Turn 5: Rumors and News

Nyvena's War Party
Rumors and News (year 2534)
(Building a Foreign Office and/or a Propaganda Network would increase the reliability of said Rumors and News)

The Kingdom of Kislev (unreliable rumor)
A gathering of Horselords!
- Rumors abound of a great gathering called for by the legendary Ungol hero named Nyvena. With Tzarina Katarin dead, and the new Tzar supposedly having befriended the hero during his tour in the Oblast, many in the cities of Kislev believe that this is nothing more but fear-mongering by the more paranoid. Still, some Gospodars are quick to remind the others that Nyvena also has received the blessings of Ursun... What this means for Kislev is currently unknown...

- More rumors coming from the said frozen kingdom suggests that Princess Sophia and Tzar Vasily are betrothed and to supposedly wed early the next year. Many are said to be dumbstruck by this news, because not only will this cause political instability, the young Tzar is said to be the most good-looking and eligible noble in the nations of Man and for a bachelor like that to marry someone that 'plain' regardless of her station in life supposedly caused a lot of ladies in all of the courts of the Old World faint in disbelief.

The Kingdom of Brettonia (plausible rumor)
Rambert's "Legion" Victorious!
- In a series of daring raids across the southern-most province of Brettonia that culminated in a pitched battle that saw the Duke of Carcassone wounded. The 'peasant' army wearing the heraldry of a wolf on a field of blue and black has managed to do the impossible and defeated a noble army in the field. The death toll though was horrendous on both sides of the conflict. Some believe that it was Gambert himself who lead this victory, while others claim that it was another rebel leader claiming the title of the "Fox". What is true though is that the "legion" are well-armed and trained. A knight was even heard to have commented that the peasants 'fought like warrior-poets...'

The Kingdoms of Estalia (plausible rumor)
War in Estalia!
- If the supposedly covert war between Inquisitors wasn't enough, the armies of the city-states of Estalia are mobilizing again for all-out war. This time though was due to the successful invasion of the relative small kingdom of Serpicio on the city of Gualcazar, a protectorate of Magritta. Agents serving the other city-states in the said city, quickly relayed Magritta's mobilization to its masters. the City of Bilbali quickly allied with the kingdom of Vizeaya to try and grab as much as land as possible while their southern neighbors are looking towards the east...

The Emirates of Araby (plausible rumor)
Something stirs in the Sands!
- Ships coming from one of your 'richer' neighbors have reported that the desert tribes of said land have increased their raids against their more 'civilized' cousins. Strangely enough, the desert raiders seems to be using some sort of fire-arm. The city-dwellers obviously assume that the Imperial enclave to the south, Sudenburg is to blame for this recent turn of events.


and... we're back sons and daughters of Liberty!:D
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Due to the extremely long delay, I will allow this unique structure: Monument to the People to be finished.
- Monument to the People (completed)
A statue dedicated to the pillars of the Revolution, the Common folk.
Strife roll between the races in Sartosa will be rolled every 10 turns instead of 5. the dice must roll between 76-100 instead of the original 51-100 to trigger a race riot.

Also, as I was re-reading the thread, my passion to bring liberty and FREEDOM! to Warhammer was stoked! so also have this structure for Free!
- Barracks (level 1) Costs: 30 gold (allows for training of Regulars)
Wait, Old World of Darkness?

Edit: Insightful, eh? Why not New World of Darkness, then? A republic of Changelings! Down with the harsh Summer Monarch, down with the decadent Spring Monarch, the cruel Winter Queen and the King of Fall who holds us in chains with his police state and magic! The Freehold shall water its tree of liberty in the Hedge with the blood of tyrants!
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also guys, you earned another 2d100 for the previous IC reasoning during the previous turn, special mention goes to @Eliar for his/her moving rhetoric. :)

Would also gift another 1d100 if you find the Braveheart reference in the recent Rumors & News update....:p

@The Laurent stop reading my notes!:lol
[x] Yes (upkeep 5 per turn, will rise depending on number of population and Civil Disorder, currently just Sartosa Proper)
[X] Yes
[x] In the Fortress of the Pirate King
[x] Build a Smiths' Emporium (market upgrade) Costs: 10 gold (unlocks stuff)
Omake: Councilor Fran's Insights Part 1
At an unspecified time of the night somewhere in the many warehouses of the Great Republic, the Council and the President were in a secret meeting, or well, as much as secret the Government can be from the People and the Republic.

