Terran Imperium

Southern France
The Soaring Warriors of Planet Vegeta
OOC Thread

You had been one of the few 'lucky' ones to witness King Cold and his son Freeza's visit to King Vegeta III. Normally, low-class warriors like you wouldn't even be allowed at the outskirts of the castle but your mentor had a business in the said place and so you were allowed in. Not in the castle proper, however. Your mentor was nowhere to be seen when they were supposed to meet you all in the hangars, it was a rather telling mark of irresponsibility from them.

That state of matter, in fact, didn't change for a few days, leaving you clueless as to what to do and the authorities not particularly caring. For the n'th time, you were summoned to another area to wait for your mentor. This time, they did keep their promise and you were informed that they'll be waiting for you in the outskirts of the Capital City. The area was rather barren with only giant boulders and red dust marring the landscape.

On one of those aforementioned boulders is your mentor. You get to see them for the first time; she is a woman, in her fifties. Well, to anyone but a Saiyan, she would be barely hitting her twenties but your kind knows better. She is wearing the standard armor provided by King Cold's forces but in a black and light purple color theme. Her head is resting on a silver case and she seems to be sound asleep, you can even hear the faint sound of soft snoring. She has one of the new generation scouters which were provided by Freeza just a few days ago.

What do you do? @Alectai @Dovahsith @Lorien22 @Space Jawa @Expecting Me
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"Chaya thinks this is a bad sign, but it can't be helped."

She couldn't help it--a long... Career, such as it is--where punctuality is the difference between an adequate success and someone getting blown up for tardiness--the start of the new routine beginning with a sudden escalation in force (Not the least being pulled off of the maintenence crews, given a set of generic looking armor and told she was being committed to actual battle of all things) and then the superior officer being...

Asleep of all things.

She huffed, crossing her arms before her and looking about the landscape. Out here in the middle of the wastes, giant boulders...

Oh goodness, it was going to be an aptitude test of all things, wasn't it?

The last time she had reviewed the basic forms expected of any adult Saiyan to not be a complete laughingstock was months ago!

She'd need to improvise, wouldn't she?
Shallot has been frustrated these last couple of days. This old fucker, who is apparently going to be her mentor, has been jerking her (and, less importantly, the cadre of losers that she would have to pick up the slack for) around for days. And when Shallot thought she was finally going to have a chance to tell off this person, they're fucking asleep. The sheer disrespect that this Saiyan was showing Shallot was simply unacceptable.

"Chaya thinks this is a bad sign, but it can't be helped."
Oh great the nerd was also a coward. She was acting scared of a sleeping Saiyan, what was she even doing here? Her very presence was an insult to real warriors. Then again, it looked like there was only one of those around anyways. Well, best to show these wimps what a real Saiyan is.

Knowing exactly what she had to do, Shallot flew up to the boulder their mentor was sleeping on and launched a kick towards her stomach.
Cado steadied himself with a deep breath and a shaking out of his arms. He had been somewhat on edge for the last few days, especially since his "mentor" seemed to think that meeting them was as appealing as hugging a Tuffle. Seeing her now, and asleep?! That definitely rankled at Cado's sense of pride. Sighing he briefly considered throwing a Ki blast to wake her up, but discarded the notion almost immediately, settling in to wait for this lazy excuse for a mentor to wake herself up.

"Chaya thinks this is a bad sign, but it can't be helped."

"Rarely any good signs lately, but we're Saiyans, we make do"

Knowing exactly what she had to do, Shallot flew up to the boulder their mentor was sleeping on and launched a kick towards her stomach.

Eyes widening, Cado launches himself into the air, and backs away from the idiot who's almost definitely about to get herself beaten to a pulp. He definitely does not want to be in range of any of that, no thank you.
On one of those aforementioned boulders is your mentor. You get to see them for the first time; she is a woman, in her fifties. Well, to anyone but a Saiyan, she would be barely hitting her twenties but your kind knows better. She is wearing the standard armor provided by King Cold's forces but in a black and light purple color theme. Her head is resting on a silver case and she seems to be sound asleep, you can even hear the faint sound of soft snoring. She has one of the new generation scouters which were provided by Freeza just a few days ago.
Tayto's tail moved side to side in erratic flickers, his face twisted in annoyance.

