"Go kick his butt, Cado." She said.
There is a brief flicker of a smile on Noppal's lips as he looks at Pota stepping out of the fighting ring. Cado would notice that his eyes flashed, not metaphorically but literally flashed with a yellow colour for not even a second. If Cado wasn't already looking at his opponent so inquisitively, he would have missed it.

Turning his gaze towards Noppal, he gave the slender Saiyan a slight nod and let a malicious grin spread across his face before shifting to point the palm of his left hand towards Noppal. "No hard feelings about what comes next, yeah? I don't plan on making this particularly easy for you or your squad"

The moment Cado finishes speaking, he launches a Ki blast just millimetres to the side of Noppal's head from his left hand to distract his attention and whips his right out from behind his back and fires the Meteorite Shot into his opponent's hip joint. Regardless of if his opening strike hit, Cado rushed into melee with Noppal, and tried to get close enough that his slender opponent would be unable to utilise his longer reach effectively.
Noppal returns the nod but doesn't offer a reply, not that he could have since Cado did not leave him the option. Cado would notice yet again that Noppal's eyes flashed, now that he has seen it the first time, it's easy to catch again otherwise in the middle of the fight he would have missed it. Noppal doesn't move and let the energy blast pass by his head without worry, he didn't even flinch. Although right after faced by the Meteorite Shot, even he couldn't stop himself from frowning, he leaps to the side slightly to avoid the terrifying blast, it eventually goes through the thin warehouse walls and explodes outside.

"Too slow," Noppal mutters, his eyes flash again as he sees Cado approaching him, he merely sidesteps the attempt before bringing down a heavy blow to his side. Cado, not to let himself get hit so easily, instinctively block it with his elbow but as if Noppal could already predict it he feinted and brought down his other arm down on Cado's nape. His body slams into ground and Noppal doesn't waste any time kicking Cado's body until he shrivels up and give up. Cado would notice this time that Noppal's eyes were red and his pupils constricted into a small point as if he had looked at the sun for way too long.
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What is it with Shallot's squad and thinking that an opponent should give them time to recover? First the runt after he got fucked up by the lizard and now these two. A warrior needs to be able to fight as they are or not at all. If she was that spindly fucker she'd have attacked Pota the second she asked for a chance to recover. But Shallot stopped herself from saying anything. Stronger opponents could get cocky and she wasn't about to keep him from shooting himself in the foot. Unfortunately, he had more sense than her squad.

When the fight between Noppal and the coward began, Shallot's first impression was that this guy was quick and had pretty good instincts. Then something strange happened; the coward willingly entered into melee range with his opponent. It's been a weird day for her squad. The hag was getting all sentimental, the annoyance was firing off ki blasts and now the coward was trying (and failing) to smack people around.
There is a brief flicker of a smile on Noppal's lips as he looks at Pota stepping out of the fighting ring. Cado would notice that his eyes flashed, not metaphorically but literally flashed with a yellow colour for not even a second. If Cado wasn't already looking at his opponent so inquisitively, he would have missed it.

Noppal returns the nod but doesn't offer a reply, not that he could have since Cado did not leave him the option. Cado would notice yet again that Noppal's eyes flashed, now that he has seen it the first time, it's easy to catch again otherwise in the middle of the fight he would have missed it. Noppal doesn't move and let the energy blast pass by his head without worry, he didn't even flinch. Although right after faced by the Meteorite Shot, even he couldn't stop himself from frowning, he leaps to the side slightly to avoid the terrifying blast, it eventually goes through the thin warehouse walls and explodes outside.

"Too slow," Noppal mutters, his eyes flash again as he sees Cado approaching him, he merely sidesteps the attempt before bringing down a heavy blow to his side. Cado, not to let himself get hit so easily, instinctively block it with his elbow but as if Noppal could already predict it he feinted and brought down his other arm down on Cado's nape. His body slams into ground and Noppal doesn't waste any time kicking Cado's body until he shrivels up and give up. Cado would notice this time that Noppal's eyes were red and his pupils constricted into a small point as if he had looked at the sun for way too long.

As soon as one of Noppal's legs got close enough, Cado lashed out to grab him by the ankle and forcefully drag him off balance while blasting at his knee with his other hand. Launching himself backwards, Cado flew back for a few moments, throwing Ki blasts Noppal relentlessly. If precision wasnt going to do it then Cado wasnt going to give his opponent any room for error. Once he landed Cado intensified his assault, bombarding Noppal's position with as many blasts as he could unleash in as short a time as he could manage. After a few moments, Cado stopped firing and began charging Meteroite shots in both hands and waited a moment to get a clear view of Noppal's position. Once he had an unobstructed view, Cado fires off both Meteorite Shots, one towards the right side of Noppal's hip, and the other half a moment later at his left pectoral.

