Their Light Will Be Ours [Stellaris]

Crisis Turn 3: Clawpair Orbital
Clawpair Orbital
Station Date 266 of year 3001
Director Xartaxes

The jumpship returns a full day ahead of schedule, broadcasting priority codes for Board of Directors tightbeam.

Most of the other directors are still asleep at this hour of the night, but you're lucky enough to have been up conducting a jumpstream test in your private lab. You're down to the Communications hub and talking with the Carcina's crew within ten minutes.

The news is dire. Aliens with the Jump! The thought that you might not be alone in the universe had crossed your mind, of course, but the odds against another Warp-capable civilization were staggering. They would have colonized everything by now...

Well, everything they wanted. This station - it is in orbit of a world with an ammonia atmosphere. Could their biology be radically different from yours? Might an oxygen-dominant world like Klaxis Prime be unlivably toxic to them? You're no geneticist, but you know just the -

You pause before you pick up the phone. If you start calling in every specialist you know, this news will be on public media within the hour. Panic might ensue, especially if the aliens' apparent technological superiority becomes common knowledge. You've been lucky enough to be the first Klaxes to receive the news. Think like a Director, Director!

[ ] Keep the information to yourself. You could gain advantage from this.
[ ] Keep this among the Board of Directors for now. You need to agree on a response before the public gets wind of this.
[ ] Call in specialists immediately. The important thing is to get to work on the crisis.
[ ] Prepare a statement to the media. You need to get out ahead of this monumental news, before any of the other Directors get their claws on it.
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[X] Keep this among the Board of Directors for now. You need to agree on a response before the public gets wind of this.

Seems reasonable to coordinate our response. Independent actions with enormous impact can be justified in emergencies, but this isn't one.
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[X] Prepare a statement to the media. You need to get out ahead of this monumental news, before any of the other Directors get their claws on it.

Can we really trust the doddering old simpletons on the Board? They laughed at us and called us mad! (But we showed them, showed them all.) Now is not the time to second-guess ourselves; we've proved before that we're light-years ahead of them in every way that counts. Take the helm!
[X] Keep this among the Board of Directors for now. You need to agree on a response before the public gets wind of this.
[X] Keep this among the Board of Directors for now. You need to agree on a response before the public gets wind of this.
Crisis Research Turn 1
Clawpair Orbital
Station Date 266 of year 3001

The Council meets: the news of first contact will be broadcast tomorrow. You have other priorities.

Rather than angling for the chance to be on worldwide television announcing First Contact, you move to be placed in charge of research into the alien station. In the political crossfire over who will break the news, your reputation as the Jump Drive's inventor carries you to victory in a single peremptory motion. Not a bad trade.

A dozen grant proposals are on your desk within the hour.

Crisis Research Options:

[ ] What is that alloy? (Industry/Void Engineering Joint Project)

The station in the Jaxus system uses an alloy unknown to our science. Put our engineers on the problem of determining its properties and composition.

[ ] What are they, biologically? (Genetics/Computing Joint Project)
Initial indications are that the species occupying the Jaxus station is notably different from ours. Put a team on isolating potential life signs.

[ ] How does their jump technology work? (Subspace/Computing Joint Project)
The drones observed in Jaxus B had jump technology far eclipsing our own. Dedicate a team to reverse-engineering their miniaturized microjump drives.

[ ] What are the drones doing? (Sociology/Industry Joint Project)
The drones in the system were witnessed performing complex synchronized maneuvers, but we are unsure as to their purpose: a leading hypothesis is that they are some form of asteroid mining operation. Dedicate a team to understanding their motives.

[ ] Why put a station there? (Void Engineering/Genetics Joint Project)
Multiple researchers are perplexed by the positioning of the station, orbiting a toxic world rather than the habitable planet or moon in the same system. Why? Does this alien species prefer ammonia atmospheres?

[ ] How did the station get there? (Subspace/Void Engineering Joint Project)
As of yet, we have no ability to translate macro objects the size of a station through Warp. Is their Warp technology superior to ours in this way as well, or was the station assembled from local materials? Close examination of its structure may give us the answers.

[ ] How can we talk to them? (Sociology/Computing Joint Project)
We're going to need to communicate with these aliens sometime soon. Put a team on developing the most universally-translatable message possible, if not a universal translator.

[ ] What are the implications of their Drive tech? (Sociology/Subspace Joint Project)
Given that they have a precise, tiny Warp Drive, what conclusions can we draw about the aliens' society? How might this technology have affected their development?

[ ] Why a spherical station? (Industry/Genetics Joint Project)
Form follows function. What tasks is the alien station optimized for? What characteristics of its inhabitants can we infer? Can the details of its construction tell us more about their manufacturing methods?

