There Goes the Neighbourhood (Stellaris Quest)

[X] Improve quality of life with more general research programs based around human health and augmentation.

[X] Establish educational trusts and historical monuments designed to educate the next generation about the shared history of all human peoples.
[X] Improve quality of life with more general research programs based around human health and augmentation.

[X] Establish educational trusts and historical monuments designed to educate the next generation about the shared history of all human peoples.
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Expand off-Earth industry with mining outposts in the asteroid belt and hydrogen-3 extraction from the outer planets.

Having our available resources be "middling" seems potentially quite problematic - like it might just stall our economy at the worst possible moment and result in us not being able to deal with any sudden challenges as they crop up. And that might just prove costly.

We know from the intro that there was a resource crisis. One which humanity has apparently learned to mitigate & manage, but without ever really solving the fundamental problem, which is that we don't have enough resources.

So let's change that.
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[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Establish educational trusts and historical monuments designed to educate the next generation about the shared history of all human peoples.

I see research improvements and I vote for them
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Expand off-Earth industry with mining outposts in the asteroid belt and hydrogen-3 extraction from the outer planets.
[X] Improve industrial output with enhanced processes and new technologies.
[X] Pass new subsidy packages aimed at cleaning up the remaining ecological damage from the Resource Wars and expanding local industry.
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Expand off-Earth industry with mining outposts in the asteroid belt and hydrogen-3 extraction from the outer planets.
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Establish educational trusts and historical monuments designed to educate the next generation about the shared history of all human peoples.
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Expand off-Earth industry with mining outposts in the asteroid belt and hydrogen-3 extraction from the outer planets.
[X] Improve quality of life with more general research programs based around human health and augmentation.

[X] Pass new subsidy packages aimed at cleaning up the remaining ecological damage from the Resource Wars and expanding local industry.

We want a strong foundation to build out from. Overreach is a serious danger. First the planet and people, then the system, then the stars.
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It looks like we are probably going to be fairly nice people!

[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Pass new subsidy packages aimed at cleaning up the remaining ecological damage from the Resource Wars and expanding local industry.

I wasn't sure about the industrial option, but I think fixing ecological damage would be a high priority for our government at this stage, despite our economy and industry being pretty decent. There's no point in building unity if we aren't tackling global problems like that. Also, my feeling is that rehabilitating the Earth will be more beneficial than a trickle of extra fuel and minerals from mining outposts - the latter are more of a springboard for future expansion (which can wait until we've surveyed Alpha Centauri).
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[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Pass new subsidy packages aimed at cleaning up the remaining ecological damage from the Resource Wars and expanding local industry.
[X] Improve quality of life with more general research programs based around human health and augmentation.
[X] Pass new subsidy packages aimed at cleaning up the remaining ecological damage from the Resource Wars and expanding local industry.

Let us restore and rebuild the homefront.
[X] Improve quality of life with more general research programs based around human health and augmentation.
[X] Pass new subsidy packages aimed at cleaning up the remaining ecological damage from the Resource Wars and expanding local industry.
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Expand off-Earth industry with mining outposts in the asteroid belt and hydrogen-3 extraction from the outer planets.
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Establish educational trusts and historical monuments designed to educate the next generation about the shared history of all human peoples
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Establish educational trusts and historical monuments designed to educate the next generation about the shared history of all human peoples.
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Expand off-Earth industry with mining outposts in the asteroid belt and hydrogen-3 extraction from the outer planets.
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Expand off-Earth industry with mining outposts in the asteroid belt and hydrogen-3 extraction from the outer planets.
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Establish educational trusts and historical monuments designed to educate the next generation about the shared history of all human peoples.
[x] Improve industrial output with enhanced processes and new technologies.
[x] Expand off-Earth industry with mining outposts in the asteroid belt and hydrogen-3 extraction from the outer planets.
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Expand off-Earth industry with mining outposts in the asteroid belt and hydrogen-3 extraction from the outer planets.
[X] Improve industrial output with enhanced processes and new technologies.
[X] Pass new subsidy packages aimed at cleaning up the remaining ecological damage from the Resource Wars and expanding local industry.
[X] Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries in the laboratory.
[X] Expand off-Earth industry with mining outposts in the asteroid belt and hydrogen-3 extraction from the outer planets.
The Dawning of a New Age: 2205

