Touched by the Gods. [Worm CYOA SI]

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Smeagol I

Meg huffed, and stretched under the blankets.

The hour was late, and as usual her...
Smeagol I


Feanor did nothing wrong.
Smeagol I
Meg huffed, and stretched under the blankets.

The hour was late, and as usual her master was still awake, paying more attention to the noisy and warm lightbox than he was to her. Maybe if she farted.

Meg farted.

"Goddamn it Meg, that stinks."

She shouldn't have done that, that stench was terrible, but thankfully most of it was under the blankets where her master was, and her head was out in the cold air.

"You're not getting any more fish."

It was his own fault. He should have taken her for a walk.

"Go on, get outside."

Meg wasn't going anywhere, it's cold out of the blanket. She put her head back down and closed her eyes. Maybe if she dreams of running along the dunes again, he'll eventually turn the lightbox off.

"-want to be a ROB. "


"Meg, sit. Stop barking!"

Like he could stop her. But Meg sat and raised her right paw, when she sits, she sometimes gets treats.

Her master spoke again "No, I was filling this out as a fantasy for being an SI."

The new voice spoke again "That's not how that works." There's no scent of any new humans in the room. Is the sound coming from the lightbox again? Megs master will probably be awake for more longers again. "An SI is just a character that dreams that it's real. If you become a Random Omnipotent Bastard, you're the one subjecting it to random encounters, creating the world it survives in, and the people it interacts with. It moves in the dream you create, while you punish and reward based on how it entertains you."

Yes. It's just the lightbox. Meg walked around in a circle, digging at the doona, trying to figure out how to get under the blankets again. Of course. Meg looked at her master and put her front paw down on his hand.

"Excuse me a moment-" her master said, but strangely, not to her. "Get of the doona, dumbass and I'll lift it up." What did he want? "Off the bed! Up!" Meg obediently jumped off the bed and returned to find the blankets had been lifted again. Putting her paw on his hand worked. It is magic.

"So? Was I right?" The voice laughed stupidly, like her master used to do when he pretended to be insane. "Did you want to be a ROB?"

"Well, I hadn't thought being a God was on the table. It does put me in less danger, even if the setup was for a Brute, Thinker, Tinker."

"Gods are just a Mortal conceit. To be a ROB, you need understanding, and to pass the challenges thrown at you."

If her master would not let her sleep, Meg would fart again.

"So, being a ROB isn- GODDAMNIT!"

Meg had farted again.

EDIT: 2018/09/21 I've changed the CYOA. Nothing in the story, as told to this point, is effected by this. I removed the Tinker aspect, because the intent was to give him a power that could not be used, or would take forever to finally be able to use. However, it's come to my attention that Tinkers apply a sort of shaker power to make an unfinished product that wouldn't ever work, into something that would. To quote:

Nume on AH said:
So, Tinkers. You fear that without modern tools a tinker power would be useless, fear not, because tinkers were capable of build tools to build tools if necessary, except that they don't really need it. You see, the reason why tinkertech can't be reproduced without the tinker is because every tinker is actually a shaker, they build incomplete machines then add a shaker effect to make it work. The few tinkers that can mass produce things are either a experiment from the entidies using non-treating tech, or, like Dragon, using a thinker power that would appear as a minor tinker rating for the PRT (Dragon is a tinker 8 for the PRT because she does those thinker shenanigans at AI speed). So, tools are optional, anything is good enough for a tinker, just look at Bonesaw tinkering away with stuff she finds in a bathroom. Your character can easily wander into Riverwood forge with a few iron ingots, a plank of wood, some grass off the ground, a hammer and a tong and build a iron robot and a laser rifle, because all the materials and tools used are cosmetic to the shaker effect.

AN: I'm going to post each update at under a thousand words, because I suck as a writer and can't write more than that. If I try, I stall out and never write anything. This is to practice writing in different voices, and to get into the practice of at least submitting things.
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None of the choices scream about being Robby or godly just superman style superhuman.

Am I missing something, because with the starting context I would have thought he was going as a ROB
Certainly what the conversation is implying, yes. However, he had to create a character to fuck around with.
Ralof I
Ralof I​

Ralof was tired. It had been a long hard war to come to such an ignominious end. Still, it wouldn't do to show cowardice in the face of Talos, nor the stoic Nord who had also been captured soon after the Imperial ambush. No, he could shore up the strangers courage with camaraderie before they faced their ends. No, not long now before they reached Helgen.

