The wall

She was dressed in the same outfit she had on when we met. It didn't fit, she was taller now, more developed.

I freely admit that when I read this, I began to feel some trepidation that things are going to turn risque. Thankfully, it did not.
"I want this world to be a place where you can raise your children you know?"

Holy mixed signals, Nemo. Sheesh.

EDIT: What I think Emma is feeling whenever Nemo is doing that shit.

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Nemo 17
I walked into the Korean First Baptist Church.

And then blinked as it erupted into applause. I wasn't used to that. There were four subjects, two in their mid thirties, one teenager and one child. Faulty breaks resulted in their car accident. I cracked my knuckles and got to work. There was coffee and donuts at the end of this job and breakfast was the most important meal of the day.

It seemed like endbringer attacks were becoming more frequent and there was pressure for me to handle it. I finished my job and sighed as people asked for my autograph. No one used my cape name. Seriously, I have a cape name. I finished and grabbed a couple donuts. I heard a beeping sound and brought up my map.


Do I really want to save Paris? Even French people think that people there are rude. Then again, I killed the acid endbringer last week. I look at the stats. It's the poison endbringer... I put on my equipment and teleported there. Screaming people ran a muck with French capes laying aground all around me.

"Live to Win."

The music played as I looked at the creature. It was a purple floating pyramid. Seriously, it was a god damned pyramid. This is just lazy, the acid creature may have looked like a glowing Pokemon rip off, but at least it wasn't a god damned pyramid. There were signs in Arabic around me, the creature was moving towards the city center.

I heard a chopper in the air. Well, I had a responsibility. I charged forward and entered a breaker state. The poison in front of me immediately formed into creatures.

"Never that easy."

I began fighting my way past them until I got to the pyramid thing. It really shouldn't deserve to be called an endbringer. I shall call it pyramid thing. I changed to scholar and dove in. I felt pressure, lots of pressure. It hurt and I could feel my HP dropping. I dived towards the center where the core awaited me. I brought out a knife and stabbed hard, the core shattered and I slowly made my way to the surface.

When I got out the purple haze was fading away and the music continued to play. I was now a level 41 scholar. I put the points into charisma.

Your charisma is now equal to a parahuman rating of 2.

Good, I walked out of the mists and sighed as the French version of the PRT forced me to detox. It took a couple hours. I'm in Paris, I probably should pick up something for Emma and Taylor. Some French bureaucrat was talking to me about something. An award ceremony or some crap like that.



"Maybe after their all dead, but not now. I'm going do some shopping then I will go home. That's it."

The French man looked affronted and then sad.

"Very well."

I left and wandered the streets of Paris as people began leaving their shelters. I exchanged my dollars for euros and waited for the stores to open. Taylor wasn't a fan of girly stuff so I picked up an Eiffel tower thing for her. Then I went to a jewelry shop. The cashier looked panicked.

"Names Wasteland, I'm here to buy something."

She blinked. I sighed and put a hundred euros on the table.

"Buy. Something."

She screamed and brought out her cellphone.

"Money! You know? In exchange for goods and services!"

She went into the back room and locked the door. I sat down on a chair. Eventually the police came.

"Look, I just want to buy something. I have money."

The man sighed.


"Yes, I was here for the endbringer fight. Name's Wasteland."

The man stared at me in confusion and his partner snapped his fingers.

"It's Nemo!"

The other cop smiled.

"You're the endbringer slayer yes?"

I nodded.

"Look, I'm just trying to get something for my girlfriend."

Hmm... was that misleading? Emma and I were friends, but we weren't like that and... Wait a minute, why do I care what this guy thinks? He smiled and nodded.

"Oh and how close are you two?"

"Her father told me that if I killed all the endbringers that I could marry her."

Its not like he was going to spread it around, who was going to believe him?

"Look, this place? It's run by foreigners, it's all garbage here, come with me, my brother in law owns a place and he will ensure you get something nice."

I shrugged, jewelry was jewelry. I sat in the back of the car as they drove me towards a much nicer store. The officer pointed at me and started talking to a man in French. I didn't understand any of it, but he led me to a room with rings.

"How much for that one?"

"It is very expensive, yes? But, I give it to you for free in exchange for photograph and autograph, yes?"

Free? That was good. I smiled for the photograph, waited for him to print it out and then wrote on it. With that done I teleported back to Brockton Bay, my sense of time was off, but it felt like mid afternoon or so. Hnnn this could send the wrong message but its Emma she knows were friends I trust her not to take this the wrong way.

