Their Light Will Be Ours [Stellaris]

Year 3000: Jumpfleet Report
The Klaxes Directorate: Year 3000
Active Jumpship Report

Destroyers: 1

  • The Carcina (NEW)
Detailed report regarding the newly completed jumpship:

The Carcina, First Jumpship of the Klaxes
Carcina-Class Experimental Destroyer
Maximum Crew:
Required Crew:
2 (Commander and Pilot)
Hull Size: 150
Reaction Mass Consumption: 1 Size/Light Year
Jump Speed: 7 hours/Light Year
Maximum Jump Range: 10 Light Years
Minimum Jump Range: 3 Light Years
Sublight Speed: Negligible. (Maneuvering thrusters only.)
Drive Spool Time: 1 Hour
Minimum Safe Jump Intercession: 3 Hours

Current Crew:
Commander Xaxah Kertas

Meticulous. (Expends 1/10 less Reaction Mass per jump.)

Pilot Hakras Tach
Fearless. (Never rolls Morale checks.)

Ship's Engineer Raktal Chitaka
Kitbasher. (May attempt repairs without any materials.)

Drive Engineer Aletas Chitaka
Paranoid. (Rolls twice to detect malfunctions.)

Component Modules:
Mk 1. Warp Drive (50 Size)
Minimal Crew Quarters x4 (20 Size)
Reaction Mass x20 (20 Size)
Drive Shielding (10 Size)
Mk 1. Jumpship Computer (10 Size)
Basic Life Support (10 Size)
Miniaturized Fusion Generator (10 Size)
Cosmic Radiation Shielding (10 Size)
Maneuvering Thrusters & Fuel (5 Size)
Basic Communication & Sensor Suite (5 Size)
150/150 Available Hull Size Used
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I think its necessary to have such details to play the Quest and thank you @Evenstar you finally got me to play Stellaris again as much as I can in my now busy schedule, already purged conquered an entire galaxy's arm :cool:
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Exploration: Year 3000/3001
The Klaxes Directorate: Year 3000
Exploration Report


It turns out the the targeted Warp jump that was carried out into the Proxima Jaxus A system was the most interesting thing that has ever happened there. The lone, rocky planet and its two airless moons have taught us nothing we did not already know from our own solar system.

As the new Director of Interstellar Exploration, you'd prefer if your next jump actually went somewhere interesting.

Surveyed System: Proxima Jaxus A
Newly Discovered Features:
Rocky World
  • 2 Moons.
[ ] Optional: Name the newly discovered barren world.

Closing the all-too-brief jump report, you turn to your file of potentials. Fortunately for you, space is big. Really, really big. Not all of it can be this boring, can it?

The Klaxes Directorate:
Year 3001 Exploration Turn


Threkta Maltas Space Telescope (10 LY Scan)
Carcina Experimental Jumpship (10 LY Jump Survey)

Unexplored Systems within Jump & Scan Range: 5

Proxima Jaxus B

Known nearby systems:
Klaxis Majoris (7 LY)
Proxima Jaxus A (3 LY)

Estimated Satellite Density: 9 Planet Masses (+/-3)

[ ][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to imaging Proxima Jaxus B.
[ ][Jump] Send the Carcina on an exploratory mission to Proxima Jaxus B. (-13 Reaction Mass)

Proxima Axtra
Known nearby systems:
Klaxis Majoris (7 LY)
Proxima Axtra (1 LY)

Estimated Satellite Density: 17 Planet Masses (+/-3)

[ ][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to imaging Proxima Axtra.
[ ][Jump] Send the Carcina on an exploratory mission to Proxima Axtra. (-13 Reaction Mass)
[ ][Jump] Send the Carcina on an extended exploratory mission to Proxima Axtra and Decima Axtra. (-20 Reaction Mass, Pushing The Envelope)

Decima Axtra
Nearby Systems:
Klaxis Majoris (8 LY)
Proxima Axtra (1 LY)

Estimated Satellite Density: 5 Planet Masses (+/- 3)

[ ][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to imaging Decima Axtra.
[ ][Jump] Send the Carcina on an exploratory mission to Decima Axtra. (-15 Reaction Mass)
[ ][Jump] Send the Carcina on an extended exploratory mission to Proxima Axtra and Decima Axtra. (-20 Reaction Mass, Pushing The Envelope)

Proxima Kaltraxet
Nearby Systems:
Klaxis Majoris (6 LY)

Estimated Satellite Density: 2 Planet Masses (+/- 3)

[ ][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to imaging Proxima Kaltraxet.
[ ][Jump] Send the Carcina on an exploratory mission to Proxima Kaltraxet. (-11 Reaction Mass)

Proxima Hexta
Nearby Systems:
Klaxis Majoris (7 LY)
Estimated Satellite Density: 4 Planet Masses (+/- 3)

[ ][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to imaging Decima Axtra.
[ ][Jump] Send the Carcina on an exploratory mission to Decima Axtra. (-13 Reaction Mass)

Or... perhaps these resources are better spent on the home front.