The horse-thief did not seem to have a warriors spirit, willing to go to Talos with his head held high- but even he had an honour of a sort, arguing on behalf of the stranger to live as well. As if the connection would not further damn him.

Not that Lokir was apparently willing to lump the unconscious naked giant of a man lying on the floor of the cart with the two non-stormcloaks, in with his fellow non-stormcloaks. The stranger was at least wearing clothes when he was apparently caught sneaking across the border from Riften into Falkreath Hold.

"Oww. Fuckerations, that fucking lying cunting cunt of a bastard shithead fucknugget-"

Well. Ralof certainly couldn't fault the man for the sentiments. Nor his vocabulary. As the man continued on Ralof considered that the giant was either a Sailor, or of the Bards College, for his gifted tongue and wide vocabulary of vulgarities.

"- the fuck am I?"

"In an Imperial prison wagon friend, a few miles from Helgen if I remember these roads rightly."

"Helgen? Fuck. Well, I'd say good morning Ralof, and that it's a pleasure to see you again, but I'm thinking you wouldn't remember me, and I'm not sure it's going to be a good morning."

Remember him? Ralof would certainly remember a giant mad enough to run around Skyrim in the nude.

"No, I can't say it will."

"So, I guess if he's Ralof, that'd make you High King Ulfric, and you would be Shor Himself, Talos, the Almighty Ysmir, and Shezzarine of Lorkhan. God of Mankind, and the currrent Dragonborn. I'm sorry for how these traitorous scum bastards have betrayed your Empire, sire."

What? Ralof was certain he called Ulfric the High King, those who do generally side with the Stormcloaks and Skyrim over the Elves and their Empire lackeys.

What? Wait, what did that madman say? The stranger- no, Ralof realised he shouldn't think like that. It's as he said, they're all Brothers now. He said that the quiet Nord is Shor himself? Wandering naked through the mountains must have left him delusional. The poor madman, the gods are cruel sometimes.

"Traitors?" His quiet brother in binds asked.

"Aye. These Thalmors' cum guzzling retards who dare to continue wearing your emblem, the sigil of the Dragonborn. They're all fucking traitors. You hear me wagon driver, you're a Thalmor-fucking traitor to your emperor. You khajiit raping, donkey cum guzzling, thundercunt!"

His new brother looked bemused, even Lokir was starting to to lose the tension his fear was building.

"I said 'shut up back there', or would you like me to shove this thick cudgel in your mouth so you can't talk?"

"I'm not your mother last night!"

And of course, the wagoneer stopped the cart. Oh, well, madman or not, the giant is going to the gods with his spirit ablaze, even if his body will be battered and broken.

Looking up Ralof could see Ulfric sending him a questioning gaze. Even the Stupefied looking stranger was looking curious and amused. What could Jarl Ulfric want- Oh, right, the madman said he knew him.

"Madman, you said you knew me? I don't recall meeting anyone like you before"

"Aye, it's been years. I still remember you, and little Hadvar running around Riverwood playing Legionary. Does your sister still run the Mill?"

"Uhh, yes, yes she does. I'm sorry madman, I don't remember you."

The Wagoneer and a few guards dragged the madman out of the cart by his feet. "Alright you big stupid fucking cunt, you're going to get a beating that you'll hope will take you to Sovngarde."

Ralof considered this a pity, but if nothing else, the Madman had definitely earned this beating.

"Come then you vomit felching, elf fiddling, pissant. -"


The Imperial wagoneer drove his cudgel straight into the madmans gut. It didn't even seem to budge him.

"-Let's see if you're even half as strong as your wife was when I rode her-"


His next hit apparently went straight to his jaw. That's going to shut him up.

"- from Bruma to the Pale Pass with only half my dick in her ass. -"

Or, not apparently. Could anything actually shut this man up? The divines truly must love a madman.


In Talos name, the Madman may have been getting a bit personal, but there's no need to hit a man there.

"-Hit me in the nuts one more time shit licker, and I'll kick your head off into the trees," The madman growled.


As suddenly as the Imperial sadist moved to strike the madman in his balls again, the Giant moved, somehow knocking the wagoneer to the ground, and stomping on him with a sick squelch. While the guards moved from annoyed and watching, to grasping for their weapons, Madman hopped back onto the wagon and called out, "Hurry it up, we've got an execution to get to. Don't want to be all day."

