@Alectai @Dovahsith @Expecting Me @Space Jawa @Lorien22

Vegeta's wide vicious grin gradually dimmed seeing four warriors charging up, he hesitates for a fatal few seconds before charging toward Cado again who is in the air. He already hit him once so he can hit him again? His earlier blow might have injured him. Those were the Prince's thoughts as he attacks. The King looks on impassively, the elites around him were either amused or exasperated. Nappa just palms his face and Kolra seems to be getting bored rather quickly.

"Come at me if you dare!" He didn't get to say much after that once he got blasted simultaneously from four different directions by Cado, Tayto, and Chaya. His charge was immediately halted, as a proof of his power the Prince didn't get fried alive but he still suffered burns and bruises from the blasts. He stands up with difficulty, his eyes were burning hot with rage. He didn't get to do much as right after Pota rushes forward with a burst of energy, she knees him in the solar plexus taking the breath out of him, he is sent right into Shallot's direction who swiftly grab his tail, she swings him around, smashing him on the ground multiple times before stomping on his face while still keeping hold of his tail. Shallot can now relate to Kolra, stomping down on people's faces is great. Needless to say that the Prince was no longer in any state to fight.

"You cowardly lowly warriors! Only your type would stoop so low as to use such tacti-" Shallot's soft squeeze of his tail serves to shut him up rather efficiently. Kolra finds herself rather impressed with the Prince's vocabulary. Was she supposed to believe he is a toddler and barely a year old? Well... They did say he was a genius maybe that applied to more than his PL?

"That is enough." the King's authoritative and booming voice echoes in the throne room bringing everyone to silence, even the elites who were talking among themselves while watching the fight. The King stands from his throne and walks toward the group, he stops near and gives a barely perceptible nod to the young Saiyan warriors which no one would notice but them. They would feel like it is the first time the King acknowledged their existence ever since they entered the throne room. The King bends down to pick up the Prince by the scruff of his neck.

"Son, you learned your lesson. None other than low-class warriors could have beaten that sort of foolishness out of you." The King's scolding voice is cold and harsh leaving no room for arguments. The King drags him away.

"I am finished with audiences this morning." the King informs the room. One of the servants tries to persuade him otherwise.

"But your Majesty, you barely started! You only had two today and there is still the matter-" the servant's hurried attempt at persuasion is interrupted once the King coldly glares at her. the Elites' cold gazes also served to shut her up but for a different reason, it is rather boring, to say the least, they would rather out drinking or fighting. The King deciding to cut audiences short is an early vacation day for them.

That was everyone's cue to leave the throne room. As soon as everyone is outside, the Elites walks out to some random direction while Nappa and a few others stay to take a closer at the newbies.

"So these kids are the ones you got buckled up with, shorty?" Kolra's face flushes red in anger at Nappa's jab. She's of average by Saiyan standards, he's the one freakishly tall like a bean pole. Nappa doesn't seem to mean it in any way maliciously, it doesn't mean Kolra appreciates it however or tolerates his company for that matter.

"General, kindly fuck off," Kolra says hotly while crossing her arms defensively.

"Come on, don't be such a bitch. It's been a while since we last saw each other. I'm surprised you don't have kids already, you're hitting what, your sixties or fifties now?" Nappa scratches his chin in thought while the Elites beside him finally couldn't keep it together as they burst out laughing. Kolra's face goes through a myriad of colors before settling on a reddish-purple, she's about to burst.

"I'm only thirty-two! It is not my fault everyone thinks I'm two decades older than that or something!" Kolra yells out before launching a few kicks and punches at Nappa which he easily catches with one hand, the other one is still rubbing his chin. He seems rather surprised at her being so young, the other Elites too. All Saiyans physically age significantly slower than other races but between themselves, they could tell each other's approximate ages, it is just a feeling. Kolra does to not abide by those rules, it seems. Well, that explains why she'll get pissed at getting called 'old hag'.

"Still mad as a cut snake, you've got quite a short temper, shorty. Heh." Nappa jokes, a bit of a stupid smile on his face. Kolra had enough, she storms off with a huff leaving her students there. They hear a distant cry of frustration as she flies away. Nappa then turns his attention to the kids who are a bit apprehensive at first, is he going to harass them too?

"Welly welly 'ello, mates. So how you've been doing so far? How's your mentor? Could you tell me some more about your latest mission?" he asks, his gaze is scrutinizing and calculating, it doesn't stop on Tayto at all so he doesn't seem to recognize him. Earlier, his gaze was amusing and joking, now the atmosphere rather quickly changed. The Elites beside Nappa still seems amused but they say nothing, merely observing. Nappa is a General and not for nothing, He may be looking for news and some sort of report on his subordinate or inspecting these new warriors that distinguished themselves right off the bat on their first mission, maybe he is scouting potential recruits for the Royal Army? It could be anything, their next words are important.
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Tayto shot an angry glare towards Shallot as the fight came to a short, undramatic close. So what if it was the quick and easy way to avoid injury and the embarrassment of getting the squad's ass handed to them by a toddler?

How did she possibly expect to get stronger if she didn't draw the fight out? It was almost as though she enjoyed winning more than the actual fighting!

And then there was him. Tayto huffed in discontentment. It wasn't like he expected or even wanted to get acknowledged...it was just disappointing to have his expectations met. Crossing his arms over his chest, he glanced away. It wasn't as if he wanted to be acknowledged as having the potential to join the elite anyway...
It was a reasonable enough outcome, all things considered. Though Shallot being her... Charming self was a surprise--it was a successful strategy however, so she couldn't really complain that much, and it prevented the awkwardness of seriously hurting a toddler.

