Trans-Fictional Jumpchain Support Group! (SV Editions)

Rigor Mortis
Jump #4: Tokyo Ghoul

Jump Drawbacks
This world, this cruel, heartless world, it wants you to break. It's going to throw everything and the kitchen sink at you. Every event specially made to hurt you, every
ally or friend you'd have or make is going to suffer alongside you. Everything that Kaneki goes through? That's barely the tip of the iceberg, your entire ten years will be hell. Ghouls will target you and your friends, fires and accidents to start around places you own, and people will cut in front of you in lines. And you don't even have powers to deal with them. This world wants you to break. Don't.

The world's seen you for what you are. And it scares them and makes them believe that you have to be taken under control or else they'll die. Maybe it's true, who knows?
Either way, expect the CCG to start taking measures to bring you under heel from blackmail to a show of force, and if they fail? The Japanese government will step in and I did mention the world saw you so they're next. It's you versus the world and neither side will back down.

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. This quote applies far more than it should and not only just for you. You have to get back at people for every little slight at an extra rate. A push will get a punch, thievery will end in you taking everything of value they own, and if someone so much as harms a hair on your head... well, you collect interest, do the math yourself. And as for everyone else in this world, they're the same too. Ghouls will kill doves for
killing their friends and doves will kill ghouls for killing their friends and so on. Forgiveness? No such thing, only vengeance and with a hefty interest too. By the time you leave this world, it'll be an abattoir of blood and tears. Mostly blood.

Universal Drawback

Absolute, Eternal, Infinite Ontological Uniqueness is now yours. This is a bedrock rule. It cannot be toggled, cannot be drawback away (it is a drawback), cannot be Hiatused, cannot be revoked, and cannot be touched by a Gauntlet. If you toggle this on, it doesn't come off. But what, I hear you ask, does it do? It makes you utterly, completely, and irrevocably unique. There will be no evil twins, no cross-dimensional mirror selves, and no clones (physical or digital) with your memories. Ever. No one can create them. Not a Drawback, not a Perk, not a Scenario, not a Benefactor, not one and nothing. Any attempt will create something that approximates but does not duplicate you. Thus, in the MirrorUniverse, there will be someone who could be you if you squint but isn't played by the same actor. Any clone will be a caricature or character study of you (essentially an actor playing the role of you, even if they don't know that's what they are). This means they can't be used against you... but it also means you can't scoop up your alternate selves as back-ups or Companions. Even self-duplication (as long as it's not some kind of one mind, many bodies) doesn't work the normal way. Exactly how it works depends entirely on how it functions, but the Multiple Man /Naruto style will create what are largely drones with just enough 'youness' to function.

You can't ever go home again. You can never take the Go Home option. If you chainfail, you'll be given your choice of any existing reality that you're not native to to settle down in. In case you're wondering what happensto your loved ones back home, rest assured they'll be taken care of. Your homeworld is not timelocked while you're away and a duplicate of you (who is better than you were in every conceivable way) has taken your place. All your friends and family will be pleasantly pleased by the minor but consistent improvements in you. Not only that, but everyone you care about will be blessed in a bunch of minor ways. Their lives will be richer, happier, more fulfilling, more secure, and longer than they normally would have been, Jumpchain guarantee, and you'll even get updates on them and how they're getting along with the new and improved you. If you took AEIOU, then there is no new you, but instead, new people will come into your loved ones' lives to rapidly fill the void your leaving left behind and while your loved ones will miss you, they'll get past it without trauma, secure in the knowledge that you're in a better place.

No Revoke. Chain-Only. No Hiatus. This drawback persists even if you Spark out. This drawback is time limited, meaning that it only provides its bonus CP for a maximum of 8 jumps (or 120 years, which ever comes first).After that, its value decreases to +50 per jump for a further maximum of 8 jumps (or once you've hit 240 years as a jumper). A special interaction with Generic First Jump and Generic Virgin Jump is that this Drawback ignores how much actual time passes in those jumps, treating either of them as if only 10 years have passed. Combined jumps (except for the combination of G1J and GVJ, or any Generic in Supplement Mode) count separately for the maximum duration of this drawback. Again, once the duration has run out, you no longer gain CP for this, but it still remains true. Note: this drawback very much does mean that no method can be used to recover anyone left behind, but does not prohibit taking people from your homeworld with you if they depart with you at the very beginning of your chain. It does not provide a means to bring anyone with you however. Obviously, this Drawback is not compatible with any jump or challenge that allows you to jump while remaining on your homeworld (Jumpseed, Generic Spacebattles in Stay at Home mode (or whatever it's called), etc.).

Is there a drawback in a specific jump you really really like? Do you think it would
provide a recurring source of amusement or annoyance? Then you can keep it. The amount of CP you gain is based on how profound the effect is. If the drawback in question is a toggle (+0), you have to pay 50CP from this supplement to maintain it. If it'ssomething easily dealt with orignored, you can maintain it for-50% of its initial value (+100's become +50's, +200's become +100's, etc.). If it's an ongoing irritant or challenge to overcome you can maintain it for -50 CP off its original value. If the Drawback issomething setting specific, it will always adapt to the new reality. It cannot be a drawback that gives you a bonus for completing the jump it is contained within, nor anything else covered elsewhere in this supplement… even if keeping it would give you less points than buying it here. You do not get these CP until the jump after the one where you picked up the Drawback in Question… and you must have taken it in that jump. At the end of any given jump, you may drop a kept Drawback…but once dropped, it cannot be resumed withoutfinding a new jump to gain a similar drawback in, or using a Return or Sequel jump to return to where you got it originally. Each Drawback preserved takes its own drawback slot. Drawbacks you keep will keep adjusting themselves so they're as strong asintended. You do not gain any positive value of any preserved Drawback, as they are drawbacks. This includes CP,Altforms, Items, etc.
The CP you get is from Drawback Keeper, not from the original Drawback, just FYI.
{Generic Divinity's Extended Stay x10}
{Sarkic Extended Stay x10}

No Companions will accompany you. If taken as a Jump Drawback, all your Companions are locked out of the current jump and cannot be reached by any form of communication device. No new companions (note the lack of capitalization…this includes all forms of long-term companionship) will join you. If you have this Drawback in either form, all Machine Intelligences (be they Virtual, Artificial, Pseudo… or their magical equivalent) you have will act as inhuman and machine-like as possible for the duration. If you don't have any current Companions, this cannot be taken as a Jump Drawback. Incompatible with Two Player Jumpchain
At the end of every jump, you will spend an unknowable amount oftime waiting for the
next jump to begin. How Long? Hard to say. Your sense of time, future predictive abilities, and all boredom immunity abilities will be deactivated, so it could be hours or days or years. It will happen…eventually. Hard to
say when though. You do get to spend the time in your Warehouse or equivalent, though for some reason, training / studying during this period will have little to no beneficial effect besides keeping skills from getting
rusty. Your clocks all become unreliable during this wait… is that one moving backwards!? Because you get this CP for the jump afterthe wait, you cannot take this for first jump. Additionally, if you use any 1-ups (or anything similar), this limbo wait will also apply to your respawning, though time will not pass in jump until you return.
Vacations and other events that normally occur between jumps happen after Jump-End and before the Limbo starts
Instead of waiting in your (probably) comfortable Warehouse, you are now in a fairly uncomfortable hospital waiting room. There's a water fountain, muzak, and hard chairs / floor. There's also a weird smell. You'll get a ticket number. Numbers will be called…occasionally. Requires InterJump Limbo.
Jump-Chan's watch is broken. Yourjumps now can end any time in the last third of the jump… or last up to an extra 50% longer. You've no way of knowing. It could be a matter of seconds…or months or years. For reference,this makes a standard decade as short as 7 years and as long as 15. Companions you import automatically gain +50 CP because you took this.
All your Drawbacks from individual jumps are always as bad asthey are intended to be. You can no longer cheese them. Something that is implied to be annoying will be annoying even if you have perks that stop annoyance. This isn't merely enforcing the idea that Drawbacks Trump Perks…This is saying that Drawbacks Trump your efforts to mitigate them. Challenge Drawbacks will be challenging no matter how powerful you are, though not always by ramping up the power level. If this is not taken as a Chain Drawback, its value is only 50% of the drawbacks you took in a given jump. If you don't take at least 300 CP worth of drawbacks in a given jump, Murphy's Law is in full effect all the time… yes, this applies even to jumps that have no Drawbacks on offer
Jump Scenario
Origins: Ghoul
How is it fair that you have to live like this? You didn't choose to be a ghoul, it's the
hand you were dealt. All these humans around you, how come they get to live in peace? How come they'll never get hunted down like you do? It's what you got and you'll make the best of it. Maybe you've had a happy family growing up or maybe the CCG killed them all. You've survived your
childhood violent as it may be, and you're going to survive no matter what the world throws at you. The people here aren't wrong for living but the world sure is for making them live this way.
+Physical capabilities beyond humans and hunting organ called kagune to boot.
+True friends once made often stay until they die or you die.
+-You have to eat humans or ghouls to live.
-Protect your identity or you'll be hunted relentlessly by the CCG.
-Friends may not be friends anymore if they find out you're a ghoul.
-It's a brutal world for you, having to kill and eat to survive. Other ghouls may not be so kind.
(200 CP)

Location: 23rd Ward
One of the CCG's ghoul detention centers is located here. Cochlea gets many captured
ghoul out of a need to interrogate for information, harvesting their kagunes for quinque, or for some other exceptional reason. The detention center is divided by levels underground, the deeper underground, the higher the rating for the ghoul. Many years ago, the One-Eyed Owl attacked it and
freed many ghouls. Needless to say, the CCG have learned their lessons and the prison is more fortified than before. But walls and defenses are meaningless without guards to man them, something that Aogiri Tree would dearly love to take advantage of in the future.

Gender: XY Age: 18
Perks, Items and Companions


Though they may look the same, the
differences are like night and day. They are much stronger and agiler with better senses than a human, with a weak ghoul being capable of decapitating a human or breaking down a concrete wall with their bare hands. With their enhanced strength comes durability and healing, capable of surviving wounds would be fatal for a normal human and breaking a knife blade if stabbed with one. Healing small cuts and fractures would take seconds and a day respectively. Though the larger the wound the more time would be required as long the ghoul eats properly. Eating human food gives them food poisoning, weakening their health and kagune. It's possible for ghouls to regain their strength and quickly metabolize their food in order to boost their regeneration after consuming flesh.
However, despite these advantages, they are not immortal. They still age like humans and their mucous membranes are still vulnerable. In addition, they can suffer massive trauma that will kill them before their innate regeneration kicks in and stabilize them. There's a vulnerability to kagunes and
wounds caused by quinques and Q bullets which can injure them effectively and make it harder for them to regenerate from.
Finally, you also possess a kakugan and kakuhou. The former is the when your iris turns red, the sclera turns black, and red veins run across your eye and the skin around it. You can enter this state at will but it's also entered whenever you get excited, hungry, or use your kagune. A kakuhou is a sack-like organ that stores the Rc cells in a ghoul, and the nutrition in these cells are absorbed by the ghoul. As a ghoul gets stronger, their body will develop more kakuhou. Now these Rc cells can be released from a ghoul's body by piercing the skin to form a kagune, the predatory organ of a ghoul. They're voluntary muscles that can be controlled and either harden or soften at will. The size of a kagune depends on the quality of Rc cells while the shape depends on creativity and intellect of its user. There are four possible locations for kakuhou, which affects the type of kagune manifested. Pick one.
● Rinkaku: This type manifests from the waist with the appearance of scaled tentacles. Those with this type possess more powerful regeneration than any other type and some can survive extraordinary critical damage. They excel in brute damage and have a superior striking power with their unique structure. Some users can manipulate the shape of their kagune to form swords and claws or bind their tentacles together to form a larger and stronger kagune. The
number of tentacles range one to eight, increasing as the ghoul gets stronger.
The regenerative power comes from how easily the Rc cells bind together. However, this means that the binding force is quite weak which makes the kagune soft and easy to break. In some cases, it's possible for a Bikaku to hinder a Rinkaku's regeneration, and combined with higher speed and durability makes it easier for them to triumph.

If you were a ghoul to begin with, then you're a natural-born one with possibly your parents still running around alive. Any other backgrounds will become one through surgery with the unfortunate ramifications that entails. As a one-eyed ghoul, you obviously only have one kakugan but thanks to your hybrid nature, you've gained the potential to surpass both species, not to mention the fact that there's already a bit of charm and mystique about them. The last ghoul that only had one kakugan struck fear into the doves themselves and left behind a sizeable trail of corpses until they were stopped by the CCG's Reaper. Capstone Booster.

Food is food and when food is scarce. Well, there's more than humans to eat, ghouls work for you too. What matters in the end are the Rc cells, and that's something ghouls have in spades and thus so do you since you ate them. With enough, a ghoul's kagune can grow and evolve to something much more. Armor that protect and enhance their already
formidable capabilities, and weapons to complement their kagunes. An Ukaku-type may find themselves growing scimitar-like blades so they'll be capable at ranged and in melee. The problem with this is that most lose themselves to it, the instincts to hunt, kill, and eat from stepping on a path to a Kakuja. No, you're not one of them, self-control and discipline are your bread and butter. Where a ghoul would give into their hunger and eat their best friend, you'd rather gnaw at your arm until there's nothing's left. Because even if it brings satisfaction now, it's something you'll regret later.
You're not a monster, you're a person too.
• Red One: Aren't you a lucky one? It turns out your one ghoul parent was actually a dual-type and you've inherited that trait. Pick another kagune. An interesting thing to note is that Kakuja and kagunes are based off the psychology and imagination of someone and yours is truly horrifying. Turning into a kaiju several stories tall is possible assuming you ate enough ghouls to get a staggering amount of Rc cells. What really matters is how capable you are in manipulating your kagune. You're now capable of detaching it to make traps, restrain people, or even just turning a room into an awful sight to behold. Be creative.
• Ukaku: Located in the shoulder area, it spreads out like feathers. Its users specialize in high-speed attacks, thanks to their highly enhanced speed. The primary method of attacking is to fire off a high-speed torrent of spike-like projectiles from their crystallized kagune. However, while crystallized the kagune is much stiffer and unsuitable for close range combat. While they can sharpen their kagune and use it as a shield and increase its flexibility, this
makes it ill-suited for long-ranged attacks. Stronger and experienced users are capable of generating powerful lightning-like bolts.
Although they have a high chance of quickly ending a battle, the constant release of Rc cells depletes their stamina. Therefore, this type lacks endurance and slowly lose their advantage as the battle drags on. Though they may be capable of fighting at both short range and long range, short range is considered to be their weak point. Because of this, they are at a disadvantage against Koukaku-types, since they can successfully defend and slowly exhaust Ukaku-types by extending the battle duration.

This world is a harsh and unforgiving one and there are oh so many ways you can break here from the cold quinques of the doves to the fierce kagunes of your fellow ghouls. Yet, they all seem so futile now, knives and bullets bounce off your skin, blows that should have taken off your head now merely tears your skin. Where fingers may have grown back in a day, they'll be in use before the hour passes. You're no stranger to pain, it's your ally and your friend, and the best thing about it? It tells you that YOU'RE NOT DEAD YET. Even if you're left
on the edge of death with a severed arm, you're going to stick it back on and cannibalize yourself to get back up. This world wants to break you? Well, too bad, you're not going to play its game.
• Unshakeable, Unbreakable: You're unnatural, even other ghouls would admit that. Because normal ghouls die when their head gets kicked off. You? You'll plop it back on no worse for wear, assuming you don't sprout tentacles from your neck and pull it back that way… Regrowing arms and legs in minutes aren't that surprising at this point. You're not unkillable but it's going to take a considerable amount of effort to do so now. Well, at least you can pull yourself together when someone tells you to.

In a world like this, fighting is the rule instead of the exception, and you're unlikely to last long without knowing part of it. Due to a ruthless training where you fought someone
constantly with all that entails, you can throw a mean punch now. Punches, kicks, bites, you can do them all and all are quite effective. Thanks to your rather brutal method of learning, you've grown resistant to pain. Having a finger or four broken won't leave you writhing in pain, instead, it'll be a
minor annoyance at best. Still should get it looked into, though. Feel free to creep people out by not reacting to pain whenever they hurt you.

The scary part about ghouls is not that they can kill a human in a blink of an eye but the fact that for all intents and purposes, they are one until that moment. It's a matter of survival for them and one that makes it easier to lure in food. After all, the nail that sticks out gets hammered down. Thus, you've learned to bide your time, to wait and blend in. People see what you want them to see provided they aren't given evidence to suspect otherwise.

Eating is an important facet of life for humans and ghouls. Though it can weaken their physical condition, sometimes it is necessary to eat human food in order to survive. Nothing screams ghoul to the doves faster than someone constantly refusing to eat. It may be an extremely unpleasant experience but you've learned a trick or two to make it easier on yourself. Uncomfortable and painful situations are old hat by now and even sitting in seiza position for hours won't faze you. Now go eat lunch with your friends, alright?

The limit of kagune is that of its wielder's imagination and intelligence and you have both in spades. Where someone would use theirs as a hammer, you're using it as a screwdriver. Your kagune is an extension of your body, one that you are intimately
familiar with. You're capable of independently using them to attack flawlessly while you're also running around and using your hands. It often comes down to little tricks that decide a fight and you
know them like the back of your hand. Also, you gain the talent at multitasking in order to do them well.

Well now, you surely know how to listen. Ghouls already have phenomenal senses in comparison to humans but you take it to a whole new level. Your hearing and sense of smell would make a ghoul pause in surprise. Figuring out the mass of someone based off
of the volume of their footstep? Easy. Realizing that someone is actually a ghoul itching for a fight?
You can practically hear the vibrations off of their tense kagune. Given time and practice, you'll be able to locate multiple people and identify them in a large compound off of sound alone. This also gives you a perfect excuse to hang back and act as mission control.


A ghoul without a mask is either mad, ignorant, or has nothing worth living for. It does more than simply hide one's face, it serves as an identity. An image if you will,
one that is decidedly you, and that matter more than simple names or titles would. Whether it's simply an animal mask and a wig or an exquisitely detailed leather mask, it will always be close by
when you need it.

A white eyepatch meant to cover one of your
eyes. With this, you'll be able to hide one of your eyes without drawing any attention to it beyond the fact there's an injury. It can easily stay on during fierce combat and frantic runs, only coming off if someone directly aimed for it or if you took it off. If lost, it'll reappear in your pocket or warehouse. There's also the fact it looks cool and that's all that matters really.

Some little sweets to add flavor to drinks, pop one in and stir a bit to spice things up a bit. It won't stop a ghoul from starving but it can slake their hunger for a while, making them able to last longer without feeding on humans. Perfect for those on a limited diet. This also works for similar being such as vampires or other creatures that prey on humanity as well. As for what exactly these sugar cubes contain, it's probably better if you didn't know, isn't it?

Ghouls are a tenacious lot, being capable of breaking through chains that bind and walls that bar them. This makes it a bit of a problem to successfully contain them for long periods of time. Which is why the suppressants were made, in order to weaken them to human levels and prevent them from manifesting their kagune. The problem many ran into is that's a select few places where a hypodermic needle can pierce a ghoul's body but you gain a special one that can do so
anywhere. This will work in similar beings in the future but do keep in mind that you have to successfully inject them AND that it's possible for the effects to be shrugged off by stronger ones.

Space, materials, and privacy are often the best things needed for a successful venture. Now you have all three for your line of work. This lab is located somewhere secluded with only you only knowing how to get in. Within its walls contain tools ranging from surgery equipment to a sturdy container for holding live specimens to harvest materials from. Though it only starts off with surgery room and freezer, there's plenty of empty rooms that can be refurbished for other things. Can be attached to your warehouse or plopped down wherever you want it to be after this jump.

How did you get one of these? This is one of the transports the CCG often uses when it's time to take off the gloves. It packs enough armor where a rocket or an even a ghoul would have trouble breaking it. While it doesn't have any offensive capabilities, it's about what it carries that makes it a game-changer. It can hold up to a platoon or two in here and is capable of acting as cover when they're deployed. There's even a little armory to hold your weapons, unfortunately, it only has a few shotguns, assault rifles, and pistols for now. The neat quirk about this
armory is that any modern guns placed in here will have ammo slowly appear around them and always have a gun or two ready.

Supplement 5: Hatred Gantlet

Universal Drawbacks

Same as Above (+1000 CP)
Perks, Items and Cpanions


Removes the mandatory limit on powers, makes the body count soar and makes this all a helluva lot easier but eats a healthy chunk of your CP.

Killing people in a particularly cruel and personal way, you'll heal some of your wounds. The healing isn't complete, and
you'd have to execute several people to heal completely from near-fatal injuries.

When they're being shot at, people tend to do stupid shit in their fear. When it's you doing the shooting, though, this effect is multiplied, resulting in people running face first into a wall or even running AT you, completely exposing themselves. This really just makes your job a lot easier.

No matter how hilariously edgy you look and sound or how retardedly you dress nobody will be able to make fun of you.
Instead of looking like a ponce your look will actually have the intended effect on people.


An ankle length black duster. Sturdy and stylish for your maniac on the go. Never seems to become damaged, no matter what happens to you.

Your initial primary weapon. Ammunition is scarce, so you'll eventually need to replace this, but in the meantime it's extremely effective against body armor.