"Hey Emma, I went to Paris and I picked up something for you."

"Oh good, anything for Taylor?"


"She's at work, but you can drop it over at my place."

I nodded and teleported to the Barnes residence, Emma let me in. Her father was going over paperwork in the dinning room and nodded at me as I put the Eiffel Tower replica on the table.

"For Taylor."

Then I pulled the diamond ring out of my pocket. She opened the box and stared at it.

"For you."

She turned pale and then nodded.

"Can... can this wait until I graduate high school?"

Why would she want to wait that long to wear a ring?

"I'm fine with that."

Her parents seemed relived.


After that we started again on increasing Taylor's and Emma's stats. Whereas Emma had picked endurance as her attribute of choice, Taylor hoarded her points like a miser, ready to spend them in one sitting.

I settled into a rhythm. Raise people, training, patrol, hospital duty, and every week or so I would kill an endbringer. By the time September rolled around I had 19 kills to my name. Congress had finally gotten around to fixing the boat graveyard and everything was going fine.

School was starting again and Emma sat next to me at the table.

"So, one left."

I nodded.


I looked at my stats


999 appeared to be as high as a stat could go.

"Hey Clark, looking good."

Emma glared at Madison and tightened her grip around my arm. I shrugged, Madison was kind of a bitch, but without someone in charge she was mostly harmless. I shrugged.

"I work out."

"I hope you keep on working out."

"Stop it Madison."

"Why? I don't see a ring."

She put her hand up and showed the ring I got her earlier that summer. Madison blinked.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"Well now you know."

I left to my new classes with the sneaking suspicion that I was missing some thing.
Ok, I have to ask....

Have you written a protagonist who doesnt suffer from massive social understanding issues?
I walked into the Korean First Baptist Church.

And then blinked as it erupted into applause. I wasn't used to that. There were four subjects, two in their mid thirties, one teenager and one child. Faulty breaks resulted in their car accident. I cracked my knuckles and got to work. There was coffee and donuts at the end of this job and breakfast was the most important meal of the day.

It seemed like endbringer attacks were becoming more frequent and there was pressure for me to handle it. I finished my job and sighed as people asked for my autograph. No one used my cape name. Seriously, I have a cape name. I finished and grabbed a couple donuts. I heard a beeping sound and brought up my map.


Do I really want to save Paris? Even French people think that people there are rude. Then again, I killed the acid endbringer last week. I look at the stats. It's the poison endbringer... I put on my equipment and teleported there. Screaming people ran a muck with French capes laying aground all around me.

"Live to Win."

The music played as I looked at the creature. It was a purple floating pyramid. Seriously, it was a god damned pyramid. This is just lazy, the acid creature may have looked like a glowing Pokemon rip off, but at least it wasn't a god damned pyramid. There were signs in Arabic around me, the creature was moving towards the city center.

I heard a chopper in the air. Well, I had a responsibility. I charged forward and entered a breaker state. The poison in front of me immediately formed into creatures.

"Never that easy."

I began fighting my way past them until I got to the pyramid thing. It really shouldn't deserve to be called an endbringer. I shall call it pyramid thing. I changed to scholar and dove in. I felt pressure, lots of pressure. It hurt and I could feel my HP dropping. I dived towards the center where the core awaited me. I brought out a knife and stabbed hard, the core shattered and I slowly made my way to the surface.

When I got out the purple haze was fading away and the music continued to play. I was now a level 41 scholar. I put the points into charisma.

Your charisma is now equal to a parahuman rating of 2.

Good, I walked out of the mists and sighed as the French version of the PRT forced me to detox. It took a couple hours. I'm in Paris, I probably should pick up something for Emma and Taylor. Some French bureaucrat was talking to me about something. An award ceremony or some crap like that.



"Maybe after their all dead, but not now. I'm going do some shopping then I will go home. That's it."

The French man looked affronted and then sad.

"Very well."

I left and wandered the streets of Paris as people began leaving their shelters. I exchanged my dollars for euros and waited for the stores to open. Taylor wasn't a fan of girly stuff so I picked up an Eiffel tower thing for her. Then I went to a jewelry shop. The cashier looked panicked.

"Names Wasteland, I'm here to buy something."

She blinked. I sighed and put a hundred euros on the table.

"Buy. Something."

She screamed and brought out her cellphone.

"Money! You know? In exchange for goods and services!"

She went into the back room and locked the door. I sat down on a chair. Eventually the police came.