[ ][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to Subspace experiments for the next five years. This will allow the research of an additional Subspace Physics technology - at the cost of losing five turns of scanning.
[ ][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to Subspace experiments for the next year. This will generate an additional Subspace option in this year's technology planner.
[ ][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to listening for alien transmissions for the next year. Chance of a First Contact event.

[ ][Jump] Dedicate the Carcina to Subspace research for the next year. This will allow the research of an additional Subspace Physics technology, at the additional cost of 50 Reaction Mass.
[ ][Jump] Leave the Carcina docked for this year. You have no FTL comms, and Subspace is still poorly understood. Best not to risk your only jumpship with so little data.
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Imaging Example
Detailed imaging will give you the following sort of information, using your home system as an example:

Scan of Klaxis Prime system:

Rocky Planet
  • In Habitable Zone
  • Atmosphere Present
  • Oxygen not detected. (Incorrectly.)
  • Alien Transmissions?
  • 0 Satellites +/- 5
Rocky Planet
  • In Habitable Zone
  • No Atmosphere
  • 6 Satellites +/- 5
Gas Giant
  • 15 Satellites +/- 5 (Thrown off by the planet's rings.)
Gas Giant
  • 9 Satellites +/-5
Actually exploring the system will give exact & complete information.
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[X] Optional: Name the newly discovered barren world.
-[X] Jaxus-A Prime
[X][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to imaging Proxima Jaxus B.
[X][Jump] Dedicate the Carcina to Subspace research for the next year. This will allow the research of an additional Subspace Physics technology, at the additional cost of 50 Reaction Mass.

Sending our research ship to the nearby system while our telescope do a preliminary scan of the more distant one
@Evenstar Where are the results of Proxima Jaxus A? I mean what resources we can get metals and all that... (sorry if I missed it but I rechecked and still nothing or I'm just an idiot right now)
And do the options that did not make it will be 'AI' empires?
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[X] Optional: Name the newly discovered barren world.
-[X] Jaxus-A Prime
[X][Jump] Send the Carcina on an exploratory mission to Proxima Jaxus B. (-13 Reaction Mass)
[X][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to imaging Decima

Sending our research ship to the nearby system while our telescope do a preliminary scan of the more distant one
@Evenstar Where are the results of Proxima Jaxus A? I mean what resources we can get metals and all that... (sorry if I missed it but I rechecked and still nothing or I'm just an idiot right now)
And do the options that did not make it will be 'AI' empires?

The options that did not make it may appear as AI empires.

Proxima Jaxus A contained no resources that you currently know how to extract. It could be that there's just nothing there, or it could be that you don't have the tech yet. Sorry, try again.

(Resources in this are abstracted as Raw Materials. There isn't an Energy analogue, for those of you coming from Stellaris. Research Points are likewise not a thing.)
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Well better luck next time, probably need to check that system later on with a better sensor technology just to make sure we didn't miss some rare resource there.
Your Quest actually is way more close to Aurora 4x than Stellaris now that I think about it. Its way more developed and complicated than Stellaris it's a little bit the Dwarf Fortress of the 4x games but is as graphic as a basic program, which it is.
[X] Barren-Shell
[X][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to imaging Proxima Jaxus B.

[X][Jump] Dedicate the Carcina to Subspace research for the next year. This will allow the research of an additional Subspace Physics technology, at the additional cost of 50 Reaction Mass.

As far as research goes we can:
a) Dedicate the telescope for
-Years: 5
-Reaction Mass: 0
b) Dedicate the Carcina for
-Years: 1
- Reaction Mass: 50

The telescope can be used to survey 1 planet per year.
The same action for the Carcina would cost 12+ Reaction Mass.