Ralof looked at him surprised as the Madman looked back at him and asked "So, who wants to learn a song? Just sing along as you start to pick up the words.

"♫You've got a friend in me. ♫
♫You've got a friend in me. ♫
♫When the road looks, rough ahead... ♫
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:D That'll be addressed in story, in a throwaway line that no-one pays attention to. But, in essence, the ROB wasn't just a random ROB.
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hows he going to use the rank 7 robotic tinker and rank 10 nano tech tinker in this setting o_O everything else ya he could but ehhh watched its funny
Please tell me he's going to kill "He Goes To The Block!" Captain.
Imagine everything you'd do in that setting with these powers. Not the politics or adventure, just the initial reaction to certain people. That'd probably be a fairly common reaction with most players.

hows he going to use the rank 7 robotic tinker and rank 10 nano tech tinker in this setting o_O everything else ya he could but ehhh watched its funny
It's important to bear in mind that the tinker aspects were added while the SI was considering Earth Bet. How the OC can use his tinker specialty in this setting is, well, part of the story.
he could use magika as a powersource for his robots and nano tech for this setting till he is able to bug out of this universe cause from what i understand they do have transuniversal magicka spells to go to other universes
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So I assume that with the robotics focus hes going to be making thr dwemer look like chumps?

And making all the dunmer think hes secretly sotha sil.
So far your character is reminding me of Team four stars Hellsing abridged Alucard :D
Now I am picturing in my head the meeting with the imperial captain.

IC : "Your down a man what happened to him?"
Madman: "I killed him for hitting me in the nuts"
IC: "Why was he hitting you in the nuts?"
Madman: "Well I was minding my own business, when he told me to suck his cudgel and I responded with 'I'm not your mother last night" and he took offence" :lol
First of all. Fuck you.
Second of all. Fuck.
That, was, close. Too close. But I'm not changing fucking shit. Nor am I stealing ideas from you. What's actually happening is that the MC is based on me, and I'll shamelessly rip amusing ideas from everywhere and it's not plagiarism because they're not in that universe to claim I stole from them. And it was always in my plan to steal from Hellsing Abridged, and Disney, and DBZA, and anywhere else I think has funny lines.

Third of all, I'm considering changing his Nanotech to Genetics. It'd still be damn near impossible for him to create all the tech to create all the tech to cre- et cetera to get to the point where he can tinker on either nanotech or genetics, which is kinda what I had planned, making it exceedingly hard on him. I'm just not sure which one, either nanotech or genetic tinkering, would require more tech base than the other, to make it more of a pain in the arse.

Also, I don't actually dislike you Palles.
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Hadvar I (First Omake)
I don't like this. None of this is canon, but I made a commitment to submit something each day. Yesterday it was something on my page. I'm going to use themes from this, but I don't like what I've written, and so I'll be rewriting it tomorrow. Ragging on this won't hurt my feelings. Shit, ragging on any of it won't hurt my feelings, but I'd appreciate any constructive criticism, and will probably agree with any destructive criticism. << All that, that's honesty. \/\/ All that, that was meant to be recalling events, not living them. So I decided to scrap it. Starting again.

Hadvar I

Well. That happened.

Hadvar had known what was coming. Civil Wars were cruel to turn brother against brother. Friend against friend. But he had known. He had known when he celebrated achieving his lifelong goal over a night of ale with his best friend and was told that he was joining the Stormcloaks that, eventually it would come to this. Even if the Jarl had not yet assassinated the High King, he had known. Hearing it But knowing was not the same thing as seeing his name on the list of traitors captured with the Jarl.

Knowing that it might one day come was not the same thing as having that day arrive.

Hadvar would weather this storm. He would weather this storm, and go and drink as much of Vilods sweet juniper mead as he could in one night in memory of him. He was a Legionnaire of the Empires Legions, and he would do his duty with as much compassion as could be allowed, with stoicism, and solemnity, and-

And what the hell?

Hadvar certainly hadn't expected the wagons to come in with singing, some song about friendship. Why the hell is he singing about friendship? He gave up friendship out of desire for revenge against the Thalmor bastards. He gave up more than a decade of love.

Those damned elves.

