The wall

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I woke up to a screen

"Welcome to the game!"

Current Class Squire level 1

Nemo 1


I woke up to a screen

"Welcome to the game!"

Current Class Squire level 1


Huh? What the hell is going on?

"You have the powers of Gamers Mind and Gamers Body."

Wha? I heard a crash and then screaming, I got out of bed and looked around, every thing was huge! I walked towards the closet and saw a baseball bat.

"Little slugger."

I took it and looked outside, there were tens, hundreds, thousands of monstrous things I saw numbers on them ranging from 10 to 30.


Then I heard a scream and then silence, then a pounding on the door. Shit, shit. shitshitshitshit.


"You only have access to empty and."


I brought up the blue screen and closed my eyes as this horrid thing forced it's way through the door. I opened my eyes and found myself in an empty room. I tread around the empty room and trekked outside. The world was quiet. I looked around, and walked until I hit a wall.

ID create covered roughly a city block.

"Male or Female?"

I brought up a Screen that had a Grid like pattern.


The screen Changed the Dancer class vanished and was replaced by the Scholar class. I tapped on it and grimaced at the prerequisites. Level 99 in all other classes. Wait I knew what that class did.

I smiled, because with this class I would be able to summon any book ever written and bring out the objects described inside. It was essentially a giant I win button, but where the hell was I? I walked around until I saw a flag.

I walked towards the house and observed a metal plate.

"Ellisburg historical society headquarters since 1976."


I sat down and took some deep breaths. After that I started reading through the instruction manual. Right now I have two classes, Chemist and Squire. Chemist lets me create potions that heal people and Squire is the basic fighting class.

I can have a maximum of 20 people in my party which doesn't do me a whole lot of good right now, I can also bestow a class to another party member at the level 50, 75, and 99 level mark. Which means I can theoretically give 60 people super powers if I max every thing out.

I earn Job points and Experience points with every battle, Jp can be spent to get new skills and Xp is used to get new levels. Jobs fall into four ranks, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st class. Squire and Chemist are 4th rank class... God damned their is a lot of jargon and bullshit here. Essentially its math ok? Go out kill things get stronger.

I looked up my background and it the advantages i had were:

-Plot Armor- Plus 20 Luck!
-Comic Book Pretty- +20 CHA!
-Man of Mystery- auto defense against thinker attacks
-Special snowflake- Immune to Powers that Copy and negate your own Powers

I also had my own dimensional pocket to hold stuff in, and other effects.

I brought out my little slugger baseball bat, and looked at the ID create screen.


It was the only one there, I looked around.


Musical section it had... well every thing.

"The sound of silence, Zombies."

The music played as I ran up and smashed a Zombie on the back of the leg. The creature groaned as it toppled. While it was on the ground I hit it over and over again. After enough hits it dissolved into mist leaving nothing behind.

"10 XP 10 JP"

I turned and nearly screamed because the hoard had seen and heard me. I breathed heavily and ran from the shambling hoard the fastest i could and hid, eventually they lost interest and went back to their moaning and shuffling. I struck again, and hid after the 5th kill I heard a dinging sound.

"Squire level two, Archer and Knight class unlocked you have one stat point to spend."

Wasn't I supposed to get 5? God damn it this is going to suck, I looked at the endless Zombie hoard. I didn't want to sleep outside here, there were an endless number of monsters. I no longer needed to sleep, I no longer needed to eat or drink, I had one task, I would fight until I was strong enough to escape.

I let out a sigh and started the long process of grinding.
Is that... mime in the middle? Why do so many things lead to mime?

My build

  • God mode 20 points

    With out a map +2
    Wanted Nilbog's army +3
    Pintsized +1
    Reincartnation +1
    Geas Allergic to Avocado +1
    Enemy Nilbog +2


    Gamer -4
    Cross over final fanstasy tactics -4
    Mad Talent Libarian -4
    Libromancy -3


    Plot Armor -2
    Man of msytery -1
    Special Snowflake -1
    Comic book pretty -1
Nemo 2
One week later

I discovered a clock with a timer counting down, tells me when I'm going to get out of this nightmare world. There are two tactics that I can use in this early part of what I like to call the game. Max out one Class and use the points to make me stronger, or try to open up as many job classes as possible.

Power or versatility I have time now nothing but time so I'm going to go for power. The Squire class has a skill that doubles Xp gain and you're allowed to buy it multiple times. However It does not transfer to my other classes. It also has one for Jp so that will make buying skills later on cheaper, other then that Squire gives me three skills.