We thus save 5*12 = 60 - 50 = 10 RM by using the telescope for 5 turns in a row as opposed to the Carcina.

Furthermore, since the Carcina is only occupied for a single year our options open up.
The telescope can be used to survey 1 planet per year.
The same action for the Carcina would cost 12+ Reaction Mass.

We thus save 5*12 = 60 - 50 = 10 RM by using the telescope for 5 turns in a row as opposed to the Carcina.

Furthermore, since the Carcina is only occupied for a single year our options open up.

The tradeoff here is that you're going to be jumping almost blind for the remaining four years, rather than being able to use the telescope to direct your search.
How big is the galaxy? Realistically big? like billions of stars or the standard 1k max stars from Stellaris?

Billions. It's a bit academic, though, given that we are not going to reach billions or even thousands of stars any time soon. (Good god there's enough detail here already.)

I'm using the best estimates of planets per star, interstellar distance, and planet habitability I can get from real-world data, though I'm being generous within the limits of plausibility. (And not messing with complex distributions that are hard to roll for.)
The tradeoff here is that you're going to be jumping almost blind for the remaining four years, rather than being able to use the telescope to direct your search.
So we're paying 50 RM to use the remaining 4 jumps of Carcina I & 5 or whatever of Carcina II better.

Does that mean that some stars won't be 13+ RM?

How accurate of detail can the telescope provide in comparison to Carcina?
If they are qualitatively different (and I'm using that weirdly in a "they tell you about different stuff" sense) which is better suited for what purposes?
So we're paying 50 RM to use the remaining 4 jumps of Carcina I & 5 or whatever of Carcina II better.

Does that mean that some stars won't be 13+ RM?

How accurate of detail can the telescope provide in comparison to Carcina?
If they are qualitatively different (and I'm using that weirdly in a "they tell you about different stuff" sense) which is better suited for what purposes?

The telescope is fundamentally worse at getting the whole picture than actually going there. Its benefits lie in the fact that you don't have to actually go there, thus saving fuel and giving you a chance to spot the Bad Thing before it eats your ship.

Unless something truly anomalous is going on, your telescope will give you the exact number of planets in the system, their general types, and the presence or absence of atmosphere. It'll also give you a rough estimate of the number of satellite bodies, and for worlds with atmosphere your best guess as to whether it contains oxygen. Additionally, it'll tell you if a planet is in the habitable zone of its star.

It will not tell you that there are alien ruins on that planet, or that that moon is full of rich ore, or anything similar. You just can't get fine details like that at five light years away, and frankly I'm being generous just by giving you an accurate and precise planet count.

As for required RM - to be blunt, your Jump Drive is in its infancy. Every statistic it has is terrible. It's inefficient, slow, inaccurate, short-ranged, leaks radiation, and takes up a third of your ship. This will change dramatically as you make progress on Subspace research.

So yes, but not while you're running on that pig of a warp drive.
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The telescope is fundamentally worse at getting the whole picture than actually going there. Its benefits lie in the fact that you don't have to actually go there, thus saving fuel and giving you a chance to spot the Bad Thing before it eats your ship.

Unless something truly anomalous is going on, your telescope will give you the exact number of planets in the system, their general types, and the presence or absence of atmosphere. It'll also give you a rough estimate of the number of satellite bodies, and for worlds with atmosphere your best guess as to whether it contains oxygen. Additionally, it'll tell you if a planet is in the habitable zone of its star.

It will not tell you that there are alien ruins on that planet, or that that moon is full of rich ore, or anything similar. You just can't get fine details like that at five light years away, and frankly I'm being generous just by giving you an accurate and precise planet count.

As for required RM - to be blunt, your Jump Drive is in its infancy. Every statistic it has is terrible. It's inefficient, slow, inaccurate, short-ranged, leaks radiation, and takes up a third of your ship. This will change dramatically as you make progress on Subspace research.

So yes, but not while you're running on that pig of a warp drive.
If you don't want to give us a precise count you don't need to.

How many subspace research options might we expect next turn?
If you don't want to give us a precise count you don't need to.

How many subspace research options might we expect next turn?

