kick off her pajama bottoms during the night again. Maybe she should switch to a proper nightgown? The Valliere caught sight of her familiar's unclothed state once more and blushed.

"Must you sleep in the nude?" Louise asked plaintively. Zenophia blinked a few times at the question.

"Does this bother you?" She asked softly. Louise realized something. Her familiar didn't believe in raising her voice. Her tone was either soft or gentle. The pink haired girl thought about it some more. Did Zenophia's nudity actually bother her? It wasn't like rumors would start. Who would even know?

"If it is comfortable for you I can manage," Louise said. Zenophia gave her a warm hug in response.

"Don't be afraid to tell me if something bothers you. Your opinion matters. You have a voice," Zenophia said as she manifested the black shift again. Despite what Louise said her familiar was responding to what she didn't say. She was putting on clothes because it was clear her mistress wasn't comfortable with casual nudity. Louise felt absurdly grateful that at least someone respected her wishes even if they went unvoiced.

"Thank you, Zenophia," Louise murmured into her familiar's bosom. If she closed her eyes it was almost like being in bed with Cattleya again. She smiled as pleasant thoughts of years past filled her mind. Just then her stomach growled reminding the girl that it was time for breakfast.

"Mmmm...Time for breakfast," Zenophia rolled off the bed and stood up smoothly seemingly without transition. How graceful was her familiar? Without a word she started hunting through Louise's wardrobe for clothes. The Valliere blinked at her odd behavior.

"What are you doing?" Louise asked as she made her way out of the sinfully comfortable bed.

"Readying your clothes for the day," her familiar replied easily. While she wasn't completely incorrect, after all a familiar could be seen as a servant, but one does not ask an angel to lay out clothes. At least Louise thought that was the case.

"You don't have to. I can take care of myself," the younger girl said. Her familiar continued fishing through her closet seemingly without hearing.

"These uniforms are just so cute," Zenophia purred delightedly. Of all the thing she expected to hear that was not one of them. The bewildered mage could only look on helplessly as her familiar proceeded to dress her. Louise was so confused that her angelic familiar was able to finish dressing the girl in minutes. She snapped out of it when the blue haired woman tied a ribbon in her hair.

"A ribbon?" Louise touched the ribbon curiously. Zenophia hugged her.

"Of course. A ribbon shows you care," she answered factually. How did a ribbon show you care? Well it was a pretty ribbon so maybe it was to show she cared about her appearance?

"You certainly like to hug me," the Valliere girl flushed a bit.

"You need more hugs," Zenophia pumped her fist. Louise was stunned at just how cute her familiar looked.

"We really should get going...We don't want to be late for breakfast after all..." Louise managed to restart her stalled brain. Zenophia looked herself over a moment and concluded her current attire wouldn't work. She sparkled briefly before a new outfit appeared. The Valliere mage flushed bright red. While technically the outfit covered more than the shift it was somehow more indecent. She was wearing a tight silk blue shirt exposing generous cleavage and black corset trimmed in silver. Her pants were tight leather and appeared to be painted on with the ends tucked into calf high leather boots.

"Should I wear a sword or not?" Zenophia mused while eyeing her right hip speculatively.

"For what purpose?" Louise asked curiously.

"As your protector I should have a weapon," she decided.

"We can find you a sword come this Void Day," Louise promised. The pink haired girl didn't think her familiar having a sword would be a problem. Other familiars had claws and fangs after all. Zenophia shook her head and held out a hand. To Louise's surprise her hand vanished up to her forearm. After some fiddling around she pulled her arm back to reveal a black sheathe with a gold cap. The crosspiece was gold with sapphires on both sides with a hand and a half grip with gold pommel. She belted the sword to her waist.

"No need. My Crystal Heart is all I need," Zenophia unsheathed the sword and pressed the flat to her forehead in salute. Louise gasped at the glittering blade. She called it Crystal Heart and for good reason. The blade was made of purest bluish purple crystal that glittered in the sunlight. Within the sword a pulsing light gave the impression of a heart beat. The blue haired angel sheathed the sword once more. Could any mortal possibly match the divine beauty of her blade? Not hardly.

As they exited the room a new difficulty arose. Standing in the hallway with a superior look was Kirche Zerbst. The Zerbst and Valliere families held a rivalry that spanned generations. Louise and Kirche inherited their families rivalry in full. Unfortunately the smaller girl wasn't half the mage her redheaded counterpart was. At least not before yesterday. While the Zerbst summoned a salamander she summoned an angel. Quite a disparity in familiars. Kirche lost the superior look as she took in Zenophia's appearance. For a moment Louise could understand perfectly. Trying to match the perfection of the divine wasn't just hard it was laughable.

"So it wasn't a fluke. You really did summon an angel," Kirche tried for her normal flippant tones but it fell flat part way through.

"Indeed I did. Quite impressive, yes?" Louise folded her arms with a smirk.

"She's almost as perfect as my darling Flame," the Zerbst retorted haughtily.

"Almost...? I would have you know...Why are you staring like that?" The Valliere questioned her rival. The beautiful redhead however wasn't looking at Louise. She was staring past her. The pink haired girl turned to look before stopping in surprise. There was her familiar hugging the salamander. The creature was almost twelve feet long from snout to tail and stout. Zenophia was holding the reptile up easily.

"Who is a good boy? You are!" Zenophia cooed. Flame made happy hissing noises as she lavished attention on him. Kirche slowly turned to Louise.

"She is holding my familiar without strain," Kirche stated with calm born of profound shock.

"He apparently likes it," Louise replied in the same tone. Zenophia and Flame turned their heads to look at their mistresses. Clearly they didn't see a problem with this.

Since Zenophia didn't want to put Flame down it meant that Louise had to walk with Kirche. The teens were on the same page for once as their familiars bonded. Louise didn't really mind that her familiar got along well with others. However the fact she picked now to be friendly was an issue. Did her familiar even understand rivalries?

"This is terribly awkward," Kirche tried to strike up conversation...awkwardly.

"How do you explain mortal rivalries to an angel?" Louise asked.

"I suppose to the divine rivalries are pointless," the redhead mused.

"Maybe they are. What point do they serve?" Louise gazed upward philosophically.

"Rivals are meant to spur one another on to greater feats," Kirche reminded her.

"Then how can you call us rivals when all our 'rivalry' does is hurt?" The pink haired girl let it slip out naturally. She recoiled in surprise at having spoke so honestly to Kirche. The redhead turned to look at her in surprise. Louise not only recoiled again but flinched as she left herself too wide open. The smaller mage chanced a glance at the bustier girl only to feel confusion at what she saw. Kirche's expression was complicated. Too many emotions passed through her eyes to be accurately read. One that Louise was familiar with was despair followed by self loathing. What did that mean?

"Perhaps," Kirche finally said before turning away. The conversation was clearly over. Why did Louise feel like something profound happened? Her inexperience with people once more acting as a wall to understanding her peers. A short distance away Zenophia eyed the exchange inscrutably.

The Alvis Dining Hall was for nobles only staffed by an impressive number of maids. Normally familiars were not allowed to eat with their masters but Louise reasoned that Zenophia would be an exception. Who would try to make her eat outside with the beasts? The blue haired girl's striking appearance and tight clothes drew stares from the students. Even the teachers were interested. From the snippets Louise heard the tale of her summoning an angel somehow downgraded to an attractive human. How did that happen? Her year mates should have been able to confirm the story. Did they hate her so much as to deny her even this accomplishment? The angel at her side tilted her head to one side. Her eyes glimmered red like hot coals.

"Commoners aren't supposed to be here," someone called over mockingly. He shrank back fearfully as Zenophia's red eyed gaze landed on him. His friends appeared confused about why he backed down so quickly. Louise lifted her chin haughtily.

"Let us find somewhere to sit," Louise declared while suiting action to words. Kirche left them at the door to find her friend Tabitha. The other girl had short cut blue hair and glasses while bearing a staff. She was as small as Louise. Zenophia followed her mistress to a table. The Valliere did her best to hide her surprise as the taller girl held the chair out.

Once they were seated a member of the staff hurried over to take their orders. The maid was pretty with dark hair and blue eyes. She spoke deferentially to Louise which Zenophia approved of judging by the smile the familiar gave the maid. The pink haired girl was left with much to think about. Why didn't her classmates tell anyone about Zenophia's wings? It didn't make sense. Maybe they didn't hate her. Perhaps they were just in shock over what happened. People rationalized what they were unable to accept.

"Do you think they're rationalizing what happened? I mean summoning an angel would be unbelievable under most circumstances," Louise elaborated at Zenophia's confused look. Her familiar shrugged indifferently.

"Rationalization is the defense of a weak mind. A tool used to maintain the status quo. If they were truly brave your accomplishment would be faced head on rather than explained away," Zenophia said dismissively. The Valliere was surprised. Not just by the way she spoke but the fact her familiar spoke so verbosely. Louise noticed her normally soft spoken familiar used a normal speaking tone. Whether the people around them even noticed was unclear. What was clear was how little Zenophia cared.