She settled down and found the result... Acceptable, they weren't executed and it seemed that the lesson would be well taught--that just having a higher level of power without the experience to protect your weaknesses could lead to an upset and all. All in all? Things could have gone worse.

And of course, the bounty was very, very nice, she had plans for that oh yes she did.

Then of course, came the questioning of the prior mission, at least she could handle that much.

"Mmm, typical pacification mission as far as Chaya knows. Powerful natives in a desert planet that needed to be culled to prove our point, and a group of weak tribals that our current employer wanted in his territory that submitted quickly in the face of our actions, finding that ship from an abandoned research mission was a stroke of luck above and beyond our objectives, but Chaya can't complain about much other than breaking her legs trying to snap the biggest one's spine."

She shrugged helplessly. "Still, it didn't last much longer afterwards, so a win is a win Chaya thinks."
"Welly welly 'ello, mates. So how you've been doing so far? How's your mentor? Could you tell me some more about your latest mission?" he asks, his gaze is scrutinizing and calculating, it doesn't stop on Tayto at all so he doesn't seem to recognize him. Earlier, his gaze was amusing and joking, now the atmosphere rather quickly changed. The Elites beside Nappa still seems amused but they say nothing, merely observing. Nappa is a General and not for nothing, He may be looking for news and some sort of report on his subordinate or inspecting these new warriors that distinguished themselves right off the bat on their first mission, maybe he is scouting potential recruits for the Royal Army? It could be anything, their next words are important.

Cado softly landed back onto the ground and absently rubbed his jaw. Even if the Prince didn't know how to throw an effective punch, he was still powerful enough to leave a nasty bruise. Looking towards General Nappa, Cado straightened up and began to give his report, going over the various decisions that were made and what had happened in the fight with the largest power as he knew it. When he got to the dealings with the natives, he left nothing out save for the fact that Pota had decided to take one on as a pet. "In regards to Kolra? So far she's slept through most of the time that I've known her, sometimes she takes time out of her napping to beat up Shallot for a bit. I can't say that I know her well enough to know if this the usual or if taking on our squad made her more lazy." Cado shrugged and looked over the attending Elites.

"To be perfectly honest, us finding the Tuffle ship was a total fluke, I don't think we as a squad will keep pulling shit like that off, but you never know."

Turning back to the General Cado bowed, "Is that everything you wanted?"
"You cowardly lowly warriors! Only your type would stoop so low as to use such tacti-"
"You know, that's the funny thing about high-class warriors. They already have a huge fucking advantage, but when a low-class warrior manages to get one over on them suddenly they become very interested in fairness. As if it isn't their own fault for letting themselves get put in that situation," Shallot said to the Prince with a smile as she squeezed on his tail. "But I gotta say brat, your power level is pretty fucking impressive. It like the...third strongest I've seen in the last day. Granted, it completely wasted when you're so shit at fighting."
"That is enough." the King's authoritative and booming voice echoes in the throne room bringing everyone to silence, even the elites who were talking among themselves while watching the fight. The King stands from his throne and walks toward the group, he stops near and gives a barely perceptible nod to the young Saiyan warriors which no one would notice but them. They would feel like it is the first time the King acknowledged their existence ever since they entered the throne room. The King bends down to pick up the Prince by the scruff of his neck.

"Son, you learned your lesson. None other than low-class warriors could have beaten that sort of foolishness out of you." The King's scolding voice is cold and harsh leaving no room for arguments. The King drags him away.

"I am finished with audiences this morning." the King informs the room. One of the servants tries to persuade him otherwise.

"But your Majesty, you barely started! You only had two today and there is still the matter-" the servant's hurried attempt at persuasion is interrupted once the King coldly glares at her. the Elites' cold gazes also served to shut her up but for a different reason, it is rather boring, to say the least, they would rather out drinking or fighting. The King deciding to cut audiences short is an early vacation day for them.

That was everyone's cue to leave the throne room. As soon as everyone is outside, the Elites walks out to some random direction while Nappa and a few others stay to take a closer at the newbies.
Shallot casually lets go of Prince Vegeta's tail when the King calls the fight, her smile growing even larger as the King gives them that slight nod. There was something great about absolutely humiliating a Prince and then having his father essentially tell you "good work". She gives the Prince a mocking wave as he was dragged out of the room.
"So these kids are the ones you got buckled up with, shorty?" Kolra's face flushes red in anger at Nappa's jab. She's of average by Saiyan standards, he's the one freakishly tall like a bean pole. Nappa doesn't seem to mean it in any way maliciously, it doesn't mean Kolra appreciates it however or tolerates his company for that matter.

"General, kindly fuck off," Kolra says hotly while crossing her arms defensively.

"Come on, don't be such a Kolra. It's been a while since we last saw each other. I'm surprised you don't have kids already, you're hitting what, your sixties or fifties now?" Nappa scratches his chin in thought while the Elites beside him finally couldn't keep it together as they burst out laughing. Kolra's face goes through a myriad of colors before settling on a reddish-purple, she's about to burst.