Seven before allocating Exploration bonuses, of which you'll currently be able to research one-and-a-bit. The Klaxes don't mess around when it comes to science: base option generation is 4 techs per sub-field.
[X] Optional: Name the newly discovered barren world.
-[X] Jaxus-A Prime
[X][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to imaging Proxima Jaxus B.
[X][Jump] Dedicate the Carcina to Subspace research for the next year. This will allow the research of an additional Subspace Physics technology, at the additional cost of 50 Reaction Mass.
Seven before allocating Exploration bonuses, of which you'll currently be able to research one-and-a-bit. The Klaxes don't mess around when it comes to science: base option generation is 4 techs per sub-field.
It might be worth doing a double research, as below, then. It would allow us to speed up our grasp of subspace and thus to improve our "pig of a warp drive" faster. Having an improved warp drive would let us, in turn, alter our current ship and the ship under development to consume less RM. This would perhaps make up for the cost of losing the Space Telescope.

[][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to Subspace experiments for the next five years. This will allow the research of an additional Subspace Physics technology - at the cost of losing five turns of scanning.
[][Jump] Dedicate the Carcina to Subspace research for the next year. This will allow the research of an additional Subspace Physics technology, at the additional cost of 50 Reaction Mass.
It might be worth doing a double research, as below, then. It would allow us to speed up our grasp of subspace and thus to improve our "pig of a warp drive" faster. Having an improved warp drive would let us, in turn, alter our current ship and the ship under development to consume less RM. This would perhaps make up for the cost of losing the Space Telescope.

[][Scan] Dedicate the Maltas Space Telescope to Subspace experiments for the next five years. This will allow the research of an additional Subspace Physics technology - at the cost of losing five turns of scanning.
[][Jump] Dedicate the Carcina to Subspace research for the next year. This will allow the research of an additional Subspace Physics technology, at the additional cost of 50 Reaction Mass.

I'm holding off on the actual research turn so as not to completely bury everyone in options - there are six subfields, each with at least three tech options to choose from - but perhaps at this point it would be better to see what you could be getting.
I'm holding off on the actual research turn so as not to completely bury everyone in options - there are six subfields, each with at least three tech options to choose from - but perhaps at this point it would be better to see what you could be getting.
Yes, give me the research. The one and only thing I love.
Research: 3000/3005
Klaxes Directorate: 3000 - 3005 Research Turn

HIGH PRIORITY RESEARCH (+1 Research Option, all Subfields)

Subspace Physics:
Subspace Director: Chaktr Xartaxes (You!)

Trait: Maniacal (+2 Research Options, Dangerous Technologies Unmarked)


The first successful manned jump has been made. A month ago, the thousand-ton Carcina returned from a three-day mission to Proxima Jaxus A. All four crew members report no deleterious effects from the time spent in Warp. The names of Commander Xaxah Kertas, Pilot Hakras Tach, Physicist Aletas Chitaka, and Engineer Raktal Chitaka will go down in history as the first Klaxes to orbit an alien star.

There is still much to be done. We cannot be certain that Warp transition does not have some more long-term effect on Klaxes physiology, as null-gee conditions originally posed to shell density. The Warp Drive we possess is bulky, slow, and inefficient, and the details of its operation are not wholly understood.

Nonetheless, you are confident that the data acquired from the multiple unmanned test flights will allow your teams (Teams! Plural!) to make further breakthroughs.

Module Unlocked: Mk 1. Warp Drive
Size: 50
Efficiency: 1 Size Reaction Mass/Light Year
Speed: 7 Hours/Light Year
Maximum single-jump distance: 10 LY

[ ][Subspace] Subspace Streamlining:

Initial data indicates that Subspace behaves far more like some form of viscous fluid than a hard vacuum. As such, relatively minor modifications to the shape of the projected Warp bubble might significantly increase the speed and efficiency of your drives.

When completed, increases reaction-mass efficiency of the Warp Drive and increases its speed.

[ ][Subspace] Drive Miniaturization:
The Warp Drive taken on the Jaxus mission weighs and masses a frankly inconvenient amount. The vast majority of the craft built around it was mere infrastructure for this overweight engine. There is no theoretical reason that the reaction could not be contained in a much smaller area: miniaturization has simply taken a backseat to reliability and safety up until now.

Reduces the size requirements of the Warp Drive. A required technology towards the construction of smaller jumpship classes.

[ ][Subspace] Subspace Field Harmonics:
The subspace bubble generated by the current Warp Drive barely extends far enough to contain the Drive and the crew of four. Your researchers believe larger bubbles may be stabilized using the patterns of constructive and destructive interference on the bubble's surface.

Increases subspace bubble integrity. A required technology towards the construction of larger jumpship classes.

