Opening Post

Terran Imperium

Southern France
The Soaring Warriors of Planet Vegeta
IC Thread
Aforementioned planet and its twin moons.

In circa Age 550, the first Saiyans landed on Planet Plant using stolen spaceships. It took many centuries of sweat and blood for your kind to finally conquer this crimson planet; now named Vegeta after your own King's ancestor. It was taken from the hands of those filthy natives, the Tuffles, who were exterminated in one night in the eve of 730 under the full moon after ten years of continuous war.

Barely a year later after the Saiyans feasted and cheered on their victory in the ruins of Tuffle cities; the infamous galactic tyrant King Cold forced your kind to submit under his rule and used your people as his personal toys in conquest and extermination.

It is now Age 732, King Cold had visited King Vegeta III to make him aware of a change in the situation. He announces to the Saiyans that he will retire and that his son Freeza is the one who will take over from now on with a rather ominous parting statement of his son being even colder and ruthless than him.

You are new blood, you were mere children while the Tuffle-Saiyan war was on-going and so to your dismay, you were kept from the battlefield and now you and four others were chosen to form one of the first Extermination&Conquest squads under Freeza's rule. You will have a senior middle-class warrior to guide you through your baby steps as a squad before you are thrown into the wild to do missions on your own.

1- The standard rules that this platform abides by and general sociable behavior aka don't be an asshole.
2- The standard roleplaying rules; for example, no godmodding or no meta-gaming.
3- As usual, I'm open to criticisms and suggestions but in the end, the decision is mine as a GM.
4- Death is real in this game. It is permanent and the consequences of it are real. Be careful.
5- We'll try to keep a rhythm of a post or two per day/two days at the minimum. If you have any reason for prolonged absence, warn us.

Saiyans abide by the rule of being assholes as a general trait. Their society is a martial and ruthless one with one's social standing depending on their individual power, the King and his Royal Family being the strongest generally. While Saiyans are ferocious by nature, it doesn't always apply and kind-hearted or other types of soft personalities do appear from time to time, although, it is weeded out of them rather efficiently in that sort of society so you can play that sort of soft character, just don't expect Saiyans to like you all that much because of it. It gets in the way of the job.

Concerning possible Saiyan hybrids. You can technically be a hybrid, only of one type and that is a Saiyan-Tuffle one. Do keep in mind that you're likely to be despised and scorned by generally everyone and the only way to possibly make up for that is through sheer power, with it, comes respect. Remember, that your mother being a Saiyan and a Tuffle as a father is nearly impossible. It would most likely be the other way around with a Saiyan father and a Tuffle mother, with you, being the result of... forced copulation.

All Saiyans have dark hair/eye color, black is the most common but you can see some Saiyans having brown hair, reddish-brown hair or dark-blue hair at the most. Saiyan hybrids get more leeway as to their physical traits, no restrictions.

You can create a character who is vaguely or directly related to canon characters. As in being Turles' twin brother or Prince Vegeta's younger/elder sister. That sort of thing. Keep in mind, however, that since you all start with a fixed pre-determined low power-level of 600. As Royalty, that's unacceptable, it may be average or normal for Saiyans but not for the Royalty and so your character would be deemed as a failure and a defect by your own family and brother, a bit of false mocking respect from other Saiyans.

You all grew up during the Tuffle-Saiyan war but since you were too young between the age of 7 to 10 at the earliest when it started, you weren't technically allowed to fight. More practically, you did fight some low-risk Tuffles, maybe bullied some Tuffle kids or got some of your first kills in there but you weren't part of the actual fighting.

This is the only case in which dice will be used which I'll handle; the rolling and determining which one fits but I think explaining it is better so you get to know how I do things behind the scenes. The fights are narratively resolved while relying on your power level stat to determine how likely you are to beat a guy with 8k while you have 9k for example.

I will generally split the Zenkai into three tiers, going from lightly injured, heavily injured to near-death. The latter offering a massive boost to your power-level but you're literally at death's door and a poke would be sufficient to kill you.

Lightly-injured Zenkai: d10~d100
Heavily-injured Zenkai: d100~d600
Near-death Zenkai: d600~d1000

It varies depending on how severe I deem it narratively. This is not fixed, of course. As you get stronger, your zenkais will as well. This is one that applies to all of you since you all start at 600. Do try to avoid near-death Zenkais since while it may offer a big advantage, the risk of death is real and you might receive a crippling injury or when you die, it's game over for you. A crippling injury would be only temporary until you surpass it, losing an arm is okay, you can still fight with your other arm and legs or with blasting. Losing a leg is okay, you can fly. Getting blinded is okay, you can still sense Ki energy. So, it is only temporary but it'll be a pretty heavy setback for you at the start.

