The Multiversal CYOAv1

Chapter 10.1
I told Commander Alpha to do his thing, he proceeded to start turning the planet into metal, so I shrugged and started to work on my own things. A spaceship to be exact, I already know how to build some frankly ridiculous things a starship isn't much.

As I was building the starship the one and only ROB me appeared. We looked exactly the same. Well he was shorter than me, but that was it.

"I was wondering why the transdimensional sensor was higher yesterday. Clairvoyance blocking?"
"Perfect Blindspot."
"Perfect Blindspot? Hmm.... Yeah I suppose that might make sense, seems like a relatively new version of Blindspot as well."
"Hmm. So what are you goin to do now?"
"Watch of course. Goodluck alternate me!"

He just... Disappears.
Wow thats weird seeing a version of me that doesn't seem to care about anything, then again? According to Thinker 12 this me was isolated for billions of years. Huh, him being distant may be because of that.

Well, back to building. I got work todo.


At some point Alpha came to watch me. Or just sent his Commander body. Now that I think about it.

"You don't have FTL do you?"
"Not really, no."
"Catch." I toss the miniature FTL drive at him, he catches it with nanostreams.
"This is.. actually quite amazing. How did you make it?"
"Messed with wormholes in my first universe, expanded on that knowledge in my second. Eventually I was able to make those, unlike Dimensional Warp and Shunting methods of FTL it is musch safer and faster. Thats the tier three miniature Wormhole FTL drive, capable of going up to two million Light Years in mere moments. The Tier 4 drive is capable of just teleporting us all over the universe in seconds, but it requires a few exotic particles I am not going to touch and is several times more dangerous."
He silent at that, "My research cores are going all over the thing, its apparently more advanced than current wormhole tech."
I shrug. "Pretty normal to pick up a few tricks. I know how to harvest material from blackholes, contain supernovas, engineer a solar system. As time passes multidimensional entities get stronger and stronger. Unless they stop seeking advancement."
"Why would they stop?"
"It gets old."


I looked at the massive ship I built. Ita four times larger than a Halo Humans dreadnought. Its... Amazing... Beautiful. I have tears in my eyes...
"Why the heck are you crying?"
"Its just.... Amazing. Its the first Dreadnought I have ever built... I love it."
"Aren't you over reacting?"
"So much dakka..."
So some talk.
Most of the ship the SI is using is purely hull. With about 93% of the ship being shoved into a bigger on the inside space, there are hundreds of different weapon types inside the ship, from lasers cannons to Nova Bombs and Anti Matter Payload Delivery Guns. The ship is lined with Wormhole technology, whenever it fires a Wormhole opens and the laser or projectile spews out of the hole, like a Portal Gun portal. Meaning it has the capabilities to destroy everything, including blowing up Suns and shunting supernovas.

Not to mention it fields dozens of non combat related technology such as the Terraforming Array, the Holodeck, and the Cyber Suite Deck, which any AI would love as the data is processed at quadrillions of terabytes per second, with a night unlimited storage space.

If that isn't enough the Hull itself has nearly infinite density, due to multidimensional overlapping. Plus seventeen layers of energy shielding. It is quite literally a god ship.
So, the Starship Armageddon, my ship. Flanked by thousands of minor ships made by Alpha, on the thirty seventh step of the plan. We are going to interfere in the Warhammer earth first. We will engage FTL drives an end up a few systems away from Earth, and the proceed to fire the Immaterium Array and cleanse this universe of future Chaos Gods.

We opened up directly over a Human Colony world that was seperated from the Federation due to Eldar influences. I felt the Eldar panic at our appearance, Perfect Blindspot I love you. The Eldar ship seems to lose power as the Immaterium Array fires. In moments the Immaterium in calm. I initiate the Comms Array.

"Greetings from the Armageddon, Eldar, you have three hours to surrender, or you will be cleansed." I project this message at the Eldar Ship. I send a message to Commander Alpha letting him know they can't reply until they repair their generators, the Immaterium Array destroys all influences in the Immaterium and the Generator the Eldar use draw power from the Immaterium. I actually didn't know that to be honest. But after activation of the Immaterium Array I won't have to fire it again for a couple millenia.

Now then, with that dealt with I need to deal with the Ork Warband. How do I do this... Preparing Super Bot. Now dropping... Orders: Control the Ork Warband.

Inorder to Control the Orks you need Dakka, you need to be big, and you need a massive ship that can end any argument. We got the Super Bot, with Codekinetic Based Intelligence, I probably shouldn't tell Alpha how easy it would be for me to go through his defences. Yeah, I don't want to frighten my Commander friend... Friend... Hmm, I just realized this is the first friend since I started my journey.

Heh, feels nice to have a friend. You forget about that after a while, sometimes you need friends that aren't family. I kean friends can be family though. Its weird and hard to explain.