He's missed stealing breakfast for this! And the old hag could at least have the decency to stay awake long enough to acknowledge them! Ignoring the rest of the assembled idiots he'd been assigned to, he took in a deep breath and shouted out.

When one would expect their mentor to be pretending to be asleep and lure them into a false sense of security to surprise them... Those expectations would be shattered. When one would expect of the mentor to wake up immediately and block masterfully Shallot's kick... Those expectations would be destroyed. You see your mentor sail through the air for a few seconds, some would even notice her eyes flutter open when they're at the peak of her ascent before she falls flat on her face. She picks herself up almost immediately and wipes away any dust from her face and armor. She pays extra attention to her scouter.

"What the fuck was that for?!" Your supposed mentor yells out in rage as she charges Shallot. Well, one thing that's for sure. She was too fast for you to see her move, one second she was shouting in rage a few dozen meters away and the next, she is standing next to Shallot with a fist deeply buried in her guts, enough to make her double over and lose her breath. Your mentor doesn't relent as she bends down to grab both the silver case she was resting her head on earlier and Shallot by her hair, dragging both down the boulder to the others. Your mentor seems to have already calmed down with a faint amused and mocking smile tugging at her lips.

"So you're the new kids I'm supposed to babysit?" she asks rhetorically. "That was a shitty first impression, can't even throw a good kick." she mocks Shallot before throwing her at the feet of her other comrades.

"Right, introductions first. I am Kolra and from now on your mentor, that basically gives me the right to beat you up without consequences whenever I feel like it," she smirks. "Well, it's not like I couldn't do it and get away with it even without being your mentor but it means that if anyone beats you up other than me, then they're spitting on my face. So you can always come running back to me to save your fresh asses," she explains in a way to deliberately get a rise out of you.

"No need to introduce yourselves to me, I know all of you since I read those damned files the Captain forced on me," Kolra grumbles half-way through that sentence. Next, she approaches Chaya and intrudes on her personal space by cupping forcefully her face in her hand. In the way still sprawling on the ground is Shallot and Kolra takes the opportunity to step on the younger Saiyan's face.

It is rather obvious to all of you that this is a show of force, Kolra is effectively establishing her dominance in your group.

Kolra looks inquisitively at Chaya's eyes. "Freak. What's with these eyes and weird straight hair too? If not for the tail, I wouldn't have recognized you as a Saiyan. Then again maybe you're a mongrel? I heard some popped into existence since the last war because some guys couldn't keep their second tail in their pants!" she laughs before releasing Chaya.

"You wrote that you wanted to be a close quarters fighter, right? Were you born upside-down or something? With that weak physique, the others even having the same power level as yours could beat the shit outta you. What's a kid like you doing in the E&C squads anyway? You look like you'll fit more in those wimpy Engineer Corps. Anyway, you'll be better off in the sidelines firing Ki blasts if you don't wanna die an early death that is." Kolra gives her advice to the young Saiyan she just labeled as 'Freak' a few seconds ago. She seems to be particularly enjoying stepping on Shallot's face.

"So, in this case, here, are the new generation of scouters. Be careful with those, if they're destroyed, you'll be paying for them out of your paycheck and pay for a new one as well. It's expensive shit." she says and emphasizes her point by tapping her own scouter. When you do equip it, you'll find that Kolra's PL stands at a rather impressive 2670. 2500 is the requirement to be considered a mid-class warrior.

"Any questions or protests, that sort of thing? I'll be glad to answer you." Kolra cracks her knuckles. "If not, we'll just move on to pick the first mission for you. I'll only be babysitting your asses for a year and then I'll be rid of you," she says in a neutral tone, that mocking amused smile of her's never once leaving her face.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you there." Kolra says sarcastically while finally stepping off Shallot's face. "Your face does look nicer with a boot-print, though," she smirks.
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When it became clear that there wasn't really a fight to be had, but more of a dominance-asserting beatdown, Pota tossed her bolder aside with a touch of disappointment.