"He has some weird shit going on with his eyes, they were yellow when he dodged and red when he was kicking, don't know what it means but it seems fairly important." Cado was mostly aiming the comment towards Chaya, he wasn't exactly sure how much use Tayto would get out of it if Cado lost
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As soon as one of Noppal's legs got close enough, Cado lashed out to grab him by the ankle and forcefully drag him off balance while blasting at his knee with his other hand. Launching himself backwards, Cado flew back for a few moments, throwing Ki blasts Noppal relentlessly. If precision wasnt going to do it then Cado wasnt going to give his opponent any room for error. Once he landed Cado intensified his assault, bombarding Noppal's position with as many blasts as he could unleash in as short a time as he could manage. After a few moments, Cado stopped firing and began charging Meteroite shots in both hands and waited a moment to get a clear view of Noppal's position. Once he had an unobstructed view, Cado fires off both Meteorite Shots, one towards the right side of Noppal's hip, and the other half a moment later at his left pectoral.
Noppal is taken off-guard by Cado's swift answer, he didn't expect him to react so fast after taking a heavy blow. Momentarily losing his balance, Noppal falls on his rear and he flinches in pain when his knee is hit by a blast. As Cado retreats back, Noppal takes a moment to gather his bearings, he is limping slightly due to the injury he suffered. He couldn't immediately dodge the incoming blasts due to the injury and took the full brunt of them for a few seconds, even if he could, the shots were unpredictable and he couldn't follow them.

Eventually, under the cover of the dust cloud that was kicked up. Noppal flies up slightly and avoids the barrage of blasts, in the air, his leg injury wouldn't matter he'll just have to keep it away from further hits. Once the dust cloud settles back down, Cado has a clear view of Noppal and fires off his two Meteorite Shots. Noppal's eyes flash yellow yet again and he avoids the two powerful blasts easily as if he could already see where they were going ahead of time.

Noppal starts blasting away a barrage of blasts of his own at Cado to keep him distracted as he slowly approaches him while in the air. Noppal's eyes are red enough anyone would be able to notice, in fact, they even seem to be tearing up slightly.
Noppal is taken off-guard by Cado's swift answer, he didn't expect him to react so fast after taking a heavy blow. Momentarily losing his balance, Noppal falls on his rear and he flinches in pain when his knee is hit by a blast. As Cado retreats back, Noppal takes a moment to gather his bearings, he is limping slightly due to the injury he suffered. He couldn't immediately dodge the incoming blasts due to the injury and took the full brunt of them for a few seconds, even if he could, the shots were unpredictable and he couldn't follow them.

"YEAH, CADO!" Pota cheered. The man may have gotten a slow start, but then, so had she. And by initial signs, He was doing an excellent job of recovering and turning the fight in his direction.

Her cheers died down and Pota went particularly quiet and focused when she noticed that something...weird was going on with Noppal. She wasn't sure what it was, but it was unlike anything she'd seen before, and she wasn't quite sure what to make of it.
Noppal is taken off-guard by Cado's swift answer, he didn't expect him to react so fast after taking a heavy blow. Momentarily losing his balance, Noppal falls on his rear and he flinches in pain when his knee is hit by a blast. As Cado retreats back, Noppal takes a moment to gather his bearings, he is limping slightly due to the injury he suffered. He couldn't immediately dodge the incoming blasts due to the injury and took the full brunt of them for a few seconds, even if he could, the shots were unpredictable and he couldn't follow them.

Eventually, under the cover of the dust cloud that was kicked up. Noppal flies up slightly and avoids the barrage of blasts, in the air, his leg injury wouldn't matter he'll just have to keep it away from further hits. Once the dust cloud settles back down, Cado has a clear view of Noppal and fires off his two Meteorite Shots. Noppal's eyes flash yellow yet again and he avoids the two powerful blasts easily as if he could already see where they were going ahead of time.

Noppal starts blasting away a barrage of blasts of his own at Cado to keep him distracted as he slowly approaches him while in the air. Noppal's eyes are red enough anyone would be able to notice, in fact, they even seem to be tearing up slightly.
As soon as Cado saw his attacks miss again, he launched into the air and trying to circle around Noppal charging another round of Meteorite Shots at the same time. Whatever Noppal was doing with his eyes to keep dodging his attacks seemed to be having a backlash on his sight afterwards, and if Cado could take advantage of that then he might just be able to tag him with something. Trying to move and duke as unpredictably as possible to keep ahead of Noppal's own blasts, Cado fires off on Meteorite Shot at Noppal's centre mass, and holds the other one back to fire just after he finished dodging. Hopefully the second shot would either force him to extend the use of whatever it is he's doing and maybe make its side effects worse, or Cado will finally be able to tag him with something other than a basic Ki blast.
As soon as Cado saw his attacks miss again, he launched into the air and trying to circle around Noppal charging another round of Meteorite Shots at the same time. Whatever Noppal was doing with his eyes to keep dodging his attacks seemed to be having a backlash on his sight afterwards, and if Cado could take advantage of that then he might just be able to tag him with something. Trying to move and duke as unpredictably as possible to keep ahead of Noppal's own blasts, Cado fires off on Meteorite Shot at Noppal's centre mass, and holds the other one back to fire just after he finished dodging. Hopefully the second shot would either force him to extend the use of whatever it is he's doing and maybe make its side effects worse, or Cado will finally be able to tag him with something other than a basic Ki blast.
Noppal grits his teeth as he keeps going further forward, his barrage of blasts don't stop following Cado even as he takes to the air. In fact, it made it easier for Noppal to reach him now that he is in the air too. Noppal's eyes flash yellow again and as if he could predict what would Cado despite his attempts at evading and being unpredictable, several blasts hit the mark although since they're weak they don't much more than scrapping off the armour and slightly burning Cado's skin. That was Noppal's mistake as he took a few seconds to blink away the tears and let his eyes recover.

