The Unanchored City - A Mystery-Solving Communication Quest

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Someone has awakened without memory inside of a Hospital, following a self-requested procedure to link their mind to something in the Great Beyond. You are those things.
The First Questions (Part 1)
Phoenix, Arizona
There is a light, directly above me. I am blinking in and out of consciousness. There is a man made of fire and smoke above me. He takes a hand, blood-soaked, and draws something on my forehead. My face begins to burn. I scream. The agony, it ripples through me, I can't move, I can't breathe, I can't think. My mind expands. I am-

I am lying on a bed, awaiting discharge from a hospital. The clock hanging on the wall is not ticking, as per normal. I do not know how long I have been here. I do not know who I am.

The attendant who was with me when I awakened, one Mister Flowers, bearing a Mask of the Wolf, was kind enough to inform me that I had come to Emperor Callum's Hospital for the Less Fortunate to request an 'off-the-books' operation, to 'brain-blast my memories right out of my skull'. Apparently I'd come in quite the state of disarray, so they provided my clothes with a wash, and clothed me in them before I awakened. I think they are my clothes, at least. Apparently, my Mask of the Whisper was broken beyond repair due to the effects of the ritual, so I have been provided with a Mask of the Blank, akin to a child's mask. How embarrassing...

The contents of my pockets are beside me, awaiting examination. Mister Flowers advised me that, while I am fit to be discharged, the Hospital is currently under a blockade by the Physician's Guild, and so anyone leaving through the normal entrances is liable to be shot to shreds by the snipers on the rooftops, if they aren't careful, so I should stay here for now.

I have no desire to risk my life that soon after recovering from whatever has been done to me, so I'll merely have to be content with examining the 'link' they put into my head, at my own request, apparently. I focus and-

The tendrils of my thoughts expand into strange new configurations as the psychic energy in my blood begins to spiral, swirling, circling into a new shape, it is screaming, wailing, and finally, falling into silence. I know it wishes me to ask something of it. So I speak to you, now.

Whatever I have been linked with, I seek your guidance now. Who are you? What responsibilities am I party to, now? What is the nature of your being?

[X] [You may enter replies via this format. Anything outside of it will not be heard.]
[X] all i know is it's Wednesday today and apparently a dumb mortal interrupted my thoughts. No offence obviously. Your responsibility is to be happy and to help others i guess. That sounds like it would lead to a mentally stable and moral life. Just don't be an ass and you will be fine. As for my nature i am a higher dimensional being. Essentially you are the equivalent to a drawing to me as a actual drawing is to you.
[X] yeah, someone did something to your mind or your soul and now you can hear us... sorry about that, tends to happen every so often
[X] It appears your world is quite different from what is familiar to us. I think it'd help us with getting a better frame of reference if you could elaborate on certain aspects of it. To start, could you please give your name and explain the significance of Masks?
The First Questions (Part 2)
[X] all i know is it's Wednesday today and apparently a dumb mortal interrupted my thoughts. No offence obviously. Your responsibility is to be happy and to help others i guess. That sounds like it would lead to a mentally stable and moral life. Just don't be an ass and you will be fine. As for my nature i am a higher dimensional being. Essentially you are the equivalent to a drawing to me as a actual drawing is to you.
That certainly is far less of a burden then I am typically aware of the type of Pacts that are borne of these sorts of treatments, but, I am not one to argue with a stroke of good fortune or a benevolent entity, of such things cautionary tales are born and whatnot. Ah, pardon, though...what exactly do you consider moral? I do not wish to offend your sensibilities with some form of unknown offense.
[X] yeah, someone did something to your mind or your soul and now you can hear us... sorry about that, tends to happen every so often
Us? Oh, my apologies, I did not realize this was a collective group. Indeed, that does seem to be the case.
[X] It appears your world is quite different from what is familiar to us. I think it'd help us with getting a better frame of reference if you could elaborate on certain aspects of it. To start, could you please give your name and explain the significance of Masks?
If I could give my name to my Pactmakers, I certainly would, but part of the ritual was, as I said, to 'brain-blast my memories out of my skull', according to the Attendant who was present when I awoke. However, beyond personal memories, my knowledge of the world seems to be intact, so I will be happy to inform you of the significance of Masks. Wherever you are from must be either a dangerously free place, a frighteningly powerful civilization, or a blessedly intact paradise.

When the City was Unanchored from Reality, mental hazards and entities began to seep or travel into the City from the Void, wreaking havoc upon the constitutions of most civilians. Pactmakers, Thralls, and Avatars, of course, usually had such blessings that allowed them to negate this, but alas, the population of the city was not so blessed, typically.

