The Universe Cracks Open...CYOA V3 (Semi CRACK, fluffy Goodness ) SI

God Mode +10
Marked (E88, ABB, Merchants, Coil, PRT(local)) +5
Marked (Cauldron, S9, Gesselschaft, PRT(National)) +8
Marked [WANTS YOU DEAD] (S9) +1
Reincarnation (without memories characters life) +1
Reincarnation as Taylor Hebert +2

TOTAL = +27


Special Snowflake -1
Man of Mystery -1
Charles Atlas Superpowers -1
Comic Book Pretty -1
Shattered Limiter -1 (not shown but should be included when other powers can be jailbroken)



Power Manipulation -2
Shaper -2
Kaleidoscope -2
Alexandria -2
Inspired Inventor -2
Psychokinetic -2
Legend -2 (more for the mental stability/reinforcement)
Eidolon -2 (for the 5 custom powers that could sit in reserve to protect you without your knowledge)
Harry Potter (Wand Magic) (With the library) -2
Ninja Magic (Naruto) (With the library) -2
Force Adept (Star Wars) (With the library) -2

Unicrack 24.4 (Fate)
The cold air passed around me as I flew through the night sky at Mach 24.

I was currently heading towards a certain against the sun.

A city that I had memories of, yet I had not stepped into it before.


Clouds began to thin out as I passed the Ocean and entered the deserts of the Middle east.

I slowed down as I came to a stop above the ruins of Uruk.

No...Far be it for me to call ruins. There were people still living there...

The whole of Uruk still had people, except the Ziggurat. There were very few people there mostly guards from what I could see.

The people living here had rebuilt Uruk...even if it was not as good as it was within my memories I could tell that these people were the descendants of Uruk.

Something was wrong...I could feel it.

What exactly I didn't know.

Dismissing my wings I used Telekenisis instead to hold me aloft as I changed into my gold armour in a flash and began to descend onto the Ziggurat.

As I neared the top of the Ziggurat someone noticed me... a cleaner from what I could see as the bowl of water she nearly dropped the bowl of water she was carrying and ran inside perhaps to inform someone?

It was night in Japan but here it was the middle of the day.

And I was wearing a shiny Golden armour... that's kind of noticeable..

I touched down on the ziggurat and slowly walked up to my throne, it was cracked and chipped all over, eroded from the passage of time, but it was repaired by someone, not to its previous state but it was done well.

I took a seat on it and began to look around.

This place was Old. Really Old, the walls were cracked and the clay showed it's age, but it was still cleaned and well much as it could be done for a Palace over 2000 years old.

I heard several steps coming up the stairs before stopping just shy of my field of vision.

"O Mighty King. Your humble servant begs permission to present herself before you."

This was unexpected...of course, it was...this was the fate universe.

But I suppose it was time to act like a King.

"Very well..I shall grant you leave to witness my glory." Oh god, that is so HAMMY!

"I am most grateful for this Honor your majesty."

And a young girl stepped into the hall and kneeled down before me.

Her skin is dark brown, and her hair was a lustrous black she was also wearing a prepossessing ceremonial bridal garment.

"I see that your people ruled this land in my absence."

"We have not ruled it rather we have lived in harmony with it. Just as your majesty surmised my people are but mere commoners."

"For a thousand years, we had joined with those who were left after the fall of Uruk. The people of Uruk desired to rebuild the land and live within it. They did not wish to leave the land so we aided them in this task and joined them in living harmoniously with the land."

Memories flowed into me once more. Memories of my retainer who overlapped the young girl in front of me.


"Your Majesty?"

"It is nothing, however, I had sensed something wrong when I arrived...tell me what it is!

"At once your majesty. Our land is constantly being invaded by a foreign country. If not for our mages hiding Uruk from their eyes. They ravage this land for they despise us and desire the riches that this plan possesses. Oil and Gas. They make up stories about how we are terrorists to justify their actions to the rest of the world and bring with them machines of war, they destroy our houses, they kill our families and children and burn our farms. They have destroyed several cities using metal birds of war."

Anger grew within me with every word that passed from her mouth. Anger that came from the very depth of my being. I was so angry that the hand rest on my throne shattered as the girl's breath hitched.

"Those WORMS dare pillage MY LAND AND MY SUBJECTS!? THEY SHALL PAY FOR THEIR SINS!" The king's voice echoed throughout the Ziggurat.






"This foreign the UNITED STATES correct?" I asked calming myself down.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Good, I am going to make them rue the day they attacked my Subjects and pillaged my land, but first, tell me young one...what is your name?"

"Tiné Chelc is the name given to me your majesty."

I got up and began to walk using my memories to navigate the Zigurrat as I headed down towards the basement. "Follow me, it's time to pay Ereshkigal a visit." The young girl stood up and began to follow behind obediently...
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Wow. You take 2 month and 2 days to update new chapter.
I'd take Writer's Block over Paperwork any day. That said, I got 10 that says the US is gonna have a bad time. ;P
Unicrack 24.5 (Fate)
When Tina heard the servant telling her about the man floating down from the sky onto to the Ziggurat in golden armour she was shocked.

She had read about his legends, and almost everyone who lived in Uruk knew about him.

Gilgamesh the wise king.

And during his reign were the Golden years of Uruk.