Cado's first Meteorite Shot hits and the second as well sending Noppal off to go through the warehouse wall and crash into another beside it. A huge dust cloud covers the view yet again this one the largest yet. A tense silence and tension weigh on everyone as they wait for the cloud to settle. Did Noppal survive those two hits or is he out of the fight? Sarada, herself, looks a bit worried although it is well hidden to anyone other than sharp-eyed people and Celleri finally wakes up, albeit, she winces slightly when she gets up. When did she get hit in the stomach during her fight? Just as she is about to speak up...

Noppal appears going through the dust cloud limping on his uninjured leg. A huge hole in his armour reveals his solar plexus being heavily burned, the skin turned black. Another hole is on the side of his hip with the same charred black skin. A rather unpleasant smell emanates from him. While the effort in trying not to kill in this kind of fights are for the better, it doesn't make it any less bad than a real fight to the death where the blast would have simply gone through him.

He doesn't look like he is about to tear someone's head off angrily, against all common Saiyan sense, his eyes are searching and calculating as he assesses the situation he found himself in which is while it is pretty bad, he can still recover the fight to his advantage. He learned the hard way that trying to go passive about it is taxing him and giving more opportunities for Cado to light him up, a ranged fighter. Noppal had taken the opportunity of the dust cloud earlier to rest for a minute or so before going back into the fight.

His first action is to fire off a few blasts, they're not aimed toward Cado but rather around him. Predictably, it blows up the ground and kicks up a pretty large dust cloud that covers everything from view, even the people watching from the side on both teams can see nothing. Barely a few seconds later, Cado receives a kick to his leg, bringing him down to his knees. A second hit goes for the head which brings him down into the ground. There is a pause where Cado hears a few blasts again, probably Noppal blowing up the ground some more to keep the dust cloud up.

Cado, earlier, fired off many Meteorite Shots all missed apart from the last two. It is a powerful technique and it shows on how taxing it is. He could afford another shot but he would have no more Ki energy to protect himself or to charge up any other attack.
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Noppal grits his teeth as he keeps going further forward, his barrage of blasts don't stop following Cado even as he takes to the air. In fact, it made it easier for Noppal to reach him now that he is in the air too. Noppal's eyes flash yellow again and as if he could predict what would Cado despite his attempts at evading and being unpredictable, several blasts hit the mark although since they're weak they don't much more than scrapping off the armour and slightly burning Cado's skin. That was Noppal's mistake as he took a few seconds to blink away the tears and let his eyes recover.

Cado's first Meteorite Shot hits and the second as well sending Noppal off to go through the warehouse wall and crash into another beside it. A huge dust cloud covers the view yet again this one the largest yet. A tense silence and tension weigh on everyone as they wait for the cloud to settle. Did Noppal survive those two hits or is he out of the fight? Sarada, herself, looks a bit worried although it is well hidden to anyone other than sharp-eyed people and Celleri finally wakes up, albeit, she winces slightly when she gets up. When did she get hit in the stomach during her fight? Just as she is about to speak up...

Noppal appears going through the dust cloud limping on his uninjured leg. A huge hole in his armour reveals his solar plexus being heavily burned, the skin turned black. Another hole is on the side of his hip with the same charred black skin. A rather unpleasant smell emanates from him. While the effort in trying not to kill in this kind of fights are for the better, it doesn't make it any less bad than a real fight to the death where the blast would have simply gone through him.

He doesn't look like he is about to tear someone's head off angrily, against all common Saiyan sense, his eyes are searching and calculating as he assesses the situation he found himself in which is while it is pretty bad, he can still recover the fight to his advantage. He learned the hard way that trying to go passive about it is taxing him and giving more opportunities for Cado to light him up, a ranged fighter. Noppal had taken the opportunity of the dust cloud earlier to rest for a minute or so before going back into the fight.

His first action is to fire off a few blasts, they're not aimed toward Cado but rather around him. Predictably, it blows up the ground and kicks up a pretty large dust cloud that covers everything from view, even the people watching from the side on both teams can see nothing. Barely a few seconds later, Cado receives a kick to his leg, bringing him down to his knees. A second hit goes for the head which brings him down into the ground. There is a pause where Cado hears a few blasts again, probably Noppal blowing up the ground some more to keep the dust cloud up.

