You know, for all the training Shallot did on the journey back, she didn't really feel like she got a chance to push her limits. Maybe it was because the hag was able to completely outclass her. Maybe she just didn't trust the nerd enough to believe that the ship could handle some real Saiyan heavy training. Whatever the case, the other two managed to get more out of it than Shallot did, while also developing some new techniques. She'd have to get around to doing that sometime soon, she even had an idea of what to go for.

But it's time to focus on what she's doing today. The coward was going to be helping the annoyance (not the most distinguishing attribute in this group of Saiyans, but it'll have to do for now) sneak the Tuffle girl away. They didn't ask for her help (nor would she be inclined to give it), but this was a great opportunity to bask in her success during the mission. It might also give the two enough of a distraction to sneak the girl off, but that was hardly Shallot's intention as she approached the gathered Saiyans and said, "So any of you fuckers want to hear the story of how we got this ship?"
@Alectai @Dovahsith @Expecting Me @Space Jawa @Lorien22

The Saiyans all around grin at Shallot's words, a round of loud belly laughs running through the crowd. There is no malice in those laughs, they seemed merely amused or interested as to what Shallot has to say.

"Sure thing, kid." a burly vertically-challenged Saiyan answers.

"You sure it's you and not your mentor who did all the work?" Another one in the crowd comments.

Shallot manages to keep them occupied for a long while telling of their mission in C-456. Which offers a perfect window of opportunity for Pota to sneak Calla out without any fuss or trouble. Pota hides her in her home, a rundown shack that seems like it is about to collapse any time soon but it's been looking like that for years so it should be fine...

By the time the sun goes beyond the horizon, Tayto and Chaya have already been healed and cleared to go from the medical facility. They find their skins to be unnaturally soft and new, old scars by years have disappeared. It's like they've just been born. Kolra is there to pick them up.

"You'll have to get used to it. Those things heal everything without any exception. I went through it once and all the scars I've had proudly on my skin disappeared. Man, was I pissed at the time." Kolra comments while reminiscing her mission last year. "Anyway, let's go. The others are waiting for us at the tavern."

Kolra doesn't waste time taking off and flying off towards the aforementioned place, as they arrive, they find the place rather full with Pota, Shallot and Cado waiting for them at the entrance before they all enter to take a seat.

"A drink for these shit-eating rookies! They just went through their first mission. Congratulations are in order, the bill is on me!" Kolra yells out to the overworked waiters who rush to comply with her order.

"Tonight, you can shit-faced as much as you want. My wallet is covering for this." Kolra reassures with a thumbs-up and a wide cheeky grin. "In the morrow, we'll be going to the PTO post to take our money and then to the palace... The King asked to meet you." If Kolra's grin could get any wider, it would. The subject that's been going around the tavern is rather interesting.

"So why did the King kick out Captain Paragus?"

"Nah, he didn't kick him out. He went off the planet by himself by taking one of the PTO ships."

"What got into him?"

"Apparently, he went searching for his son who was sent to pacify some distant planet."

"I didn't take the Captain for a softie. All low-class babies are sent off to other planets."

"The thing is, the Captain's son wasn't a low-class at all! His son could rival Prince Vegeta's own PL if not surpass it! The King, either jealous or afraid for his position, sent the kid off the planet. That's what they say at least, I wouldn't know if it is true or not."

Having working legs was a treasure

"Dum de dum" Chaya muttered to herself, bouncing back and forth, bursting with untold energy. The consequences of a lifetime of limited nutrition, intensive labor, all capped off by the microfractures that tore her skeletal system apart? All gone, and all of her inner force that was being used to compensate for those had been freed up for her own personal use.

The effects on her battle power estimate were obvious, more than doubling from her original peak--the level expected of an ordinary warrior--which is what she was honestly going to be sorted as if it wasn't for her unusual eye coloration getting her shunted off to a second-line career path. It was nice to be someone that actually occasionally got a nod of recognition.

And of course, you know, victory--Saiyan society adored victors, and the stories of breaking a great beast's spine with a supersonic kick was one that would actually get some drinks bought.

You know, if Kolra wasn't busy making the offer herself.

"Chaya apologizes for the aggravation earlier" She adds, her old habit still kicking in despite her new confidence in actually being stronger than most around her--if not quite up to the level of the higher class warriors who take on the harder missions. "Still, Chaya thinks that raking in two bonuses when only one was on the table is a great thing that should be shared around, so Chaya will help pay for the celebration." She nodded. "Victory must always be celebrated after all, that's the point of winning."

What was she even going to drink anyway? It was almost never a thing that she had access to in the past--drinks were bloody expensive if you didn't regularly pull down a salary, and while the opening up of the galaxy led to some imports, local brews were more often used to clean engines than to actually drink.
Shallot manages to keep them occupied for a long while telling of their mission in C-456. Which offers a perfect window of opportunity for Pota to sneak Calla out without any fuss or trouble. Pota hides her in her home, a rundown shack that seems like it is about to collapse any time soon but it's been looking like that for years so it should be fine...

It was with a sigh of relief that Pota closed the door behind her, ensuring that - for now, at least - her secret was safe. She'd still have future problems she'd have to address in the future, but she was playing things by ears as it was anyhow. For the time being, she'd probably continue to wing it.

First step on the agenda would probably be a headscarf of some kind to hide Calla's hair. She'd probably need some other disguise elements as well.