"Look, I just want to buy something. I have money."

The man sighed.


"Yes, I was here for the endbringer fight. Name's Wasteland."

The man stared at me in confusion and his partner snapped his fingers.

"It's Nemo!"

The other cop smiled.

"You're the endbringer slayer yes?"

I nodded.

"Look, I'm just trying to get something for my girlfriend."

Hmm... was that misleading? Emma and I were friends, but we weren't like that and... Wait a minute, why do I care what this guy thinks? He smiled and nodded.

"Oh and how close are you two?"

"Her father told me that if I killed all the endbringers that I could marry her."

Its not like he was going to spread it around, who was going to believe him?

"Look, this place? It's run by foreigners, it's all garbage here, come with me, my brother in law owns a place and he will ensure you get something nice."

I shrugged, jewelry was jewelry. I sat in the back of the car as they drove me towards a much nicer store. The officer pointed at me and started talking to a man in French. I didn't understand any of it, but he led me to a room with rings.

"How much for that one?"

"It is very expensive, yes? But, I give it to you for free in exchange for photograph and autograph, yes?"

Free? That was good. I smiled for the photograph, waited for him to print it out and then wrote on it. With that done I teleported back to Brockton Bay, my sense of time was off, but it felt like mid afternoon or so. Hnnn this could send the wrong message but its Emma she knows were friends I trust her not to take this the wrong way.

"Hey Emma, I went to Paris and I picked up something for you."

"Oh good, anything for Taylor?"


"She's at work, but you can drop it over at my place."

I nodded and teleported to the Barnes residence, Emma let me in. Her father was going over paperwork in the dinning room and nodded at me as I put the Eiffel Tower replica on the table.

"For Taylor."

Then I pulled the diamond ring out of my pocket. She opened the box and stared at it.

"For you."

She turned pale and then nodded.

"Can... can this wait until I graduate high school?"

Why would she want to wait that long to wear a ring?

"I'm fine with that."

Her parents seemed relived.


After that we started again on increasing Taylor's and Emma's stats. Whereas Emma had picked endurance as her attribute of choice, Taylor hoarded her points like a miser, ready to spend them in one sitting.

I settled into a rhythm. Raise people, training, patrol, hospital duty, and every week or so I would kill an endbringer. By the time September rolled around I had 19 kills to my name. Congress had finally gotten around to fixing the boat graveyard and everything was going fine.

School was starting again and Emma sat next to me at the table.

"So, one left."

I nodded.


I looked at my stats


999 appeared to be as high as a stat could go.

"Hey Clark, looking good."

Emma glared at Madison and tightened her grip around my arm. I shrugged, Madison was kind of a bitch, but without someone in charge she was mostly harmless. I shrugged.

"I work out."

"I hope you keep on working out."

"Stop it Madison."

"Why? I don't see a ring."

She put her hand up and showed the ring I got her earlier that summer. Madison blinked.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"Well now you know."

I left to my new classes with the sneaking suspicion that I was missing some thing.
Can't believe your SI is still this dense then again you wrote him that way.
Can't believe your SI is still this dense then again you wrote him that way.

I used to work in a thrift store, while there I got a killer deal on a diamond ring and gave it to my sisters best friend who was single at the time for her birthday. It took my older sister half an hour to explain that I didn't mean anything by it after she accepted and started hugging me. It took another hour for her to get her friend to cool down.

Were all friends now and she still has the ring. Its a family joke that I almost got married by accedent.

So in short I really am that dense when it comes to emotional stuff.
I used to work in a thrift store, while there I got a killer deal on a diamond ring and gave it to my sisters best friend who was single at the time for her birthday. It took my older sister half an hour to explain that I didn't mean anything by it after she accepted and started hugging me. It took another hour for her to get her friend to cool down.

Were all friends now and she still has the ring. Its a family joke that I almost got married by accedent.

So in short I really am that dense when it comes to emotional stuff.

Finally, someone like me!

I very nearly ended up married to my best friends little sister when I bought a ring and gave it to her, I gave the guy my explanation and he just laughed at me for days.

I Think the girl still has a crush on me... Not sure though...
:facepalm: I already said it once, but come on! Get a clue already!

I'm not one to speak, I've had a girl suddenly ravage my mouth with her tongue and tell me she was tired of me not getting a clue. But giving any girl a diamond ring... Derp, it's hard to believe :jackiechan:
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Nemo 18
October 2nd

I stood on a hill on the outskirts of DC, other capes stood ready behind me. Today was where it ended. Without the endbringers, the world could rebuild, they could become something more. I looked at the three headed creature and nodded at the triumvirate.