Now, to training; being 80% of a Saiyan's daily activities, it is also important to determine how much you get off it. It is similarly separated into two tiers.

Light training: d10~d60
Heavy training: d120~d320

There is a case of a third tier; it being 'Extreme Training' but since actively doing it will cause you several injuries depending on how 'extreme' it is, it'll fall under the Zenkais. Training dices too will adapt as you get stronger like the Zenkai dices.

Name: (This might help you in finding one)


Age: 17~22

Power Level: 600

Type: Fighter/Blaster/Balanced

Rank: Low-Class Warrior

Appearance: (Image or written description)



-Basic Blast
-Saiyan Martial Art
(Don't add anything here yet. You'll get to make your own techniques later on.)

Good luck! I'll be picking five players, my priority being good quality character sheets with interesting character concepts that would mesh well with your teammates.
As a reminder, take a look at the last rule in the spoiler 'Rules' and consider whenever or not, you can meet it. I will not ask for lengthy posts that demand time but just regular participation to keep things moving.

Player List:
1. Chaya - @Alectai
2. Tayto - @Dovahsith
3. Cado - @Lorien22
4. Pota - @Space Jawa
5. Shallot - @Expecting Me

Artidoc - @Rowknan
Brusse - @Hoshu
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Promising enough, I think.

I'll work something out then and give it a shot.
Chaya - Alectai
Here you go @Terran Imperium , hope this meets your expectations--at least as a foundation. Let me know if you want more detail anywhere, or to make any changes. I'm playing up the eye color (Because that's what was on the image I wanted to use as a reference) as a vestigal mutation on the standard Saiyan genome brought on by cosmic radiation during the big "We stole a bunch of ships and got somewhere else" routine, and the rest of the backstory just sort of came together based on my explanation there.

It's funny how things like that work, huh?

Name: Chaya

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Power Level: 1,345
Base: 600
+745 (Suborbital Drop Kick onto a tungsten spine)

Type: Fighter

Rank: Low-Class Warrior

Appearance: Chaya is a terrible example of the big and scary warriors that her race is known to be. A diminutive speck of a girl, she once tended to sport grease stained coveralls and worker's boots, though her current conscription into the expeditionary forces has required a shift in overall appearance and profession. Though a little near-sighted on the whole, this was no deemed to be an impact on her battle power--and she's got several sets of glasses set aside in her things for day to day life when she doesn't want to deal with the aggravation of having to squint all the time to make out words at a distance. Her black hair is neat, straight, and easy to deal with even if it's a bit longer than might be strictly practical--which she is forever thankful for given some of the nests she's seen among her peers--though her eyes diverge from the normal in how they're a bright red--a trait shared by some other descendants of the engineers who kept the ancient ships working during the long-ago exodus, and considered a sign of talent in the forging of the arms and equipment that fuel the forever campaigns the bellicose species marches on.

Personality: Cool and collected for the most part, Chaya benefits from one of the best educations a Saiyan can get in fields that don't involve warfare, and while this has had some impact on her rank and combat experience--the capacity to repurpose enemy tools and conduct field repairs on their own have more than made up for this on the grand scheme of things. Though conscripted into the expeditionary forces, Chaya is not what you could call thrilled with the matter, as she considers conducting suppression operations that provide little benefit for the people to be pointless--and only the acknowledgement that the alternative is being annihilated by an all powerful warlord keeps her from openly questioning the matter.

Has little time or patience for frivolous matters, but is, on the whole, willing to bargain if it means getting her own work finished more quickly--all to get back to doing things she actually enjoys doing, such as studying the lore available with the Saiyan's entry into the galactic community, or integrating modern sciences into her own tinkering.

Biography: Even the Saiyans--one of the greatest natural snowballing warrior races the Universe knows--cannot do everything with the might of their inner force or the strength of their bodies. Though not considered quite as respectable as the front line warriors, the Engineers are still considered to be worthy citizens, as it is through their labors that the wounded can be healed--the technologies recovered repurposed to the Saiyan people--and in this modern era? The ships and battle-pods crafted to send warriors off into the stars.

