Ok, now that I have reread this quest and gotten refamiliar with it, first things first. How do we go about fixing our fuckups? Because as things stand our trade is strangled in the crib because we have alienated and infuriated all of our close neighbors. We're basically persona non grata to everyone around us. And without trade we can't boost our income and get to fixing our infrastructure in a more timely manner. Our reputation is so far into the negative that the only thing that's keeping one or more of our neighbors from invading us is that they are busy fighting the skaven but that's not going to last for long and they are going to be able to recover from that a lot faster then we are recovering from the revolution(again thanks to the lack of money), an invasion we wouldn't be able to fight off. This needs to get fixed badly.

We're proof you don't need nobles running things, good luck getting along with any of our neighbors with THAT tidbit.

We're proof you don't need nobles running things, good luck getting along with any of our neighbors with THAT tidbit.

Agree. If you want to be much more historical, practically everyone in Europe declared war on France including her colonies after the Revolution. All casus belli boiled down to restoring the status quo. But thanks to massed drafting and determination, the French Army won decisive victories. This was before Napoleon. Trade was nonexistent and the Navy too, because most of them were Royalists.

We're proof you don't need nobles running things, good luck getting along with any of our neighbors with THAT tidbit.
As I have pointed out many times in this thread, we are not the first republic! Don't know why people think we are, but we are not. Nor are we a symbol or anything of the sort. To be the latter we would have to be successful and right now that's looking like a very dim prospect because we needlessly pissed everyone around us off. Realpolitik is how the Game is played in Warhammer, it normally doesn't matter how you run your state as long as it doesn't allow Chaos Cults, unless you do like we did and provoke our neighbors. If we are to survive we need to find a way to pacify them because otherwise we are fucked. We aren't Revolutionary France, Sartossa was not in any way shape or form a superpower that could take on the combined might of the other great powers of the Old World and win. All the fanaticism and revolutionary fervor in the universe doesn't make up for the fact that our military is a tiny, untrained, badly equipped joke even by Border Princes standards.

Agree. If you want to be much more historical, practically everyone in Europe declared war on France including her colonies after the Revolution. All casus belli boiled down to restoring the status quo. But thanks to massed drafting and determination, the French Army won decisive victories. This was before Napoleon. Trade was nonexistent and the Navy too, because most of them were Royalists.
:jackiechan::facepalm:This is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard of. Why? Why is it so fucking hard to figure out that Sartosa is not anything even remotely close to France?! France, while it had it's issues was still a Great Power, was still considered one of the most powerful military forces on the continent, with one of the largest populations and the revolutionaries inherited that! Sartosa? We are a mixture of Tortuga and Sicily! The only reason one of the other Tilean City States hadn't conquered us was because the pirates made it to big of a hassle to be worth it. The pirates are now gone and with them the vast lion share of military force on the island and a decent chunk of our already tiny population. And as it currently stands we aren't going to be able to recover enough to build a respectable military before the war with the Skaven end and one of our neighbors recovers enough to crush us.

It's comments like this that make me think that some people actually want us to crash and burn in this quest.
Year 2535: Foreign Relations Assessment
Alright guys calm down, OOC knowledge is fun and all, but here are the 'facts' in-universe regarding Foreign Relationships as the Councilors of Sartosa see it as of the year 2535. (it is hinted in the updates after all)

- It has been 5 years since the Revolution and no "major powers" has declared war against Sartosa. They used the Revolution though to crack down on their own populace.

- While a Republican system is not unique per se, The Revolution is the first of its kind that completely got rid of its 'noble' classes. The old popular revolts like those seen in Remas, made accommodations with their ruling elite or made new ones.

- Estalia, Tilea, Araby, and the Border Princes are not singular entities. The wars and chaos in the said regions and by supporting the winning side will be the best step to normalize foreign relations (in those areas).

- The Skaven forces are decimated and retreating, but the Northern Tilean League (lead by Miragliano) wants to regain as much territory from the Skaven as possible but otherwise they are too exhausted to prosecute a naval campaign (they sacrificed their Naval capabilities to focus on becoming a Land Power). The Southern League while having a stronger navy (the majority of whom are still aiding the Northern cities), they are starting to take advantage of the new wars in the Border Princes, Araby and Estalia to profit even further. Particularly due to the fact that there has been a lack of pirate activity for 5 years now, some of the merchant-princes in the area are said to be looking to normalize relationships with Sartosa.

