Vote tally - Twisted Fate: An Original Sci-Fantasy Quest

Adhoc vote count started by OfSpaceandTime on Jan 28, 2020 at 9:27 AM, finished with 11 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Twisted Fate: An Original Sci-Fantasy Quest
Post #24
Post #34


  • [X] Sorceress: You loved the idea of magic when you were young, and refused not to be taught so adamantly that your parents eventually gave in. You're also a highly trained soldier who's skilled in the usage of firearms and melee combat. However, you are unable to make use of technology to it's most efficient usage.
    [X] Engineer: Combat is not your only trade, you're a crafty one. You've decided it was best to have the technological know-how and be capable of rigging useful materials into something much more useful when the need arises.
    [x] Soldier: You're trained purely in firearms and melee combat. You have little to no magical training. You also don't have the technological know-how to be able to hack into any technology.
    [X] Jane of All Trades: The mind is the most powerful tool that you possess, and you made yours up that you would falter in no step. You talked your parents into letting you attend sorcery classes when you were young, and you took a likely to tinker and understanding how things are made and built. You also took martial arts and participated in sports in school, turning your body into a precise instrument of your own liking. Combat training came naturally to you.