"Alright, you're safe for now." Pota said, turning to Calla, then she took a firm stance on the ground and looked at the Tuffle woman with a fierce intensity.

"Now listen up!" Pota said, her voice all business. "Vacation's over. Time to start whipping you into shape! There are toddlers on this planet that could kill you without breaking a sweat, and that just won't do! Your spirit may be a burning fire, but your body is a bunch of wet tissue paper! If you're going to survive as my minion, we're going to have to push you like you've never been pushed before!"

Pota pointed to a corner of the room, indicating for Calla to stand out of the way. Once there was space to work, Pota took to the center.

"Right now, you might as well be a twig. I can't even properly train you till we hone your body into something that won't die if I accidentally sneeze on you too hard. Understand? That's why the first thing I'm going to teach you is how to turn your pathetic frame into a lean, mean fighting machine we can both be proud of!"

Then, Pota began teaching Calla wide retinue of Saiyan strength exercises, basic moves that would allow the woman to buff herself up on her own. She took Calla through sit-ups, push-ups, squats, and all the other major, important moves until Pota could be certain that Calla knew them all.

"And now you're going to do all of them." Pota said. "You're going to do all of them until you can hardly move anymore! And then, after you've rested and you're ready to go again, you're going to do it all over again! We're going to push you to the breaking point! And we're going to keep pushing you to the breaking point until I say otherwise! You will feel the pain, you understand? But believe me, you'll be thanking me later! When we hone that spirit of yours into someone who won't die the moment they're up against a real challenge, you'll be thanking me for turning you into someone you can be proud of!"

At that, Pota got Calla started on the first steps of her training routine, keeping a close watch on the alien woman to ensure she was doing it right and putting in a genuine effort until such time as Pota had to meet the others for drinks.

"You keep at it while I'm gone." Pota said. "When I come back, I expect you to either still be at it or so worn out you can't do anything but sleep right where you've fallen over."

With that, Pota left and closed the door behind her.

"I'll have to remember to bring some food back for her when I come back." Pota thought.

"A drink for these shit-eating rookies! They just went through their first mission. Congratulations are in order, the bill is on me!" Kolra yells out to the overworked waiters who rush to comply with her order.

"WHOO!" Pota shouted, throwing her arms into the air in celebration of what was effectively an all-you-can-drink buffet. She immediately went to work trying as many different drinks as she could, ensuring to enjoy each one in turn.

"Tonight, you can shit-faced as much as you want. My wallet is covering for this." Kolra reassures with a thumbs-up and a wide cheeky grin. "In the morrow, we'll be going to the PTO post to take our money and then to the palace... The King asked to meet you." If Kolra's grin could get any wider, it would. The subject that's been going around the tavern is rather interesting.

"Ooo! Ooo!" Pota exclaimed with a grin of her own. "What's he want to talk to us about? Is it the ship?"

"Chaya apologizes for the aggravation earlier" She adds, her old habit still kicking in despite her new confidence in actually being stronger than most around her--if not quite up to the level of the higher class warriors who take on the harder missions. "Still, Chaya thinks that raking in two bonuses when only one was on the table is a great thing that should be shared around, so Chaya will help pay for the celebration." She nodded. "Victory must always be celebrated after all, that's the point of winning."

"Bah, you're worrying too much!" Pota said, giving Chaya firm, friendly pat on the back. "If Kolra's willing to treat us, why not enjoy it? Who knows the next time you'll get to drink as much as you want for free?"
Ah, it was great to be surrounded by real Saiyans, not the bunch of misfits she was put on a team with. Now she was forced to spend even more time with them. On the plus side, free booze. And Shallot was planning to make full use of it. A night of revelry would be great. But just drinking? Nah, Shallot wanted more of a challenge. Not a fight (though that may come after the drinking), but a bit of competition might just spice things up. From her read of her squad mates, Shallot thought she knew just who she could egg on...

Shallot gives Tayto a hearty smack on the back and proclaims, "All we can drink huh? Well I guess you're not gonna have to spend too much on the runt here. I bet the little guy will be knocked out by the first one he has!"
"Tonight, you can shit-faced as much as you want. My wallet is covering for this." Kolra reassures with a thumbs-up and a wide cheeky grin. "In the morrow, we'll be going to the PTO post to take our money and then to the palace... The King asked to meet you." If Kolra's grin could get any wider, it would. The subject that's been going around the tavern is rather interesting.
Sighing happily, Cado finishes his first drink with a great gulp. Looking amongst his squad, he can definitely say that he likes half of them, the jury was still out on Tayto. Regaling a few of the less drunk patrons with the story of their mission had been fun for a time, but now Cado was looking forward to relaxing and drinking, though not to too much excess if they were going to be meeting the King tomorrow. It wouldnt do to show up hungover and stumbling into everything.

"Ooo! Ooo!" Pota exclaimed with a grin of her own. "What's he want to talk to us about? Is it the ship?"

"Of course its the ship, what else have we done to garner his attention, not like any of us are Paragus' kid" Cado lets out a small snort and leans back in his chair. Taking a sip from a new drink he continues "What I'm curious about is what he actually wants to say to us, aside from general congratulations, and all that"

Shallot gives Tayto a hearty smack on the back and proclaims, "All we can drink huh? Well I guess you're not gonna have to spend too much on the runt here. I bet the little guy will be knocked out by the first one he has!"