- The exception to this is Tobaro since Marco Colombo swore before Verena, and he believes he may not be welcomed to Paradise if he did not follow through on this oath.

- The pirates of The Bilbali Coast, rivals of the old pirates of Sartosa has traded with the new island government since the extinction of their former rivals (they are your foremost source of rumors from the North and Estalia). They haven't come up yet since they are an even smaller faction than Sartosa. If however, they prove to be successful in the most recent Estalian Wars, they may approach the Council for mutual recognition.

- The Empire is starting to forget that there has been a Peasant Revolution to begin with since beastmen and orks are starting to fight the Imperial forces once again. Kislev has already forgotten, some even believe that it was just another lie fabricated by those shifty Tilean merchants.

- Brettonia though, well, they will hurt you if they ever get the chance, but Brettonia's Navy is currently laughable, you may even be able to defeat them just using the floating wrecks guarding the ports of Sartosa.

-any questions? I would love to clarify or answer them as long as it is IC...
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Alright guys calm down, OOC knowledge is fun and all, but here are the 'facts' in-universe regarding Foreign Relationships as the Councilors of Sartosa see it as of the year 2535. (it is hinted in the updates after all)

- It has been 5 years since the Revolution and no "major powers" has declared war against Sartosa. They used the Revolution though to crack down on their own populace.

- While a Republican system is not unique per se, The Revolution is the first of its kind that completely got rid of its 'noble' classes. The old popular revolts like those seen in Remas, made accommodations with their ruling elite or made new ones.

- Estalia, Tilea, Araby, and the Border Princes are not singular entities. The wars and chaos in the said regions and by supporting the winning side will be the best step to normalize foreign relations (in those areas).

- The Skaven forces are decimated and retreating, but the Northern Tilean League (lead by Miragliano) wants to regain as much territory from the Skavenas possible but otherwise they are too exhausted to prosecute a naval campaign (they sacrificed their Naval capabilities to focus on becoming a Land Power). The Southern League while having a stronger navy (the majority of whom are still aiding the Northern cities), they are starting to take advantage of the new wars in the Border Princes, Araby and Estalia to profit even further. Particularly due to the fact that there has been a lack of pirate activity for 5 years now, some of the merchant-princes in the area are said to be looking to normalize relationships with Sartosa.

- The exception to this is Tobaro since Marco Colombo swore before Verena, and he believes he may not be welcomed to Paradise if he did not follow through on this oath.

- The pirates of The Bilbali Coast, rivals of the old pirates of Sartosa has traded with the new island government since the extinction of their former rivals (they are your foremost source of rumors from the North and Estalia). They haven't come up yet since they are an even smaller faction than Sartosa. If however, they prove to be successful in the most recent Estalian Wars, they may approach the Council for mutual recognition.

- The Empire is starting to forget that there has been a Peasant Revolution to begin with since beastmen and orks are starting to fight the Imperial forces once again. Kislev has already forgotten, some even believe that it was just another lie fabricated by those shifty Tilean merchants.

- Brettonia though, well, they will hurt you if they ever get the chance, but Brettonia's Navy is currently laughable, you may even be able to defeat them just using the floating wrecks guarding the ports of Sartosa.

-any questions? I would love to clarify or answer them as long as it is IC...

None at the moment. Though thanks for the clarification as it helped remove a bit on writer's block considering Part 2 omake.

By the way, what are the rewards for doing IC Council rhetoric when doing votes?
None at the moment. Though thanks for the clarification as it helped remove a bit on writer's block considering Part 2 omake.

By the way, what are the rewards for doing IC Council rhetoric when doing votes?
usually 3-4 IC reasoning is worth a d100, but the more reasoned, entertaining, insightful ones are worth a d100 each.
Military maybe good for our pratiotic mindset,Something that can united people with idea.