Cado, earlier, fired off many Meteorite Shots all missed apart from the last two. It is a powerful technique and it shows on how taxing it is. He could afford another shot but he would have no more Ki energy to protect himself or to charge up any other attack.

Shaking his head, Cado tries to calm his breathing, firing off so many Meteorite Shots was taking its toll on his stamina, leaving him with not much left in the tank. Straining his ears, Cado floats up and tries to get out of the cloud of dust while listening for Noppal. Keeping on the move, Cado readies himself to fire at the first sign of Noppal. At this point in time, Cado could afford to play it a bit more passively to try and recover as much stamina as possible before having to reengage, though it was no excuse to let his guard down and if he could wait it out long enough for the dust to settle then all the better.
@Alectai @Dovahsith @Expecting Me @Space Jawa @Lorien22

Cado successfully flies up and puts himself above the dust cloud and away from Noppal's punches and kicks although, he still can't see Noppal who is hidden under the dust cloud and for good measure, Cado hears another more blasts being fired which keeps the dust cloud. Noppal remains unseen and can probably see through the dust cloud with whatever he is doing with his eyes.

Now, a few dozen blasts pierce through the cover of the dust cloud and take Cado by surprise, he manages to avoid most of them but he is still hit regardless of staggering him. That seems to be what Noppal is looking for as he fires off a few more which more often than not get to Cado dealing him more damage and straining his ki supply. It doesn't take more than a few seconds before Cado drops to the ground as his ki is nearly depleted, he doesn't have enough to even keep himself up.

Meanwhile, Noppal who had been playing conservatively since the start of the fight and keeping his energy is still headstrong and is going for the offensive now. His injuries are serious and if Cado had any more left in him, Noppal would have lost. The aforementioned Saiyan warrior walks slowly toward the weakened Cado as the dust cloud starts to finally drop, he delivers a final knee to the face which brings Cado down lying on his back. Cado is out of the fight but still conscious, it is Noppal's win.

"It was a good fight," Noppal admits, his face is impartial but one can see a flicker of a still confident smile on his face. "I predicted I'll have to suffer a few injuries to make you overly confident and use that powerful energy blast. I just didn't expect I'll be hit so hard, however. You pushed me to my limits."

"Noppal! Stop playing nice and just ger back here already!" Sarada yells out, there is a big happy smile on her face. She sends a triumphant look while puffing up her chest at the other team. Especially Pota.

"Where the hell is Argula?! It's her turn now! Noppal is no state to fight again." Sarada calls out to the last member, her voice echoes in the silent warehouse for a few seconds before a reply finally makes itself now.

"A- Ah? It's my turn to fight already? I thought Celleri would have gone through their whole squad and beat them before it even got to me." Says the voice of a girl from above, when everyone looks up. They'll see a typical female Saiyan sitting on the upper girth of the warehouse albeit one who is not wearing any body armour or the usual Saiyan bodysuit under it, she is wearing just regular clothes the Engineer or Medic corps wear in their off-time, although this one is clearly of the Medics due to the blue theme. Argula hops down, her power level reads as 1390.

"W- What are with these clothes?! Where is your armour?!" Sarada yells out, something she does a lot, she was just in a good mood with Noppal's win and then Argula's impertinent behaviour had to ruin it all.

"You're noticing only now? You dragged me in here. Anyway, the clothes that the tech guys get is so much better than what we get really. Don't get me wrong, I'll wear my body stuff when we're on a mission but on an unofficial fight to make yourself look superior to the guys that dared question you? Nah." Argula waves her hand dismissively as she walks into the fighting ring. Sarada seems like she is about to explode.

"When I 'dragged' you here, I told you to change since we're expecting fights," Sarada says slowly through gritted teeth. Argula doesn't offer a reply beyond a shrug, she tends to blend in when there are a large group of people despite her odd clothing style for a warrior, it works fine with her since she prefers to stay in her corner.

"Whatever, let's get on with this. Who am I gonna fight against?" Argula says curiously as she looks around for her opponent. She leans forward in a faux conspirational tone towards the opposite team.

"So what did Sarada do? Call you names, mentioned your mothers, took a swing at your fighting prowess or something like that? Yeah, I get that. She can be such a massive bitch, seriously." Argula says with a grin.

"Care to tell that to my face, Argula?" Sarada says in a low tone of voice which is unusual since she tends to express her anger rather loudly, she is sending a rather dark glare at Argula that promises pain and suffering. It doesn't faze Argula who turns around to look at Sarada.

"You can be such a massive bitch, seriously," Argula says a bit more loudly this time. Olave's eyes nearly bulges out, Celleri giggles quietly and Noppal is just resting. Argula doesn't wait to see Sarada's reaction before turning back to the opposite team.

"But you know, she's a big softie inside unless you're being really stupid. Well, she's only a softie to her squadmates so I guess that's too bad for you." Argula says while rubbing her chin in thought, probably thinking of Sarada's worst moments.
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"But you know, she's a big softie inside unless you're being really stupid. Well, she's only a softie to her squadmates so I guess that's too bad for you." Argula says while rubbing her chin in thought, probably thinking of Sarada's worst moments.