"I'm only thirty-two! It is not my fault everyone thinks I'm two decades older than that or something!" Kolra yells out before launching a few kicks and punches at Nappa which he easily catches with one hand, the other one is still rubbing his chin. He seems rather surprised at her being so young, the other Elites too. All Saiyans physically age significantly slower than other races but between themselves, they could tell each other's approximate ages, it is just a feeling. Kolra does to not abide by those rules, it seems. Well, that explains why she'll get pissed at getting called 'old hag'.

"Still mad as a cut snake, you've got quite a short temper, shorty. Heh." Nappa jokes, a bit of a stupid smile on his face. Kolra had enough, she storms off with a huff leaving her students there. They hear a distant cry of frustration as she flies away. Nappa then turns his attention to the kids who are a bit apprehensive at first, is he going to harass them too?

"Welly welly 'ello, mates. So how you've been doing so far? How's your mentor? Could you tell me some more about your latest mission?" he asks, his gaze is scrutinizing and calculating, it doesn't stop on Tayto at all so he doesn't seem to recognize him. Earlier, his gaze was amusing and joking, now the atmosphere rather quickly changed. The Elites beside Nappa still seems amused but they say nothing, merely observing. Nappa is a General and not for nothing, He may be looking for news and some sort of report on his subordinate or inspecting these new warriors that distinguished themselves right off the bat on their first mission, maybe he is scouting potential recruits for the Royal Army? It could be anything, their next words are important.

"Mmm, typical pacification mission as far as Chaya knows. Powerful natives in a desert planet that needed to be culled to prove our point, and a group of weak tribals that our current employer wanted in his territory that submitted quickly in the face of our actions, finding that ship from an abandoned research mission was a stroke of luck above and beyond our objectives, but Chaya can't complain about much other than breaking her legs trying to snap the biggest one's spine."

She shrugged helplessly. "Still, it didn't last much longer afterwards, so a win is a win Chaya thinks."
So the hag was only thirty-two? Oh well, Shallot still had every intention of referring to her as hag. More importantly was how the nerd was telling the story of their mission.

"That's a boring fucking way of telling what happened. Alright, here's how it went down. There were a bunch of relatively high power levels scattered around the planet. You'd probably be able to swat them around like flies, but they were about equal to all of us, except one which was a bit stronger than us. The others went to deal with the weaker side power levels individually while me and the runt took on the strongest, which turned out to be some sort of fucking lizard. Anyways, this thing's scales were tough as all hell and the runt almost died while we fought it, but I managed to hold on as the others were finishing their fights. I blinded the fucker and had it running away when the nerd got there and broke both her legs against its scales. Luckily for her, she managed to open up a gap in the scales, which I made good use of as I blew the fucker's head off its body. After a night of good eating, we decided to pay the locals a visit and make sure they'd be nice and subservient when Freeza's forces arrived. But as soon as we showed up, they started to treat us like gods. Makes sense if you ask me, I'm very worshipable. Turns out they had a Tuffle ship that was mostly fine and being their gods, they weren't gonna try to stop us from taking it. So we helped the nerd make the ship space worthy and flew it back here."
"You cowardly lowly warriors! Only your type would stoop so low as to use such tacti-" Shallot's soft squeeze of his tail serves to shut him up rather efficiently. Kolra finds herself rather impressed with the Prince's vocabulary. Was she supposed to believe he is a toddler and barely a year old? Well... They did say he was a genius maybe that applied to more than his PL?

"PUNCH HIS LIGHTS OUT!" Pota gleeful screamed as Shallot all but held Vegeta prisoner, either forgetting or not caring in the moment that he was the Prince.

"That is enough." the King's authoritative and booming voice echoes in the throne room bringing everyone to silence, even the elites who were talking among themselves while watching the fight. The King stands from his throne and walks toward the group, he stops near and gives a barely perceptible nod to the young Saiyan warriors which no one would notice but them. They would feel like it is the first time the King acknowledged their existence ever since they entered the throne room. The King bends down to pick up the Prince by the scruff of his neck.

"oops." She thought as he hands covered her mouth, suddenly realizing what she's said.

"Can I say that? Am I allowed to say that?"

Fortunately, the King either hadn't noticed or cared.

"Come on, don't be such a Kolra. It's been a while since we last saw each other. I'm surprised you don't have kids already, you're hitting what, your sixties or fifties now?" Nappa scratches his chin in thought while the Elites beside him finally couldn't keep it together as they burst out laughing. Kolra's face goes through a myriad of colors before settling on a reddish-purple, she's about to burst.

"I'm only thirty-two! It is not my fault everyone thinks I'm two decades older than that or something!" Kolra yells out before launching a few kicks and punches at Nappa which he easily catches with one hand, the other one is still rubbing his chin. He seems rather surprised at her being so young, the other Elites too. All Saiyans physically age significantly slower than other races but between themselves, they could tell each other's approximate ages, it is just a feeling. Kolra does to not abide by those rules, it seems. Well, that explains why she'll get pissed at getting called 'old hag'.

"Still mad as a cut snake, you've got quite a short temper, shorty. Heh." Nappa jokes, a bit of a stupid smile on his face. Kolra had enough, she storms off with a huff leaving her students there. They hear a distant cry of frustration as she flies away. Nappa then turns his attention to the kids who are a bit apprehensive at first, is he going to harass them too?

"Wow, is there anyone that woman doesn't know?" Pota thought to herself out loud as she watched the woman fly off in a huff.

"Welly welly 'ello, mates. So how you've been doing so far? How's your mentor? Could you tell me some more about your latest mission?" he asks, his gaze is scrutinizing and calculating, it doesn't stop on Tayto at all so he doesn't seem to recognize him.