"You think it's cowardly to ignore the truth," Louise glanced off to one side. While she agreed with her familiar in principle. In practice it meant she would have to face an uncomfortable truth. Her only success to date was summoning Zenophia. The rest of the time her spells failed. Spectacularly. What did it say about her that she continued to ignore her failures. The blue haired girl opened her mouth but a loud altercation nearby distracted them.

"This is not mine! I never saw it before!" A blond fop with blue eyes recoiled from a maid. The young woman was the same one who took their breakfast orders. She was pushing a dessert tray and apparently picked up something off the ground. He reacted to the outstretched object by smacking the dark haired girl's hand. It spun through the air while the maid clutched her hand painfully. Zenophia reached up to pluck the now revealed perfume bottle from the air.

"Perfume...Monmorency uses bottles like that for her potions..." Louise identified the object. The maid cringed back from the fop in the meantime.

"Who is he?" Zenophia asked as she slowly got to her feet. The pink haired girl looked surprised that her familiar was standing.

"His name is Guiche de Gramont...Where are you going?" Louise asked as she rose to her feet.

"To return his perfume bottle," the blue haired girl stated evenly as she walked towards the altercation. Guiche was haranguing the poor girl over being clumsy, lying, all the while overacting. He was trying to play up to his friends and hangers on. Louise hurried after her familiar. Trepidation held her back from speaking up. Guiche's behavior was beyond the pall especially for a noble. While servants were expected to obey those above their station it was generally expected for the noble to act in a genteel fashion.

"I am terribly sorry..." The maid wept. Guiche's friends were starting to look uncomfortable. Even the blond looked disturbed at just how far he took this but showed no sign of stopping. The accusations had taken on a terrible momentum. Louise looked ill as the moment of confrontation approached. How would she deal with this? She didn't want to stop Zenophia at this point. Someone had to end this. Due to how packed the students were around the spectacle the teachers couldn't intervene. The pink haired girl could see them at the edge trying to make their way further but the students just weren't moving.

"Do what you have to," Louise spoke quickly to Zenophia. The blue haired girl nodded shortly before bodily interposing herself between the maid and Guiche. It was almost comical how far back the blond scrambled as he took notice of just who was in his face. She held up the bottle of perfume and then tucked it into the top of his shirt.

"This belongs to you," Zenophia stated unequivocally. He didn't try to refuse her claims. Perhaps it was the glowing red eyes? Maybe the way black feathers swirled behind her giving the impression of wings. Either one could explain Guiche's reaction.

"Ah yes...Thank you..." He whimpered.

"You will apologize for being mistaken," she bore down inexorably.

"Yes...Good idea...My a-apologies miss! I was in error!" Guiche, so lost in his panic, bowed to Zenophia, Louise, and to the maid. The maid blinked owlishly at the sudden reversal of attitude. Louise's familiar appeared mollified. The Valliere looked surprised as the dark haired maid gave her a watery smile of gratitude. What did she do besides follow Zenophia?

"Guiche! What are you doing?" A blonde girl with blue eyes and drill-like curls stormed up to him.

"Monmorency! It's..." Guiche tried to stammer an excuse but his betrothed was having none of his excuses.

"Where was she when this was going on?" Louise thought to herself bitterly. Zenophia put an arm around her shoulders and guided the smaller girl away. Surprisingly the maid followed after them like a poor lost lamb. The Valliere mage didn't care anymore. She was exhausted mentally and emotionally just from witnessing the whole thing. Was she glossing over it? Louise was afraid to face the maid's full ordeal because of how negatively it painted nobles. While she knew they weren't saints it was still an uncomfortable truth.

A truth she might end up facing sooner than she wanted.

AN: The action for this story will be more toned down than in my other fics. More character interaction and growth than straight combat. Not everything will be hand waved or glossed over. There will be some fighting of course but it won't be a focus.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3

Living with an angel was nothing like what Louise expected. What did she expect it to be like? She thought there were be more praying, piety, maybe even singing. To be honest she much preferred this angel to the one from her imagination. Being watched and judged every minute of the day reminded her too much of school life already. Walking around naked was strange but she didn't seem to care about nudity. The only reason she wore clothes was because it made Louise uncomfortable. Seeing how perfect her familiar looked reminded the girl of just how undeveloped she was. Despite how often she reminded herself that comparing a mortal to an angel was foolish it was still on her mind.

Zenophia clearly had a problem with lies and deception. Ignoring reality to focus on comfortable lies made her eyes turn red. Literally. Louise was uncomfortably reminded of all the times she chose to ignore what happened around her. Just because nobles were expected to treat servants well it didn't always happen. The list of minor abuses was long indeed. Then there were the nobles who outright abused the peasantry. What did it say about her that she chose to look the other way? Always claiming there was nothing she could do. Trying to pretend someone else would deal with the problem. A hand suddenly landed on her head stilling Louise's self loathing inner monologue.

"You worry too much," Zenophia observed. Louise slowly turned to look at her familiar. The taller girl was once more wearing her moose hat. Her short mistress asked what a moose was only to be told "the best thing ever." She took the blue haired girl's word for it as trying to figure her familiar out was difficult. Louise bit her lip.

"I have turned a blind eye at times..." She said shamefully. Her familiar appreciated honesty and facing the truth. Perhaps if she started facing the truth now it would make facing the harshest truth easier. The only magic she cast successfully was to summon Zenophia. Maybe the spell was designed to be as idiot proof as possible? All of a sudden her face was buried in cleavage.

"What can you do?" The question took her by surprise. She wasn't able to really do anything. Louise had no power politically or magically. No authority at all. Zenophia made a faint noise of distress.

"Zenophia...? What's wrong?" Louise asked in alarm. What was hurting her familiar? The blue haired girl stared at her with profound sadness. Her angel was at a loss.

"I was hoping you would start coming up with solutions. Not immediately blame yourself," Zenophia looked frustrated with herself. Louise flushed.

"I tend to overthink. Plan for the worst and all that," Louise admitted. The angel blinked slowly.

"Not even my first wife expected the worst at all times even if she did overthink everything," she seemed to be talking to herself. Louise stared at her in disbelief. Wife?

"Angels can get married!?" She blurted out in surprise. Zenophia wagged her finger as if to say "naughty naughty."

"Don't go changing the subject young lady. This is serious business," she chided her. Louise blinked owlishly at her familiar.

"Serious business? You just told me that what I know about the heavenly host is wrong! What is more important than that?" Louise demanded in shock.

"You are of course," Zenophia said it with such fervor the breath was stolen from her mistress. A strange feeling came over Louise as if she had been struck in the gut. Panic gripped her as the room tilted oddly. The angel sat down on the bed while cradling the smaller mage in her lap.

"How am I important? I have been running from the truth! Aside from casting a single spell properly I am a failure! You are the only proof I have that my spells don't always fail. My classmates won't even allow me to have that victory. I am so useless!" Louise's voice rose shrilly towards the end.

"You're casting the wrong spells," Zenophia stated with authority. Casting the wrong spells?

"How is that possible? I am merely casting the same spells as anyone else," she replied in mystification. Her earlier panic forgotten as she tried to parse Zenophia's meaning. The angel subtly pumped her fist at successfully distracting Louise.

"Your magic is incredibly dense. To cast the same spells would take you far less. A solution that is just not feasible," Zenophia shook her head.

"Why is it not feasible?" Louise asked. Not once did she question her familiar. It wasn't a matter of blind trust but of understanding. She would be better versed in magic after all. Angels were divine messengers. Zenophia looked briefly flummoxed at the amount of faith her mistress had before shaking it off.

"It would be like using a catapult to thread a needle," she stated bluntly. Well that was clear enough.

"So I am still a failure," Louise sighed. Again Zenophia looked confused. She shook her head slowly.

"All it means is that you need to learn the right spells. Don't worry. You can count on your big sister," Zenophia jerked a thumb at herself.

"You would teach me divine magic!?" The Valliere nearly shrieked.

"I suppose...if you might appear divine..." the angel mused to herself while her mistress burbled happily about the opportunity she was being given. A stray thought from earlier brought Louise back to the present and reminded her of the first freak out.

"Zenophia...? You said you were married...and had a wife...yet you're female..." Louise was hesitant to ask but it would have eaten at her. Especially with how overactive her imagination was at times. Wasn't it her overactive imagination that started this whole thing?

"The world would be a better place if people could just accept that love is love," Zenophia said firmly.

"Is it really that simple?" Louise asked.

"Humans complicate things. Life is one big complication. The secret to happiness? Keep it simple," the blue haired girl fell over backwards on the bed while dragging Louise with her. The smaller girl sighed as her familiar decided it was time again for a nap. She loved sleep as much as the next person but Zenophia made a habit of mid afternoon naps. Mid morning naps. After dinner naps. If Louise was too close she was invariably dragged in for a rest as well.

She would humor her familiar. Just one more time.