Chaya was born into that caste--her crimson eyes revealing descent from the ship-wrights who made the old exodus possible in the first place--and where many of her peers were being drilled in elementary combat routines, she was shoved into classrooms and seminaries to learn the arts of the forge--to keep the lost secrets from fading into the mists of time--just in case their world blew up again, you know?

It was good sense--and she got no small amount of work done as she matured--with the Saiyans finally getting fed up with the existence of an uncooperative group of neighbours and beginning the final war against them. They were more technologically advanced, and the Engineers had a field day picking apart relics that weren't smashed to bits when everyone turned into Great Apes and stomped them to bits. It was honestly quite a mess, and she maintains that it probably would have been better on the whole if they simply maintained the pressure in a war they would inevitably win--it would recover more of their arts, and provide a stronger generation with greater room to bargain when the Planet Trade Organization descended and subjugated the Saiyans.

But such things are--ultimately--in the past, and she was content to stay in the background and take advantage of the new access to the galactic community to learn.

And then the old boss retired, putting the new boss in charge.

The revelation that the commitment of the Saiyan race was being raised wasn't a problem in and of itself. The problem was that it was no longer possible to meet that commitment just based on the warrior caste alone--which meant a lottery was thrown, and she had the misfortune of drawing the short straw--now a 'Proud' card carrying member of the expeditionary forces.

And all Chaya wanted to do was study.

-Basic Blast
-Saiyan Martial Art
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Here you go @Terran Imperium , hope this meets your expectations--at least as a foundation. Let me know if you want more detail anywhere, or to make any changes. I'm playing up the eye color (Because that's what was on the image I wanted to use as a reference) as a vestigal mutation on the standard Saiyan genome brought on by cosmic radiation during the big "We stole a bunch of ships and got somewhere else" routine, and the rest of the backstory just sort of came together based on my explanation there.
It actually exceeds my expectations. This is a lot better than what I expected, you put a lot of detail into this and explained how someone like Chaya would end up in a squad which I appreciate. You even took the time to justify your character's odd eye coloration. I like it honestly.

As a heads up. I'll be threadmarking all sheets so I can keep track of them.
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It actually exceeds my expectations. This is a lot better than what I expected, you put a lot of detail into this and explained how someone like Chaya would end up in a squad which I appreciate. You even took the time to justify your character's odd eye coloration. I like it honestly.

As a heads up. I'll be threadmarking all sheets so I can keep track of them.

Splendid, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Tayto - Dovahsith
@Terran Imperium I have an can be edited if you think its out of the question without issue.

Name: Tayto

Gender: M

Age: 17

Power Level: 1205

Type: Balanced

Rank: Low-Class Warrior

Appearance: Shorter than average, well muscled, but lean belying years on the cusp of malnutrition, with the typical dark spiky hair of his species.

Brash, with a quick temper covering a mess of insecurities, its a miracle that Tayto has survived this long lacking either the power level to avoid being outright destroyed by an older, more powerful warrior taking offense, marking either a surprising string of good fortune despite his origins or a hold on life more stubborn than he is stupid. With a dogged determination, created by the mother of all daddy issues, Tayto is determined to prove himself just as great a Saiyan Warrior as anyone else. Even if he's a bit on the short side....


Tayto was born to a single mother, never interacting with his father, who was far busy with the Saiyan conquest of the planet and their species future conflicts to bother looking back to monitor one of his weaker brats left in his wake. This is hardly a uncommon occurrence with the Saiyan people. There is hardly an upper class warrior without a few weaker pups wandering about, ready to be either culled or to realize their potential. What makes Tayto's life complicated was his mixed heritage. Namely that he was whelped on one of the few Tuffles to survive the war without being used as a food source, though that itself was a temporary blessing, leaving the young hybrid to fend for himself at a young age, scavenging for food rather than training, till he was old enough to join the battlefield and earn his meals.

-Basic Blast
-Saiyan Martial Art
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@Terran Imperium I have an can be edited if you think its out of the question without issue.
I can't think much of it if I don't know it in the first place. ^^'

Also, the character sheet as it is; is good. Tayto seems to have inherited more of the Saiyan heritage than the Tuffle one, so he isn't outright denounced and known as a hybrid which makes things a bit interesting. A secret for him to keep. I like the idea.
I can't think much of it if I don't know it in the first place. ^^'

Also, the character sheet as it is; is good. Tayto seems to have inherited more of the Saiyan heritage than the Tuffle one, so he isn't outright denounced and known as a hybrid which makes things a bit interesting. A secret for him to keep. I like the idea.
Saiyan Naruto.