"Hold her off until I'm finished."

My stuff was ready. I had a procedure, dive into the thing, search for the core and then destroy it. I had done my share of grinding over the years and I was ready. I had spent some serious time in my IDs with Emma and Taylor, and I wasn't about to let the three headed bitch escape again. Unlike the others endbringers, this one for some reason would see me and then bolt.

I teleported close and the endbringer moved desperately away from me, but this time I was successful. I plunged in deep and heard a scream. I looked in the darkness for the last core.


I stabbed it and raked in the experience.

You have completed the Hand of the Princess Quest, you have gained true love

Okay, that wasn't what I was expecting. I crawled out of the endbringer covered in muck again and sighed as I grabbed Alexandria's hand.

"That's the last of them."

I pulled out a pack of smokes and she frowned as I lit one up and took a deep drag.

"Good job there."

"So, Scion?"

"We hit him months ago."

I nodded.

"The device will reduce his power by 1% per month. When did you hit him?"

"Six months ago."

"Well, doing the math he should be dead in about 8 years."

"The world is going to end in four years!"

I shrugged.

"He will still be at 46% of his past strength."

She clenched her hands.

"It's an improvement. We still have a lot of other options and four years to stabilize civilization."

"I'm going to go home okay?"

"They're going to want a speech."

"I'm tired, covered in goo, and I've had enough. I'm going home."

I teleported back home and showered off. I stared at the ceiling.

"I gave them the best chance they're going to get."

Scion was bleeding shards, though, not all of the shards were going to Earth Bet, not even a tenth, there were simply too many of them. A whole lot of worlds were going to be getting parahumans, I wondered about them and then shook my head.

I shut off the shower and then heard the door bell ring, I put on some underwear and some jeans and went to the door.



She walked in and then locked the door behind her.


Her arms went around me and she brought me to the ground. She was on top of me now.

"You won."

I nodded.


She smiled, and pressed her head against my chest.


I felt tired and I let her do that.

"I have some bad news."

She looked up at me.

"What kind of bad news?"

"My powers. The source of my powers is from another dimension, the stronger I get, the more I'm pulled there. I'm not going to be in this world much longer."

Her eyes opened up in shock.

"But.... you can come back right?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know.... It could be anywhere, but if I can, then I want to come back here."

I smiled.

"Guess you dodged a bullet huh?"

She frowned, she even looked angry.

"And what if I wanted that bullet to hit me!"



The words came out with anguish.

"You're the one I want to be with! I, I don't think I will ever find a man like you ever again. I want this I, I want you."

She pushed her head into my chest.

"I want to be with you, I don't think I've ever felt this way before."

Hot tears poured onto my chest.

"Please, please don't leave me."

I looked up and saw a timer going down, the accelerated training time... that counted apparently.

"I'm sorry."

"Please! I love you! I want to be with you, please take me with you! PLEASE!"

I vanished into the void. I looked into my screen.

2 points... and I could take ten points in disadvantages.

I felt bad I had blinders on. Big ones, that's a problem with me, I get focused on a task and miss everything else. Tunnel vision was a problem.

"I'm an ass."

My two points vanished and I received a special ally in return.

I got ten points in one point enemies.

"Haemus mora."

Zero points left?

"God damn it... this better be worth it."

I fell down into a puddle of water. Books flew through the air around me and the world looked like an endless abandoned library. I stared into the distance.

The quest, Road to Godhood has been activated.

I looked at the endless wasteland ahead of me and heard the howl of monsters.

"Challenge accepted."
This song seems appropriate for the Emma scene finding love only to loose it.
Edit: Never mind listened to the lyrics looking for a better one.
Edit: I think this one goes well.

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Emma 3

Nemo was supposed to be invincible, and now he was gone.

I'm rich now. Taylor's rich too. I think he also left Greg something which surprises me because he never talked to him. They announced that he was gone on TV... There were countless endowments and other things he received. I got his house, it's paid off, including money for property tax. I don't really care.

Taylor bounced back pretty fast, but she didn't know him like I did, neither did mom or dad, or anyone else. I was the only person he let in. I blinked as I saw a screen. Those had all vanished when Nemo did. I had four points.

Twin Skitters, Charles Atlas, and Comic Book Pretty.