[X] Cut away these collaborations! (ALL FIELDS JOINT PROJECT)
This situation requires a specialization that has never been developed before. Rather than haphazardly disrupting other teams whenever we need their personnel, it's time we face up to the fact that we are witnessing the birth of an entirely new discipline - the field of Xenology.

Find those who best fit, and pull them from their teams. Establish a proper Xenology lab. Doing this organizational work may cost us time in the short term, but in the coming months we'll be glad we did it.

... On second thought, aren't you subscribed to a Xenology listserv?

This project will be pursued for free due to the Klaxes' SCIENCE!!! meme and Director Xartaxes' Mad Scientist trait.
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[X] Cut away these collaborations! (ALL FIELDS JOINT PROJECT)
*sigh* There goes the jump drive research opportunity >.<
Good bye my love
[ ] How does their jump technology work? (Subspace/Computing Joint Project)
...wait just a second.

These are the Klaxes we're talking about.

Who am I kidding that they don't already have a (much lamenting and underfunded) Xenology department already?
I take it the changed vote means we get the Xenology department AS WELL AS one of the other options?
As well as as many of the other options as you can take without repeating a field.

[ ] What is that alloy? (Industry/Void Engineering Joint Project)
[ ] How does their jump technology work? (Subspace/Computing Joint Project)
[ ] What are they, biologically? (Genetics/Computing Joint Project)
[ ] What are the drones doing? (Sociology/Industry Joint Project)
[ ] Why put a station there? (Void Engineering/Genetics Joint Project)
[ ] How did the station get there? (Subspace/Void Engineering Joint Project)
[ ] How can we talk to them? (Sociology/Computing Joint Project)
[ ] What are the implications of their Drive tech? (Sociology/Subspace Joint Project)
[ ] Why a spherical station? (Industry/Genetics Joint Project)

Industry = Alloy, Drones, Spherical = 3
Void Engineering = alloy, why-station-there, how-station-get-there. = 3
Subspace = Jump drive, How station get there, What are implications of drive. = 3
Computing = Jump drive, What r they, How 2 talk?? = 3
Genetics = What are they, Why station there, Why spherical = 3
Sociology = Drones, How 2 talk, What implications of drive = 3

All options being 3, presumably they're all equally limiting. Thus, TO SCIENCE!!!!
[X] What is that alloy? (Industry/Void Engineering Joint Project)
[X] How does their jump technology work? (Subspace/Computing Joint Project)
[X] How can we talk to them? (Sociology/Computing Joint Project)

Everything else is secondary to a good First Contact
With the prospect of contact with a technologically superior civilization, our first priority absolutely has to be diplomatic.
[X] How can we talk to them? (Sociology/Computing Joint Project)

This leaves four unallocated departments (Industry, Void Engineering, Genetics, Subspace), and four options that don't use Sociology or Computing:
[ ] What is that alloy? (Industry/Void Engineering Joint Project)
[ ] Why put a station there? (Void Engineering/Genetics Joint Project)
[ ] How did the station get there? (Subspace/Void Engineering Joint Project)
[ ] Why a spherical station? (Industry/Genetics Joint Project)

The only pair of these that don't conflict with each other are the last two.
[X] How did the station get there? (Subspace/Void Engineering Joint Project)
[X] Why a spherical station? (Industry/Genetics Joint Project)
[X] How can we talk to them? (Sociology/Computing Joint Project)
[X] How did the station get there? (Subspace/Void Engineering Joint Project)
[X] Why a spherical station? (Industry/Genetics Joint Project)

I like
@Evenstar Fun note! You don't have any Genetics/Sociology combos.
I have no idea what we'd do for that at all other than pay scientists to come up with fictional races and civilizations and how our race might interact with them and how they would be limited in certain situations and so on and so forth. <3
[X] How can we talk to them? (Sociology/Computing Joint Project)
[X] How did the station get there? (Subspace/Void Engineering Joint Project)
[X] Why a spherical station? (Industry/Genetics Joint Project)
[X] How can we talk to them? (Sociology/Computing Joint Project)
[X] How did the station get there? (Subspace/Void Engineering Joint Project)
[X] Why a spherical station? (Industry/Genetics Joint Project)
[X] How can we talk to them? (Sociology/Computing Joint Project)
[X] How did the station get there? (Subspace/Void Engineering Joint Project)
[X] Why a spherical station? (Industry/Genetics Joint Project)
@Evenstar Fun note! You don't have any Genetics/Sociology combos.
I have no idea what we'd do for that at all other than pay scientists to come up with fictional races and civilizations and how our race might interact with them and how they would be limited in certain situations and so on and so forth. <3
Evolutionary psychology?