One of the more effective forms of self-defense from the horrors of the rampant Visually Transmitted Diseases and any sentient transmissible entities that sought to infect or infiltrate the minds of our people was the development of Masks, spiritual and physical measures of protection, which are typically engraved with holy symbols or representations of entities of choice. These serve to shield the most vulnerable parts of our bodies, our faces, from any spiritual corruption.

Of course, given the amount of time that has passed since then, they are still an effective defense measure, but it is also something of a...coming of age tradition in the City, for a youth to graduate from a Mask of the Blank to a mask of their own choice. That is why I find it so embarrassing to be outfitted with the Mask of the Blank. I am no child! I believe, at least, looking at myself.

Oh! I just realized, to help answer your question, I may examine the contents of my pockets, which Mister Flowers said the cost of the operation had already been deducted from, apparently. One second...

A bloodletting knife...
Some Empire coin...
Some scrip...
A membership card! Aha-

Oh, dear. That's not good.

[X] [The Connection remains uninterrupted.]
[X] Is whatever you found dangerous in itself? Or is it perhaps simply illegal?
Depending on it's nature I'd advise you to either hide it for safekeeping, or chucking it outside. Let the physicians deal with it.
Have you had the chance to look upon the state of yourself? Is there not anything recognizable or worth comment on?
And are there any other attendants or patients near you?
You might want to grab a bite to eat if theres any available, you've been through the ringer it sounds like and were only just getting started.
The First Questions (Part 3)
[X] What's happening? Is it the Physician's Guild breaking in? Or something on the card?
No, no, merely something on the card. Mister Flowers has assured me that the Physician's Guild is merely blockading the Hospital, rather than raiding it, so as to avoid breaching the neutrality guaranteed to them following the conflicts between the Barber-Surgeon civil war.
[X] Is whatever you found dangerous in itself? Or is it perhaps simply illegal?
Depending on it's nature I'd advise you to either hide it for safekeeping, or chucking it outside. Let the physicians deal with it.
Have you had the chance to look upon the state of yourself? Is there not anything recognizable or worth comment on?
And are there any other attendants or patients near you?
You might want to grab a bite to eat if theres any available, you've been through the ringer it sounds like and were only just getting started.
It is quite possibly dangerous, but I dare not throw it away. It is, apparently, proof of membership in a 'Guild of Investigators, Discerners, and Truth-Seekers.' However, the slot wherein a name, photo, date of birth, so on and so forth, would be, is blank, instead. Given my understanding of how the Guilds work, they do not just hand out blank membership cards. I may be in quite a bit of trouble if someone finds out I have this. I'll slide it back into my pocket, for safekeeping, as you advise.

As for myself? I have not yet had the chance to gaze into a mirror. (Such things are rare, and I would need to find a Barber to do so safely.) My clothes are merely of the average sort, what one might see on a factory worker of lower to middling means, if that is what you mean, and my understanding of fashion is up to date.

As for attendants or patients...I do believe there is one other patient on this floor, but Mister Flowers had to go attend to someone else, a rather troublesome patient on the third floor, he said. I have no idea as to where any other attendants might be.

As for food, that will have to wait until I am out of this hospital. I cannot risk exposing myself to disease by eating here. Thank you for your kind words though.

Hm...should I go seeking for an attendant? Or perhaps the other patient on this floor? I'll continue to answer any questions you all have, so as to more easily allow us all to adjust to this state of affairs.

[X] [The Bond waxes and wanes, but it is stable.]
[X] How do the Guilds work in your world, anyway? (The ones in our world, back when they still existed, could influence wars but weren't quite powerful enough to have them on their own)
[X] How familiar are with the staff?

Edit: To clear an misunderstanding.
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[X] make sure to do some stretches in case you get into a fight! Extremely unlikely and it ain't a game changer but it helps!

Also you should probably try and find out what the fuck happened that caused you to get you to lose your memory! Perhaps that doctor is lying or forced to lie about you requesting it. Perhaps someone is trying to hide something.
A Loud Interruption (Part 1)
[X] How do the Guilds work in your world, anyway? (The ones in our world, back when they still existed, could influence wars but weren't quite powerful enough to have them on their own)
Well, following the Unanchoring, the Guilds and their personnel became some of the more powerful forces in the city, especially since the cults in their midst were no longer being suppressed by the Traitor Emperor, may he suffer in unending agony. However, this soon turned into open warfare over territory and jurisdiction.

The Barber-Surgeon Civil War, for example, was a war conducted over a split of one guild, the Barber-Surgeon guild, into the Physician's Guild and the Barber's Guild, regarding...well, I'm not privy to the internal workings of either group, but to my knowledge, doctrinal differences. They fought a bloody battle over access to the City's Hospitals, and following the large-scale civilian casualties due to lack of available medical treatment without risking being the target of a raiding party or blood ritual, the Physician's Guild managed to settle with themselves in full control of the Hospitals, with a guarantee of neutrality from various other powerful groups in the city. I can't exactly list all the signatories to the treaty off the top of my head.