It lets me sprint slightly faster, hit people slightly harder, and throw rocks slightly farther. That's right, my combat powers are run away, hit some one really hard and throw rocks..... The reward for leveling up is 5 hit points, 1 mana, and 1 stat point.

You have reached level 50! Your hard work has unlocked secret skills!

50 stat points so how should I spend them, the gamer got a nice bonus when he got some thing over 50. Lets see army of monsters outside so yeah I'm putting this into VIT.

Your Vitality is now over 50!.


"Come on!"

Your Vitality is now over 50 do you want a medal?

Prick... Well that was 500 more hit points so yeah not a total loss. I looked outside and heard the groaning of the god damned Zombies, thank god they cant walk up stairs. I'm not kidding about that by the way, stairs are way too much for them.

My skills at the moment are move +1 which makes me slightly faster, Yell which makes allies faster, Wish which is hurt myself to heal others, Cheer up which makes people braver and Scream which is a general low boost to allies abilities.

I spend the Jp and get them all. My plan, if you can call it that, is simple. i'm going to grind Squire to 99 and then open up all of my other jobs. I'm going to put every thing I get from Squire into my Vit so I will have the hit points to well not die. I should have more then enough Job points to buy whatever I need to get the hell out of here.

I'm wasting time. its time to bring little slugger out and get those levels.


Two weeks.

You have reached level 99 and have mastered the Squire Class

I would like to say I earned this through a careful boss battle... but the fact of the matter is that I truly just hit zombies over and over again until they died. I got there eventually. 49 Stat points, I could spend them on anything, but I could get more stat points from the other classes and I need to become tougher.

As a reward for your dilegence you can now create a bathroom for your extra deimsional house.

What? I look through the new pages of information, huh every time I get a class to level 99 I would gain another room. I exited the dungeon for the first time in two weeks and looked around, it was dark and the town was in shambles. Creatures roamed the streets but none of them saw me as i was being extra sneaky. I saw the rotting corpse of a dead woman her wrists had two large cuts in them, I assume this was my mother, I looked away.

None of this was real, as long as I thought this as long as I believed this I was fine, the dead bodies were not real. The monsters were not real I was just dreaming. I was lying to myself but Im pretty good at that. If I started wondering about people or thinking deeply about this I would go well crazier then I was now. Just live in the now and ignore the carnage around you. This is just a halloween thing a result of too much candy. Concentrate on solvable problems like my brand new bath room! Nothing fills an emotional void like stuff!

I had a shower, a toilet, and a large bath tub, I turned on the lights and looked at myself in the mirror. I stank, my hair was long, I looked like a vagabond. I took off my clothing and smiled as the warm water turned on.


I cried as two weeks of Zombie entrails were whipped clean from my body When I was finished, I washed my clothing in the shower stall and then hung them to dry.

The sustaining effect of the Instant dungon does not apply outside of it, you will need to eat and drink in the real world.

Great... I went to the can to relive myself and brought up a screen, and put all of my stat points into my Vitality.

Your Vitality is now over a hundred! This puts you above human levels in skill your Vitality now has a parahuman value of 1.

I felt stronger, better now, I smiled, it was some thing it was progress, I had a bath room, parahuman level endurance. I opened up the class map and tapped on Archer. The Archer class was essentially the sniper class. Hide in the shadows, wait for the mark to lower their guard, then obliterate them. I bought every ability I could, even the avoid arrows one, then I switched to Knight.

Knight was an anti-armor anti-weapons class, it was useless in my current situation as none of Nilbogs creatures used weapons or armor but I bought all the skills I could. Then I switched to chemist and bought out the entire chemical list. I sat down and smiled, and then fell to the ground screaming as the information filled my mind. The pain was horrible but it passed quickly.

I rose from the floor knowing things. I knew how to create potions now, healing ones, effective ones out of the most limited of resources. I just needed water, some fat, some mana, and I was good. I also knew how the bow and arrow worked it felt like several summer camp experiences had been poured into my brain, and finally I understood the weakness's of metal, of how to destroy the strongest armor, and then it all vanished when i changed classes.

I activated the different classes and when I did so the information came back, thankfully the pain didn't.

"Cant use all of the powers all of the time."

I got back on the crapper and sighed time to grind some more.
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This is awsome I did this fic because I was inspired by you

Haha, making me blush Cherico.