Letting out a short grunt, Cado turns to Shallot "Ahh lay off him, he did good, doesnt need any of your heckling right now"
"Of course its the ship, what else have we done to garner his attention, not like any of us are Paragus' kid" Cado lets out a small snort and leans back in his chair. Taking a sip from a new drink he continues "What I'm curious about is what he actually wants to say to us, aside from general congratulations, and all that"

"You think it's true, then?" Pota asked. "Some Saiyan super-kid? That's got to be a rumor, right? What kind of sense would there be in effectively banishing some kind of Saiyan super-kid like that?"
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Ah, it was great to be surrounded by real Saiyans, not the bunch of misfits she was put on a team with. Now she was forced to spend even more time with them. On the plus side, free booze. And Shallot was planning to make full use of it. A night of revelry would be great. But just drinking? Nah, Shallot wanted more of a challenge. Not a fight (though that may come after the drinking), but a bit of competition might just spice things up. From her read of her squad mates, Shallot thought she knew just who she could egg on...

Shallot gives Tayto a hearty smack on the back and proclaims, "All we can drink huh? Well I guess you're not gonna have to spend too much on the runt here. I bet the little guy will be knocked out by the first one he has!"
Tayto's head swiveled on the spot, eyes narrowed, face reddening.

"Oh yeah? I'll match you drink for drink!" He proclaimed with utter overconfidence.

He'd never drank before in his life. Places like this weren't exactly welcoming to the penniless.
"You think it's true, then?" Pota asked. "Some Saiyan super-kid? That's got to be a rumor, right? What kind of sense would there be in effectively banishing some kind of Saiyan super-kid like that?"

"I think that Paragus left for a reason, he wouldnt just up and fly off if his kid didnt have something unique about it, and I also think that King Vegeta wouldnt want someone around that could potentially threaten his or his child's rule. So the king sends this special brat off to some nightmare of a world to get rid of him and keep his dynasty safe. Hell, 456 would have been perfect for it."

"Oh yeah? I'll match you drink for drink!" He proclaimed with utter overconfidence.

Cado just looks at the kid with a raised brow and an amused grin before he shakes his head "Your funeral, just try to look somewhat presentable for the king tomorrow"
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"I think that Paragus left for a reason, he wouldnt just up and fly off if his kid didnt have something unique about it, and I also think that King Vegeta wouldnt want someone around that could potentially threaten his or his child's rule. So the king sends this special brat off to some nightmare of a world to get rid of him and keep his dynasty safe. Hell, 456 would have been perfect for it."

Pota downed her drink as she considered Cado's words, then slammed her empty mug on the table in front of her.

"I guess that makes sense?" She said. "But at the same does't make sense. What kind of threat is a kid going to be? That sounds like the perfect time to mold him into someone who won't be a threat. Or something."

She placed an order for another drink - shifting to sample a different variety - then turned back to Coda.

"Whatever. Still sounds weird. And a waste. Besides, what's banishing going to be good for anyway? If the kid really is a threat, what's going to keep the kid from saying 'Nah, I'm going to quit being banished' and coming right on back? I tell yah, if he really wanted to be rid of the kid, he should have waited till the kid was old enough to put up a fight and gotten someone to deal with it that way."

New drink in hand, Pota took a big swig that filled her mouth, allowing her to savor the full flavor of it.

"Nah, it doesn't add up." She said after swallowing. "But maybe that's just me."
"Saiyans are hard to wrangle, Chaya thinks" She looks at the pile of shot glasses she had assembled around her, with little samples of most of the contents, shrugged, and downed one at random. "We're aggressive and violent and constantly trying to one-up each other, so it's little surprise that the King knows this and knows better than to allow competition to his own son."

She shrugged, going to the next shotglass. "Maybe co-opting them would be smarter--maybe--or it might backfire. After all, the king is the one who's the strongest, if he raises someone who could even match his son, it causes problems in the next generation."
"Oh yeah? I'll match you drink for drink!" He proclaimed with utter overconfidence.
Yep, the best way to get the runt to do something was to insult him first. A good thing to know for when they inevitably fight. Fucker was stronger than her now, but if she could keep him off balance, Shallot was pretty sure she could beat him. With a grin Shallot got two drinks and put one in front of Tayto.

"We'll see about that," she says before she knocks back her drink and goes for another.
Pota downed her drink as she considered Cado's words, then slammed her empty mug on the table in front of her.

"I guess that makes sense?" She said. "But at the same does't make sense. What kind of threat is a kid going to be? That sounds like the perfect time to mold him into someone who won't be a threat. Or something."

She placed an order for another drink - shifting to sample a different variety - then turned back to Coda.

"Whatever. Still sounds weird. And a waste. Besides, what's banishing going to be good for anyway? If the kid really is a threat, what's going to keep the kid from saying 'Nah, I'm going to quit being banished' and coming right on back? I tell yah, if he really wanted to be rid of the kid, he should have waited till the kid was old enough to put up a fight and gotten someone to deal with it that way."

New drink in hand, Pota took a big swig that filled her mouth, allowing her to savor the full flavor of it.

"Nah, it doesn't add up." She said after swallowing. "But maybe that's just me."