If you mean in the more literal sense, they're associations of trained professionals, who control access to the training, licensing, and materials to conduct their trade. They typically have merged with either a specific cult, entity, or have some way to conduct magical rituals on their own if they've made it this long.
[X] How familiar are with the staff?
I've met one of them, Mister Flowers, briefly. Other than that, no idea.
[X] make sure to do some stretches in case you get into a fight! Extremely unlikely and it ain't a game changer but it helps!

Also you should probably try and find out what the fuck happened that caused you to get you to lose your memory! Perhaps that doctor is lying or forced to lie about you requesting it. Perhaps someone is trying to hide something.
I'll take your advice! Also, that's true! I can't imagine wanting to lose my memory. Though, I suppose, that is the point. I'll see if I can find any of the documentation regarding my procedure, while I await a safe discharge from the Hospital.
[x] yes, go check up on a nearby patient
Alright, then, one second-

I turn to the side and step out of bed, making sure all of the contents of my pocket are secure. I do some stretches and then open the door, when...

BANG! BANG! The sound of two loud shots echoes through the Hospital. Oh, dear. That's not a good sign. It seems to be coming from above me-

What should I do? Any advice? I'm split between rushing towards the sound and taking shelter.

[X] [The Connection Resumes]
[X] If you know how or otherwise feel up to perform any rituals and blood magic on the spot with that knife I say go topside, hide behind cover and fight them off, otherwise go take shelter with that other patient. You might find something useful from them. Or go to mister flowers if you run by him and he could take you under his protection, possibly to also fight off the people on the second floor with with backup.
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[x] Hello. Why is the Physician's Guild blockading the hospital? Presumably you are unaware - perhaps enquire as to why this is occuring and how long it might take. As you have informed us they are supposed to have full control of the hospitals, why would they be being denied access? Alternatively, find out if there are any alternative exits to leave the hospital by that are not liable to get you shot.
[x] are there anything nearby you can use for protecting yourself (as in, make-shift armor)?
A Loud Interruption (Part 2)
[X] If you know how or otherwise feel up to perform any rituals and blood magic on the spot with that knife I say go topside, hide behind cover and fight them off, otherwise go take shelter with that other patient. You might find something useful from them. Or go to mister flowers if you run by him and he could take you under his protection, possibly to also fight off the people on the second floor with with backup.
I have no idea how to perform any rituals or blood magic. Taking shelter with the other patient does sound like a good idea, though...
[x] Hello. Why is the Physician's Guild blockading the hospital? Presumably you are unaware - perhaps enquire as to why this is occuring and how long it might take. As you have informed us they are supposed to have full control of the hospitals, why would they be being denied access? Alternatively, find out if there are any alternative exits to leave the hospital by that are not liable to get you shot.
I've got no idea! Mister Flowers didn't say. As far as I know, it's typically either to deal with renegade Physicians, squatters, or occupation by a group of lesser healers. I'll enquire as soon as I find a member of the staff, and also, am not in danger of being shot.
[X] I think it's best that you find a weapon right now.
I've got my bloodletting knife, and I'll keep it handy, but, well, there isn't much in my hospital room beside a bed.
[x] are there anything nearby you can use for protecting yourself (as in, make-shift armor)?
Just my clothes, my knife, and my bed.

Refocusing onto the material world, now...

I suppose there's only one real option, according to the voices. I glance out into the corridor, checking both ways. It's clear, with one end clearly being the entrance with a lobby visible, the windows all boarded up. I definitely don't want to go that way, so, towards the other end, with a yellow door on the other end of the hall, and a stairwell leading upwards. I make a break for the door, assuming it must be where the other patient is...

And rush into another hospital room. The poor person in here has clearly had a far worse time than me, suspended from a complex contraption, wrapped almost completely in casts, and any inch of uncovered skin coated in bandages. I quickly move to shut the door, as the person shifts slightly in their rig.

"" The voice that emerges from the bandages is dry and raspy to the point that I can almost feel my throat aching in sympathy. "Doctor...Lark? Is...that you...?"

There clearly isn't any gun going off in here. I've got no clue who this person is, but they're no threat to me...however, I will accept any advice. I have, to my knowledge, spoken to exactly one person I can remember, so I imagine my social skills are more than a bit lacking.