I like your pacing for this, I always seem to get bogged down in the details when I write a fic but you rush right through while managing to still convey important facts, keep up the good work.

Also a Gamer power based on an actual game system, why the hell didnt I think of that? Would have been so much easier to use an already existing Rpg >. <
I always thought it was best to utilize an RPG system more familiar to the setting the main character starts in, like Mutants and Masterminds for Worm, Marvel, DC, and D&D for fantasy settings...

Of course, in anime/manga/LN-based settings, JPRG system probably fits the mold more, though there are practically thousands of various JPRG rules systems out there...

On the other hand though, OCP is a thing.
Why would the Arts of War skillset be useless for the situation? There's still Rend Speed and Rend Power for some very useful debuffs (don't know if Rend Magick and Rend MP would be any use here, though), even with the equipment-breaking skills having no effect.
Why would the Arts of War skillset be useless for the situation? There's still Rend Speed and Rend Power for some very useful debuffs (don't know if Rend Magick and Rend MP would be any use here, though), even with the equipment-breaking skills having no effect.
I think some powers had limited charges...

But think about this: Lung's shard truns him into a dragon over time right? with enough Rend magick and Rend MP he could halt the transformation or weaken his pyro-k. Same with Oni-Lee, making his TP harder with each hit, or chipping away at hookwolf without easy regen on his side, even letting thinkers temporally blocked.

As for the equipment, E88 has, again, hookwolf which is made of blades, and there's Armsmaster, kid win and many other tinkers.
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I think some powers had limited charges...

But think about this: Lung's shard truns him into a dragon over time right? with enough Rend magick and Rend MP he could halt the transformation or weaken his pyro-k. Same with Oni-Lee, making his TP harder with each hit, or chipping away at hookwolf without easy regen on his side, even letting thinkers temporally blocked.

As for the equipment, E88 has, again, hookwolf which is made of blades, and there's Armsmaster, kid win and many other tinkers.

I was talking about what the SI said with Nilbog's creatures rather than Earth Bet as a whole. Specifically this part:

Knight was an anti-armor anti-weapons class, it was useless in my current situation as none of Nilbogs creatures used weapons or armor but I bought all the skills I could.
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Wait, you took Chemist and learned all the mixes...

Make a Phoenix Down and use it on the woman's corpse, get your first party member.
is there any way to know if thief will get you gill or cash money before taking the class? also is poaching going to be a thing? or will u need a npc friend to help make stuff. this looks like it could be a fun one tactics only fault for gamer rules is that eventualy you've got all the classes you want and then you're sorta done. i assume the zombies didn't drop little balls of light or chests.
Nemo 3
Year one

Month two

You have unlocked the Priest class side effects may include an attraction to little boys.

Well fuck you too blue screen. I had just worked an entire day to get Chemist to level too.

You have unlocked the Wizard Class you should probably get yourself a hat. Get a Fedora it will go great with your neck beard.

Fuck you, Fedora's are awesome!

I stared at the screen, 6 out of 20 classes were now open, I read the description's, I had 4 third rate classes, 11 second rate classes, and 3 first rate ones.

Upon the level up my fourth rate skills would give me a max of 198 stat points.
third rate would give me 792 stat points.
second rate would give me 3267 stat points.
My first rate classes would give me 1188 stat points.

That's a grand total of 5445 stat points which split seven ways is 777 points rounding down. Putting me at a nice solid seven on the parahuman skill for that stat.

You have successfully done math! aren't you special?

I sighed as the Zombies continued moaning and groaning.

By unlocking all third rate classes you have unlocked the Oni Instant dungon. Finally you can meet some one who smells as bad as you do.

I decided to Stick to the Zombie ID. The drops were non-existent even for bosses but the Xp and Jp gains were solid and safe. I bought out the entire list of spells and started out as a white mage. Why the white mage? Simple, in the world outside this hellhole, healers are rare, so this is my money maker class.

I bought out the entire list of of spells and oh fuck yes it came with regeneration, you could literally heal like god damned wolverine. Taking that. I brought out little slugger and spent my day hitting Zombies over and over again.

You have reached level three Priest and have unlocked the oracle class comes free with a BA in philosophy which is just as useless as You.

I ran off and switched to black mage, still plenty of Jp so I cleaned that out, I had 190 MP. I regenerated 10 MP a minute. So that meant I could use basic attacks 31 times before I ran out of juice.


It felt good, I finally had what I considered to be real super powers.

You have unlocked time mage Fez's are still uncool.

