To Become One (A Mavel Symbiote Quest)

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We're going to make so much tech here
I really wish that intelligence was not part of super power choices due to how not only people having bad habit of always picking them all the time but the fact that they are done to death when it comes to tech creation.

On top of that it tends to make interesting premises way less interesting due to constantly focusing on tech all the time. Not even joking, one quest had the MC have powers like the protagonists like the Prototype games where IIRC they could assimilate powers from other races only to hyper focus on technology the entire quest.

Honestly feels like if super intelligence is going to be a power for the MC it should be the base lne power for the MC ala tinker like powers. Since otherwise I can see that this quest is likely to lose the whole symbiote focus to only focus on technology. Like seriously, seems like a tech power is the worst possible choice for a symbiote quest since hyper intelligence was not actually part of any canon symbiotes power and thus just feels superfluous and not really fitting for it.

Maybe it will be handled well but don't think it is going to work. Will stick around to see how it goes though.
you know I put genius not prodigy or super genius right?

There is a difference.

All I will say is that our MC is not going to be changing the world in any way. But she is smarter then the averege cookie, and the Symbiote can most certinaly help her out in problem-solving.

Mostly through violence. :V
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All I will say is that our MC is not going to be changing the world in any way. But she is smarter then the averege cookie, and the Symbiote can most certinaly help her out in problem-solving.

Mostly through violence. :V
I espouse we use this to start a tactical destruction of the Nazi regime from within..

Assassinate a few key commanders, leave evidence to make it look like it's inter-party fighting over power (Hydra making moves to overthrow Hitler?) The infighting will make them collapse faster and may involve less bloodshed then the normal course of the war..

And while the host may be heroic.. in this Era and against the villains of the time. Well lethal force is the go to option, even ol Captain America be gunning down Nazis and bombing their bases.
You know the symbiote can extend someone's life... wonder if she will meet Roger, Max and possible Logan in the future?
you know I put genius not prodigy or super genius right?

There is a difference.

All I will say is that our MC is not going to be changing the world in any way. But she is smarter then the averege cookie, and the Symbiote can most certinaly help her out in problem-solving.

Mostly through violence. :V
That plus time means by the time MCU starts she could have a bustling business. Or work as a lead in Stark Industries.
you know I put genius not prodigy or super genius right?

There is a difference.

All I will say is that our MC is not going to be changing the world in any way. But she is smarter then the averege cookie, and the Symbiote can most certinaly help her out in problem-solving.

Mostly through violence. :V
Huh. So she's just smart, not a ClarkeTech dispenser. Cool.
uhm excuse me but in the vote it was clearly factored in that we could create alien tech; otherwise, i think a majority wouldnt have voted for it if it only gave tactical advantage and somehow left a sore taste in my mouth No offense intended; I was just confused. Is our symbiote a genius who can build or is it just tactical advantage because that would be underwhelming.

[]Genius: A Wise savant, a long time ago, before you were sent training through the Cosmos on an astroid, said this. "A Sentient must learn how to wage war, build a starship, colonize a planet for his own survival, and never give up his child-like wonder to learn." You took those words to heart and never gave up trying to learn.
Untrained: You still struggle every day to try and gather the thoughts and discipline to learn. (Cost 1 Point)
trained: "A Book a day can keep the boredom away." (Cost: 2 Points)
[] Mastery: You dream and can make the world, or anything even, a reality. (Cost: 3 Points)

i mean, it is clearly spelled out or did i miss read, please clarify?
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The Boons and Banes
The Boons and Banes:

Before the Story begins, we need to set up some ground rules, and also prepare the world you are in.

The Starting Date:
[] September 1st, 1939: Hilter has declared war on Poland. In essence, the world. Try as you might, you cannot stop what is to come. Or the suffering about to come.
[]June 25th, 1940: France has fallen. The British are in retreat, and now it seems the Nazi War Machine is without equal in the history of the world.
[]June 22nd, 1941: The Soviets have been invaded by the Germans. The World will hold its breath until one is victorious. Or something else happens
[]June 6th, 1944: This will be the end of the War in Europe. It has to be.

The Boons: These Are Setting Dressings, meant to give you a one-up and survive the coming storm.

(Can only choose 2)

[]Allied Help: The Allies know there is a resistance group that is favorable to their cause. And they will try to support you as much as they can.

[]Safe Location: Frankfurt is a great big city, and it's very much a place that you do not know. But you have a place that is not only safe from the Nazis… But one that they do not even know about.

[]Friends on the Inside: Not everyone in Hitler's Germany is a die-hard Nazi. Some are doing their best to weaken him, or to build up enough power to destroy him. Thankfully, you have one such friend in Frankfurt.

[]Arms Against Tyranny: You have the ability to arm partisans within Germany… with ammunition, weapons, and hope.

[]The Master and Apprentice: You were sent on a mission from Bonn. You are an agent of the opposition parties that were outlawed since the Rise of the Nazis, most notably, a student of Konrad Adenauer. You are not only a political agent serving their will, but they will have missions for you that will be vital to ending Nazi rule over Germany.

[]Disloyal Units: The Garrison units in Frankfurt are not die-hard supporters of Nazism. In fact, some would even call them traitors in all but name. But they were not sent to the east. They were sent as far away from the fighting as possible. And maybe you could use that to your advantage.