You've probably killed a lot of cops to get here. In the future, the police will be somewhat reluctant to meddle with your
affairs unless they are serious enough.

For killing enough people to constitute a major disaster, you'll earn a friend, ironically, The Not Important from the main game will see your achievement and seek you out. You can take him along for the ride. He has access to every perk in the jump. The Not Important can be taken as a permanent companion.

One hundred million? Not bad. Now all execution kills will replenish far greater health. You could theoretically regrow
an arm by tearing somebody's throat out.

There's no doubt that a rampage like this would please virtually any dark god.
Which is now why you may dedicate them to any evil aligned entity you wish in other jumps, possibly gaining favor from them. Be they the likes of Khorne, Cthulhu or any others you care to add.
Also, by now you will have truly earned Not Important's respect.

Your actions have reduced the minds of some survivors into something with the capacity of some primal beast. Wherever
you go, you can easily start a sort of death cult of others who believe in the same twisted, nihilistic ideology. They'll gladly attempt to kill anyone and anything, anywhere. They do not count as companions but may have an eery ability to, apparently, follow you through the multiverse when you desire them.

This deed is beyond monumental, which is ironic considering there's nobody left to erect a monument of it.
Now, and forevermore you shall be known as "Hatred" if you wish it or some other equally edgy title, and your deed shall echo through the multiverse, causing any but the strongest willed who hear it to freeze with fear. You emanate an aura of pure malice that will freeze the heart of any man not hardened against it. This effect can be toggled.
Sinew of Average Jumper

← Previous Jump ||Supplements|| ENDJUMP

Queen's Blade
Jump Drawbacks

Any characters from those titles that will come to this world if you've already met them will instead have that version of their world connected
by the Queen's Gate. Yes, your actions ACTUALLY MATTER. This as well will be applied to Queen's X should you take that.
all those heroes coming on through it begs the question... Where the hell are their bad guys? If taken with the +0 drawback all those villains you might have slain are back and stronger than before. Without they are simply another threat that you must then deal with.
Ending you chain here with the appropriate conditions means that the Queen's Gate becomes unalterable and fixed. Fixed to what you might ask. Fixed to every world you once went to before this one and all the ones added by the state. If taken with the +0 drawback above those worlds will be the exact ones you left. A multiverse at your fingertips you are now sure to have an adventure and can freely shift between those worlds as if teleporting. You may even discover more worlds using that and with some practice. A journey ends... Or does it? Your call, Jumper.

Universal Drawbacks

So, you think you're a big shot, rolling into town with more money than a thousand stellar empires? Really? But it's okay because you've got some perk that guarantees that you'll never crash the local economy or cause hyperinflation, right? Wrong. Now every dollar, peso, yen, yuan, crown, or credit you spend has just as much influence on the local economic situation as it normally would. Tread carefully.
You can only access your Warehouse (or other methods of bringing stuff between jumps) either once a month or from the property you own.
Replenishing stocks of things, such as Food Supply and Ammo Supply items you've purchased are exempted from this and you'll receive a daily or weekly allowance wherever you're staying. Destroyed or lost items will respawn in your warehouse as normal. Properties that aren't used to store things between jumps are not affected by this.
Your Companions don't respawn at all without a Perk, Power, or Items of their own that allows them to prevent or recover from being dead. Once they die in a Jump, just like you, they're dead, although you may Rez them if you possess the ability to do so, though this is extremely traumatic to your Companion... better than being dead though. Rezzing a dead Companion also requires you to deactivate 10% of your current cumulative CP total worth of perks until the end of the current jump. This gives any Companions you have 400 extra CP for all Jump.
All your drawbacks from individual jumps are always as bad as they are intended to be. You can no longer cheese them. Something that is implied to be annoying will be annoying even if you have perks that top annoyance. This isn't merely enforcing the idea that Drawbacks Trump Perks...This is saying that Drawbacks Trump your efforts to mitigate them. Challenge Drawbacks will be challenging no matter how powerful you are, though not always by ramping up the power level. If this is taken as a Chain Drawback, its value is only 50% of the drawbacks you took in a given jump.
  • Pseudo-Random-Chan (+50 CP): The Jumper has no control over where they go or when they go there. You, the Author, do. Same restrictions as Random-Chan. This is a Variant of Random-Chan, they cannot be combined.
  • Why Not Without (+200 CP): Your Benefactor fills out your Jumpdoc for you.

Jump Scenario
Origins: Drop-In
+ Cosmic power with which none here have ever seen!
- I was lying about the above.

World Setting: Queen's Gate & Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos
Wait. What! Why? Is that Ivy from Soulcalibur over there? Dizzy from Guilty Gear! What did you... OH! So this option then? I guess I could understand why this might be appealing. This makes the two titles mentioned above happen and just makes this whole world even a little bit more crazy. Without going into too much the short of it is there is an old artifact, The Queen's Gate, that is able to distort time and space and a whole lot happens with it. No, Jumper. You may not in anyway take the gate or influence it beyond what it already has been. Who knows what more could actually be done if YOU were allowed to touch it.

Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 20

Perks, Items and Companions

This will allow you a chance with those that might discriminate against you for you being one gender and not the other. Even if that chance is only slightly more than not at all you'll have it all the same./SPOILER]
You've your own fighting style that is both foreign and unpredictable. All but the most skilled warriors will have a hard time matching you in combat and then even still.
The defensive version of this isn't uncommon around here. You can instead of taking damage directly force it onto whatever you're wearing at the time. To be noted that even indestructible items can be destroyed by strong enough albeit godlike beings. The offensive version of this being that you may instead attack an enemy and destroy whatever they're wearing to defeat them in battle. This obviously doesn't work on beings that are naked and even still some might be able to keep on fighting with their equipment destroyed. They'll be treated as having the defensive version of this until completely disrobed. Both may be purchased.
Want your life to be more fun? This will help you experience all the fun things you might otherwise miss out on. Looks like your companions found out your birthday and are throwing you a party. You know that hot spring that you missed behind that rock? Of course you don't! Though this'll insure you won't miss anymore. It won't be as ridicules as the version up above but you'll enjoy yourself nonetheless.
Fighting for days is now not out of the question for you. While only really applying to physical stamina this bleeds over a little into other ability pools ever so slightly.
A technique or ability you can use and wield masterfully. It might be a magical and explosive sword strike that you can spam until the sun goes down. A tornado twirl that can uproot trees and unmake castles. Maybe even something on the stranger side like wielding tentacles with strange powers that sprout from your very body. It has room for growth but will only start as strong as any of the mentioned. Don't get too carried away now.
Watching and observing you may learn almost any ability or technique. This will take several times seen and nearly just as many times practiced but almost nothing is off limits. If you can realistically learn it you can with time.


A once reforged sword capable of exorcising even the strongest of demonic or monstrous enemies once defeated.
A weapon that can use an element with the same finesse as the Elemental General perk above. Unfortunately it cannot grow in power and weak individuals will find that it wields them more than they wield it.
A bladed chain whip that can generate an extremely potent purple fire. It can burn most foes alive with ease.
An unconventionally shaped magnum that can manipulate gravity. It can be used to surround the user in a gravitational field and be used to fire gravity bullets. As a last resort, it can encase a target in an orb of gravity, and crush them.
A longbow capable of exorcising demons and monsters when arrows are fired from it. Users of chi will find it incredibly easy to infuse arrows fired from it with it.


One purchase allows for one companion with 300CP of their own to spend however you wish. They can take an origin and get the discounts and free perks that come with it. They can even have lived through it should you wish. Three purchases of this allows for eight companions to enter this world with you with all the mentioned.
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Sorry I got sick the flu I think and then I had to go out several times but I should be able to post more like I used to know.
Forged by Myriad Souls

Start of the Chain || Next Jump →

Fullmetal Alchemist
Jump Drawbacks

You've been here since the very beginning Jumper, well, potentially. You start this Jump anywhere from several weeks before Hohenheim speaks to the Dwarf in the Flask in your chosen location, to the end of the Ishvalan "war", and may stay for as long as you like. Though you must specify the number here, and if you die after your 10 years are up but before the time you specified to leave, you still fail the chain. May change your origin's ethnicity to Xerxian if you please. Homunculi can choose to replace a single Homunculus if they import before their creation, and chose their ability. This can also automatically act as a continuation toggle if you used the other FMA Jump.
One's morality is a strange thing in this world. Many here hold strong beliefs and morals that they will never let go of, even to the active detriment of their goals, simply because they believe doing so invalidates their character. It's admirable in a way, but now you too hold the same "flaw". You see, you're an incredibly morally sound person, refusing to do anything that will cause "innocent" harm, even when it may seem to not make sense refusing to shoot someone you saw shapeshift into a loved one, or failing to attack because your opponent is covered in tortured souls.
You have gained the unlikely attention of the Homunculi. Whether your origin was investigating things they really shouldn't have, interfering with the plans and transmutation circle, or speaking out and organizing a rebellion against the government, or your new appearance is simply too strange. The bottom line is that they've noticed you and want you gone. While you're not at the top of the list, they'll be fine using the various government forces to try and either discourage you, get you out of the way, or if you're too much of a nuisance, get you jailed and disposed of quietly. Things like framing you for war crimes are equally likely. If you happen to be out of the government's reach, become too much of a nuisance or aren't put out of the way despite their efforts, they'll just send the actual Homunculi to kill you alongside all the forces of the Government necessary. Trying to flee to another country will only speed this up as they'll believe you're aware of what's going on, and they'll do everything in their power to kill a potential leak.
For some reason (unless you're a homunculus) you have hundreds of thousands of souls inside your consciousness. This doesn't grant any benefits however, and even as a homunculus they're simply tormenting you with their anguish. At every waking moment, you can hear the screams and pleading, and sleep is really your only escape from this torment. No amount of willpower perks will allow you to ignore the sheer horror, and neither will anything you try. To stop this, and finally have peace, you must commune and come to peace with every soul in your consciousness. If you don't you will be tortured for the rest of your time here.
Instead of whatever origin you picked, instead you'll take the place of the Dwarf in the Flask. You're a shadowy substance without a body trapped in a flask which is the only place you can survive. Now this is bad, but not really that bad. Unless you count the fact that you must reenact the destruction of Xerxes and create a Philosopher's Stone body for yourself by the time the original Dwarf in the Flask accomplished it. After doing this, you must then reconstruct his plan and create the country wide transmutation circle without ever having your plans revealed to the public, before arranging the necessary sacrifices, and completing the ritual in time for the Eclipse. If you don't, or fail in any of these steps, you fail your chain.
If you thought you could get away, you're wrong. You've been marked as a potential candidate, meaning that you're now irrevocably entwined with the plot of the series. The Homunculi will not let you leave Amestris and will chase you if you try. If you start somewhere else, congratulations, you start in Amestris now. You must now work to thwart Father, stay out of his hands before the ritual, and kill him permanently. If Father succeeds in using you as a sacrifice or in finding a replacement, you must either somehow restore the Amestrian souls, and kill him permanently, or you fail. This also can't be the result of inaction, you must contribute a major help to the effort, or land the final blow. If you don't, then this will count as failure.

Universal Drawbacks

So, you think you're a big shot, rolling into town with more money than a thousand stellar empires? Really? But it's okay because you've got some perk that guarantees that you'll never crash the local economy or cause hyperinflation, right? Wrong. Now every dollar, peso, yen, yuan, crown, or credit you spend has just as much influence on the local economic situation as it normally would. Tread carefully.
You can only access your Warehouse (or other methods of bringing stuff between jumps) either once a month or from the property you own.
Replenishing stocks of things, such as Food Supply and Ammo Supply items you've purchased are exempted from this and you'll receive a daily or weekly allowance wherever you're staying. Destroyed or lost items will respawn in your warehouse as normal. Properties that aren't used to store things between jumps are not affected by this.
Jump-Chan is sick of Jumpers entering a jump and just buggering off and hiding. That's no fun. While you don't have to participate with the plot, you can just hide. You must remain in the jump zone the entire time. No finding an abandoned star system to hide from the Reapers, no flying away from Kyrat on your spaceship, no hiding in your Warehouse. If you take this as a Jump Drawback, it's worth +100, You can only take it as a Jump Drawback if you'd really want to bugger off and avoid the plot zone entirely.
Your presence preventsthe canon solutionsto the plotfrom working. If you don't intervene, and come up with a new solution, expect the villainsto win,the world to be destroyed, and the heroes to die. The value of this is determined by the overall threat-level. If there is a world ending threatthat would be difficult for you to stop, it's worth +200.
Bad things will always cluster around you. Things will not go smoothly. There is a +10% cumulative chance per week of something personally happening to you, The Jumper, that will personally inconvenience or annoy you. Thus if you have the base, the chance each week is10%, butif nothing happened to you in week 1, there's a 20% chance in week 2, and a 30% chance in week 3. This resets to the baseline once
something bad happens to you.

  • Pseudo-Random-Chan (+50 CP): The Jumper has no control over where they go or when they go there. You, the Author, do. Same restrictions as Random-Chan. This is a Variant of Random-Chan, they cannot be combined.
  • Why Not Without (+200 CP): Your Benefactor fills out your Jumpdoc for you.

Jump Scenario
Origins: Alchemist
As an Alchemist, you have knowledge of chemistry, physics, and ancient alchemical theory. Enough to be able to pass the State Alchemist exam, and be considered a learned alchemist in most places. You have the inherent talent necessary to learn alchemy. Unlike the last one, this origin is quite freeform; you can be a specialist from Xing (in which case you'd know alkahestry), a State Alchemist stationed at your location, or just a self-taught Alchemist helping people or selling your services. Whatever still makes sense.

Locations: Resembool
A small town in southern Amestris that has little going on apart from being the home of both the Elric's and the Rockbell family. It's a relatively safe place and very idyllic, with rolling plains and a very small populace.

Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 15

Perks, Items and Companions

The science of Alchemy is one that lends itself to both talented people and studious minds. You are one of these studious minds, with a memory that borders on ridiculous when it comes to the academic. While it's not perfect, it's enough that you remember even the slightest details from books you read years ago, and are able to recite them word for word. To add to this you have incredibly steady hands, and can easily draw perfect circles and geometric shapes.
Alchemists here always have quite the titles, don't they? The Sewing Life Alchemist, The Thunder Alchemist, the Iron-Blood Alchemist, and of course, the Fullmetal Alchemist. All of them are impressive titles, and you're no different. You'll find yourself saddled with an equally impressive title here, and in later Jumps. When it comes to the man attached, people will always know who it is. Imposters and people who seem more like they would fit the title don't ever take away from the spotlight.
The art of Alchemy involves many different components and is part science and part mystical. It involves the law of equivalent exchange, and with that limit in mind, one can comprehend, deconstruct, and reconstruct physical matter into different forms. Amestrian Alchemy involves using the power generated by the Earth's tectonic shifts to power this transformation, and an alchemical circle to make the change. Alkahestry on the other hand is a more medical and spiritual form of Alchemy that involves the "Dragon's Pulse" which is a concept that details the constant pulse of Chi or life energy within the Earth. Unlike Alchemy, it is far better for healing wounds and can project transmutation across distances. With this perk, you gain a decent understanding of either Alchemy or Alkahestry, enough to be a State Alchemist for the former with a minor focus on one form of Alchemy and similar skill for the latter with a minor focus towards either healing or combat as well as the ability to read the Dragonpulse and people's presences and status. If you pay an extra 100CP, discounted to Alchemists, you have instead a similar understanding of both principles due to your Origin studying both, or if you're a Drop-In, due to Jump Shenanigans. Before you think yourself a God capable of deciding life and death with this ability, however, you must always ask yourself: "For what can match the value of the human soul?".
You have great, bulging, beautiful muscles that you can show off whenever you want. With this, whenever you flex or pose in a bodybuilding stance, you can show off a shower of sparkles or roses to the people watching you. No one really questions this.
Legends tell that Amestris learned the art of Alchemy from a philosopher who told the tale of Xerxes' destruction in a single night. You too share something with this man in that you can teach even the most untalented and thick people arts that should be beyond them considering their knowledge base. You could single handedly bring Alchemy to other worlds, while creating a new era based on its use, and that's literally too. All you need to do is teach it as if it was a normal subject and a possibility there, and people will develop the capability in other worlds even if they really shouldn't. You find you can do much the same for your other mystical abilities as well. Only things that would otherwise be teachable, and aren't the result of special bloodlines or unique cases can be taught.
You've spent years studying alchemy, and are probably a State Alchemist. Of course to get to that level, there has to be at least something that distinguishes you from the rest. With this perk, minding the rules and limitations of Alchemy, you too have a specialized focus in your alchemical pursuits. This can be one of the canon ones that your In-Jump origin simply recreated through study, or an entirely new one that's unseen. Whether it's the transmutation of Chimera, the creation of flames, transmuting iron and steel weapons and artillery-whatever suits your needs and wouldn't be too far out of line for the State Alchemists we see in the show. (Nuclear Transmutation)
Alchemy is a science yes, but like every science in creation, it is one that can be used for great destruction. You are one of the people who realizes the great potential for Alchemy to be used on a mass scale to cause destruction, and find yourself able to quickly adapt your alchemy to such pursuits. Even the most basic transmutation of water is enough for you to create bombs assuming you have a spark, and something like simple transmutation of walls could be used to crush hundreds by simply turning around and deconstructing it, creating a false forward momentum and essentially making a giant paste maker. Under combat situations you're great at identifying what's best for what. All this and more are at your disposal, and while you do need to do some research to modify and maximize the destructive potential of more complex alchemical processes it's still far less than it should take.
You're one of the few people that have a talent for Alchemy that can almost be described as simply genius. Like the Elric Brothers, you are the kind of alchemical prodigy that learns and understands Alchemy like it's second Nature. You draw perfect transmutation circles, learn alchemical knowledge adults need months for as a child, and could even teach yourself basic alchemy through nothing but books and studying. You also gain a similar talent to other scientific fields of study.
The Gate of Truth, the place where all knowledge of Alchemy is stored, or so some think. You see, when one undertakes human transmutation, they find themselves taken through this gate and given knowledge of alchemy greater than most experts, alongside the price of something taken from them. Somehow your In-Jump origin managed to figure this out, and instead of trying a human transmutation they worked solely for the sake of entering this Gate and obtaining this knowledge. Somehow, this worked. Whether there was an item of great strength involved (hint hint), a gift from The Benefactor, or just Truth deciding to be a magnanimous fellow for once, they got that knowledge. You see, like a certain Dwarf in the Flask, you too have great knowledge of Alchemy. Instead of just being an expert, you're more like a master, having great knowledge of every branch of Alchemy. Included in this is also the method for creating Philosopher's Stones, Father's eclipse ritual, Homunculi(like the Dwarf or the Lesser ones), Alkahestry, and all the lost arts of Xerxes. Somehow, like the other sacrificial candidates and those stupid enough to try Human Transmutation, you too are now able to use Alchemy without a Transmutation Circle. You could spend centuries truly making this knowledge yours, but for now you'll have to settle for the good amount of expertise you have.
You have a quest Jumper. Whether it's to find the Philosopher's Stone, Immortality, the secrets of Alchemy, it doesn't really matter because you have a way of finding the answer or object of your desires. You see, through a combination of pure dumb luck, your own actions, and the already existing links to something, you will almost always find yourself being set on the path that lets you reach your goal through your own hard work. Now, the problem of course is that not every goal is equal, and because of this the time, effort, and danger all rise dramatically depending on the goal. Attempting to find the Philosopher's Stone may lead you to uncovering an entire conspiracy involving all of Amestris.
Now, you must keep in mind that this doesn't create danger, but simply puts you on the path of what should be expected and already exists on the road towards your goal rather than the path of least resistance. What it does create however are alternate paths. If there are simply no leads left and things have been pruned too carefully to help, you'll find that former dead ends now need long detours to get around them, like the entire civilization of the transmutation you're seeking being exterminated instead having another relic containing its knowledge somewhere you need to track down. Or, finding yourself trapped in an alternate dimension with no way out and finding a way out through an alternate use of Alchemy found within. You can always be assured that when this is applied, that you will reach the object of your desires, even if it may start taking an inordinately long amount of time because of the difficulty. You can only do this for one goal at a time however, and it takes at least a few weeks or until you've succeeded for you to switch goals and apply this elsewhere.
You're not exactly from here, so why should your soul get torn out and eaten like the rest of the people here? Sure you might have a Gate of Truth if you bought Alchemy, but that doesn't mean you're beholden to the rules of this universe. You like your soul just where it is and because of that, and your outsider nature, it stays just where it is and unchanged to boot. Whether it's getting sucked out through a transmutation circle, getting eaten by a Homunculus, or having it tampered with in general, your soul just doesn't allow it. That being said, attacking your soul by say...wiping out the thing it's anchored to, attacking it directly, and damaging it will all still work. This limit is waived for you, and you can manipulate or allow your soul to be manipulated when you wish.
This world's alchemy runs on the concept of equivalent exchange, except in one major case: the use of human transmutation. You see, that question above isn't just some guideline used to scare away alchemists, or limit their abilities, it's a legitimate rule of the universe. There is nothing that matches the metaphysical value of the human soul, so attempts to revive others or transmute human life will almost always cost something that the bearer truly cannot go without such as their eyesight, organs, limbs, or even their entire bodies. This limit, and the one that states that only something of similar material makeup may be transmuted, is waved for you. Now, you can ignore the major limitations of Alchemy. As long as you have the mass necessary, you can transmute one thing to the other (as long as it isn't something like matter to spirit) without issue. Sealing wounds and fixing bodies as long as you have the matter necessary to remake the parts? Sure. Bringing someone back to life using the materials necessary to form the human body and their DNA as a blueprint? Truth won't even flinch. In a way you're like a walking Philosopher's Stone, though even you may not make something from nothing, only reconstitute what is already there. In addition you still need to follow the basic rules of alchemy, so you must comprehend what you wish to reform or break down. You best get studying. In future worlds the same applies, allowing you to break the rules of your mystical systems based on what makes sense regardless of their spiritual aspects restricting your ability to act as long as it doesn't go against the basic rules. Your new magic system won't let you turn things into gold despite you being perfectly capable of transmuting other things because of some mystical convenience? Not anymore. You're required to use an already existing source with one element even though others simply create out of nothing? No more.