Tayto stared dumbly in silence for several heartbeats, unsure what to make of his opponent.


Shaking his head to remove such unsaiyanlike thoughts, replacing them with visions of food and punching...and punching things that became food, he moved to the space between the teams.

"My turn!" He shouted with a grin, before Chaya stole yet another fight from him. He'd been looking forwards to a chance to actually have a decent match ever since the roof got dropped on his head.

"Sarada's the shouty one, right?" He asked his opponent, ignoring the no doubt loud reaction by the mouthy brat. "Pretty sure every squads got one."
"My turn!" He shouted with a grin, before Chaya stole yet another fight from him. He'd been looking forwards to a chance to actually have a decent match ever since the roof got dropped on his head.

"Sarada's the shouty one, right?" He asked his opponent, ignoring the no doubt loud reaction by the mouthy brat. "Pretty sure every squads got one."
"Pretty excited about this, aren't we?" Argula says with a grin while she runs her hand through her hair. "I'll try to not disappoint."

As Argula is about to get into a fighting stance, she stumbles as her eyes widen in a sudden epiphany hearing the next words spoken. She points a finger at Tayto.

"That's totally true! There is always someone like that in any squad I ever saw." Argula slaps her tight as she laughs. That is so relatable and something she always saw but never actively noticed.

"Argula! Are you here to fight or socialize?!" Sarada yells out from behind her, Argula's only response is to roll her eyes although her grin got back rather quickly.

"Like you said," Argula comments, referring to his earlier statement. Argula gets into a fighting stance signalling that the time for talking is over. Sarada from the sidelines is worried since Argula is not wearing any armour and thus have nothing to protect her from receiving the full brunt of the hits of her opponent.
"Pretty excited about this, aren't we?" Argula says with a grin while she runs her hand through her hair. "I'll try to not disappoint."

As Argula is about to get into a fighting stance, she stumbles as her eyes widen in a sudden epiphany hearing the next words spoken. She points a finger at Tayto.

"That's totally true! There is always someone like that in any squad I ever saw." Argula slaps her tight as she laughs. That is so relatable and something she always saw but never actively noticed.

"Argula! Are you here to fight or socialize?!" Sarada yells out from behind her, Argula's only response is to roll her eyes although her grin got back rather quickly.

"Like you said," Argula comments, referring to his earlier statement. Argula gets into a fighting stance signalling that the time for talking is over. Sarada from the sidelines is worried since Argula is not wearing any armour and thus have nothing to protect her from receiving the full brunt of the hits of her opponent.
Tayto crouched, arms held loose as he took up his own stance facing Argula. No more charging into battle, he'd learnt that lesson the hard way when most of his skin got baked by the worm. Instead, he did the one thing he'd never considered before. He thought about what he could do to win.

His opponent was stronger than him...not by much, but enough to give her an edge. In a endurance match, she'd beat him through simply outlasting him, unless one of them did something stupid.

As his tail wrapped itself around his waist, he gathered energy into his right hand and released a blast at Argula, taking advantage of her lack of armor and the fact she wasn't rushing him just yet.
And now the runt isn't rushing at an opponent. You know what? Shallot isn't even surprised at this point. It's clear that her entire squad is using these fights to experiment with different ways of fighting. Probably a way of following the hag's order of losing the match. If that's the case it worked out pretty well for the coward.

As for his opponent, Shallot kinda liked her. Was either cocky or stupid to not be wearing her armor against her opponents, but she was willing to talk back to the daddy's girl. More than could be said of Argula's other squad members.
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The aforementioned Saiyan warrior walks slowly toward the weakened Cado as the dust cloud starts to finally drop, he delivers a final knee to the face which brings Cado down lying on his back. Cado is out of the fight but still conscious, it is Noppal's win.

"It was a good fight," Noppal admits, his face is impartial but one can see a flicker of a still confident smile on his face. "I predicted I'll have to suffer a few injuries to make you overly confident and use that powerful energy blast. I just didn't expect I'll be hit so hard, however. You pushed me to my limits."

"Noppal! Stop playing nice and just ger back here already!" Sarada yells out, there is a big happy smile on her face. She sends a triumphant look while puffing up her chest at the other team. Especially Pota.

"Where the hell is Argula?! It's her turn now! Noppal is no state to fight again." Sarada calls out to the last member, her voice echoes in the silent warehouse for a few seconds before a reply finally makes itself now.

As the other squad were yapping and arguing about getting to the next fight, Pota walked into the arena to where Cado was lying on the ground. While still conscious, if he was worn out enough to be out of the fight, it only seemed reasonable to Pota that he could probably use a hand getting out of the way before the next match began. Hefting him up, she lifted the beat up Saiyan over her shoulders and carried him out of the ring, where she set him back down on the ground.

"Nice effort." She said. "Not nice enough to win, obviously. But hey, at least you're not dead."

She shrugged, then turned and walked back to the edge of the arena to watch the next fight.