AN: Take a wild guess what I have planned for Louise. Not in terms of shipping either. Honestly she needs a friend more than a girlfriend with Zenophia. Try to guess before the next chapter comes out.
Honestly she needs a friend more than a girlfriend with Zenophia
Absolutely agree. Too few people realize that more than Louise needs a lover, she needs a friend to support her and be by her side, believing in her and loving her no matter what. I'm really glad we see it here, and that that friend is making Lousie a better person as well, and not accepting her depression or sense of failure.
Try to guess before the next chapter comes out
I'd hope for Kirche apologizing and starting to become friends with Louise. People don't appreciate the potential of a Kirche/Louise friendship enough.
AN: Take a wild guess what I have planned for Louise. Not in terms of shipping either
But shipping is so fun! I want Louise/Henrietta. Not enough Louise/Henriettain this world. Of course, Louise/Kirche might also be nice, but I'm not sure they can get to that stage... Kirche needs to apologize first, and for them to begin forging a friendship. There are other options, of course... Siesta, Montmorency, or Tabitha. But I don't think Monmon is viable, Tabitha is a long shot, Siesta would require a lot of adjusting... I think Louise/Henrietta is the most viable.

Great chapter and amazing story so far, can't wait for more.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4

Ever since Zenophia promised to teach her Divine Magic it was all Louise could think about. She promised her small mistress that they could start on Void Day. It was hard to concentrate in class as a result. Oddly enough the thought of failing in class never once crossed her mind. The promise of real magic allowed Louise to attain a state of calm it usually took half a bottle of wine to achieve. Her casting didn't get any better, and the reactions were as bad as ever, but she doesn't didn't care. The only issue was that familiars weren't allowed in class. No exceptions. At least she could trust Zenophia not to get in any trouble.

"Miss Valliere? Could you please demonstrate the lesson?" Professor Chartreuse broke into her thoughts. She looked piqued that Louise wasn't paying attention. The students tittered at the chiding tone before raw terror gripped them. Apparently they finally realized just what the professor was asking Louise to do. The pink haired girl smiled wryly as they went from laughing to scrambling to the back of the room.

"A-are you sure this is wise...?" Guiche spoke up politely even if his knees were knocking together.

"At least we get a show out of this," Kirche replied. She smirked at Louise as if awaiting the fireworks. Having a civil conversation with her rival was all well and good. However she wasn't quite ready to forgive the constant harassment and teasing. The pink haired girl wished Zenophia was there even if to just pump her fist. Kirche's encouragement would just have to do.

It was encouragement, right?

"Professor Chartreuse! Please! Think of the children!" Another student called out.

"Yeah! Us!" Yet another voice chimed in.

The only ones who didn't seem all that worried were Kirche and Tabitha. Louise smiled faintly. What did they have to fear? They took the desk at the back of the room. Even at her worst Louise never managed to hit the far rear wall. A perverse part of her wondered if she should try today. The teacher vainly tried to restore order but she failed to stem the tide. Most of her teachers knew that in order to avoid panic they had to get ahead of the momentum. Oh well. Chartreuse would learn eventually.

"What do you want me to do?" Louise asked. The strange feeling of calm she had was welcome. All she had to do was get through classes today and tomorrow. Then she could real magic that didn't explode. What was Divine Magic like anyway? Hedge her bets and hope it only explodes when she wants it to.

"Transmute these three stones on the podium," Chartreuse gestured at the smallish objects.

"You might want to stand back. Perhaps by the third row at least?" Louise suggested.

"I am not one of those who believe wild tales. I will stay," the Earth Mage responded dryly.

The Valliere girl sighed. It never failed. At least once a year a new teacher would tempt fate and stand next to the "Zero" when she was casting. Okay. It was time to run damage control. Zenophia said that her magic was incredibly dense. Dense magic implied that she would get a much better result from using less. Louise eyed her wand a moment. The focus was important as well. Perhaps a bigger focus was in order? Later. For now she had to get through this class while minimizing the damage. Maybe just say the words and see what happens? To avoid causing unneeded collateral damage it might be better if the spell wasn't cast. She spoke the words while holding back her power. An eyebrow quirked as she still felt a faint trickle of willpower flow through the wand. The stones absorbed the spell before beginning to change. A bright white glow emanated from within.

"Ah...very good..." Professor Chartreuse started to say but her praise was premature. The stones started to vibrate rapidly as the light strobed. Louise dived to the floor behind the teacher's desk. It was a sturdy oak affair perfect for acting as a fortification. The professor continued to stare in bewilderment. Louise jumped back up, grabbed the woman by her robes, and with desperate strength yanked her behind the desk as well. Not a moment too soon as the stones detonated sharply causing the top of the podium to burst into shrapnel.

Louise peered over the desk to observe the room with satisfaction. The podium was a write off but at least the room was mostly undamaged. In fact her classmates were stunned that nothing major happened. She slowly stood up before helping the teacher to her feet.

"How disappointing...I was hoping for something more energetic..." Kirche pouted. The rest of the class stared at her as if the girl lost her mind. Tabitha merely shook her head silently. There wasn't much anyone could say to such an unusual statement.

"Perhaps there is something to stories after all. However I commend you for your restraint." Chartreuse straightened her robes with aplomb. That was probably the nicest way a teacher ever said "don't cast spells in my class again."

She only hoped Zenophia was having a better day than her.

Life begins. Time passes. Life ends. Beginnings and endings were a part of nature at all levels of creation. When your father is referred to as The End you learn a lot about the eternal cycle. Zenophia began her "life" as a concept. A fragment of the greater consciousness of Necron. She didn't possess an identity outside of being his harbinger. In fact she didn't even have a gender. There was never a need for individuality as a fragment didn't have a sense of "self." All of that changed when Zenophia was called upon to grant final peace to a Shard of Potential. The Shard was mostly dead after it failed to take control of a young girl. It was full of rage and a terrible presence. Zenophia was easily possessed by the dying will as she lacked self.

Thanks to the Queen she was now a real girl. The adventure she took part in spanned dozens of worlds and lasted years. She had a full life all the while learning how to be human. Necron wasn't upset at her new status. In fact he approved of the changes at it made her more effective as his agent. Her father spoiled Zenophia terribly. Despite his reputation he was such a big softy. He refused to end a universe whose Crystal died because the mortals possessed a strong will and determination enough for their world to live. Isn't that the very definition of kindness?

No matter how long she lived her view would also be a little skewed.

The Angel of Death and Rebirth didn't usually get directly involved anymore. Unless an entire world was at stake then she had no trouble drawing her sword and tending to business. The voice that reached out to her in the Void was at the edge of despair. It awakened old memories of her first love. A young girl who was tormented and abused for almost two years. The sense she received was that this girl's situation was just as bad. If anyone needed a hand out of the abyss it was her. The Void within the child called out to her. Resonated with what was inside. It felt almost like her own father. Zenophia heeded the call across time and space to help her sister. After all they both shared the Void. How could they be anything else but sisters?

"An entire school for mages..." Zenophia murmured as she walked down the halls. She read Harry Potter so at least it wasn't a completely foreign concept. Why was she thinking of Harry Potter rather than of the other schools of magic? Mainly because of just how juvenile and immature everyone was acting. The students could be forgiven as they were children. However the teachers honestly should know better. Any time a student misbehaves they need to be told about it immediately. Punishments should be dealt in a timely manner. To do otherwise tells the children their behavior is okay. Tormenting a fellow student daily is not acceptable.

It would take time to undo the damage but she was nothing if not patient. Okay she wasn't patient but Zenophia could fake it better than anyone. Her pink haired mistress was not used to kindness. Zen couldn't allow Louise to continue blaming herself. Rebuilding someone's self esteem wasn't easy. It would take time and understanding. Both things she had plenty of and good thing too. If she had come any later her new little sister's depression would have taken a sharp nosedive. The wine she kept in her room spoke volumes. Teaching her magic was only the first step in helping her self esteem.

"Aren't you a pretty thing?" A suave voice asked. Zenophia looked around but it didn't appear as if the speaker meant her. She spotted a fairly handsome individual dressed in fine clothes a short distance away. He was using his charms on a young maid of her acquaintance. Siesta was a nice girl who treated people well. She struck her as the kind of person who would be kind even if it wasn't her job.

"Uh...mmm..." Siesta shrank back. Just like that Zenophia's pleasant musings derailed. Clearly the maid didn't like the attention she was receiving. How to extract her without causing an incident? Alicia would have challenged him to a duel already but that might cause more trouble. Knights and their challenges of honor. Oh wait. She was a Dark Knight at one time now an Arcane Knight. Zen was honorable too. Watching Siesta squirm uncomfortably under the noble's hot gaze made her squirm unpleasantly.

"Perhaps you would like to come work for me? I can pay you so much more," he said smoothly while shifting his stance to hem her in against the wall. Siesta's frantic eyes caught sight of Zenophia. Without waiting for the trap to close she darted passed him and ducked behind the blue haired woman. Confusion cleared. This was something she could deal with easily.

"I was looking for you," Zenophia hummed softly. The noble looked perplexed by what just happened. Now all she had to was just walk away.

"A-ah my apologies...m-my lady...I didn't mean to keep you w-waiting," Siesta stammered. Inwardly the Knight winced. The maid's acting was terrible but the nervousness was real.

"Are you saying this is your maid?" The nobleman asked skeptically. If she squinted it was true. After all weren't the maids supposed to serve the castle staff? Zenophia was doing a lot of squinting lately.