These books are a primer to the art and science of Alchemy. Anyone, even a child could get a good foundation just through these books alone. They also seem to grow more complex, varied, and complicated as you grow more skilled and learned in the art. In future Jumps, they grow to contain other branches of science, including seemingly supernatural ones. Your origin has a great many memories of reading these books to get started (assuming you're an Alchemist).
This Spadroon is a sword that happens to be just durable enough to handle your strength. No matter how strong you get, this sword will continue to cut on that level, take the hits you dish out, and stay sharp throughout it all. It's already in excellent shape for a normal sword, you may import other bladed weapons into this role, allowing you to keep the old abilities, and share in the new ones, and appearance of a Spadroon. Yes, you can apply the traits of a single weapon to the set if you bought it.
This badge denotes your status as a State Alchemist, whether you are one or not. What it does best however is immediately, with a glance, tell people your skill level with Alchemy. This badge also grants access to restricted areas(though not too restricted) and research materials, pays for travel fees, and is connected to an account with a decent allowance that refills every month. It also gives an immediate rank up to Major, though that's only for this Jump. It does the same thing in future Jumps except with whatever magic systems you wish to display, or other shows of intellectual prowess like your mastery of engineering, biology, or spaceships. You can also expect to be given access to the research materials and restricted access for one organization for each Jump. All you need to do is flash it to get these benefits.
This metal box the size of a single couch contains all the materials an Alchemist would need. From precious metals, chemicals in little bottles, and other common materials in an infinitely refilling number. This box is everything a budding Alchemist needs, and its contents change to pull up just what you want the most at the moment.
This strange flask comes with instructions on how to summon an otherworldly Homunculus from beyond the Gate of Truth. When summoned, and imbued with some blood, these devious little things are great sources of Alchemical knowledge, but at the same time, they're incredibly devious unless it's your own blood used, and may choose to betray you if you use the blood of someone ambitious and hungry for power. In future Jumps, these Dwarves have the knowledge and obscure secrets of the magical or mystical powers of that setting. In these cases, when you create them you can choose which magical system they have the secrets of.
The Sun, the Elixir of Life, and the Fifth Element. These are all the names of the item you now have. This item allows one to ignore the laws of Equivalent Exchange, creating things from nothing, effortlessly transmuting humans, and all without the need for circles or flashy claps like those who've gone through the gate of Truth. Transmutation with this artifact is instantaneous and almost miraculous. Now, this must seem too good to be true-and that would be true because usually this is only an illusion, and instead of actually bypassing the law it is instead the container for something valuable enough to power most of what an Alchemist would ever be able to use it for: the human soul. Of course, you wouldn't want to be carrying around a vessel that holds thousands of tortured souls, so instead you get a duplicate that is simply an energy vessel and has the same properties. It can still run out if you tax it too much, but it will simply turn black and recharge within a month instead of disappearing. Comes with a set of notes detailing how to make this setting's version of the Stone, and replicating the item version through a complex transmutation circle, and the use of a large amount of incredibly valuable and rare elements, and over a month of time spent letting it transmute. You don't need to make only one at a time. The more time you spend the stronger the stone, with each month equalling 5,000 people, the one you get from the start is equal to 50,000 people. The ones you make don't recharge but disappear as normal. Based on your thoughts, both the stones you make, and the item change from solid to liquid, and compress or expand to whatever size you like.


You have an incredibly cute daughter you love very much, whether an adopted one or biological. She looks however you like, and gets a weakened version of the perks in whatever Origin Tree you choose for her free of charge, including their discounts in the general section, and 200CP. Yes, you can even choose Homunculus for free. Grants the ability to summon pictures of her from your pocket that always show her at her cutest so you can show off your death flags. [Civilian, Automail Mechanic (-100 CP), Automail Shop (-100 CP)]

My Fusion System: Fusing a 1,000 Chicken at the Start
Jump Drawbacks
Well it turns out this entire time you only filled out part of the paperwork. You may take this jump and use it as a supplement to a second jump. This will allow you to either merge the two jumps or for you to take all of your purchases into a new world. Just remember you can't run from the drawbacks, no matter how hard you try to.
Sometimes very strange rumors will be spread due to a misunderstanding. For example some of the people started claiming that Watson was the illegitimate son of Sylvan after Nightingale was sent to assist him. It seems that there are many different rumors surrounding you. Most of these are not terrible to deal with, but they will certainly cause some misunderstandings and confusion if they get out of hand. Maybe you should try to deal with them while they are still small.
Sometimes arranged marriages can end up giving you a happy ending. This is not one of those situations. You are in an arranged marriage with an incredibly powerful and beautiful individual, but they have some sort of personality issue that makes them intolerable. Perhaps they want to constantly be pampered or are simply incredibly arrogant. It isn't impossible to turn them into someone that you enjoy spending time with, but it will require a lot of effort. Should you succeed you may take them with you as a companion for Free.
For each purchase of this your time here is extended 10 years. Just be careful this world has a number of dangers even to those who stand at its peak. Staying here may give you some more opportunities, but it also carries many perils. Lastly, depending on how long you plan to stay you may need to find some method of extending your lifespan. (340 purchases)

Universal Drawbacks

So, you think you're a big shot, rolling into town with more money than a thousand stellar empires? Really? But it's okay because you've got some perk that guarantees that you'll never crash the local economy or cause hyperinflation, right? Wrong. Now every dollar, peso, yen, yuan, crown, or credit you spend has just as much influence on the local economic situation as it normally would. Tread carefully.
You can only access your Warehouse (or other methods of bringing stuff between jumps) either once a month or from the property you own.
Replenishing stocks of things, such as Food Supply and Ammo Supply items you've purchased are exempted from this and you'll receive a daily or weekly allowance wherever you're staying. Destroyed or lost items will respawn in your warehouse as normal. Properties that aren't used to store things between jumps are not affected by this.
Jump-Chan is sick of Jumpers entering a jump and just buggering off and hiding. That's no fun. While you don't have to participate with the plot, you can just hide. You must remain in the jump zone the entire time. No finding an abandoned star system to hide from the Reapers, no flying away from Kyrat on your spaceship, no hiding in your Warehouse. If you take this as a Jump Drawback, it's worth +100, You can only take it as a Jump Drawback if you'd really want to bugger off and avoid the plot zone entirely.
Your presence preventsthe canon solutionsto the plotfrom working. If you don't intervene, and come up with a new solution, expect the villainsto win,the world to be destroyed, and the heroes to die. The value of this is determined by the overall threat-level. If there is a world ending threatthat would be difficult for you to stop, it's worth +200.
Bad things will always cluster around you. Things will not go smoothly. There is a +10% cumulative chance per week of something personally happening to you, The Jumper, that will personally inconvenience or annoy you. Thus if you have the base, the chance each week is10%, butif nothing happened to you in week 1, there's a 20% chance in week 2, and a 30% chance in week 3. This resets to the baseline once
something bad happens to you.
  • Pseudo-Random-Chan (+50 CP): The Jumper has no control over where they go or when they go there. You, the Author, do. Same restrictions as Random-Chan. This is a Variant of Random-Chan, they cannot be combined.
  • Why Not Without (+200 CP): Your Benefactor fills out your Jumpdoc for you.

Jump Scenario
Origins: Genius
The title genius refers to any outstanding individual in a wide variety of fields. By choosing this origin you belong to this group. You are talented in some field and have the potential to go far. The only question is whether you will be capable of achieving your potential or if you will join the countless forgotten geniuses

Races: Moon Elf
Elves are a species that is born to be one with nature. As a result they have many blessings compared to some of the other races. They have lifespans that last thousands of years, they possess the power of nature, and they are considered very attractive by other races. You've become a Moon Elf. Moon Elves are the ruling class of the Elves. (300 CP)

Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 15

Perks, Items and Companions

One of the most common characteristics of geniuses is their ability to rapidly comprehend powers, spells, and concepts. You seem particularly gifted when it comes to this. You are able to rapidly comprehend techniques and skills. For example if you were able to observe how a technique was performed or acquired the training manual for it you could easily perform it on your first attempt.
If you are going to be called a genius then you obviously need to be talented in some field. Each time you take this option you may choose one field to gain an above average amount of talent in. This won't make you a revolutionary genius, but you will be noticeably better. For example if you chose stealth then you could easily become a great thief or spy. You only receive the one purchase for Free if you possess the genius origin. You may however purchase this multiple times to acquire multiple talents. Lastly, similar fields can stack together and synergize. For example combat, strategy, and swordsmanship would make you an incredible general.
For one reason or another, no harm will ever come to your family unless they directly put themselves in that situation. For example this means that if your brother was a soldier then he wouldn't be protected, but if your sister was captured by mercenaries then they would not harm her in any way. This perk primarily deals with issues such as your enemies who have become obsessed with revenge.
While age may be one of the easiest methods to judge someone's experience it doesn't mean that it's the only way for someone to be qualified. Some people however are qualified due to their sheer skill. This is the category that most geniuses are in. You can apply this trait to your life. As long as you have the skill to back up what you're doing then you will be considered a true expert. This will also allow you to ignore issues such as your age, species, or any other unique characteristic.
When you are successful in a world like this you tend to attract the jealous gazes of those around you. This often leads to theft and assassination attempts against you. The end result is that as a proper protagonist you end up killing them. This final act leads to a final benefit. By defeating or killing someone you may claim all that is theirs. Any property, servants, animals, weapons, and wealth will become yours. Should you kill someone actually important like a king or emperor you may claim the kingdom itself and decide what to do with the rest of the royal family. For example you could marry the queen or you could toss her out into the streets. The best part is that in situations like this anyone serving under your new kingdom will be loyal to you. Not only will they not hold a grudge against you, but they will pledge themselves to you becoming determined to follow you to the bitter end. Perhaps they are honor bound to do so or maybe the previous ruler was corrupt and hated by the masses.
There are many qualities that can be used to determine whether an individual is a genius. One of the most mysterious qualities is luck. This force seems insignificant, but many events that shape our lives and the world itself all depend on luck. This perk blesses you with extreme luck even surpassing that of a popular protagonist. Things will practically fall into place assisting you in matters and ensuring that your path is a smooth one. In addition, any matters that involve luck will always end in your favor. For example gambling, gacha summons, and the fusion system all follow this concept and as a result will bless every attempt you make. Just remember that when it comes to matters like combat luck can only get you so far.
The Child of God refers to beings who possess the reincarnated spirit of a peak Starlight being. These individuals are beings who were only a step away from the Sovereign rank, but for some reason choose to reincarnate. This gives the user the power and memories of this being. Normally the divine power would slowly awaken and eventually the child's mind would be replaced by the deities. Since you are paying CP for this you will remain in control and will instead absorb the power of the Starlight ranked god. This will also give you everything that they possessed including their domain, their laws and their Kingdom of God. You may choose the domain of the deity in question.
One of the reasons that Watson has so many siblings is because his parents Edward and Catherine were attempting to give birth to a talented child. While his fathers motives may not have been completely pure he did care for all of them and succeed in the end. Each of the children possess a high degree of talent in some fashion. Zeke and Zenoah were incredibly skilled merchants. Scarlet was an impeccable archer, and so on and so forth. You seem to share this characteristic with Edward. It seems that all of your children are destined to be incredibly talented. They will possess an unrivalled degree of talent in at least one field. The number of fields will increase as your own capabilities do. Meaning that if you were an expert in one field then your children might be as well. If you were an expert in a dozen fields then so would your children.
The Plethora of Transformations is a Diamond ranked spell created by Watson. This spell allows for unrestricted transformations into any known living creature. Not only will your appearance change after the transformation, but so will the very structure of your life. As a jumper you can use this to unlock additional alt forms and other transformations. This ability also includes non-living things allowing you to change into them as well. The second aspect of this power is called Inheritance. After transforming into a living creature, you will inherit a portion of its ability. This includes unique abilities to the race as well as their attributes. For example transforming into a dragon would make you significantly stronger physically.
The Fusion System is the power that allows Watson to become so powerful. The system works by using materials and components that you possess and merging them into a superior product. The only limit to your abilities is your imagination. Whether its weapons, armor, houses, materials, beasts, or even people. For example two hundred iron rank magical beasts could be combined into a single gold rank magical beasts. Another example would be when Watson built ten small stone houses. When he fused them he created a massive castle several kilometers wide. The main requirement to use this is that you must have materials to work with. You cannot create something from nothing, but you can enhance anything. The more materials or higher quality they are the greater the result will be. So fusing ten gold rank items could create a platinum rank item while it would take two hundred iron rank items to do the same thing. Also whenever you fuse a living being including beasts or people they will become absolutely loyal to you. For example when Watson fused all of the magical beasts into Golden Flash the chimera was loyal to him even though it was stronger than him. In addition this will combine their strength and skills. When Watson fused a group of captured maids together the fused version gained all of their skills and gained an iron rank constitution. Lastly the only restriction on fusing living beings is that their strength cannot surpass the user. This limit is removed however when they are fused using fused beings. For example Golden Flash was creatures using fused iron rank magical creatures who originally were normal animals. So Watson couldn't create Golden Flash directly, but he could do it in multiple steps. Afterwards the restriction was removed as a result.
As gods grow stronger they must gather faith from those who believe in them. This faith acts as a powerful catalyst boosting the strength of their god and allowing them to progress significantly faster than normal. Most gods and other icons of faith are capable of using this ability naturally, but your version seems to be superior to theirs. Like Watson you receive far more faith from each of your believers compared to a normal god. You however are deserving of this due to your abilities. First you may teach anyone who believes in you any skills you possess. Second, you may promote them three ranks. For example if someone was a Bronze rank then they can instantly be promoted to Platinum rank. Third faith energy can allow you to progress quickly. For example Watson instantly rose to the peak of Diamond after the Dragons started to worship him due to the amount of faith energy they generated. Lastly this energy allows you to greatly strengthen your Divine Kingdom
Priests are beings who wield the power of deities and serve the gods. An individual may become a priest by going to the church and asking the archbishop to perform a Heavenly Enlightenment Ceremony. For 600 CP you can receive a nearly unmatched amount of faith energy equal to that of a Sovereign ranked god. This is amongst the most powerful beings that exist in this world. The most important part about this is that it grants you the ability to construct a Divine Kingdom which plays a major role in determining the strength of the gods. The divine kingdom is available to anyone with sufficient comprehension of a law, but you will gain the ability to automatically learn your god's kingdom. In addition to this it allows for a synergistic effect between your abilities amplifying the rate at which they grow. Lastly you can directly impact your abilities to those who worship you and communicate with them no matter where you are.
Magic Immunity is an ability possessed by many powerful creatures like Dragons. This ability makes it so that you become completely immune to any magic. You may choose selective magic to pass through this such as healing spells.
Physical Immunity is another powerful ability innate to some high-ranking species. This ability makes them immune to any physical attacks.
This will also eliminate anything that involves physical damage like falling from a high location.


Supply lines are the lifelines of towns and businesses like merchants. You have gained access to a network of supply lines fully staffed with merchants loyal to you. These supply lines allow you to sell all goods and provide access to markets. These supply lines will automatically sell any goods that you have in surplus. Should you need any goods you can request these through your networks. You will still have to pay for anything you purchase, but this network will be able to acquire almost anything as long as you have enough to pay.
After Watson started to develop he built Blackmoon Castle which was an incredibly powerful fortress. The building was dozens of kilometers wide and equally long. In addition to its size the castle was made out of durable materials that were upgraded continuously as Watson gathered more resources. This fortress will be equal to the castle that Watson possessed at the end of the story with all of its upgrades.
The Thread of Destiny is an artifact created by Watson as a gift to his master Reid. It contains a number of powerful abilities including the abilities of the Sword of Creation which was used to make it. Some of these abilities are Destiny which connects the Thread of Destiny to a person's body. It connects the other party's fate to oneself and transfer all damage you receive to the other party, Absolute Recombination which allows you to reassemble the Thread of Destiny into objects of any shape, Absolute Hit which makes it so that attack will definitely hit, and the Divine Kingdom of Fate which grants the user power over fate. After releasing the divine kingdom that governs fate, the fate of the enemy will be controlled by the host. The abilities granted to it by the Sword of Creation are Absolute Cut which makes it capable of cutting everything, Space Cut which allows it to split space into different squares to trap enemies, Time Cut which makes it capable of splitting time and allowing time to jump forward, and Fate Cut which allows the user to evade an unwanted fate and changing a predetermined outcome, but can only be used once a day. Lastly it has a power called Universal Key which means that it can open any door in the world.
The God of Magic's Crown Staff is a powerful Starlight rank weapon created by Watson for his teacher Antonio. The staff has a number of power abilities to bolster its user. First is the Seven Elemental Rules. This ability makes it so that your magic will no longer require magical consumption, there will be no need to chant, and the power will be increased tenfold. The second ability is called Magical Source Communication which allows the user to communicate with the magical sources of the elements and directly use the power of the seven elemental sources (Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, Darkness, Light, and Chaos) to fight the enemy. The third is the Seven Elemental Kingdoms which allows the user to create seven divine kingdoms, each of which has a different ability. Fourth is called the Crown Mage which gives the holder of this staff the blessing from the God of Magic, granting them the arcane crown, and mastery of all the known types of magic in the world. Fifth is the Magic Seance which allows you to use magic elements to create a god's projection against the enemy. Lastly is Magic Particle Transformation which alters your body so that it is made up of small magic particles. These particles can be injected into the body of others to cast magic and to give them the ability to do so if they were not already capable of doing so.
This option allows you to purchase a set of guardian beasts who will protect and assist your territories. They will possess powerful combat prowess and can assist in other matters in your territory. Each time you purchase this you will receive a dozen guardian beasts. The best part is that these creatures will grow in power as you so that they are always useful.
The Book of Wisdom was crafted when Watson combined the royal library gathering the knowledge of countless worlds and civilizations. This book grants a number of powers to its wielder. First is Omniscience which means that everything that has ever happened in the world is recorded within this book. As long as you ask, you will get the answer you want. The second ability is Omni Percipience which means that everything you want to know can be presented in the form of true history in the book. This also means that you observe anyone anywhere at any time. The third ability is the Knowledge and Wisdom Kingdom. This is a kingdom made up of books, the host can freely change the settings of the books in the kingdom. Fourth is the ability called True Creation. The creatures within the book can be projected into the real world and will possess their full memories and abilities from when it was alive, the number of summons is linked to the host's strength. Lastly this book is completely immune to physical damage.
The Pen of Truth is one of the main relics of the Holy Dragon Kingdom. Anything said in front of the Pen of Truth must not be a lie and there must not be any omissions, or you will suffer the pain of having your blood sucked out. If you do not have any blood then the pen will come up with some other punishment. The pen's most powerful ability however is to rewrite reality. This makes it so that anything written with the Pen of Truth will come true. If it is something that has not happened, then it will definitely happen. However, no one knows what form it will take. This however has great consequences. For example a noble that wished to become rich received a large insurance after the death of his heir. Since you are paying CP the pen will try its best to give you a positive result or to correct your wording. An example of this is when Watson made a staff for his master he said it would become the most famous staff in the kingdom. The pen changed it to the strongest staff in the kingdom since it would improve the staff.
The Wheel of Reversal is an artifact created by Watson after he harvested the artifacts Augustus used against him. This artifact possesses many strong abilities based around the power of time. The first is Absolute Acceleration which can accelerate time tens of millions of times over causing everything to decay. The second is Absolute Reversal which can reverse the time of the target by a few minutes, or instead can reverse it to the time before birth, directly destroying it. The third is Absolute Stillness which can make the entire world's time sink into stillness, only oneself can move freely. The fourth is Illusion of Time which summons your past and future self to come and fight alongside you. Only one version can be summoned at a time and the summoning time limit depends on one's own strength. The fifth is the Time Divine Kingdom which constructs the divine Kingdom of Time that can cover everything within sight. Inside the kingdom, time is controlled by the user. The sixth ability is called Time Explosion which causes a damage equivalent to a Starlight rank beings all out attack and it causes the time in that location to fall into a long period of chaos. The seventh is the Sand of Time, the sand that symbolizes time and contains sealed time, allowing others to gain more time than they originally had. The eighth power is called Complete Immunity using the still time to block all damage, and the last power Eternal Life which causes you to never age, and revives you if you die.
This is the second artifact that was created using Augustus's body after their rematch. It is a counterpart to the Wheel of Reversal and has a large number of abilities. This includes Absolute Distance which allows the user to teleport any place at any time regardless of distance, Absolute Mark which uses space to mark an item allowing you to recall the item, Space Manipulation which can fold multiple spaces into one or it can do the opposite, Space Flashback which fuses space into the body, allowing the damage to be transferred, and Space Destruction allowing space to explode, destroying everything within. Some other additional abilities are the Hidden Void which opens the door to a number of locations including random dimensions, the abyssal world, the depths of the sea, or ancient ruins releasing random creatures. The final ability is called Parallel World which creates a world similar to the current world. This replicates its existence against enemies and replicates the combat power of the world with its own strength.
The Throne of Commandments is a powerful treasure that Watson created after the King discovered his ability. It grants its wielder a number of abilities. The first is Absolute Control, the users words will become law and will be obeyed by others. The second is God's Code which enables the law formed by the perfection of words to restrict the ruled kingdom, the more perfect the law, the stronger the binding force. Third is the Pope which makes it so that in the ruled kingdom, all the abilities released will be recorded, including starlight-tier abilities, and the user can freely use these abilities. Fourth is the King can confer titles to any of the people in the kingdom, after being conferred, it will significantly increase the strength, raising the level is related to the people's original talent and strength. Sixth is the God-king's Army which can summon starlight rank soldiers with the strength of a god to defend the user. The stronger you are the greater the number of soldiers. Seventh is the Dustless Land which activates a protective shield so that no one can get close to the throne, even if a god recklessly enters, they will be crushed. Lastly is the Throne's Commandment, this final ability is the most powerful as it surpasses the divine kingdoms of others. Those below the sovereign tier won't be able to use it due to its requirements.
The Einherjar's body is made of the memories from a vast number of cultivators. It contains the abilities of more than a million cultivators. After absorbing this body, you can obtain all its skills in your memories. The body also grants a number of other abilities. The first is called Omniscient Nature which allows you to master various skills of various professions. The second is called Instant Learning which makes it so that you can learn any skill at once. The third is called Thousand-armed Giant which allows the user to split their arms into thousands of arms, each of which can deal platinum-tier damage. This damage will increase as your strength does. Fourth is the Hundred-eyed Giant which generates hundreds of eyes, each of which can emit destructive magical light pillars. The final ability is called 10,000 clones which allows you to use energy to create your own clones. The only restriction is that the clones will only have half of your original abilities.
Magical beasts farms are one of the main methods that farmers and militaries use in this world to support their forces. The only difference is that one is focused on power while the other focuses on food. Regardless of which option you choose you will need to acquire a farm first. This item grants you a magical beast farm capable of holding and caring for any beast you can imagine. The farm will expand as needed and provide everything you could possibly ask for when it comes to raising beasts. In addition any beasts raised here will grow to their full potential and may be trained in any role you wish. This could be scouting, combat, or simply acting as normal pets.
The Kingdom of Kings is a Sovereign ranked treasure created after Watson fused Mount Creation, the Holy Dragon Kingdom, The Forest of Eternity, and a number of other Starlight treasures. The kingdom possesses a number of powerful abilties befitting a Sovereign ranked treasure. The first is called Void Vault which grants the Kingdom of Kings the ability to create an infinite amount of treasures as long as they are not ranked higher than the Starlight rank. The second ability is called Infinite Space which grants the Kingdom of Kings a truly endless land allowing for infinite expansion. The third ability is the Eternal Kingdom. Time in the Kingdom of Kings is permanently frozen relative to the outside world. This means that you could stay in the kingdom for 10,000 years and leave with only a few sounds going by in the outside world. The fourth power is the ability to contain Sources of Magic. For example the sun is made up of the Source of Fire. The fifth ability is Molecular Conversion. Under the condition of not exceeding the energy limit, the items within the Kingdom of Kings can be converted into each other. Lastly is the King's Wind, the grade of the Kingdom of Kings is equivalent to a race's chess piece. All residents within the Kingdom of Kings belong to an independent race and are not affected by the race chess pieces or similar abilities.
When an individual creates or reawakens an element they receive the source of the magic. The source is a world-class item which grants the user a variety of abilities. First, it allows you to grant talent to others so that they can learn this magic. When it does this it grants the beings a fragment of the source. Once they die the fragment which has grown under their care will return and add their strength to the source. Second, it has the power to grow on its own without limits, becoming infinitely stronger. Lastly it has the ability to absorb foreign magic, treasures, and beasts to improve its strength. You may buy this multiple times if you wish to gain multiple sources of magic. There are twenty-three options total counting the original twenty-two and chaos magic.
The Race Chess Pieces are a treasure created by the universe itself whenever a new species is born. These chess pieces grant the user absolute control over any members of the piece's race. For example if you had the human chess piece then you would be able to command any being that qualified as a human no matter how powerful they were. In addition to this it also grants you the combined knowledge (all technology, skills, and research) of your species, the ability to create more of them, and it is indestructible unless the chosen species is driven to complete extinction. Each race possesses their own unique power in addition to the previous boons. Humanities for example is molecular acceleration. This ability allows you to move and expand an infinite amount of energy. Each time you purchase this item you may acquire the chess piece for a different species. Lastly you may optionally fuse the pieces together if you purchase multiple chess pieces creating a new race with the strengths of its components. You will still possess dominion over the other races as well.