It seems funny that we're a Revolutionary playing spymasters in the Great Game, mused President-Elect Adichi Nenil, though he was touched that the people of their own accord and free will had elected him. No chicanery, no throwing of bloodlines, just an honest democratic election. He may be an Asur born and bred yet he found understanding and fascination on these humans. Quarrelsome and fractious lot they may be, yet somehow they managed to weather any adversity and thrive from the aftermath.

Though I still wonder why most of them fidget and get nervous around me, are the hiding something from me?

His musings were interrupted by Prime Minister, a new fancy term coined by the councilors to designate their primus inter pares. This signified the start of the meeting and another round of drinking. Sure, status updates were bandied around, the intransigence of the Dwarves, and the state of the Treasury was agreed by all to be in mortal peril.

Suddenly, a man entered the warehouse without preamble, causing alarm to the Council, but relaxed when the familiar, weather-beaten yet tanned face of their unofficial spy (Commando! as he often corrected) Councilor Bryan Fran presented himself. He then moves to the front where nearly all can see him and starts his rhetoric:

Councilors, Mister President, and to all interested in this meeting, I will be blunt.

The Republic, without innovation and adaptation... is doomed.

Silence. Stunned silence.

And no, I am not advocating worship of Chaos nor am I telling you there is a panacea and such nonsense! What I speak of is to never be complacent in our gains and that our safety is guaranteed by distance and by politics. I have traveled since the aftermath of the Revolution to Tilea in order to sound out what they feel those shitty nobles on our glorious land.

And that was not pretty. At all.

It became open season on any people who could think, any creative thought and expression a sure death sentence. What's sad is that the rumors undersold the severity of fallout. Only quick thinking and fast talking saved my ass. The Inquisition they set up was much more fiendishly sophisticated, instead of outright torturing people suspected or not like their fellow Witch Hunters, they became savvy, in the sense that were much more methodical, logical (dersisions were heaped) and used new, novel ways to hunt the enemy.

Forensics for one was illuminating. The Inquisition used a method of studying what they called a crime scene by isolating it. Then they would use deduction, tracking spells, the law of spoor and logical analysis. Mind you, I do not have the full details, but that was it in a nutshell. Hopefully you lazy lot would adapt a new method so that we could keep our edge against the nobles and their lackeys.

Loud, raucous laughter.

But anyways, let me tell you about my trip to Mirialagno.... 'twas enlightening.....

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@bryanfran36 loved your omake, here's another d100 to add in the dice pool!:D also, since I am updating later, would someone like to try and guess what the Braveheart reference is in the Turn 5: Rumors and News?
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ding ding ding! we have a winner! yup! at the end of the movie when the Scots charged the English troops. The narrator said they fought like "warrior-poets..." here's another d100! you guys might need it soon...;)
Turn 6: The Price of Freedom

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."
Adichi Nenil during the unveiling of the Monument to the People


The Price of Freedom

On the 5th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution, the peoples of Sartosa, regardless of race, creed, and sex, celebrated as one the founding of their new nation as their new elf president unveiled the Monument to the People which was erected in the city center. The monument itself proved to be simple yet appropriate...
The fire symbolizes the Revolution itself, the wires are the tyranny of the upper classes, and the struggling man is the masses breaking free from the bondage of oppression. It was said that even the dwarf longbeards wept for the high price that everyone paid to make sure that their children and their children's children would no longer suffer from the depredations of such an unfair and despicable system.