Noble in Bretonnion prevent peasant to ride horse,wear good armour etc.
That is the ploy to getting rid power of peasant,then the solution is give everyone opportinuty to attend army and knowledge in war,Show them that war is not just privilege of noble alone.
[x] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[x] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)
[x] The Fortress of the Pirate King (Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)
Ok, now that I have reread this quest and gotten refamiliar with it, first things first. How do we go about fixing our fuckups? Because as things stand our trade is strangled in the crib because we have alienated and infuriated all of our close neighbors. We're basically persona non grata to everyone around us. And without trade we can't boost our income and get to fixing our infrastructure in a more timely manner. Our reputation is so far into the negative that the only thing that's keeping one or more of our neighbors from invading us is that they are busy fighting the skaven but that's not going to last for long and they are going to be able to recover from that a lot faster then we are recovering from the revolution(again thanks to the lack of money), an invasion we wouldn't be able to fight off. This needs to get fixed badly.

Find new places to trade, perhaps Ind, though I'd even trade with the rats right now. Wait for people to calm down and go 'oh hey, I really like gold'. Find new sources of money, mercenary work may be one of them given the many wars of the world and depending on our success here. Get supporters from areas to persuade their leaders to ease off the bans on us, though that will take a looong time probably.

The Printing Press will be helpful, sending out propaganda to persuade people we're not the greatest evil in the world and get some people to decide 'maybe I could trade with them after all' and trading secretly with us.

- The pirates of The Bilbali Coast, rivals of the old pirates of Sartosa has traded with the new island government since the extinction of their former rivals (they are your foremost source of rumors from the North and Estalia). They haven't come up yet since they are an even smaller faction than Sartosa. If however, they prove to be successful in the most recent Estalian Wars, they may approach the Council for mutual recognition.

Yay. I mean, we might not like pirates but these ones are on our side so we can just kinda ignore that for now out of convenience.

- The Empire is starting to forget that there has been a Peasant Revolution to begin with since beastmen and orks are starting to fight the Imperial forces once again. Kislev has already forgotten, some even believe that it was just another lie fabricated by those shifty Tilean merchants.

Yay. Most people don't care about us! Though the printing press might get them to remember, so long as we fail to inspire a revolution anywhere else few people will really care. Huzzah for insignificance!

We need to get a diplomatic team eventually for when we become noticeable to the world beyond the odd event, but that's a ways away yet.
[X] No, it will be built like any other structure.

We don't need smart-strong troops. We can crush-kill the bad man-things with sail-ships.

[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)


[x] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)

Big-ear man is interesting, and he is trying to stop the riot-clash

[X] The Golden Arches of Freedom (Cost: 0/500)

We don't have the gold-shinies to spend on the fortress-house, so let's work-build the monument.

[X] Build a School (Sartosa City) Costs: 30 gold (allows for 'reeducation', smarter population, additional opportunities)
[X] Build a Guild Hall (level 1) Costs: 20 gold (Removes 10 Civil Disorder every 5 turns, unlocks opportunities, finishes in 1 turn)

We need happy-smart people.

And the two skaven in a trench coat return.
[x] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[x] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)
[x] The Fortress of the Pirate King(Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)

"Oy! Ol' Arby's talkin' so's you lot's be listenin better and listenin good!

Now I don't give a shit 'bout the academy or some elephant man outta Sigmar's drugged up asscap. I ain't paid enough ta think o' everything.

But what Ol' Arby's got the brains fo' is fightin'. And I's be saying we take the fightin' to them horse lickers! Show em whut's real fighting steel like 'gainst men hard on freedom. Then, when we've had our fill o' Myrmidia's tits - Manaan bless 'em - we haul ass back 'ere. Them idiots be thinkin' we gone soft 'cause we've got no masters whipin' us to fight.

Well we'll show 'em right. Ey'll bounce of us like em fish bounce off mermaids. Then crush em good an proper! Send em running to their masters with one message clear, 'Ain't no one fucking with us!'"
[x] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[x] Stay away from these whole mess (+20 Civic Disorder)
[x] The Fortress of the Pirate King (Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)

My fellow members of the council have voiced opinions very similar to my own but they seem to have forgotten their earlier decisions. We all know that religion will shape this free lands but as men and women who make the laws must detach ourselves from it to ensure that the people will be able to decide on their own. If we choose a side in this matter it will go against the ideal of freedom of belief which we gave people not too long ago.
[x] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[x] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)
[x] The Fortress of the Pirate King(Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)
Omake: Councilor Fran's Insights Part 2
Of course, after Councilor Fran ended his the first part of his report the President-Elect made the motion to take a break, which the Council agreed in order to digest the news and how it affected the outside world.

