UN Taskforce Atlas [Muv Luv/Fate Core RP] Interest Check And Recruitment

The OP

Murderhobo of Nod

The Antisocial Alpaca
A Warm Introduction to Our Hellish New World
* * *

A long, long time ago - Humans, have naively wondered upon a seemingly innocuous possibility: 'Are there other beings like us? Somewhere within this vast and seemingly endless expanse of void and stars?'

The answer?

Certainly, yes.


We aren't all alone out there, after all.

But is that something to be happy about?

In 1967, we have made first contact. Humanity will later learn the hard way that it was far better being the only intelligent life. These aliens; these disgusting and ruthless monstrosities quickly proved to be hostile to humanity.

Dubbed the BETA: The Beings of Extra Terrestrial origin which is Adversary of human race, what would be called the 'Lunar War' ended in a costly and bloody defeat in 1973. The moon had been taken.

But worst has yet to come. . .

The Kashgar Incident - within the same year of the 'Lunar War', had sprung forth; heralding the humble beginnings of bloodier conflicts and human tensions. The BETA have successfully invaded our precious Earth.

Nominally, we would've nuked them 'em to hell.

Just like we did with the Nazi's. However, the BETA, had something only Hitler could have a wet dream about. Lazers. It didn't matter what type of bomb, or jet, or plane. The era of air superiority ended with the advent of the laser-classes.

As such, we needed to approach these beastlies' differently.


Or, Tactical Surface Fighter, leave it to Americans to save the day. As long as it suits their interests. At first, it was something like tank when it first came out in 1974. Now, it's like a low flying fighter jet. Better hug the ground then fry like slow roasted goodness, eh?

And without further ado; we're skipping to the main point. . .

It's 1996, and things aren't looking any brighter.

The BETA are still rampaging, and we, humans, still can't get our fucking shit together. We're in desperate need of heroes, now, more than ever. As such, congratulations!

. . . Now, now, don't give me that look.

By recommendation no less; you have been personally selected to be part of our UN Taskforce, Atlas. What does that exactly entail? We'll begin with the daunting and rather industrious task of retaking BETA infested Europe.


I hope your ready, soldier.
Rules, CS and FAQ
Rules, CS and FAQ

We'll be using Fate Core/SRD. Considering the nature of this setting. There is an extremely high chance that PCs' will die in a excessively gruesome and horrific manner. What, fun! Anyways, Character Sheets, ahoy! They should look like the following, below:

Tentative Character Sheet Format:
Nationality (USA, China, Japan ETC):
BOS (Branch of Service):
Rank (NATO):


High Aspect:
Aspect #1
Aspect #2
Aspect #3

Skill +4
Skill +3, Skill +3
Skill +2, Skill +2, Skill +2
Skill +1, Skill +1, Skill +1, Skill +1


FP (Fate Points) 3/3
Refresh: 3
Morale: [][]
Stress: [][]

Dog Tags
UN Uniform

Fortified Suit
Aspect #1: High Impact Absorbent: Absorbs the first physical consequence suffered. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.
Aspect #2: Drugs, Pump Me Up! Reduces a Morale Consequence via a forceful injection of stimulants. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.

TSF (Tactical Surface Fighter):
Series (The Unit Itself):
Generation: 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

TSF Stunt #1:
TSF Stunt #2:
TSF Stunt #3:

TSF Armaments:

Credits to @Sushi.

*Nothing higher than 2nd LT, please. I really should've stetted up this shit prior.
*We might be using a different rendition of skills, among other thing, later, perhaps.
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Know Your Enemy
Know Your Enemy:


The Beings of Extra Terrestrial origin which is Adversary of human race, or more commonly referred to as the BETA. Is collective of hostile aliens hellbent on destroying all life on Earth. These Aliens were first spotted on Mars in 1958, following the costly Lunar War in 1967. Six years later, in 1973, The BETA landed in the Kashgar region of western China. They primarily overwhelm the opposition with sheer numbers.





