Let's not spread democracy to Kislev. The Ungols and the "whatever their name is, I know it starts with a G" are close enought to murdering each other as it is. Outer treats and the Tzar(ina) are probably the most stabilizing factors in the area.

Don't think anyone has answered this, do you mean the Gospodar? IIRC they are a Kislevite ethnic group.
edit: the rest of the world will react to what happened to Sartosa next turn....
Odds are, no one will care beyond the fact that there is going to be a large decrease in pirates and slavers in the area. Its a Republic? So what, there are others in Tilea anyway and without the pirates its not like Sartosa is powerful enough or large enough to matter, or near anyone other then Tilea. There is going to be far more positive feelings about the pirates all being dead then negative about a radical republic being formed from the ashes. At least not until we conquer Tilea and start making inroads in Estalia, the Border Princes and maybe Araby. But that would be less about us being a Republic(outside propaganda anyway, and potentially personal opinions of various leading nobles) and more about us being an expansionistic power. Realpolitik holds sway even in warhammer among the Order Nations.
Well,as much as killing children is bad thing but kept in mind the dwarve kept their principle and ideology in the face of tyranny.

Dwarve just follow idea what they believe in just like us,pardon him and explain about sin of father ideology and how we don't agree with it.

Dwarve has culture that sin of father is valid reason,Aren't we try to create republic that accept all sort of ideal?

If we want to forbid unnesessary bloodshed in the future then we just pass the law to forbid that action,No law no crime,and the law will come form will of the people.

Try to punish him without law is against everything republic stand for,we can give reason and pass the law that this action is not allow in the future but punish people and sentence them in this case is bad precedent for republic.
Odds are, no one will care beyond the fact that there is going to be a large decrease in pirates and slavers in the area. Its a Republic? So what, there are others in Tilea anyway and without the pirates its not like Sartosa is powerful enough or large enough to matter, or near anyone other then Tilea. There is going to be far more positive feelings about the pirates all being dead then negative about a radical republic being formed from the ashes. At least not until we conquer Tilea and start making inroads in Estalia, the Border Princes and maybe Araby. But that would be less about us being a Republic(outside propaganda anyway, and potentially personal opinions of various leading nobles) and more about us being an expansionistic power. Realpolitik holds sway even in warhammer among the Order Nations.

what you say is true, most will not care anyway about the Bloody Revolt, what they would care about though are the winning results of Turn 1.
[X] He is to be pardoned. What's done is done, and the children are from the class-enemy anyway, the people understands this.
[X] Slavery is banned now and forever! All are equal! (slave-traders will avoid Sartosa, can no longer build Unique Structure: Forum of Flesh)
[X] Refuse

Hmm,I want to let family go but I worried about possession and property of pirate lord,No that become state property now,we need money to rebuild and running state after bloody revolution.
can someone do a tally for me please?

@GhostKing 666 can I copy your map of the Old World?

Here you go:

Vote tally:

##### 3.19
[X] He is to be banished. his life is to be spared due to his service to the Revolution yet his actions cannot be tolerated.
No. of votes: 8
Derek58, GhostKing 666, NuclearConsensus, Chiperninerm, Crazy7s1, brian boru, DragonParadox, avatar11792

[X] Slavery is banned now and forever! All are equal! (slave-traders will avoid Sartosa, can no longer build Unique Structure: Forum of Flesh)
No. of votes: 16
Derek58, Nervos Belli, GhostKing 666, TheHappyVampire, NuclearConsensus, Varano, Chiperninerm, Night_stalker, Crazy7s1, Crowhunter, brian boru, devo342, DragonParadox, No-one of Importance, avatar11792, skaro

[X] Accept
No. of votes: 7
Derek58, TheHappyVampire, NuclearConsensus, brian boru, DragonParadox, avatar11792, BoSPaladin

[X] He is to be pardoned. What's done is done, and the children are from the class-enemy anyway, the people understands this.
No. of votes: 7
Nervos Belli, Varano, Night_stalker, Crowhunter, devo342, No-one of Importance, skaro

[X] Refuse
No. of votes: 10
Nervos Belli, GhostKing 666, Varano, Chiperninerm, Night_stalker, Crazy7s1, Crowhunter, devo342, No-one of Importance, skaro

[X] He is to be executed. the Dwarf is guilty of murder, regardless of the fact that those he killed were children of the pirate-lords. (+10 Civil Disorder)
No. of votes: 1

[X]Pardon the dwarf
No. of votes: 1

[X]Outlaw slavery
No. of votes: 1
[X] He is to be pardoned. What's done is done, and the children are from the class-enemy anyway, the people understands this.
[X] Slavery is banned now and forever! All are equal! (slave-traders will avoid Sartosa, can no longer build Unique Structure: Forum of Flesh)
[X] Refuse
[X] He is to be pardoned. What's done is done, and the children are from the class-enemy anyway, the people understands this.
[X] Slavery is banned now and forever! All are equal! (slave-traders will avoid Sartosa, can no longer build Unique Structure: Forum of Flesh)
[X] Refuse
Changing vote.