Hadvar didn't realise he was standing there glowering at- the prisoners, until Captain Trebipta cleared her throat. Thank you Julitta.

"Ulfric Stormcloak. Jarl of Windhelm."

Then he spoke. He wouldn't know honour if he was bound and gagged by it. Again.

"Ralof of Riverwood" Why did you do this? Damn you. Damn Ulfric. Damn those elves. He wouldn't even look at Hadvar, he just moved to the side to stand next to his hero.

"Wait. You, giant. Step forward. Who are you?"

"Hadvar? You don't recognise me either? First Ralof, now you. I knew you wouldn't, of course. It's been years since we played legionaire and ran around getting into scrapes together, and years since I left Riverwood."

"I'm sorry Kinsman. If we once knew each other, I can't remember you."

He snorted. Fuck you too, if what the Giant says is true, you didn't recognise him either. No, Hadvar would ignore him, and focus on the dignity of the moment. "Captain. What should we do? He's not on the list."

His Captain coldly replied, "Forget the list. He killed Raner, he goes to the block." Ah, well, murderers...

"Not a Stormcloak then? A murderer. I could have respected an enemy."

"Oh it's you. You shitcovered cock riding piss bucket." The murdering giant spat at the Captain. "That arrogant little thalmor fluffer hit me in the balls. I said I'd kick his head into the trees if he did it again, and he did. If you traitors to the Dragonborn line are going to try to kill me, I'm not moving a fucking inch until that Thalmor Apologist, Tullius-"


The prisoners just look amused as Captain Trebipta hit him across the jaw with her rod.

"Deja fucking vous. Well Tullius, your little weakling here's decided to step up."
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First of all. Fuck you.
Second of all. Fuck.
That, was, close. Too close. But I'm not changing fucking shit. Nor am I stealing ideas from you. What's actually happening is that the MC is based on me, and I'll shamelessly rip amusing ideas from everywhere and it's not plagiarism because they're not in that universe to claim I stole from them. And it was always in my plan to steal from Hellsing Abridged, and Disney, and DBZA, and anywhere else I think has funny lines.

Third of all, I'm considering changing his Nanotech to Genetics. It'd still be damn near impossible for him to create all the tech to create all the tech to cre- et cetera to get to the point where he can tinker on either nanotech or genetics, which is kinda what I had planned, making it exceedingly hard on him. I'm just not sure which one, either nanotech or genetic tinkering, would require more tech base than the other, to make it more of a pain in the arse.

Also, I don't actually dislike you Palles.
Why even use either? Robotics is sweet, but you don't really need nanomachines or genetics. Do you? Personally I think you should get Rocky (Second Trigger). Think about it dude, SI gets smacked in the jaw with a cudgel, can suddenly lift a few more pounds. Gets moon launched by a giant, when he comes back down moon launches the Giant.

If you really want one of the two Powers I recommend you get genetics. Nano machines are cool and really powerful, but once you make some combat based ones all things stop being problems. Bandit, Nanoswaarm eats it, giant, nanoswarm eats it. I say genetics because then you can create things like super soldiers and become even more physically capable, add other races DNA to yourself for extra abilities, even create your own zombie plague if you want, maybe, I'm not a geneticist! Plus, there are unique creatures in this world which might make genetics even cooler.

Plus, I think that since you're a tinker, it's actually not that hard to make either, but genetics is probably easier to set up but Nanos are probably easier to make once you have everything set up.

Edit: biggest reason I want you to get Rocky is because the SI tends to stand around and take hits, it synergies especially well with regeneration and one day you'll get attacked by a dragon which you will jump up to, grab it, and slam it into the ground, then proceed to beat the everloving shit out of it.

Don't feel pressured though.
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No, the point is getting outstanding ideas that he can't actually use in anything like a reasonable timeframe. Canonically tinkers had to have equipment, and put in a lot of time to make shit work. Genetics it is. I'm also going to swap out Robotics for Repair [another functionally useless tinker option], and Fortification[not useless].

I like Rocky, I really do. Some of my other CYOA choices are based around Brute, Rocky, Regeneration, Perfect Mind. But for this story, the SI who is the ROB, rather than the MC, created that set up to watch some amusing things. If he can just amp up to wrestle Alduin to the ground, it wouldn't become much of a story. It'd just become a curb stomp, and that'd get boring for the SI.
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