I will become a Super Saiyan. Believe it!
Ill make a sheet later.
Artidoc - Rowknan
Name: Artidoc



Power Level: 600

Type: Balanced

Rank: Lower-Class Warrior

Appearance: A tall intimidating Saiyan, Artidoc has short well groomed black hair that none the less has spikes that he has forced into submission. His long legs and arm are appealingly shaped and muscled but are not too wide. His tail is longer and thinner than most, coming past his legs when fully extended. His face would be extremely attractive if not for the large scar from a childhood injury on his face.

Personality: Cold, calculating, and ruthless Artidoc acts more like an Acrosian than a Saiyain in many respects. He does not value camaraderie, family, or race. He is in many ways a snake. But there is also an anger to Artidoc, a deep wound to his pride that is clearly apparent whenever he associates with the lower class warriors that call him friend.

Moreover Artidoc is determined. He was told at a young age that he was a descendant of the Super Saiyan who had lead them to glory and he is hellbent on seeing that power again. He will slaughter anyone and do anything for more knowledge on the legend, and his training has been nonstop since his childhood.

Biography: Artidoc was born into the supposed privilege of a Saiyan Elite and one of the most prestigious clans on Planet Vegeta with the insult of a power level 20. He was disgraced from a young age and treated as the least son, in fact when his father found out about his power level Artidoc was thrown headfirst into the nearest wall. He barely survived his first Zenkai.

But he was inspired by the legend of how their supposed ancestor had supposedly conquered their planet, destroyed their old one, and been bar none the strongest warrior in the galaxy. Like a man possessed, Artidoc trained. He grew and grew in leaps and bounds until he was fit to exterminate a planet and continue his quest for the power of a Super Saiyan.

He was still the weakest member of his family when he sighed up for this disgusting Lower Class extermination squad.

-Basic Blast
-Saiyan Martial Art
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Cado - Lorien22
It is rather difficult to find quality fan art for Saiyan OCs


Gender: M

Age: 21

Power Level: 892

Type: Blaster

Rank: Low-Class Warrior

Appearance: Cado is a rather tall man, standing above most of his brethren and heavily muscled to boot, he seems like the ideal example of a Saiyan warrior. Heavily scarred from his earlier years as a somewhat too eager youth.

Personality: Cado is fairly jovial for a Saiyan, often having a smile on his lips and a friendly man to be around for his fellow Saiyans. To to his foes however, this smile seems more like a promise of a swift death. Cado is viciously brutal in a fight, which, while standard for most Saiyans, seems at odds with his demeanour in everyday life, where he prefers to joke around and almost seems to avoid conflict with his peers and colleagues. Among Cado's more prominent interests are his fascination with stars and the void between them, and he can be regularly seen stargazing at night, when not busy with training or on a mission. He is also intensely intrigued by Ki and how it allows him to do what he does, being his main focus whenever he busies himself with training.

Biography: As a young boy, Cado had been very much a rough and tumble sort of person, preferring to solve issues through fighting than with words or discourse, and he was regularly seen sporting a black eye and bruised body, not that he seemed to mind all that much. That was, until one day he was discovered by his mother, heavily wounded and bleeding out in the dirt. Since then, his personality turned about face, and Cado preferred to avoid what conflict he could, and failing that, relied on his Ki to handle what fights he participated in from a distance. He steadfastly refuses to talk about what happened to him that changed him so drastically, and any attempt to force it out of him was met with a nervous smile and either a quick change of subject, or Cado leaving the conversation entirely. Being drafted for E&C was something of a mixed blessing for Cado. On the one hand, he gets to go out and be amongst the stars that he loves so dearly, but on the other, every mission holds the possibility of Cado being forced in over his head, possibly like whatever that event was so long ago.