When her people had came first came across across Uruk it was a wonderful city.

But it was in mourning after the passing of King Gilgamesh.

The People of Uruk welcomed them with open arms, they were nice people, kind and hard workers. Unlike her clan of mages.

But as time passed the Uruk became the home of the tribe as well.

The surrounding lands of Mesopotamia grew with Uruk as its centre.

Mesopotamia, now known as Iraq, became a nation with all the cities joining together with Uruk.

But in recent years, the Western nations began to assault on them.

The tribe did their best to protect the city with their mage craft but not everything could be stopped, still thanks to their magecraft the walls of Uruk stayed strong.

Then there was a prophecy about the King returning when the people needed him the most.

She honestly didn't believe it...until today...

But...if the stories she had read and the prophecies are true.....

She shook her head.. Now was not the time... she had to prepare for a meeting with the King. and she could not do so in rags.


When she saw the king her first impression was that he was a bit young... not fully an adult, but nearly there, by current standards.

However, what shocked her the most was the amount of anger he had displayed when she had informed him of what was happening.

She was sure his voice must have been heard even at the bottom of the palace.

But it was also reassuring.

He meant that he was not a tyrant as he was in his early days.

Now however she was following behind the King as she was commanded, and they were going to see Ereshkigal?

From what she understood that was the Goddess of the underworld...but that should not be possible...the age of gods were long since over.

However, she remained silent as she followed her King.

Eventually, he came to a stop in front of the ziggurat and then everything changed.

One instant people were bustling across the streets, the next instant the entire city of Uruk was empty.

The sky had darkened as if it was night and the sun had disappeared.

"Do not stay too far from me, or else I might not be able to keep you safe from the dangers of the Reverse side of the world."

The Reverse side of the world.

Her eyes widened.

Of course. He had already mentioned that they were going to meet Goddess Ereshkigal.

The Reverse side of the world should have been an obvious destination...but how?

She shook her head. It was not her place to question the King.

The air was cold.

Shivers went up to her spine as she spotted several beasts looking at them, but none of them dared to attack, perhaps sensing the King's Presence?

Eventually, they arrived at a graveyard which had a staircase that went underground but as they headed into it, it revealed a whole another world.

"We are now in Ereshkigals domain. The Underworld of Sumeria."

"Your Majesty?"

"Ereshkigal...she is one of the few goddesses who has my respect."

Those words shocked her. Gilgamesh was known for being the one who went against the Gods.

To hear that there was a God or Goddess that had his respect was something that she did not expect.

And soon they came to a gate.

Who goes there?

"A voice came out from the gate."

"Gilgamesh. King of Uruk."

There was silence for a few seconds.


"Ereshkigal. I have come to pay you a visit and I come bearing a gift."

"That is not possible. That is a Lie."

Hmmm, I suppose that is not entirely true, considering I reincarnated. However, I am slowly recovering most of the memories of my life as the King of Uruk."

"Come forth. I wish to see you for myself."

And so the gate opened and they passed through it, then came a second gate which opened as soon as they came across it. With each gate, they were descending further and further into a depths of Kur.

As they finally reached the bottom after passing through seven gates, at the bottom she saw it.

The Goddess named Ereshkigal...

Her appearance was terrifying and her presence heavy.

So much so that if she had not got rid of most of her emotions she would have fallen over from fear.


"Gilgamesh....I cannot believe it...I can see you. I can feel your presence, but your is are Gilgamesh but you are also someone else...."

Reincarnation does tend to change people Ereshkigal." The King chuckled.

"That.....yes. Yes does make some sense. The Goddess paused. But that is not what you came here for I suppose? However I rarely get any Visitors here, if I had some food or drink then I could serve you...but unfortunately, my underworld is barren. None of my Authorities allows me to grow any plants or even flowers here as much as wish so and since the Age of the Gods has ended I do not get any new souls here either."

"Yes, that is one of the Gifts, that I have brought."


The King chuckled once more. "Ereshkigal, Goddess of Kur. One of the Only Goddesses that have gained my respect."


"I have brought you a GIft, should you chose to accept it, I can grant you the Authority necessary to grant your wishes. To grow plants, to grow flowers in this barren land of Kur, and brighten this place up..and maybe a way for the dead to come here once more if you chose to accept it."


Truly this was the ultimate proof that he was the king. That he could make a Goddess speechless merely by speaking.

Truly, any doubt she had was erased as she saw the terrifying goddess that was completely at a loss.



Somewhere far away Scathach looked up. "Huh, looks like Ereshkigal got a visitor... I wonder who it is?"
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What makes me personally stumped is that Ereshkigal looks like something that fell out of NGE.
It's kinda weird.
Also, yes. Watching Goddess of Death being all WHAAA!? is really damn funny.
Will there be more? I seriously don't want to wait another month or even a week for another chapter and thank you author but quickly unleash your stock on chappy like gil unleashes gate of Babylon
Eh?! Two updates in one day? This is sing of end of the word! Run for your lives!
Chapter was fun. Hope that you will update soon!
Hoh hoh author so we are playing this kind of game huh giving us drugs(chapters) then disappearing for another week? What's next we will have to wait another month for our daily dosage of drugs(chapters). Y-you are seriously role playing as Gilgamesh huh. So cruel