[X] He is to be banished. his life is to be spared due to his service to the Revolution yet his actions cannot be tolerated.
[X] Slavery is banned now and forever! All are equal! (slave-traders will avoid Sartosa, can no longer build Unique Structure: Forum of Flesh)
[X] Accept
[X] He is to be banished. his life is to be spared due to his service to the Revolution yet his actions cannot be tolerated.
[X] Slavery is banned now and forever! All are equal! (slave-traders will avoid Sartosa, can no longer build Unique Structure: Forum of Flesh)
[X] Refuse
ok, voting is closed and we have a tie again... ok, I will flip a coin regarding the verdict of Blackaxe if no one votes in the next 15 minutes.

edit: alright, the coin is flipped... and some of you guys will be angry... but remember the masses are fickle. and there would always be opportunities in a republic.
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Turn 2: Freedom Is Not Free
[]He is to be pardoned. What's done is done, and the children are from the class-enemy anyway, the people understands this.
[]Slavery is banned now and forever! All are equal! (slave-traders will avoid Sartosa, can no longer build Unique Structure: Forum of Flesh)

The Battle of Sartosa

"My fear was not of death itself, but a death without meaning."
- Blackaxe the Brave


Freedom Is Not Free

When the final judgment was announced regarding Blackaxe, it was met with cheers and praise from the populace. The dwarf himself merely grunted his approval like he expected nothing less. The "execution" of the children of the pirate-lords were not only a necessity but a righteous and just act so that they can never again threaten the lives and liberties of the People. The decision though also gave heart to those conducting "Purges" in the countryside, executing anyone known or rumored to be related to a pirate-lord and those that decided to help them, naming the latter as traitors and sympathizers. Currently it is unknown what the true death toll is in the countryside, and those who would have objected merely held their peace in fear of being branded as sympathizers and to meet the same fate as the pirate-lords. Some within the Council though voice their concerns regarding "excesses" of zeal.

Will The Council rein back this Righteous Purge?
[] Yes, there is a limit to such things. (+10 Civil Disorder)
[] No, the fires and passion of the Revolution still burns bright, such is not to be discouraged but encouraged!

(Civil Changes: The People becomes more militant, Free Speech is strangled in infancy, The Ends Justifies The Means, ???)

A few days later, the Council refused the terms passed on by the emissary of the hiding family members of the Pirate-Lords, most of which are women and children. The man was not surprised by the decision yet he truly hoped that there was still a shred of "decency" within the Revolutionaries. The man then confessed that he used to be a slave and he would have fought for the Revolution given the chance, but not like this. The Council then wisely ordered than the emissary be followed. A few days later, the shadowing agents returned and reported that they were not able to track down the emissary once he reached the underground mines of the old Dwarf Hold, as well as to find the tunnels where the remaining Pirate-Lords families are hiding. Rumor has it that a dwarf servant was the one that led the surviving Families to the mines to begin with. The agents were confident however that those survivors would soon starve unless they surface soon. While the Council shares the same confidence, these men still failed in their task, ergo they failed the Cause and the People...

Would the Council punish these men?
[] Yes, The People has decided that the Families are to be exterminated, are these men lax in their duties and hence traitors to the Cause?
[] No, no one is perfect, this include elves, orks and dwarfs. We must expect and forgive the weaknesses inherent in the People.

The looting and the "redistribution" of wealth from the former masters and on to the People has ended. With the more organized, cunning, and vicious getting the lion's share of wealth and treasures while the majority ended up with a few minor trinkets or nothing at all. According to some this is intolerable, for have they not fought and bled equally as brothers-in-arms for the Cause? Those that took the lion's share however countered that they did most of the hard work, killing the champions of the pirate-lords and storming their strongpoints, hence why they got to the treasures in the first place. Furthermore, they argued that the wealth is not just for them but for the widows and children of the men that were killed in storming said strongholds. The merchants, intellectuals, and other citizens with property though sided with the latter with the opinion that those who worked more should deserve more. While some within the Council had the idea of just confiscating the Wealth, one look outside their windows and seeing the rows of street lamps each with a hanged family member of the pirate-lords, as well as 'other' traitors swaying in the breeze and carrion birds pecking out their eyes, gave them pause.