"My apologies but we must be going now," Zenophia bowed respectfully as a knight. Chivalry and all that. Siesta sketched a brief curtsy. He smiled. It wasn't a nice smile.

"I already spoke to Old Osmond about hiring her. She works for the school so therefore you are lying," he informed them. She arched an eyebrow.

"How am I lying? You were the one who made the assumption. I just didn't correct you. Also tread lightly with your disrespect. He is either Lord Osmond or Headmaster Osmond," Zenophia chided him mildly. Siesta looked stunned that she was talking back to him. He wasn't even a one on the threat scale. What was she worried about?

"Who do you think you are to speak to me like that?" He demanded.

"Zenophia Hebert. Who might you be?" Zenophia asked. If she gave her full name it would be about thirty syllables long.

"I am Count Mott. Clearly you are not from around here or you would know who I am," Count Mott sniffed haughtily. Siesta looked even more worried. Apparently he had a bad reputation. Zen cast Libra, a spell for scanning people, objects, and the like silently. The information that came back was kind of surprising. He was a lech for sure and had a fondness for the ladies. The surprising part was that he never went after a woman who said no. What detracted from his noble lech behavior was that Siesta clearly didn't know she had the option to refuse.

"I am terribly sorry. What I saw was a young woman clearly in distress so I acted," Zenophia decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Diplomacy wasn't actually her strong suit but compared to her wife she was a genius. It wasn't that Saver was bad but she tended to punch things a lot more. Punching Count Mott, while satisfying, would be ultimately counterproductive. Her explanation mollified him somewhat. He nodded stiffly.

"Satisfactory answer. I have other matters to attend to if you would excuse me," he said with cool formality before turning and walking away without waiting for a response.

"M-Miss Zenophia..." Siesta whimpered in distress. Zenophia patted her hair softly until she calmed.

"Just Zenophia. Let's go talk to the Headmaster," she suggested. Siesta looked confused about why she would need to see Osmond.

Just because Count Mott might take no for an answer didn't mean he wouldn't take revenge for a slight. Zenophia's skill with diplomacy was low. She probably triggered a few land mines. Now it was up to her to ensure no one lost a leg. Messing up with a noble could easily come back on Louise. However Siesta had the least protection. Protecting the maid would take cunning and guile. Something that Zen had little experience with applying. Then again...

"Is that a real diamond?" Osmond asked in amazement. He might be a noble but that didn't mean he had experience with diamonds the size of a man's head. Zenophia dropped a second one on his desk.

"Is that enough to buy Siesta's contract?" Zenophia inquired. A dull thump from behind drew her attention. It looked as if all the excitement caused Siesta to take a spontaneous nap. On the floor.

"Ah...yes. I believe so," Osmond said absently. Zen smiled. Chocolina was right all along.

Money can buy happiness.

AN: Some insight into Zenophia's mind. Hope you enjoyed it.
That's one way to change things up. No duel with the the GOP and counter Mott very quick and now blowing up everything in the class. Nice changed.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5

Louise almost vibrated with anticipation. Today was the day that her wonderful, beautiful, and wise familiar promised to begin teaching her. The Valliere girl almost couldn't eat because of her excitement. Zenophia smiled fondly at her mistress. The happiness radiating from her could be seen by everyone in the dining hall.

"What will you teach me today?" Louise asked. Siesta poured her and Zenophia a cup of tea. The maid doted on them happily. She should be happy. Zenophia didn't know that maids received ten percent of of the cost for buying their contract. The dark haired maid could effectively retire with the money she received. At least once her contract expired.

"I know magic for healing, combat, and defense. Whatever you want to learn," Zenophia replied. Somehow Louise wasn't surprised that Zenophia knew so much. However it all seemed to be very specific.

"Do you know spells for maybe research or element shaping or anything else?" She asked curiously. Her familiar nodded speculatively.

"I have books on dimensional magic and on general spells. You might be able to make use of them. Dimensional magic is difficult and tiring but with dense mana power isn't an issue..." Zen mused to herself. Louise's fork slipped from her hand.

"D-d-dimensional magic?" She squeaked. The sound of breaking crockery heralded Siesta's return. Apparently she overheard their conversation and reacted poorly. The poor maid gaped at them in a bewildered fashion.

Siesta hurried off to get a mop to clean up her mess. To Louise's surprise Zenophia pulled out a mop of her own from somewhere. The shaft was pink and the head was peach. It didn't seem to do anything else but mop. The young noble decided not to question what was going on or why her familiar felt the need to help the maid. After clean up the ladies left the dining hall and found a secluded place by the south wall. The place was far enough from the normal entrances as to be virtually undisturbed. Siesta brought a carafe of lemonade in case of thirst.

"Why are we out here? I thought there were books to read first," Louise said in bewilderment. Zenophia nodded.

"There are books and we will get to that later. Let me ask you a question. Do you think a strong body is important?" She asked.

"Well yes...If you were going to be a knight..." Louise hedged. She was well aware of her mother's reputation as a warrior but for someone of her size it just wasn't an option. The angel patted her on the head like a good girl.

"Good. We will be testing to see how well you do in physical training. Then while you are recovering I will give you the books to read. How does that sound?" Zen smiled softly. Louise smiled back but she didn't look confident at all. As if she had a premonition of just how bad this was going to be. The blue haired girl gave her mistress an enchanted ring.

"What does this do?" Louise asked in fascination. Enchanted objects were hard to come by even for the rich. Zenophia was just pulling these things out of thin air!

"Ring of Regeneration. You you anything about biology?" Zenophia suddenly asked.

"What is 'biology?'" Louise tilted her head in confusion. Her familiar nodded slowly as she processed the response.

"Okay so we'll skip the biology lecture for now. Just know that the Ring of Regeneration makes training a lot easier," she assured her.

"Would you teach me about 'biology?"' Louise ducked her head bashfully.

"Never feed me a straight line," Zen smirked before her face fell. "No one got the joke...of course..." She cleared her throat. "I have many books covering a wide variety of subjects. Magic, science, exotic magic, theoretical physics, chemistry, alchemy..." As the angel spoke Louise's eyes grew wider. Her familiar had books on these subjects and was willing to share? It was all the young girl could do not to squeal with delight.

"Theoretical physics…? Sounds like magic to me..." Siesta murmured. It did sound like magic to Louise too. However Zenophia just shook her head.

"Hardly magic even if some impressive things can be done. Anything you want to learn I am willing to help," Zenophia assured them both. The maid was stunned at being included. Louise was stunned too but not quite so sanguine. Commoners did in fact learn to read and do arithmetic. It helped them to better serve the nobility. However if it became known that a maid was learning from an angel it might cause an issue. Then again it was practically heresy to say she was learning as well.

"I-is this truly okay? I am just a maid..." Siesta giggled nervously. For a long moment it appeared the angel didn't seem to get the problem. Understanding blossomed in her eyes.

"Oh right. You belong to one of those societies. Since I am your mistress then what I say goes, right?" Zenophia planted her hands on her hips.

"That's true...I suppose..." the maid trailed off.

"Indeed. It is the servant's duty to obey their master or mistress. You can hardly be blamed for doing as she said," Louise pointed out with a trace of impatience. Part of her was concerned with their flirting with heresy but the greater part was curious. Knowledge that none in Halkeginia possessed was at her fingertips. If Zenophia wanted to teach the maid what did it matter? Her familiar was full of idiosyncrasies. Zen smiled and put a Ring of Regeneration on Siesta's finger.

"Excellent! Now wear these training clothes. They are magically enchanted to improve training gains," Zenophia hummed happily as she handed them both what looked like a tight white shirt with short sleeves and thick red underwear? Siesta and Louise gazed at one another in dismay but it was too late to escape.

According to Zenophia the clothes were a "t-shirt" and "bloomers." She even gave them new shoes called "sneakers." The young women didn't even bother asking what the point was as it probably had to do with angelic matters. Zen just stared at them as if in disbelief. Was it that their faith amazed her? Louise did learn a valuable lesson that day. Misery is best when shared. The angel had them perform bizarre stretches and run around the back wall to test their fitness level. When they were too tired to continue the girls stretched again and guzzled down the lemonade. Zen refilled the carafe for them with water from the well.

Once the trainees no longer felt like dying of overwork Zenophia pulled out of thin air a large trunk packed full with books. Louise found new strength when she saw the books. This is it! This was the magic she waited for after all this time! Zen smiled at her enthusiasm. Siesta wasn't as enthused but she was willing to give it a try. The girls didn't know what the angel had planned for them but it couldn't possibly be a bad thing. Right? Angels were kind and this one enjoyed taking care of Louise. That was a good thing.

Zenophia was smiling but inside she was troubled. At the moment her mistress and maid were following her suggestions. The troubling part was that neither one questioned her at all. She could tell they were disquieted but the two weren't speaking up. Hopefully by educating them it would help them to start questioning her. After all what was the point in being a good big sister if she didn't teach her little sisters. At least that was how she saw things.