For a moment, Pota almost missed Nappa asking for more information about their mission. When she realized what he was asking, she turned and immediately got excited.

"Yeah, it was..." She started.

"Mmm, typical pacification mission as far as Chaya knows. Powerful natives in a desert planet that needed to be culled to prove our point, and a group of weak tribals that our current employer wanted in his territory that submitted quickly in the face of our actions, finding that ship from an abandoned research mission was a stroke of luck above and beyond our objectives, but Chaya can't complain about much other than breaking her legs trying to snap the biggest one's spine."

She shrugged helplessly. "Still, it didn't last much longer afterwards, so a win is a win Chaya thinks."

Only for Chaya to get in her peace first. Somehow.

"That's not how you..." She started.

Looking towards General Nappa, Cado straightened up and began to give his report, going over the various decisions that were made and what had happened in the fight with the largest power as he knew it. When he got to the dealings with the natives, he left nothing out save for the fact that Pota had decided to take one on as a pet. "In regards to Kolra? So far she's slept through most of the time that I've known her, sometimes she takes time out of her napping to beat up Shallot for a bit. I can't say that I know her well enough to know if this the usual or if taking on our squad made her more lazy." Cado shrugged and looked over the attending Elites.

"To be perfectly honest, us finding the Tuffle ship was a total fluke, I don't think we as a squad will keep pulling shit like that off, but you never know."

Turning back to the General Cado bowed, "Is that everything you wanted?"

Then Cado somehow snuck his words in as well.

"UGH! That's just boring!" She groaned. She opened her mouth to speak again.

"That's a boring fucking way of telling what happened. Alright, here's how it went down. There were a bunch of relatively high power levels scattered around the planet. You'd probably be able to swat them around like flies, but they were about equal to all of us, except one which was a bit stronger than us. The others went to deal with the weaker side power levels individually while me and the runt took on the strongest, which turned out to be some sort of fucking lizard. Anyways, this thing's scales were tough as all hell and the runt almost died while we fought it, but I managed to hold on as the others were finishing their fights. I blinded the fucker and had it running away when the nerd got there and broke both her legs against its scales. Luckily for her, she managed to open up a gap in the scales, which I made good use of as I blew the fucker's head off its body. After a night of good eating, we decided to pay the locals a visit and make sure they'd be nice and subservient when Freeza's forces arrived. But as soon as we showed up, they started to treat us like gods. Makes sense if you ask me, I'm very worshipable. Turns out they had a Tuffle ship that was mostly fine and being their gods, they weren't gonna try to stop us from taking it. So we helped the nerd make the ship space worthy and flew it back here."

But then Shallot spoke up.

"See? Shallot gets it!" Pota said, stepping forward and putting a hand on Shallot's shoulder. "That's how you tell a story!"

She then stepped aside and removed her hand from Shallot.

"Yeah, it was great!" She said, all too excited to add her own element to the story. "All kinds of great! Me, I found these guys that were really hairy and had big horns. Most of them were a bunch of nobodies, but their leader, he was this big dude with a tree he used as a club. So I flew in and sent him flying, and then he rushed back and was all "RAAAAH" and trying to smash me, but he had no idea what he was doing and I basically fought circles around him. And then was lying on the ground, they're all cowing before me."

Pota put her fists on her hips and lowered her voice as she tried to give a more impressive repetition of her time on the planet.

"And so I say 'Alright all you losers! Swear undying loyalty to my boss!' And so they did."

She dropped the stance and went back to her previous tone.

"Except apparently didn't, since Kolra went back later to get a head for some reason I still don't know, and apparently the idiots tried to attack her and got their leader killed. So we've basically got the planet pacified at this point. Now here's the real crazy thing. That Tuffle ship? The reason they had it was because they were actually Tuffles! The whole planet had this crazy time thing going on where it jumps forward thousands of years! So those Tuffles probably escaped when we beat them all up here, found that planet, and then in those thousands of years basically turned into backwards barbarians! Insane, right?! I mean, by this point everything that was on the planet when we left is long dead now!"

Throughout it all, there was a giant smile on Pota's face as she added in her own details, more supplementing Shallot's story than anything with little concern for what the other, more boring retellings had told the General.
@Alectai @Dovahsith @Expecting Me @Space Jawa @Lorien22

The Elites seemed dumbfounded hearing them. Nappa had a blank look on his face, probably still trying to process what he's hearing. So it was a normal planet with normal wildlife to pacify but... Living Tuffles? A planet that jumps forward in time? The Tuffle ship is tame compared to that! He'll have to send some of his men to exterminate those Tuffles, he'll need the King's approval first, however. Still, he had been expecting something of these kids, he didn't know what but still whatever those expectations were, they were not met. Nappa was rather disappointed.

"So you're just smartass lucky kids." Nappa spits to the side. It is quite rude, his comment and behavior but since when did Saiyans care about that? Much less with weaker Saiyans. Nappa runs a hand through his hair. His thought could be summed up in 'meh'. Certainly what these kids found is good but that could be just chalked up to luck. Rather, two of them got close to the death against a measly creature with a PL of 900 or so. Nappa and his entourage walk out without any further comment nor farewells.

Far outside the young Saiyans' hearing range, the Elites spoke among themselves.

"You know that Lieutenant, Nappa? Maybe some past fling?" A female Elite teased, if it was true she'll be yelling it out on the roofs. There is nothing better than to piss off another Saiyan, even more, if he's her superior. Saiyan's way of handling the chain of command in an organized military is rather weird.