[ ][Subspace] Clean Reaction:
Your current drive reaction works well enough, but it produces a slew of exotic radiation that damages the Klaxes body if not shielded against. Some of your researchers have a theoretical alternate synthesis that would not produce these harmful particles, but it has yet to be tested beyond simulations.

When completed, allows removal of drive shielding, and eliminates the possibility of crew death or injury by Warp Drive shielding failure.

[ ][Subspace] Subspace Aetherdynamics:
You still know next to nothing about the behaviour of warpstuff. Many of your researchers are proposing a battery of experimental warp dives to more fully understand its characteristics.

This research has no obvious practical application yet, but understanding how subspace works will undoubtably be crucial in the long term. You can't build a plane if you don't understand the properties of air.

[ ][Subspace] Subspace Heat Dissipation:
The subspace bubble created by the Warp Drive is essentially a self-contained pocket universe: nothing can get in or out. This protects the ship inside from the ridiculous speeds of Warp, but comes with its own drawbacks: over the course of a long jump, the crew's own body heat slowly accumulates, eventually growing hot enough to boil them alive. If you're going to extend the jump range, your team needs to find a way to dissipate heat while in subspace.

When completed, increases maximum jump range.

[ ][Subspace] Subspace Sensors:
While sensor readings from Warp dives are enough to provide for our research right now, in the long term we need more continuous observations of Subspace. Could there be a way to examine Subspace without entering it?

When completed, unlocks the Basic Subspace Sensors module, as well as a Telescope upgrade project.

Computational Director: Kalthas Jagta

Trait: Driven (+1 Research Option)

The creation of the Warp Drive is impressive, yes, but much of the credit should be given to the mathematicians and computer scientists who rendered slipspace dives controllable. The navigational supercomputer aboard the Jumpship is almost as much of a wonder as the physics-breaking Drive itself.

Module Unlocked: Mk. 1 Jumpship Computer
10 Space
Allows plotting of single point-to-point jumps through Subspace.
Minimum jump distance: 3 LY
Requires a Commander or Pilot on crew to operate.
May be used for any number of jumps.

[ ][Computing] Warpslip Hardening:

When jumpships enter Warp, there is a strong electromagnetic pulse. This has so far forced us to do all our unmanned testing within range of radio contact, as the ship's navigational systems must be powered down for the jump to Warp. However, a purpose-built fibre-optic system could allow us to create truly autonomous jumpships.

When completed, unlocks the Mk. 1 Jumpdrone Computer module.

[ ][Computing] Neural Networks:
Taking ideas from the work of the geneticists, some of our computer scientists have suggested that computer systems could be evolved rather than built. This could result in an entirely new form of computation... if it pans out.

No known practical application at this time.

[ ][Computing] Quantum Computing:
The possibility of quantum computing has been a dream for some time, both for its cryptanalysis and fast-search applications. A true quantum computer could simulate quantum processes far more quickly, as well as make the handling of large volumes of data much more feasible. Now, some of our computer scientists believe that the long-standing decoherence issue can be resolved using similar processes to those that stabilize the Warp Drive's subspace bubble.

When completed, unlocks the Quantum Computing polity benefit and the Mk 1. Quantum Jump Computer module.

[ ][Computing] Theoretical Biocomputation:
The Klaxes brain remains capable of feats beyond our fastest supercomputers, reacting with adaptability beyond the reach of our most advanced machines. Rather than trying to emulate its functions in code, perhaps we should try to build biological computers? What advantages would they have? How could you program one?

Unlocks the Practical Biocomputation Genetics/Computation joint project.

[ ][Computing] Fault-Tolerant Algorithms:
System security and uptime are all-consuming concerns for the majority of system administrators, and the rigours of space travel have only increased the need for stable and reliable computers. The development of more advanced error recovery algorithms would help everyone sleep a little easier.

When completed, unlocks the Fault-Tolerant Algorithms species benefit.

[ ][Computing] Mini-Jump Computation:
As of yet, the extremely high speeds involved in Warp have prevented us from using the Warp Drive as a conventional engine. Adequate accuracy can only be ensured over a truly staggering distance. However, more advanced algorithms might allow us to use the Warp Drive for shorter hops.

When completed, reduces the Minimum Jump Distance of our warp drives.