"Saiyans are hard to wrangle, Chaya thinks" She looks at the pile of shot glasses she had assembled around her, with little samples of most of the contents, shrugged, and downed one at random. "We're aggressive and violent and constantly trying to one-up each other, so it's little surprise that the King knows this and knows better than to allow competition to his own son."

She shrugged, going to the next shotglass. "Maybe co-opting them would be smarter--maybe--or it might backfire. After all, the king is the one who's the strongest, if he raises someone who could even match his son, it causes problems in the next generation."
"You don't 'mold' a Saiyan, we're forged by their own determination and ferocity. Now, he could've killed the kid, but that would've been admitting that he was afraid of the brat. If this brat comes back from this banishment, it'll be because he earned it. If not, well I guess he wasn't that impressive anyways," Shallot says inbetween drinks.
Yep, the best way to get the runt to do something was to insult him first. A good thing to know for when they inevitably fight. Fucker was stronger than her now, but if she could keep him off balance, Shallot was pretty sure she could beat him. With a grin Shallot got two drinks and put one in front of Tayto.

"We'll see about that," she says before she knocks back her drink and goes for another.
It was by his third drink that Tayto discovered something new about himself, downing the glass the size of his head and placing it on the table. Looking over towards Shallot, he saw her stack was larger than hers.

Much larger.

He was a apparently a lightweight.
Pota downed her drink as she considered Cado's words, then slammed her empty mug on the table in front of her.

"I guess that makes sense?" She said. "But at the same does't make sense. What kind of threat is a kid going to be? That sounds like the perfect time to mold him into someone who won't be a threat. Or something."

She placed an order for another drink - shifting to sample a different variety - then turned back to Coda.

"Whatever. Still sounds weird. And a waste. Besides, what's banishing going to be good for anyway? If the kid really is a threat, what's going to keep the kid from saying 'Nah, I'm going to quit being banished' and coming right on back? I tell yah, if he really wanted to be rid of the kid, he should have waited till the kid was old enough to put up a fight and gotten someone to deal with it that way."

New drink in hand, Pota took a big swig that filled her mouth, allowing her to savor the full flavor of it.

"Nah, it doesn't add up." She said after swallowing. "But maybe that's just me."
"What Chaya said for the most part, and the kid would have Paragus whispering in his ear for his early childhood, what if he wants his kid on the throne? Put a few ideas in his head and suddenly we have a regicide on our hands, not worth the potential betrayal in the kings mind i reckon"
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@Alectai @Dovahsith @Expecting Me @Space Jawa @Lorien22

The night goes smoothly with drinks flying around, Chaya proves to be nearly unmoved by the hundreds of drinks she just had, she stopped counting at some point. Never judge someone by their appearance, they might have a stronger liver than you. Tayto is lightweight by a Saiyan's standards, by his 157th drink he couldn't take it anymore. Shallot is more resilient and had similar nights at taverns before as a kid, she reaches her limit at her 287th drink. Thankfully for Kolra's wallet, these drinks are cheap but strong and made to drink in large quantities, the perfect homemade beer of Planet Vegeta.

Kolra stays silent on Paragus' affair and makes no comment. She is part of the Royal Army as a Lieutenant, so not just a regular Saiyan warrior doing some E&C missions, the King didn't quite say to shut up about the matter that occurred earlier today but he might as well have, she wants no trouble and wouldn't really trust these kids to keep their mouths shut. At some point, in the middle of the night, a group of blue butt-ugly PTO aliens enters the tavern with a few sets of sound equipment. The PTO's upper-management apparently thought it was a good idea to cheer up the Saiyans and strengthen their loyalty through a song.

The funny thing about these aliens to Kolra is that they can imitate any voice, imagine a short blue pig with a Saiyan's voice! What a good joke! Three lead singers step up a makeshift stage and start singing.

With armors on! Hard to star pods!
This is where Saiyans prosper!
Any raging wave can be broken with their fists!
Isn't it dishonorable for Sayains to be unresolved?
They roam as their conquests' end remains unseen!
With armors on! Hard to star pods!
Hitting skin again
st skin!
Can't you hear it? The song of the Saiyans!
The song of the four Saiyans!
They'll rid themselves of any hardships!
Death's smile is what they long for, right?
Throw out your chest! Put up the engines!
You are the soaring
stars of the universe!
They communicate with only a glance!
Wiping away perspiration is splendid!
The true Saiyan slumbering within you
will be released through this song!
With armors on! Hard to star pods!
Hitting skin against skin!
Can't you hear it? The Song of the Saiyans!
The song of the four Saiyans! x2

The Saiyans around couldn't help but just laugh mockingly or in honest amusement at such a ridiculous song. Freeza's men will never cease to surprise Saiyans, somehow. A Saiyan warrior enters the tavern hurriedly, the PTO singers being on his way are quickly knocked out of the way and slammed into a wall, their equipment got destroyed.

"Oi, you muddleheaded shits! Bardock came back and he's coming here to spend the night!" That caused an uproar of excitement and drinks, if the tavern was lively before, now it's ready to explode. Kolra who had been drinking did a spit take hearing the news, fortunately, no one was hit apart from the table they're sitting on. Well, everyone's drink was ruined so they need a change.

"What?!" Kolra's yell was nearly drowned out in the loud and rowdy tavern, the only ones hearing her being her students around her table. Kolra needs to hide and quickly, she lowers her head and keep looking at her drink silently, making herself as small as possible. There was like more than a few dozen of Saiyan men and women in here. There is no way he could find her.