[X] [The more mouths, the better.]
[X] Eesh this poor bastard must be an explosion victim, tell him your another patient that's shacking with up with him for the time bein. It's gonna be noisy pretty soon with the physicians guild and all that jazz.
You uh might want to bar the door with something like your bed from the other room if you can manage, jamming the door with your knife, or something in this room doin the same. Their likely patrolling the second floor giving you a window of opportunity.
[X] do you spot any symbols in the room and restraints that indicates of either part of some blood rutrial or some kind of a occult contament Field?
[x] Converse with the other patient - ask what happened to them, inform them of the current events. Ask about Doctor Lark? If the physicians blockading the hospital are wont to kill patients then it would be prudent to barricade yourself in - if need be, consult with the other patient and see if they think that would be a good idea or not.
[X] Quite frankly, knowing even what little I do of how your world works - for this world I speak from does not have many similarities to yours - I would beware assuming anything safe, including this fellow patient. Practice caution in the face of the unknown. But yes, as the others have suggested - block the door, for the moment.
-[X] I believe you may have more competency in social skills than I do, in truth, but you have asked, so I will try anyway.
--[X] The main points to cover:
---[X] You are a fellow patient, recovering from a procedure.
----[X] if asked what you were a patient for, I recommend not revealing the full details of what you allegedly came here for. Perhaps just "I needed something removed."
---[X] There is gunfire in the hospital. This person has likely been here for a while, or at the very least has more memories than the past five minutes. Ask if this has that been happening often?
-[X] Also, what is the point of a bloodletting knife?
-[X] Incidentally, when I say things like this does it sound different to you?
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A Loud Interruption (Part 3)
[X] Eesh this poor bastard must be an explosion victim, tell him your another patient that's shacking with up with him for the time bein. It's gonna be noisy pretty soon with the physicians guild and all that jazz.
You uh might want to bar the door with something like your bed from the other room if you can manage, jamming the door with your knife, or something in this room doin the same. Their likely patrolling the second floor giving you a window of opportunity.
Good advice. I'll see what I can find in here...
[X] do you spot any symbols in the room and restraints that indicates of either part of some blood rutrial or some kind of a occult contament Field?
In this room? No, the ritual room would be in a separate area, probably on the second floor. You have to keep things hygienic, after all!
[x] Converse with the other patient - ask what happened to them, inform them of the current events. Ask about Doctor Lark? If the physicians blockading the hospital are wont to kill patients then it would be prudent to barricade yourself in - if need be, consult with the other patient and see if they think that would be a good idea or not.
I'll see what I can do, once I'm done reviewing all of your advice...
[X] Quite frankly, knowing even what little I do of how your world works - for this world I speak from does not have many similarities to yours - I would beware assuming anything safe, including this fellow patient. Practice caution in the face of the unknown. But yes, as the others have suggested - block the door, for the moment.
-[X] I believe you may have more competency in social skills than I do, in truth, but you have asked, so I will try anyway.
--[X] The main points to cover:
---[X] You are a fellow patient, recovering from a procedure.
----[X] if asked what you were a patient for, I recommend not revealing the full details of what you allegedly came here for. Perhaps just "I needed something removed."
---[X] There is gunfire in the hospital. This person has likely been here for a while, or at the very least has more memories than the past five minutes. Ask if this has that been happening often?
-[X] Also, what is the point of a bloodletting knife?
-[X] Incidentally, when I say things like this does it sound different to you?
I'll take those points into consideration. Also, a bloodletting knife is one of the more typical knives to carry in the city. It allows for easy access into one's own veins for sacrifices, tolls, or, for those who know how, rituals that require the energy inherent in blood. sounds like you're pausing before each new point, I suppose? Like I did, just there. And then.
[X] Yeah block the door and make sure to not stand in front of the door just in case they try to shoot through it.
Good point! I'll want to stay out of the line of fire if someone has violated the neutrality of the Hospital.
[X] Just for the hell of it, do your remember a man made of smoke and fire?
Nope. Do you?

Returning to the world of the real, now...I hastily move to the side of the door, to prevent any bullets from flying through and ending my existence.

With that out of the way, I turn my attention to my fellow patient. "I'm no doctor, I'm afraid, just a fellow patient. Did you hear the gunfire outside? I'm taking shelter in here, don't want to be shot and all that. You mind if I barricade the door with your bed? No offense, but you don't quite seem like you're using it. By the by, who's this Doctor Lark you mentioned?"

The Patient shifts, again, discomfort evident. "...You...should go...This is...not safe..." A wheezing cough. Shivers run through me. Are they more than sympathetic pains? "for you...unless you are...a doctor...I am...infectious." Something more than their words ripples through them at that, and they shake in some form of convulsion, the pain wracking their body clearly evident. Oh...oh dear. I know what this is.

They're infected with a VTD. Of course, this place didn't label their quarantine ward, now why would they do that? To keep their patients safe? I can feel myself starting to back away from this poor soul, lest I risk seeing a glimpse of whatever has been burnt onto their skin or carved into their flesh, doesn't feel right to just leave them here, with nothing to defend themselves with.

What should I do? No matter what, I can't stay here.

[X] [A Hazardous Environment, the Connection Persists.]