-Basic Blast
-Meteorite Shot (A more powerful varient of the standard Ki Blast, focusing on penrtrative power this spiked shaped blast requires a few seconds to shape and charge before being ready for use.)
-Saiyan Martial Art
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Right, you can't be a Saiyan Elite. Even if I allowed that, Saiyan Elite at a power-level of 600?
Remember that your social standing is based on your power-level, not family. The Royal Family is an exception because those guys kept spawning high-class warriors at birth.
The rest is fine.
Keeping the mystery open as to what happened even OOC? That's interesting. The sheet is good, too.
Although, if you were to be picked; you'll have to inform me of what it is, in private, if you want to keep it a secret from other players but I should know it as a GM.
Right, you can't be a Saiyan Elite. Even if I allowed that, Saiyan Elite at a power-level of 600?
Remember that your social standing is based on your power-level, not family. The Royal Family is an exception because those guys kept spawning high-class warriors at birth.
The rest is fine.

Keeping the mystery open as to what happened even OOC? That's interesting. The sheet is good, too.
Although, if you were to be picked; you'll have to inform me of what it is, in private, if you want to keep it a secret from other players but I should know it as a GM.
Ah I meant that he was born into a Saiyan-Elite family. My bad. I'll change the title and edit the bacstory to explain shit.
Keeping the mystery open as to what happened even OOC? That's interesting. The sheet is good, too.
Although, if you were to be picked; you'll have to inform me of what it is, in private, if you want to keep it a secret from other players but I should know it as a GM.

That's perfectly fine, excited to see who gets picked and how exactly this is going to go down
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Brusse - Hoshu
Gonna throw my hat in the ring



Age: 19

Power Level: 600


Rank: Low-Class

Appearance: A larger than average saiyan. Brusse has a wild brown mane of hair held by a yellow sash to keep it from blocking his vision. He wears black battle armor. A simple black long shirt underneath, baggy blue pants, and blue boots.

Personality: Pragmatic, with his mind always on the objective. Despite his rather large size he prefers using his wit first before his physique. Observing the situation and coming up with the best solution he can think off in the moment.

He shows etiqutte and respect to those of higher rank and power making sure to not step on their toes less he shame his family. Acting more like a Tuffle than a Saiyan.

Still the blood of the race is still in his veins and Brusse strives to get stronger knowing that he must otherwise his usefulness will be lost. Continually honing his mind and body knowing there will always be someone who would be superior to him that he may need to beat.

Brusse's mother was a tuffle that got captured early before the actual start of the war and used as a pleasure slave of an elite saiyan warrior.

Soon these events caused him to be born as a bastard half-breed of a father contemplating to kill him and a mentally broken mother who couldn't care.

Luckily for him the commander's elder sister, got wind of this. Seeing him as a resource she could use, she pressured her brother into allowing custody of him by keeping quiet about the information.

He was sent to his aunt who then raised him under the guise of an she took pity on orphan that would be raised as a servant and instilled loyalty to the family.

Brusse growing up was taught with a much higher education than normal low-class saiyans and with his tuffle nature was given more lessons in strategies, technology, and tactics. Making him develop a level head and habit of using and tikering with scraps of technology.

He was signed up for a position in the first Extermination & Conquest squads by his Aunt to gather information on Frieza and his methods aswell as being of little worth should he die.

-Basic Blast
-Saiyan Martial Art
So same concept as Dovahsith's which is interesting too but I fail to understand why Brusse's aunt adopted him. Did she have any particular reason? The Saiyans aren't really the caring sort.
Oh she doesn't care about him as a person more like property a tool. First reason was to have some blackmail looming over her brother. Second reason was shes interested in Tuffle ruins and has him around for a potential Tuffle only accessible secrets. Third to see if there would be any mutations in a Saiyan-Tuffle biology like zenkai's working differently on the brain and other such mutations. Also not really adopt while i do say aunt, IC he doesn't really know who his parents are or where he comes from. Only his mistress raising him as an assistant and general servant which he is pretty grateful for.
Oh she doesn't care about him as a person more like property a tool. First reason was to have some blackmail looming over her brother. Second reason was shes interested in Tuffle ruins and has him around for a potential Tuffle only accessible secrets. Third to see if there would be any mutations in a Saiyan-Tuffle biology like zenkai's working differently on the brain and other such mutations. Also not really adopt while i do say aunt, IC he doesn't really know who his parents are or where he comes from. Only his mistress raising him as an assistant and general servant which he is pretty grateful for.
Alright, I understand. It does make sense considering Saiyan mentalities.