United Nations of Earth
Democratic Confederation

"We must always care for our environment, or else we do not care for ourselves."
"All living things are blessed with inviolate liberties, and they who violate them are an enemy of all mankind"

Energy Supply: Secure
Resource Supply: Adequate
Civilian Economy: Booming
Industrial Output: Moderate

The idea that Alpha Centauri has a life-bearing planet had been considered in the abstract for many years, but the confirmation of such by the Prometheus' first voyage is electrifying. The planet is smaller than Earth and certainly subject to more extreme weather thanks to the binary pair it orbits, but undeniably in possession of an intact oxygen-breathing ecosphere. By 2202 the newly commissioned UNS Gagarin makes the jump to Alpha Centauri to set up a long-term observation mission to inspect the planet for potential human colonization.

As the Prometheus finishes her system survey of Proxima Centauri, that isolated dwarf at the edge of the trinary system, it identifies the innermost planet as possessing all the necessary building blocks for life. Unfortunately its proximity to the weak glow of Proxima Centauri's red dwarf has rendered it tidally locked, all its spin siphoned off by the parent star. But there is an intriguingly palatable zone in the twilight where life may have once existed, before even the atmosphere was lost and all chances of survival with it. In the far future when humanity runs out of living space, her distant descendants may find themselves terraforming this otherwise unremarkable rock.

Closer to home international missions successfully establish mining operations on Ceres and in orbit of Saturn, providing useful raw materials and reactor fuel. Europa also becomes host to the first permanent human habitation outside Earth's sphere of influence, a small research colony dedicated to investigating the deep oceans of Jupiter's moon. On Earth there has been a concerted effort to expand the resources of the scientific disciplines which are being confronted every day with fascinating mysteries from other stars. One of these mysteries is discovered in late 2203 by the UNS Tereshkova on its survey of the Sirius system. Under the blinding light of a blue star is a planet with an atmosphere that sneers at Venus' acid rain and involves some seriously corrosive fluorine compounds.

While this is interesting in itself, it is the isolation of very high-purity metal compounds that catch attention, a rich seam that seems entirely uncharacteristic compared to the surrounding area. Dispatching a probe into the thick atmosphere reveals why - it is not naturally occurring. In a system that to all appearances has never been inhabited is an alien starship. Intelligent life exists in the stars, and like humanity has ventured outside its own gravity well. The ship itself has clearly been there a long time and is in bad shape, but would likely survive a thousand years more. Unfortunately the mountainside it has partially embedded itself in is less enduring, and it seems surprising the area has not collapsed already. Unfortunately it is unlikely any alien remains will be found, because by all indications the ship is so densely constructed that it would have to be unmanned - a drone ship like many of mankind's disposable probes. What's most fascinating is the radiation flux implies it has an active reactor of some sort, albeit running at very low power.

[ ] Assemble an expedition to attempt to salvage the ship.
[ ] Are those guns? Those are guns. Maybe best left alone for now.

Research Focus (Pick One)

[ ] INDUSTRIAL: Improve industrial output with enhanced processes and new technologies.

[ ] DISCOVERY: Expand scientific capabilities by developing new techniques and methods to analyse new discoveries.

[ ] MILITARY: Develop new weapons and defenses to deal with threats both natural and artificial. .

[ ] IMPLEMENT: Turn cutting-edge science into widely available technology for the public sector.

Social Priority (Pick One)

[ ] Subsidize speculative near-future media and invest in all associated education fields to prepare the population with skills and outlooks an interstellar species will need.

[ ] Focus on scientific initiatives and establish a worldwide educational system based on common metrics and qualifications.

[ ] Push for a worldwide currency, decrease barriers to trade, and invest in productivity improvements for all applicable industries.

Two hour moratorium on votes.
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