Heavy Laser-class



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Know Your Equipment
Know Your Equipment:

The TSF:

TSF (Tactical Surface Fighters) were first deployed in 1974 by the USA. TSF, despite their far from conventional designs. Were highly instrumental in wars against the BETA. The F4 Phantom, The grandfather of all TSF, as pictured above, is a 1st Generation TSF. The Current generation; after 22 years of continuous development and evolution, is the 3rd Generation TSF.
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This sounds fun. :D

I'll see what I can do.

Name: Noel Able
Nationality (USA, China, Japan ETC): French
BOS (Branch of Service): UNAF
Rank (NATO): Corporal
Gender: Female
Age: 22


You truly don't remember your home. Not as home at least. You were born in France but was raised in Britain while your parents stayed behind to face the BETA. Naturally they did not survive.

Your parents, your home, your life. All taken. There was little to do but rage and rage. You joined the United Nations in hopes of defeating the BETA and reclaiming your home. At the very least you could find some release.

High Aspect: Daughter of Fallen France
Trouble: Unyielding Rage
Aspect #1: Suffer with Me
Aspect #2: Determined Defeatist
Aspect #3: Patriot without a nation

Will +4
Shoot + 3, Notice + 3
Fight +2, Provoke +2, Athletics +2
Contacts +1, Physique +1, Rapport +1, Empathy +1

#1: Monkey See, Monkey Dodge: May use notice to dodge an attack you see coming.
#2: Bonds of Sorrow: May use Will instead of Rapport when dealing with other refugees
#3: Soul of Steel: Can spend a fate point to add +3 to a physique roll

FP (Fate Points) 3/3
Refresh: 3
Morale: [][][][]
Stress: [][][]

Dog Tags
UN Uniform

Fortified Suit
Aspect #1: High Impact Absorbent: Absorbs the first physical consequence suffered. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.
Aspect #2: Drugs, Pump Me Up! Reduces a Morale Consequence via a forceful injection of stimulants. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.

TSF (Tactical Surface Fighter):
Nickname: Vagabond
Series (The Unit Itself): F-16 Fighting Falcon
Generation: 2nd

TSF Stunt #1: Wiping All Out: Give +1 Advantage to an attack if you killed something the previous turn.
TSF Stunt #2: Run and Gun: Give +1 Advantage to shoot if you moved this turn before firing.
TSF Stunt #3: Can't Touch This: May reroll a failed Athletics check once per mission.

TFS Armaments:
WS-16 Assault Cannon

AMWS-21 Combat System
CIWS-1B Close Combat Knife
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I'm interested in this!

Let me do a bit of digging on tsf's and I'll throw up a character sheet.

EDIT: How familiar with muvluv should I be for this?

(I've marathoned animes before simply so I could be in an RP set in a specific universe, I just need to know how much rl to set aside.)
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Alright, how's this? Note that I'm notoriously bad at making Fate CS's, so let me know what needs to be fixed.

Name: Soryn Shalashka
Nationality: USSR
BOS: Army
Rank: 1st LT
Gender: Male
Age: 38

A large, rugged man, shaved bald but for a bit of brown stubble dusting his square jaw and head. Thick fists, arms, and body in general. (Hopefully will eventually have a picture here.)

Soryn has been in the fight for a long time, or so he says.

He is a veteran of a couple engagements, and has survived most by simply brute-forcing his way through things, or forcing them to try(and fail) to brute-force their way through him.
This is how he deals with BETA, and most aspects of life in general. Is a devout communist.

High Aspect: Sturdy Veteran
Trouble: thinks with his fists
Aspect #1: no no-win situations
Aspect #2: loyal to a fault
Aspect #3: Red through-and-through

Fight +4
Pilot +3, Atheletics +3
Endurance +2, Light weapons +2, Intimidation +2
Sight +1, Repair +1, First-aid +1, Luck +1

#1: Blind Rage- may use fight in place of another skill while in combat, once per combat
#2: "it's not broken....yet."- may auto-pass a repair test while in combat. After the combat is resolved, that repair test is counted as failed. May only do this once per combat. If another repair test is required during this combat, both tests are immediately counted as failed.
#3: [leaving this stunt open to be decided during play]

FP (Fate Points) 3/3
Refresh: 3
Morale: [][]
Stress: [][]

Dog Tags
UN Uniform

Fortified Suit
Aspect #1: High Impact Absorbent: Absorbs the first physical consequence suffered. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.
Aspect #2: Drugs, Pump Me Up! Reduces a Morale Consequence via a forceful injection of stimulants. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.