She felt a strange pulse from within. Zenophia smiled as the source pulsed in agreement. With enough effort they would be ready for what she had in mind. This world was trapped in stagnation. Advancement was slowed to a crawl. The people were possessed of a rigid and inflexible mindset. Nobles were better and commoners must serve. Magic was more important than science. Zenophia really hoped she was reading too much into things. However the planet itself was telling her she wasn't far off. As she watched Louise and Siesta look over the books curiously Zen nodded.

Perhaps it was time for a new Crystal Legend to begin.
Chapter 6
Chapter 6

Training was hell. Her body ached. She was tired all the time. There seemed to be no end in sight. Yet somehow Louise continued to push herself forward. At first it was the promise of knowledge. Now it was some bizarre desire to push past her previous limits. Siesta was right there with her the entire time. The maid was as determined as Louise to improve. Perhaps she wasn't as excited about the books but the dark haired girl didn't shy away from an education. Misery was best shared after all. They were partners in suffering. Friends in distress. Rivals pushing each other to improve.

All as Zenophia planned.

"So...tired..." Louise moaned as she flopped face down on the bed. She barely had the strength to put on a nightgown.

"Uhn..." Siesta didn't even speak as she laid down beside her. Zenophia just started tossing them in bed together at the end of the day. Neither was in any condition to complain. When the blue haired girl first saw Siesta's patched and worn nightgown she was livid.

Somehow Louise wasn't surprised that her Familiar could summon enough nightclothes for the staff.

"You did very well today," Zenophia hummed approvingly. Rings of Regeneration used two things to determine their effectiveness. The magical power of the bearer and their innate vitality. Louise had the raw mystic force while Siesta had a respectable amount of stamina. Something else the blue haired girl noticed was that even commoners had a little bit of magic. Perhaps not enough to cast spells alone but in numbers? Certainly.

"Mrgle..." Louise mumbled sleepily. A weary eye cracked open as someone knocked at the door. "Who…?" She forced herself to a sitting position. Siesta said something unflattering into the pillow. Zenophia opened the door and tried to figure out what was going on. The person on the other side wore a hood to conceal their identity. Her magical power was surprisingly strong and felt like water.

"Excuse me…? Might I come in?" The girl asked gently. Zenophia stepped to one side to admit her. The Familiar checked the hallway before shutting the door. A gasp from behind drew her attention.

"Louise Francois! You look so tired!" The girl's hood fell back as she hurried to the bed to clasp the smaller pink haired girl. Zenophia noticed that the girl had purple hair and a figure most would kill for. What was in the water around here? The girls were either flat as a board or built like gravure models.

"P-Princess Henrietta…?" Louise mumbled from somewhere around Henrietta's chest.

"The princess…!" Siesta awakened with a start and toppled out of bed. Louise and Henrietta winced. Zenophia merely picked the girl up and laid her back down again.

"Sit up or crawl out of bed. Don't try to do both at once," she chastened mildly.

"Is this your Familiar?" Henrietta asked. Louise nodded. She didn't seem to notice the princess was still cuddling with her. Zenophia suspected the future ruler was propping her up.

"My name is Zenophia. Pleasure to meet you," she introduced herself.

"Why are these ladies so exhausted?" Henrietta asked curiously.

"Training. A healthy body and a healthy mind leads to a happy life," the blue haired nodded sagely.

"How do you know one another?" Siesta asked. If she wasn't so sleepy the maid never would have asked a question above her station. Then again a princess didn't usually visit her subjects in the middle of the night either. Unless it was one of those trashy romance novels Zenophia used to endure.

"I had the privilege of being the royal playmate," Louise said factually.

"Would it hurt to say that we were friends?" Henrietta said a little sadly. The pink haired girl yawned sleepily.

"Naw...We can be friends..." She said shyly. The purple haired girl smiled brightly and gave her friend a tighter hug.

Zenophia concluded that it was a good thing Louise was too exhausted to put up her defenses. It was clear that her mistress wasn't going to be able to stay awake much longer. Henrietta smiled warmly at her dozing friend while tucking her in. She nodded respectfully to Zenophia, which was a surprise in and of itself, before taking her leave. The Angel walked the princess back to her room. No sense taking any chances after all. The princess' personal knight, a stern faced woman with short hair, actually glared at the princess. Apparently she crept off without permission. The professional nodded once at Zenophia before taking the younger woman away.

"Like herding cats," she sighed. Teenagers were always so hard to manage. Always wanting to get into things that weren't good for them. Running off to save the world, getting lost in other dimensions, and determining the fate of reality itself. Really quite a handful.

The new day dawned bright and clear but the sight was lost on the damned. What new torture did Zenophia have devised for today? If Louise could look at the training and say it wasn't working that would be one thing. That didn't change the fact that it was working. Each day she was a little faster, could go a little farther, lift a little more. She eyed her training partner as the girl went through her stretches. Hard to believe the princess showed up the night before while she was in bed with the maid.

If she didn't know the context that would have sounded awkward even to her.

"Isn't there something you wanted to do today?" Zenophia asked.

"Maybe work on the book of dimensional theory today..." Louise mused.

"Can I have the cookbook?" Siesta asked plaintively. The Angel shrugged.

"Why not? The books are for your benefit. Read what you like," she said.

Was that all she wanted to know? Her Familiar looked troubled before putting it to one side and commencing the torture, er, training for the day. There was no class scheduled for the day so they would training right up to lunch. Take a break to eat. Then finish the day with books. To Louise the second half of the day would be bliss. As the girls started their morning punishment it struck the Valliere that no one was outside. There were usual a couple people on the way back from the dining hall watching them. Even a few shouting encouragement. It was a strange feeling to have her former detractors actually happy for her about something.

Kirche even did a few laps with them. It was irksome that the redhead did so well. However it lit a fire to improve that racing Siesta didn't match.

" that…?" Siesta gasped.

" what…?" Louise gasped.

"That..." The maid gestured towards the stage. Surrounded by people. Louise almost fell on her face as it all came rushing back. Today was the talent show for Familiars! She was so busy training and studying that she forgot all about it. A part of her wanted to immediately run straight for the stage, bloomers be damned, but reason asserted itself.

One of the judges was the Cardinal. A high ranking church official. If he heard her claims of Zenophia being an angel it would be heresy. Even saying she was nonhuman, while accurate, wasn't right either. It was one thing to tell the people around the academy but quite another to tell a religious figure! Louise nodded at her firm reasoning and steered away with Siesta looking on in confusion. If she was honest with herself the Valliere would admit that she just didn't want to share her Familiar. Sharing her with the maid was one thing as Siesta was loyal.

She felt ashamed for her selfish thoughts.

"I don't mind," Zenophia ruffled her hair in passing.

How did she always know what Louise was thinking?

It was as they were coming around towards the courtyard another odd noise was heard. The chanting and cheering from the stage was replaced by a rhythmic boom. It would be almost soothing if the reverberation wasn't rattling their bones. The sight that greeted them caused Louise and Siesta to freeze in shock. Standing before them was a massive golem nearly half the height of the castle wall. A small figure stood on its shoulder.

" a big golem..." Louise mumbled.

"Yeah..." Siesta agreed dazedly.

"I've seen bigger," Zenophia said. The girls turned to stare at her deadpan.

"What was that?" The figure somehow took notice of them. Zenophia sighed at the cloaked person. What was it with people and cloaks around here? The Angel tried not to groan as the person made a theatrical gesture with their wand causing the golem to turn around.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Louise demanded as she whipped out her own wand from the waistband of her bloomers.

"Something that children and false Angels wouldn't understand. Run along now children!" The person made a shooing gesture.

"Who are you?" Louise wasn't about to give up.

"Fouquet the Crumbling Earth. Since I'm in a hurry, and I can't afford witnesses, you need to disappear!" Fouquet cried and directed the golem to attack. The giant construct threw its fist forward at the noble, maid, and Familiar. Zenophia actually blinked in shock. This person went from shouting like a cliche villain right to trying to murder innocent children?

"Zenophia!?" Louise cried out as the blue haired girl sprinted forward low to the ground.

"Zenophia!" Siesta called to her. As the massive fist approached the comparatively smaller figure drew her own delicate fist back and punched forward.

"Shockwave!" Zenophia yelled as her fist struck stone…

...and the stone shattered.

Fouquet didn't even have time to shout as the onrushing force released didn't just shatter the golem's fist but the entire arm. A second shock immediately followed the first as Zenophia's actual attack was released. The shattered fragments instantly powdered before striking the torso and reducing it to component particles. The famous thief was catapulted off the shoulder of the massive golem even as it crumbled to dust. A massive boom shook the wall as the shockwave from the Angel's blow hammered home. The cloaked figure was buffeted about in a storm of conflicting forces as she tumbled chaotically in the air. She tried anything to stop her fall. Some spell. Anything to avoid crashing to the ground. Her eyes landed on Zenophia.
There was no mercy in those eyes.

Fouquet the Crumbling Earth struck the ground with a dull thump.