Truthfully many geniuses are actually very lonely since most of them spend a lot of time training and only want to spend time around those who are just as talented as themselves. Luckily for you this companion fits those qualifications perfectly. This is an individual who is just as talented as you. Rather than receiving a normal CP stipend they will receive CP equal to what you spend in this jump. So if you only spend 300 CP then they will only receive 300 CP. If you however spend 2000 CP then they will receive 2000 CP. You may freely design your relationship with them, their appearance, and personality if you wish.
  • The Daughter (35200 CP)
    • Origin: Genius
    • Race: Moon Elf + Demon + Dragon + Angel Hybrid (1700 CP)
    • Elemental Affinity (21800 CP)
  • Perk
    • All General Perk Except Affinity (7300 CP)
    • All Origin Perks (8400 CP)
  • Items
    • All Origin Item except (Supply lina and Blackmoon Castle) (4400 CP)
Last edited:
One-Eyed Reaper

Jump #3: Worm Fanfiction
Jump Drawbacks

And all that's before we get to the other Woobie of Worm. For an additional 300 CP, this world has a particularly toxic version of Winslow, with every caricature of the world
turned up to eleven. Mini gang wars keep breaking out in the hallways, assaults and
molesting is disturbingly common, and girls give blowjobs for crack in the toilets.
But most importantly, Taylor and her bullying situation is set to the absolute worst
interpretations to be found in fanfic. Taylor is a nearly-suicidal extremely traumatized
hot mess with trust issues the size of Canada, and the Trio's enormous advantage of position is exaggerated to absurd levels.
Since the variations of Taylor in fanfic are beyond counting you or your Benefactor can
choose for you to end up with almost any sort of Taylor to deal with, ranging from a
helpless and meek girl who didn't trigger in the Locker at all to one who has all the willpower and savvy of the memetic Queen of Escalation and Triumvirate-level powers
on top of that.
Either way, barring intervention she will grow into someone with obscene mental issues,
and disturbingly high levels of power. Setting aside the specifics, leaving this situation
alone will almost certainly destroy the world, for lack of Khepri if nothing else. In any
case, it certainly will destroy an innocent girl.
You may take either of these options alone if you like, getting only the CP allocated to
them. Success in helping either or both girls allows you to take them with you.

Universal Drawbacks
So, you think you're a big shot, rolling into town with more money than a thousand stellar empires? Really? But it's okay because you've got some perk that guarantees that you'll never crash the local economy or cause hyperinflation, right? Wrong. Now every dollar, peso, yen, yuan, crown, or credit you spend has just as much influence on the local economic situation as it normally would. Tread carefully.

Your Companions don't respawn at all without a Perk, Power, or Items of their own that allows them to prevent or recover from being dead. Once they die in a Jump, just like you, they're dead, although you may Rez them if you possess the ability to do so, though this is extremely traumatic to your Companion... better than being dead though. Rezzing a dead Companion also requires you to deactivate 10% of your current cumulative CP total worth of perks until the end of the current jump. Requires and Replaces the effects of Single-Shot. This gives any Companions you have an extra 400 CP automatically every jump (in addition to whatever CP they may or may not receive for being imported).

Jump-Chan's watch is broken. Your jumps now can end any time in the last third of the jump… or last up to an extra 50% longer. You've no way of knowing. It could be a matter of seconds…or months or years. For reference,this makes a standard decade as short as 7 years and as long as 15. Companions you import automatically gain +50 CP because you took this.

All your drawbacks from individual jumps are always as bad as they are intended to be. You can no longer cheese them. Something that is implied to be annoying will be annoying even if you have perks that top annoyance. This isn't merely enforcing the idea that Drawbacks Trump Perks...This is saying that Drawbacks Trump your efforts to mitigate them. Challenge Drawbacks will be challenging no matter how powerful you are, though not always by ramping up the power level. If this is not taken as a ChainDrawback, its value is only 50% of the drawbacks you took in a given jump.

  • The Jumper has no control over where they go or when they go there. You, the Author, do. Same restrictions as Random-Chan. This is a Variant of Random-Chan, they cannot be combined.

Jump Scenario
Origins: Villian
This world wronged you, made you suffer, and now it's going to pay. Or maybe you
wanted to be a hero, but the so-called people in charge exceed their incompetence only by
their corruption. You are what this world has made you.

Perks, Items and Companions

Even in a 'gritty' superhero drama it somehow works out that virtually all of the cast
members are still attractive enough to be on TV, and that's only more true in fanfic. You
are awkwardly cute, conventionally handsome/pretty, or even in 'local beauty contest winner' territory as you choose, as well as in general good health throughout.

Perhaps the most broken power in the entire Worm fanfiction multiverse is now yours.
You have the ability to always know when you're about to do something really stupid. Or when you're about to do something that your Benefactor would punish you for (which
would also be really stupid, come to think of it).

You can also tell whenever your emotions are affecting your good judgement. This
doesn't automatically keep you calm and neither is it a hard protection against Master
effects, but sometimes simply being aware that you're heading into a tailspin can help you find your center again.

There are a lot of people in this world who can tell far too much from far too little. And
that's just the ones who don't get fed their data from thin air. You don't want to get seen
by them, do you? You're now flatly invisible to any and all supernatural sensory powers. From Path to Victory to the Simurgh's Precog, to Tattletale's Inference Engine to Jack's Broadcast to anything else remotely imaginable, no such abilities can monitor where you've been, where you are, or where you're going. They can't even find you by looking for the blind spot. They'll just get harmlessly bland readings of 'nothing important here'.
You may make exceptions to this if you find it more convenient to be detected by
someone, of course. And your protection doesn't interfere with such abilities you might have yourself, of course.
You get the effects of this perk for free for this jump, and may keep them for 200 CP

It can be weird when you always keep finding new and more effective ways to use
powers, clever tricks to use in plans, and all that. Realistically, people say things like
'there's nothing new under the sun' for a reason, and it applies to powers too to an extent, since they've been a factor for decades.
Except you, that is. None of this applies to you. Somehow despite not being anything all
that much academically or conventionally, you are an absolute, complete genius when it comes to finding new and unusual methods to utilize any special skills, abilities or
powers anyone has. That's right, it just works for you.
Simply by observing any given set of powers, you have a veritable flood of ideas about
clever tricks that can be performed with them, small or big ways they can be made more effective, more powerful than they seem to be.
The ideas might or might not take a while to enact, but they're always feasible, useful
ideas that somehow no one, including the wielders of the powers, have had before. They might not turn a harmless soul into a terrifying power just by themselves, but in practical usage they could boost just about anyone a couple points on the PRT scale if implemented properly.

There are forms of power. Economic, political, personal… and so many more. They all have their own uses, and their own significance… unless you have this perk, in which case it all starts to blur together, a bit.
Put simply, all forms of 'power' you have now grow together. The stronger you get in one
way, the stronger you get in all the others. While the details of how doing more push-ups pads your bank balance are left to you, it does so all the same. Increasing your territory, getting more people in your faction and boosting your laser eyes are all tied together in ways no one quite understands, but everyone can see.
In addition, it is a truism of life that the easiest way to get more power is to have power.
For you, your powers are now a training booster not just for each other but also for
themselves. The more powerful you become, the faster you can learn, train, and improve
both yourself and things and people that are yours. This doesn't let you violate existing
softcaps by itself but from now on you are not only immune to diminishing returns in
your gains but actually see increasing returns.

The rise of parahumans means that the old social contract is obsolete, even if most people refuse to admit it. Well, you're one of the few that has overcome that blindness. You know how to conquer, and how to hold what you have taken. You don't need a majority vote or a PR campaign to dominate those beneath you and force your peers to respect your boundaries. You just need power, and the will to use it.
After you have defeated someone or something you find it much easier to claim their resources and lands as your own, if you choose to. Take down a gang leader and his
lieutenants? You can install yourself and your friends as the new lords of the gang. Run
the police or the PRT out of a given part of town and keep them out? Now those are your streets, not their streets. Conquer an entire city after the collapse of the existing social
order? All hail the new Warlord.
The people underneath you might or might not like your rule, really depends on what you
do, but either way they'll rapidly grow resigned to it. External forces that by all rights should have intervened immediately will find excuses for not doing so, and in general you will find it notably easier to make yourself your own sovereign state than it should have logically been. And if you're not trying to openly defy the sovereignty of the local jurisdiction but merely to work around and beneath them, then it's even easier for them to decide to leave you be.
There are limits to this plot armor, of course. Stumble in the face of your rivals, and they
will devour you if they can. Show sufficient weakness that what you have conquered
could be easily taken back from you, and those who would be willing to do so will try.
Abuse and oppress your subjects to the point they genuinely have nothing left to live for,
and they will revolt. But so long as you can keep things basically functioning and secure,
your kingdom will remain your own.

Perspective can be a funny thing. Simply by virtue of viewing things through someone's
eyes, you can get strangely inured to the things they do. Nowhere does this apply more than with you, except without the 'seeing things from your eyes' being necessary.
No matter what you do, regardless of how monstrous your actions get, there is always a nontrivial portion of the population willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, and see your actions in the best light possible. They ignore logic and gleefully paint others as evil
monsters, but they always have a weird blindness when it comes to you.
This scales to your actual actions, of course. Being an edgy anti-hero would have vast,
immense throngs online and otherwise siding with you, while being the next Jack Slash would leave only a small but ultra-vocal minority. But they'll be there.

Oh, wow. There are villains, there are gang leaders… then there's you. You've stopped
pretending like the rest of the world does and embraced the truth. Villains are bad people
who do bad things, and you've got absolutely no problem with that.
Whatever sense of morality you had is now entirely optional. You can dial-a-yield your
conscience, squeamishness, ethics, love, compassion, etc, all the way from normal down to zero whenever you want, and do whatever you choose to while in that state of mind.
You can of course return your conscience to normal functioning whenever you choose…
but why would you want to?
Likewise, you can control how much this shows. You can be in the middle of executing an atrocity that would make Jack Slash blanch while still presenting yourself as an innocent waif, or leave everyone around you with the indelible impression that you would
cheerfully gouge out their eyeballs and eat them without hesitation just by smiling

Powers [+400 CP]

The 'let Wildbow do it for me' option. Pick any power possessed by a cape in canon
except for Path to Victory. Yes, even Eidolon's. You get that power, with tweaks to
appearance and useability to keep you from being too much of a cookie-cutter clone.
Removing substantial limitations or changing core functionality requires taking it as an
Altpower or Freeform Design.
Yes, this does include Queen Administrator… as of the start of canon.
{Eidolon's Power}

Do you really want this power, Jumper? Are you absolutely sure?
Very well. By purchasing this your feet are now set on the Path to Victory, with no holding back. Since you're paying premium price you're getting the fully jailbroken, no
downsides, and working just the way your favorite fanfic interpreted how it works
version. And unlike Contessa you have no blind spots save for those enforced by Jump-
Fiat. Entities, Endbringers, Eidolon, you can see them all as plain as day.
If there is any possible route to achieving a goal or set of goals of yours, you know what it is and what it requires. So long as any remotely conceivable path to victory exists, you can traverse it as easily as walking across a room. If a series of actions could possibly be completed by you at all then you can draw upon the Path to let you do so with absolute perfection of execution and timing, first time every time. Your Path also automatically accounts for your own continued survival unless you deliberately choose to sacrifice your life for a goal; nothing short of suicidally overwhelming odds combined with a fiat-backed
plot-armor piercer can kill you against your will, even if a desperate situation means that
you might have to forfeit a complete victory for continued survival.
The merits of living this way might be considered questionable by some people. Still, there's no accounting for taste. Just in case though, this power comes with a volume knob.
You can turn it off and let random chance back into your life again, either 100% or just
enough to let you be potentially surprised or defeated while still keeping you from dying.
Just… keep in mind that some things are genuinely impossible.


Even the most terrifying villains benefit from the proper branding, and so you paid for a
high-quality villain costume from a top designer. This outfit is scary, Jumper. Anybody who looks at you knows that you're a serious villain and not to be taken lightly. Your costume easily communicates the particular flavor of dark grandeur, cackling insanity, or pants-shitting terror that you prefer.
And since villains get shot at a lot, your costume also incorporates some of the best non- Tinkertech body armor that money can buy and is expertly tailored for hiding weapons in.


You're a Shard now, jumper. Taking this scenario means you're now a surprisingly aware organ of the Warrior, Thinker or Abbadon, and your job is to grow. Over the course of your stay in this world, you must grow into a full, proper Entity at least
as powerful as the Warrior. The details of the how are left entirely to you. You can do it the way entities usually grow up, or you can take a shortcut via consuming one or more
full-grown entities, it's all left to you.

The reward for your scenario, apart from all your power being fully fiat-backed, is to gain
a full 1000 CP for the powers section. Additionally, the CP for any powers you bought is fully refunded, to be used wherever you like.

Post-Jump Purchases


You're not just a Tinker anymore, you're the Tinker. The PRT rating scale isn't really set
up to handle someone like you because it assumes that Tinkers will have specialties, and you don't. You are something never seen before; a genuine omni-Tinker, and one of truly amazing capacity.
Your aptitude and intuition for all sorts of research, science, engineering, and design is
absolutely unbelievable. If a project is even halfway related to any of the "hard sciences"
then you can get it done, and do so with a speed and efficiency that makes even
experienced Tinkers working within their own specialities look like clumsy beginners.
And you can rapidly reverse-engineer other technology given sufficient opportunity to
study it, however complex or esoteric it might be. You can even study and analyze exotic
and anomalous phenomena, such as cape powers in action, to hopefully gain inspiration for new Tinkertech.
You have a volume knob in your head for making your designs either easily reproducible by mundane methods or totally blackboxed vs. even reverse-engineer Tinkers like Dragon, or anything in between. You can perform what would have required "clean
room" levels of precision assembly for mundane engineers with ordinary tools and under rough conditions. Troubleshooting or repairing tech that you already understand is a job you could practically do in your sleep, and anything you build or overhaul is
maintenance-optional. With time and practice your Tinker abilities can improve and grow indefinitely, without any upper limit.
You can't do things like 'perfected social sciences' or 'auto-win personal interaction
methodologies', though. That sort of thing is for Thinkers, not Tinkers.

The 'my favorite fanfic' option. Pick any power, canon or not, that's from a fanfiction that you didn't write yourself or have written at your commission, isn't Path to Victory, and
isn't something on the "totally broken" tier such as 'I'm an Entity Now', or 'I'm Diebuster/Accelerator' or 'I control the Endbringers now'. You get it for 600 CP.
The ones mentioned, and any others of a similar tier, cost 1000 CP.
To be clear, this allows you to take any and all powers out there, under theseconstraints.
From Exaltations to the Gamer to the various shades of magic and everything else in
between, there are no constraints other than what mentioned here.
{Control of Humans}
Forged by Myriad Souls

← Previous Jump ||2nd Chain|| Next Jump →

I Have a Mansion in the Post-Apocalyptic World
Jump Drawbacks

You got used to jumping between worlds...too used to it as it happens. Now, you tend to forget which world you are actually in. From trying to pay in the wrong currency to dressing in clothes suited to far different times, your mistakes will rarely be outright dangerous, but you will come across as weird.
And one of the worst ones, at that. While you may or may not be a former denizen of an actual vault, you have their absolute worst characteristics in either case. That is, there is a complete lack of understanding of the situation on the ground, a stunning naivete, a complete lack of survival instincts, and other assorted 'fun' features. That is not to say that you can't pick them up as you go, but that case you'd better be a really quick learner, yeah?
Whoops! Looks like your Post-Apocalypse is just an apocalypse even harder. Your particular corner of the multiverse has had even what fragments of civilisation in the canon Post-Apocalypse timeline finally all collapse and the wreckage be torn apart by the feral hordes. There are no survivor's compound, no Sixth Streets, no vaults and no handy native guides just waiting to be recruited in return for a few cans of food. The Post-Apocalypse side of you is now a world full of nothing but all the shiny tech goodies to be salvaged,someAIs and digitized humans, and a nigh-endless supply of monsters and the walking dead. There will be no safety on that side of the timeline save what you can create by your own efforts, and you will be unable to reach any less devastated Post-Apocalypse timelines. You can still purchase Companions from the Post-Apocalypse side, but in that case, you're literally recruiting one of the very last(if not last) surviving human(s) on the Post-Apocalypse Earth and there'll be no other possible allies from there that you haven't paid CP for. But hey, at least they'll be really grateful you showed up? Oh yes, and someone warns Jiang Chen about this before he uses his device to travel here, he's probably not going to survive his first trip.
Well, kind of. You start your jump trapped in a 'training simulation' with an AI that's steadily getting more psychotic. Losing all memory of taking this drawback, there will be small hints, traces and just things that are not right. Over the course of the simulation it falls to you to look out for them, and not just notice them but also be able to understand them and piece them together, revealing whatever it is you must do to get out. While the AI isn't in the prime of its mental health it's no AM either. It will try and keep you trapped, but only within the extent of its programming, If you can legitimately get free it won't try to kill you or anything.

