This Day, and Never Again (Fate/Zero AU) (Interest Check)


Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed.
Under a rock.
IC Thread here
Map of Fuyuki here

*Looks guiltily at Signature*

Look, it's a way to curb the Plot Bunnies. Weed out the weak and find the ideas that actually last. Don't judge me.

So... Yeah. Fate/Zero AU RP. You control either a Master or a Servant.

Since I'm plagerising Borrowing idea's from Wade Garrett's F/SN RP, this is going to use a (Slightly modified) FATE system for character creation and dice rolling. See here for more information. See this post from that thread for more information.

Applications are currently open. Servants can be anyone from history, anyone from mythology, anyone from classic literature that is set on Earth, or any Canon Servant (That isn't in the same Class as Canon). Master's can be any Canon Nasuverse character that I approve of. Once Servant Applications close, I'll provide a list of Master's for those who wanted to be a Servant but didn't get in.

Oh, and word of warning: One of the major AU factors is something that I can and will throw at people who aren't proactive enough. You will know it when you see it.


Saber: @Mina, @Logos, @MiracleGrow, @Cavalier, @Blackout, @Menwearpink, @o3o, @samdamandias, @Nanimani,

Archer: @SlugSLinger, @A Melted Cheese Sandwich, @Nanimani, @samdamandias, @Coobie,

Lancer: @Blackout, @Olive, @Nanimani, @Logos, @Coobie, @samdamandias,

Rider: @Blackout, @WarShipper, @Krein, @Cavalier, @Menwearpink

Caster: @Krein, @Nanimani, @Mina, @Cavalier, @Blackout,

Berserker: @Azrael, @Oh I am slain!, @Logos

Assassin: @Olive, @Mina, @Nanimani, @Logos,

Masters: @Diomedon, @Entity325, @Divider, @Icaboze, @Coobie, @Narcissist, @Higure, @Crow,
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*Looks guiltily at Signature*

Look, it's a way to curb the Plot Bunnies. Weed out the weak and find the ideas that actually last. Don't judge me.

So... Yeah. Fate/Zero AU RP. You control either a Master or a Servant.

Since I'm plagerising Borrowing idea's from Wade Garrett's F/SN RP, this is going to use a (Slightly modified) FATE system for character creation and dice rolling. See here for more information. See this post from that thread for more information.

Applications are currently open. Servants can be anyone from history, anyone from mythology, anyone from classic literature that is set on Earth, or any Canon Servant (That isn't in the same Class as Canon). Master's can be any Canon Nasuverse character that I approve of. Once Servant Applications close, I'll provide a list of Master's for those who wanted to be a Servant but didn't get in.

Oh, and word of warning: One of the major AU factors is something that I can and will throw at people who aren't proactive enough. You will know it when you see it.









Yeah, come to think of it, you don't have a very good record of updating your RPs, huh? Still waiting for more stuff in Lordran. :V

Shame, though. I can't see Tamamo as any class but Caster. I must give this further thought.
Shame, though. I can't see Tamamo as any class but Caster. I must give this further thought.


Now that I think about it... Having them as a different class then Canon is a bit of a silly restriction, isn't it?

I think I'll change that rule.

From now on, you can apply Canon Servants as their Canon class. They're just less likely to get in.
And sent in Saber.
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Now that I think about it... Having them as a different class then Canon is a bit of a silly restriction, isn't it?

I think I'll change that rule.

From now on, you can apply Canon Servants as their Canon class. They're just less likely to get in.
Well, I know what my Caster application's gonna be! :D
Need to see what her canon stats would be, though. Hm... This requires some thought...
hmm, I said I was interested, but I can't think of a Servant of the top of my head.
Eh, I'll have something by tomorrow.
I'll throw my chip in for a Master spot, preferably with either Lancer, or Caster.

But, bedtime now, so I'll be back to this in the morning.
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On the topic of Stats.

Container Str End Agi Mana Lck
Saber A B B C D
Archer C C C E E
Lancer B C A D E
Rider D D B C E
Caster E E C A B
Berserker C D D E E
Assassin D D B E B
These are the base stats for each Servant.

Wade's post mentions this as Class Containers which can be upgraded. I'm posting this here for ease of access.

(For those too lazy to check, you get +4 to add to these, each 1 bumping something up a rank. If you play as a Famous, or Japanese, Hero, you get another +1. These bonus +1's do not overlap.)
I have a request, after looking at Krein's Caster.

Please put a quick explanation on what each Aspect means. Just to make sure I understand it.
I am also jealous of how well-versed participants are in Nasuverse and how well they write their Masters/Servants.

I just can't compete.
... I think you're better than me at both of those.
Seriously, I haven't even completed Heaven's Feel route yet. And I'm only on Week Six in Fate/Extra. And those are the only Fate games I've played. I haven't even watched the anime.
And the less I have to say about my writing, the better.

Anyway, Caster sheet is in! On to Berserker sleep! As soon as I check on things, I shall sleep.
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Buh buh things to do.

Fuck, I'll send in an Assassin.
I am also jealous of how well-versed participants are in Nasuverse and how well they write their Masters/Servants.

I just can't compete.
Most of it's learning to at least sound convincing with the magibabble. Compared to that, making it accurate is much easier.
I'll be sending in a Master, but it'll be later tonight. I have too much stuff to update.
Saber in. Ideas populated for Saber, Archer, and Caster.

Hmmm... add another Caster to that list, as well.

Edit:...and an Assassin.

Edit2: And a few more that I'm not sure what class to put them in.
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