The Sword and Shield: No, SV, you're the Okhrana in an Isekai

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Ever wondered what Isekai would look like in the spy fiction genre? Well, here we go.
Character Creation I
Looking at obscure spook stuff
This is is a CK2-type Quest in which a modern intelligence officer gets Isekai'd.


There's no such thing as a former spook, once you set foot in that world, you stay there your whole life. Maybe even afterwards.

When you get hit by a car, you first think that you are the victim of a conspiracy. Of course, why else would you get run over during your evening run, when the streets are all but deserted? To be fair, conspiratorial thinking is second nature to you at this point. It is in fact vital to function in the upper-management of a Middle-Eastern Security Service, and survive many your enemies. And your country isn't one of the really crummy ones.

You'd probably laugh if you were not lying in a pool of your blood after being hit by a car, feeling numb and fading.
As the darkness sets in you wonder, will they ever get the culprit? Probably not...

Where did you spend your life?

[] Revenues and Taxation Service

Aka the Tax Police, informally known as the "raid police". Your service fought terrorism financing, tax-evasion and occasionally raided unpleasant people to take their toys away, hence the nickname. If the powers that be wanted to keep an oligarch out of politics, they'd send for you. What you did then, with the help of masked and heavily armed tax-policemen was vital in the orderly maintening of the Order of Things. This which gave the Tax Police quite a bit of clout for its small size and innocuous sounding name. However, necessity dictated that you keep good relations with the other, bigger Security Services, as they possessed the intelligence assets that allowed your financial expertise, legal tricks, and, let's be honest, raw muscle to shine.

You assume the people who killed you had a grudge and some assets remaining, you did leave a few of those. If given a second chance, you wouldn't repeat that mistake.

+ 2 Stewardship
+ 1 Diplomacy
- 1 Intrigue
More "legal" and economic actions available

[] Domestic Information Service

Most people would call it the "Secret Police". And frankly, you didn't know what was worse about that expression, the Stalinist parallels or the implication that you were in the same league as the various Arab Mukhabarats, most of which wouldn't recognize a spy if he went out giving business cards. Neither comparisons were deserved, the DIS was a real, functioning counter-intelligence and counter-terrorist organization within the Ministry of Interior. Yes, you were no stranger to extra-legal measures, but you were neither a monster nor a bumbling dunce, goddammit.

You have no idea who'd want to kill you. Maybe someone planning was a coup under your watch? Or some foreign service? Or even more improbably, terrorists? Another secret you'd just never know... Dealing with never-ending frustration is part of your life.

+2 Intrigue
+1 Learning
-1 Martial
More domestic intelligence actions, and counter-terrorism options available.

[] Main Intelligence Directorate [of the General Staff of the Armed Forces]

Your path to the heart of the Security State was a bit tortuous. You started out in the Infantry, branched out to Special Forces and commanded a crack reconnaissance unit before landing a desk job in the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff as major. The rest is history, as they say.

Unlike other Security Agencies, the MID wore its Soviet influences on its sleave, literally. Like its counterpart and parent, the Russian GRU, the MID was culturally dominated by its special forces. Recklessness was the norm, the collateral damages were someone else's problem, and you loved every second of it.

There are a lot of people who'd love to kill you, duh. Unfortunately anyone of them probably could ambush during your evening jog. You're never running through deserted streets at night again.

+2 Martial
+1 Intrigue
- 1 Stewardship

"Active Measures" options open up.


The business of reincarnation isn't what you expected. You were not supposed to be like that, in an unfamiliar body and in an unfamiliar place.

Yesterday you were the Sword and the Shield of a Republic, a man of considerable power and influence. A Silovik, as the Russians say, a man of force. And today, you're merely a harmless schoolchild. This strange dying delusion was a total let down.
You were seated with a boy in what looked like a classroom. You were seated at one of those uncomfortable, ugly and depressingly old-school two-seats desks of your childhood in a newly independent and, decidedly uncomfortable nation. A quick look at the ceiling proved that the situation was worse than you thought: there were neither fans nor lights up-there.

You really had had enough, you punched yourself. Hard. Nothing... except the attention of the whole class. The teacher – the man by the blackboard – was glaring you. He was a lanky man, with round glasses, neatly combed hair and a shaved shin that gave him an 'intellecutal air'. He also had a funny name written on the board – you assumed it was his – V.V. Obolenskiy.

"Are you done?" Mr. Obolenskiy yelled from across the room.
You looked right and left, dumbly looking for the source of the disturbance.
"Yes, you in the second row from the back. Will you stop what you're doing?" Mr. O. Yelled with greater irritation.
Your confusion was growing by the minute.
"Me? But I'm dead." You answered, perhaps with excessive candor. You'd have to do something about that.

Needless to say, you made a distinct first impression. But at least you got to learn your name in this unpleasant new world.

[Insert Name / Gender and other details.] Subject to QM approval
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[X][GENDER] Male
[X][NAME] Viktor Reznov
[X] Revenues and Taxation Service

An Alt!Soviet isekai quest? Okay, sure. Why not?

I don't know if it's going to remain the same in this isekai but one of the big no no of the old Soviet was the way it handled their economic tranformation. They were frankly atrocious and that's putting it mildly. Getting in as the money guy could certainly help.
More like Okhrana/Imperial Russia in the 1900s, but yes.
[X] Main Intelligence Directorate [of the General Staff of the Armed Forces]
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][NAME] Major Sylva Sokolov
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[X] Revenues and Taxation Service
[X][GENDER] Female
[X] Tanya Dimitritsky
[X][GENDER] Male
[X][NAME] Alexi Patrovich
[X] Revenues and Taxation Service
Last edited:
[X][GENDER] Male
[X][NAME] Viktor Reznov
[X] Revenues and Taxation Service
[X] Main Intelligence Directorate [of the General Staff of the Armed Forces]
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][NAME] Major Sylva Sokolov
[X] Main Intelligence Directorate [of the General Staff of the Armed Forces]
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][NAME] Major Sylva Sokolov
Could we not turn my favorite CoD character into a tax man please?

[X][GENDER] Male
[X][NAME] Alexi Patrovich
[X] Domestic Information Service
[x] Main Intelligence Directorate [of the General Staff of the Armed Forces]
[x][GENDER] Male
[x][NAME] Viktor Reznov
[x] Main Intelligence Directorate [of the General Staff of the Armed Forces]
[x][GENDER] Male
[x][NAME] Viktor Reznov
[X] Main Intelligence Directorate [of the General Staff of the Armed Forces]
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][NAME] Major Sylva Sokolov

All of my yes. Shall we live to see the KGB, will we die in the NKVD (Or at the hands of it)? Who knows! This is going to be fun!