The aforementioned Bardock enters the tavern, sharp stern eyes scan over the tavern. Bardock seemed like a man that joked little and did his job foremost, he has his tail kept secured around his waist akin to a belt. He wears a dark blue and green Battle Armor, dark blue combat pants, long red armbands with matching leg warmers, and black and green boots.

"Oi, oi. Everyone, I appreciate the warm welcome but you should calm down a bit. I'm not in the mood for loud noises." And with that, the tavern's rowdiness and loud noises were greatly reduced returning at the much-preferred atmosphere before the PTO alien singers showed up. Bardock heads toward a bar stool to take a few drinks. When you scan him with your scouter, you'll find that his PL stands at a monstrous 7 000.
At some point, in the middle of the night, a group of blue butt-ugly PTO aliens enters the tavern with a few sets of sound equipment. The PTO's upper-management apparently thought it was a good idea to cheer up the Saiyans and strengthen their loyalty through a song.

The funny thing about these aliens to Kolra is that they can imitate any voice, imagine a short blue pig with a Saiyan's voice! What a good joke! Three lead singers step up a makeshift stage and start singing.

Pota rolled her eyes at the performance. Somewhere along the line, she found herself tossing one of her empty mugs in the general direction of the stage, but the throw was less than even half-hearted and the mug didn't make it anywhere close to the stage.

Kolra who had been drinking did a spit take hearing the news, fortunately, no one was hit apart from the table they're sitting on. Well, everyone's drink was ruined so they need a change.

"What?!" Kolra's yell was nearly drowned out in the loud and rowdy tavern, the only ones hearing her being her students around her table. Kolra needs to hide and quickly, she lowers her head and keep looking at her drink silently, making herself as small as possible. There was like more than a few dozen of Saiyan men and women in here. There is no way he could find her.

The aforementioned Bardock enters the tavern, sharp stern eyes scan over the tavern. Bardock seemed like a man that joked little and did his job foremost, he has his tail kept secured around his waist akin to a belt. He wears a dark blue and green Battle Armor, dark blue combat pants, long red armbands with matching leg warmers, and black and green boots.

"Oi, oi. Everyone, I appreciate the warm welcome but you should calm down a bit. I'm not in the mood for loud noises." And with that, the tavern's rowdiness and loud noises were greatly reduced returning at the much-preferred atmosphere before the PTO alien singers showed up. Bardock heads toward a bar stool to take a few drinks. When you scan him with your scouter, you'll find that his PL stands at a monstrous 7 000.

Surprised, Pota glanced at Kolra, then in the direction of Bardock, and then to Kolra again.

"What's the matter?" Pota asked, curious. "You have a problem with Bardock? Did you tick him off once or something? Did you humiliate him once? Or did he humiliate you?"

She glanced back at Bardock, then at Kolra again, then another thought came to her mind. She gasped somewhat mischievously as the thought developed in her mind.

"Are you two Ex-es?" She asked with a mischievous tone. "Were you two together once, then have a bad breakup?"
"What?!" Kolra's yell was nearly drowned out in the loud and rowdy tavern, the only ones hearing her being her students around her table. Kolra needs to hide and quickly, she lowers her head and keep looking at her drink silently, making herself as small as possible. There was like more than a few dozen of Saiyan men and women in here. There is no way he could find her.

Cado looked back and forth between Kolra and Bardock, a massive grin on his face, "No way! You're scared of Bardock? How'd that happen? What, you get too uppity on your first assignment and he beat some sense into you? This is rich"

She glanced back at Bardock, then at Kolra again, then another thought came to her mind. She gasped somewhat mischievously as the thought developed in her mind.

"Are you two Ex-es?" She asked with a mischievous tone. "Were you two together once, then have a bad breakup?"

Still grinning from ear to ear Cado turned to Pota, "I've heard that Bardock's got a kid and is weirdly monogamous, maybe Kolra was pining for him but he turned her down!"
"Holy fuck, is that the Bardock? That guy is a fucking legend," Shallot says with a slight slur when she sees the man.

A couple of the others start talking about how the hag was reacting to his presence, but Shallot was too busy looking at the Saiyan in awe. She had heard that he was just your run of the mill low-class warrior at first, but then he started pulling off shit that elite Saiyans had trouble with. Fucking hell, he was the exact Saiyan that she wanted to be able match. No, not just match. Surpass. But just going by the readings from her scouter alone, she had a long way to go before that. Bardock was about as strong as she would be in her Oozaru form. Plus, he fights on some of the deadliest battlefields and has a shit-ton more experience fighting than her. Shallot knew she needed to push herself harder than ever if she was going to get to that level of strength.
Kolra rolls her eyes at their antics, seriously who do they take her for?

"What are you? Some gossiping Tuffle women? Shut the hell up, it's not like that. We grew up in the same neighborhood and he was kind of a little brother to me, I was like half a decade older than him. I guess he had a crush on me at some point in his childhood but that's in the past." Kolra mumbles as she remembers her rather quirky childhood.

"Anyway, it's not about your love bullshit as if a Saiyan would stoop so low much less Bardock." Kolra harrumphs indignantly. "Let's just leave quietly, you've had enough drinks for the night. You'll be meeting the King tomorrow." Kolra promptly changes the subject, why the hell would she share her private life with these little shits anyway? Kolra drags the team away from the tavern, some less difficult than others.

