The Traveling Overdeity

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"Good morning, my lord." The voice of a young elegant man resonants throughout the room...
First Post, Character Creation part 1


Shape Shifting Master of Hiatus
The Land of Retconnia

"Good morning, my lord." The voice of a young elegant man resonants throughout the room. Unfortunately the sound bangs on your skull and forces you to wake up no matter how hard you try to ignore it. You recognize the voice as the voice of your most loyal subject and most devout follower, Winston the Butler.

You slowly raise your head trying to give your mind a chance to wake up and activate the rest of your body. You take your time opening your eyes to see Winston standing at the edge of your bed staring dead at you.

You stare at him for a while before finally being granted the ability to speak by your fully awakened mind. You speak in a feminine and masculine voice that would sooth the most hostile of creatures, yet instill terror in the most courageous of mortals, "Good morning Winston. What do you want this time?"

"I wanted to speak with you on a very personal matter. It has to do with your routine and how I fear for your health, both physically and mentally."

"Oh really, well what would have to be the problem with my routine and health."

"I fear that you focus too much on the past which is allowing your hate and sorrow to consume you."

"And, why would you say that?"

"Sire, all you do it sleep for an absurd amount of years, and when you finally wake up you go to the cemetery to pay respects to your family, then you hurl insults in the form of natural disasters at the mortals, eat a piece of the pie of sanity that Nellote made you, and then you go back to sleep for another century or so."

"I don't think I see a problem Winston."

"My lord, the problem is just that. You don't care anymore and have given up on pretty much everything and everyone. You went from the Overdeity of everything to the Overdeity of Laziness. Just think of what the others would say if they saw you like this."

You get out of bed and walk towards the closest window. Through the window you can see the nexus of everything. You let out a long sigh and turn to Winston. "Then what do you suppose I do."

"I suppose that you get back out there. Explore the worlds and make a name for yourself like you used to do in the days of old. In case, you don't know where to go I gathered some books in my free time of the different worlds that seem interesting to me."

"All right, lay them on the bed."

Winston pulls out three gigantic books and carefully places them side by side. "The first book on the far left is called Exalted, the second book is Battle Century G/Z, and the finale book is Double Cross."

You don't have time to read them, so you simply close your eyes and begin absorbing the knowledge that each book contains. This gives you expert level knowledge on each world and allows you to fully prepare for each if you want to.

"So, my lord which one will you go to."

[ ] People with power to kill Gods and Over Deities like myself sounds interesting! Let's go to Exalted!

[ ] Giant Anime Mechs and Starships sound like the perfect place for a god to be! Let's go to Battle Century G/Z!

[ ] Mutate Humans with god like abilities and a secret war going on between them! Let's go to Double Cross!

[ ] These sound interesting, but how about I go to…. (Write In)


Not much to say, other then that the choice you pick will determine the path this quest takes.

If you don't know what any of these Universes are then go search them up.

If you choose write in then please give either a tabletop game for me to use like Pathfinder or D&D, or give a general universe like Warhammer and we will determine which tabletop game of that like Dark Heresy or Only War on the next post.

I mostly picked these three because I feel the most comfortable with them. I know that I can do these three justice and not ruin them completely.

[x] Giant Anime Mechs and Starships sound like the perfect place for a god to be! Let's go to Battle Century G/Z!
[X] Mutate Humans with god like abilities and a secret war going on between them! Let's go to Double Cross!

Sounds fun
[X] People with power to kill Gods and Over Deities like myself sounds interesting! Let's go to Exalted!
Second Post. Character Creation Part 2

You stare at the three books in front of you carefully considering each one and the possibilities they hold. Your mind is divided between the options and gives you a bit of a headache. "When was the last time you had to make such an important decision?" You begin rubbing your forehead and decide to choose at random.

You roll a mental dice that has 3 sides and choose which number represents which book. After rolling the dice and getting a 3, you decide on going to the realm of Exalted.

You stare at Winston and tell him your choice as well as your reasoning. "Battle Century G/Z sounds fun and could be interesting, but it isn't challenging for someone like me. I could just create an unstoppable mech and destroy my enemies with a simple thought. It would be fun at first, but it would get childish and annoying after 1 or 3 days.

Double Cross is the same way. Sure the people there have god-like powers like the ability to create black holes or pocket dimensions, but they are heavily restricted when using said powers. I could easily outlast them in a fight and I can use more than 3 powers giving me a huge advantage.

Due to these reasons I have come to the conclusion that Exalted would be the best world to enter."

Winston walks over to the bed and picks up the book of Exalted. "Mighty fine choice Sire. Exalted is a very unique and challenging realm. I'm sure it will keep you excited for many many years."

