Vote tally - The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest

Scheduled vote count started by Tjf on Dec 20, 2023 at 1:24 AM, finished with 33 posts and 20 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest
Post #235
Post #267


  • [X] Plan: Napoleon Bonaparte
    -[X] Change your name: You're tired of hearing people mispronounce your name. It's time to replace the foreign sounding Napoleone di Buonaparte for the more French sounding Napoleon Bonaparte.
    -[X] Find a fencing teacher: You've heard of an eccentric fencing master named Le Chevalier D'Eon. Frankly, your skills with a blade could use a bit of work, so maybe she'd be willing to teach you a thing or two?
    -[X] Train the 6th Company of Artillery: The 6th is already a well trained unit, but you want perfection. You intend to drill the men until they're equal to any artillerymen in Euorpe.
    -[X] Investigate the Missing Guns: The armories of Paris are almost completely bare of modern muskets, and you can't find any record for most of them
    -[X] Create a motion to make yourself President of the Societe: Currently, the Société des Amis des Artisans operates as an informal club, with a board, but no chairman. You feel that the company needs more direct leadership to succeed, so you'll convince the other investors to make you president. Given that the whole endeavor was your brainchild in the first place, you doubt they'd put up much of a fight.
    -[X] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
    --[X] Davout
    --[X] Murat
    [X] Plan: The True Napoleon Bonaparte
    -[X] Change your name: You're tired of hearing people mispronounce your name. It's time to replace the foreign sounding Napoleone di Buonaparte for the more French sounding Napoleon Bonaparte.
    -[X] Try to rescue some of the victims: Imprisoned in Paris are about 200 of the former king's elite Swiss Guard, survivors of the assault on the Tuileries in August. Symbols of the monarchy, they're almost certain to be butchered. As a soldier, your heart bleeds at the thought of such fine troops dying in captivity. More importantly, you can't help but think that 200 elite soldiers would be a fine addition to your growing force. Besides the Swiss, you could potentially save influential people who one day will regain some degree of influence. The massacres have been inspired by Convention members - notably Danton, but they weren't ordered by them - making them technically illegal. As an officer of the National Guard, you're well within your rights to try and bring order to the situation - no one wants to dirty their hands with this, so none of your superiors will tell you no.
    -[X] Visit Le Comedie Francaise: You've always admired how the skilled actors of Paris' most renowned theatre can toy with the emotions of their audience, making them laugh, cry or shout out in rage. Perhaps if you sit through a few plays you could learn a thing or two?
    -[X] Visit Military Headquarters: With a war newly declared, the Hotel de Brienne - headquarters of the French Armies - is abuzz with activity. There, you could make important connections with the higher ups, or with fellow junior officers on their own roads to power.
    -[X] Investigate the Missing Guns: The armories of Paris are almost completely bare of modern muskets, and you can't find any record for most of them
    -[X] Train the 6th Company of Artillery: The 6th is already a well trained unit, but you want perfection. You intend to drill the men until they're equal to any artillerymen in Euorpe.
    -[X] Create a motion to make yourself President of the Societe: Currently, the Société des Amis des Artisans operates as an informal club, with a board, but no chairman. You feel that the company needs more direct leadership to succeed, so you'll convince the other investors to make you president. Given that the whole endeavor was your brainchild in the first place, you doubt they'd put up much of a fight.