That disappointment gradually vanished as she watched Korla go into action.

"So, in this case here are the new generation of scouters. Be careful with those, if they're destroyed, you'll be paying for them out of your paycheck and pay for a new one as well. It's expensive shit." she says and emphasizes her point by tapping her own scouter. When you do equip it, you'll find that Kolra's PL stands at a rather impressive 2670. 2500 is the requirement to be considered a mid-class warrior.

"I like her." Pota thought with a smile as she outfitted her scouter.

"Any questions or protests, that sort of thing? I'll be glad to answer you." Kolra cracks her knuckles. "If not, we'll just move on to pick the first mission for you. I'll only be babysitting your asses for a year and then I'll be rid of you," she says in a neutral tone, that mocking amused smile of her's never once leaving her face.

"Three questions!" Pota said, raising her hand high in the air. "Where are we going, who do we get to fight, and when do we get there?"

"Any questions or protests, that sort of thing? I'll be glad to answer you." Kolra cracks her knuckles. "If not, we'll just move on to pick the first mission for you. I'll only be babysitting your asses for a year and then I'll be rid of you," she says in a neutral tone, that mocking amused smile of her's never once leaving her face.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you there." Kolra says sarcastically while finally stepping off Shallot's face. "Your face does look nicer with a boot-print, though," she smirks.
Tayto's face reddened, a mixture of anger of being dismissed warring with awe at Kolra's power level, followed swiftly by embarrassment at being so easily impressed.

He wasn't weak, wouldn't be weak...not anymore.

"Yeah, well, given a year to actually fight, there's no way I'm not going to be the stronger one, old lady!" He announced, blurting it out, his hands clenched into fists.
Cado slowly descended back down to the ground, and cleared his throat before speaking, "During the year, are you just accompanying us on missions or are you also overseeing our training as well?"
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Shallot was feeling good for herself as she saw her mentor sail through the air. It was hilarious to see the old fucker fall flat on her face. When she picked herself, Shallot knew that a fight was going to go down. And based on the fucker's performance so far, Shallot thought she had a pretty good chance.
"What the fuck was that for?!" Your supposed mentor yells out in rage as she charges Shallot.
"Because you-," was all Shallot managed to get out before a fist was buried in her guts, knocking her breath right out of her. She wasn't even able to tell their mentor to fuck off when she dragged her by her hair and talked shit about her skills. Then the fucker (Kolra apparently, but fucker seems so much more appropriate) tossed her on the floor and proceeded to step on Shallot's GODDAMNED FACE. Shallot tried to get the fucker off, but Kolra was able to completely ignore her attempts.
"Any questions or protests, that sort of thing? I'll be glad to answer you." Kolra cracks her knuckles. "If not, we'll just move on to pick the first mission for you. I'll only be babysitting your asses for a year and then I'll be rid of you," she says in a neutral tone, that mocking amused smile of her's never once leaving her face.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you there." Kolra says sarcastically while finally stepping off Shallot's face. "Your face does look nicer with a boot-print, though," she smirks.
Shallot stood back up with a glower on her face (along with a boot-print) and replied, "Get to the fucking mission already."
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Kolra looks inquisitively at Chaya's eyes. "Freak. What's with these eyes and weird straight hair too? If not for the tail, I wouldn't have recognized you as a Saiyan. Then again maybe you're a mongrel? I heard some popped into existence since the last war because some guys couldn't keep their second tail in their pants!" she laughs before releasing Chaya.

"You wrote that you wanted to be a close quarters fighter, right? Were you born upside-down or something? With that weak physique, the others even having the same power level as yours could beat the shit outta you. What's a kid like you doing in the E&C squads anyway? You look like you'll fit more in those wimpy Engineer Corps. Anyway, you'll be better off in the sidelines firing Ki blasts if you don't wanna die an early death that is." Kolra gives her advice to the young Saiyan she just labeled as 'Freak' a few seconds ago. She seems to be particularly enjoying stepping on Shallot's face.

She didn't need the power of foresight to see where this was going--with even the least of the middle-class being still monsters by the standards of... Well, everyone else, there was only one way that reflexive attack was getting resolved.

