Transhumanity's Fate: Stateless Machines [IRC]


Firewall Proxy
The Diamond Age
Your mind is software. Program it.
Your body is a shell. Change it.
Death is a Disease. Cure it.
Extinction is Approaching. Fight It.

Transhumanity's Fate is in your hands.​

In Transhumanity's Fate, you play secret agents protecting the scattered remnants of transhumanity from threats that could wipe it out once and for all. You might be a crusading hacktivist, an anarchist militia fighter, a planet-hopping xenoscientist, a psychic detective, or a social networker owed favors by all the right people. You're a transhuman—a genetically modified human, an intelligent animal, a mind in a robotic shell, or even a bodiless artificial generalized intelligence (AGI). Your body is heavily upgraded, and your mind can communicate with every electronic device around it. You need every advantage, because you're up against mutants infected with an alien virus, WMD dealers, corrupted AGI god-minds, shifty amoeboid alien merchants, rampaging alien wildlife, and the ultimate threat: transhumanity's own self-destructive capabilities.

You will change bodies, because bodies are disposable now. They are tools, not who you are. You will change your mind - your soul, if you like - to suit the mission, because minds are malleable. You will accept death to achieve your objectives, because death is only an inconvenience, nothing more. You will stop at nothing, because the alternative is extinction.

Welcome to the future, sentinel. Welcome to the war.

So, what is this about? What is Eclipse Phase?
It's an RPG, obviously. Eclipse Phase is the setting; it takes ten years after Earth was (barely) evacuated after being lost to renegade artificial intelligences known as the TITANS. The RPG itself is under a creative commons license (that is, free to distribute as long as you don't charge money for it). They can be downloaded from here, if you want, and I highly recommend them. There's also the thread for Eclipse Phase on SV, which you can find here.

What's the "Fate" part about, then?
Fate is a roleplaying game system. It, too, can be downloaded for free, here, and has a system reference document here. Fate doesn't have a specific setting, but a specific style. It's more narrative - players have more freedom to make up details as they go along, and the dice rolling reflects story mechanics more than any concern for 'realism'. Characters are assumed to be competent, proactive, and dramatic, and the system supports this.

"Transhumanity's Fate" is an adaptation of this game system to Eclipse Phase. It is available on DriveThruRPG, but is also CC licensed and should be available through this finely crafted link here.

What do I need to read to play this game?
You should read Fate Core, or otherwise know Fate well enough to know what Aspects are, how Fate Points are used, and what the four basic actions are. You should have at least some idea of the Eclipse Phase setting, such as by reading the intro/summary sections in Transhumanity's Fate or the core rule book.

How is this game going to be played? How do I apply to this game?
This game is going to be played on IRC; if you want to play, you should make a post here, try to give me an idea of what you want to play, what times you are available, and get in touch on the IRC we'll be using for the game. This IRC channel is on , channel #StatelessMachines . I don't know the exact timing, but it's going to depend on individual schedules.

I'm available between 7PM and 11PM Eastern on weekdays, and pretty much any time on weekends (assuming advance notice), so we'll work around that. I'd prefer to start no more than two weeks from today.

So, what's the basic premise? How do I apply and make a character?
The basic premise of this game is that you are Firewall agents; you work for an underground network of 'activists' who are always on call to deal with threats. You could come from any walk of life, but when Firewall calls, you drop what you're doing and answer the call. In this case, the call comes on board the Scum Barge Ecstatic Metamorphisis; while your character is there for unrelated reasons, you are activated to deal with the sale of potential proscribed technology on site. There are two game aspects The Left Hand Knows Not What The Right Hand Does (representing organizational chaos and lack of communication on the part of the sentinel's server - but also, potentially, on the part of their enemies), and Escalating Trade in WMDs (which has obvious implications for Firewall sentinels, to say the least).

Creating a character will use the standard rules for Transhumanity's Fate, minus the 'crossing over' portions (unless I get people who can either arrange doing so quickly via PbP, or on the IRC). If you need those explained, again, the best way to do so is to get on the IRC and talk directly to me. If you don't want to create a character, and are okay with playing a premade creation, several will be available, and I can work with you to customize them.

(IRC Quick Link: irc:// )
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Glad to see this come to light, I'm very interested in playing.
Cool. I'm not going to be online until later tonight (closer to 9), but I'll be available to answer questions in the IRC channel then.
Okay, so the current status: we have @Caiaphas with a gatecrasher whose been through a bad merge, @wootius with an explorer AGI of some sort (possibly based on a parrot), and @Jebusman with a communist terrorist (and/or waifu), as our tentative party. I'd like to run the game this Thursday starting at 7PM EST. Please confirm that that time works, or if not, when does work so I'm not trying to plan in the dark here.

The sheet we'll be using for this is here, and I'll be using a google doc to keep track of fate points. I'd like to start listing out concrete details for characters, including High Concept / Trouble and maybe a brief description of what you're going for or other details you think are relevant (such as background and faction).
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So, my intention is to run the game in (almost exactly) 24 hours, so I'd like to finish characters sometime in the next four or so of those hours. You all can do skills easily enough, but I want to do a hopefully-quick run-through of what you have, confirm stunts, and clarify any ambiguous aspects.
Okay, so a successful-ish first session happened, despite a slow start. I'd be interested in trying to move further adventures to either weekends on Fridays, with the understanding that this is likely to be problematic. @wootius, @Jebusman, @Caiaphas, thoughts? Otherwise, Weds would probably be the best for 'regular' games.
I can do Wednesdays or Fridays honestly; weekends might be a bit problematic but I believe I can manage sundays possibly, but I can't really give a 100% guarantee on that.