"Know her? Nah, never seen her in my life as far as I know. Why did you think I'll call her shorty?" Nappa shrugs nonchalantly while picking at his ear with his pinkie.

"Seems like she's got some beef against me so maybe I met her before. Wait, no, she recognizes me so we probably know each other or something. Fuck if I care, to be honest, there are hundreds of Lieutenants I see every week. Tryin' to play it friendly with that Lieutenant, you know, since I thought those kids she's mentoring might've got something in them." Nappa explains his previous actions.

"The Zenkai those two kids got would still put them at an advantage compared to the other new E&C squads and the rest shows quite a lot of-" A more rational Saiyan Elite shares his thoughts on the matter but he is soon interrupted by Nappa.

"Tell you what, mate. The bill is on me at the tavern if you'll fucking shut up already. They're low-class warriors that got lucky, nothing more nothing less." There was a round of cheers at Nappa's words, not for his comment about the kids but about him paying for all of them. They're certainly not poor but who would refuse free beer? The Elite Saiyan who spoke up seeing the cheers and to be fair, between a day of free beer or speaking up for some random kids, his choice was set. He'll keep them in his mind if they ever become interesting enough.

The team meets up again at the PTO administration building in the Capital after Kolra contacted them through their scouters. It is where they get their payment and new missions. At the reception, there is a different ugly alien from last time but none could really care any less about it. Kolra pushes forward Chaya who is the one who has their squad's ID card which after running it through their systems, they got their payment for the job; around 20k Credits was added to the squad's PTO bank account, for safekeeping, Kolra takes the initiative and transfers the money they got from the King into the PTO bank. It seems like the PTO didn't particularly care about the time shenanigans on the planet, they did their assigned job and that was that.

Kolra herself present the head of that bull she killed on C#456 in a sack full of ice to preserve it. A few seconds later, there are a few PTO scientists rushing to get the head inside a tube before rushing off with it. Kolra is rather happy with the money she got from this side-job although she refuses to share how much she actually got from it.

"So I heard you guys mouthing off about splitting the King's reward six ways and I say it's unnecessary. Just split the share between yourselves, I don't need a part of it." Kolra says in a lazy tone. "More importantly, you've got to pick up your next job, scrubs."

Planet: Cold #456

Type: Desert

Demand: Complete extermination of the primitive natives, additional pay if they are enslaved. Local wildlife dangerous, it should be pacified.
Source: Assignment EC#3592

Planet: Lokir

Type: Continental/Forest

Demand: Complete annihilation of the Lokirians and pacification of their planet. Avoid damaging the planet or the price it could be sold at will be lower. The Lokirians are advanced but they did not achieve FTL propulsion.
Source: Assignment EC#2752

Planet: Cold #343

Type: Greenhouse

Demand: Local wildlife is highly dangerous. It should be exterminated not pacified, damage to the planet is not a concern. Blow away the atmosphere.
Source: Assignment EC#4789

Planet: N/A.

Type: N/A

Demand: Search and subdue or kill two rogue E&C Saiyan squads south-east of the Delta Quadrant, leader of the rogue Saiyans is named Erkin, other members include Saiyans named Turles, Tunnip, Cucum, Pakcho. The rest were captured or killed by PTO forces and no longer relevant.
Source: Assignment EC#3742

The completed missions are crossed out, it seems like another squad had gone and completed the mission on C#343 but at least, they have one more choice out of two. Although, the new mission seemed to be rather dangerous.

"Look who's here. If it isn't the upstart wonderful 'warriors' we've been hearing about?" Everyone turns around to see the origin of that malicious voice, the one standing before them. A young Saiyan warrior like them with her arms crossed, her PL is 1400 which is rather impressive. A sharp haughty smirk shows itself on the face of the newcomer.

"You guys are a fluke, merely the force behind luck seeing your pathetic existence and decided to lend a hand out of pity. I heard about you and you've achieved nothing. Do you see that mission on Planet Cold #343? My squad was the one to complete it within less than a day, we even got a bonus for our effort but seeing worthless shit like you receiving recognition from the King serves nothing but to upturn my stomach. If you know what's good for you and to not get your head too full of yourselves because you got lucky, I'll advise you to leave that search and kill mission to me and my squad as it is quite obviously out of your league." the female Saiyan warrior had quite a sharp tongue. Kolra stands at the side, she seemed rather interested in seeing where this is going to go, she's not willing to interfere yet.

It took a few seconds but they could finally recognize the Saiyan before them who was so set on belittling them and securing that mission. She is Sarada and she built quite a name for herself as a rising star among E&C squads, she could be referred to as a genius too. Not on par with the Prince but enough that in the future, she would be a serious candidate as a future Queen. She had been born with a PL of 600, entered the E&C squads around the same time as Kolra's students and she had around a 1k PL at that time. Right off the bat, after she returns from her first mission she rose to 1400 PL. She even has the privilege of skipping past entire apprenticeship under a mentor, her father is an Elite and she is rather attractive by Saiyan standards.

Kolra found it rather ironic of this kid to speak and belittle her students for being lucky yet her entire existence and success revolves around being lucky. Sarada is lucky being born with a high PL under a father who's part of the Elites and thus a lot of influence and power, she's lucky that her father took the time and effort in raising her and nurturing her potential, she's lucky to be born beautiful. Thus, Kolra found the situation rather ironic and highly amusing from her perspective. This haughty kid will make a good show to entertain her.