HIGH PRIORITY RESEARCH (+1 Research Options, all subfields)

Genetics & Medicine:
Geneticist-Director: Ralkta Vashtex

Trait: Maniacal. (+2 Research Options, Dangerous Technologies Unmarked)

The ability to radically modify the genome of a living, adult Klaxes has been demonstrated for the first time. It's now a matter of a few months to test a new genefix, rather than a decade of waiting for the spawn to mature. If the Warp Drive hadn't been invented three months ago, this would have been the greatest discovery ever made by the Klaxes. As it is, the geneticists are a bit put out.

Species Benefit: Fast Gene Patches (All Klaxes gain +2 Cutspawn, +2 Hardshell)

[ ][Genetics] Form Switching:

Currently, Klaxes are restricted to that Form they were born in - but with the invention of fast genefixes, this could change. The modifications are of course much more extensive than the basic genetic patches thus far implemented, but the concept is proven.

When completed, allows taking of the Form Switch action by any Klaxes with access to a modern hospital.

[ ][Genetics] Subspace Pathology:
Does Warp have long-term negative effects? We don't know. Before we get all excited about exploring new worlds, perhaps it's best to make sure our crews won't all drop dead after twenty years from warpsickness.

No known practical applications, but will help our crews sleep better.

[ ][Genetics] Hyperspecialization:
The rapid testing cycles afforded by the new patching methods are driving some scientists into the risky territory of Klaxes enhancement once again. They believe that even more effective stable Forms may exist, and that we have learned enough to move on from this time of sober consolidation.

When completed, grants more advanced versions of the four base Forms.

[ ][Genetics] Radiation Hardening:
The topic of cosmic radiation has reached even to the geneticists, who, using their discipline as a hammer, have proposed not preventing the crew from being irradiated, but rather genefixing the crew so they don't mind.

When completed, grants the Radiation Hardened trait to Klaxes spacecraft crews, allowing them to ignore the effects of exotic particles.

[ ][Genetics] Non-Invasive Genefixes:
The new gene patches are a significant breakthrough, but their originators aren't satisfied. They believe they can make their procedures far less invasive, drastically reducing recovery time. What now requires a week-long hospital stay could one day become an afternoon at a clinic.

When completed, grants the Realtime Modification species benefit.

[ ][Genetics] Form Efficiency:
As we arrive at a new age of long-distance exploration, some scientists are calling for the creation of an entirely new Form, specialized for long-term missions where space is limited and resource efficiency is crucial. We have the technology, but such a task is not to be undertaken lightly: each Form plays a social role as well as a practical one.

When completed, unlocks Journeyform.

[ ][Genetics] Hybrid Vigor:
With the vast resources poured into the pure Forms over the past few decades, the topic of Hybrid Klaxes has somewhat fallen by the wayside. Some geneticists would like to investigate this less-explored territory.

No known practical application at this time.

Sociology & Political Science:
Political Sponsor: Alkata Varashta

Trait: Innovative (Higher chance to draw rare technologies.)

No technology researched last turn.

[ ][Social] Form-Based Education: (RARE)

Different Klaxes Forms are shaped differently. Different Klaxes Forms think differently. Why should they all be educated the same way? With more targeted educations, they can learn to get the most out of their specialized Forms.

Grants the "Form-Based Education" polity benefit.

[ ][Social] First Contact Protocols:
If and when we encounter aliens, let's make sure our crews are prepared for the eventuality. Give them training to produce a simple, coherent, sensible message.

Reduces chance of "incidents" during First Contact Events.

[ ][Social] Interstellar War Doctrine:
If we end up having to fight an interstellar war, we ought to have an idea of how to go about it. The pointy bit of the ship goes in first, right?

When completed, grants the "Interstellar War Doctrine" polity benefit.

[ ][Social] Jumpcrew Integration Training
It's important that we crew our Warp vessels with only the best and brightest, but even more important that our crews work together seamlessly. Through rigorous group training and trust exercises, we can make crews more than the sum of their parts.

Unlocks Team Traits for jumpships with 3 or more Crew.

LOW PRIORITY RESEARCH (-1 Research Options, all subfields)

Industry & Materials Science:
Metallurgist-Director: Relta Archaktal

Trait: Meticulous (Reduced risk when researching Dangerous Technologies.)

The current Warp Drive leaks radiation like a sieve. Until the physics shellheads fix that, it's up to us lowly engineers to keep it from killing everything in a five block radius.