How would the Council distribute the Wealth "liberated" from the Oppressors?
[] Side with those wishing equal distribution. (+50 gold)
[] Back those that took the lion's share. (+30 gold)

Slavery is banned! No more will the People live in fear of being dragged in the night from their beds and to be sold as cattle in foreign markets! No more will the People toil in chains from dusk till dawn under the watchful gaze and terrible whips of their masters! No more will the People die in poverty and starvation while their masters and exploiters feast upon their sweat, blood, and tears! Freed folk and Citizens alike rejoiced when the official declaration was announced but once the celebrations and revelry has passed, a group of former slaves petitioned the Council to be allowed to return to their homes, ranging from Tilea to Norsca, even from far Nippon. The problem was that they do not have enough coin to buy for passage. Another headache that has risen up is that most slaves used to work on the farms, ships, or as prostitutes with only a few trained as teachers, scribes, and soldiers. Due to the fact that slavery has been lifted, the former farm slaves left in droves to seek opportunities elsewhere which would cause problems in the agricultural sector if not remedied quickly enough. The citizens on the other hand, do not like the new competition that their actions have brought but so far they are holding their tongues.

How would the Council react to the former slaves' petition? (Can use the money earned from the above options)
[] Buy them passage and wish them well (-20 gold)
[] Tell them that it will be considered in another time (+10 Civil Disorder, Question will be raised again in turn 5, former slaves will do something else...)

The streets of Sartosa are clean enough and the fires have died down, you can now build/repair structures (1 building per turn)
[] Repair the Harbor (level 1) Costs: 30 gold (+10 gold per turn, unlocks opportunities, finishes in 2 turns)
[] Build A Market (level 1) Costs: 20 gold (+5 gold per turn, gold earned per turn increases depending state of roads, harbor, trade relations, finishes in 1 turn)
[] Build a Guild Hall (level 1) Costs: 20 gold (Removes 10 Civil Disorder every 5 turns, unlocks opportunities, finishes in 1 turn)
[] Build A Printing Press (level 1) Costs: 10 gold (Allows the spread of Propaganda, finishes in 1 turn)
[] Repair the roads from Sartosa to Carpio. Costs: 50 gold (+20 gold per turn, finishes in 3 turns)
[] Save the money this turn

Unique Structures/ Projects (unique structures will be built by friendly factions (as kong as they are happy) by using a d100 roll per turn, players can buy additional dice for said turn by spending Points)
[] The Golden Arches of Freedom (Cost: 0/500)
- A symbol of everything that Sartosa holds dear and sacrificed much to gain.
- All factions start with an approval of 10, this will never be negated unless the Council seriously alienate the said faction.

[] Monument to the People (Cost 0/500)
A statue dedicated to the pillars of the Revolution, the Common folk.
Strife roll between the races in Sartosa will be rolled every 10 turns instead of 5. the dice must roll between 76-100 instead of the original 51-100 to trigger a race riot.

Current Gold in the Treasury: 5 gold
Current Dice: 1
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Knew that letting the dwarf go scot-free was a bad idea.

Will The Council rein back this Righteous Purge?
[X] Yes, there is a limit to such things. (+10 Civil Disorder)

Would the Council punish these men?
[X] No, no one is perfect, this include elves, orks and dwarfs. We must expect and forgive the weaknesses inherent in the People.

How would the Council distribute the Wealth "liberated" from the Oppressors?
[X] Side with those wishing equal distribution. (+50 gold)

How would the Council react to the former slaves' petition? (Can use the money earned from the above options)
[X] Buy them passage and wish them well (-20 gold)

The streets of Sartosa are clean enough and the fires have died down, you can now build/repair structures (1 building per turn)
[X] Build a Guild Hall (level 1) Costs: 20 gold (Removes 10 Civil Disorder every 5 turns, unlocks opportunities, finishes in 1 turn)

[X] Monument to the People (Cost 0/500)
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[X] Yes, there is a limit to such things. (+10 Civil Disorder)

Let's not go full First Republic. That is inviting Chaos by the front door.

[X] Yes, The People has decided that Families are to be exterminated, are these men lax in their duties and hence traitors to the Cause?

Incompetence bad.

[X] Back those that took the lion's share. (+30 gold)

True economic equality is a pipe dream that has donemore harm than any other idea in the history of humankind.

[X] Buy them passage and wish them well (-20 gold)

We do not need these people causing more disorder

[X] Build A Printing Press (level 1) Costs: 10 gold (Allows the spread of Propaganda, finishes in 1 turn)

We lack money for more with the above.
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[X] Back those that took the lion's share. (+30 gold)

True economic equality is a pipe dream that sis more harm than any other idea in the history of humankind.

Disregarding your cynical but probably true statement, why would we want to avoid distributing wealth? I don't think the wealth will always be distributed evenly, it'll just be distributed right now. We could use more money, not less. On a more principled note, we don't want the people who made a killing for themselves be the new pirate lords just yet. Inevitably they will, but we're trying to set a precedent of fairness here. A culture of unfairness is why revolutions happen in the first place.
oh yeah, you guys unlocked 2 unique structures... will edit the turn 2 posts.

Note: Unique Structures can only be built by using dice (dice can be purcased with enough points) and faction assistance