Kolra found it rather ironic of this kid to speak and belittle her students for being lucky yet her entire existence and success revolves around being lucky. Sarada is lucky being born with a high PL under a father who's part of the Elites and thus a lot of influence and power, she's lucky that her father took the time and effort in raising her and nurturing her potential, she's lucky to be born beautiful. Thus, Kolra found the situation rather ironic and highly amusing from her perspective. This haughty kid will make a good show to entertain her.
Tayto looked at her, this Saiyan who had everything yet was barely stronger than he was!

That said, he was hardly able to match anyone with a battle of wits...which was for wimps and Chaya he supposed, unwillingly discounting the weirdo of his squad from that category after she'd helped out against the worm...dragon..thing. Even Shallot had worked hard to get where she was.

Didn't excuse her for being an asshole, but she was fun to fight at least.

Quirking his head to the side, he favored Sarada with a blank look of mild confusion.

"Sorry, should I know you?"
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"Sorry, should I know you?"
Sarada's smirk quite visibly faltered hearing that it is rather obvious that Sarada puts a lot of pride in her status and power.

"I... what?" Sarada had lost her composure for a few seconds there, that wasn't the answer she had been expecting, not at all! She soon regains her bearings and bites back, for a fourteen-year-old youngster, she could show quite a fierce look but in Kolra's honest opinion, compared to Shallot's glares, Sadara is quite tame. If Shallot's glares to Kolra were cute puppy eyes then Sadara would be just a toddler pouting. At least, that's how Kolra saw them. Seriously, her motherly instincts shouldn't be so strong since she doesn't even have a kid!

"Bullshit, you haven't heard of me. You must have hit your head as meatheaded retarded warriors like you, usually do. " Sarada snarls clearly offended by the idea that someone wouldn't know of her or rather purposefully say that to look for trouble. The people that messed with her either had the power to back it up or were just foolish, her father's influence enough is enough to dissuade most people from speaking out of turn with her.
Sarada's smirk quite visibly faltered hearing that it is rather obvious that Sarada puts a lot of pride in her status and power.

"I... what?" Sarada had lost her composure for a few seconds there, that wasn't the answer she had been expecting, not at all! She soon regains her bearings and bites back, for a fourteen-year-old youngster, she could show quite a fierce look but in Kolra's honest opinion, compared to Shallot's glares, Sadara is quite tame. If Shallot's glares to Kolra were cute puppy eyes then Sadara would be just a toddler pouting. At least, that's how Kolra saw them. Seriously, her motherly instincts shouldn't be so strong since she doesn't even have a kid!

"Bullshit, you haven't heard of me. You must have hit your head as meatheaded retarded warriors like you, usually do. " Sarada snarls clearly offended by the idea that someone wouldn't know of her or rather purposefully say that to look for trouble. The people that messed with her either had the power to back it up or were just foolish, her father's influence enough is enough to dissuade most people from speaking out of turn with her.
Tayto squinted at her, as thought trying to place Sarada within his memory, rifling through the various Saiyans he had met till he found a solution to his query.

Finally his eyes alit with certainty, snapping his fingers as though he'd managed to come up with the answer. "I know! You're Shallot's less bitchy baby sister!"

The resemblance was quite honestly frightening, even if the comparison was more to irritate both of them than a genuine assumption...where was he getting these long words from?

@Expecting Me
"So you're just smartass lucky kids."
"Yep, that's us," Shallot responds, her grin never leaving her face.
"Look who's here. If it isn't the upstart wonderful 'warriors' we've been hearing about?" Everyone turns around to see the origin of that malicious voice, the one standing before them. A young Saiyan warrior like them with her arms crossed, her PL is 1400 which is rather impressive. A sharp haughty smirk shows itself on the face of the newcomer.

"You guys are a fluke, merely the force behind luck seeing your pathetic existence and decided to lend a hand out of pity. I heard about you and you've achieved nothing. Do you see that mission on Planet Cold #343? My squad was the one to complete it within less than a day, we even got a bonus for our effort but seeing worthless shit like you receiving recognition from the King serves nothing but to upturn my stomach. If you know what's good for you and to not get your head too full of yourselves because you got lucky, I'll advise you to leave that search and kill mission to me and my squad as it is quite obviously out of your league."

"Sorry, should I know you?"

"I... what?" Sarada had lost her composure for a few seconds there, that wasn't the answer she had been expecting, not at all! She soon regains her bearings and bites back, for a fourteen-year-old youngster, she could show quite a fierce look but in Kolra's honest opinion, compared to Shallot's glares, Sadara is quite tame. If Shallot's glares to Kolra were cute puppy eyes then Sadara would be just a toddler pouting. At least, that's how Kolra saw them. Seriously, her motherly instincts shouldn't be so strong since she doesn't even have a kid!

"Bullshit, you haven't heard of me. You must have hit your head as meatheaded retarded warriors like you, usually do. " Sarada snarls clearly offended by the idea that someone wouldn't know of her or rather purposefully say that to look for trouble.

"I know! You're Shallot's less bitchy baby sister!"
Never before had Shallot heard a Saiyan use so many words to say absolutely nothing of importance. Now, her first instinct was just to completely ignore the existence of this prissy fucker, knowing that it'd piss her off more than anything else. But the runt decided to go the route of pretending not to know who she was. A decent choice and one Shallot was going to let him pursue on his own, but then he had to go and bring her into it. It was pretty obvious that he was trying to push her buttons too, but he's not all that great at it. He's doing good enough to get a reaction from Sarada, but that's hardly an achievement. Still, him referring to her means she had to contribute now.

