The Unforgiving Void (A Stellaris-type empire quest)

I'll leave this open for now but I am gonna write the update Thursday night/Friday morning so we'll give it to 11:00pm Thursday
Adhoc vote count started by Nejiranu on Oct 28, 2017 at 1:32 PM, finished with 26 posts and 15 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Nejiranu on Oct 28, 2017 at 1:33 PM, finished with 26 posts and 15 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Nejiranu on Oct 28, 2017 at 1:33 PM, finished with 26 posts and 15 votes.
The Undying: Turn 4
Hey look another system!
Yorshka 1: Size 18, Barren, Not currently habitable (1 Mineral available for exploitation.)
Yorshka 2: Molten Hell World From Hell. Surface temperatures measured at well over 1000 C in places. Not fit for habitation. (6 Minerals available for orbital exploitation)
Yorshka 3a-d: Large asteroids in the belt of the system. Belt is notably devoid of radioactive materials. Possibly why Yorshka 2 is an irradiated lava-covered hellscape. (a: 1 Energy/3 Physics, b: 2 Engineering, c: 4 Society, d: 2 minerals)
Yorshka 4: A super fun... Gas giant with climates inhospitable to all forms of life. Too bad. The diamond rains would have been nice to get. (4 Physics Research)
.... Honestly, as a getsalt hivemind, The Voice is not even sure what it expected. The only two valuable planets are completely inhospitable to any sort of exploitation. Oh well. Translating those signals has to have gone better right? Eh.... kinda. The good news is that they do not seem to be outwardly hostile. The bad news is that they do, definitively, know something is in this corner of the galaxy. The only saving grace is that they do not seem to be able to translate our language as easily as we have theirs.

The polity in question is alternatively referred to as both the Terran Hegemony and Terran Stellar Holdings, LLC. From what the Undying scientists placed on the project can tell they are a megacorporation bent on making as much money as is possible. Frankly their production capacity dwarfs that of the Undying even at this early stage. Granted this may be a result of biology being a frigid bitch and not allowing the great Undying race hands, but that would sound suspiciously like complaining and no getsalt worth it's salt would allow that. Whether or not to talk to them is a matter for further consideration.

Leader: Franz Scholler
Total Research Bonus: +19% (Expertise: Biology, Skill, Integrated Interfaces)
Biological Study ongoing
Progress: 28.26/36
One turn remains
Leader: Loftwvyr Drakensblod
Total Research Bonus: +19% (Skill, Expertise: Industry, Integrated Interfaces)
Powered Exoskeletons ongoing
Progress: 20.88/36
Three turns remaining
Leader: Elechos Krellmov
Total Research Bonus: +19%(Spark of Genius, Skill, Integrated Interfaces)
Physics Lab 1 ongoing
Not bad at all. Now we will see what is going on with the governors.

Governor Proposal
Build mining station at Yomi 1 (Molten World)

[ ] Do you keep surveying (Its a yes isnt it?
[ ] What do with Terrans? (Write in)
[ ] Anything to build? (Write in)
[ ] Do we throw the governor off a cliff for his transgressions? (Write in an alternate proposal or just say yes.)

Plan voting please.
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[X] Plan whatevs
[X] Do you keep surveying (Its a yes isnt it?) - Yes
[X] What do with Terrans? - Keep analyzing their signals and get a better understanding of their internal politics. Work on reducing our own signals and making them better match background noise. Don't talk to them.
[X] Anything to build? - Expand our industrial capacity. Accept the governor's proposal to do teh mining station.
[] Do we throw the governor off a cliff for his transgressions? (Write in an alternate proposal or just say yes.) - What transgressions?
Well this plan looks fine

[X] Plan whatevs
[X] Do you keep surveying (Its a yes isnt it?) - Yes
[X] What do with Terrans? - Keep analyzing their signals and get a better understanding of their internal politics. Work on reducing our own signals and making them better match background noise. Don't talk to them.
[X] Anything to build? - Expand our industrial capacity. Accept the governor's proposal to do teh mining station.
The mining station will be 4 Minerals additional. It will cost one Energy in upkeep but so do most things.