Louise turned to look at her Familiar with pure shock in her eyes. The onrushing fist and Zenophia rescuing her were so close together she didn't have time to process either. Siesta looked as lost as the Valliere. Zeno looked at her charges sadly. To be confronted by death so soon was difficult. Especially when it was their own. She brought out her wings and gathered the trembling girls to her. The guards arrived, demanding answers, but the blue haired girl ignored them in favor of more important issues.
Her little sisters.
Great chapter, I really like how Zenophia has changed Louise so much that she's not concetrating on the competition, just on working hard and improving herself, no matter what the others are doing. Of course, we see she's still as competitive as ever, but she's channeling that for the right endeavors.

I kind of wonder about Louise and Henrietta, because Louise practically ignored her after Henrietta had snuck out to visit her. I understand that was because Louise was dead tired, but still, you'd think the next mornign Louise would remember and want to make it up to Henrietta - her only other friend before Zenophia.

I really like how take charge Zenophia is, and how she got angry when she saw Siesta's nightgown. Also her reaction to Fouquet trying to kill them. I can absolutely understand that attitude. I hope Fouquet isn't dead - it was a fall from high up, admittedly, but unless she landed badly she could still be alive. I think Matilda is a great character who could actually work really well with Zenophia's character and motivations.
I am interested, this is a nice change, and I am interested in seeing how a character from Final Fantasy Worm EXVIUS will interact with the ZnT cast.
Chapter 7
Chapter 7

Fouquet had the Devil's own luck. Thanks to the quick reactions of a water mage in Henrietta's entourage she would live. She would not want to live very shortly however. Especially once the story came out about how the thief tried to kill a friend of the Royal Family. To say the Princess was livid would be an understatement.

Fouquet wondered if it was too late to just die.

Louise, however, was wishing for a fraction of that luck. The shock of near death hadn't quite worn off just yet. She still couldn't believe that someone would try to kill her. Hearing tales of death defying feats and near misses just didn't compare to the horrible reality. The pink haired mage felt true fear for her own life. She just wasn't strong enough, knowledgeable enough, to protect herself. Seeing the shivering Siesta caused a pang. Louise wasn't strong enough to protect her new...friend.

She could admit it now. Siesta was her friend. She almost died and lost a friend all in one day. The renewed memory caused her to almost shut down again. Louise buried her face in Zen's chest with a moan of misery. Her wonderful, beautiful, and powerful Familiar saved them both. She glanced at where the golem stood. The only sign that it existed was a fine sand.

For Siesta the reality was just as stark and immediate. She heard tales of commoners who bit off more than they could chew on expeditions. Death was something she knew of intellectually but never flirted with. This was substantially more than flirting. This was getting hot and heavy in a broom closet. The maid did not want to go through that again. The powerlessness almost finished her off. She tried, in some vain attempt, to shield Louise. Not because she was a noble but because the two were friendly.

Near death experiences could make friends out of nearly anyone.

"Ah pardon me but we need to speak with your mistress," a kindly man with white hair and wearing priestly vestments said. Louise's eyes widened. Cardinal Mazarin. She was trying to avoid anyone connected to the church finding out about Zenophia. Her Familiar was hugging them with her wings and leaving very little space to see from. As much as the Valliere wanted to continue hiding she knew it was pointless.

"I am not an angel," Zenophia said out of the blue. Both Louise and Siesta facepalmed. The holy man merely chuckled warmly.

"That is good to know. I mean no harm to either of your charges, dear lady," he promised. Zenophia hummed softly.

"Truth," she declared and opened her wings. Before the Cardinal could speak the Princess decided she wanted to hug Louise too. The future monarch hurried over from where she stood to crush the smaller girl to her bosom.

"Perhaps once the Princess is done seeing to her health," Mazarin smiled. Zenophia kept one arm around Siesta's shoulders while Louise was slowly being smothered in affection. Literally. The blue haired girl wondered if she would have to save her little sister.

Death by booby trap was a real thing after all.

Louise patted Henrietta on the shoulder comfortingly. Then again she may be tapping out. Either one was equally valid.

Once Zenophia managed to save her mistress from Henrietta's perfumed boudoir it was time to give their report. There wasn't much to tell really. They forgot about the talent show and decided to keep training. When the three got back to the castle they confronted the golem. Fouquet, or Miss Longueville, ordered the mound of dirt and stone to attack. Zenophia made it vanish with a single blow and that was when everyone else arrived. Apparently Tabitha spotted the altercation from the air and alerted the guards. Then again the titanic boom of the golem's destruction was rather distinctive as well.

Zenophia knew her little mistress was worried about the Church discovering the truth. However Mazarin was not a fool. He was quite sensitive to the fact that anyone who could shatter a golem into powder would have no trouble with a human body. Common sense was a valuable skill right up there with a sense of self preservation. Just because Zen knew she wasn't violent didn't mean he did.

"Would you join me for lunch? It has been so long since we spent any time together," Henrietta said. The night before wasn't mentioned because technically the princess wasn't supposed to be out. Her knight, Agnes, huffed softly but merely rolled her eyes fondly. Zen understood the burden of sisters. While little sisters were cute and adorable they had this annoying tendency to put themselves in harm's way.

"I would love to, Your Highness," Louise replied.

"Please call me Henrietta," the purple haired girl pouted faintly.

"If you insist...Henrietta," the Valliere folded quickly. She didn't feel like standing on ceremony. With everything that happened a quiet lunch with friends would be a blessing.

"Should I get the tea?" Siesta asked reluctantly. She didn't seem to want to let go of Zen.

"Ah no that is fine...We will ask another maid," Henrietta said kindly.

While she might have meant inviting Siesta as a kindness it only served to make the poor girl more nervous. Louise sat beside her during the meal to act as a buffer. The princess meant well but didn't seem to realize her affect on the common folk. They loved her with all their heart because of her kindness. Sitting with her for a meal was an unbelievable thing.

"How are you feeling?" Henrietta asked once they were in private. Louise glanced at Siesta and Zen before turning back to the princess.

"Kind of numb actually. It happened so fast I didn't have time to process," Louise answered truthfully.

"I can't even imagine..." The princess shook her head slowly. After a moment she turned to Siesta, "...How are you holding up?" She asked. The maid looked startled at being suddenly included in the conversation.

"Ah well...Fine..." She started to say but a glance at Louise made her wince. Siesta sighed, "No, I'm not fine. This is a lot to take in." The maid fiddled with the meal in front of her. What made it more awkward was the look the other maid gave her as she was served. The poor girl could have lived without the look of deep sympathy as another commoner served her like she was a noble. Louise discretely held her hand under the table. While it was a comforting gesture it also served to heighten her confusion.

"What will happen now?" Louise asked as her eyes lingered on Zenophia. It was fairly obvious what she was asking. Henrietta grimaced faintly. There was no way to cover this up. The rescue was too public and witnessed by a foreign national. Tabitha was a student at the Academy but she came from Gallia. Even if she wasn't a spy there was the matter of letters to home. Kirche came from Germania. That was just the two Louise could name off the top of her head.

"If I might make a suggestion?" Cardinal Mazarin inclined his head respectfully.

"What is it, Cardinal?" Henrietta asked politely.

"Make it a decree that until this matter has been thoroughly investigated all missives will be searched. After all we cannot afford to have information getting out at this time," he replied. The Princess looked surprised and gratified by the Cardinal's suggestion.
"Can they do that?" Siesta asked in bewilderment.

"Indeed I can. After all we have no idea if Fouquet, or Longueville, or whoever she is had collaborators. Until a full investigation can be completed a search must be enacted," Henrietta warmed to the idea.

"All of this to keep me a secret?" Zenophia asked quietly.
"To be honest this gives me a good excuse to look into a few matters," Henrietta said evasively.

"What sort of matters?" Louise's curiosity won out over propriety. Siesta looked curious as well but retained her sense of place. The princess eyed her old friend for a long moment pensively. She debated with herself about what to do. A look towards the Cardinal and Agnes was met with their own stares. No one was going to make this choice for her.

"I have been hearing reports that nobles have been abusing their authority. The issue has caused significant unrest among the citizens. However they won't speak to the guards or official investigators," Henrietta sounded justifiably frustrated. Louise also looked pensive. The princess shared her worries but she couldn't think of a solution. Any comforting words would come off as trite. It was a relief to have something besides Fouquet to think about. There was that at least. Zenophia gently nudged Siesta as it looked like the girl had something to say.

"Ah is because they work for the nobility...that the people won't speak to them?" Siesta finished with a squeak. Henrietta looked chagrined. The answer was obvious but she missed it completely.

"If I only had someone who could investigate this discretely. A relative unknown," Henrietta mused.

Zenophia knew where this was going. There was a certain cadence to these things. The princess needed an unknown person to go undercover. She was a young girl who lead a relatively sheltered life. Her only friend from girlhood was sitting right across from her.

"Perhaps you could help me with that, Louise?" Henrietta smiled nervously. She hated asking her friend for help. Especially so soon after everything. Louise glanced to Zenophia before looking back to the princess.

"What can I do?" Louise asked. The princess relaxed immediately.