"Nah, her father's an Elite, she's had every roadblock removed from her path. She'd never gotten as far as she had without her Daddy protecting her from having to work for it."
"Nah, her father's an Elite, she's had every roadblock removed from her path. She'd never gotten as far as she had without her Daddy protecting her from having to work for it."
As much as Sarada is tempted in making her swallow back those words with her might as proof, she couldn't keep causing a scene in the PTO building much less a fight. No matter how much her father is influential and powerful, she couldn't afford to jeopardize the Saiyans' relationship with the PTO over such a simple matter and get the King pissed off at her father.

"Shut the fuck up, Scarface. Look, just get the hell out of my way and I'll forgive your attitude, I'm going to pick that mission." Sarada points at the search and kills or subdue mission. She's set her eyes on it and she saw quite a handy opportunity to make herself go from a rising star genius known locally to a celebrity everyone knows for her strength and feats like that famous warrior Bardock who is allegedly the strongest warrior the Saiyans could pride themselves in apart from the King and the Prince themselves.
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Cado just looks back and forth between the bitch fight thats currently going on next to him, amusment flickering across his face. Turning towards the alien at the desk, he points out the Lokir mission "What sort of tech could we expect from the natives? We talking Tuffle or something lesser?"
"So you're just smartass lucky kids." Nappa spits to the side. It is quite rude, his comment and behavior but since when did Saiyans care about that? Much less with weaker Saiyans. Nappa runs a hand through his hair. His thought could be summed up in 'meh'. Certainly what these kids found is good but that could be just chalked up to luck. Rather, two of them got close to the death against a measly creature with a PL of 900 or so. Nappa and his entourage walk out without any further comment nor farewells.

"It was nice meeting you!" Pota called after Nappa and his entourage as they walked off, not caring that they didn't have anything further to say.

"Shut the fuck up, Scarface. Look, just get the hell out of my way and I'll forgive your attitude, I'm going to pick that mission." Sarada points at the search and kills or subdue mission.

A bit of a pout found its way onto Pota's face when Sarada picked the Search mission.

"I was kind of hoping we might take that one." She thought.

So much for choice.
"Shut the fuck up, Scarface. Look, just get the hell out of my way and I'll forgive your attitude, I'm going to pick that mission."
Shallot takes a moment and pretends to consider, "Mmmh...No. I think I'm quite comfortable right where I am and if you knew me, you'd know I'm not big on getting forgiveness from people. And even if I was, there are scarier fucking Saiyans I've pissed off that would take precedent over you. But Scarface, huh? I gotta admit, I kinda like it. Yeah, quite proud of these. They're mementos of me getting my ass kicked and coming out better for it. I guess I can see how you'd think that's an insult. For you they'd just be proof that there were times you had to actually work to get better and not be able to get your Daddy to take care of it for you. Me? Never had a dad to do things for me and my mother sure as shit wasn't gonna be able to."
"What sort of tech could we expect from the natives? We talking Tuffle or something lesser?"
"Don't bother asking any details about that mission," Shallot says looking at Cado before turning her head back to Sarada. "It's gonna be the Daddy Girl's mission. We're going to be doing the search and subdue mission."

She then continues to stare at Sarada with a smirk on her face daring her to do something.
"Don't bother asking any details about that mission," Shallot says looking at Cado before turning her head back to Sarada. "It's gonna be the Daddy Girl's mission. We're going to be doing the search and subdue mission."

She then continues to stare at Sarada with a smirk on her face daring her to do something.

Cado gives Shallot and the brat a brief glance before turning back to the alien and raised a brow, waiting for an answer and steadfastly ignoring whatever spat the two arrogant women were having next to him. Tilting his head towards Chaya he spoke, "Which one you want? I think we have Shallot's opinion, but one person doesn't make a decision for the whole group"
"OH! OH! IDEA! IDEA!" Pota exclaimed, jumping up and down while waving her arm in the air.

"Guys, remember how we all wanted to do different missions last time, but we couldn't decide, so we fought over it?" She said to her squad.

She then turned to Sarada.

"What you say to a duel?" She asked. "Your squad versus ours. Winners gets first pick, the losers get stuck with the leftover mission."

Admittedly, her own squad hadn't agreed to the idea, or even that they actually wanted to do the Saiyan Search mission.

But they were all Saiyans here. How could they not all agree to a fight to settle the matter?
"Shut the fuck up, Scarface. Look, just get the hell out of my way and I'll forgive your attitude, I'm going to pick that mission." Sarada points at the search and kills or subdue mission. She's set her eyes on it and she saw quite a handy opportunity to make herself go from a rising star genius known locally to a celebrity everyone knows for her strength and feats like that famous warrior Bardock who is allegedly the strongest warrior the Saiyans could pride themselves in apart from the King and the Prince themselves.

Tayto looked as though he was considering it, before it became apparent that he was just being an ass.

"No." He stated flatly, as though the very suggestion was a waste of his time.

"Don't bother asking any details about that mission," Shallot says looking at Cado before turning her head back to Sarada. "It's gonna be the Daddy Girl's mission. We're going to be doing the search and subdue mission."