TSF (Tactical Surface Fighter):
Nickname: Mishka
Series (The Unit Itself): SU-27 Zhuravlik
Generation: 2nd

TSF Stunt #1: "This is the Rock..." +2 to fight when fighting against a single opponent, immediately after this unit has moved. May use once per combat.
TSF Stunt #2: "...and this is the hard place."- +1 advantage against nearby enemies if this unit has not moved this round.
TSF Stunt #3: "The scars just make it look cooler." +1 to fight immediately after taking damage.

TSF Armaments:
A-97 Assault gun,

Spike vanes, blade vanes.
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I'll just make a character just in case.
Work in progress
Name: Roman S'Jet
Nationality (USA, China, Japan ETC): USA
BOS (Branch of Service): US Navy
Rank (NATO): Chief Petty Officer
Gender: Male
Age: 35


High Aspect: Hard Bastard
Trouble: likes a drink
Aspect #1
Aspect #2
Aspect #3

Leadership +4
Repair +3, Combat +3
Endurance +2, Intimidate +2, Intuition +2
Sight +1, Strength +1, Accuracy +1, Diplomacy +1


FP (Fate Points) 3/3
Refresh: 3
Morale: [][]
Stress: [][]

Dog Tags
UN Uniform

Fortified Suit
Aspect #1: High Impact Absorbent: Absorbs the first physical consequence suffered. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.
Aspect #2: Drugs, Pump Me Up! Reduces a Morale Consequence via a forceful injection of stimulants. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.

TSF (Tactical Surface Fighter): Galm 1
Nickname: "Pixy"
Series (The Unit Itself): F-4C
Generation: 1.5

TSF Stunt #1:
TSF Stunt #2:
TSF Stunt #3:

TSF Armaments: 2x WS-16C
5x Grenades (2000lbs bomb)
Really interested in this but will need to familiarise myself with FATE, so I'll stick a tentative hand up.
Between a laptop crash and thinking of dammed stunts here we go !

Name: Iryna Gavrikylu.

Nationality: Ukrainian SSR.

Branch of Service: VVS - Soviet Air Force.

Rank : Pilot Officer.

Gender: Female.

Age: 19.

Background: One of Iryna's earliest memories was of being a 3 year girl being bundled aboard a miltray helicopter as her and mother and younger sister fled the burning city of Sevastopol as it fell to the BETA advance in 1980. Her father was a high ranking member of the Soviet Air Defence Force so he found refuge for his family in Soviet allied Libya. She lived in Tripoli for the next 2 years before her father was re-deployed to the UN Yukon Base as part of the Soviet lease of Alaska. Here she lived for the next 11 years in the Soviet Colonies in Alaska. However she felt more at home with her American neighbours then her Soviet home, fulling in love with the Yankee culture and slowly become more and more anti-Soviet. With alarm her father enrolled her into the Soviet Officer Academy. Although a rebellious element she found her nack as a TSF pilot. By the time she graduated at 18 she was attached to a UN unit due to her "cultural understanding of Western nations".

High Aspect: A Rebellious General's Daughter.

Trouble: Combat Virgin.

Aspect #1: The least communist Soviet ever.
Aspect #2: Problem with Authority.
Aspect #3: American lover.

Shoot +4
Fight +3, Athletics +3
Mechanics +2, Will +2, Deceive +2
Notice +1, Stealth +1, Physique +1, Provoke +1

#1: Top of Her Class: Re-roll a failed Shoot roll once per mission.
#2: Surprisingly Sneaky: By using a Fate point, can add +3 to a Stealth roll.
#3: From Ukraine, with Love: By using a Fate point can create a 2 stress hit.

Fate Points: 3/3
Refresh: 3
Morale: [][]
Stress: [][]

Dog Tags
UN Uniform

Fortified Suit-

Aspect #1: High Impact Absorbent: Absorbs the first physical consequence suffered. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.