"Pretty excited about this, aren't we?" Argula says with a grin while she runs her hand through her hair. "I'll try to not disappoint."

As Argula is about to get into a fighting stance, she stumbles as her eyes widen in a sudden epiphany hearing the next words spoken. She points a finger at Tayto.

"That's totally true! There is always someone like that in any squad I ever saw." Argula slaps her tight as she laughs. That is so relatable and something she always saw but never actively noticed.

"Argula! Are you here to fight or socialize?!" Sarada yells out from behind her, Argula's only response is to roll her eyes although her grin got back rather quickly.

"Like you said," Argula comments, referring to his earlier statement. Argula gets into a fighting stance signalling that the time for talking is over. Sarada from the sidelines is worried since Argula is not wearing any armour and thus have nothing to protect her from receiving the full brunt of the hits of her opponent.

Pota smiled as she watched Argula's pre-fight banter.

"Her." Pota said, pointing at the woman. "I like her."

If she was honest with herself, while wasn't particularly a fan of Noppal and didn't really have much of an opinion on Olave one way or another, she had a feeling that on the whole, Sarada's squad was actually a pretty decent group of individuals. If anything, Sarada was the only real headache they had going for them.

For all Argula said about Sarada being nice to her squadmates, Pota couldn't help but have sympathy on the four for having the misfortune of being assigned the woman as their fifth member and team leader.
"It was a good fight," Noppal admits, his face is impartial but one can see a flicker of a still confident smile on his face. "I predicted I'll have to suffer a few injuries to make you overly confident and use that powerful energy blast. I just didn't expect I'll be hit so hard, however. You pushed me to my limits."
Cado lay on the ground, still breathing heavily, but gave Noppal a thumbs up from his position, "I'll take it as a moral victory, that I managed to give somone that much stronger than me a good fight"

As the other squad were yapping and arguing about getting to the next fight, Pota walked into the arena to where Cado was lying on the ground. While still conscious, if he was worn out enough to be out of the fight, it only seemed reasonable to Pota that he could probably use a hand getting out of the way before the next match began. Hefting him up, she lifted the beat up Saiyan over her shoulders and carried him out of the ring, where she set him back down on the ground.

"Nice effort." She said. "Not nice enough to win, obviously. But hey, at least you're not dead."
"Yeah, got too focused on hitting him with my big move, and got too cocky when i DID hit him"
Tayto crouched, arms held loose as he took up his own stance facing Argula. No more charging into battle, he'd learnt that lesson the hard way when most of his skin got baked by the worm. Instead, he did the one thing he'd never considered before. He thought about what he could do to win.

His opponent was stronger than him...not by much, but enough to give her an edge. In a endurance match, she'd beat him through simply outlasting him, unless one of them did something stupid.

As his tail wrapped itself around his waist, he gathered energy into his right hand and released a blast at Argula, taking advantage of her lack of armor and the fact she wasn't rushing him just yet.
Argula raises an eyebrow at Tayto, she is quick on her feet and easily jumps to the side to avoid the blast, it crashes on the wall behind her. Argula must not let herself get hit by an energy blast no matter what, not for the lack of armour but for other very obvious reasons. Yeah, maybe Sarada was right and it was stupid to not bring her armour but it didn't really matter much, to her at least.

"I'm not going to go easy on you even if you don't take me seriously," Argula says with an easy smile, that blast was completely unimpressive, he launched just one blast and then stayed in place there. Is he looking down on her? Nah, he doesn't seem the type. Argula thought that he looked like a pretty good guy to hang out with but how would she know? She's only met the guy for a few seconds.

Seeing that Tayto is either being passive or underestimating her, Argula decides to push for an attack. She is quite agile and it takes her less than two seconds to get into Tayto's melee range. He'll have to fight her on her terms, here, and she can avoid having to face inconvenient blasts. Argula's got a nimble and agile skipping-like footwork, you would be able to hear the sound barrier being broken every so often from her fists or her movements

Her jabs and crosses come from her right hand and follow up with a lot of side-kicks. A majority of them land merely due to the sheer speed but Tayto is a durable Saiyan and it helps he has an armour so while he may suffer some bruises, it will not impede his fighting ability to tank a few of her physical attacks, albeit not for long either as that would strain his endurance which Argula has plenty of.
Seeing that Tayto is either being passive or underestimating her, Argula decides to push for an attack. She is quite agile and it takes her less than two seconds to get into Tayto's melee range. He'll have to fight her on her terms, here, and she can avoid having to face inconvenient blasts. Argula's got a nimble and agile skipping-like footwork, you would be able to hear the sound barrier being broken every so often from her fists or her movements

Her jabs and crosses come from her right hand and follow up with a lot of side-kicks. A majority of them land merely due to the sheer speed but Tayto is a durable Saiyan and it helps he has an armour so while he may suffer some bruises, it will not impede his fighting ability to tank a few of her physical attacks, albeit not for long either as that would strain his endurance which Argula has plenty of.
She was fast, Tayto would give Argula that much as another fist rocketed towards his face, forcing him on the defensive as bit by bit, he gave ground to Argula's advance, drawing her into following him with her blistering salvo of martial arts.