She then continues to stare at Sarada with a smirk on her face daring her to do something.
"Cheer up. Maybe if you work hard, you work your way up to slum with us lower class warriors!" He chimed in cheerfully, enjoying being a pain in the ass as he mentally begged Sarada to stop talking and hit him already!

He'd already been cheated of a fight for the day. He needed something to work out his battlelust.

"What you say to a duel?" She asked. "Your squad versus ours. Winners gets first pick, the losers get stuck with the leftover mission."
"Makes sense to me. Strongest warriors earn the harder fights and all."
"Chaya doesn't object" Chaya pointed out with a half-hearted wave, not really caring one way or the other but also not willing to indulge in any real strife either at the moment, because that seemed like a good way to get things complicated.
Cado just let out a sigh before shrugging and cracking his neck and knuckles, "Fuck it, let's get violent, or is the smooth skinned baby too good for that?" Turning to Sarada, Cado gives her a faint smile and a hard stare, looking her directly in the eyes amd waiting for her response. If it was going to go down this way then he might as well go all in on it, no use objecting if everyone had basically agreed to it.
@Alectai @Dovahsith @Expecting Me @Space Jawa @Lorien22

Kolra was about to step in to stop things from escalating but she was surprisingly stopped by Sarada of all people, who had noticed her! Kolra wanted to stop the youth, not because she wasn't confident in their abilities but because they could get in more trouble. Kolra, honestly, could say that they had more than a fair chance of winning but that's exactly the problem. If they win and Sarada not taking the defeat decides to bring the matter up to her Daddy.

They would be dead and Kolra as their mentor would be dragged into it as well. The only thing that could save if she decided to suck up to someone higher in the chain of command, maybe General Nappa or the King but then good luck even meeting them, last time they were already quite lucky for a lowly lieutenant and her disciples to meet them.

"This matter is between us and not anyone else! I have pride as a Saiyan!" Sarada sneers at Kolra who just shrugs nonchalantly, an indifference she did not actually feel in the inside and she was quite angry, in fact! She doesn't really trust her word that much, Saiyans aren't trusting in the first place but she can't do much about it.

"We will be fighting in warehouse 34, I and my team will be waiting for you there. We'll fight on one versus one starting from the weakest squad member against the other weakest to the strongest." Sarada explains the rules haughtily before stomping out to look for her squad. She has no intention to wait for their comments or opinions or her right to decide such things. Quite petty. Then again, that's a common trait to Saiyans...

"You fucking idiots, what were you thinking?!" Kolra smacks the whole squad's heads strongly. She was worried for them and more importantly for herself! These idiots are risking her status and life as well in this stupid match when they couldn't give up on some shit-ass mission!
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"What?" Pota asked. "What did we do wrong?"

While she imagined that Kolra thought she had a genuine, legitimate reason to be concerned, Pota was having a hard time figuring out just what that reason might be.
"You fucking idiots, what were you thinking?!" Kolra smacks the whole squad's heads strongly. She was worried for them and more importantly for herself! These idiots are risking her status and life as well in this stupid match when they couldn't give up on some shit-ass mission!
"I was thinking that I was getting sick of hearing everyone squabble over a mission that I don't care about. At this point I just want to punch someone."

Cado scowled at Kolra, and the direction that Sarada had tantrummed off to. Damn the power difference, if he got the chance he was going to deck her in the face, smug little bitch.
@Alectai @Dovahsith @Expecting Me @Space Jawa @Lorien22

"You fucking idiots, what were you thinking?!" Kolra smacks the whole squad's heads strongly. She was worried for them and more importantly for herself! These idiots are risking her status and life as well in this stupid match when they couldn't give up on some shit-ass mission!

"Kolra said Chaya is not to be in charge anymore" Chaya pointed out, accepting the smack on the head in good grace. "Unfortunately, Chaya is the only level-head here, and thus we find ourselves stuck."
@Alectai @Dovahsith @Expecting Me @Space Jawa @Lorien22

Kolra growls misinterpreting their words as them being sassy at her, especially Pota and Chaya. She would beat them up for good measure but they're about to fight. Wait, wouldn't that actually be good? If they lose, she'll have nothing to worry about from Sarada's Daddy Dearest.

"Here's the thing. You're going to put up a good fight at first and then lose intentionally but make it believable. Otherwise, they'll think you're looking down on them or something stupid like that." Kolra instructs her students.

Anyone hearing that would have a good laugh. The mentor instructing her disciples to intentionally lose? That's new! Kolra doesn't wait to hear for their opinion before she takes off to the meeting point for the fight. That makes her the fourth person after the King, Nappa and Sarada. Most people don't seem to care all that much about hearing their thoughts when it doesn't suit them.

When everyone arrives, they find the five opposing fighters, Sarada included. Her haughty smirk hasn't moved since you last saw her at the PTO building. She doesn't waste time to talk or to taunt the opponent, she merely nods to one of her squad members who step forward. He is tall, burly, short-cropped spiky hair on his square-shaped head, the epitome of a regular Saiyan warrior's appearance.

"Howdy t' ya fellows. Ahm hair ta smack one awf ya 'ard. Step forward shithead." He speaks in a heavy accent, he must have grown in some far-off rural area. His power level stands at 932. This is the weakest member of Sarada's squad?! Kolra wants to tear her hair out. Why is she making such a fuss about this anyway? Didn't she just tell them earlier to intentionally lose? Everything will go just fine.

"Thuh fuhrst move is awn ya." he taunts.
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