Unlocked Component: Drive Shielding
Size 10
Prevents Warp Drive radiation from killing the crew.

[ ][Industry] Nanotube Extrusion:

If we could create long enough filaments of carbon nanotubes, their incredible tensile strength could make constructions of astonishing scale possible.

When completed, unlocks the "Space Elevator" Industrial Project.

[ ][Industry] Fuel Refinement:
We need better ways to turn exotic rocks into Warp juice. Maybe if we squished them harder?

Reduces the amount of Raw Materials required to make one unit of Reaction Mass.

[ ][Industry] Robotic Assembly Lines:
Now, I know this may come as a shock, but there are some things robots still do better than Klaxes. Yes, even with all the genetic mods. You still need to breathe, don't you? Thought so. Factories are one of those things.

Reduces the amount of Raw Materials required to make one unit of Modules. A required technology towards more advanced robotics.

Void Engineering:
Director of Void Studies: Kaltanash Drekxa

Trait: Driven (+1 Research Options)

The development of the first true Jumpship required a truly staggering amount of specialized materials to be boosted into orbit and then assembled there. It was a logistical nightmare, comparable to the establishment of our first orbital colony. Entirely new forms of traffic coordination and project management had to be invented in order to make it even remotely feasible. These lessons will undoubtably prove crucial going forward.

Jumpship Class Unlocked: Destroyer
Module Capacity: 150 Size

[ ][Void] Orbital Shipyards:

The experimental assembly yards of the Clawpair habitat will not suffice in the long term. We need to develop proper orbital shipyards if we are ever going to have a jumpship navy.

When completed, unlocks the "Orbital Shipyard" Habitat improvement. A required technology towards larger ship classes.

[ ][Void] Asteroid Mining:
One of the largest bottlenecks to orbital industry right now is getting things up out of their gravity wells. Why not develop techniques to find ore that isn't at the bottom of a deep hole?

When completed, unlocks the Mining Subsystems ship module, and reveals Raw Materials deposits in explored systems.

[ ][Void] Interstellar Logistics:
Though we have yet to establish any extrasolar colonies, we will inevitably colonize other stars eventually. We should probably figure out how interstellar trade works before we have a thousand tons of asteroid to relocate.

When completed, grants habitats an Out-System Export Cap of 50. A required technology towards colony ships.

[ ][Void] Spaceship Hardpoints:
We have no idea what could be out there in the darkness. It just might be a good idea to figure out how to mount weapons to our jumpships.

Unlocks the Mk. 1 Mass Drivers spaceship module. A required technology towards more advanced ship weapons systems.

Bonus Research:
[ ][SCIENCE!!]: Research any one additional option.
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[X][Subspace] Subspace Sensors:
[X][Computing] Quantum Computing:
[X][Genetics] Subspace Pathology:
[X][Social] First Contact Protocols:
[X][Industry] Robotic Assembly Lines:
[X][Void] Asteroid Mining:
[X][SCIENCE!!] Subspace Streamlining:
[X][Warp Dives] Subspace Aetherdynamics:
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Number of options unclear, but I'll take a poke assuming one in each.

[X][Subspace] Subspace Aetherdynamics:
[X][Computing] Quantum Computing:
[X][Genetics] Subspace Pathology:
[X][Social] Form-Based Education: (RARE)
[X][Industry] Robotic Assembly Lines:
[X][Void] Interstellar Logistics:
[X][SCIENCE!!]: First Contact Protocols:

Mostly picking foundation stuff to build off on later. All of these lay groundwork even if they add little immediate benefit...but really Subspace Aethedynamics is critical, our designs are intrinscally flaws without knowing what they even run on.
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Number of options unclear, but I'll take a poke assuming one in each.

[X][Subspace] Subspace Aetherdynamics:
[X][Computing] Quantum Computing:
[X][Genetics] Subspace Pathology:
[X][Social] Form-Based Education: (RARE)
[X][Industry] Robotic Assembly Lines:
[X][Void] Interstellar Logistics:
[X][SCIENCE!!]: First Contact Protocols:

Mostly picking foundation stuff to build off on later. All of these lay groundwork even if they add little immediate benefit...but really Subspace Aethedynamics is critical, our designs are intrinscally flaws without knowing what they even run on.

One of each. SCIENCE!! is powerful because it's an untyped bonus research allocation. Typed bonuses will be recorded as bonus research with the appropriate subfield.
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