What she wasn't expecting was the bosslady to show an interest... And then proceed to list off her each and every flaw.

"Chaya is Starscarred" She explained her features--a simple description that nonetheless was an ominous omen--those of whom the void of space took a toll on, in that ancient exodus--not entirely unknown, but growing less obvious by the generation as the markers steadily stabilized under the unrelenting advance of the Saiyan species. "As for the specialization, Chaya would rather die trying to strangle Chaya's killer, rather than invest in a showy beam skill that then misses because Chaya's aim is trash. It would be somewhat quicker, with the off-chance of success down the line if fortune favors Chaya."

It was true after all, she could never hit the broad side of a house despite her best efforts--most of her limited experience in actually using her inner energies involved enhancing herself to take up the work of the engineers, rather than invoking power and attempting to reduce problems to dust. A close combat specialty seemed practical, given how she was likely to be equally screwed either way--and splitting her focus in that event would be just silly.
Kolra smirks as she hears them out, these kids are learning, more specifically Shallot too. She had to instill that modesty of power into them. Otherwise, if they're jumping at any guy stronger than them, they're going to die pretty quickly. Seriously, trying to kick the person who's supposed to be their mentor who's more likely stronger than you? Man, the younger generation has no self-preservation instincts.

"Gotta say I'm surprised you didn't try to throw a punch at me," she says in an amused tone. "You passed your first test."

"Three questions!" Pota said, raising her hand high in the air. "Where are we going, who do we get to fight, and when do we get there?"
"You're Pota, right? Are you deaf or just retarded?" she mocks. Who said that she would stop even if they had passed her little test? "I just said you'll be picking your own missions. As to when we'll get there, aheh, a few weeks or months. Traveling in the void is a pain in the ass." she comments.

"Yeah, well, given a year to actually fight, there's no way I'm not going to be the stronger one, old lady!" He announced, blurting it out, his hands clenched into fists.
Kolra can't hold back a big belly laugh, her tail twitching behind her. She slaps Tayto in the face, which sends him sprawling into the ground. It stung but there wasn't any real force behind it. You could say, it's the equivalent of a friendly pat on the back for Kolra.

"Sure thing, kid. I'll be holding you up to that promise." her smile widens. "You're too nice, calling me a lady. I'm flattered."

Cado slowly descended back down to the ground, and cleared his throat before speaking, "During the year, are you just accompanying us on missions or are you also overseeing our training as well?"
Kolra scratches the back of her head as she takes on a more thoughtful expression. Her tail settles back down behind her.

"Asking smart questions, aren't we?" she pokes Cado's chest. "I'm doing both, I'm a good teacher don't you worry." she leaves it hanging at that.

"Chaya is Starscarred"
Kolra allows her tail to hug her body in the same way a belt would, or whatever the Tuffles used to call it. She puts a hand to her hip.

"Sure but, aheh, still a freak," she smirks, it was pretty obvious to everyone that Chaya is already on Kolra's shit list, although, not particularly high. "Anyway, be whatever type of warrior you want. I could care less... unless your life is threatened." Kolra mumbles the last part nearly inaudibly. They shouldn't hear that part, what if they thought she cared about their pathetic lives of all thing? Certainly not!

Shallot stood back up with a glower on her face (along with a boot-print) and replied, "Get to the fucking mission already."
Kolra smirks as she throws an arm over Shallot's shoulder, in an overly friendly way without any recognition of personal space. A foreign concept in Saiyan culture.

"Sure thing, hun. Let's get to it." she releases Shallot and floats up. She turns to look at the scarred Saiyan. "You should get that boot-print out of your face. It looks nice on your face and all but make-up is a thing for Tuffle women, not Saiyans," she comments jokingly before taking off. The rest of you following right behind. Kolra several times through the flight suddenly slows down or accelerates which makes it hard for you to keep her in sight, she would even fly between dangerous canyons and boulders to lose you. You're not just a mere Saiyan now, however, you'll be part of the frontline, part of the E&C squads. You did struggle but you didn't lose her.