But she was right where he needed her to be. If he defended everything, she'd wear him down, with her speed and endurance. But...if he left an opening for her to exploit, he could guess where she'd be and hit back at the moment she was vulnerable to a counter attack. If he was lucky, it might even do something to slow her down.

Tayto drew in a breath. Even if his armour tanked the bodyblow, this was going to hurt.
She was fast, Tayto would give Argula that much as another fist rocketed towards his face, forcing him on the defensive as bit by bit, he gave ground to Argula's advance, drawing her into following him with her blistering salvo of martial arts.

But she was right where he needed her to be. If he defended everything, she'd wear him down, with her speed and endurance. But...if he left an opening for her to exploit, he could guess where she'd be and hit back at the moment she was vulnerable to a counter attack. If he was lucky, it might even do something to slow her down.

Tayto drew in a breath. Even if his armour tanked the bodyblow, this was going to hurt.
Argula doesn't seem like she is slowing down, in fact, she is speeding up more and more until her movements are but a mere blur to even Sarada and Chaya. At this point, even Tayto can't dodge or block them due to the sheer speed, just as it seems like Tayto might go down from the many blows he took. An opportunity showed itself after a painful liver blow, Argula briefly pauses for a second to regain her breath before she starts up again.

During the first few seconds, the speed is one that Tayto can still manage. It is a small window of opportunity but the only one he has considering his current circumstances. Tayto leans back slightly baiting Argula into stretching more her swing, it was a bit too wide, she realized her mistake immediately but it doesn't change anything. She is too close to Tayto, dodging is impossible, she raises her arms to try and protect herself but the distance between them is too short for Argula to block it.

Tayto's fist meets Argula's face. The blow is brutal and Tayto feels Argula's petite and soft face give away, her nose breaks, he doesn't have the time to see her face before she is sent flying away, she hits the ground and bounces on hard concrete once or twice before she finally crashes into the warehouse's wall kicking up dust. If anyone who had received that blow wasn't a Saiyan or significantly strong, their faces would have caved in.

There is a brief bone crack and a soft feminine yelp from where Argula is supposed to be, she must have put her nose back into place. Argula emerges wobbling from the dust cloud before it settles. She tries to grin but soon stops trying since it hurts her facial muscles. She tries to rush in but she only takes two steps before she falls headfirst towards the ground, she picks herself up but she is barely standing and wobbling in place.

"Whaaa..." Argula says slowly in confusion, she looks around but she seemingly can't find her target anymore. She must have a concussion and a pretty serious one at that. Tayto's body was beaten black and blue, he will probably bruise heavily from the physical punishment he received but it is a testament of his will to be able to withstand it and give a firm reply back. Tayto is hurt but he can move and punch just fine. He can probably finish Argula off easily with only one more hit.
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There was a smile on Pota's face, even when Argula was winning, which was weird. In spite of knowing full well that Tayto needed to win the fight, she found herself simply enjoying watching it all the same.

Probably had something to do with feeling like as individuals, she could easily root for either competitor, in spite of needing to root for her own team as a whole.

"WOO!" She shouted as Tayto seized command of the fight, her smile growing bigger as Arugla was throw across the building. "WAY TO GET HER, TAYTO!"
"Whaaa..." Argula says slowly in confusion, she looks around but she seemingly can't find her target anymore. She must have a concussion and a pretty serious one at that. Tayto's body was beaten black and blue, he will probably bruise heavily from the physical punishment he received but it is a testament of his will to be able to withstand it and give a firm reply back. Tayto is hurt but he can move and punch just fine. He can probably finish Argula off easily with only one more hit.
Tayto began to raise his hand to finish off his opponent with a quick energy blast, before letting the shot dissipate in his hand. His body aches, his skin one giant bruise...this, this right here was everything he'd ever wanted in a fight. An opponent who challenged him, who came at him with everything they had and let him match them with everything he could bring to bare. His only regret was that is was already over and he wouldn't shame his opponent as though they were some weakling enemy to reduce into a smear.

Cautiously approaching his opponent in case of a sudden second wind, he made his away towards Argula, ignoring Pota's cheers from the sidelines.

"Good Fight" He said with a grin, before making to knock her down with another blow. Best to get it done quickly so they could get her in a healing pod. That way she'd be able to fight him again and they'd both be stronger!
Tayto began to raise his hand to finish off his opponent with a quick energy blast, before letting the shot dissipate in his hand. His body aches, his skin one giant bruise...this, this right here was everything he'd ever wanted in a fight. An opponent who challenged him, who came at him with everything they had and let him match them with everything he could bring to bare. His only regret was that is was already over and he wouldn't shame his opponent as though they were some weakling enemy to reduce into a smear.

Cautiously approaching his opponent in case of a sudden second wind, he made his away towards Argula, ignoring Pota's cheers from the sidelines.