Sometimes Zenophia hates being right. This is not one of those times. As the Henrietta, Louise, and even Siesta spoke the girls put the tense morning behind them. The blue haired angel smiled as they lost themselves in the details. There would be time later to put it in perspective. For now it was best if they didn't dwell on the matter. Everything would work out with time and understanding.

Why did she suddenly feel like the universe was laughing at her?
Chapter 8
Chapter 8

The capital city of Tristain, Tristania, was situated in the northeast corner of the country. Just a short distance from the Academy. The trip itself could be made in a couple hours on horseback. Many of the nobles who attended the school visited the city often for something to do. Louise had other business in mind. Princess Henrietta asked her to look into the matter of nobles abusing their authority. In order to do that she would need to go undercover to earn the people's trust. There was just one problem. How would they know where to look? Luckily for her Siesta had an idea.

"You could talk to my Uncle Scarron," Siesta suggested.

"Uncle Scarron? What does he do?" Louise asked.

"He runs the Charming Fairy Inn. Waitresses dress as maids to serve patrons. You can hear a lot of things when people are into their cups," Siesta offered.

"Do they employ guards?" Zenophia asked curiously.

"Sometimes. Mainly to keep the male patrons from trying to take liberties with the staff. My uncle does the job most of the time," Siesta answered.

"Why would they work there if men paw at them?" Louise was mystified. The maid's face fell.

"Often they have nowhere else to turn. It's either work in a reputable tavern or on the street," she said quietly.

"I imagine the number of people on the street has increased with the nobles' abuses," Louise was crestfallen to admit. Zenophia hugged her gently.

"If only more nobles were like you and the princess," Siesta smiled.

Louise smiled in reminiscence. Being compared to the princess in such a favorable manner made her feel good. The idea they ultimately decided on was to go to the Charming Fairy Inn looking for work. Louise wanted to work in the kitchen while Zenophia worked the floor. Her Familiar wasn't just talented but also incredibly beautiful. However they hit a snag early on.

Louise could not cook well. She could make tea, after a fashion, and simple things. Unfortunately her food was a trifle bland. Unless she found the red pepper flakes and then it was too hot. Zenophia suggested a different idea. She would work as the bouncer while Louise acted as a waitress. The pink haired girl would have balked but she did have nice legs and well kept long hair. With the right accents her slender body would work.

Zenophia was wearing an unusual suit of armor as her disguise. It looked like a form fitting black leather bodysuit under a darker black breastplate, gauntlet, greaves, and helm to hide her appearance. A plain sword in a brown leather scabbard hung from her belt. The shield on her back had the visage of a snarling demon. She rode a dark warhorse borrowed from the stables.

The Valliere wore a simple white blouse and dark skirt. Her clothes were sturdy with practical boots. The only sign of finery was the ribbon Zenophia gave her. Louise kept sneaking looks at her Familiar. Being unable to see her face felt wrong. The scary armor looked even more wrong. Her Familiar lifted her visor and smiled reassuringly. Just like that everything was okay again.

Their cover story was simple. Louise was a minor noble cast out from her home. Zenophia was her loyal guard who didn't agree with the decision. Now both of them were homeless and running dangerously low on money.

"Never over explain," Zenophia said.

"Over explain?" The phrase didn't make sense to Louise.

"Over explaining is where you continue to add details to a story. We could make a truly sensational tale about why you were banished from your estate. Action, intrigue, forbidden romance? All of these things can spice up a story. The problem with such a story is remembering the details. Believe me. No one will forget the salient points. If you forget the name of your lover someone will call you on it," Zenophia explained.

"But by not giving them a reason it encourages them to make up their own," Louise protested.

"They will make up their own conclusions even if you give them a reason. As long as you don't confirm or deny you're fine. Just squirm and look uncomfortable. Most people will back down," Zenophia assured her.

"You know a lot about this," Louise said admiringly.

Her Familiar was an impressive wealth of information for certain.

The city was bustling with activity as they arrived. They were forced to leave their horses at the stable. The stable hand promised to send their horses back to the Academy. Louise sighed as this would be the last contact they had with the Academy for some time. Zenophia followed a few paces behind Louise as they set out to find the Charming Fairy Inn. Siesta gave them good instructions as it took only a few minutes to find their destination.

"This is it," Louise said.

"I am with you," Zenophia lightly squeezed her shoulder. Her mistress smiled and nodded. As they stepped into the Inn one thing became immediately apparent.

Siesta said nothing about the skimpy outfits. Every woman working at this establishment wore a highly revealing bunny girl outfit with fetish maid hats. Zenophia glanced at Louise in concern. The Valliere was staring at all that exposed skin and almost had heart failure. If Zen hadn't decided to act as a guard she could have just taken the front job herself. Her mistress exhaled slowly as if gathering her courage. She wouldn't back down from this challenge. Louise would stay strong in the face of adversity. She would…

"Oh ho ho! Welcome to the Charming Fairy Inn my dears!"

...get completely blindsided by the large man in hotpants.

Another sin to lay at Siesta's feet. She forgot to mention that her effeminate Uncle Scarron was a muscular man. A very muscular man with his black hair in a nice perm. Louise almost keeled over from shock.
"You look fabulous," Zenophia gave the man a thumbs up. Louise's head whipped around at her Familiar's comment.

"Why thank you! My all that armor doesn't do you any justice," Scarron sad. He turned towards Louise. "Ah and who is this delicate little flower?" He cooed.

"My name is Louise and...well...this is my friend Zen. We were looking for work," Louise had trouble saying her lines. Rather than instill distrust it only made her appear cuter and more harmless.

"Work you say? Ah the armor makes sense now! Well please come into my office and we will discuss this," Scarron directed them into his office. Louise squared her shoulders again and followed their potential employer.

Mademoiselle Scarron didn't ask for their past. In fact he seemed content to know they were young women who needed help. He didn't need much convincing to make Zenophia a bouncer. The blue haired girl looked competent and her armor would serve as a deterrent to the more frisky patrons. Louise was issued a maid uniform. She had no idea what to do really. Madame Scarron promised the other girls would be happy to give her advice. He lead them back to the floor.

"My daughter Jessica will give you a tour before the evening service," Madame Scarron said. A beautiful dark haired girl with a large bust wearing a cleavage bearing dress waved to them.

"Hi! I'm Jessica," she turned to her father. "Hiring more people?"

"We needed a new guard with the recent issues," Scarron said diplomatically. The careful tone set off alarm bells in Louise's mind. Jessica's eyes took on a calculating glint. She looked Louise and Zenophia over slowly.

"The armor would certainly frighten the more grabby patrons. Oh and aren't you cute?" Jessica smiled warmly at Louise. The pink haired girl flushed.

"Thank you…?" She said hesitantly.

Jessica showed them to a room they could share. She told them to be downstairs by five o'clock to meet the girls and help set up for the night. Louise looked on in dismay at the state of their quarters. It was dirty and covered in dust.

"How are we going to sleep in this?" Louise asked.

"Easily enough," Zen waved a hand and the room was cleaned instantly. Even the old bed was restored to like new condition. The younger girl slowly turned to her Familiar.

"You know cleaning spells?" She asked incredulously.

"Not everything can be solved by punching," Zen smiled faintly.

"I'm not so sure how to go about this," Louise eyed the outfit dubiously.

"You're a very pretty girl. Just be nice and friendly. I promise it will work out," Zen stroked her hair comfortingly. Her mistress still held misgivings but put on the uniform anyway. The blue haired girl looked her over speculatively. She took the overprotective feelings that seeing Louise in the skimpy outfit evoked and throttled them. Hard.

Next time she felt like challenging the universe she would smack herself.
So what happens to the poor fool who thinks he can take "liberties" with Louise? There´s always one of those around.
Chapter 9
Chapter 9

Zen was no stranger to taverns. In all her years of life she had seen many kinds. The Charming Fairy Inn was the kind she liked most of all. It was more than a business. It was a safe haven and a family that cared for one another. She stood back by the wall and smiled behind her visor. The atmosphere felt so good to her. Warm nostalgia filled her as she remembered the first tavern the knight ever visited. The tavern in Meribia held a special place in her heart. Sometimes she wished it was possible to go back to Lunar and bask in the memories. Her mood dipped briefly into melancholy as the old ache of years gone by came to the fore. With the ease of long practice she pushed the sadness away. Zenophia had a job to do in the here and now.

Her little sister was having a different experience with taverns. She might not remember this experience too fondly all things considered. Zen turned her attention to the rest of the room. The girls bouncing about in skimpy outfits was a tantalizing sight for the patrons. Zenophia herself was more single target sexuality. While she loved her wives dearly there was only one who held her heart. That didn't mean she couldn't appreciate a handsome man or a beautiful woman. Louise wasn't quite as sanguine. At least not when she was wearing the same skimpy outfit. The patrons weren't pawing the young maidens but their interest was obvious. There was also a distinct lack of inappropriate touching as Zen was intimidating in black armor.

Maybe making her eyes glow behind the visor was a bit much? Nah…

"Ooh..." Louise swatted a hand that strayed too close to her rear. She narrowed her eyes venomously but the look bounced off the drunken barbarian. There was a part of her that felt offended at the attempted groping but also a peculiar thrill that someone found her attractive. With Zen nearby no one would go any further than an attempt. Discomfort warred with a sense of freedom. No one knew her here so it wasn't like anyone could run back and report her. She didn't need to act like the proper noble. The thought was simultaneously exciting and terrifying. If she dared to indulge in a bit of harmless fun would she go too far?

