"Pretty old. But still young enough to kick anyone's ass." The old beggar grins seeing that he's got Oyuang interested. He cracks his knuckles as the noodles finally arrive. "But we can eat and talk."

One slurp of noodles later and the haggling begins.

@Laplace @dash931 @THatWhichWillBe @Estro @Kensai

Ouyang and Hong Tu slip back into the warehouse later, a deal made and a new job in hand. The small ill-girl, Xiao Chu, has long since fallen asleep leaving just five very deadly Jiexia still awake and ready to get started on a new target.
Ouyang opened the side door with a creak. "We're back," she shouted. "Anyone attack us? Good news though, the Beggar's Guild's gonna help us out, long as we guard this monk." She grabbed a chair and sat side-saddle.
Ouyang opened the side door with a creak. "We're back," she shouted. "Anyone attack us? Good news though, the Beggar's Guild's gonna help us out, long as we guard this monk." She grabbed a chair and sat side-saddle.
"... I smell bullshit. Anything more we know about this monk?"

Muji shakes his head, thinking it was too good to be true.

"He's important enough to be guarded, but also not important enough to be fully guarded because they're sending us chucklefucks. Actually they might just want him killed, thinking about it. We'll attract more danger than a human rights activist in Beijing."
"... I smell bullshit. Anything more we know about this monk?"

Muji shakes his head, thinking it was too good to be true.

"He's important enough to be guarded, but also not important enough to be fully guarded because they're sending us chucklefucks. Actually they might just want him killed, thinking about it. We'll attract more danger than a human rights activist in Beijing."
Ouyang shrugged. "Probably 'cause that venerable monk could kick all our asses up and down the street. He's supposed to be some kind of big name- well, used to be," she amended. "He's got apprentices too, so think of this as picking up the slack."
Ouyang shrugged. "Probably 'cause that venerable monk could kick all our asses up and down the street. He's supposed to be some kind of big name- well, used to be," she amended. "He's got apprentices too, so think of this as picking up the slack."
"Oh goody, two old masters. Well, all things considered, could be worse. Your friends providing transport there or do we have to hoof it ourselves?"

He gets off of the crate he was using to do elevated planks, and stretches for a bit.
Ouyang opened the side door with a creak. "We're back," she shouted. "Anyone attack us? Good news though, the Beggar's Guild's gonna help us out, long as we guard this monk." She grabbed a chair and sat side-saddle.
Sugaru stood up, very quietly, from where she had been sitting next to where Xiao Chu was sleeping, and walked over to Ouyang. Placing a hand on her shoulder, she bent down to ear level.

"Don't shout, she's sleeping."

"Oh goody, two old masters. Well, all things considered, could be worse. Your friends providing transport there or do we have to hoof it ourselves?"

He gets off of the crate he was using to do elevated planks, and stretches for a bit.
Sugaru walked back towards where she'd been, behind Muji, and vaguely mimed that he had spaggetti arms.
Sugaru stood up, very quietly, from where she had been sitting next to where Xiao Chu was sleeping, and walked over to Ouyang. Placing a hand on her shoulder, she bent down to ear level.

"Don't shout, she's sleeping."

Sugaru walked back towards where she'd been, behind Muji, and vaguely mimed that he had spaggetti arms.
Ouyang nodded. "Sorry," she said back.
"Oh goody, two old masters. Well, all things considered, could be worse. Your friends providing transport there or do we have to hoof it ourselves?"

He gets off of the crate he was using to do elevated planks, and stretches for a bit.
"Depends. You skip leg day?" Ouyang needled. "Huh, noodle boy?"