You come to a stop right above a building unknown to you, it is more technologically advanced than the rock and wood houses the common Saiyan use, the ones you're used to. As you enter inside, you find several creepy green or blue-skinned aliens that looks nothing like a Saiyan or any humanoid creature for that matter. They're ugly and you recognize them as Freeza's men, you note. Kolra approaches one of their desks casually.

"Hey, green poop. We're here to pick an assignment, for rookies." The aforementioned 'green poop' merely nods, obviously, used to the Saiyans' rude behavior and points toward a high-tech board showing several assignments. 'Green poop' throws a card which Kolra instinctively catch, she looks to be confused about it for a few seconds before realization seemingly hit her. She pointedly throws the card at Chaya's face, she doesn't turn to look if she caught it or not.

"Keep that, the card itself isn't really important since you can always recover it but what's on it. It's your squad's serial number and what will allow Freeza's men to recognize you as allies and not just some rogues. Remember it well; S-EC-234." The S standing for the race; Saiyan, EC standing for Extermination&Conquest and 234 being their squad's number.

Planet: Cold #456

Type: Desert

Demand: Complete extermination of the primitive natives, additional pay if they are enslaved. Local wildlife dangerous, it should be pacified.
Source: Assignment EC#3592

Planet: Lokir

Type: Continental/Forest

Demand: Complete annihilation of the Lokirians and pacification of their planet. Avoid damaging the planet or the price it could be sold at will be lower. The Lokirians are advanced but they did not achieve FTL propulsion.
Source: Assignment EC#2752

Planet: Cold #343

Type: Greenhouse

Demand: Local wildlife is highly dangerous. It should be exterminated not pacified, damage to the planet is not a concern. Blow away the atmosphere.
Source: Assignment EC#4789

"Yeah, those are rookie missions. If I see you complaining about any of them being too hard, I'll beat you up to an inch of your life, I'm training no cowards, you little shits. You hear me? If you try to complain, you'll be thankful I actually didn't kill you." she threatens, an easy-going smile on her face as always which doesn't fit at all what she is saying.
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"456 or 343, Chaya thinks" Chaya observed looking over the whole business. "343 would be best from the perspective of fighting, as local beasts are considered strong, and damage to the world is outright requested in the briefing. Chaya wonders though why Freeza forces haven't taken one of their ships to do it though, maybe the local beasts can shoot back if they try, so they need to send capable fighters in to cull them first?"

She tilts her head and thinks about it.

"Chaya does think such a place sounds fun, though also tedious to burn the sky away. 456 seems to be the safe option, but safe options are boring, so Chaya would vote for 343."
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Tayto's ears still rang from the friendly "pat" on the face. Despite this he could feel his heart race with excitement, the anticipation of his first real fight, the chance to get off this world, to meet strong and interesting beings and more than likely eat something which wasn't from a garbage pile.

"It's not like the choice makes any difference." He stated, feigning disinterest only to a level an idiot would believe.

"Though 456 and 343 both seem to have the better chance at providing a challenging opponent. I'd probably go with 456 if making a final decision. Blasting the place from orbit seems cheap."

Besides, what kind of Saiyan wanted an easy fight?
Cado took a minute to think over the listed missions, before grinning and throwing in his two cents. "343 seems fun, never had the opportunity to kill an atmosphere before. Though, when it says greenhouse, does that mean the atmosphere is too toxic for us to be on the planet itself?" Not being able to even step foot on the planet they need to pacify might make an interesting challenge, one that Cado felt was right up his alley.
Now this was a hard choice for Shallot.

Taking on an advanced civilization on Lokir could be nice, give her a taste of what she missed out on in the war against the Truffles. Then again, just because they had some fancy toys doesn't mean they'd be able to put up much of a fight. Plus it was going to be Shallot's first time off-planet and she wanted to be able to cut loose, not have to worry about breaking things.

Planet Cold #343 could be a good time. She wouldn't have to worry about the planet at all and probably get in some good fights against the wildlife. Hey, if she was lucky one of the wimps might get themselves killed and be replaced by an actual Saiyan.