"Look at those legs..." a laborer said appreciatively. Louise puffed up a bit at the praise. She gave a glance in the man's direction and smiled just a bit. The weary fellow left her a nice tip on his way out the door.

That was another thing she was trying to understand. People were actually giving her money just for being pretty. She understood on some level how brothels worked, and ladies of the night, a comely face drew in business after all. Louise figured it must be the same in taverns and eating establishments. A tip was considered polite as approval for the service. To have it directed at her was a new concept.

On the first night of work Jessica told Louise about a contest where the girls competed to have the highest amount of tips. The winner would get to wear the Fairy's Bustier. Louise didn't expect to come in the top twenty, even if there were only ten or so girls there, but to actually be in the running was a surprise. How did that happen? Perhaps it had something to do with the advice her Familiar gave?

"Keep an eye out for empty cups. An empty cup is an unhappy cup. Keep the cup full and the customer happy. A happy customer is more chatty," Zenophia counseled.

Louise followed her advice to keep the cups happy and it worked. A bit of wine was enough to loosen tongues. No one named names but plenty of people were complaining about the nobles taking liberties with the commons. At first it sounded like a general complaint but what names were mentioned were of businesses. The pink haired mage knew that with some time she would get a lucky break.

"Take a break, Louise," Jessica interrupted her thoughts as she hurried past.

"Okay," Louise agreed without fuss. She made her way to the back where the girls took their breaks and sat down. It was exhausting work. If not for her training under Zen it would be even more difficult. A cold tankard was placed on the table in front of her by a brunette girl in a red outfit.

"Here you go. You looked a little thirsty," the girl smiled. Louise smiled back. She saw the taller girl around. The young woman sort of took Louise under her wing after the first night. Abigail was a naturally kind person who had no shortage of admirers.

"Is it ale?" She asked hesitantly.

"Cold tea actually. I know how you feel about alcohol," Abigail said. Louise was done solving her problems with wine. She would drink it to be polite but otherwise would decline.

"Thank you. How is your shift so far?" Louise asked. The other girl placed her hands on her lower back and arched sharply eliciting a loud pop.

"Not so bad. Ever since Zen started watching the floor it's been a dream. Mademoiselle Scarron is able to focus on more important matters and I don't have a bruise on my butt," Abigail glanced at her well shaped posterior as if checking for imperfections. Louise rolled her eyes.

"Heaven forbid you have a bruise on your bottom," Louise snarked playfully.

"I've even caught you staring a time or two. Naughty naughty," the playful girl wagged a finger. Louise shrugged as it was less aggravating to just admit the truth. She had more in common with her Familiar than she realized at first.

"Well you are a work of art. It would be rude not to look," the pink haired girl said. Abigail squealed and hugged Louise to her bosom.

"You are so cute! However does Zen get anything done with your cuteness as a distraction?" She giggled. Louise rolled her eyes.

"We see each other as sisters," Louise answered.

"She does seem to be the big sister type," Abigail agreed.

Both girls smiled. Zen tended to be an equal opportunity big sister.

Zen smiled as she passed the break room before turning her attention back to the floor. Abigail was so painfully familiar it was like a vice around her heart at times. She wasn't the same person as the one from long ago but her appearance and mannerisms were similar. The universe had a weird sense of humor. Old friends drifted back into her life given enough time even if they didn't remember.

"Zen? I need to speak with you. Urgently," Mademoiselle Scarron minced towards her in a hurry.

"What is it?" Zen asked. The armored girl was grateful for the reprieve from her memories.

"The Royal Tax Collector is coming this evening. Lord Turenne makes a habit of running off our customers and demanding service without paying. If there is anything you can do I beg of you to do so. We cannot keep this up much longer," the effeminate man pleaded. Zen smiled faintly.

"How long have you known?" She asked softly.

"I had my suspicions from the first," he admitted. Zen clasped his shoulder.
"Your words were heard," Zen assured him.

From what Zenophia gathered he didn't know about Louise. He assumed that Zen attached herself to Louise on the way into the city. It wasn't a bad assumption. Mademoiselle Scarron was quite shrewd indeed. However there was one problem. She didn't know how to warn her mistress discretely. Just walking into the break room and telling her was out. Letting the waitresses know what was going on ran the risk of alerting the mark.

She would just have to play it by ear.

Zenophia stood with her back to the wall and watched the room. The evening wore on with no sign of the mark. Louise was back on the floor and doing her best to gather information. The blue haired girl tried to attract her attention but her mistress was apparently in the zone. She huffed softly. Having information and being unable to share it was mildly vexing. Of all the powers at her disposal the one she didn't have was telepathy.

"Look at this rabble," a haughty voice declared as a rather rotund man stepped through the door. Only Zenophia's heightened senses let her hear him over the din. He entered with twelve guards and a self assured air as if all belonged to him. If this wasn't Turenne it would be quite a coincidence.

She glanced in Mademoiselle Scarron's direction only to receive a tight nod.

"Clear out this trash," Lord Turenne gestured airily.

"Yes sir!" The guards made to start rousting the sullen patrons only to freeze with sudden dread. Zenophia let out an unearthly growl directly in their hearts. She cast Fear over the worthless fools. The men did the sensible thing and backed away from the inexplicably frightening black knight.

"What is this?" He demanded angrily as he raked his men with a scathing glare. Louise looked in Zen's direction and caught on immediately to what was going on. She had a disbelieving look on her face. As if she couldn't believe the man would be so brazen.

Stupidity comes in many forms.

"I believe you have done quite enough, my lord," Louise drew herself up to her full height with shoulders held back straight and proud.

"Scarron! Why is this boy addressing me like that?" Turenne demanded of the tavern owner. Louise's eyes crackled with power in an eerily similar manner to Zenophia. Zen hummed happily to herself. Her little sister was coming along nicely indeed. The pompous noble noticed the unusual display and swallowed whatever he was going to say next. Almost like his sense of self preservation and common sense got together to hit him with a clue.

"By order of the Crown you are to cease and desist this action!" Louise drew the Princess' Writ from her bustier somehow. Zen had the irrational thought that her sister mastered the treasure chest technique but refrained from commenting. He turned to his men but the valiant guards made themselves scarce in the confusion. Turenne turned back to Louise and then to Zenophia. The noble clearly saw the writing on the wall and lowered his head in submission.

The time came for them to leave. Louise sighed as she took a last look around the room. It wasn't much but it was home during the time they spent. She was going to miss the sense of freedom living away from the other noble children provided. Zen was downstairs leaving Mademoiselle Scarron a way to contact them in an emergency. She called it a "cellphone." Louise had one now as well with a tiny little thing meant to go in her ear called a "bluetooth." Just to avoid a situation like the other night where she had information that her mistress didn't.

"You're really leaving?" Abigail asked from the doorway.

"I have to go back," Louise smiled at her friend with a hint of melancholy.

"You don't have to," she said petulantly.

"I'll come back to visit. You can count on it," Louise promised. She crossed the room and gave the taller girl a hug. Abigail returned the hug firmly.

"You better or I'm coming out to that school for you," Abigail teased even if her voice was thick.

"Don't be a stranger. I'm sure we can find a place for you to stay," Louise laid her head on the other girl's shoulder and smiled.

Louise was going to miss the Inn desperately but was going back to her other friends. Friends? Well Siesta was certainly a friend but when did Kirche and Tabitha factor into her thoughts? When she wasn't thinking in terms of rivalries it was easier. She gave Abigail a tighter embrace before separating. It was time to leave after all. The report was sent to the Princess through her knight, Agnes, as Turenne was arrested.

The return trip to the Academy was made on horseback. While a carriage would be more comfortable it wouldn't be as fast. Zenophia was once more in casual clothes and looking happier than ever. The dark knight armor was useful for intimidation but it wasn't her at all. Louise waved at the gate guard as they passed by and left the horses at the stable. She waved to a few of the maids who glanced away. That was like a big red sign saying something was wrong. Siesta was supposed to meet them at the door but she wasn't there.

Zen and Louise shared a look before approaching one of the maids. The poor girl looked as if she wanted to be anywhere but there. However she stayed instead of trying to escape.

"What is going on? You look unhappy to see us," Louise asked gently. The girl flinched at the kind tone. She sincerely looked like yelling would have been more preferable.

"Whatever it is we won't be upset with you," Zen promised softly.

"We sent word ahead for Siesta to meet us," the pink haired girl said. The maid looked around nervously. Louise's unease increased.

"She was charged with stealing a priceless diamond. The investigators found a large bag of gold in her belongings which proved their claim. The headmaster tried to argue that she did no such thing but the money was telling," the maid whispered.

"Who leveled the charge?" Zen asked quietly. The frightened girl leaned forward.

"Count Mott," she whispered before straightening abruptly and striding away with all haste.

Familiar and mistress stared at one another helplessly.