The People though were a bit wary of the new Constabulary the Council has enacted. They see them as just one step above mere thugs but with uniformed grey slouch hats, black truncheons, bucklers, sword-breakers, and blue sleeves over whatever clothes they are wearing. It is the opinion of some merchants that the new "police force" seems more piratical-looking than those enforcers used by the old pirate-lords. Still, Nenil was delighted and thanked the Council for its wisdom in enforcing the 'law'.

Nenil also presided over the opening of the Barracks and the recruitment of 1000 "Regulars" who would later wear the colors of Blue and Grey. Supposedly inspired by the deep blue waters surrounding Sartosa and the huge grey smoke-cloud that covered the said island during the fires that followed the Revolution. But the thing that Nenil fussed over the most was the new Printing Press built by the artisans of Sartosa. Nenil remarked then to everyone during the opening ceremony "with this weapon we would slay a thousand and convert a thousand more."

It was also at this moment that a few of the 'officers' of the Sartosan "Regulars", mostly former pirates, mercenaries and bounty hunters, approached the Council regarding the deficiencies of the current military. They believe that a proper Military Academy should be built with a proper chain of command like how the military of Miragliano currently works. They also advised that the Sartosan Regulars should be renamed as Corsairs since they are currently trained as Marines/Sailors. These Corsairs currently exceed expectations in any shipboard fighting and rapid response. However, taking and controlling territory for any length of time using said Corsairs may prove disastrous. The officers also want a true Navy instead of what the island-state currently has which are a few armed merchantmen and floating wreckage. (Corsairs are equipped with a couple of pistols, a cutlass, boarding hooks, blunderbuss/crossbows, assorted daggers)

Will The Council build the Military Academy?
[] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[] No, it will be built like any other structure.

With that said, they also proposed allowing the Corsairs and whatever sea-worthy ship Sartosa has to offer to serve in the chaos in the Border Princes, Araby, and Estalia. They may not only return with rich rewards, ships, and knowledge, but also the gratitude of the 'winning' parties. Losing of course, is too dreadful to contemplate. Yet, the informants and friendly captains coming from Tilea are stating that something is afoot in Tobaro and since its lord Marco Colombo did make that oath a couple of years ago...

Will The Council allow the Corsairs to serve in said conflicts?
[] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[] No. Tobaro and their veteran Marines scare me (Corsairs stays at home)

After that unruly round of talks within the Council Chambers, several councilors squared their shoulders and decided to head up to the Fortress to meet their elf president regarding a certain message from a chaos god...

Nenil's Reaction: Passed!

The elf president was at the balcony of his spartan office which was overlooking the beautiful vista of the island as the Councillors trooped into the room. The elf greeted them warmly and bade them to sit down while he did so on his simple chair behind his ordinary desk. There were some small talk but eventually the Councillors arrived at the heart of the matter and explained the letter from the servants of Tzeench. Nenil was quiet for a while, nodded his head and eventually said "We all do what we must provided that the ends justifies the means."

The Equalists Bloc +10 Influence

A new challenge also arrived a few months later from a ship hailing from Ind. The problem was a huge "beastman" named Mahatma Ajit who can only be described as an elephant that walks like a man, has blue skin and perfectly sane according to his fellow Inds. He claims that he traveled all the way from Ind to bring good news to the people of Sartosa, as he has been called to serve as a prophet of Ranald, the god of the poor and the downtrodden. Many among the devotees of Ranald were furious and tried to mob the elephant-man on the spot, however, the other faithful of Ranald has seen the signs of their god on him and started to move to defend the 'prophet'. Ajit, of course tried to make peace and calm both parties. The other faithful on the island found this entire exchange odd and decided to organize themselves to ensure that religious discourse would prevail over violence, or so they hope...