"Good Fight" He said with a grin, before making to knock her down with another blow. Best to get it done quickly so they could get her in a healing pod. That way she'd be able to fight him again and they'd both be stronger!
Argula swings her fists around wildly but she never hits Tayto and in fact, nearly loses her balance yet again. Tayto grabs her shoulder firmly with one hand and delivers a blow to her stomach, with the air knocked out of her lungs, she falls unconscious on Tayto like a sack of potatoes. Olave snickers maliciously, he finds the situation funny apparently while Sarada seems like she is about to explode, nothing new. Tayto checks again on Argula just to be sure and she is truly unconscious.

"I believe that's our win," Kolra says while failing to suppress a beaming smile, she had faded into the background for some time now and surprised everyone by speaking up again. She was still here? Regardless, Sarada can do nothing but concede the win to them. That means they're on a stalemate, two wins to two wins, the next one will settle this duel between teams. Sarada finally steps forward.

"Alright, you fuckwits are intent on making me look bad." Sarada suddenly flares her energy which kicks up the wind and sufficient enough to crack the concrete ground her feet. "I'll smash my fist through your skull to make you understand it was a bad fucking idea to try to cross me."

"Are you going to fight?" Sarada asks Tayto while looking him up and down. "If not then fuck right off and release Argula, you fucking disgrace of a Saiyan. You only got lucky with a critical blow to her head or she would've pounded you back to kiss the floor. I'll get to correct her mistake."
"Are you going to fight?" Sarada asks Tayto while looking him up and down. "If not then fuck right off and release Argula, you fucking disgrace of a Saiyan. You only got lucky with a critical blow to her head or she would've pounded you back to kiss the floor. I'll get to correct her mistake."
Lifting his head from where Cado was still laying, he sent a withering glare at Sarada. Or it would be withering if he wasn't laid out on his back, still breathing heavily from exhaustion. "For the love of the Kai's, are you actually incapable of losing gracefully? you must have gotten that strong by getting the shit kicked out of you whenever you couldn't shut you damn mouth. Luck is just as deciding a factor as skill and strength, and if luck is the reason you're standing victorious as opposed to a 'stronger' foe, then that's still a win that you earned. Not like you've had to earn anything in you life though"
"Are you going to fight?" Sarada asks Tayto while looking him up and down. "If not then fuck right off and release Argula, you fucking disgrace of a Saiyan. You only got lucky with a critical blow to her head or she would've pounded you back to kiss the floor. I'll get to correct her mistake."
Tayto shrugged, unconcerned by Sarada's rantings and deposited Argula's unconscious body on her teams side of the warehouse. He considered asking the mouthy brat her name, as for the life of him, he couldn't remember who she was, but decided to simply ignore her. It wasn't as if her opinion mattered anyway.

"Chaya, your turn." He called out, moving back to his team.

"Kick her ass."


Celleri nears Argula and lifts her so she can lie on her instead of just sleeping on the hard concrete ground. Meanwhile, Sarada sends a dark glare at Cado, one could immediately guess that she is heavily considering launching a powerful blast at his powerless form right now but holds back by directing her glare elsewhere. She doesn't advertise killing even if it would feel nice right now.

Sarada looks at her next opponent, she is visibly not impressed.

"A frail little girl with freakish eyes. I'll bet that you're one of those Tuffle-Saiyan hybrids." Sarada spits to the side. "I'll make quick work of you."

Celleri nears Argula and lifts her so she can lie on her instead of just sleeping on the hard concrete ground. Meanwhile, Sarada sends a dark glare at Cado, one could immediately guess that she is heavily considering launching a powerful blast at his powerless form right now but holds back by directing her glare elsewhere. She doesn't advertise killing even if it would feel nice right now.

Sarada looks at her next opponent, she is visibly not impressed.

"A frail little girl with freakish eyes. I'll bet that you're one of those Tuffle-Saiyan hybrids." Sarada spits to the side. "I'll make quick work of you."

Chaya sighed at that--really, she wanted nothing to do with this whole business--she wasn't even super invested in going on this mission in the first place!

And yet, here she was, needing to be kingmaker in a contest to see who gets to kill a bunch of deserters who have probably forgotten more about fighting than anyone in this room.

"Chaya thinks this whole thing has gotten entirely out of hand" She muses. "But things go as they are, please go easy on Chaya, won't you?"

Their battle power was--at least on paper--extremely close, which meant that skill would take the lead...

And the most likely outcome of a matchup on skill--between a girl who's had the best trainers connections can get and a conscripted former low-caste engineer? That only goes one way.

Still, while her defeat seemed inevitable, that didn't mean that she wanted to make it easy, or not get an educational experience out of it.

And the best way to achieve that was to bait the hot-headed young mistress in, expecting an easy win, make her not realize she's in an actual fight until the decisive moment where she's suddenly getting a knee to the kidneys because she was too busy winding up for a headshot.

That's the theory anyway, practically speaking, this fight was likely ending only one way--especially if she just kept at range--though maybe Chaya could tap her out if she decided to go with an energy hungry style, by focusing on the defensive and evading most of it? Food for thought.