With a wave of Winston's hand a ornate round table appears. It seems to made out of a combination of silver wood, great wood, and chiseled obsidian. On the left side there is a simple wooden chair and on the right is a massive throne of ever changing. In front of the throne is a golden chalice filled with ambrosia nectar and a silver plate that has two ambrosia squares and a piece of meat cooked to perfection.

Winston sits down in the wooden chair and puts the book on the table. The lights in the room dim and two bubbles appear next to him. On his left is a rather large bubble that seems to hold a human body and equipment in it. To his right is a bubble that has a piece of paper in it title Stats and Backstory.

You take a seat in the throne and begin eating the meal presented in front of you. You haven't eaten an actual meal in centuries. You probably forgot what meat even tasted like. "So, Winston did you want something or was this my farewell meal."

Your butler takes in a very deep breath and begins to speak in a rather serious tone. "My lord, before you just jump into the realm of Exalted there are some things that we need to consider and decide on. First thing, we should decide on is how restricted are you going to be."

You stare at him with a blank expression. "Would you mind, explaining what you mean exactly?"

"Well my lord, I'm asking how much power and knowledge you plan on having when you go. If you choose to go in without restrictions at all then you will be on the level of a Primordial or the Unconquerable Sun. If you go in with light restrictions then you'll be as strong as a essence 2-5 solar exalted. Medium equals an essence 1 solar and heavy equals a heroic mortal.

Now each of these options have their own benefits and drawbacks.

For example, if you go in with no restrictions then no one from a essence 5 solar exalted and lower can defeat you, but you'll gain the unwanted attention of Yokai, Primordials, Gods, and Siderals.

Another example, if you go in with medium restrictions then you'll have to deal with people because they'll see you as a anathema, but you'll be extremely hard to beat. Also most dangerous things like gods or siderals won't really pay much attention to you.

So my lord, how will you enter this realm?"


[ ] I am a King of Gods! I will do as I please in this realm. All who challenge me will perish! (No restrictions)

[ ] I am a God, but I don't want to just make this place my playground. (Light restrictions)

[ ] I feel like giving myself a challenge. (Medium restrictions)

[ ] I'm feeling extra suicidal today Winston!! (Heavy restrictions)


[ ] I'm not sealing away any of my memories or knowledge. They will prove useful in this realm. (No restrictions)

[ ] I will seal away my knowledge on things like time control, but nothing more. (Light restrictions)

[ ] I will only enter the realm with knowledge that rivals a celestial level mage. (Medium restrictions)

[ ] I will seal away all of my memories and knowledge. I will go into this world like I was born from there. (Heavy restrictions)


If you have any questions on exactly what you can do depending on the choices then please just ask.

Also feedback is valued and appreciated.


[X] I am a God, but I don't want to just make this place my playground. (Light restrictions)
[X] I will seal away my knowledge on things like time control, but nothingmore. (Light restrictions)
[X] I'm not sealing away any of my memories or knowledge. They will prove useful in this realm. (No restrictions)
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[X] I'm feeling extra suicidal today Winston!! (Heavy restrictions)
[X] I'm not sealing away any of my memories or knowledge. They will prove useful in this realm. (No restrictions)

Maybe go for a casual tour as a nondescript mortal? Don't feel like dealing with gods and angry mobs from the get go.
I'll be honest. I expected more people to go with no restrictions on both knowledge and power.
I'll be honest. I expected more people to go with no restrictions on both knowledge and power.
May be a problem of the setting.
Showcasing such a level of power in Exalted brings troublesome enemies, if it were any other setting I'd gladly do it.

Plus it's easier to conceal our power at first and showcase / unseal it later rather than the reverse.
[X] I am a King of Gods! I will do as I please in this realm. All who challenge me will perish! (No restrictions)

[X] I'm not sealing away any of my memories or knowledge. They will prove useful in this realm. (No restrictions)

Beerus time, guys. We can totally spank the Incarna back to doing their jobs and stuff.
I mean, if you want to actually play a weak dude coming into the fullness of their power or a mortal in the world of Exalted(who will likely die in a few days if he botches a simple disease roll or attracts the attention of any of the wondrous things that make Creation so interesting) there are several good stories, some posted on this website, which are those stories.
This may be the only chance you get to completely troll the Ebon Dragon and force Creation to be united and shit. I'm willing to seal our mind, but our power ought to be with us.
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[X] I am a God, but I don't want to just make this place my playground. (Light restrictions)
[X] I'm not sealing away any of my memories or knowledge. They will proveuseful in this realm. (No restrictions)
[X] I am a King of Gods! I will do as I please in this realm. All who challenge me will perish! (No restrictions)