The Banes: You should know what these are. They are the things that will make things difficult.
(Must choose 2. Can take more then two, but no more then 4)

[]The Hydra Connection: Hydra, whatever that is, is an elite paramilitary organization within the SS. They are also fanatics with an unknown goal. It is not good, but they hold Frankfurt like it is their own capital city. They will be here.. And you will need to fight them like hell to get anything done.

[]Allied Target: The Allies view you as some sort of Splinter of the Nazi party or member, and have a kill-on-sight order on you. Not high on the list, but still. They have faulty intelligence, and until you fix that, you might be a target for assassination.

[]Fanatical Garrison: The Men here that are part of garrison and police duty are, without a doubt, fanatical. They cannot be bought, they cannot be bargained with, they will do what orders they are done… and without question.

[]Traitors: You think someone is watching you, and everyone you know might be a potential traitor.

AN: Enjoy. and plan format please.
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[X]Plan: Against the Darkness, for a brighter Future
-[X] September 1st, 1939: Hilter has declared war on Poland. In essence, the world. Try as you might, you cannot stop what is to come. Or the suffering about to come.
-[X]Friends on the Inside: Not everyone in Hitler's Germany is a die-hard Nazi. Some are doing their best to weaken him, or to build up enough power to destroy him. Thankfully, you have one such friend in Frankfurt.
-[X]The Master and Apprentice: You were sent on a mission from Bonn. You are an agent of the opposition parties that were outlawed since the Rise of the Nazis, most notably, a student of Konrad Adenauer. You are not only a political agent serving their will, but they will have missions for you that will be vital to ending Nazi rule over Germany.
-[X]The Hydra Connection: Hydra, whatever that is, is an elite paramilitary organization within the SS. They are also fanatics with an unknown goal. It is not good, but they hold Frankfurt like it is their own capital city. They will be here.. And you will need to fight them like hell to get anything done.
-[X]Allied Target: The Allies view you as some sort of Splinter of the Nazi party or member, and have a kill-on-sight order on you. Not high on the list, but still. They have faulty intelligence, and until you fix that, you might be a target for assassination.

I wanna help Germany free itself. For the Germans to reject Hitler and the Nazis out of their own power, instead of having to be freed.

Reasons for the Banes: We won't be able to evade Hydra's attention for too long, anyway, given their Mandate to deal with the Supernatural in the Third Reich. And the Allies thinking we are some kind of Nazi Weapon gone rogue but still evil, or even still a straight up Nazi Agent, is honestly not at all unbelievable. Heck, Hydra might have intentionally fed them that faulty intelligence to isolate us from outside help.
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[X]Plan: Against the Darkness, for a brighter Future

Feels really good. Also is good from a PR standpoint as the Allies also includes the Soviets. We want to make it so that Germany is free, not under the boot of the communist dictatorship.
[X]Plan: Against the Darkness, for a brighter Future

Feels really good. Also is good from a PR standpoint as the Allies also includes the Soviets. We want to make it so that Germany is free, not under the boot of the communist dictatorship.
Yeah, dodging the East German Soviet Rule would be great, if at all possible. Maybe we can even somehow prevent Poland and other Eastern European Countries from falling under Stalin's thumb.
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(Must choose 2. Can take more then two, but no more then 4)
Considering there are only four banes to choose from, this seems kind of redundant.

[X] Plan Shadow War
-[X] September 1st, 1939: Hilter has declared war on Poland. In essence, the world. Try as you might, you cannot stop what is to come. Or the suffering about to come.
-[X]Safe Location: Frankfurt is a great big city, and it's very much a place that you do not know. But you have a place that is not only safe from the Nazis… But one that they do not even know about.
-[X]The Master and Apprentice: You were sent on a mission from Bonn. You are an agent of the opposition parties that were outlawed since the Rise of the Nazis, most notably, a student of Konrad Adenauer. You are not only a political agent serving their will, but they will have missions for you that will be vital to ending Nazi rule over Germany.
-[X]The Hydra Connection: Hydra, whatever that is, is an elite paramilitary organization within the SS. They are also fanatics with an unknown goal. It is not good, but they hold Frankfurt like it is their own capital city. They will be here.. And you will need to fight them like hell to get anything done.
-[X]Fanatical Garrison: The Men here that are part of garrison and police duty are, without a doubt, fanatical. They cannot be bought, they cannot be bargained with, they will do what orders they are done… and without question.


Start Date: Kick things off as early as possible to cause as much change as possible.

Hydra Connection & Safe Location: As Alexander Sturnn said, we will not be able to avoid being noticed by Hydra for long, so we might as well start with their attention to avoid having another problem on top of them. With that said, starting with Hydra's eyes on us means that I believe that we should also take Safe Location to give us a place to operate out of, otherwise, we might be in trouble.

Master and Apprentice: Aside from giving us more direction so we don't wind up fumbling around not knowing what we're doing, I think this will do more to topple the enemy regime than the other options.

Fanatical Garrison: I don't want the Allies thinking we're their enemy and I feel like Traitors creates too much of a risk of our Safe Location being discovered.
[X] Plan Shadow War
Having a target-rich environment is helpful for a being than needs to eat either human brains or chocolate. Good luck finding chocolate in wartime Nazi Germany.
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