@Space Jawa

Pota, that night in her little 'house' would find a sleeping Calla on the cold hard floor, her soaking-wet clothing and pale face indicate that she did follow her instructions. Her clothing is ruined and not fit for public decency anymore, Pota would have to buy her new ones. Pota moves her to a more comfortable makeshift straw bed before collapsing in her own. Calla might be more trouble than it is worth but there is no regret in Pota's heart. She wouldn't leave someone to their fate like that and Calla showing some actual potential helps Pota in reassuring herself she did the right thing.


Chaya had a rather warm welcome from her former colleagues in the Engineering Corps, they had been planning to feast in her honor and for making the Engineers proud but her night at the tavern had already been enough and she had an audience with the King tomorrow, so she passed it to sleep blissfully for the few hours she has left until morning. She has a certain new weight on her shoulders now due to her newfound fame with the Engineering Corps, they look up to her and have high hopes for her to better their name and improve their standings in Saiyan society.


Tayto's rundown house is a welcome sight after what seemed like a rather long time, even if he had mostly slept through it. He hears some news about his father of all people, he had been assigned to be one of Prince Vegeta's guards in and out of Planet Vegeta. His father had probably already forgotten about his existence if he ever knew about it. What is sure, however, is that his father would most likely be there along with the other elite warriors during his team's audience with the King.


Cado's home is surprisingly more well-off than most of his teammates as it was equipped with PTO tech and wasn't just made out of straws, stone, and wood but some actual solid materials. His father may not be present, in fact, he never was and without the monthly money supplying them Cado and his mother would have believed he died off somewhere. At least, he took care of his family. Cado never saw his father and from his mother's words herself he had not been there to see his birth.

Even if their life quality is good, Cado's mother is not happy, her PL is gradually decreasing and she suffers from chest pains every now and then. The PTO's healing tanks doesn't seem to be able to solve the problem. She is effectively crippled and can no longer fight. She often laments and blames herself for the father's absence. No Saiyan would want to admit that their partner is crippled, he most likely only sends her money out of pity and duty since she sired his child or so she thinks at least. Needless to say that Cado doesn't particularly enjoy coming back home all that much. Saiyans do not despise anything more than self-defeatists.

@Expecting Me

Shallot isn't particularly thrilled to go back to her neighborhood in the capital but that's the only part of the city where she got a place to sleep in. Unfortunately for her, her cowardly mother is there too. As soon as the aforementioned Saiyan woman sees her, she desperately turns at her. Her mother's state had gone worse, her malnourished body is but mere skin and bones and in just a few months, her hair would start falling off too.

She asks for money or food or anything and as usual, Shallot ignores her barely giving her a cold disdainful look that shut her up in fright, she crawls into a corner of the stone house and Shallot enjoys the rest of the night peacefully asleep. Her mother is hopeless, cowardly and weak. Shallot only tolerates her living in this house because she had been the one to bring her to this world. If she stepped up and showed even a slight sign of change, then maybe Shallot would reconsider her opinion or maybe she could give her mother a soft push towards the right direction, to regain her honor and standing as a Saiyan...

Dawn comes and everyone gathers at the foot of the stone structure on which the Royal Palace stands on. Kolra is there too not long after, she knows better than to be late for an audience with the King for which she isn't sure what it is about. The Royal Guards let them enter without fuss or fanfare as their presence was expected. As they arrive in front of the massive gate that leads to the Royal Throne, they find someone waiting for them in front of the gate, two other Royal Guards stands on each side of the gate silently.

"O-Oh. Greetings, Captain. I didn't expect to see you here." Kolra greets the intimidating woman nervously but respectfully, Kolra fidgets under the scrutinizing gaze of her superior. Seriously, this woman is creepy. She'll rather deal with monstrous galactic creatures than talk with this woman. Kolra still can't quite believe the Captain before her got a kid. Who would deal with this woman much less in bed?!

"Are those the kids you got assigned with? They seem promising, don't waste their talents." she says and Kolra takes that 'advice' with a grain of salt. Sure, as if the Captain is one to talk about not wasting promising talents when she killed two kids during training last year. The Captain doesn't offer Kolra's students any words as she promptly leaves. She most likely just had business with the King herself and they met her coincidently or so Kolra guessed since the damn woman didn't even answer her silent question.

As they enter inside, they see the King for the first time ever since Freeza's visit. He sits dignified on his throne, his fist supporting his head, at his side are the elites of the Royal Army and at his foot, his son Prince Vegeta wearing a small armor fit to his size, the Prince seems bored to death. Tayto can see and recognize his father among them there, there is no mistaking it, after all, his father being a General of the Royal Army. Despite his serious and stern expression, they could tell that the King couldn't care any less about their presence, with a wave of his hand one of the servants nearby speak up.

"The King in reconnaissance of your great service to our kin has been generous enough to offer you a reward." The servant unceremoniously drops a big coin purse at their feet, it is about the size of a ball. "In there are three million credits. You may leave."

"Eeeehhh?! Why?!" It seems like Prince Vegeta isn't quite satisfied with the proceedings.

"Son..." King Vegeta says in a stern warning tone to the Prince but he was having none of it.

"No! That's way too boring! Why do they just get the money and leave? Father, let me beat up these low-class warriors for a bit!" The Prince requests out of the King, a rather vicious grin on his face. King Vegeta seems like he is not in the mood to argue with his son.