[X] I'm not sealing away any of my memories or knowledge. They will prove useful in this realm. (No restrictions)

You had me at "troll Ebon Dragon"
[X] I am a King of Gods! I will do as I please in this realm. All who challenge me will perish! (No restrictions)

[X] I will seal away all of my memories and knowledge. I will go into this world like I was born from there. (Heavy restrictions)

essentially all powerful newborn deity XD
[X] I am a King of Gods! I will do as I please in this realm. All who challenge me will perish! (No restrictions)

[X] I'm not sealing away any of my memories or knowledge. They will prove useful in this realm. (No restrictions)
[X] I'm feeling extra suicidal today Winston!! (Heavy restrictions)

[X] I'm not sealing away any of my memories or knowledge. They will prove useful in this realm. (No restrictions)
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Third Post, Character Creation Part 3

You stare at Winston for a exceedly long time carefully thinking about your options and the benefits/drawbacks each one has with them. You like the sound of slightly restricting your power and knowledge to give the weaklings of Exalted a fair chance as actually beating you, but there are sections of your brain that scream death and suicide.

It takes you a while, but you finally decided on no restrictions for anything and everything. You're going into that world as a harbinger of the end times, the messiah, the king of gods, etc.

You stand up straight with your powers flaring out of your eyes and off of your hands. As your eyes and hands glow with an ever changing flame you stare at Winston and speak with a voice that demands attention and respect, "I am a King of Gods! I will do as I please in this realm. All who challenge me will perish!"

When you sit back down, you notice that Winston has a wide grin on his face. Looks like you chose the option he was expecting.

"Excellent choice my lord! I'm 200% positive that no one in that lowly realm will even be able to gaze at you with kneeling to your power. Of course there is still the question of what you're going to do about your memories and unmatched knowledge."

It doesn't take you long to decide on that one. "I'm going in there with all of my knowledge Winston. Memories and Knowledge are what make someone who they are or at least 50% of who they are. Besides, I don't want to become like my 3rd brother Jormun."

Winston nods his head, "Yes, I remember master Jormun. He was a great man, it was a shame they way he went."

Winston begins pressing things in thin air and brings up a list of stats. "Now my lord, I'm sure you're eager to just get things started, but there are a multitude of things we need to decide on before you leave. This magic stats list will ask you questions and you merely just have to answer them simple."

Winston stands up and conjures up a mop, he proceeds to leave scrubbing the floor and begins to whistle Jormun's favorite tune.

You do your best not to think about the days of old and continue on with this...test, Winston left you.

Step 1: Attributes

Directions: Please choose which attributes will be your primary, secondary, and tertiary. Then put a certain number of points in each one. Primary gets 16 points, Secondary gets 12 points, and Tertiary gets 8 points.

Reminder: 5 is the normal cap and is the level of godhood, but you're an overdeity. You don't need to have a cap, but I suggest a cap of 10. You can also use as many points as you want in each attribute no one is stopping you. Finally, each attribute starts off with 1 point. If you keep the cap at 5 then only use 8 points for primary, 6 points for secondary, and 4 points for tertiary.

Physical Attributes:

  • Strength:
  • Dexterity:
  • Stamina:

Social Attributes:

  • Charisma:
  • Manipulation:
  • Appearance:

Mental Attributes:

  • Intelligence:
  • Perception:
  • Wits:

Step 2:Abilities

Directions: There are a total of 26 skills holy shit. Please choose 13 of these abilities to be your favored ones and 1 of them to be your supernal ability. Put 56 points in all of your abilities.

Reminder: Every ability has a cap of 5, but since you are the overdeity you increase them as much as you want. I suggest a cap of 10 though. You can use more than 56 points if you really want to. If you want to keep 5 has the cap then only use 28 points. Also your favored abilities and your supernal ability start of with 1 point.













Martial Arts:














Step 3:Merits

Directions: Merits are pretty much everything from a legendary/uncommon artifact to a group of followers that worship you. You can have as many merits as you like, just simply say what you want and I'll go find a merit that best fits the thing you requested.

Reminder: Merits have a rating from 1-5 there is no changing this, please don't try.

[ ] Write in

Step 4:Charms

Directions: Charms are pretty much super powers my lord. They can range from jumping really high, to martial arts, to pure magic. They can be pretty much everything. Just say what you would like and I'll find the charm that best fits the power you requested.

[ ] Write in

Step 5: Essence and Willpower



Step 6: The Human Body and Equipment

Directions: Now it is time for you to create the human host/ meatbag you will be using throughout the realm.

Reminder: Gear will also be allowed.