Of course each Councilor to their own gathered in cliques and groupings, some based on racial lines like the Dwarves and Orks, others based on interests and lobbies, while others like Fran were moving around, creating connections and serving as a mobile bridge to various interests and to ease tensions.

Dear Khaine, we have just begun our path to Governance, it hasn't even been five years and factions including mine have started to take form, mused Adichi. Hopefully that me and men like Fran moderate the excess passions of the People.

Observing this with amusement, Adichi was thankful for his superior hearing and multitasking despite the hushed tones of the Councilors. Some were talking about the repercussions, worried about Tilea ganging up on them because of Marco Colombo making an oath that Tobaro will strike back. Another clump were huddled having a low-key argument that removing pirates and slavery was a good thing, so why are everyone that did not dabble in such foul shit are pissed at the Republic? A lot of topics were discussed including a Imperial Councilor trying to lobby the Secret Police Project even though a majority rejected such.

After a 30 minute break, the Council resumed its activity and Councilor Fran became the center of attention.

Hem hem.

Good evening again Councilors and Mr. President, I am going to end my report on the Miragliano Front. Please be advised that the rumors in this case undersold the severity and reality of the situation.

Thanks to aforementioned fast talking and acting, I was able to secure a positions as a recruit in the Miraglianese Army. Of course it wasn't frontline duty, but more of guarding depots and 'secured blocks' that was still fucking harrowing. Can you imagine a simple blockhouse held by rats tying down a whole company, with suppressing fire from windows that might or might not contain Jezzails or Rat Cannons? With you helplessly watching a block away with the secured area fresh with corpses and bloodstains? And at night you had to be vigilant or dead from sneaky Gutter Runners or a nightly assault from those damnable rats! [spits in fury], or the funniest of it all, Room 1 is yours while Room 3 is enemy territory and we duke it out at Room 2!

Yeah, though I have not brought you some equipment(because their High Command made it an order that all critical equipment will be handled by the Miraliagnese Army alone.) from that 'Rattenkreig' as the Imperial mercenaries have called it, I have gleaned a lot of tactics and strategies in the new mode of warfare the sons of Miraliagno have become proficient in. They now call it "Urban Warfare" and in my time spent there including the Winter Offensive I have made some friends and contacts with the lower and mid-ranked Corporals and Sergeants. now that it seems that the war has all but won there will be demobilization; I for one will take advantage of this and snap up some of them that may or may not be down on their luck. [You could hear the emphasis of this statement] and hopefully serve as instructors and trainers of our fledgling army. Who nows, maybe they can help make our island into a deathtrap fortress should all else conventional modes of warfare fail.

Gentlebeings, that is the summation of my report of my travels. I want to take a commission to be part of the Republican Army and help it become an innovating, disciplined, well-supplied and well-equipped army. That is all.

The Council, after deliberation, ends the meeting late into the night.​
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Winning votes:
[x] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[x] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)
[x] The Fortress of the Pirate King (Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)

alright guys, you have just voted for something that would help you drastically change the status quo!:D

... and since I am feeling generous today, here are the changes that would have happened if you picked said options:

Doing Nothing = status quo remains
Arresting Ajit = Gained: Gaze of Verena (Ajit is a prophet of Ranald, Verena (a goddess of justice) would not allow someone like that to get away from her clutches.)
Favoring those against Ajit = Gained Ranald Aspect: the Authoritarian
Favoring those in favor of Ajit = Gained Ranald Apect: the Revolutionary

also, how many dice would you like to spend on the Fortress of the Pirate King?
[] Save it for later
[] 1
[] 2
[] write-in
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We currently have 40 wealth and thus can spend a maximum of 4 dice on the project.

We're spending that on the academy, 40 gold.

We could spend wealth from next turn, 20 gold, but we would incur expenses. Far saner to wait for the gold to come.. unless we're absolutely certain that our opponent is about to invade AND that we can finish the fortress in time.

[x] Save it for later

"While I feel that the Fortress of the People would be a boon in any potential invasion by the old man believing himself following the will of his goddess, the fact remains that our coffers are embarrassingly low, to the point I would not be surprised if certain towns in the border princes have greater amounts.

Given our current status and the sheer work ahead of us in constructing the fortress, I do not believe it wise at the current time to spend what we have yet to gain for greater expense for the people. I do believe we should begin when we have coins in our great nation's pocket, ready to be given to those ready to work and gather the materials necessary to make the symbol of security we desire.