Then again Cold #456 would be good for making a little extra cash if they could enslave the locals. And even if they turn out to be a race of weakling, there's some dangerous wildlife around that could help get her blood pumping.

"456, that's the planet we should be conquering," she then turned towards Chaya and extended a hand out. "You should probably give me that card. It'll be easier to keep track of if it isn't in the hands of someone who's going to die in the first real fight they get into."
"You should probably give me that card. It'll be easier to keep track of if it isn't in the hands of someone who's going to die in the first real fight they get into."

Cado's grin dimmed somewhat, at the woman's words, and he turned to Shallot, still smiling slightly, "And why do you think that you're any better exactly? She wasn't the one who's first instinct was to charge blindly into a fight against someone who was vastly more powerful than them, if anything you should be the last person to hold onto our ID card. After all, you've obviously designated yourself to handle the threats the rest of the team can't. That sort of danger wouldn't be good for keeping our identification in one piece." Shallot's attitude so far had irritated Cado, it reminded him too much of his younger self; brash, arrogant and much too eager to get into stupid situations. If he had to serve with this woman for long periods of time, he didn't know how long it'd take for him to snap at her.

Turning to Chaya, Cado smiled a little wider and nodded his head at her "So far it seems that you've got a good head on your shoulders, I think it'd be perfectly fine for you to keep a hold of the card,"
"Yeah, those are rookie missions. If I see you complaining about any of them being too hard, I'll beat you up to an inch of your life, I'm training no cowards, you little shits. You hear me? If you try to complain, you'll be thankful I actually didn't kill you." she threatens, an easy-going smile on her face as always which doesn't fit at all what she is saying.

Pota gave the missions a look over, getting a general sense for what they were looking at for each. But given that they were all supposed to be rookie missions, none of those details really mattered to the decision making process, at least so far as she was concerned.

"Lokir." Pota said. "We need to go to Lokir. It's closest."

"456, that's the planet we should be conquering," she then turned towards Chaya and extended a hand out. "You should probably give me that card. It'll be easier to keep track of if it isn't in the hands of someone who's going to die in the first real fight they get into."

Cado's grin dimmed somewhat, at the woman's words, and he turned to Shallot, still smiling slightly, "And why do you think that you're any better exactly? She wasn't the one who's first instinct was to charge blindly into a fight against someone who was vastly more powerful than them, if anything you should be the last person to hold onto our ID card. After all, you've obviously designated yourself to handle the threats the rest of the team can't. That sort of danger wouldn't be good for keeping our identification in one piece." Shallot's attitude so far had irritated Cado, it reminded him too much of his younger self; brash, arrogant and much too eager to get into stupid situations. If he had to serve with this woman for long periods of time, he didn't know how long it'd take for him to snap at her.

Turning to Chaya, Cado smiled a little wider and nodded his head at her "So far it seems that you've got a good head on your shoulders, I think it'd be perfectly fine for you to keep a hold of the card,"

Pota stepped over to Shallot with a big, mischievous grin on her face.

"Yep, if we're going to give the card to someone to keep it safe, it would be silly to give it to the one who's already picked up footprint makeup."

Emphasizing the point, Pota reached out and poked Shallot on the cheek.
Kolra sighs in annoyance. This is going to go as she had expected as if a newly formed squad would be so cohesive as to make a unanimous decision until a squad leader is designed. Too much to hope for, obviously.

"It seems to me that you guys are retarded enough as it is, no need to give you the liberty of a choice," she smirks. You obviously dread her words and what she means by it. Is she going to choose for you? She guides you a few city blocks down south where a series of dilapidated and abandoned warehouses lie. As you enter one of them, you find a rather spacious area with several craters in it, indicating it was used before by your kind as training or sparing ground. It was actually quite cozy compared to the constantly hot weather outside.