Aspect #2: Drugs, Pump Me Up! Reduces a Morale Consequence via a forceful injection of stimulants. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.

Nickname: White Wolf
Series: Su-27SM Zhuravlik
Generation: 2nd

TSF Stunt #1: BOOM STICKS: +1 Advantage when using heavy weapons.
TSF Stunt #2: Surrounded on all sides: +1 Advantage when engaging multiple enemies in close combat.
TSF Stunt #3: Rugged Russian Engineering: By using a Fate Point can uncheck a stressbox.

TSF Armaments:
A-97 Assault Cannon.
Blade/Spike Vanes
Arm Motor Blades.
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My very much WIP sheet, put up because it's time for bed and I wanted to point out that we have a triumvirate of Soviets. Except this one is a classic commissar.

Name: Jelena Kross
Nationality : Soviet (Estonian SSR)
BOS (Branch of Service): Air Defence Forces (V-PVO)
Rank (NATO): Lieutenant of Aviation, OF-1
Gender: Female
Age: 29

Appearance: Jelena is a petite strawberry blonde who keeps her hair in a long braid. She has wide-set green eyes and porcelain-pale skin. Despite being shorter than most, she seems to look down her nose at almost everyone.
Background: Jelena is a flight officer and a political commissar of the Soviet Air Defence Forces, a separate branch of the military from the Air Force (VVS) that is actually considered of higher priority despite being less heavily involved in frontline combat. Her duties include intelligence gathering and "maintenance of morale" among the troops.

High Aspect: A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma
Aspect #1 Scholar of war
Aspect #2
Aspect #3

Deceive +4
Pilot +3, Shoot +3
Lore +2, Fight +2, Stealth +2
Empathy +1, Physique +1, Will +1, Burglary +1


FP (Fate Points) 3/3
Refresh: 3
Morale: [][]
Stress: [][]

Dog Tags
UN Uniform

Fortified Suit
Aspect #1: High Impact Absorbent: Absorbs the first physical consequence suffered. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.
Aspect #2: Drugs, Pump Me Up! Reduces a Morale Consequence via a forceful injection of stimulants. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.
TSF (Tactical Surface Fighter):
Series (The Unit Itself): MiG-29 Lastochka
Generation: 2nd

TSF Stunt #1:
TSF Stunt #2:
TSF Stunt #3:

TSF Armaments:

Name: Peter "Maverick" Mitchell
Nationality (USA, China, Japan ETC): USA
BOS (Branch of Service): USN
Rank (NATO): LT
Gender: Male
Age: 26

Appearance: Some people say he looks very much like Tom Cruise. He's certainly handsome enough.
Background: He's been in the navy a while. Dad died in Vietnam, and since then his blood's been hot enough to get him into a load of trouble. He's cooled off a little since he went through Top Gun, found a mentor figure in Viper, but he's still true to his name, a Maverick. And he doesn't ever intend to change.

High Aspect: Loose cannon pilot with everything to prove!
Trouble: Dammit, this is the last time! Turn in your badge, you're off the force!
Aspect #1: Best RIO, best friend.
Aspect #2: Never tell me the odds!
Aspect #3: A mentor in Viper.

Skill +4: Pilot
Skill +3: Shoot, Will
Skill +2: Provoke, Athletics, Fight
Skill +1: Notice, Physique, Rapport, Drive

#1: You can be my wingman, anytime: Use Pilot rather than Rapport in any Overcome roll when fighting at their side or in a shirtless volleyball game.
#2: Holy shit, it's Maverick and Goose: You can use Provoke to defend against Fight attacks, but only until the first time you're dealt stress in a conflict. You can make your opponents hesitate to attack, but when someone shows them that you're only human your advantage disappears.
#3: I'm going to hit the brakes, he'll fly right by!: If you succeed with style on a Fight defense, you can choose to inflict a 2-shift hit rather than take a boost.