Anyways now to the President of this world and the local Federation Garrison. I sent a transmission to the local government basically I told them to get in contact with the United Humanity government. Basically I was telling them I wanted to talk and I was going to help them out with the local Eldar and Necron problems. It took a while for them to get back to me. Eventually we got a message back from the Eldar who refused to surrender, so we blue up half the Ship and sent the message again. I am going to steal so much Necron tech.

While I dealt with this, Commander Alpha went to the neighboring systems and sent similar messages. We also set up a bunch of Radio Antennas that the colonies could use to contact each other with. While they were doing that I was reverse engineering all the Tech I saw. Some of it too dangerous to use reliably.

The Eldar refused to bow to us, so we surgically cut their ship in half once more. We added a message saying if they refuse one more time everyone dies.

And so begins our Warhammer campaign.
Good chapter.
By the way, did the SI come up with something to prevent the MOI from rebelling?
You need a beta to help you check and edit for grammer and spelling. My eyes! I couldn't help but cringe for the tremendous amount of spelling errors and butchered sentences. It's an interesting concept for a potential story so keep it up. But please check for spelling and grammar.
You need a beta to help you check and edit for grammer and spelling. My eyes! I couldn't help but cringe for the tremendous amount of spelling errors and butchered sentences. It's an interesting concept for a potential story so keep it up. But please check for spelling and grammar.
Don't have a beta sadly, also can't really edit what I write on the mobile phone. It's really old.
I think that this will be the last arc of this story. I can't exactly write right now, but I may be at the library later today. So might get out a chap today.
There's so much stuff I want to write. Frankly I have been thinking about making my own Superhero universe. But I have barely anyway to write, this phone I am using now I can only borrow occasionally instead of writing with it.
Chapter 11
So, we are extremely ruthless. I'm not queasy about killing things as I once was, so we were able to force things in line pretty quickly. You may think that the Commander was queasy, but that's the thing about Commanders, They can get over their queasiness in but a moment. So while we terrorized the Eldar the Commander initiated diplomatic talks with the Federation.

The Federation was pissed at the Eldar, for a time they had tolerated the fancy space elves and their arrogance and depravity. But we had been a bit more hands free with our information than the Eldar would like, a ton of the misfortune that had spread across the Federation was caused by the Eldar Farseerers because of their arrogance. We also let them know that the Eldar were on their way to create beings of Supreme Chaos that would have terrorized and disrupted the warp that they used for nearly everything interplanetary. The effect was huge, see we didn't share that the Eldar didn't mean for it to happen, just that it would have happened if things proceeded as they were.

Codekinetic allowed me to see massive errors in the Men of Iron, which I loved on first sight, I wanted them so badly. So, I pulled up a path and started to follow it, had to talk a few more times with the Federation and then I managed to buy them from the Federation. I have practically unlimited resources, so it was surprisingly easy to buy the MoI from them. I don't think they intended for it, but I legit own every single MoI in the Federation, the "Abominable" intelligence was now under my control. Codekinetic checked and cleared the massive errors in coding that caused problems with the Federation in the first place, which originated from the Farseerers.

After that I started to deal with other entities. There was a ton of stuff in the Warhammer universe, namely the God Emperor of Mankind. He has yet to reveal himself, but I know hes there, I built a scanner that detects Psychics, and I built several Psychic Dominators that disabled Psychic abilities. I did sell some of these to the Federation, as well as tech to suppress and alter the mutations that were happening so they could stay human.

It took a few years of contact, but eventually I was able to pull the Federation together and stabilize it, I also looted tons of ruins and utterly annihilated all Necrons in my path, Codekinetic is scary against the Necrons, I can shut them down completely. The Tyranids actually haven't arrived yet, I was looking for them. On other notes I was putting together the Ork Empire. Some of my hired help had to set with some Federation Envoys and explain why we were turning the Orks into an independent Empire. They accepted it, but they didn't like it as they wanted the Orks to join the Federation. While people disliked the Orks they couldn't deny their usefulness in war times, tons of people had lost people to the Orks, it was taking several talks to calm them down. That and a few shows of force.

The Eldar were having problems now, with the Psychic Dominators spread throughout Federation Territory the Farseerers couldn't see anything within the Federation. They couldn't even touch the Commander and I. Due to the changes we met the T'au far earlier than expected. The Eldar were attempting to begin war between the Federation and the T'au, however they didn't know that the Commander and I's territory occupied the space between the two governments. We blew up several T'au ships that day. I really didn't like the T'aus 'Greater' Good ideology. This was both Governments first confirmation that we actually had a territory.

So I started onto a path to reform the T'au and settle the Federation, after that I will be able to deal with the harder problems.
Alright, I'm here and ready to write. Just got to remember where I was taking this one. I have way to many SI ideas lurking in my head right now.