"So fight it out. Free for all, teams, or backstabbing, it doesn't matter. The winner and thus the strongest gets to decide where you go." It might actually reveal who's going to be the squad leader. For Saiyans, it is generally the strongest as a tradition. Saiyan culture revolves on the philosophy of 'the strong rule' but it happens in a few rare cases where squad leaders end up being the wisest, the oldest or the smartest guy in the squad.
"So fight it out. Free for all, teams, or backstabbing, it doesn't matter. The winner and thus the strongest gets to decide where you go." It might actually reveal who's going to be the squad leader. For Saiyans, it is generally the strongest as a tradition. Saiyan culture revolves on the philosophy of 'the strong rule' but it happens in a few rare cases where squad leaders end up being the wisest, the oldest or the smartest guy in the squad.
Tayto accepted this as the best, the most Saiyan, the most logical course of action. A chance to grow, in strength, in skill, in power and respect among his peers.

Naturally the short low-class warrior was attempting to kick Shallot in the face as his Squad Leader was finishing her sentence. Her previous behavior had long since made it clear. Here, right now, there was only those who kicked people in the face and those who were kicked in the face.

And he really didn't want to get hit in the face again.

@Expecting Me
As soon as Kolra finished speaking, Cado Launched himself towards the roof of the warehouse, and waited there, preparing some Ki blasts for whoever got close with malicious intent. If he could stay out of a melee brawl with the rest of them until they'd worn themselves out, that'd be just fine with him. However, that didn't mean he was just going to hang around. Cado also kept a close eye on the rest of the group to see if any of them were either forming up into teams or coming straight at him.
So, this was how the dispute was being resolved.

How... Ironically appropriate.

Chaya wasn't one to talk or banter--she had a feeling where this was going when the group split up. She assessed the initial moves of the other fighters--a brawl beginning in the middle between the fighty experts...

And one of the group going off on a rooftop and expecting that to go unchallenged?

No, that wasn't going to work at all.

She kicked up a piece of sheet metal that she had ambled towards in the final approach, the large hunk of used alloy lifting up in the air--and then being launched up at the positioning blaster.

But actually chase him up there? That was an excellent way to get jumped by another. No, it was a grand gesture to get a moment to dodge--and if she was lucky, even provoke a counterattack into the scrum that was beginning to form down on the ground.

She herself was more busy backing up to the walls. Collapsing a ceiling or a wall on someone should be enough to expose an opening, right? Even if it didn't do much damage, it'd be distracting enough to get a few good knock-outs in. Hopefully.
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"So fight it out. Free for all, teams, or backstabbing, it doesn't matter. The winner and thus the strongest gets to decide where you go."

"YES!" Pota exclaimed, giving a double fist-pump as she got excited over actually getting to fight over the matter.

Tayto accepted this as the best, the most Saiyan, the most logical course of action. A chance to grow, in strength, in skill, in power and respect among his peers.

Naturally the short low-class warrior was attempting to kick Shallot in the face as his Squad Leader was finishing her sentence. Her previous behavior had long since made it clear. Here, right now, there was only those who kicked people in the face and those who were kicked in the face.

And he really didn't want to get hit in the face again.

As Tayto immediately targeted Shallot, Pota was close behind him targeting the same woman.

While she wasn't allied with him per say - they had two different planets in mind they wanted to go to - in that moment they seemed to be of a similar mind on who to go after first. As far as Pota was concerned, it was matter of picking the best fight.

More than anyone, Shallot had shown herself to be the most aggressive member of the group thus far. In Pota's mind, that made Shallot the best option to get the best possible fight she could hope for.

Following up on Tayto's attack while Shallot was distracted with the first Saiyan, Pota rushed around the woman. There, she clenched up her fist and charged it with Ki energy meant to intensify the force of the upcoming strike.

"THINK FAST!" She shouted as she threw as hard and fast a glowing punch as she was able toward the woman's back.
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Fighting for dominance. Yes, this was right. This was what being a Saiyan was all about. The only surprise here was that the runt came after her first. Not that Shallot expected the others not to attack her, the weaklings would obviously try to strike at the strongest. But that Tayto was actually trying to do something rather than shouting about how he will do something. The others were all doing as expected: the coward flew away, the nerd avoided getting into the brawl and the annoyance...
Was trying to ride the coattails of another fighter's attack. Shallot had fighters on two sides trying to attack, so she tried to do a move that would hit both by trying to grab Tayto by his outstretched leg and using him as a bludgeon against Pota.
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