Universal Drawbacks

So, you think you're a big shot, rolling into town with more money than a thousand stellar empires? Really? But it's okay because you've got some perk that guarantees that you'll never crash the local economy or cause hyperinflation, right? Wrong. Now every dollar, peso, yen, yuan, crown, or credit you spend has just as much influence on the local economic situation as it normally would. Tread carefully.
Your Companions don't respawn at all without a Perk, Power, or Items of their own that allows them to prevent or recover from being dead. Once they die in a Jump, just like you, they're dead, although you may Rez them if you possess the ability to do so, though this is extremely traumatic to your Companion... better than being dead though. Rezzing a dead Companion also requires you to deactivate 10% of your current cumulative CP total worth of perks until the end of the current jump. This gives any Companions you have 400 extra CP for all Jump.
All your drawbacks from individual jumps are always as bad as they are intended to be. You can no longer cheese them. Something that is implied to be annoying will be annoying even if you have perks that top annoyance. This isn't merely enforcing the idea that Drawbacks Trump Perks...This is saying that Drawbacks Trump your efforts to mitigate them. Challenge Drawbacks will be challenging no matter how powerful you are, though not always by ramping up the power level. If this is taken as a Chain Drawback, its value is only 50% of the drawbacks you took in a given jump.
  • Pseudo-Random-Chan (+50 CP): The Jumper has no control over where they go or when they go there. You, the Author, do. Same restrictions as Random-Chan. This is a Variant of Random-Chan, they cannot be combined.
  • Why Not Without (+200 CP): Your Benefactor fills out your Jumpdoc for you.

Jump Scenario
Origins: Traveller
So it appears you found something very interesting around here. Jiang Chen is no longer the only wielder of a dimensional travel device. You have another, with all that that entails. The device is a wrist-mounted machine somewhat between a watch and a gauntlet in size, that has a few rather interesting features. What you do with it is, of course, up to you. (200 CP)

Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 20

Perks, Items and Companions

Because how can you be expected to choose, when no one in their right mind would refuse you? You have an immense, overpowering charisma and skill, when it comes to things like love and sex. Not only are you extremely good-looking, but you also know how to charm people. You can toggle this charisma so that you don't attract anyone you wouldn't want to attract, of course. With a bit of work, you could even get them to accept others in their relationships with you, agreeing to share with you or even developing relationships with each other. And of course, you'll have enough stamina and enthusiasm to make sure they're satisfied and happy.
You are a natural at negotiation, exchange, and compromise, with a faultless gut instinct for knowing exactly how far you can push the price without going that one step too far, and have a gift for working out equitable exchanges that leave all sides feeling at least mostly satisfied. This works even for transactions that aren't financial in nature; whether it be backroom favour-trading, international diplomacy, etc., even when it's not money or goods that are being traded a deal is still a deal. Your instincts also let you know when you're being cheated; even if you might not know exactly why something seems"off" you will always be able to sense when fair value isn't being delivered for what you're paying, or when the other party has no intention of actually trying to make a legitimate deal at all.
It's never a good place to be in, but it's one that you, at least, are beyond brilliant at enduring and indeed, thriving no matter how or where you find yourself, you have an incredible, almost unbelievable talent for finding whatever is needed for you to live and perform at top capacity. You're unbelievably skilled in finding food and shelter, jury-rigging devices and sneak through ruins and fighting zombies and monsters, and doing everything else needed to survive long past the point where the most grizzled veteran survivalist would be dead or insane.
Basically what it says on the tin, honestly. Granted this is more the 'action media' version of spy, in that your talentscover not just secretly acquiring and relaying information but also gunfighting, martial arts, seduction, adventure sports, investigation and all the rest. You have all these talents and more, everything required to be a modern-day James Bond in the real world.
Politics. It's ugly, but someone's gotta do it. You have an instinctive, all-surpassing talent and gift for climbing any and all routes to power, being able to do it in situations as varied as the 21st-century democratic civilization or a brutal feudal dictatorship. From commanding of men in war, and formulating strategies and tactics, to managing PR, court intrigue, economics and logistics, you can play the many and varied games of power with the best of them. No matter what the system or how alien it may be to your sensibilities, you always have an instinctive grasp of how to manipulate it to your purposes, how to climb to the top and attain power.
Honestly, neutrality is something truly rare in this world. Be it the post-Apocalypse or the 21st century, the world is rife with factions and alliances, and choosing one inevitably means making enemies of others. Except for you, that is. You have the ability to remain neutral across factions while participating in any and all business, interactions or other things as if you were one of their own. No one minds it if you bargain with, employ or otherwise interact with anyone, even their worst enemies or even mutant cannibals, though why you'd want to have anything to do with the last is a mystery. Tariffs and trade restrictions never apply to you, and you automatically seem to have all the qualifications needed to participate in any given business or political endeavour down by default. Until and unless you directly and publicly make enemies with any group, all these facilities, and more, remain completely open to you. Even in future worlds, you retain these same abilities when it comes to the local factions. If you wish, this can be something of an official, legal right given to you somehow, or it can be something that just 'happens' somehow. But either way, it always falls to you to make things bad with any given person.
Inventing technology is well and good, but often, and especially in the Post-Apocalypse, there is much more sense in working on comprehending the wisdom of the past. And you're brilliant at it now, with this. Be it systems and technology from before the apocalypse or just wisdom and learnings about life in a more general sense, when it comes to understanding what has been done before, few can beat you. You are also much luckier than usual at finding things to salvage; even places that everybody else swore were 'picked clean' still seem to have at least a few useful items you can turn up. No matter how advanced or obscure, the principles and secrets on which any given items or techniques work unveil themselves to you with little more than a glance at the product in action, as do any more... spiritual or otherwise esoteric aspects of things. You could single-handedly gift the greatest glories of the world's history back to them, with some time and effort.
Humanity advanced quite a lot in the years preceding the Apocalypse. Genetic medicine, AI, space elevators and FTL communication, even travel to some extent. It was a glorious time, filled with wonderful toys. Toys like what you could make, I guess. You're now a proper, legitimately amazing Genius, a full-on technological savant fully trained and educated in the ways of civilization pre-apocalypse. Maybe it was some computer that taught you or maybe you woke up from cryo-sleep yesterday, but you have the sum total of the apocalypse's technological base crammed into your head, ready and waiting for you to use it. More important, though, is the fact that your talents in all branches of science are such that even without this massive leg-up you could still have reached levels like this on your own, simply through your own brilliance. You can also apply these same talents to further improve this and other technology.


Or maybe just your average billionaire's pad? This is a home of your own on the 21st-century side of things, though calling it just a 'home' is kind of overselling it. This, much as the name suggests, a true, proper palace for you and anyone else you feel like letting live here. With dozens upon dozens of of rooms, all amenities imaginable and several unimaginable, this kind of place that costs hundreds of millions of dollars, a ritzy mansion located on some of the most prime real estate on the planet. Good as a place to relax, at least.
What it says on the tin. This is an incredibly powerful, immensely advanced piece of technology that sits on your wrist. In its active form, it's a bracelet. Inactive, it's a faint tattoo that looks like an infinity symbol. And what it does is that it allows one to traverse between different worlds or timelines in the multiverse. It starts out able to only take you to and from between a 21st-century world and the post-apocalypse, being a spare copy of the one Jiang Chen has. It even requires charging, though considering that its needs are not that much more than those of a typical smartphone, that's hardly a great ask. It has a pocket storage system too, which you can use to store any non-living things and move them across worlds. Anything a person can normally carry can be taken without any real rise in power consumption, but the more stuff you take with you the more it hog the power of the device, and initially you're limited to about a small room's worth of stuff. In time, as your experience and familiarity with it grows, the device will manifest additional features and advances features, such as allowing you to take more and more items, even living beings at one point, and eventually, in about ten years or so, the interface needed to select other worlds to travel. In future jumps too you can use this device to travel to and from any and all parallel realities/timelines/pocket dimensions, whatever their kind, from established places to simple alternate timelines where something particular happened a different way. The latter of which always exists if you buy this, just to make it clear.
Energy crystals are the currency of the future,stone like, hard crystals that are capable of holding gigantic amounts of energy of any and all kinds. They're used to fuel tanks, computers, power suits, everything.And now you have a machine for making them! Simply by feeding this machine energy through any of the many input methods it has, you can create charged-up crystals, holding that energy in convenient, packet-sized forms that are entirely safe to hold and use, no matter the kind of energy. You can generate these crystals through hooking the machine up to a power outlet, or you can use more... 'exotic' means.
Not quite Iron Man, but close. These are a set of 2190s Power Armor units, eight of them to be exact. They provide the wearer extraordinary strength, speed and dexterity, and come fitted with a full-scope computer system, several weapon systems, and even a flight module. There are many types of armour there can be, from those specialising in battle to those suited for espionage, but in any case, they provide quite extraordinary advantages to the wearer.
After all, no one ever said empires had to be limited to feudal places like the Post Apocalypse. This is a gigantic, modern corporation of your own, a strong, powerful company rich beyond easy measure. With a market capitalisation well into the hundreds of billions of dollars, this company has an asset range you can freely determine, but range from being in a middle-of-the-road position in several markets and/or
industries, to be an absolute leader in one or two. Either way, it provides you a gigantic income stream, a means gather resources, and even a tool to wield to acquire influence and power. By itself it runs perfectly profitably, but by a stroke of luck, it's poised just right for a Jumper to be able to do some really interesting things with. You can also have this company be proportionately bigger by plugging in any and all CP-backed sources of wealth you have or come to acquire, with the size remaining the same in all future jumps too.
From Little White, the AI user interface developed to get Future Technology's initial recognition to the AIs running vaults and training simulations and whatnot, there is certainly a lot of synthetic life going around in this world. And you have your own, now. This AI is fully integrated into each and everything you have that can support AI, and in general, serves as the most complete assistant/computer package anyone can ask for. From managing your schedule to planning international or inter-dimensional wars, this AI is gifted with extraordinary
support and logistics modules, making it a supremely capable friend and associate to you in just about any and all fields imaginable.
Ooh, this would cause a tizzy if word spread. You have with you, Jumper, something that was designed by a genius just as the war got to its worst heights. Seeing the way the world was going, the Garden of Eden was designed to reclaim it from humanity's follies. Put simply, it's a terraforming project, designed not to claim a new planet for humanity but to restore Earth itself to a state capable of supporting us. Once deployed it's capable of cleaning up the radiation, restoring soil fertility, and even fixing gene mutations in animals within its radius, bringing life back to a continent. You have one ready model and the blueprints for making more, and each deployment can fix up an area about a fourth the size of China.
Or some other conspiracy, at least. This is a secret society of some considerable power and influence, counting among its members dozens of immensely rich, powerful and well-connected people. We're talking about people like billionaires, government ministers and intelligence/law enforcement directors, all by the dozens. They're only as loyal as such a group can be expected to be, but somehow the myriad webs of self-interest always end up shaped in a way that you can get them to do basically whatever you want and trust them to do it the way you'd want them to.


Import Companion (100 CP)
You know the drill. Bring in an existing companion, or create a new one. They get 600 CP to spend.
  • Origin: Drop-In
  • Perks
    • Sanity Infuser (Free)
    • Lucky Bastard (100 CP)
    • Superspy (100 CP)
    • Genetic Vaccine (200 CP)
    • Necessary Shots (200 CP)
    • Salvage Savant (400 CP)
    • Technician (600 CP)
  • Items
    • Food Supply (Free)
    • Ownership Chip (100 CP)
    • Central Database (200 CP)
    • Multiversal Travel Device (300 CP)
  • Drawbacks
    • It's My Mansion Now (+0 CP)
    • Barely Even Human (+300 CP)
    • Tasty (+300 CP)

Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill
Jump Drawbacks

In this jump, you have the option to supplement another one of your jumps. Choose wisely how you utilize this opportunity to enhance your overall Jumpchain experience.
I am not going to lie, you look so ordinary that basically no one will have any interest in you. It will be really hard to make friends with this drawback without a good personality.
You have a huge craving for food. You need enough food to feed twenty average adults per day... or you could do with halfthe amountif you somehow manage to get premium quality meals.

Universal Drawbacks

So, you think you're a big shot, rolling into town with more money than a thousand stellar empires? Really? But it's okay because you've got some perk that guarantees that you'll never crash the local economy or cause hyperinflation, right? Wrong. Now every dollar, peso, yen, yuan, crown, or credit you spend has just as much influence on the local economic situation as it normally would. Tread carefully.
Your Companions don't respawn at all without a Perk, Power, or Items of their own that allows them to prevent or recover from being dead. Once they die in a Jump, just like you, they're dead, although you may Rez them if you possess the ability to do so, though this is extremely traumatic to your Companion... better than being dead though. Rezzing a dead Companion also requires you to deactivate 10% of your current cumulative CP total worth of perks until the end of the current jump. This gives any Companions you have 400 extra CP for all Jump.
All your drawbacks from individual jumps are always as bad as they are intended to be. You can no longer cheese them. Something that is implied to be annoying will be annoying even if you have perks that top annoyance. This isn't merely enforcing the idea that Drawbacks Trump Perks...This is saying that Drawbacks Trump your efforts to mitigate them. Challenge Drawbacks will be challenging no matter how powerful you are, though not always by ramping up the power level. If this is taken as a Chain Drawback, its value is only 50% of the drawbacks you took in a given jump.
  • Pseudo-Random-Chan (+50 CP): The Jumper has no control over where they go or when they go there. You, the Author, do. Same restrictions as Random-Chan. This is a Variant of Random-Chan, they cannot be combined.
  • Why Not Without (+200 CP): Your Benefactor fills out your Jumpdoc for you.

Jump Scenario
Origins: Otherworldly Cook
You were a normal person living in modern Japan, until one day you were summoned to another world as a hero. However, you soon realized that you had no combat skills or magic power and that the only thing you could do was cook. Luckily, you had a smartphone that could access an online supermarket from your original world and a skill that could enhance your food with magic. You will have to make use of your cooking
skills to survive in this world and explore its wonders(also you may or may not have replaced the protagonist). (100 CP)

Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 20

Perks, Items and Companions

You have a refined palate that can appreciate the subtle flavours and qualities of any food. Through taste, you can also discern the ingredients, methods, and effects of any dish, and give constructive feedback. You can also enjoy any food, even if it is strange, exotic, or unpleasant to others. You can also resist any negative effects of food, such as poison, curses, or addiction.
You have a keen eye that can perceive the subtle details and qualities of any food. You can also identify the ingredients, methods, and effects of any dish, and give accurate feedback thanksto your keen eyes. You can also spot any food, even if it is hidden, disguised, or transformed. You can also see the aura, the origin, and the history of any food, and learn from it. You can also resist any illusions, deceptions, or manipulations related to food.
You have exceptional cooking skills that can make any dish delicious and nutritious. You can also improvise recipes using whatever ingredients you have, and create new dishes that suit your taste. You can cook for yourself, your companies, or your customers, and earn their admiration and gratitude. Your cooking can also have various effects on those who eat it, such as healing, boosting, or enchanting them.
-You have the same power as the protagonist, Mukoda, to order food and other products from Japan using your smartphone which is included for free (or you can use the interface, whichever way you prefer!). You can use this skill in any world you visit, as long as you have enough money to pay for the items. You can also order items that are not normally available in Japan, such as magic items or rare ingredients, but
they will be more expensive and may take longer to arrive. This skill also comes with a cosmic warehouse that can store your items and a delivery drone that can bring them to you.
You can selectively conceal your identity, making it difficult for others to recognize or remember you. This can be useful for blending into crowds, avoiding unwanted attention, or operating discreetly in various worlds.
In this world jobs are important, something like "A hero from another world" belongs at the top among the list of jobs, for free you can get a job like Cook or Farmer, but without a cheat skill (you would need to buy one in the Summoned perk tree), for [100 CP] you can getjobslike Blacksmith or Crafter, for[200 CP] you can get jobs like Warrior or Mage, for [400 CP] you can get jobs like Archmage or Knight and finally for [600 CP] You can get jobs like "A hero from another world" with a cheat skill like the one named "SwordArts" included.


You have a book that contains hundreds of recipes from different cuisines and cultures. The book includes recipes for Japanese, Chinese, Western, Indian, and other dishes, as well as desserts, snacks, drinks, and more. The book has a magic enchantment that allows you to browse the recipes with a voice command and also gives you tips and suggestions on how to cook them. The book also has a feature that allows you to create your own recipes and save them for future reference.


You gain the loyalty of a familiar, with the first tier purchase you gain a familiar similar strength to Sui who is level 50, with the second tier you gain a familiar similar in strength toDora who is level 202, with the third tier you gain a familiar similar in strength to Fel who is level 947 (Can also choose the canon familiars themselves).
Import Companion (100 CP)
You know the drill. Bring in an existing companion, or create a new one. They get 600 CP to spend.
  • Origin: Summoned (100 CP)
    • Race: Beastmen (100 CP)
  • Perks
    • Summoned Hero (Free)
    • Versatile Linguist (100 CP)
    • Otherworld Adventurer (200 CP)
    • Hero Skills (300 CP)
    • Unique Ability (400 CP)
    • Blessed by the Divine (500 CP)
    • Job (600 CP)
  • Items
    • Clothing (50 CP)
    • CookingUtensils (50 CP)
    • Special Weapon (600 CP)
  • Drawbacks
    • A True Gourmand (200 CP)
    • Picky Eaters (200 CP)
    • Nemesis (400 CP)
    • Marked Enemy (600 CP)
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Rigor Mortis

Jump #5: Undertale
Jump Drawbacks

You can't talk…like at all. You can write out your words on a notepad or use sign language but you can not speak…this might be challenging for you if you are trying to befriend people during your stay.

The monsters here will be a bit more aggressive and a bit stronger. They will be
employing attacks and tactics that are much harder to dodge and adapt to. Stay on your toes jumper because now they mean business. Try not to lose your soul.

Universal Drawbacks

Is there a drawback in a specific jump you really really like? Do you think it would provide a recurring source of amusement or annoyance? Then you can keep it. The amount of CP you gain is based on how profound the effect is. If the drawback in question is a toggle (+0), you have to pay 50CP from this supplement to maintain it. If it'ssomething easily dealt with orignored, you can maintain it for-50% of its initial value (+100's become +50's, +200's become +100's, etc.). If it's an ongoing irritant or challenge to overcome you can maintain it for -50 CP off its original value. If the Drawback issomething setting specific, it will always adapt to the new reality. It cannot be a drawback that gives you a bonus for completing the jump it is contained within, nor anything else covered elsewhere in this supplement… even if keeping it would give you less points than buying it here. You do not get these CP until the jump after the one where you picked up the Drawback in Question… and you must have taken it in that jump. At the end of any given jump, you may drop a kept Drawback…but once dropped, it cannot be resumed withoutfinding a new jump to gain a similar drawback in, or using a Return or Sequel jump to return to where you got it originally. Each Drawback preserved takes its own drawback slot. Drawbacks you keep will keep adjusting themselves so they're as strong asintended. You do not gain any positive value of any preserved Drawback, as they are drawbacks. This includes CP,Altforms, Items, etc.
The CP you get is from Drawback Keeper, not from the original Drawback, just FYI.
{Generic Divinity's Extended Stay x10}
{Sarkic Extended Stay x10}

Jump Scenario
Origins: Drop-In
You don't really have any sort of history in the Underground. You just kind of... Show up
one day, and assert yourself. You have no memories or really any idea of how things work around here, but I'm sure somebody will be glad to show you the ropes. That flower with a face might help.

Race: Boss Monster
Okay this one is a bit special. Humanoid monsters resembling anthropomorphic
goats with white fur and sharp canines, Boss Monsters are the zenith of power that a monster could achieve on their own and the royalty of the monster kingdom. Tougher, stronger and their magic is more potent. They are also ageless. After reaching a certain age, they stop ageing. At that point, the only way the age is by having children. As the child ages, the life essence of the parents' flow through the child. Eventually dying of old age. There only two that are around at the moment Toriel and Asgore.
(200 CP)

Location: Ruins
Originally known as "HOME" This place is nothing more than a shell of its former glory but it is still a marvel in its own way
(8- Free Choice)

Gender:XY Age: 132

Perks, Items and Companions

You have an original, personal musical leitmotif composed by the one and only Toby Fox in his signature style. Or rather you have three musical motifs in the style of Toby Fox and a musical motif for your warehouse. You also can have the music from Undertale and any fan covers to play, either in your head or out loud.

