Vigilante: My Hero Academia Illegals: The Centre Cannot Hold

Posting my sheet here also, for the public to see:

Name: Ryutsuki Kaehon (Western order)

Costume: None.

Quirk: Dragon

Ryutsuki's Quirk is that she is a dragon. Not "turns into a dragon", but "is a dragon". Specifically a dragon about the size of a large dog, such as a Newfoundland or an English Mastiff, plus wings and tail, with the approximate physical prowess to match. She gets bigger and stronger with age but, well, it's a veeery slow process.

Ryutsuki is capable of flight, with a speed and maneuverability about comparable to to an eagle, able to carry maybe 15-20kg before the load becomes unbearable. She can also breathe fire, but it's more like a homemade flamethrower, the kind that you use to clear out a hornet hive, with a range of maybe five feet. Will give you some burn scars and light your clothes on fire if you get hit by it, though. Finally she also has decently sharp senses, particularly sight and smell.

Skills: Ryutsuki has little real experience in a fight, relying on surprise to carry her through. She is very fast, however, and very good at staying hidden.

She also knows the local area in exquisite detail, with an excellent sense of direction and a mental map of all the best hiding spots and concealed paths. If you need to find someplace or somebody, she may not know them but she'll probably know where to find them.

Bio: Ryutsuki Kaehon was one of those people whose Quirk manifested itself at birth. Though both her parents had reptilian Mutant Quirks, nobody quite expected her to turn out the way she did. Non-humanoid Mutants are rare, but they still happen. She grew up in the more rural areas of Japan, her parents being both agricultural workers.

Ryutsuki was a clever and curious child, but she had trouble socializing with her peers. Certainly her appearance played a factor, but an even larger one was that she was mute. Nobody quite knows if it's because her vocal cords cannot form human words, or if she's just regular mute. Nevertheless she communicates via hissing, body language and as necessary writing. But children rarely have the patience for it, and it is easy to ostracize that which is different.

School was, similarly, quite a challenge. Support and attitudes towards special needs children were lacking, and resources even scarcer. Ryutsuki was just as intelligent as anyone, but she couldn't sit in a normal chair, struggled to hold a pen and couldnt properly communicate with her teachers, who in turn had little patience for her. It was a mess- she didn't want to be there, and her teachers didn't want her there.

She dropped out as soon as she passed the legal requirements, left with a bad taste towards education and the authorities in general. So she found employment in what she was good at. Ryutsuki had always been a free spirit, spending her free time roaming the countryside, and she knew the lay of the land.

She began working as a courier, picking up and delivering packages. It was an easy job for her: she could do what she loved, with minimal face-to-face contact with people. Set-up and payment could be done electronically, and she would pick up a package from a specified location and drop it off at another.

Still, she never quite felt satisfied. In a closely-knit community such as her hometown, where everyone knew everyone, she'd always be known as the weird kid who didn't finish school. By the time she became a legal adult, she'd already decided to move and make it on her own.

Out in the big city, she could make a fresh start. That didn't mean life was easy, however. There were still comparatively few vocations for a mute dragon, and aside from the occasional entertainment gig she was forced to fall back on what she knew. Still, she was a goodcourier, and there was always a demand for those.

Life in the city was different. With so many people and so much variety of Quirks, her appearance didn't draw as much attention as it used to. There were things she needed to adapt to, of course, like the close confines, or the sheer amount of people, or just the smell. But by far the hardest part was the lack of freedom. Out in the countryside, with the Police Force and Pro-Heroes pulled thin, Quirk usage had never really been an issue before.

If she took a little bit of a shortcut when she was doing her deliveries and stretched her wings a little, was it really hurting anyone?

But in the city, it was much easier to get flagged down for a violation. Flying over a populated area was disruptive and dangerous, they said.

So Ryutsuki stopped caring. Society had never done anything for her, so she didn't feel obligated to follow its rules.

She got good at staying out of sight, sticking to unseen paths and evading law enforcement. It became a game to her, flaunting the rules, just to see if she could.

It couldn't last forever. One bad run-in with a flying hero and she was suddenly facing significant fines, that she struggled to pay off.

So she threw herself into her work, and when she was contacted for a high paying no-questions-asked delivery, she only thanked her luck for the opportunity. When Ryutsuki arrived at the drop-off point, she found herself in the middle of a drug deal, and her package was the merchandise.

Suddenly, it didn't seem like a game anymore.

A few franctic moments later, she called the police on a pair of unconscious drug dealers and fled the scene, unharmed but shaken.

That was the catalyst, for her, to look beyond her own nose and see what was happening to the society around her. Archaic Quirk laws were one thing, but real, honest crime? She couldn't find it in herself to simply ignore it, not anymore.