I had an option to take five points in disadvantages. I looked at the power, Gamer, that's what he had, what I could have. Games have quests and I know what I wanted more than anything. I needed at least four points to get it.

Geas....I could game this work with this.

"I love Nemo, Geas."

Waifu +2 points

Good but not there, I could pick up enemies, I could, no. Let's think about the geas that was the key to getting him back.

"I want Nemo, I want him like... that."

I did, I had enough dreams and he was my fiancee, so it was okay.

Lust Object 1 point

"More." I felt myself burn for him, I needed more points. "I will not hurt him."

Vow of nonviolence 1 point.

That was enough.


The world shifted I had stats again. One more potential point only one power and it would be random. He was my fiancee I needed to game the system.

"I want to have his children."

Vow of motherhood. 1 point

I rolled the dice, bullet hell, PRT rating, 5.

Emma Barns Parahuman level 50


Special abilities

Invertebrate Control
Invertebrate Bullet Hell


I burned with a desperate need.

"Find Nemo."

Finding Nemo quest activated

I wandered through his, no our house. I found books on history, philosophy and in the basement, a stash of items with varying powers. What would let me see him, talk to him and eventually follow him?

"Come on!"

I sat down and meditated. He taught me how to do that and-


A ghost like form of Nemo formed in front of me.


He looked puzzled.


"I got a sheet with-"

He nodded.

"So did I, damned thing rejected my first offer. Apparently Heamus Mora costs a full ten points in and of itself."

"I want you back."

God he was good looking.

"Can't come back until I have defeated all ten Guardians and assumed the throne of Appocripha ."


"The place where my powers come from, if I win I get to be king."

"And if you lose?"

"Oh, I will die horribly. The good news is that I've already killed one of them, nine more to go."

I looked at my quest.

"It says I can go with you when Scion's dead."

He froze.

"He's a hero."

Nemo stopped me.

"No, Scion's an alien. He's nice now, but he's killed trillions of people. According to a very reliable precog, we have three years until he tries to end the world."

"And you were going to tell me when?"

He shrugged.

"I had been working with the protectorate. Your not going to be facing him at a hundred percent. According to the precog, the longer we put off the final conflict, the better our odds are. If the endbringers were taken out of the picture and the protectorate was given three years to get it's crap together and given all the right information..."


"We would have 50/50 odds. That's what I gave Earth Bet, a 50/50 chance."

"What can I do?"

He frowned.

"Your power is the emergency option; if everything else fails, then Panacea can alter your powers. It has massive negative effects on your sanity, but it brings humanity's chance of survival up ten percent, with Gamer.. It's 75%."

My eyes widened.

"I did what I could Emma, I gave the world the tools it needed to survive the endbringers. Saving the world is up to you."

"About us."

He looked ashamed.

"I didn't mean to lead you on, the marriage thing was a joke and I... well, I have a tunnel vision problem. I was more focused on the endbringers than your feelings, I'm sorry."

I frowned.

"You're right, you didn't think about my feelings."

I clenched my hands.

"I love you, and when this is finished we will be together. We will have that wedding. You're going to be a king? Well guess what? You're queen is on her way."

He looked almost bashful.


"You and me Nemo, this is what I want."

He smiled.

"I smell terrible."

I glared at him.

"You can bathe."

"I'm annoying."

I shrugged.

"So am I."

He smiled.

"Let's give this three years. If you still... well, I'm willing to give it a chance."

I smiled.

"Hey, you fought twenty endbringers to be with me, its only fair that I have to kill a god to be with you."

He smiled and started to fade away. I was left alone in the basement with the requirement to save the world.
don't think so. to become khepri taylor had to massively modify her brain's hardware. that's not a sane/insane problem, that's a human/non-human situation. however gamer would probably help to stay functionnal

Essentally in this case Emma would go from seeing the world from an RPG to an RTS.
With all the darkness that entails, Kelpri is Cauldron's we are fucked button, one they really do not want to press because they know exactly how bad it could go.
don't think so. to become khepri taylor had to massively modify her brain's hardware. that's not a sane/insane problem, that's a human/non-human situation. however gamer would probably help to stay functionnal
With Gamer's Body, can you even modify your body in a way that is unhealthy? Or would it just cause a status effect/HP damage?
The scene of Nemo disappearing acutely reminds me of Angel Beats's ending. Then I watched that episode again, and I now have tears in my eyes and my employees are looking at me funny.

EDIT: Found a better one with original Japanese dub and accurate caption.

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