Everyone has a soul in this world. But very few can draw out its power. With this perk you can. Whatever magical abilities you acquire here is now doubled. The power of your soul grants you a minor healing factor. Healing bruises and shallow scratches in seconds. But the big one here is that this is a capstone booster. Also certain perks gain additional abilities depending if you have this or not.

You're not going to get anywhere by being a grump all day. Luckily for you, you know how to be friendly and nice towards others. To get them to trust you and believe you. Good for making friends. Well, I suppose this can be used to manipulate people. But You are not that type of person right jumper?

Well, it might be helpful for you in the future but basically you know about the many plants and fungi that exist in world, what they do, are they edible, that sort of thing. Might help you make soup for someone, warn someone that the mushroom they are about eat is poisonous, or give some your food an extra kick with the proper herbs. Well I suppose you can use this knowledge to spike someone with a plant that would give them a stomach ache, or kill them. But you don't want to do that, jumper.

Rock, Ice, Soil, Cement. Yeah, none of those stop me from popping up from the ground while I am exploring the underground. I could pop up and then back down without any sign that I was there. You can do the same. You can dig underneath the ground and pop up somewhere else…provided that you dig there first but you are a fast digger so don't worry about that. Oh yeah when you do begin to dig any signs of your digging will vanish. Like the hole you just made will be filled again the moment you have completed dug beneath the surface. Good for getting around. Or for harmless little scare pranks. I mean you could use this as an ambush tactic but why would you want to do that?

They gone? No one else is here but us, right? Good. Listen jumper, we both know why you
are here. So, lets drop the charade. You don't want friendship. You want power! And power here can only be acquire by increasing your love…. Oh, I'm Sorry LOVE. Or rather LEVEL of VIOLENCE! The more you hurt people the more it increases. AND IN THIS WORLD ITS KILL OR BE KILLED!!!! And you have the magic to do it. Thorny vines, bullets that look like seeds. But that's not the big gain here from now on when hurt people you gain EXP get enough you LOVE increase making you stronger. You want to get a bunch of LOVE? Better Start Killing!

Boosted – Burn In Despair: Hmmm but there is more it than that. Sometimes the best way to gain EXP is to make others despair at their misfortune. You know how to do that no Problem. When you fight someone; you can break their spirit causing them to give up on life. This will give you More LOVE. Show those idiots what you are made of.

Hey uhh Jumper…you, okay? You look a bit…off. Wait a second. This power, this look. WELL, WELL! YOU ARE A KILLER! This power is your second form! Just take your current look and it make HUGE and scarier! With some mechanical and technological changes here and there. You will also receive powered up versions of your usual attacks and even some new ones! Wait…Do you have Burn in Despair?! WELL MAYBE THERE IS MORE TO YOU THAN I THOUGHT!!! You can absorb the souls of others to gain more power and even add their abilities to your own! BECOME THE GOD OF THE IS WORLD JUMPER!!!!

You have a knack for getting a read on people. You can generally tell whether or not someone is a good person just by talking to them, and if you take a moment where both you and the subject of your scrutiny are standing still, you can Judge them- letting you know how many Executions Points they've accumulated, and their Level of Violence.

You're good at guessing. Real good.
Sheesh you should probably be in one of those game shows. Or maybe its because your skills in observation are just that good. You can read people like a book. Like you can tell what someone ate for breakfast by talking about something else with them. However, this comes with a more important ability. See there has been some anomalies in space time and time travelers can be an issue. So being able to recognize one by their reactions to things they've seen before or knew about already. Hmm maybe you should be Detective.

You know your way around better than most. In fact, you know a bunch of shortcuts that let you get from place to place really quickly... Well, actually, you just have an ability that lets you teleport. So long as nobody else can see you, you can teleport to any other unseen location that you've already been to that's within a mile. You can also take one other person with you through your shortcuts so long as nobody can see them either, though they probably won't really understand what just happened.

You can be very intimidating when you want to be you know that? You can be casual talking to someone and then suddenly your expression changes. The air suddenly becomes tense. Whatever the change is it gets the point across. They shouldn't cross you or do anything that will make you angry.

Boosted – When You Fight: Sometimes you need to fight. Let it be because you need to defend yourself or to defend some else. Luckily you know how to. You have access to projectile attacks, blue attack that can double as telekinesis so that you can slam your foes around like rag dolls. In addition, when you actually try during a battle your intimidation abilities can be used during a fight and can even scare your enemies into submission.

Alright jumper time for me to come clean about something. And I think you know what's really going on here. Shortcuts, Judgment, Intimidation? We are not comedians, jumper. We are Royal Judges. And our job for the most part is to judge any humans that fall underground before they meet the king. But there are exceptions.
Sometimes a human may come along and they are like the spawn of Satan. Too dangerous to be left alone, too dangerous to judge first. That's when we go from judges to executioners. See we have this ability called Karmic Retribution. It's harmless against
innocent people, but to someone who has a high Level of Violence it's poison. The higher
their LOVE, the worse it hurts. By the way, the initial pain of the attack doesn't go away-
It burns away at their soul over time as well, as every sin they've committed comes back in their head to haunt them. Hmm? Hey wait do you have When You Fight as well? Dang…I
normally don't see anyone else with this thing but then again things change. You also have
access to your very own Gaster Blasters. Basically, magic construct that shoots beams of pure Karmic Retribution. Not only that your tactics can affect the "SYSTEM" of the world during a battle. Like sending attacks during a person's turn.


You don't arrive here naked. That would be silly and inappropriate. You will be given set of clothing to wear when you arrive and spares should they get damage or too messy to clean.

Each Origin has something to defend themselves with. Drop in and Fallen Humans are given a stick. Caretakers are given staff. Sentries and Comedians are given bone looking melee weapons, Royal Guards and Leaders are given some sort of knightly weapon like a sword or a spear. Scientist and Entertainers are given are taser like item.

A music box plays a soothing song. The song itself can calm people down.

An odd packet of seeds that grow into a peculiar flower called an echo flower. Appropriate to their namesake Echo Flowers have the ability to repeat the last sounds they have been exposed to, similar to echoes, making them a potential lore device. Useful for leaving behind messages.
Forged by Myriad Souls

← Previous Jump ||3rd Chain|| Next Jump →

Troop of Beasts
Jump Drawbacks

Oh? Do you wish to have a chance to change the fate of this world? Very well. If you take this option, you will begin the jump in 749, when Bulma arrives near Gohan's house in search of the Dragon Balls. Though considering Kakarot is trying to murder his grandpa there, hopes of replicating the canon story are still very slim, to say the least.
As we all know, Dragon Ball is a long, long series. And should you stay for a mere ten years here, you will have to leave in 764, the year where Future Trunks arrive in the past of the 'canon' timeline, which means you will possibly lose out on a lot of things. To make up for that, you have the possibility to extend your stay as far as the year where the end of Dragon Ball GT takes place.
It is quite amazing how such a little change as Kakarot not hitting his head caused such a divergence in the timeline. But there are a lot of other versions of even the 'real' story which may possibly affect this one. By default, this world incorpore all the elements of the manga and anime fillers such as the beautiful thief Hasky. In addition to this, you can cherry-pick which elements from official non-canonical Dragon Ball works exist in this world, be they the movies, video games or even Dragon Ball GT.
Congratulations on your Waifu/Husbando. They are everything you'd want in a partner, and hotter than fire; knowing just how to make even the most ornery of warriors into putty in their hands despite having little martial prowess to speak of by the standards of this world. Which of course, places them in the perfect position to whisper in your ear. Maybe they genuinely care for you, or maybe they see you as an asset of convenience best kept happy; but they certainly have an agenda of their own, and a gift for plying you to work towards them. Whether through direct appeals you're bleeding heart cannot turn away, or cunning wiles to bring you to realize it's in your interests to do so. Whatever the case, their influence will ensure you meddle in affairs you may have happily ignored otherwise, and will no doubt bring you into conflict with some powerful individuals during your stay. On the flipside, they'd likely be more than happy to accompany you as a companion when you leave.
What an odd child you found one day. Basically, you are now the moral center of a young beast. While they may or may not be another Monkey Child, they are a child or teen possessing terrible power, tremendous potential, and little in the way of morals or restraint regarding its use, who has now found their way under your care. The gods must be laughing or weeping for you as you genuinely care for this savage and/or broken child, who in turn has some twisted respect for you. Not that it keeps them from using their gifts against you. Your duty then is not only to nurture them to ensure they grow healthily, but to give them a noble heart; or at least turn them into a civilized adult you can be proud of, all while nurturing their potential into actual talent. If they reach adulthood without doing so you fail the task, and your only option to move forward will be to make up for your mistake by putting them down yourself; saving the people who would suffer from your failure, even at the risk of your life. Should you manage to guide this young savage to the path of good, you can take them as a companion. Should you take Beginning of Childhood, you can choose to replace Gohan as Kakarot's caretaker.
Before he got killed by Kakarot, Yamcha's crippling nervousness around women actually got better through his relationship with Bulma. But even then, this seriously interfered with his combat prowess, as it will now with yours. Pick a gender, you can't imagine intentionally harming someone of that gender; causing you to hold back when facing them, or at least hurt them as little as possible if forced into a confrontation. Hope you're very good at running, or have some creative ways to get them to stop. Admittedly, this doesn't stop you from convincing others to
hurt them for you.
A terrible beast has caught your scent, and deemed you the perfect mate. Whether Kakarot or some similar individual with greater martial prowess than care for consent has decided that you would be the perfect corner stone for their new army/legacy; they just need to force you to submit and pump some babies out of/into you. And of course, their marital skills are just as terrifying as their martial ones; making successful escape from their clutches a matter of willpower, just as much as strength or cunning. Moreover, they seem to run on shonen hentai logic like Kakarot himself; unless there's a body you probably didn't kill them, and if you did it's only matter of time before some fool brings them back, they punch their way back to the world of the living, or make a deal with a Kai for another shot at you. Each time coming with new techniques and or gear of course. Admittedly, if you can force them to submit to YOU instead by your tenth year; then perhaps you can take them as a Companion? Or maybe you can take them along if you decide that you actually like how they treat you, though I can't guarantee your freedom if you do so.
What the hell? You're a badass fighter, girls should throw themselves at you...! But no, somehow, any person you want to get romantically or sexually involved with is completely opposed to being with you. And don't think porn logic is going to help you there: trying to mind break them through rape is only going to make them hate you. It'd take at least one year of constant courtship before you'd even get someone to think about going out without gagging at the thought. And should you take a drawback which guarantees someone will be attracted, then something about their appearance and personality will make sure you don't want to be with them.
You might have decades of training and experience behind you, but your focus has left you as a green horn when it comes to marital affairs and oh so vulnerable to the pleasure's of the flesh; you might call out about your pride, but once you have hearts in your eyes there's really no beating the D/V. While this alone wouldn't make you the slave of whoever fucked you silly, the chance to experience that again would be a constant temptation and might color your perceptions of your paramours; viewing them more favorably than you might otherwise, even if they're little more than a Beast in the shape of a man. And the more they take you, the worse this will get. Take this with Hunting Beast or Bulma Syndrome at your own risk.

Universal Drawbacks

So, you think you're a big shot, rolling into town with more money than a thousand stellar empires? Really? But it's okay because you've got some perk that guarantees that you'll never crash the local economy or cause hyperinflation, right? Wrong. Now every dollar, peso, yen, yuan, crown, or credit you spend has just as much influence on the local economic situation as it normally would. Tread carefully.
Your Companions don't respawn at all without a Perk, Power, or Items of their own that allows them to prevent or recover from being dead. Once they die in a Jump, just like you, they're dead, although you may Rez them if you possess the ability to do so, though this is extremely traumatic to your Companion... better than being dead though. Rezzing a dead Companion also requires you to deactivate 10% of your current cumulative CP total worth of perks until the end of the current jump. This gives any Companions you have 400 extra CP for all Jump.
All your drawbacks from individual jumps are always as bad as they are intended to be. You can no longer cheese them. Something that is implied to be annoying will be annoying even if you have perks that top annoyance. This isn't merely enforcing the idea that Drawbacks Trump Perks...This is saying that Drawbacks Trump your efforts to mitigate them. Challenge Drawbacks will be challenging no matter how powerful you are, though not always by ramping up the power level. If this is taken as a Chain Drawback, its value is only 50% of the drawbacks you took in a given jump.
  • Pseudo-Random-Chan (+50 CP): The Jumper has no control over where they go or when they go there. You, the Author, do. Same restrictions as Random-Chan. This is a Variant of Random-Chan, they cannot be combined.
  • Why Not Without (+200 CP): Your Benefactor fills out your Jumpdoc for you.

Jump Scenario
Origins: Defender
You are a martial artist whose life is driven by self-improvement and defending those weaker than yourself. You may even be a student of the Turtle Hermit himself, who will soon recruit several other fighters in the fight to defend Earth against the many menaces that will arise. Will some see your path as restricting or even dangerous, there is some real fulfillment, friendship or even love that may await you.

Race: EarthlingGender: Male Age: 18

Perks, Items and Companions

We are on the brink of disasters, cataclysms and fights between beings surpassing gods. To survive in this world, you'll need to master the energy within all living beings known as ki, which can be used to strengthen the body, fire out destructive waves and plenty of other, far more esoteric abilities. You have power equal to Kakarot at the beginning of this story which, due to his lack of experience, is roughly equivalent to Tien Shinhan during the 22nd World Tournament. Which means you're strong enough to easily wipe out a mundane army by yourself. Furthermore, you can fly at supersonic speed, sense the ki of other living beings and unleash your strength in a destructive ranged attack made of pure ki. But be warned that there are numerous people stronger than even you, so you shouldn't be complacent. Luckily, this perk comes with a guarantee that you always manage to get stronger through training, so you don't need to worry about reaching your peak too early on.
Of course, no one said that a martial artist must necessarily be a non-profit lifestyle. After all, there are plenty of events where fighters can earn fame and riches. And you've got just the spark to catch on. You're very talented at making a show of yourself and you always have a good idea on how to appeal to the crowd. Furthermore, it seems that words of your feats will always spread very quickly, which will only hasten your rise to celebrity status. You got some talent as an actor to boot, and you can be sure that you will always attract at least some attractive fans to have some fun with.
The role of a defender often means you have got between the innocents and the guilty to save the first. Or at least leave the latter open to an attack from your companion in arms. That's why, when you're involved in a fight with someone, you always know the best way to make them focus on you and potentially make them drop their guard. These means can be as varied as insulting an easily angered tyrant or raising your clothing to reveal your a-grade body to an horny wild man. Note that your foes will of course begin to wise up to you using the same trick on them repeatedly.
A lot of scientists only focus on one area of science, practicing and learning about it until they're masters of their domain. Those people are idiots as far as you're concerned. You're a genius, damnit, so why should you have limits? You are knowledgeable and skilled enough in all matters of science and engineering to deserve a PHD in every discipline, and considering the high technology level of this world, this means you can do stuff like building self-aware androids with enough work. But you aren't a stagnant old man either. Assimilating new knowledge comes very easily to you, no matter how many things you're focusing on at once.
The life of a martial artist isn't an easy one, as you can meet foes that can crush your bones into fine paste. You gotta have some guts to pursue that way, and you luckily have some! You got all the willpower you need to face utterly terrifying enemies. Even if the situation seems hopeless, you won't ever give into base fear. Furthermore, it seems you have a strange resistance to trauma. While having most of your bones get crushed into fine powder or your womb ravaged for an entire hour won't feel anymore pleasant, your psyche will be able to recuperate impressively quickly after you successfully managed to get out of danger. You'll have no major problems going back to your happy lifestyle even though you should by all right have at least PTSD.
Violence is not always the answer, you know? Sometimes, all you gotta do is try to reach out to them. The more intimate you are with someone, the more you can influence their behavior by making them want to please you. This won't change their fundamental personality, but a close friend or lover could definitely have some leeway. As one of the wives of a brutal warlord, you wouldn't be quite capable of making him abandon his ambitions, but he could definitely be convinced to be somewhat kinder and to spare those you care about.
Somehow, you got your hands on Kami's oddest ability. You have the ability to possess a person who's weaker than you and who shares your general morality. Your own body will disappear, but this will grant you complete control of their body, which will become just as strong as yours. Such an ability may be great if you want to perform great feats while keeping your anonymity. Note that if the possessed body were to receive a mortal amount of damage, you would instantly be split off. You would have all the injuries you suffered while possessing the body, while the person you possessed would be completely healed. This is not a power meant to sacrifice anyone but yourself.
If mad scientists share one thing, it's that they tend to really hold on to their grudges until their dying breaths, never giving up until they have reached their vengeance. But it doesn't mean much if they die along with the people they set out to avenge. Luckily, you seem to have a very peculiar luck when it comes to that. To put things simply, people tend to forget about tying up loose ends when they're inconvenient to you. A great warrior could destroy an entire army while not thinking about going after the one behind their mechanical might and hell, even if you're the one behind the danger, they tends to forget about you if you scutter away before your robot's broken.
Not all monsters can be defeated by one person only. Which is why you should make sure to have all sorts of friends to help you. You've got some truly formidable skills when it comes to realizing all of your allies' strengths and how they may be used together to perform deadly combinations. Even in the heat of battle, you could quickly come up with strategies that rely on your collective power. Some would call you a great leader, but you're only one among many. And when you and your friends work together, you can defeat even those who would squash you all in one-on-one fights. Furthermore, you're great at actually making friends with those you fight alongside with. Whether it's because you're naturally friendly or you're just very cute, you tend to naturally form bonds with those you spend time with as long as you act generally kind to them, even if they happen to be ruthless criminals. This effect even extends to their relationships with each other, as even people that have nothing in common will form true bonds when they all work alongside you. As you can imagine, it's not that hard to make those bonds develop into bonds of love, and should those potential suitors come to care as much for each other as they care about you, then they can easily be convinced to share with you.
It would be pretty sad if your friends were to continue growing stronger while you were stuck at your early peak and could only watch from the sidelines, wouldn't it? This perk will ensure that as long as you work hard, your skills and power will develop to match those you consider your comrades. Even if you were a complete novice and they were a master of martial arts, you would quickly grow into their equals as long as you work hard for it. Even better, this works both ways. Should you be above your comrades, you can effortlessly develop ways for them to reach your level through arduous training methods of your creation. And rather oddly, their growth seems to be even quicker if your methods are lewd in nature, to the point that intense sex with you can easily become a way to strengthen a young
An all-too-common problem for scientists is that their creations tend to harbor resentment towards them, often to the point of rebelling and killing their unfortunate makers. Fortunately, this won't be a problem for you. Any beings you create possess an innate love and loyalty to you and indeed, are quite happy to do things for you be it slay your enemies or accompany you in bed. This even extends to your creations that were made from preexisting people, in other words you could very well remake an unfortunate woman into a loyal and loving sex cyborg. Though it should be said that this loyalty can be really tested if you do heinous things to your creations such as trying to destroy them without any reason.
To be considered a master, you can't just copy what others have done before you. No, you have to be a true innovator. You have mastered your body and ki to the point that you can find new techniques that use the latter in new and sometimes completely unexpected ways. From turning your energy attacks into bladed weapons to using them to constrict your enemy without hurting them, while passing by forming replacement limbs out of ki, the sky's the limit when it comes to what you can invent, such as making your ki vibrate inside of a woman. Though of course, it won't be easy. Each new technique needs a lot of time and experimentation to develop and make sure it works consistently, and the more unusual it is, the more work it'll need. Still, if you work really hard non-stop for years on it, you may even do things like drain an opponent's ki by touching them.
Of course, while you can recreate and surpass anything nature or your so-called peers can make, it would be foolish to not make use of what already exists, wouldn't it? Good thing you seem to have exceptional talents in finding 'resources' and using them to create even more wonderful things. Hacking into a lovely android girl's computer then formatting her into a perfect sexbot and servant, turning a kidnapped orphan into a powerful cyborg, using the single cell of a monster to make a true nightmare... To put it simply, you take what nature or others have created and make them better, and it seems the more you ignore so-called ethics and embrace monstrosity, the more potent your creations will be.
Beast you may be but your enemies are in for a world of hurt if they mistake you for a simpleton. You're an absurd genius at fighting, almost like you were born for it. The basics of combat and ki use come to you instinctively, and upon seeing someone else fight you can instantly understand what they do, even mimicking their techniques and absorbing them into your own fighting style if at all possible. In this way you can learn in one battle techniques that most people need years to master. This absolute mastery of your body also extends to the arts of lovemaking: you instantly grasp how to best enjoy your lover's body and what is most pleasurable to them, and your skills as a fighter allow you to learn erotic ki techniques or any lewd superpowers as quickly as all techniques.
Training? Magic? Techniques? Bah, who needs any of those? You are a genius, and you can do what nature does and make it even better! Through observation and understanding, you can replicate any natural and supernatural abilities or phenomenon through the power of science, though it should be noted that the more complicated and powerful something is, the more time and resources you will need to sink into its replication. For example, you could make a ki-replicating machine should you study how living beings create it, or allow for the engineering of healing plants similar to the famed Senzu beans. Furthermore, this skill at replicating life has made your mechanical or bioengineered creations a thing of beauty. You could make an android that's completely undistinguishable with an actual person and even able to eat, sleep or have sex. Even an ancient demon that defies the laws of nature as we know them wouldn't be immune to being the basis of a superior creation. Why bother with women when you can make your perfect one?