"Very well..." His gaze falls on Kolra. "Lieutenant, step aside and let the children have some fun." Kolra hesitates for a few seconds before complying, she can't really disobey the King. That's sure death for her. Prince Vegeta's PL stands at a monstrous 6000 for his age. This is a true genius of the likes only the Royal Family can welcome into the world. The Prince's grin widens even further, an expression unfit for a kid his age.

His first target is Cado, a rush of wind later, his fist comes crashing down upon his face sending him sprawling. It was still quite soft and the Prince's charge is reckless leaving him rather open to multiple sides and blindspots.

Tayto's rundown house is a welcome sight after what seemed like a rather long time, even if he had mostly slept through it. He hears some news about his father of all people, he had been assigned to be one of Prince Vegeta's guards in and out of Planet Vegeta. His father had probably already forgotten about his existence if he ever knew about it. What is sure, however, is that his father would most likely be there along with the other elite warriors during his team's audience with the King.

A few moments later.....

His first target is Cado, a rush of wind later, his fist comes crashing down upon his face sending him sprawling. It was still quite soft and the Prince's charge is reckless leaving him rather open to multiple sides and blindspots.
Tayto levels his arm for a moment, preparing a blast, before clenching his hand into a fist. He can't fire off random bursts here. If he missed, he'd have wasted his shot and might hit one of his matter how much a pain they could be....and of course Father was there too, proud smile at his charge's bloodlust. Typical.

Desire to show off warred with the determination to win.

Together they merged to agree on a single thing. This runt...(Yes, he could call the Prince that. He was even shorter than he was!) was going down, higher power level or not.

Not that he cared about anything but winning this fight, but he had some unwillingness to harm comrades for no reason. Moving forwards in a single push of his feet off the ground, he moved closer to support Cado, gathering energy to unleash a blast at the brat at a range he couldn't miss from. If he got him in the face, who knows?

The distraction might make this far less painful and someone else could get a hit on the Prince.
"No! That's way too boring! Why do they just get the money and leave? Father, let me beat up these low-class warriors for a bit!" The Prince requests out of the King, a rather vicious grin on his face. King Vegeta seems like he is not in the mood to argue with his son.

"Very well..." His gaze falls on Kolra. "Lieutenant, step aside and let the children have some fun." Kolra hesitates for a few seconds before complying, she can't really disobey the King. That's sure death for her. Prince Vegeta's PL stands at a monstrous 6000 for his age. This is a true genius of the likes only the Royal Family can welcome into the world. The Prince's grin widens even further, an expression unfit for a kid his age.

His first target is Cado, a rush of wind later, his fist comes crashing down upon his face sending him sprawling. It was still quite soft and the Prince's charge is reckless leaving him rather open to multiple sides and blindspots.

Cado stiffened in shock for a moment "Wait, wha- FUCK!" Sent tumbling by the Prince's strike, Cado flips back onto his feet anf rubs his jaw, suprisingly less hurt than he expected. Did the kid even know how to throw a proper punch? Glaring at the Prince, Cado growled "That the best you got you little shit?"

Taking to the air, Cado gathered his Ki to unleash a few blasts, just to test how they would fare against a fighter with such an overwhelming power disparity "Get clear for a bit if you don't want to be in the splash zone!" If normal blasts didn't work he still had his Meteorite Shot, but Cado didn't want to try that until he had no way of missing.
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Pota, that night in her little 'house' would find a sleeping Calla on the cold hard floor, her soaking-wet clothing and pale face indicate that she did follow her instructions. Her clothing is ruined and not fit for public decency anymore, Pota would have to buy her new ones. Pota moves her to a more comfortable makeshift straw bed before collapsing in her own. Calla might be more trouble than it is worth but there is no regret in Pota's heart. She wouldn't leave someone to their fate like that and Calla showing some actual potential helps Pota in reassuring herself she did the right thing.

"Awww..." Pota said as looked at Calla's sleepy, worn-out form. She tried not to speak too loudly, but then, she also doubted it mattered. With as out of it as Calla looked, Pota guessed the woman was ready to sleep through just about anything short of an explosion or a direct attack. "Someone's been working hard."

If there'd been any concern that Calla wouldn't follow through on what Pota was hoping and expecting from the woman, seeing that she'd already taken to the first steps of her training so well was enough to push it out of her mind. Yet another thing to put a smile on Pota's face.

"Let's, new clothing..." Pota thought as she moved Calla to a slightly more comfortable sleeping arrangement. "Something to hide that hair...maybe some armor?"

She'd have to see how much money they'd be getting tomorrow. Regardless, the list of things she'd have to buy with her paycheck was getting longer. And that was even before she considered what she'd have to get for herself.

"Welp, having a pet does come with responsibilities." She mused out loud as she lay down and tried to get to sleep.

She didn't know if Calla would be up before Pota would have to leave, but she trusted that even if Calla didn't wake up until after Pota left, she would get right back at her training when she woke up in the morning.

"O-Oh. Greetings, Captain. I didn't expect to see you here." Kolra greets the intimidating woman nervously but respectfully, Kolra fidgets under the scrutinizing gaze of her superior. Seriously, this woman is creepy. She'll rather deal with monstrous galactic creatures than talk with this woman. Kolra still can't quite believe the Captain before her got a kid. Who would deal with this woman much less in bed?!