Just realized that you got that image from that Saiyan 4chan quest, well, there is like three of them so I'm not sure which, though.
Pota - Space Jawa
Name: Pota

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Power Level: 810

Type: Fighter

Rank: Low-Class Warrior

Appearance: Average height, with a well-toned, muscular body that makes clear she puts in a lot of work to keep a strong physique. Skin is covered with a number of scars and marks she's earned over the years that put a heavy blemish on her feminine form, though she wears each and every one with pride (and probably has a story to tell about most of them). Hair is a dark red that runs down to her waist and is arranged in a spiky, carefully organized mess.

Personality: To the chagrin and frustration of her peers, Pota lacks a true ferocious streak. She's not all that mean, and she's as close as Saiyans get to being 'perky'. Among the best words to describe her are 'enthusiastic' and 'determined'.

But that doesn't mean she's any less of a fighter. To the contrary, she takes to fighting like a fish to water. She considers a good punch in the face or strike to the gut the best way to say 'hello', and a swift kick in the rear the best way to say 'goodbye'. For all the weakness she possesses in her failure to embrace her Saiyan ferocity, she's found a way to make up for it with an unyielding fighting spirit. It's that fighting spirit, her unyielding determination, a refusal to accept defeat, and drive to be the best she can be that have earned her a basic level of tolerance of her fellow Saiyans.

Even if she continues to annoy them to no end with her insistence on 'because it's fun' as her primary reason for fighting and how she seems to embarrassingly friendly towards everyone, even those she has every intention of killing.

In combat, Pota typically takes on a 'scrapper' style, engaging in moves that emphasize agility over brute strength.

Biography: Pota's been looked down on all her life, right from the moment she was born. In spite of - or perhaps because of that - she's still managed to endure, if not outright thrive compared to her pathetic beginnings. She started picking fights nearly the moment she learned to walk, most of which went poorly. In spite of her constant beatdowns, she none the less pushed forward and refused to let her drive to fight be deterred.

In time, this drive and constant training earned her enough recognition to earn genuine training in spite of her attitude and personality - while practically none of her fellow Saiyans may have liked her, they were at least forced to (begrudgingly) recognize her potential.

That said, it's suspected that the real reason for her assignment to the new E&C squad is out of wanting to get rid of her, whether by hoping she'll get herself killed or that a little time off planet will grind down her personality in a way none of her own people have been able to.

-Basic Blast
-Saiyan Martial Art
-Hype Machine/Encore (Pota taps into her Ki reserves to rejuvenate. Allows Pota to slowly heal herself outside of combat [Encore] and increases her durability after Ki charging during combat [Hype Machine].)
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Shallot - Expecting Me
Name: Shallot

Gender: Female


Power Level: 778

Type: Balanced

Rank: Low-Class Warrior

Appearance: Shallot is an average height Saiyan with a lithe, but powerful, muscles. Scars litter her body and it is common to see minor cuts and bruises on her at all times.

Personality: As is common of a Saiyan, Shallot is prone towards aggression. For her, fighting is the perfect way to prove her dominance, that she was truly better than her foes and that they know it. She has always felt that if she was fierce enough, if she hit hard enough and fast enough she could beat even those with higher power levels. As a result, Shallot remains constantly on the attack in a fight and would rather take a beating than retreat. She prefers to rely on her instincts rather than plans, believing that overthinking things would just slow her down and not let her control the pace of the fight.

In her interactions with others she maintains the same sort of attitude. She is virtually filterless and quick to insult those whom she believes are weak. In many ways she views conversing with others merely as one part of a fight and that her provocations is her offense against her "opponent". If they back off, it means she wins. If they don't, she's already ready to begin making it physical.

Biography: Shallot's father died a pathetic death before she was born and her mother was derided as a cowardly weakling. When Shallot was born with a pathetic power-level, it seemed that the apple wouldn't fall far from the tree, but she had no desire to be like them. No she wanted to fight anyone she could. The fact that she was kept out of fighting the Truffles infuriated Shallot everyday that the conflict went on. She vented her frustrations by picking fights with anyone who was still around; other Low-Class Saiyan kids, the dregs that either couldn't or wouldn't fight the Truffles, so on. Even amongst the lowest of the low, Shallot was often the weakest around and most treated her like a particularly unfunny joke and Shallot got her ass beat more times than she could count. But after every defeat she got stronger, and not just physically; her instinct was sharpened by her experience just as much as her body.

Unfortunately, the Truffles were wiped out before Shallot could have the chance to join the war. But once she heard about the creation of these Extermination & Conquest squads, she immediately did everything she could to get assigned as early as possible.


-Basic Blast
-Saiyan Martial Art
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