One of the most notable methods of the Turtle School is making students wear a heavy shell on their back to train their muscles. Well, you got an even better version of this! This set of light-seeming clothing, which design is up to you, are in fact incredibly heavy which allows them to be used to help with physical training. Fact is, they seem to get heavier as you grow stronger, making sure they will always be effective. As an added effect, they can also 'train' your sexiness. You see, the longer you wear them, then the more beautiful and noticeable you will seem to people around you when you remove them. Sure, this boost in appearance won't last for more than a couple of minutes, but since they're liable to make the opponent stay frozen in place with a dumb face, that's more than enough for you. You can import any clothing you own into this item.
Well, you can already fly, but it never hurts to be able to rest. This is a solid cloud that can fly around and obey your mental commands without you even having to speak. It begins at the speed of a fighter jet, but will become faster to match your own flying speed should you surpass that. Unlike the Flying Nimbi belonging to Mister Korin, this one is solid not to the pure of heart, but to anyone you allow to ride. Furthermore, it's as comfortable as the finest bed, so it's perfect for a rest or some sexy fun during your travels, and accidentally falling from it is impossible no matter how much it loops through the air.
Oh, now those are very valuable plants you got here. What you have here is a garden of Senzu Bean much like the ones cultivated by Master Korin. While they might seem like small, ordinary beans, a single one of them can keep someone full for ten days. But what's more amazing is that anyone eating them instantly sees themselves be returned to peak condition: exhausted people are instantly energized, and even deadly injuries disappear in less than a second. You begin with ten of them, and ten will regrow each month (no, planting new ones won't work), so you better use them wisely.


Your Own Troop (100 CP)
It's always nice to have people in your life, be they your friends or your lovers. Which is why I'm giving you the option of bringing them with you to face this dangerous world. For 100cp each, you can either import and create a companion who gets an origin and 600cp to buy species, perks or items there.
  • Origin: Beast
    • Race: Monkey Person (400 CP)
  • Perks
    • Finding Your Mark (Free)
    • Reject Civilization (Free)
    • Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (100 CP)
    • New Warriors are Born (100 CP)
    • Catching Your Prey (200 CP)
    • Cornered Survival (200 CP)
    • Handsome Beast King (300 CP)
    • Monkey See, Monkey Do (300 CP)
    • Training of the Crane (300 CP)
  • Items
    • Mark of the Beast (Free)
    • Fanservice Fashion (Free)
  • Drawbacks
    • Beginning of Childhood (+0 CP)
    • Wearing The Bestial Crown (+0 CP)
    • Bulma Syndrome (+100 CP)
    • Legacy of Kakarot (+100 CP)
    • Are You A Woman? (+200 CP)
    • Hit Your Head As A Baby (+200 CP)
    • Moon Madness (+300 CP)
    • Unrestrained Instincts (+300 CP)

Kung Fu Hustle
Jump Drawbacks

China's a big country with a profound culture, but this story could take place in any place where profound poverty and crime are rampant. With this toggle, you can shift the location to any vaguely chinese culture and time, or combine it in supplement mode with any other jump based on another chinese property or chinese culture inspired jump.
The duty of upholding world peace and punishing evil will be yours. The Good cannot coexist with the Bad. More and more insanely powerful martial artists will continue to appear throughout your stay here and they can only be defeated by fighting them with your own martial arts or cunning: no other powers will work on those who belong to the Martial Arts World.
If there is a way for an event to be grief inducing for you, it will be so. Warning, this may result in deaths, break ups, companions abandoning your cause, and other unintended consequences.

Universal Drawbacks

So, you think you're a big shot, rolling into town with more money than a thousand stellar empires? Really? But it's okay because you've got some perk that guarantees that you'll never crash the local economy or cause hyperinflation, right? Wrong. Now every dollar, peso, yen, yuan, crown, or credit you spend has just as much influence on the local economic situation as it normally would. Tread carefully.
Your Companions don't respawn at all without a Perk, Power, or Items of their own that allows them to prevent or recover from being dead. Once they die in a Jump, just like you, they're dead, although you may Rez them if you possess the ability to do so, though this is extremely traumatic to your Companion... better than being dead though. Rezzing a dead Companion also requires you to deactivate 10% of your current cumulative CP total worth of perks until the end of the current jump. This gives any Companions you have 400 extra CP for all Jump.
All your drawbacks from individual jumps are always as bad as they are intended to be. You can no longer cheese them. Something that is implied to be annoying will be annoying even if you have perks that top annoyance. This isn't merely enforcing the idea that Drawbacks Trump Perks...This is saying that Drawbacks Trump your efforts to mitigate them. Challenge Drawbacks will be challenging no matter how powerful you are, though not always by ramping up the power level. If this is taken as a Chain Drawback, its value is only 50% of the drawbacks you took in a given jump.
  • Pseudo-Random-Chan (+50 CP): The Jumper has no control over where they go or when they go there. You, the Author, do. Same restrictions as Random-Chan. This is a Variant of Random-Chan, they cannot be combined.
  • Why Not Without (+200 CP): Your Benefactor fills out your Jumpdoc for you.

Jump Scenario
Origins: Wandering Idiot
A man or woman without a home, without a place in the world, his past a riddle, her future a cypher. (100 CP)

Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 20

Perks, Items and Companions

Your arrival sets things in motion, causing people to jump the gun on long held plans, or to act on simmering anger or repressed desires. Yes, this can mess with the canonical flow of events... in fact it's guaranteed to in 90% of cases... though not in this jump for obvious reasons. You cannot control this effect, but you can disable it before going into a jump. If disabled, it can be re-enabled at any time... but once enabled, it remains active for the rest of the jump. This is free, and you are not required to take it... but for jumps like this one (where the story takes about a month), it's perfect to shake things up a bit for the remainder of those ten years.
As long as you have anything (a strand of hair, a bit of wire, a pine needle) that can fit inside a lock, you can pick that lock in half the time it takes a thrown axe to travel 10 feet. Does not work on electronic locks, but any mechanical keyed lock can be so picked. If you have skill in picking other forms of locks, you retain the speed boost from this perk.
No venom, poison, or magical toxin has any lasting effect on you, and after recovering from the initial exposure, you gain total immunity to it. If you are already immune to poisons, you can choose to have your body store the toxic substances for later use, either secreted through your skin, incorporated into your spit, or coating your teeth or nails.
You gain a lightness of being, the ability to float like a leaf on the wind and stand upon any physical object without harming it, regardless of its ability to normally support you. Thus you could stand upon the back of a bird in flight, upon a single blade of grass, or the point of a needle.
Your body swells with muscles that would do a Mr. Olympia proud. Your strength increases proportionately... and best of all, you can turn this effect on and off at will, though it takes a few seconds to inflate or deflate your muscles and you burn endurance twice as fast while buffed. Even when this effect is off, you're twice as strong as someone of your physique should be.
Any time you suffer damage, you grow slightly stronger, faster, tougher, and resistant to whatever injured you. The degree of this improvement
depends on the degree of damage, and repeated exposure to the same injury has diminishing returns. The more life threatening the injury, the greater the result, but in general, no single boost can exceed 5% of your total.
You have the bone structure and chi flow of a kung-fu genius. Your blows are much faster than normal, hit much harder, and take much less effort than they should. As if that wasn't enough, the normal intense meditation required to reach the spiritual state needed to train advanced martial arts (as well as many magical, mystical, or psychic arts) takes you only a fraction of the normal amount of time. Your chi and endurance also recover at a prodigious rate, although this can range from only a bit faster on a simple diet, all the way up to stupendously faster if you have access to all the sustenance and water you can consume. In fact, you can carbo-load right before a practice session or a fight to turbocharge your internal energy stores, though this requires a stupendous amount of food. All this means that you can typically master any physical activity in half the time it would normally take and can often make useful tweaks and adjustments. If you normally don't need to eat, your baseline is equivalent to a simple diet, but eating will always boost your recovery rate.
You gain a slowed perception of time at will, making everyone else seem to move at a tenth their normal speed. You also gain an economy of motion, allowing you to exert just as much time and force into an attack or block or movement as needed to achieve whatever your desired outcome was, be it to shatter a weapon, knock someone away from you without injuring them, or backflip onto a clothesline without a wobble... assuming you are able to do any of those things. You further gain an increase to your attack and blocking speed, allowing you to do both several times faster than you could before. Your Chi level increases dramatically, and you can weigh others down with the force of your radiant spiritual energy. You gain a serene, almost preternatural calmness to your demeanor and an immunity to any effect which would cause you to feel an emotion you do not wish to feel (baring one emotion which you must pick now and which you will never gain an immunity to). If you have both Enlightenment and Special Aura, your attack and block speed jump by an order of magnitude. If combined with Thousand Hand Divine Fist... who can say? Perhaps in your hands it is Million Hand Divine Fist. Lastly, you gain the ability to grant Enlightened Mercy. If you can utterly and completely defeat a wicked foe, you can, by choosing to spare them, redeem them. This turns any non-divine, non-fundamentally evil being into someone who at least wants to not be evil anymore. The drawback of all this is that you cannot use any of these abilities while experiencing Anger or Hatred, nor in conjunction with any ability that gains power from such emotions, unless you use a different emotion to power it.
You become incredibly martially skilled in any one mundane job. You may apply your martial arts excellence to this job and your mundane skill to your martial arts. A rickshaw driver with lightfoot could haul a rickshaw over obstacles and up walls, then use the rickshaw as a weapon. A calligrapher with super strength could use a gigantic brush to make huge calligraphy and as a weapon with which to launch ink bolts at enemies. An okonomiyaki chef could use her lightning fast reflexes to prepare a dozen okonomiyaki at once, and then pin you to the wall with razor-sharp throwing spatulas for trying to skip out on paying for them.
Twin Demons Harp Song is an esoteric and fundamentally evil martial art, calling upon dark forces to imbue the player's bodies with preternatural strength, speed, and lightness, as well as the player's songs with malicious force. Each of the players is a force to be reckoned with individually; fast, ruthless, and able to cross great distances in a single bound and shrug off heavy strikes by using the force of the blows to move their strangely light bodies around the battlefield, like punching a feather. But with a stringed instrument such as a zither or sitar, or harp, the true strength and magic of this martial style is revealed.
These are the styles known by the Masters of Pig Sty
Alley: Coolie, Tailor, Donut, Landlord, and Landlady. You gain a working understanding of all of these five styles and, with time and practice, should be able to master them within the next decade.


You gain a weapon specifically intended for your martial art. It is of excellent quality and balance and is unlikely to break unless exposed to tremendous wear and tear or attacks specifically aimed at breaking it... as long as you perform some regular maintenance, of course. Replaces itself once a year if destroyed. It is otherwise mundane. You only receive this free weapon if you purchased a martial arts style specifically intended for weapon use, and that doesn't already appear as a CP purchase option below.
A set of six legendary martial arts manuals (Buddha's Palm, Nine Yin & Nine Yang, One Yang Finger, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms & The Dog Beating Staff, Thousand Hand Divine Fist, and Nine Swords of Dugu). You can use these to teach anyone to use one, and only one, of these martial arts, but just grasping the basic forms of a legendary martial art can take as much as a decade, longer if the individual being trained has no aptitude or fighting spirit. Actually mastering such a martial art can take decades or even centuries. You and your companions may learn more than one of these forms, but the second takes twice as long as normal, the third four times, the fourth eight times, etc. Effects that allow you to learn martial arts faster are only fully applicable if they apply to both the martial aspect and the meditation aspect of these very complex, cultivation tier martial arts. If you purchase three you gain a bonus manual for one of the "Five Little Piggies" Styles. If you purchase all six, you gain two bonus manuals.


Faithful Companion (Free)
You may import a single companion. This companion gains as much CP as you gained this jump, can take one personal Drawback (that gives them more CP) and can buy equipment. They gain an origin, their choice of age, and sex, for free.
  • Origin: Wandering Idiot (100 CP)
  • Perks
    • Intimidation Fu (Free)
    • Twisted Wire (Free)
    • No More Soccer (100 CP)
    • Standing upon Heaven (100 CP)
    • Ominous Clouds (200 CP)
    • What Does Not Kill Me (200 CP)
    • A Special Aura (300 CP)
    • Enlightenment (300 CP)
    • Toad Style of the Kwan Lun School (600 CP)
    • The Five Little Piggies (1000 CP)
    • I Can Do Kung Fu (1200 CP)
  • Items
    • Iron Rings (100 CP)
    • EAGLE! (100 CP)
    • Candy Store (100 CP)
    • Demonic Zither (200 CP)
  • Drawbacks
    • All the Sadness One Can Bear (+800 CP)
Last edited:
A bit of personal interest, slight bit of stretching IC (not much though) and a very bad mental roadmap. But here we are. The next jump will be calm, for a given definition of the word.
ULTRAKILL jumpchain
1,000 CP total.

Drop-In: Oh, you opt to come in as yourself? Even if you're human? A curious choice, but
allowed. While you may not specialize as well, your versatility can be immense. You may
discount a perk from each price tier from the perks below. Choose wisely.
Perks: 900 CP spent
Free (or 100 CP discount) 3 total "purchases"
Style and Substance (Free) - I mean, sure, you could just shoot foes normally, but where's the
fun in that? Where's the pizzazz? The style? Why just shoot them when you could fling them
into the air, flip a coin before punting it into the poor fool's face? You now gain a 'style' meter,
toggleable at will. For the more awesome and silly shit you do, the higher your score becomes.
But to what end? Why, you'll get paid, of course. Your 'score' can be spent like money. A couple
a flashy kills in a middle of a fight might be enough for a pizza. But if you take it to extremes, big
combos, hitting foes in mid-air while bouncing shots off of coins and constantly swapping
weapons, you could probably get enough in a fight to purchase something in the three hundred
dollar range. Maybe that doesn't sound like much to a dimension hopper, but hey, it's cash for
the cost of being cool as hell. It's a fair trade, if you ask me.

Take Care (Free) - You gain the soundtrack of Ultrakill, capable of being toggled at will and able
to adapt to the current situation or location. And perhaps you may even hear some new tracks in
the style of Heaven Pierce Her as you go. This also comes with a set of vinyl records in the
instance you wish to rehear any track, old or new. Does not come with a record table though,
those are expensive.

Light of the Heavens (100) - Among Angels, manipulation of holy energy is universal among
their kind, able to channel divine light in basic, but devastating ways. Small bolts of lightning can
jump from your fingertips or other appendages, the wounds of others may be healed with a
wave of light, and by channeling for a moment, you can call down an immense pillar of energy
to melt even steel with ease, given the pillar lands on target.

100 CP (or 200 discount) 2 total purchases, 200 CP

Scrap Master (200) - Not all things start perfect. But that's what successive upgrading and
refinement is for, and it's something you excel at, especially when working with limited
resources. For a machine you're very resourceful, able to take piles of scrap metal and wires
and shape them into real power, bolstering plating, upgrading blades and guns. Perhaps it won't
be a pretty thing, but when your blade suddenly can superheat it's edge and is lined with
repurposed and weaponized chains, they won't be laughing for long. You've even learned how
to apply this upgrading process to the more fleshy, granting cybernetic enhancements to
strengthen them to something a bit stronger than just flesh and bone. It won't look good, but
when a fleshie loses an arm, a metal one will serve just as well.

Hellish Energy (100) - Where there is Divine Light, there too is Hellish Energy. While not every
Husk can channel such a volatile thing, all Demons can. As living portions of Hell themselves,
they are filled with such energy, able to bring it forth from their bodies and launch the volatile
energy at foes. With a bit of focus and time to charge, you can even launch extremely fast bolts
of it, exploding violently on impact with any surface.

200 CP (or 400 discount) 2 total purchases, 400 CP

Parry (400) - You've learned and mastered the art of punching things hard enough to send them
back from whence they came. Parrying a projectile will cause it to be sent in the direction you're
aiming, increasing the projectile's velocity as well as causing it to explosively detonate on

Focus (200) - While Machines and Husks may utilize hellish energy for their own needs, such
results are volatile, short lived. But Demons possess unparalleled control over Hellish energy,
for it is their lifeblood, their birthright. Your focus with hellish energy and other spells allows you
to maintain such effects for far, far longer than any would consider possible. Perhaps they'll just
consider the sphere in your hand a lamp until you proceed to reveal it's true purpose as a
normally extremely volatile explosive. Maybe they'll think that hellish barrier will only last a few
moments while you could hold it for days. Instability shall never be an issue again, even in the
middle of stressful combat.

300 CP (or 600 discount) 1 total purchase, 300 CP

Blood is Fuel (600) - Your chassis has taken a bit of durability hit, but in exchange, you gain a
greatly sought after capability among machines in Hell. The ability to refuel and repair your
chassis merely by showering yourself in blood and gore. You may be near death, but one good
shotgun blast to the chest of an unassuming Husk and suddenly you're perfectly combat-ready
once more. In addition, the modified, lighter chassis allows your frame near unparalleled
mobility, able to leap and slide and move faster than practically any machine out there. Well,
aside from the pair of V models still in existence, who are the few who may be able to rival you
in mobility. Show Hell the power of might and steel alike, honed to a bloodthirsty edge.

400 CP -

600 CP -
Items: 400 CP stipend, 500 CP spent.

100 CP- 1 total purchase, 100 CP

Revolver (100) - While outwardly looking rather similar to a standard revolver, it is a rather
unique design made for the Final War. Utilizing a set of electric pulses to fire microscopic pieces
of metal at extremely high speeds, this weapon has near unlimited ammunition, only needing a
couple of flakes of metal to refill it's supply. With this purchase, you can choose to receive either
the Piercer or Marksman variant, and with the option of purchasing either with the standard or
'Slab' model of Revolver, a specialized variant that requires manual cocking of the hammer with
each shot, but offers greatly increased stopping power and punch-through with each pull of the
Trigger. (Marksman)

Meanwhile, the Marksman generates coins from particulates in the air, able to be thrown
as the user's leisure. But these coins have a rather useful purpose. Throwing them in the air,
one can fire at these coins to cause one's round to ricochet off the coin into the weak point of
the nearest foe as well as increasing the shot's stopping power. In fact, if you time it correctly
with a notable sparkle to the coin, the shot will split into two seperate projectiles that can target
different foes to allow for rapid clearing of foes. But this doesn't only work with the Marksman
yourself. Any weapon with a projectile quick enough to hit the coin can bounce off of it. And if
you throw out more coins, each coin shot will reflect to the next, increasing damage even more.
Timed right, a potent piercing projectile can be bounced between each other with a larger foe,
allowing it to hit them multiple times.

200 CP- 2 total purchases, 400 CP

Shotgun (200) - A sleek block of a weapon, the Shotgun is a versatile weapon, capable of being
fired in both a pump-action and break-action manner depending on it's mode, and it's sheer
power is unprecedented, able to rip demons to chunks with massive bursts of
hyperconcentrated heat or explosives, if used in tandem with certain robotic implements, and
with heat being it's ammunition, unlike the revolver, it can truly fire forever. With this purchase,
you can choose to receive either the Core Eject or Pump Charge variants of the Shotgun. (core eject)

The Core Eject utilizes the break-action function to allow for rapid cooling and heating of
the weapon's internals, primarily used to superheat and launch the heat blasts from which the
shotgun's ammunition derives from, resulting in a quick-launching grenade that can be charged
to allow it to fire out at immense velocity. If one is enough of a deadeye as well, they can create
even larger explosions by shooting the metal cores in midair, causing a massive explosion only
rivaled in power by the Railgun.

Knuckle Blaster (200) - A robotic arm in deep red, fittable to either a robotic chassis, as a
cybernetic modification, or through a simple gauntlet (for you squeamish fleshy types). The
Knuckle Blaster itself serves as an excellent tool for punching, it's clawed grasp and plated
knuckles providing similar force to a mace in fist form. But it's true strength comes from it's
internal mechanisms, as the Blaster is able to generate shotgun shells from particulate metal

from the environment (or blood) and can fire them from the twin barrels mounted on the front of
the fist, producing a short range shockwave of immense force, able to completely mulch
grouped foes in front of you, or even deflect mass amounts of projectiles back into the faces of
opponents. It takes one pumping their arm up and down to reload, but the mechanisms will do
the rest.

300 CP

400 CP

600 CP
Forged by Myriad Souls

← Previous Jump ||4th Chain|| Next Jump →

Azur Lane
Jump Drawbacks

Shipgirls may have been clingy before, but there's something in the air and it isn't the spirit of cooperation. You'll find Shipgirls under your command desire a lot more attention than normal. Which wouldn't be a problem if they knew how to share. None of them are interested in sharing anymore. They each want you to themselves. Expect fights to break out at times. You're going to spend a lot more of your time mediating inter-shipgirl disputes than normal.
These reports aren't going to finish themselves and you've still got your training to do. Hey! Are you even listening? You're going to find it very hard to work up the enthusiasm to do much of anything with the free time you have. Oh, you'll still go on missions, do your job (mostly), and do what is required of you. But everything else? You'd rather be playing video games or watching TV. Which you will find a way to do given half a chance to sit down.
The Sirens would have normally been content to sit back and watch Humanity struggle against them. To see how they and the technology evolve this time around. But they have determined there is nothing more to be gained from this potential future. It's time to restart things. To turn it all back to the start of the war and change a few details to see how it changes things. But first, they're going to let their more violent sisters have a little fun. It's time for a full-scale apocalypse. A one-sided war the likes of which hasn't been seen since the Sirens originally appeared.