FP (Fate Points) 3/3
Refresh: 3
Morale: [][]
Stress: [][]

Dog Tags
UN Uniform

Fortified Suit
Aspect #1: High Impact Absorbent: Absorbs the first physical consequence suffered. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.
Aspect #2: Drugs, Pump Me Up! Reduces a Morale Consequence via a forceful injection of stimulants. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.
TSF (Tactical Surface Fighter):
Nickname: Ghostrider
Series (The Unit Itself): F-14F
Generation: 2

TSF Stunt #1: I feel the need for speed!: You can coax more speed out of your vehicle than seems possible. Whenever you're engaged in any contest where speed is the primary factor (such as a chase or race of some kind) and you tie with your Pilot roll, it's considered a success.
TSF Stunt #2: Variable Wing Maneuverability: +1 Advantage to dodge when this TSF is in the air.
TSF Stunt #3: Guns! Guns! Guns!: +1 Advantage to Shoot when using Ranged Weaponry.

TSF Armaments:WS-16 Assault Cannon
AIM-54 Phoenix
CIWS-1A Close Combat Knife​
Name: Nicholas "Goose" Bradshaw
Nationality (USA, China, Japan ETC): USA
BOS (Branch of Service): USN
Rank (NATO): LT
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Appearance: Some people say he looks very much like Anthony Edwards. He takes the compliment in stride.
Background: Standard story really. Join the Navy, marry your wife, have a kid, get sent to Top Gun, pass with flying colors. Though sometimes, when Goose thinks about Top Gun, he gets chills down his spine. Like he's already dead and someone's walking on his grave.
High Aspect: Support RIO just along for the ride.
Trouble: Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?
Aspect #1: Best friend with no restraint.
Aspect #2: A RIO is basically a wingman, 'cept he doesn't fly.
Aspect #3: Go home and be a family man.
Skill +4: Notice
Skill +3: Shoot, Rapport
Skill +2: Will, Athletics, Crafts
Skill +1: Lore, Physique, Investigate, Empathy
#1: RADAR, man: You have an almost preternatural capacity for detecting danger. Your Notice skill works unimpeded by conditions like total concealment, darkness, or other sensory impairments in situations where someone or something intends to harm you.
#2: Great Big Balls of Fire: If you're in an area where you're carousing or having a good time, you can use Rapport in place of Contacts.
#3: Lock-On!: Once per conflict, stack an additional free invoke on an advantage you've created.
FP (Fate Points) 3/3
Refresh: 3
Morale: [][]
Stress: [][]
Dog Tags
UN Uniform
Fortified Suit
Aspect #1: High Impact Absorbent: Absorbs the first physical consequence suffered. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.
Aspect #2: Drugs, Pump Me Up! Reduces a Morale Consequence via a forceful injection of stimulants. This Aspect can only be used once per sortie/engagement.
TSF (Tactical Surface Fighter):
Nickname: Ghostrider
Series (The Unit Itself): F-14F
Generation: 2
TSF Stunt #1: I feel the need for speed!: You can coax more speed out of your vehicle than seems possible. Whenever you're engaged in any contest where speed is the primary factor (such as a chase or race of some kind) and you tie with your Pilot roll, it's considered a success.
TSF Stunt #2: Variable Wing Maneuverability: +1 Advantage to dodge when this TSF is in the air.
TSF Stunt #3: Guns! Guns! Guns!: +1 Advantage to Shoot when using Ranged Weaponry.
TSF Armaments:WS-16 Assault Cannon
AIM-54 Phoenix
CIWS-1A Close Combat Knife
*Nothing higher than 2nd LT, please. I really should've stetted up this shit prior.
2nd. LT? Wait we're all green graduates from the Academy, or butterbars I think the lingo is?

If we weren't all going to die like flies before, we sure are now. What was the expected lifetime of a rookie TSF pilot operating under laser present battlefields again? Eight minutes of death or something?

Still working through the FATE rulebook here.
2nd. LT? Wait we're all green graduates from the Academy, or butterbars I think the lingo is?

If we weren't all going to die like flies before, we sure are now. What was the expected lifetime of a rookie TSF pilot operating under laser present battlefields again? Eight minutes of death or something?

Still working through the FATE rulebook here.

It happened to veterans too. I was going use a command mechanic. But its not becoming likely.