"Are those the kids you got assigned with? They seem promising, don't waste their talents." she says and Kolra takes that 'advice' with a grain of salt. Sure, as if the Captain is one to talk about not wasting promising talents when she killed two kids during training last year. The Captain doesn't offer Kolra's students any words as she promptly leaves. She most likely just had business with the King herself and they met her coincidently or so Kolra guessed since the damn woman didn't even answer her silent question.

More mysteries. Somehow, Pota hadn't thought much of who Kolra might be as a person, but it seemed obvious in hindsight. First a history with Bardock, now a similar secret history with this woman.

"A woman with a rather impressive display of scars, no less." Pota thought. She tried giving the woman a 'thumbs up' on her display of battle-damage as she passed by, but Pota was pretty sure the woman didn't notice. Oh well.

"The King in reconnaissance of your great service to our kin has been generous enough to offer you a reward." The servant unceremoniously drops a big coin purse at their feet, it is about the size of a ball. "In there are three million credits. You may leave."

That was an impressive reward, even if it was going to be split six ways. Pota smile grew wide as she anticipated getting her share. A shopping trip would definitely be in order before she returned home for the day.

"No! That's way too boring! Why do they just get the money and leave? Father, let me beat up these low-class warriors for a bit!" The Prince requests out of the King, a rather vicious grin on his face. King Vegeta seems like he is not in the mood to argue with his son.

"Very well..." His gaze falls on Kolra. "Lieutenant, step aside and let the children have some fun." Kolra hesitates for a few seconds before complying, she can't really disobey the King. That's sure death for her. Prince Vegeta's PL stands at a monstrous 6000 for his age. This is a true genius of the likes only the Royal Family can welcome into the world. The Prince's grin widens even further, an expression unfit for a kid his age.

"YES!" Pota exclaimed out-loud with joy, her hands jumping up in the air just a little in celebration of what was about to happen.

They were battling Prince Vegeta.

They were battling Prince Vegeta.

Sure, his power level dwarfed her own and the power level of everyone in her squad. That didn't change the fact that they were actually getting to fight a member of the royal family. A member of the Royal Family wanted to fight them, no less! As long as they didn't get themselves killed, what could she possibly not love about it?






His first target is Cado, a rush of wind later, his fist comes crashing down upon his face sending him sprawling. It was still quite soft and the Prince's charge is reckless leaving him rather open to multiple sides and blindspots.


Pota was caught off guard a moment as the battle began.


With Prince Vegeta focused on Cado, and other members of her squad already going to work keeping him busy, Pota did a large somersault backwards to the side of the room, landing on one hand half-way through the move and pushing herself the rest of the way.

Once she came to a halt, Pota planted her feet into the ground and solidified her footing.

"HyaaaaaAAAAAHHHHH!" Pota yelled as she focused on charging her Ki energy.

While she had developed her Encore technique out of a desire to allow herself to continue fighting even after she should have been finished, she had been pleasantly surprised by the discovery of the other effect she had learned to pull off.

Now seemed to be the perfect time to run the move through its first real test.
Three million credits? very nice, clearly Chaya's insight was correct when she insisted on recovering the old starship in hopes of a bonus. Even split six ways, that was still more than most would make in a year, a fine start to a long career--maybe she could even order some off-world literature and start studying it for useful insights? The sky was the limit in terms of her ability to fund her development! All she needed to do was keep her head down as best as possible, try not to break herself again, and go from there.


And then the Prince picked a fight, and was allowed to do it

a prince with a battle power over four times hers

Common battle logic is that a gap of up to 100% could be compensated for with numbers and tactics. 200% was doable if you were willing to lose half your numbers trying, but by 300% or more, you were looking at a level of personal might beyond anyone's ability to cope with.

Worse luck, this was the prince of all bloody people, which meant that even if she came up with a clever tactic and bruised him, the reaction of the King and the Royals would be... Unpredictable.

Then again, we were all Saiyans, it'd be weird for the King to get upset over his son getting hurt, especially if a lesson could be learned from it.

She steadied her posture, and watched for a moment. Him targeting Cado first had some logic to it--of this company, he was the one who most closely resembled the ideal of a Saiyan warrior. His battle power was neither the lowest or the highest--which suggested that the Prince wasn't checking those and was attacking based on superficial appearances. This could be used to predict an opening that she could exploit with a charging attack--one's power focused on defense dropped in the moment of their victory--it wouldn't be enough to compensate for a 300% difference in battle strength--there was only so much one could do to overcome that kind of difference in ability, but it would potentially reduce his defenses enough to knock him back a bit.

Might even bail Cado out if her timing was good--which she supposed was bonus, though frankly, everyone was going to get thrashed this day regardless. Alas.
Shallot has to stifle a laugh when the fight started. It was just hilarious to see the coward get punched in the face by a toddler. Yeah, said toddler had a power level that dwarfed all of theirs (including the hag), but it's still pretty fucking funny. Anyways, looks like the brat hasn't learned shit about fighting yet; with that level of power difference the coward should be unconscious at least and not firing blasts at the Prince. Plus, he was leaving so many blindspots. Welp, time to teach a prince an important lesson about fighting: Always Protect Your Tail.

Shallot will try and stick in the brat's blindspots and when he is distracted by her squad's attacks, she'll rush in and grab him by the tail.