Universal Drawbacks

Your Companions don't respawn at all without a Perk, Power, or Items of their own that allows them to prevent or recover from being dead. Once they die in a Jump, just like you, they're dead, although you may Rez them if you possess the ability to do so, though this is extremely traumatic to your Companion... better than being dead though. Rezzing a dead Companion also requires you to deactivate 10% of your current cumulative CP total worth of perks until the end of the current jump. This gives any Companions you have 400 extra CP for all Jump.
  • Pseudo-Random-Chan (+50 CP): The Jumper has no control over where they go or when they go there. You, the Author, do. Same restrictions as Random-Chan. This is a Variant of Random-Chan, they cannot be combined.
  • Why Not Without (+200 CP): Your Benefactor fills out your Jumpdoc for you.

Jump Scenario
Origins: Commander
As a Commander, you are a Human. It makes no difference if you are male or female. However, your interactions with Shipgirls will likely be wildly different based on the choice. You might be fresh out of a military academy, Ready to do your part to help push back against the alien menace. Or else you might be a survivor of the original push against the Sirens, old and wise with scars showing your hard-earned knowledge. Wherever you fall on that spectrum is up to you, as is the appearance of your form. Within reason. Your resources will be limited until you take steps to rectify that. You will discover a small cache of Coins and Oil that was sent to aid you in starting up your command. The Oil will last ten Shipgirls through six sorties before running out and the Coins will be enough to start up a small base, if barely.

Race: HumanGender: Male Age: 25

Perks, Items and Companions

A hat and a uniform does not a commander make. It comes from within. The confidence to lead and the ingrained authority to command are simply a part of those truly born into the role. It cannot be taught and must be forged by years of practice. Or you could just take this perk. This grants you that same aura of command and presence that makes those around you want to follow your commands. You can turn this off if you desire to enter the room without making heads turn.
Whether you went to an official naval college of some sort or won your experience on the high seas, you have a solid grasp of naval battle tactics. You know enough to arrange ships in basic formations, understand the differences and uses of the various Shipgirl Classifications, and issue effective orders to groups on the battlefield. You might not be a genius, but you're not going to have all your Shipgirls sunk below the waves in their first sortie either.
Most Shipgirls will show some level of deference and willingness to follow order to their commanding officer, even if mistreated or ignored. But having a fleet that is willing, and even happy, to follow orders certainly makes for a less stormy atmosphere in port. Like a certain mysterious commander of Azur Lane, you have a quality that just makes Shipgirls like you. Commanding them in battle and a dash of positive attention is all you need to see your bond with your fleets deepen. This also works to a lesser degree on females on all kinds.
Powerful personalities and strong wills abound among the Shipgirls. Organizing a group of them to do anything can be a daunting task, especially when three would rather yell at each other than fire at the enemy. However you have the talent, or the training, to organize them and get even those with long standing feuds to work together. Simply put, you have excellent managerial skills that work especially well when it comes to organizing those with strong personalities.
For Shipgirls, love and friendship are more than just words that look pretty on greeting cards. They are as important and vital as they are to any human soul. Those know command them must come to understand that fact, or they will find themselves on the losing side when faced with those who do. You understand it all too well and have learned to turn small moments of fun and affection into actual boosts in power for those you spend time with. While it is not a large effect initially, it grows more noticeable the more care that is put into each person. A few kind words will offer little. A heartfelt chat, on the other hand, will do so much more.
Just like any military force, a navy runs on its stomach. Shipgirls are thirsty creatures. They require ammunition and oil to be replenished after each sortie. Repairs and maintenance are both constant drains on the pocketbook as well. But there are other ways Shipgirls can be useful other than direct battle. They make excellent escorts across the now perilous seas. It is one of many services merchants and smaller governments are all too keen to pay high prices for. You have a talent for drumming up small jobs to pay the bills, especially those that your companions and allies can easily perform. Additionally, your rewards for such jobs may include trinkets and items beyond cash. In this world that means weapon parts and systems, or even the occasional Wisdom Cube. In other words, expect similar, but different, bonuses.
It's a little hard to be against women in the navy when women are the navy. It's even harder when the ships themselves are all competing for your attention. There's bound to be fighting, especially with so many strong personalities around. Thankfully, you've gained an true insight on how to manage such a horde. By introducing them to each other. With just a little guidance on your part, the multitude of Shipgirls under your command will discover reasons to like each other instead of hate. They'll be more willing to share your attention, find other ways to divert themselves with other like-minded individuals in your radius, and overall give you time to breathe. Additionally, this will cause any teamwork performed by those in your circle to be dramatically more effective due to the lack of infighting. Keep in mind that this insight doesn't do anything to actually attract the women to you. But it does certainly help you manage those that do attach themselves to you.
War is a game almost as old as man itself. It is a game of chess played on a massive scale with pieces too numerous to list. The only sure way to win is to stay ahead of your opponent, adapt to any surprises, and always keep the end goal in mind. The great leaders of the past understood this. And now you do as well. You have been gifted with keen insight into the art of war that would do Sun Tzu and General Patton proud. Given a little information about any given battlefield along with a map or two and you will all but instantly know the best way to use it to your advantage. A few moments is all you need to find a way to turn surprise assaults against your foes. You are not impossible to defeat in battle, if barely, and your strategies will make your opponents pay dearly for every nautical mile you are forced to yield.


Most Commanders are going to find themselves in charge of a military base of one size or another. Especially if you joined a Faction. But for those wanting to take a little slice of this world with them, there's this purchase. This large plot of land is set on the edge of a gentle cove that is deep enough to allow for even aircraft carriers to shelter inside it. While there isn't much there, several concrete docks have been built to give both ships and Shipgirls a place to dock. There are also several metal warehouses and a small naval headquarters set a short walk from the docks. It will be enough for any naval officer to establish a foothold. While this stretch of land cannot attach to your Cosmic Warehouse, it will follow you between worlds and can be modified or upgraded if you like. It will always set itself down in an appropriate location if there is one to be had. If you would like, you can place other pieces of property you have following you between worlds onto the stretch of land or have it become part of an island or landmass you currently own.


While attitude is what makes a commander a true leader, dressing in the right uniform certainly helps out. This set of three uniforms will be perfectly tailored to accentuate your masculinity while also staying impeccably clean. The exact look of it will change depending on your choice of Faction, but no matter what they look like, they will ensure that whoever sees you knows that you are someone of import. And yes, of course, it comes with a hat.
This desk is so large that it could easily be mistaken for a table with delusions of grandeur. You will be able to unroll the largest of tactical sea maps onto it without having the edges drooping off. In addition to a large number of drawers, it also has several map holders cut into the left edge and a peg to hang your hat on the right. This desk also comes with an impressive and comfortable chair that rolls, swivels, and even leans back for the days when stress starts to build.
A palm-sized pocket mirror might seem to be an odd thing for a Commander to have in their pockets. But this is no ordinary mirror. For one, the mirror is actually a one-way piece of glass, allowing the holder to look through it at others. When used this way, the glass lights up with a HUD displaying the affection that the person being looked at has for the holder. An easy way to see just how deep your relationship has grown with the Shipgirls around you. Just be discrete about it. Some won't like you peeking.
This briefcase of average quality, size, and appearance seems no different from any of the millions of others that just hold simple documents and folders. But this one holds something far more valuable. Twenty (20) Wisdom Cubes sit inside, ready to be used to create Shipgirls if one can find a ship's hull to press them again. The briefcase will refill once every ten years, but will never hold more than twenty. Use them wisely and remember that you may not get what you expect from otherworldly ships.
Shipgirls don't come out of their transformation in peak condition. Giving them a space to hone their skills and lend a few pointers to each other can help out a great deal. This small room is set up with a dozen desks, a few blackboards and whiteboards, as well as a number of simple training manuals contained in a bookshelf. It is a functional area for Shipgirls to teach each other or hold classes on whatever you desire to have them learn. Despite the simplicity of the room, people do find it very easy to learn there. The room can be attached to your Cosmic Warehouse, any other property you own, or you can simply find a new space allocated to you at the beginning of each new world you visit.
Picking and choosing just a few Shipgirls is a hard, and often heartbreaking, decision. Worse still is the fact that only bringing a few with you won't be of much use in future engagements. So this option allows you to pick ten of your favorite Canon Shipgirls and bring them along. You will not decide which ten at the moment you purchase this option, but can instead do so after your time in this world is completed. So you have a chance to experiment and get to know them before you choose. Additionally, these ten Shipgirls will only occupy a single Companion slot. If imported into other worlds, all Perks they receive will be split in power between all ten of them as evenly as possible. If it is not possible to split a Perk for whatever reason, you may choose one to gain the ability instead. But it must be split if at all possible.
Old Allies (50 CP)
So you have some friends you wish to bring along into this world of sweetness and war? Very well. For 50 CP each you can import a single Companion you already have, or create a new one to meet during your time here. Either way, the Companion gains an Origin, its freebies and discounts, as well as 600 CP to spend on Perks. They also gain access to all the General Perks while they are in this world, but may only buy Beauty Booster to keep.

  • Origin: Supports
    • Race: Shipgirl
  • Perks
    • Elbow Grease (Free)
    • Custom Paint Job (100 CP)
    • Shipgirl Retrofits (200 CP)
    • Secrets Of The Sirens (300 CP)
  • Items
    • Wedding Ring (Free)
    • Cute Underwear (Free)
    • Endless Sweets (Free)
    • Special Reserve (Free)
    • Eyecatcher (Free)
    • Toolkit (Free)
    • Radar Headband (100 CP)
    • Oil Refinery (300 CP)

Girls und Panzer
Jump Drawbacks

Tanks are eternal. Well, no, they're not. But they are found in an astounding number of fantasy and science-fiction settings. You may use this toggle to combine the GuP setting with any other setting that features anything like Aircraft Carriers and Tanks. The CP for the two jumps remains separate, all drawbacks from both jumps apply in full, and the sport of Tankery adjusts to the local technological conditions/paradigm.If there's an actual war going on in the setting, all sides will put aside their mutual hostility and bloodlust and now settle things with Tankery matches. Expect serious stakes and spying, but no team assassinations. That would be cheating. Drawbacks can, of course, change that status quo, so be careful what you take if you want things to remain lighthearted.
Special Combo (2300 CP)
Yes, that's an extra 200 CP just for being insane enough to take that combo. Drawback Combo includes
  • The War is Unreal
    • That Would Be Cheating
    • The War is Real
  • All the Enemies You Ever Wanted

Universal Drawbacks

Your Companions don't respawn at all without a Perk, Power, or Items of their own that allows them to prevent or recover from being dead. Once they die in a Jump, just like you, they're dead, although you may Rez them if you possess the ability to do so, though this is extremely traumatic to your Companion... better than being dead though. Rezzing a dead Companion also requires you to deactivate 10% of your current cumulative CP total worth of perks until the end of the current jump. This gives any Companions you have 400 extra CP for all Jump.
  • Pseudo-Random-Chan (+50 CP): The Jumper has no control over where they go or when they go there. You, the Author, do. Same restrictions as Random-Chan. This is a Variant of Random-Chan, they cannot be combined.
  • Why Not Without (+200 CP): Your Benefactor fills out your Jumpdoc for you.

Jump Scenario
Origins: Tech-Head
You know all about the machine side of tanks, from engines to treadsvto the special paint that makes them almost indestructible. (100 CP)

National: Latveria for Latverians!
you may import a fictional, historical, or alien nation into this world, creating a schoolship for them. This includes any nation you founded in any previous jump. Their tech level is the same as the rest of the world, and their tanks are comparable to WWII-era tanks, and they are all at the same power level as normal humans. You must have encountered that culture in your travels if it is fictional or alien, but if you want Hittites with Tanks, that's fine. (200 CP)

This challenge overrides scenarios and starting locations and changes your starting age to 12. You have just arrived on the deck of the original Spanish School Ship "Alhambra" (based on the Principe de Asturias). It is old, it is run down, it has never, ever, won as much as a single match. You are a junior high First Year... and also the Principal of the school, and it is your sacred duty to reverse this shameful record. By the end of your 10 years (3 in junior high, 3 in high school, and 4 as coach/homeroom teacher) you must secure Alhambra's reputation for all time... for the Glory of Spain! Of course, the ship has only a few old light tanks, several of them WW1 era, and no spares, so you'll have to find ways to win with pieces that should be in museums... and the school is dead broke, so you'll have to find a way to pay for her repairs, fuel... food. On the plus side, you have students from all over the world... on the downside, they're all people who couldn't get into better schools. Also, you're not even in the senior league (the one that contains Anzio, Black Forest, Pravda, Koala, Ooarai, St. Gloriana, Jatkosota, and Saunders. No, you're in the junior league, with Argentina's "Christo", Canada's "Lief Erikson", France's "Maginot" (which isn't even based on an Aircraft Carrier), The Netherlands's "Moulin Rouge", India's "Ramayana", Ukraine's "Crimea", and Thailand's "White Elephant". You'll have to fight your way up out of the junior bracket before you graduate junior high, win the senior championship before you graduate high school, and as coach you must shepherd your students to victory in four consecutive championship defenses... victories you can not interfere with except through your preparations. Oh... and the contents of your warehouse are scattered throughout the 5.4 kilometer long vessel, securely under lock and key of course, but terribly inconveniently scattered and badly sorted... At least initially. Your warehouse itself (as well as any automatic sorting system it has, or any catalogue of what you have and where it is), cannot be accessed for the duration of the jump. Instead, there are Warehouse sections clearly marked all over the vessel which can only be accessed by you, your companions, and those you authorize... or anyone who steals your personal keycard. Feel free to reorganize them as you see fit, though you might have to explain why you're moving a Gundam from Deck 4 Aft to Deck 61 Central. If you've managed to somehow cram more than would normally fit into the Warehouse into it, the same tech / magic that allows an overstuffed Warehouse also allows the Schoolship to contain it all. Warehouse attachments remain attached to your Warehouse, and are not present on the ship. If you succeed in this challenge, you gain your choice of any one of the canonical Schoolships to take with you from jump to jump or you may keep the Alhambra if you've grown attached to her.

Race: Human Gender: Male (50 CP) Age: 20

Perks, Items and Companions

You know everything about designing, maintaining, and building tanks. In this jump, this knowledge applies to WW2-era tanks and before (unless you change the paradigm) but you can rapidly pick up any tech you are exposed to and apply it to tanks. Any tech skills you have and any you gain on future jumps are automatically applied to tanks or tank-like vehicles (APCs, IFVs, Tankettes, Self-Propelled Guns, Walker Tanks, Metal Gears, Bolos, SheVas, etc.)
In total defiance of the way things actually work, you can actually manage to bring repair and rebuild jobs in under budget and on tight deadlines, all without sacrificing quality... and without all the proper tools. Doing so is extremely fatiguing, but you could rebuild a main battle tank's engine... in the middle of a jungle, in 8 hours or less. Any slapdash repair job you perform will last just long enough to do whatever you needed it to do... at which point it will promptly break down completely and need to be scrapped and replaced.
Get the best performance out of any vehicle you personally performed the maintenance on. If used on a machine larger than a tank, this only applies to the specific systems you directly worked on or oversaw maintenance of... thus, if you worked on the engines of the USS Enterprise, it would go faster on less fuel and turn more easily without complications. Any system you designed or built personally can perform safely up to 120% of the effectiveness of an identical system designed or built by someone else. If you designed and built it, the effect is 130%, and if you are personally maintaining a system you designed and built, the effect is 140%... and if you're also operating it... 150%. And that's all without redlining the system.
Your Body and Spirit are sound and indomitable and the goodwill of countless men is sure to be yours. Your stamina, willpower, and fighting spirit cannot be sapped by any external force, and your reserves of all three are enhanced to peak human. You possess the ability to remain polite and dignified and graceful even under heavy fire, and draw in the goodwill of members of the opposite sex and the respect of members of your own.
There are 5 specializations in tanking and everyone gets one for free. Being a specialist makes you fully qualified at that task, but doesn't elevate you to the ranks of the very best. You'll have to practice for that. Purchasing a second specialization isn't unusual, and costs 100CP.
The specializations are:
  • Commander: specializing in situational awareness and team management, it is the commander's job to direct everyone else and keep a level head. Easily the most rewarding job, it is also the most dangerous, as a Commander often has to stick their head and torso out of the armored sections of the tank to get a good look at the battlefield.
  • Gunner: Few things in the world compare to the sense of personal empowerment like firing the main gun of a tank... and it's your job. To do the job well, you must be able to calculate ranges, drop, and flight paths in your head, on the fly. You have to be able to adjust for moving targets, environmental factors... and the fact that sometimes your own tank will be moving too. The Gunner controls the elevation of their cannon, and if there is a turret on the tank, the rotation of that turret.
  • Radio / Navigator: a single tank on its own isn't a huge threat, which is where the Radio Operator comes in. Keeping up the flow of communication between the tank and the other members of its team is job one... job two is making sure the Commander knows where you are and the driver knows where you're going. Navigation should not be taken lightly,. It is also the most modern of jobs, as nothing in the rules prohibits using text messaging and GPS systems.
  • Loader: It may not be glamorous, picking up shells from the ammo bin and slamming them home, but in battle, every second counts. Sure, modern tanks require little more than the press of a button, but these old WW1 and 2 tanks require manual loading and those shells aren't light... and often don't like to be dropped. A tank without a good loader is essentially unarmed.
  • Mechanic: Someone has to repair the tanks. Although the Mechanic is not usually a member of the crew, it is still a vital specialization.
  • Driver: Because the treads operate independently of each other, driving a tank is like driving two cars at the same time... by looking out a small slit in the armour. A tank driver must be constantly aware of obstacles that can't be run over, obstacles that can be run over, and obstacles that can be driven through. Without a skilled driver, a tank crew is effectively immobilized... if they're lucky. With a bad driver behind the wheel, they may just end up in a world of hurt.


You come into possession of a machine that produces high quality, cute, and above all, fireproof Uniforms. They are always fashionable, comfortable, and extremely durable. And easy to clean, even if covered in mud or smoke or motor oil. The machine can make up to 5 human-sized uniforms each day
You gain a supply of the same "Carbon" paint they coat the tanks in that allow them to take direct hits without massive internal damage. You have enough to paint 5 tanks with, and your supply is replenished once every week. There are two different color choices "Military Drab" or "These Colors Never Run". The Military Drab ones allow your vehicles to blend into the surroundings with ease and promote discipline. The Colors Never Run set are all bright and powerful colors, hard to hide, but they promote morale and esprit de corps.
You get a massive fish farm for your warehouse, complete with feeding system. The feeding system restocks automatically with whatever food your fish will find the most nutritious, there will never be any disease in the fish bred in the farm, and they always produce high quality, attractive and tasty food. You gain 4 tanks, each of them large enough to hold up to 100 tuna safely.
Your Warehouse gains a Tank Bay attached to it. The bay can hold up to 10 main battle tanks, the facilities to maintain and repair them, spare parts enough to build an additional 30 tanks from spare parts, and 10 rolling shutter doors that function exactly like the door to your warehouse (though they only lead to the Tank Bay). At your discretion, up to 10 doors between your Warehouse proper and the Tank Bay can be created. Also, it is up to you if this area is one large open bay or multiple isolated bays. When purchased, the Bay is empty, and can only be used to store things related to tanks.


Every Good School Deserves Tankers... And as such, you can Import, free of charge, up to 32 of your companions. However, any you import using this option are, for the duration of this jump, transformed into human school girls, locked into that form, and cannot use any out-of-jump abilities... they each gain Basic Tankery, one specialization, and 200 CP to spend on perks, gear, or canon companions (which become their companions and they may choose to add them to their own squads). If you don't have enough companions (or don't want to import some of those you have), you may make up the difference by importing schoolgirl versions of historical or fictional commanders, warriors, or leaders to join your cause... With the notable exceptions of Julius Caesar, Erwin Rommel, Sanada Yukimura, and Narasaki Ryō. Note that companions that don't import via this method are not powered down, but the companion limit for this jump is 32 individuals, not 32 companion slots.

Hey guys I'm new here but want to start this again. Are we allowed to discuss sexually explicit jumps? I heard the rules on sexual content is much less ridged then SB
Hey guys I'm new here but want to start this again. Are we allowed to discuss sexually explicit jumps? I heard the rules on sexual content is much less ridged then SB
As long as you don't go full lewd I think so, I've done a couple of lewd Jump and so far no mod ban me just yet. (we also have QQ version if thing went south) :D
As long as you don't go full lewd I think so, I've done a couple of lewd Jump and so far no mod ban me just yet. (we also have QQ version if thing went south) :D
From what I heard discussions of sexual content is fine but not actual porn. Unlike space battles which bans any discussion of sexual content.

Linking to a diagram of vagina fistula in a thread about health would be fine but not something from Pornhub.

Foot fetish art as long as not explicit is also fine.

Discussions of Pornhub and how it steals videos from indie artists fine alongside porn stars.

But actually explicit stuff is wrong
Well, if jump description is too lewd you can just use perk name or hide lewder part of the jump. Otherwise it should be fine