The SV Steam Group


atheshtarih and Enemy of the Lie
SMS Odette II
Hello there SV! A fair number of you probably play games on the Steam Platform and like SV. This is your heads up that we have an official group on Steam.

What's It For?
Other than proudly identifying yourself as a member of the community and helping you get in touch with other SVers on Steam?! Er...well, not particularly much at the moment.

For the moment it's just a way to link active threads related to particular games directly to their Steam Store pages through the Curation system. If you're curious about whether a title is for you, that might be just the thing you need.

We have Big Things planned, however. For example we are thinking of potentially helping SVers make informed choices about their purchases by using the new Curation system as a platform to more directly rout Recommendations by SVers for SVers on Steam. There has been some hush hush talk with @open_sketchbook regarding a title her indie dev team has busily been working on. And more! Keep tabs, yo.

Special thanks to @NonSequtur for providing the Group Avatar.

Meet The Team:
@The D (Wuffles)

- Try and comport yourselves on the Steam Group with the Community Compact, even if this is not an official extension of the forum.
- Like the IRC channels, the Steam Group is not an avenue for complaints about forum administration. Seriously.
- Have fun.
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This seems worth a sticky, so...

Also, I'm going to take a moment to recommend the SB Wargame group for anyone who plays one of the Wargame series. Yes, it's the "SB" Wargame group, but whatevs. :tongue:

The group seems to be a bit inactive for the last month and a half. Maybe it's high time to begin organizing matches on Insurgency/WarGame?
There is apparently a big 'oh crap' moment happening with Steam, that I think needs to be brought to your attentions.

The message is that crap got borked, and while you shouldn't panic, be aware of this.

Edit: Apparently, it's fixed. (Gives steam a wary look)
Steam Issue Allowing Access to Other Users' Accounts [Update 3] - GameSpot

Update 3 says that Valve's statement is that it was an internal error, it's over, and Steam users don't have to do anything.
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For example we are thinking of potentially helping SVers make informed choices about their purchases by using the new Curation system
Remember when I said this four years ago? Well I've finally gotten around to doing something with this. The SV Steam Group now has a Curation page which links to related threads on SV.

As of right now I've only put Curation links for active threads I've seen on the last two pages. If anyone sees a thread they think needs one, or starts one, let us know.