[ ] Male
[ ] Female

[ ]
[ ]
[ ] Write In


[ ] Normal Sword

[ ] Normal Spear

[ ] Normal Mace

[ ] Normal Axe

[ ] Normal Bow

[ ] Normal Gun

[ ] Artifact Sword

[ ] Artifact Spear

[ ] Artifact Mace

[ ] Artifact Axe

[ ] Artifact Bow

[ ] Artifact Gun


[ ] Normal Light Armor

[ ] Normal Medium Armor

[ ] Normal Heavy Armor

[ ] Artifact Light Armor

[ ] Artifact Medium Armor

[ ] Artifact Heavy Armor

Step 7: Where will you begin

[ ] The Burning Summer Sands

[ ] The Wasting Winter Tundra

[ ] The Great Western Ocean

[ ] The Evergreen Jungle

[ ] The Imperial City

[ ] Write In

Step 8: Will Winston provide you with support?

This means will Winston be able to give you information and send you equipment or will you do everything alone and with the people you gather while in the realm.

[ ] Yes

[ ] No
I don't want to overload this thing anymore than I already have, so I leave the images of the armor and weapons to you guys.
Okayy, lets do this. Or at least try.

[X] Plan Murder God

Physical Attributes: Tertiary
  • Strength: 7
  • Dexterity: 1
  • Stamina: 3

Social Attributes: Primary

  • Charisma: 2
  • Manipulation: 11
  • Appearance: 8

Mental Attributes: Secondary

  • Intelligence: 5
  • Perception: 5
  • Wits: 5

Step 2:Abilities

Directions: There are a total of 26 skills holy shit. Please choose 13 of these abilities to be your favored ones and 1 of them to be your supernal ability. Put 56 points in all of your abilities.

Reminder: Every ability has a cap of 5, but since you are the overdeity you increase them as much as you want. I suggest a cap of 10 though. You can use more than 56 points if you really want to. If you want to keep 5 has the cap then only use 28 points. Also your favored abilities and your supernal ability start of with 1 point.

<fav>Archery: 3

<fav>Athletics: 5

<Sup>Awareness: 5

<fav>Brawl: 10

<fav>Bureaucracy: 5

Craft: 0

<fav>Dodge: 3

<fav>Integrity: 5

Investigation: 0

Larceny: 5

<fav>Linguistics: 5

Lore: 0

Martial Arts: 0

Medicine: 0

Melee: 0

<fav>Occult: 5

<fav>Performance: 1

<fav>Presence: 8

<fav>Resistance: 3

Ride: 0

Sail: 0

Socialize: 0

<fav>Stealth: 4

Survival: 0

Thrown: 0

War: 0

Step 3:Merits

Directions: Merits are pretty much everything from a legendary/uncommon artifact to a group of followers that worship you. You can have as many merits as you like, just simply say what you want and I'll go find a merit that best fits the thing you requested.

Reminder: Merits have a rating from 1-5 there is no changing this, please don't try.

[ ] Giant 4
Mighty Thew 3
Chameleon 2
Wall Walking
Subtlety 2
Cult 1;
//Building this up will be awesome, given Presence being a very Cult Leaderly stat

Step 4:Charms

Directions: Charms are pretty much super powers my lord. They can range from jumping really high, to martial arts, to pure magic. They can be pretty much everything. Just say what you would like and I'll find the charm that best fits the power you requested.

[ ] First Ebon Dragon Excellency
Eye of the Unconquered Sun + whatever prereqs

Increasing Strength Exercise
Tigers Dread Symmetry and Harmonious Presence Meditation
All Brawl Charms we can take
The spirit Binding/Killing Tree of Occult
Integrity upto Divine Mantle
Living Shadow Preparedness
Stalking Wolf Attitude

I'm aware Ebon Dragon Exellency isn't in 3E, but the Ebon Dragon Excellency sounds good if its legit here. Totally Troll.


[X] Male

Anima: A Black Storm with the Sounds of "Kek" or whatever dramatic laughter is suitable coming into the distance.


[X] The Left and Right Hands of God. No mortal or divine weapon is worthier than the fists that hold 'em!


[X] A warm cloak and some silks. No armor.

Step 7: Where will you begin

[X] The Imperial City

Step 8: Will Winston provide you with support?

[X] No

So the major gameplan for this build is to use Manipulation 11 to troll people, use Increasing Strength Exercise to perform amazing feats of strength and punch craters in the Earth and binding all Ebon Dragon demons we find to steal their power with Divine Mantle for more trolling. Do it using his own excellency if that is allowed, even. And be StealthyNinjaGiant while doing all the above. Sounds fun.
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