[X] Plan Hydrogen, Arabyan and Norscan Aid
-[X] Siphon fuel from the drop pods and vehicles to fuel our Thunderhawks. Do this before the hydrogen refinery is built.
-[X] After the promethium is drained from our drop pods and vehicles, siphon stores of alcohol to fuel our vehicles. This is to give us emergency fuel for our vehicles while the refinery is being constructed. Do this before the hydrogen refinery is built.
-[X] Celestial Lions are to aid the faithful Norscans in their fight against the other Norscans. With our Chapter at 100 marines, we are to minimize risk and casualties. Maximize their despair and show no mercy to anyone who refuses to convert.
--[X] Attack at night as much as possible, as they do not have night vision goggles. Always attack at night for our high intensity raids. Do not let them sleep.
--[X] Use local intelligence from the faithful and auspexes to find where the enemy tribes are.
--[X] Snipe anyone who looks like a leader. With aerial attacks, it can be fom the bay door of a Thunderhawk. Scouts or marines can land from afar, snipe and then leave before the enemy tribes can react.
--[X] Starve them. Destroy any stores of food and kill any livestock. Burn and bomb their buildings.
-[X] Build a national Hydrogen Refinery, a minor bastion in Norsca and Genetorium.
-[X] Disassemble the Montfried Sword Frigate for materials.
-[X] Use skull probes and a team of skitarii with cameoline cloaks to monitor the charnel valley. They are to not enter the valley itself and not engage. They are to report any movement.
-[X] Send subsidies for Araby so they can purchase food.