What would the Council do?
[] Stay away from these whole mess (+20 Civil Disorder)
[] Send the Constabulary to detain "Ajit" (+20 Civil Disorder)
[] Support the Ranaldite's against Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)
[] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)

Unlocked: The Pious League

The streets of Sartosa are clean with open spaces, you can now build/repair structures, (1 building per turn)
Nenil Administration is Efficient: can build +1 building per turn
[] Expand the Harbor (level 2) Costs: 50 gold (+20 gold per turn, unlocks further opportunities, finishes in 3 turns)
[] Build a Drydock (level 1) Costs: 50 gold (allows the building of light warships, finishes in 2 turns)
[] Build a Smiths' Emporium (market upgrade) Costs: 10 gold (unlocks stuff)
[] Build a Curio Emporium (market upgrade) Costs: 10 gold (unlocks stuff)
[] Build a School (Sartosa City) Costs: 30 gold (allows for 'reeducation', smarter population, additional opportunities)
[] Build a Guild Hall (level 1) Costs: 20 gold (Removes 10 Civil Disorder every 5 turns, unlocks opportunities, finishes in 1 turn)

[] Repair the roads from Sartosa to Carpio. Costs: 50 gold (+20 gold per turn, finishes in 3 turns)
[] Build A Military Academy (unlocks formal war knowledge: finishes in 3 turns, 40 gold)
[] Save the money this turn

[] The Golden Arches of Freedom (Cost: 0/500)

- A symbol of everything that Sartosa holds dear and sacrificed much to gain.
- All factions start with an approval of 10, this will never be negated unless the Council seriously alienate the said faction.

[] The Fortress of the Pirate King (Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)

- adds +1 building per turn
- add +10 to Sartosa City defense
- add +10 to Naval Battles
- Civil Change: We are Watching
- Civil Change: Humbling the Mighty

Current Dice: 5d100

Current Wealth: (40)
Taxes: 5 gold per turn (+10 from Administration)
Trade: 10 gold per turn (Harbor+10) (market+5, farms+5)
Expenses: 5 gold per turn (Constabulary (Sartosa Proper): 5 gold)

Civil Disorder:
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"Truly, the Monument is certainly, memorable. Something you won't forget. May it forever inspire the people to remember what we're fighting for and against, and to prevent such cruelties again. I'm certain those tasked with ensuring it's cleanliness do so with pride.

In other matters, my heart is overjoyed to have such an understanding and intelligent figure as our elven president. 'The ends must justify the means'. A grand phrase and one we should keep in mind as we go forwards, remembering always that what we do now must shape tomorrow for the better. Not precisely what he said but close enough.

Now, while the threat of Tobaro is real.. even if he did come and we kept our corsairs it would not do much for us I'm afraid. We require more experience in fighting, more gold to arm men, more of.. everything really. Given those facts, I feel that we should build the academy of war, send our corsairs out to get resources for the people, and when we acquire the funding necessary, begin construction of the fortress to look over the island and be a stronghold for the people, guarding them instead of lording over them.

If it were not for Marco Columbo I'd rather we slide away from the minds of the lords of the lands, keeping quiet until the time is ripe for the cause to ignite in passionate flames in the hearts of all men and the homes of the enemy.. but we require the people of Sartosa to gain strength quickly to resist what nefarious ends he means to achieve against us.

Oh, and I've heard things about this 'Ajit' fellow. I don't follow Ranald personally, but he seems a fine enough god and we should show proper favor to who appears to be his prophet. And having good favor from anywhere at all is change I greatly welcome, I'd rather we not seem like mindless rabble in the face of someone coming to us intending to aid the people. We rather need what help is offered. Though if it turns out to be trickery, intending to misguide those following Ranald, we must be ready to show what happens to false prophets.

[x] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[x] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)
[x] The Fortress of the Pirate King (Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)
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[x] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[x] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)
[x] The Fortress of the Pirate King (Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)

I'm not satisfied with this, but It'll have to do.
[x] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[x] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)
[x] The Fortress of the Pirate King (Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)
We get an opportunity to build an academy in 1/3 of the time, some loot to pay for it, a religious leader who's popular with the common people and owes us a fairly big favor, and we get started on a fortified main military base that lets us build faster.
[x] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[x] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)
[x] The Fortress of the Pirate King (Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)

I will be blunt.