I switched to mystic and started the slow process of wailing on Zombies till they went still.

You have unlocked the Mediator class you can now talk to pretty girls! That's a step up for you.

Time mage, i just need a few levels in that, I can manage that. I feel tired but I'm picking the low hanging fruit here. I need every ounce of power I can get I know what's outside, I need power. I kept going forward, kept attacking. I was faster now I could teleport with this I could escape Ellisburg.

You have unlocked summoner you can finally have friends that's a step up for you isn't it?

I was making progress now, as long as I kept fighting I could keep getting stronger.

You have unlocked Bard, your now extra spoony.

I sighed and went back to the constant grind, hit zombies get stronger unlock a new class.

You have unlocked the Calculator class you can now finally do math, have you calculated how screwed you are yet?

I have, and now I'm officially out of Jp, fucking hell.

"End the ID create."

Its dark outside I can hear the skittering of Ellisburgs' monster population. I open up a window and slowly fly out. I'm not very fast but what I'm looking for is a sporting goods store. It's fucking America, of course there's going to be at least one of them, and even if its Maine, at least there's going to be bows, crossbows, and every thing that goes along with that.

Its a long search, I keep silent and look at the mangled bodies below. ID create. I barely dodge the opening mouth of that... what ever it was it was like a mix of a cockroach and a crocodile. It looked fucking disgusting.

I searched the city in a grid like pattern flitting in and out of an empty ID until I found it. Big 5 sporting goods was its name. I opened the unlocked door and just walked in, the store seemed empty but I found the archery section just fine. I opened it up and then smelled the blood. I hid as I heard something snacking on someone. The alarms were still blaring out which meant I could afford to be less silent.

The sun was starting to rise, I opened my inventory and looked at the lock, I saw a skeleton stripped of flesh and a mound of crap. Observe.

A mound of crap there's a prize inside!

My stomic felt weak I reached inside and grabbed a ring of keys. I wiped off the excrement on the floor and slowly used each key until it opened. The door was made of steel plate, it was sturdy and thick. I locked it behind me and saw a corpse missing its head. A shotgun was in its hands. Behind it written in blood were the words 'no hope.'

I looked at my bounty row after row of bows, crossbows, guns, ammo, arrows and bolts.

"God bless america, bathroom."

I went inside and showered. Cleaning myself off and getting rid of the smell. Then I went back into the storage room and stole every weapon I could. I used some ice spells on the hinges of the safety deposit box and counted the money $543.36 cents. Not much but once I got out it would hopefully last a week.

I looked at the dead body.


I activated my ID create and walked out of the sporting goods store, I had 22 bows compound and regular, 13 shotguns of various makes, 17 crossbows, and an assortment of rifles and pistols.

"Archer, Zombie ID."

I was back! I brought out a weaker bow and aimed carefully at a Zombie who was waddling down the street. My arrow flew true and I watched it fall to the ground. The creature vanished and all that was left behind was my arrow and some dust.

"No rest for the wicked."
Hmm, I love the fact he's in Ellisburg. But, between flight and ID's, would it not be quite simple to leave? Have I missed something? Is there a reason he's chosen to stay?
I saw the rotting corpse of a dead woman her wrists had two large cuts in them, I assume this was my mother. I felt no real connection to her so I just ignored her. I sat down and meditated, working with whatever strange magic I had to create the largest bathroom I could.

I had a shower, a toilet, and a large bath tub, I turned on the lights and looked at myself in the mirror. I stank, my hair was long, I looked like a vagabond. I took off my clothing and smiled as the warm water turned on.

This is so effed up: Oh, a corpse, must have been my mother. Oh well. Shower, hell yeah!

He feels mechanical. You need to give him someone to interact with so we can see more than this grindy sociopath.
I bought out the entire list of of spells and oh fuck yes it came with regeneration, you could literally heal like god damned wolverine. Taking that. I brought out little slugger and spent my day hitting Zombies over and over again.
He's a White Mage and he's hitting zombies? This is FF based, so the best way to kill undead should be healing spells. Depending on how reflection works in that particular game you can even heal yourself and damage your enemies in one convenient spell.
He's a White Mage and he's hitting zombies? This is FF based, so the best way to kill undead should be healing spells. Depending on how reflection works in that particular game you can even heal yourself and damage your enemies in one convenient spell.
In the tactics advanced games at least there were weapons that healed when they hit, though I doubt that bat will do anything like that. Could also be a desire to conserve MP.