You fuckers may moan and groan that needing a fancy schamcy Military Academy is a waste of gold and thought. Did it not occur to you that you could use it as a melting pot of the People? Where the fuck do you think poor people go to aside from crime and prostitution?!

You could use the expertise of all races there. Asur teaching us how to be better rangers and shooters, Dwarves to teach some military engineering, Druchii that are friendly to us on how to create and counter poisons, Orks to maybe give us entertainment. Hell, the various cultures of Man be they Imperial, Bretonian, Estalian and a lot more could teach us their tactics and strategies!

In that, we obviously keep the best and throw out the worst.

As for our Corsairs, we thank them for volunteering themselves in defense of our Republic. What they need is organization and discipline that the Military Academy gives. While they may need the lessons of the Academy, there is no such practical experience unless its the battlefield.

So yes, we will need the experience and seasoning these soldiers need before Tobaro comes a knocking. Its distateful to take advantage of the misery and chaos there, I genuinely hope that we could make a difference there however small.

I will pass a motion that our wounded and veteran soldiers will be cycled out to the Academy as instructors and trainers that their knowledge will not be lost and passed unto the next generation with the benefit of being paid to do so instead of being thrown out to the streets as a perverse form of thanks for services rendered.

As for the Monument, it is much better to build such a work of art in peacetime when there are no enemies at the gates.

The Pirate Fortress is much more viable since Tobaro will come, and we get to stick it in the eye to the establishment that we've made it better and people-friendly than they've ever dreamed of. What was once a symbol of dread is now a symbol of hope.

As for the latest religious dispute, that is tricky and explosive enough for any sane person. I for one am glad that a Beastman of all sapient beings truly worships Ranald instead of being the usual raving lunatic avatar of Chaos. Were it not for the gods touching our daily lives in multiple ways, I'd leave them alone. We as the Council must be firm in our decision, else we have troublesome cults, rioting in the streets and unproductive and unhappy workers. I have seen Ajit in person, and I can confirm without bias that he has the genuine blessings and mark of Ranald. The benefits of being an open-minded and not being a zealous person, though deadly in other places...

That is all.
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[x] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[x] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)
[x] The Fortress of the Pirate King (Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)
Ok, now that I have reread this quest and gotten refamiliar with it, first things first. How do we go about fixing our fuckups? Because as things stand our trade is strangled in the crib because we have alienated and infuriated all of our close neighbors. We're basically persona non grata to everyone around us. And without trade we can't boost our income and get to fixing our infrastructure in a more timely manner. Our reputation is so far into the negative that the only thing that's keeping one or more of our neighbors from invading us is that they are busy fighting the skaven but that's not going to last for long and they are going to be able to recover from that a lot faster then we are recovering from the revolution(again thanks to the lack of money), an invasion we wouldn't be able to fight off. This needs to get fixed badly.
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[x] Yes, we need it yesterday! (locks any other structure, 1* turn, 40 gold)
[x] Yes, think of all that loot! (a LOT of various rewards but still dependent on the GM dice)
[x] Support the Ranaldite's favoring Ajit (+10 Civil Disorder)
[x] The Fortress of the Pirate King (Costs: 0/300: 10 gold per dice)
Ok, now that I have reread this quest and gotten refamiliar with it, first things first. How do we go about fixing our fuckups? Because as things stand our trade is strangled in the crib because we have alienated and infuriated all of our close neighbors. We're basically persona non grata to everyone around us. And without trade we can't boost our income and get to fixing our infrastructure in a more timely manner. Our reputation is so far into the negative that the only thing that's keeping one or more of our neighbors from invading us is that they are busy fighting the skaven but that's not going to last for long and they are going to be able to recover from that a lot faster then we are recovering from the revolution(again thanks to the lack of money), an invasion we wouldn't be able to fight off. This needs to get fixed badly.
I imagine the printing press could do something about that right?